14 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1917. LIVE STOCK MARKET Tat Cattle of All Kinds Active and Ten to Fifteen Higher Sheep Slow. HOOS 15c TO 20c HIGHER OtnaJu, April 4, HIT. ftattt. Hers. Bheep. Retripti wart: rtffietal Monday , . . Official Vundty .... Satimate Wednesday. Thraa dan thla wak..li,04 . IMM gm daya last weak. ,S(.I 47.111 II.ITl Same dan 1 wka. ao.U,67 17,171- 27,141 flame dare I wka. aro.!l,S 43,25 14.021 Same daya 4 wka. aco.lMM 13.471 . S5.14S am daya last year... MM 23,40 17.141 Receipts and disposition of Hre stock at th Vnlon Stock yarda for twenty-four hours ending yeaterday afternoon at I o clock; RECEIPTS CARS- Cattle. Hon. Sheep. HYi. v v. ft St. p 4 a , Wabash 1 lllskourl Pacific.,.. S 4 . .. . Tnton Partflc....... 34 IS II C A N. W., east... 7 I .. 0, N. W . west... 41 4 I C Ht. P.. M AO.. 11 t 1 C, B. A Q., eaet.... IS X .. C, R A west.... 76 14 r., R. t. A P.. esst. 9 C . R. I. A P., west. 1 TIllnolK On tnil 11 Cblcaeo, QU West.. 3 TfttaU v ...171 1J7 . SI 1 , . DISPOSITION. 1 Cattle. Ho. Sheep. Morris A Co.... 474 1,174 SOt Swift A Co 1,031 MM 1,376 Cudahy Parking Co... XG6 1,9h4 SS3 Armour A Co 401 1.171 1,301 Schwarta Co 31S ..... .7. VT. Murphy 2.733 .... Bo. Omaha Park. Co. 4 .... .... rvrr Par urn a Co 141 .... TV I Hon parking Co... 124- .... .... Armour, Denver...... .... .... i III W. B. Vaneant Co.... 33 " rfunelniTflr A Oliver... 7S .... ..., P. R. Uwfr 129 .... ' .... .1. B. Root A Co...... ItS ..... .... P. O. Ketloiff.., I f .... .... Werthelmer A Degen. 9 , Elite A Co SO , Sullivan Bros !I4 . .... . .... Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 34 ..... .... rhrUtle 18 HI it Ins 3 Huffman 2U .... , .... Veyers .........,.. 1 Raktr 1 John Harvey 141 hennls A Prancla..,i, , 20 ... .... Jensen A Lungren.... i I O'Day I- .... .... Other buyers......... 438 .... 1.034 Totbti 10,111 .. 4,141 ...... 4, Sl Cattle Ricetpte were very moderate for a Wednesday, only 144 fresh cars being re uorted In. This leevee the total for the three days 14.040 head as against 36,443 head, for the aame days last week. Re eel pit, however, are running larger than a vear ago. Demand was very brlak. buyers ad being out In the yards at an early hour, and the market on all kinds of killers was nctlva and 104)1 6c higher. This means -that lust week's decline of 260400 haa been en tirely recovered and more, too. The best heavy cattle today sold up to 113.80, whtob is the highest price ever paid on this mar ket Medium grades of cattle have ad vanced even mora than the better grades, so that It te ears to say that all kinds of beef cattle were the highest on record. Stockera and feeders did not show much change, being generally steady. , Quotations on cattle; Good to choice beeves, f 11.40912.10; fair to good beeves, I10.4043H.I0: common to fair beeves. 11.40 IM0; good to choice heifers. If.269 10.34: good to choice cows, 11.74431,74; fair to good rows, 37.4004.74; common to fair rowa, 14.4007. 40; prime feeding steers, lf.fiO01O.3fi; good t Choice orders, 14.740 3.40; fair to good feeders, 88.6001.71; com mon to fair feeders." 34.7404,90; good to choice stackers, 3I.3B03.24; stock heifers, 47.SB03.3R; stock cows, $6.t&Ms stock calvea, 88.00010.40; vaal calves, 33.000 IS 00; beef bulls, stage, ate, 38.0008,34; Bologna bulla, 10. 5004.00. . ; Representative aaltai ' i ' BEKr STEERS. " , At. Pr, .Nn. , , 743 17 14 . 14 110 0011.40; 08.40. ewes, plain to calls, 7.00 CHICAGO UVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Strang Hog Btrai Sfaaep and Lamb Weak. Chicago, April 4. Cattle Receipts. 32,000 head; market, strong; -4iatve beef cattle, 13.34013.14; stockers and feeder, 87.IB0 3.30; cows and halters, 14.40010.74; calves, 13.34013.74. Hogs Receipts, 31,900 head; market, strong, 10e above yeaterday's average; bulk, 3H.1O01UO; light, $14.3(014.30; mli-d. $14.74014936; heavy. 314.40014.44; rough, 814-40014.40; pigs, 110.40014.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 13,000 head; market, weak; wethers. 810.40013.44; awes, 38.00013.34; lambs, $11.40 0 14.10. 83. Leak live Stock Market. St. Louie. Mo., April 4 Cattle Recelpta, 3,309 head; market higher; native bef eteert, $7.40012.60; yearling steers and heifers, $8. 40013.00; rows, $4.33010.00; stockers and feeders. $6.00010.16; prime southern beef steers. $8.09011.24; beef cows and 'heifers, 84.34 0 8.09; prime yearling steera and hetfera, $7.100 10.00 ; native calves, $4.OO0t.OO. Hots Receipt, 1 1 ,800 head : market higher; lights, 8iI.9O0i6.4O; pig, (in. no 13.60: mixed and butchers, $14.36018.46; good heavy, $16.40014.40; bulk, $14.80 lft.4S. Sheep and Lambs Recefn Is, 3.000 heed: market lower; lambs, $13.00016.40; ewes, $8.64012.34; yeerlinge, $10.76014.24. Stou City Live Meek Market. Sioux City. la., April 4. Cattle Receipts. 4.000 head; market for etockera steady; kill ers 10014c higher: beef steers, 319.000 13.00; butchers, 11,90010.60; fat cows snd heifers. $7.00010.60; cannei-s, $6.6007.60; itocker and feeders. $8.60 0 10.34 : calvea. $7.6008.76: bulls, stags, etc., $7.6003.74; feeding cows and hetfers, $4.4008.04. Hogs Receipts, 8,600 head: market 10O 20o hi s her; lights. $14.64014.86; mixed, 814.86016.00; heavy, $16.00016.76; pigs. $11.60013.00; bulk of sales. $14.80016.00. Bneep and Lamba Receipts, 400 head: market steady; yearlings, $12.26013.69; wethera. $11.60012.60; ewes. $10.60 012.60: lambs, 1 13. 60 0 1 6. 09. KansM City Live Stock Market, Kansas City, to April 4. Cattle Re ceipts, 6,099 head; markot, higher; prime fed steers, $11.80012.66; dressed beef steers, 18.60011.76; western steers, $3.36012.60; cows, $4,00 0 10.60; heifers, $8.00011.76; storkers and feeders, $7.36010.60; bulls, $7.00010.00; calves, $6.00012.7$. Hogs Receipts, $.000 head : market. higher; bulk, $16.00016.40; heavy, $16,400 16.60; packers and butchers, $16.36016.69; light. $14.70016.30; pigs, $11.69014.10. Sheep and Lamb Receipts. .400 head: market, higher; lambs, 811.79014.86: year lings, $13.00011.76; wethers, $11.60012.76; ewes, $10.60012.60. , GRAIN AND PRODUCE Cash Wheat Very Dull Buy en Hesitate to Take Even Light Offerings. BRISK DEMAND FOR CORN St. JpH I4r Stack Market. St, Joseth. Auril 4. Csttle RecelBte. 000 h.ad: .markat loOlSo hla-h.r: atenra. 11.(0012.30; row. and heifers. 11.10011.00; calvea, tt.todtl.60, hobs Receipts, ,,o,o head: market 104B So bl.h.ri tOD. I1G.I0: bulk of aalea. llfi.00 t6.4S. . anas, and Lambs Receipts. t.flOft heart: market al.w and lower! lamba. 114.000 14.7.1 awes, tll.iOBIl.Stl. Sheep. 10.000 s.soo 6.000 ' too 1,000 Ohlea.0 Kanaa. City. Omaha Mloux City... St. Louis.... Totala Utc stark la Sight. Cattle. Ho... . iz.von . MOO 4.000. . 4.000 . 8,300 11.000 ..000 10,400 i.sno 11,100 ..SI.JOO HJUt ,. 31,900 MEW YORK GErlKRAL HARKEr. Xe. , 13,. -ie. .) M. .., 85 ... . 10..., 11.... ll.-M. 11.:,: ..., :)..'., ..., ,Av. Pr. . 114 1 10 . 1 I .110 II . 111 10 II .. Ill II 10 .1111 11 IS ."nil it io .1101 n is .1141 II 10 . Ill II IS .1111 II so .1411 II 10 .. lit I 00 . 31.. ... 171 I 10 24.. ,.. 171 10 10 , 11.. ,.10S7 1 10 , 51.. ,. HI 10 71 :!.. ..in ii to ; it.. ..l!l& It 71 -A' 30,., .,1114 11 11 ' SO,,, ..MM IS Ifi ,1... ,.1370 13 4 Si.., . ,,H4 i; IS .' SI,., ..M.3 1Z an , , ' STEERS AND HEirERg. .. 5 1-10 II ,,, III 1 , 1 76 1 10.,.,,,.. tli-ttVtl nr,iFttHB, ,, III IS , .,-......,I7, f 40 .. 771 , SO ' I. .,..., 710 I 00 .. 100- I 40 -,1.1.,'...... Ill 10. , ,.1001 10 II . , , HoM-rTher. va. only a fair run Of hen here lor a Wedn.eday. arrival, eountlnr out la the aelthborhood of 140 cara, or 10.400 haad. . For th. w.ek t. dat. aqppltea foot up 11,111 head, aa ootnparad with 41.S11 'laat week, 17,171 two WMk. alo and 91,411 laat yaar.' . - ' , " " N . Uad.r th tnflu.nc 'of 'a ahar, prlc vanofc bote wer. 'falrl. wtlv. -rl.ht from the ' oataat. Th. decline of the drat two day. of th. week waa mora than retained, and new hl.h l.vela war. hunt up, Rl.ht at the openln. aom. hen Mid to ehtppere that wer. not over . dim. hither, but .a eoon aa packer buyer. tt Into the market they rehd ahlpptnt olfera, and the reault a that both ahlppw and killer buyera war. aoon paytnt price that war. at lea,t ISo hither, Th. farther the market went tha better It tot, and a treat many aalea mad. toward! the later and of tha trade wer loo hither,, wkll. In apou quarter upturoe wer. noted. , Aa waa th. ra. reeUrday. It waa th. medium t. plain ktnda of atuft that re ceived the moat advance, and th. mult f title condition th. laat two daya haa bean A narrowlnt In the eproad of the bulk, which at laat week'. cloM waa the wldeet It haa been In man I ha Moat uf today', aaleo wer. made at IH.ooeu.no, with the uaual few acatterlnt loada on down, and tope reached llS.lt. . Thla la a nickel hither than waa ever paid prevloua today, and at that then were no real prim, hot, on offer, the choice Kind, which wa. ao plentiful up to taat week', cloae, havlnt nean a rarity all thla reah. Th. taneral market wee moatty Uf) i :0c hither, which tnrana that price are atront to on th. medium tradea aa much aa too hi, her than laat waek'a cloae. Aa etad above, the markat today la the hlth at ever recorded here. Repreaentatlv. aalea; " ' . No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh.' Pr. I.. HI I, It 70 II. .Ill ... 14 0 IT.. Ill 10 14 IH, II. .1,1 100 14 IS 3I..I1I ... II .0 10. .311 4, 14 i, 41.. Ill 10 11 00 U., 11, ... IS 01 . J0..MI .... 1 1. " Sheep Th. lamb run waa vary iltht for the mlddl. of tha week and thea malleM of the week to data, early eatlmatea calllnt for only twenty-on. can, or 1,000 head. Per the Drat half of th. - week mctpu ar. Hthter than for any almtlar period .Inc. . the flrat week of July laat year. Tha total r.h,t,hr" d'" hl, "inch la 17.100 ahort .f a week aio. and nearly t.oo. amaller thaa two week, afo, bat orer l,SM laraer than a yaar ato, , 'Everythlnt waa cleaned up In the and yeaterday, later lamba, which Included the SH'.f ."" ' '" " h. aelllnt 1SO20. lower than the pravloue day. Thla mcrnln. all. th. offerlnta were more or leaa ,t. alilrh made for a dratty trade, even thouth offerlnta warn antall.. Buyura offered eharply lower prtaa. on the epen Int, but befor. noon had boutht moat of the fat lamba at price, that, oonalderlnt the wetneaa of fleocea. war. fully .toady at yaaterJay'a decline. A top of 114.71 waa paid for tw. cara of tod handy Mexican, and a dKk of .atremcly lujht atuff. while eeveral loada of deelrabl. weatem. and Mexican, aald around I14.SI014.il ,wttA atron, wiithta under that. . i ' At noon, thouth. then ware .till ten or eleven cara of Umbo unaold. Almoat all .f tin in were of th. aort that have len I'dnt for aheartnt. Point heavy woom, btt not even, fat. Packer, would not try , wry hard to buy (hem and up to midday at leaat tber. waa vary little demand from feeder lu.-era.- who, whll. holdm, order, for lamta er. afraid of today'a offer Inira on account of their welneaa, Tw. or three buycra went out about nooa to look nt aom. of tk etuff, but aellera wer. not - anu.lpallrir overly aatlatactory bide, aa tboy wero carala that buyer, would want to mak. too much of an allowance for tke water the rlutf wa. aarryln.. . Ko aheen of oftnw.uonc w.r. on elt.r. Nominally ateariy price, wer. quotable. - QuoUtlona on eheep and lamba: Lamb. Iltht and handy, 114.10,) 14.10; lamba. heavy 111 t0 140;-lamba. freer, ehorn. Ill.soa 1I.IS-, Umbo, .haartni, H4.0IV14.il; yMr llnta. ,tMd t. choice,- 111.004,11.71; year. '' llnta, fair to trood, I13.I0O11..0; w.thera. fair t. chdc, I11.S.013.76; ewea, tood to choice,. IU.40qtl2.lti .waa, fair re food. Sutar fntara. Open Imtular and Cfoa. ' Firm que Httnr. : Kew Tork, April I. Flour Held firmly, Wheat Snot. Irreaular: No. i hard. Il.ioy,; No. 1 northern, rjuluth. II.40U: No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 12,17 U, f. o, b. New York. ' Corn Snot, alronn: No. 1 yellow. Il.aiu. c i, r. new torn. Oala Spot, eaay; atandard, 77Ue. Hldea Quiet: Boaota. 43044c: Central America, tan. I,eai her Firm; hemlock flrata, I7e; aeo. onda, SSc. Provlalona Pork, ' atront; mcaa, 137.00: family, I31.00,11. 00: ahort clear. lJ7.S0f II. SO, Beef, firm; mean, IIS.00O21.00; fam. Ily, 131. .021.00. Lard, atront; ' middle Treat, .,i,ioV3i.ie, Butter Steady; ' recelpta, 1,171 tuba creamery, hither than oatrao, 46 0 4SHc; eairaa tra acore), 44Ot4u,0 nrala, 420 42tic: aeconde, 3ltt041t,c. . Cheeae Irreiular; recelpta, 4,137 boxei; atate, held apeclala, S7027HO; alale,, av erata fancy, II HO I.e. Btta Firm; recelpte, 11,311) caaca; freah fathered oatraa, 3S3iVc: freah tathered atorate packed Urate, lllicj freah tath.rod .Poultry Dreaeed,' Arm chlckena, .11021c fowla. UVjOamc; turkey,, UQ34C, , . Cm and Wheat Rctloa BuUetla. '. At Omaha, for th. twenty-four Dour, and, mi at I q. m flth meridian tlma, Wednee, day,' April 4: . !- , :' OMAHA DISTRICT. Temo. Rein- ... Hhrh. Uiw.t fall, ,. SI . 11 .11 . II, 41 .11 ., II 3. .11 13 .14 III . 13 ' St 30 11 31 31 34 tilltrlct. Aahland. Auburn -Broken Bow ., Columbti. . , , , Culbertaon . , , Falrbury Fairmont . , ., Grand ,!aland Hartlntton Haatlnt. Holdretw Lincoln ...... No. lxuip . . . , Nik Plaltel ., Oakdal. Omaha Red Cloud ,,, Tokamah Valentine! ... 'Hltheat .01 .91 31 II II II SI , ! II . 11 II .11 II 13 yeaterday. Sky. Cloudy PL cloudy Pt. cloudy Bnowlnt Clear Hnowhit Snowlngi . Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Ralnlnt Snowlnt Bnowln, Clear Cloudy Ralnlnt Cloudy ' Snowing Clear, . f Tweat ' durlna twenty-four houra endlnt at a.- m., flth meridian time. JTho loweat temperature ior iweiva-nour period .ndtnt a a. m., Twenty-four-hour rainfall at lova ela tion.; Alta, .SO; Carroll, .10; Clarlnda, .11; Creaton. .11; Dea Molnea, .10; K.ihervllle, .10; y.rt Dwlfe('.lo; Sioux City, .11, Summary of th. corn and wheat ration: Rainfall occurred .Tar the treator portion, of Iowa and Nebraaka, alee north and went Kaneaa, northweet and central Mleeourl, and aouthern Mlnneeota, belnt moderately heavy In tha northern area named, and moatly Iltht In th. aouthweat portion. Th. weather la aomawha! warmer In Montana, but 1. allll unaeaaonably cool In th. pl.lna atatea, with rraealnt aa far aouth aa weatern Kanaaa Temperatura la Maine and waaonabl. aaat of th. Mle.lulppU h. A. WELSH. Meorolo,l,u . Cot tea Market. New Tork, . April 4. Cotton Future, opened ateady; May, II. lie: July, Jl.llc; October, II. lie; loomber. 11.44c, Cotton futurea eloaed llrm; May, ll.llc; 11.41c; January, 11.41c, Spot, quiet: ajlddllnt. 10.11c. ' Tk. cotton market eleaed ateady at a act advance of I to thra.-fcurtba polnla, .Liverpool, April 4 Cotton Spot, dull; prlcea ateady;- sood ' mlddllnt, ll.lld; mlddllnt. ll.lld; low mlddllnt, ll.ltd. Sale. 1,001 balea. " . MMal JdaraMi. : ' ' ' New Tork. April 4 Metala hi, quiet; offered at IMS. Spelter, qulett apot aaat St. Louie delivery offend at 110.60. Copper, quiet; electrolytic apot and aecond quarter, I31.00ftl4.oo nominal; third quarter, ill. 00 O3I.00. Iron, arm: No, 1 northern. 141.01 042.00: No. I northern,. I40.S0O41.S0; No. .'0O0t: No. I aouthern. I14.IOOH.SO. Tin, Arm; apot, IS4.S0OSS St. At London: Copper: Spot, 1131; futuna, HIS; .lactrolytlc, till. Tint Spot, 1314: fu turea, till. Lead. II. 10a. Spelter, 111. ' , , Oaialaa Ray Market. ' Prairie Hay Receipt. Iltht, market hither n better trade. 01 hay and alfalfa; da. mand continual tood. Upland: Cholo.. I11.S0 ,.'.4;00i,,".,."'1,l,o N no.soo Ji.'IiJ.i' ;-0a-0'. Midland: No. I. Si?' WiMielt 'i ' Lowland! I0O7 Vl fc 'I ..f!J!il?rfh ii.oooi.oi no. l. I1I.00O1I 0H; atandard, lll.00O17.Mr No. a. ll.MO14.0t; No. 1. I10.S0O11I0. " , JJr-o.".0O.M wheat, IIIOO" OU and Ink. - : .,f,,,". - Arl! Turpemina Firm. 41Ho; aalea, 71 bbl..; noatpta . ahlpmenta. 117; .took. 11,110. " Roeln Firm: eal.a. Ill bbl..: recelpte, 4I; ahlpmenta, 141; atock, lM.nt, 6.iV A, B, a and D, 11.40 to 11.41; E, ( so to M.SS; r. IS.ll; O. IS.IO; H and I, till ,. WO, 11,11; WW, II.... . ' Mlaawlla Grata Market. Minneapolis April 4. Wheal May 11.17 HO 1.17 14 1 July. 11.11. Caahi No. hard. !2.im0M:ti; No. 1 northern Vu ' """" Com No, I Fallow.' 11. Ildji.m,,' Oat-No. I whit.. IJSJlc. s " Planted Ii.iih o 1.MH. Omaha, April 4, 1117. Th. caeh wheat altuatioa waa very dull today and while th. offerlnta were rather Iltht only a email part of the recelpte were dlapoaed of, the buyera In moat tnetancee retardlnt th. prlcea aaked by the eellera aa belnt too hitb la comparlaon with the option. The caah markets however, waa rather weak and only a few of the aellera cured to dlapoee of their orrertnte at a decllm tha market belnt qdoted from ateady to lo tower. No. 1 herd wheat waa quoted at 12.10; No. I hard brotat ht 12.00. Theee were few aalea of hard reported at I2.09O2-0I and one car of No. 4 hard Bold at 12.06 and a few cara of mixed wheat broutht I2.04O 1.06. The corn demand waa excellent and moat of tha aamplea were dlepoeed of at an advance of I to 4 Ho over Monday', mar- ket. Whit, corn Bold at a premium over the yellow and moat of the better aamplea of yellow corn Bold ellthtly In advance of mixed corn of the aame trade. The commercial tradea of whit, corn broutht II. 2301. 22 : yellow corn .old around 1.22H01-21 and tha bulk of the mixed Bold at 1.2261.23. Tha oatx market waa very actlv. at comparatively tood advance and there waa an excellent Inquiry for tnia cereai. No. I whit, oata wbb quoted at eft ISc, while No. 4 whit, broutht C&Ho and aample white 04tnibc. Rye aold. at ateady prlcee, but the trtde In thle article waa quiet on account of Iltht recelpta Barley waa In tood demand and there waa an active trade In thla cereal at firm prlcea. . ' Clearances were, wheat hnd flour, equal to 410,000 buahele; com, 100,000 buahela; oata, 411,000 huehell. Primary wheat receipt, were 1,001,000 buahele, and Bblpmente 1.244,000 buahela. a.alnet recelpta of 1.011,000 buahela and ahlpmenta of 1,173,000 buahela laet year. Primary corn recelpta were 1,606.000 bueh ela and ahlpmenta IG2.000 buahela, atalnat receipts of 1,004,000 buehela and ahlpmenta of 063,000 buahela laat year. Primary oata receipts were 2,031.000 bush ela and ahlpmenta 1.171,000 bushels, atalnat receipts of 1,416,000 buahele and ahlpmenta of 1,074,000 bushels laat year, CARLOT RECEIPTS. . ' . Wheat Corn Chlcafo II 284 Mlnneapolle 1.2 Dululh 11 Omaha It "1 43 Kanaaa City 171 106 43 St, Louk, 101 113 II Wlnnlpet 211 Theao aalea were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 1 car, 12.10. No. 3 hard winter, 6 cara, 12.01. No, 2 hard winter, SS car, 12.01: , cars, 12.01; 1 car, 12.07 H- N I hard winter, I earn, 13.07: I cara, 12.06; 1 car (emutly), 2.uu. nampie hard winter, 1 car, 11.03; 1-6 car, 11.10. No. I mixed, 1 car, 12.07 U ; 1 car, 13.06. No. 4 mixed, 2 car,, 12.04. Rye No. 4, 1 car, 11.12. Barley-i-No. I, 1 oar. 11.17, No.' 4, t car. 11.36; 1 car, 11.11. Corn No, 1 white: I car (shlpperi watthta), 11.21. No. I iwhlte: 1 cam (ahlpprra' welthtsl, 11.31: '1 car, II. S3 "4: I cart. 11.13 H. No. , white: H cara. 1.33. Ko. 4 white: 1 car, ll.asv No, 1 yellow; 1 par, 11.22'i. No. 3 yellow: 1 car, 11.13. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 11.23: I cara. 11.22 H, No. 4 yellow: I cara, 11.23, No. I mixed: 1 car, 11.13; IVl cara, 11.22',,. No, i mixed: I cars, I1.22H: " cars. 11.23. No, 4 mixed: 1 car, 11.22: I cars, I1.31H. No. I mixed: 1 car, 11.21 H: 1 car, 11.31. Oata No. 1 white: 4 cars, 6S.;c; 12 cars, ISHc. No. 4 white: 1 car, '66Hc; 6 cats, 66tc. Samp), white; S cars, 66cl 1 car, HHc t Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard, 11.011,8 1.01: No. I hard, ll.07HOI.0l; No. 4 hard, I2.00O2.0I. Com: No. I white, ll.S3U01.2S!,; No. S white, ll.2SH01.33; No. 4 white, 11.120 1.32 H; No. t White, II 21 01.12; No. I White. ll.tlM 01.21 ; No. I yellow, I1.I2H 01.21; No. H yellow, I1.22H01-32H: No. 4 yellow, Il.2ia401.22; No. I yellow, 11.21 140 1.21 : No. yellow, 11.2101.2114: No. 3 mixed, 11.22 01.31: No. I mixed. 11.12l.!JH; No. 4 mixed. Il.llu, 0112; No. I mixed, 11.2101.21 H: No. I mixed. 11.30 Ol.SI H. Oate: No. t white, lOOIIHo: standard, I6I1OI60: No. I white, 06V,OS6o: No. 4 white, 1606644c Bar ley: Maltlnt, 11.1601.21: No. 1 fed. 11.01 1.16. Rye: No. I, 11. 9101.16; No. I, Omaha Future,. Tha future train situation waa decidedly bullish today and eubetanllal talna war. mad. In all markets, . wheat and corn belnt particularly atront. . - ' - Tha May option on both wheat and corn opened atront and while there waa a de cline during th. early houra heavy buy ing forced a aharp use and the May article cloaed on th. hlth quotation of the day. Th. trade, however, waa very active In corn and oata while wheat, with tha ex ception of tha July option, waa rather quiet. Oata 301 Oata opened firm and cloaed tio hither on May and So hither on th. July. , v . ... -1 . I . Art. I Open. I Hlth. Low. Close. TesT Wht. I I May S 02 OH 1 O3V200'i 1 OtHflOlu, July 1 I70S1 1 HHjlllH 1 I04SII67 Sept. 1 12 1 S1H:U1 1 SlHlliltt Corn. f 1 M.y, ISO 122 120 1 22iilllH : July 1 II 1 21 III 1 31 11IH Sept. 1 16H 1 17 HSU 1 17ll3H Oala I May 01 95 H 14 (5 li July 61 61 61 68 6) Sept. I 50 I SOH 60 'I 60! 50 'i Chlcato cloalng prlcea, furnished The Bav by Lotan Jtiryan, atock ant train broker. 316 South sixteenth afreet. Omaha: Art. I Open. High. ' Low. Clone. I Yea. Wht. I I ' I 1 1 May I 01 10! 118 2 01flll July, 1 11 1 10 107 1 70il07 Sep. 1 II 1 66 164 1 6'lt4 Corn. I I May 1 24 1 25I122 1 261122 July 1 23 1 24 121 1 24 120', Sep. 1 21 I 21 IU 1 21 US', Oata. , I Mity ' 66 68 I 63 64f 13 July 10 60 61 00 61 8. P. 61 tl lit, 64 63 Pork. J II May f 33 00 86 32!34 16 36 IE 34 76 July 24 30 34 16 134 20 34 16 34 00 Lard. 1 I I I May SO f:i SO 16 20 12 SO 16 20 37 July 30 10 20 77 20 60 20 80 ISO 40 Rlba, I May IS 66 11 66 IS 10 IS OSVrll 40 July 18 73 11 It 18 05 18 80 18 67 t'BICAUO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. All Oraln and Meat Products Advance De cs use ef War Situation. Chlcato, April 4. Impendlna; war with Oermany tav. Irresistible force to buying movements on the Board of Trade today and aw.pt all grain and provlalon. upward to what Bome big dealera referred to aa nearly a lamme oaaia. v. neat Jumped to 12.02 a bushel for May delivery, more than double the ordinary value In tlmea of peace. The clooe waa wild, at the tODmost nolnt reached. 12.01 to 12.03 for May, and 11.70 to 11.70 for July, with the market aa a whole IHo to 2a above Mnnrlav'. finish. Corn gained SHo to 3o net. oata c to lc, and provlalona 22o to 66c. Excitement over war meaeurM .hA n be formally decided at Washington wae at a man pucn wnen tne wne 1 marker .ncnut and It waa scarcely an Instant before price records for future dellverlea had been manned, cash wheat, that la, wheat for. inmeuiaie delivery, recent y haa been com. mandlng steeo premiums, which h,v, .n abled holdera to realise the first time that above 12 baa been obtainable for a future delivery. Peaslmfstlo cron reoorte. Inch,,,. Ing an estimate that the condition of winter wnoai wae aa low as 70.1 per cent of normal, added to tho fever to buy, but many longs had been waiting for luet each an oppor tunity fo unload and others were Influenced y im o, a iineunooa 01 government con trol of prioes. - Although reactions, due In part to setbacks in in, new lorn Block market. tmn.Hiiu carried wheat backward after the Initial wu,av, ireen aavancea look place later, espe ciauy 11, tha final our. A feature of tits lata dealing, waa heavy purchasing of May and July by eastern houses, with much at tention being attracted to report, of possi ble solium of Oarman ships In American porta and th. chances of the dispatch of a v,m.ou Bxpeaiuonary lorco to Europa, Deaplte profit takhi. on ..... com advanced with wheat. Breaka were of Short duration. Oat. sympathised with other ...,, uu, wrre reiatrveiy weaker than other cereal, owing to competition of Canadian oate, Provisions. Ilk. .rein, felt ,h. .tiM..i of war demand. Diminishing w.r.Knl... 'rcsn advances in the hog mar- . . " auu'ni atrengtnenlng factors.. .nicsgo cash rrtces Wheat: Noa. 2 and .,.,.ta, ,.u. naro, SS.IICyz.ll ; No. 8 Jard ll.ttO2.06. Corn: No. 2 yellow, H.I71.3t; No. 1 yellow. 1.J61.28 No. 4 yellow, I1.3601.I7. Oats: No. white, 664?9?4o; standard, 07 OI8c. Ryo nominal. Barloy, I1.08O1.37. Seeds: Urn.. "'j, ciover, ,11.00018.10. Pro visions: Pork. 136.16; lard. ribs, I8.42018.76. ' ,' . Butter Steady; creamery. 36043c, , Egga Hither; receipts. IS, 111 casca: Srsts, ll31c: ordinary firsts. l0O30c: at mark, cases Included. 28031c, .Potatoes Steady; receipts, 21 cars; Idaho, Colorado, Oreton and Waahlntton, I2.46A 1.66; Wisconsin and Mlchltan, 12.2662.26 roultry Alive, unchanted, Kansas city Oraln Market, Kanaaa City. April 4. Wheat No. I hard, l2.12WS.lt; No. 2 hard. 12.1202.18; No. 8 rcd.gt2.0SO2.13i May, 2.00O2.00; July, Corn No. I mixed, J1.S2 01.26; No. 2 white, 11.2601.27; No. 1 yellow, 11.168 1.26; May. 1.14: July, 11.13)4 01.23. Oats No. I white, 10 0 6014c; No. I mixed, ISOI7C. , Butler Creamery, 43c; Ural., 40c; Seconds, 29c; paokera. 80 c. Rtts Firsts, 10 c. ' - . '' Poultry Hens, lie; roosters, llUci tur keys, ,4c. . . .. ' ; St, Louis Orala Market. . St. Louis, April 4. Wheat No. l' red, 12.2203.26; No. 1 hard, 12.1602.21; May, 2.04; July, l.ll. Corn No.. S. Sl.28UAl.fa. v l.lt. , w e-..n; July, ,1.34. rS A.. Q.l. -i .lSi Additional Sleeping Car Service for Passengers ' to , v ; Cheyenne, San FranciscOrj Los Angeles and Portland Effective Saturday, March ' 24th, Pull man twelve-section drawing room sleep ing car, Omaha to Cheyenne, will be added to present equipment of Train No. 19 Pacific Limited, leaving Omaha 12:40 midnight. , Car will be ready for occupancy 'at Omaha Union Station at 9 :30 P. M., per mitting passengers to retire at a reason able hour. Passengers for points west of Cheyenne transfer, into through cars next morning without leaving train. Union Pacific SYSTEM 5 Daily tains fo California 2 Daily Trains to Pacific Rortfwest 3 Daily Trains to Colorado For travel literature and further train service information, apply to . , , - a- ' LBEINDORFF, City Paaaaag.r Ag.nt. 1324 Farnam., Omaha, Naw, Pfcon. D.uf, 4000. Dreas Up . for Easter Brandeis Stores Easter Offerings All Through the Store The Mark of Distinction In Your Easter Clothes Copyright Hut SchaffnereV Mux "A small thing to look for, but a big thing to find" the little label Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Now comes the time of all times of the year when a man wants to be correct and look best in his clothes. There is one sure way to do this wear Clothing with a National reputation get the best that your money will buy. v e Your Satisfaction Guaranteed Our merchandise is all chosen with that in view; our service springs from a desire to satisfy our customers; our sales force is charged with the duty of caring first for . the interest of the customers. That's one reason for our specializing in Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothea. We have Suits and Overcoats here of the highest grades, as fine as those the best custom tailor makes and our prices are about half. ' Blue Serge Suits, $25.00 Made up in snappy designs. Now is the time to be gin to wear these splendid Blue Serge Suits. Many men have learned by experience that this is one of the most serviceable Suita they can wear. We are showing a complete line of them at $25.00. The New Trench Coats Are coming-in to their own -"catching on" at a great .rate there's a snap and go to them that Is . hard to equal anywhere. Imported and Domestic . Fabrics, quarter and a half silk lined: in all the new est colorings. , Ride Up on the "Moving Stairway" to the Second Floor Men's Building. Beautiful Silk Scarfs For Easter Men's Furnishings in Great Display This is the most select and worthy presentation of Easter Scarfs and Furnishings we have ever made. The prices, in every instance, considering the quality of the merchandise, is very, very moderate. ! ' ' Silk Four-in-Hands, at $1.00 This Neckwear was selected especially for this Easter sea sonand every Scarf in the lot was chosen for some special mark of merit. All made of beautiful silks, in the very latest designs and colorings. The shape is new very new moder ately large shown in New York and "caught on" imme diately. Special Lot of Scarfs, at 65c Pure silk, large open-end four-in-hand, "slip-easy" neck band comes in different groups one group of Persians, an other of college stripes and another of neat and conservative effects,, etc. Neckties Unequalled at 50c There are hundreds of patterns and colorings to choose from and each one is very desirable. These are patterns copied from higher grade Neckwear into a 60c silk. Many of these you will find duplicated in the $1.00 or more sort This is a very complete stock. In Shirts we are showing the very best makes, such as "Manhattan," "Emery" and our own special brands. r From the most luxurious Shirt of pure silk to the every-day Shirt of sterling value and satisfactory service. OUR STOCK OF MEN'S SHIRTS IS NOT ONLY COMPLETE, BUT COM PRISES VALUES UNEQUALLED AN YWHERE. Everything you will need in Easter Furnishings HERE. m Garden Tools, Fencing Etc. Plant Your Garden Now We are offering a few Garden Accessories which should interest eyeryone con templating a garden. All of thee items are exceptional values, so come early and share m this sale. .,.-,: r "aakro" Seed Tape A package goes further than three 6-cent packages of the ordinary kind. Cuts the labor of planting and tending in two, no thinning necessary when "Pakro" . seed tapes are used, per pkg ...10c Poultry Fence Doubl. GalraniiMi Kind It lasts twice as long. Two- inch mesh, 1 14 c per square foot, or per d An ar m aw v LJ Full size High Grade open back ?Q shovels. . .'.OIC 4-Tine Strap Ferrule . Spading . Forks, at.... Garden Ra kes, Sf?,..35c 100 square feet, in full rolls, at. . ' Lawn' Fence ' ' "Cyclone" fancy woven wire lawn fence, per foot, op from "Cyclone" fancy woven wire, flower bed ' border, per foot.....' "Cyclone" fancy woven wire, flower trellis, for vines, per foot. : -- Screen Wire All widths, black screen at 3c per sq. foot, or per sq. foot, in full rolls, at. ........ . . ' Baa.m.nt Hardware Dept. - 13c .. 8c .. 7c 2ic 4-Tine Strap Ferrule . Manure Forks, at. . 7C Pruning Shears, California OQ. pattern. . , OIC Rubber Hot fully 9c fully B-ply H-inch warranted hose, at...... . 6-pIy fcsnch. warranted 1 hose, at... IvC