Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1917, Image 11

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Tlf k'LPn T7" rctru
lit DUTIFUL - 1
VH. t LJ A.v . a
ONE -EH'.!'
Interna ttoMl
., rasa-'! ii ? v
Drawn for
The Bee
Leaves Stuart, Iowa, at 2
o'clock and Arrives in
Omaha at 5:45. .
The schedule tor the special train
which will bring the Caddock boosters
from Cass county to Omaha for the
Joe Stecher-Earl Caddock -wrestling
match at the Auditorium the night of
April 9 has been announced.
The special will be made up at
Stuart, la., and will leave that point
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It will
arrive at Omaha at 5:45.
The train will carry from twelve to
fifteen coaches strung with banners
reading "We are for Caddock." The
boosters will carry canes and pennants
on which will be "Iowa-Caddock" and
"Anita-Caddock." A uniformed band
of thirty pieces' will lead the boosters
who intend to march uptown in a
body after their arrival here. They
will march north on Tenth from the
depot to Farnam, west on Farnara to
Sixteenth and south on Sixteenth to
Jones, where they will disband.
The stops to be made by the special
are as follows:
Leava Stuart 2:00 p. a.: Menlo, S:lo;
Casey. 2:24; Aitatr, 2:39; Anita, 2:00; Wlota,
3:13; Atlantic, 3:28; Marne, 3:40; Walnut,
3:52: Avoca, 4:04: Shelby, 4:20; Minden,
4:31; Neola. 4:40; Underwood, 4:60: Weaton,
4:58; Chautauqua, 6:07; Council Bluffi, 1:20;
arrive umaha, 6:45 p. m.
To avoid congestion and confusion
at the Auditorium doors Gene Melady
has issued the following instructions
to be followed by holders of tickets:
Holders of balcony ticKeta, north aide, sac
tlo:is A. B. C. L). E, P and O, will enter at
mirth entrance only.
Holder of balcony ticket, south side, see
tlotiM H. .1. Iv. 1,. M, N. O and P, will enter
aouth entrunce only.
KingRiile, boxes, arena floor and hoalera
of stage tickets will enter center doors only.
Central Park Wins Cage
Championship of Centers
Central Park won the community
center basket ball championship of
Omaha by defeating Dundee in the
final round of the tournament, 46 to
14. The Central Park lads were easily
superior; to any of the other com
munity center fives in the city and
had no trouble in capturing the lau
rels. The Central Park team lines up
as follows: Harold Knee, Andrey Sal
lender, Charlie Bauer, William Dewey,
William Conklin, Tom Elvins and
Gail Moredick. -
Winners in Amateur Ring .
Tournament at Boston
Boston, April 4. The national ama
teur boxing champions, as determined
by nearly six hours of hard and close
fighting in the last rounds of the an
nual title tournament tonight, are:
108-pound class, Tom Fall, Lowell, Mass.
116-pound class, J. Tomasello. EUsabeth,
X. 3.
125-pound class. Earl Balrd, Seattle, Wash.
135-pound class, Thomas Murphy, Kansas
City. Mo,
145-pound clsse, Daniel O'Connor, Boston.
158-pound class, Eugene Brosseau, Mont
real. 175-pound class, Ted Jamleson, Milwaukee.
Heavyweight class, John Oaddl, New York.
Chambers, 250; Sciple 215,
In First Block at Billiards
W. N", Chambers and E. A. Sciple
played the first block of 250 points at
18.2 balk-line billiards on their 1,000
point match for the state title at the
Symes parlors last night Chambers
took the block by a score of 250 to
Sciple's 215, with high runs of 30. 26
and 21, and an average of 4.64. Sciple
had an average of 4, with runs of 22,
13 and 13. They will play the second
block next Friday night.
Billie Owens Takes Pool
Match From Reynolds
Billie Owens defeated Jess Reyn
olds in the Reno pool tournament fast
night. Griffin plays Rodeston tonight
at 8:30. Score:
Owens 11, 4, 2, 0, t, 0. 0, 1, 0, 0. 1,
0, 0, 2, 0, 13, 0, 0. 2, 0, 7, 1. 1, 0, 0, . t, 0,
15, I, I, 3, , Total. 103. Safeties, IS;
Scratch, I.
Reynolds, 6, 1, 6, 0, 1, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, z, f,
0 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 , S, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 13, 7, 0, 1.
3, 1, 0, 0. Total, 10. Safeties, 6. Scratch, 8.
Postmasters and
Mayors Work With
t U. S, Navy Officers
Encouraging co-operation is re
ported between town postmasters and
mayors and the special navy recruit
ing parties which began Wednesday
morning to canvass Nebraska and
South Dakota.
The navy expects to recruit 800
new men from these two states, and
, lieutenant Waddell, in charge of the
district, appealed to the postmasters
and mayors to help in the various
towns to be visited in order that the
urgent need of men in the navy can
be met promptly.
Grand Island, one of the towns can
vassed, was prepared in advance of
Recruiting Officer G. E. Barrett's ar
rival. The mayor had many handbills
printed urging young men to volun
teer for the navy and be' ready for
Drys Win in Two
State Capitals and
In Dnluth, Minn.
Chicago, April 4. Dry forces won
their greatest victory in the history
of the prohibition movement in the
middle west yesterday when the capi
tals" of two states and one of the
principal cities of a third, in addition
to a number of smal towns, voted
to; close their saloons. -
Sprinfield, III., and Madison, Wis.,
were the capitals which went into the
prohibition column and Duluth, Minn
the third city of the state and one of
the principal Great Lakes ports, voted
the same ,way. Practically, complete
returns show that twenty-one towns
other than Springfield voted dry in
Illinois, while eleven granted license.
Eleven of the towns voting dry al
ready were dry, while nine of those
favoring the saloons had them the last
In Wisconsin forty-two towns are
shown to have favored prohibition,
while twenty-four voted to license
Movie Censorship Gets .
- Ratification in House
From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb.. April 4. (Special.)
Censorship of moving pictures in
Nebraska was ratified by the house
in the passage of the Dafoe bill.
House Roll No. 306. by a vote of 67
to 20 today. The following bills
went through on third reading:
H. R. No. MO Building and loan amocla
tloiw allowed to lend $60,000 to a tingle bor
rower. H. R. Not. Kt8 and 819 Lancaster county
treasurer to -collect city taxes for Lincoln
and receive a eommuulon out-half of i per
H. R. No. 780 FlarpolM and flags for all
schools and patriotic programs on special
days; penalty for boards and teachers who
violate act ...
H. R. No. 819 Compulsory line fence bill,
applying east ot JOOtb. meridian. '
H. R. No. 6 4 6 Sale of stock In $10 shares
permitted Under blue sky regulation.
H. R. No. m-eaUonUary Imprisonment
tor procuring, .
H. R. No. 252 Otf and gas pipe lines de
clared common carriers and put under rail
way commission.
H. R. No. 693 County surveyor author
ised to do survey work for drainage ditches.
Columbus Boy Bandit1
Makes Escape From Jail
Columbus, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) Donald Sloan, boy ban
dit, whose home is in Council Bluffs,
and Charles Podraza, escaped from
the county jail during the noon hour
today by removing bricks from the
northeast corner of the court house
Sloan is the 20-year-old youth who
last week came here on a midnight
train, held up the night clerk at the
Evans hotel, where he formerly was
employed as a bellboy, and returned
to Omaha on the next train with
about $200 of Proprietor ,Scott's
At Sloan's trial Monday he was
sentenced by District Judge Thomas
to from three to five years in the peni
tentiary and was awaiting committ
ment to Lincoln. A country-wide
search instituted by Sheriff Marke
Burk and his deputies has this far
failed to locate the men.
This makes Fodraza's third escape
from Platte county's flimsy jail struc
ture. Howard Calls for Own
Vote on Bill by Albert
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 4. (Special.)
Lieutenant Governor Howard or
dered Secretary Walrath to call his
name on a bill under consideration
introduced by Senator Albert today,
in spite of the provision in the con
stitution prohibiting voting of the
lieutenant governor on final passage
of bills.
There was a tie on the bill, sixteen'
senators voting for and sixteen
against Albert was absent.' The lieu
tenant governor did not want to see
Albert lose his bill, so ordered the
secretary to call hi (Howard's) name.
The presiding officer voted for the
bill and it was announced as passed
Article 3, section 10 of the consti
tution reads:
No bill shall be pasted by the legialature
unless by assent of a majority of all of the
members eleoted to each house of the legis
lature. Article 3, section 3, which gives the
number of members in each body
The number of senators shall never exceed
thirty-three. , j
Republican Legislators
Gather at Banquet Table
Lincoln, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) Republican members of
the legislature and several other re
publicans, with half a dozen demo
crats, held a banquet at the Lincoln
hotel this evening. The affair was in
charge of Representatives Dalby and
Moseley and was well attended. Rep
resentative Dennis Cronin was toast
master and W. D. Mathews of Mem
phis, Tenn who established the
O'Neill Pioneer and who has been
absent from Nebraska twenty three
years, sat at the speakers' table and
responded when called upon. Other
speakers were Representatives Hcs
tettler, Dalby. Dorsey, Bates, Peter
son, Reisner, White, Conley and Sen
ators McAllister, Bushee, McMullen,
Neal and Sandal!.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Gallic Forces Take Dominating
Position of Much Import
ance, Paris Says.
Paris, April 4. In their operations
between the Somme and the Oise, the
French captured a dominating posi
tion of much importance along the
line of the villages qf Grugics, Ur
villers and Moy, running from south
to southeast of St. Quentln.
The war office also officially re
ports the precipitate withdrawal of
the Germans from three lines of
trenches north of the Folie farm, in
the same sector, under an irresistible
, Capture Bridgehead.
Berlin, April 4 (Via London.)
German forces yesterday captured on
the middle Stokhod river the Toboly
bridgehead held by the Russian on
the western bank, according to the
official announcement issued today by
the German army headquarters staff.
Considerable booty was taken by the
Press Back Russians.
Petrograd, April 4 (Via London.)
German troops have forced a cross
ing of the Stokhod river in Volhynii
after pressing back the Russians, the
war office announces.
Woodmen County Convention.
Beatrice, Neb., April 4. (Special.)
At the county convention of the
Modern Woodmen of America held
here today, E. L. Frasier and C. E.
Hammett of Beatrice and R. R. Smith
of Wymore were elected delegates to
the state camp at Norflok, May 2.
Resolutions pledging th'eir loyalty to
President Wilson in the present crisis,
endorsing James McNamara for re
election as head clerk, and the budget
system were passed by the convention.
Give Your Blood
a Thorough
Spring Cleaning
If You Expect to En
joy Perfect Health
Ynn cannot exnect to enjoy
all the benefits of a strong and
ViooHViv hnrlv. and the SDlendid
vitality you are entitled to, un
less your blood is absolutely
cioan Rvprv heart-beat, every
breath of life depends upon the
blood supply every iuncuon
nt vnnr hnHv i either nronerlv
or poorly performed, according
to the condition 01 your diooq.
Can you not see, therefore,
the vital importance of keeping
your blood absolutely pure?
In fact, there are scores of
ailments attributed to other
causes that would never exist
if the blood were kept entirely
free of, impurities. And do not
underestimate the damage to
your health that any irregular
ity may occasion, no matter
how "seemingly slight, iou
cannot afford to labor under
any handicap, or neglect to
correct any condition that
tends to lessen your efficiency,
Keeping well and in perfect
physical condition is largely a
matter of being able to resist
disease. Every day you are
subject to attack by dise'ase
germs. Everyone else is simi
larly exposed, and those who
succumb are those whose sys
tems are not in condition to re
sist the disease germs which
are ever present. The slightest
impurity in your blood will
weaken your system and lessen
your ability to resist disease.
To be reasonably sure of per
fect health, therefore, your
blood should be kept free from
any trace of impurity. This is
absolutely necessary if you
would enjoy the robust vitality
House Kills Bill
Aimed At Omaha
Education Board
. I (From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) House Roll No. 30, by
Goodall, to reorganize the Omaha
Board of Education and providing for
a return to election of school board
members by wards and districts, was
virtually defeated this morning in the
house. The matter came up on a mo
tion of Petersen of Lancaster to the
minority conference report for the
majority report By a standing vole
of fifty-three, the Petersen motion
prevailed. Richmond led the fight for
the Petersen amendment and Bulla
also spoke in favor of it.
Goodall asserted that five wards of
Omaha now have no representation
on the school board, while one ward,
the Eighth, has four or five mem
bers. He charged the board with ex
travagance in its expenditures and
condemned it for other things. Mr.
Hopkins spoke along the same line.
Mr. Cronin resented outside inter
ference with Douglas county matters
and said the house should do what a
majority of the Douglas delegation
Replying to Goodall and Hopkins,
Mr. Richmond said the bill had been
inspired by a chronic trouble-maker
in school affairs at Omaha, and that
it was intended to get rid of a board
elected by a non-partisan citizens'
movement, Mr. Hopkins countered
by saying that the "citizens' move
ment" was only a bunch of women in
the "poodle dog" section of Omaha,
most of whom have no children at
tending school.
Lightner Heads Club.
Columbus, Neb,, April 4. (Special
Telegram.) At the annual . meeting
of the Columbus ' Commercial club
Louis Lightner was. elected president
and Charles L. Dickey was re-elected
secretary. ' .1
' Death of John Broughton.
Beatrice, Neb., April -4. (Special
Telegram.) John Broughton, for the
last seven years secretary vof the
Beatrice Cold Storage company, died
here today following an operation for
and superb strength you long
for. S. S. S., the great vege
table blood purifier and tonic,
should be kept in every home
as a safeguard against the in
vasion of disease germs. S. S. S.
is made from roots and herbs
gathergd direct from the for
ests, and is the best blood rem
edy to be found, and contains
no mercury, potash or other
mineral substance. This great
medicine acts directly upon the
blood cells, eliminating any for
eign or impure matter, and at
the same time improves the ap
petite and builds up and adds
new life and strength to the en
tire system. It is without ques
tion the greatest tonic and
blood builder obtainable, and a
few bottles taken just now will
put your system in fine condi
tion to withstand the change in
seasons which, to many people,
is a severe tax. j
Whenever you feel debilitat
ed of in a run-down condition
it is because your blood has be
come sluggish and is in need
of a purifying and invigorating
tonic. And it is highly impor
tant that you heed this warn
ing of nature to put your sys
tem in order, as otherwise you
will be liable to succumb to
some serious illness which you
can avoid by keeping your
blood in tip-top shape,
S. S. S. has been on the mar
ket for more than fifty years,
and is sold by druggists every
where, any one of whom will
tell you that he has never
known this great remedy lo
fail to give complete satisfac
tion. If you will write to our
medical denartment vnn will
be given free medical advice by
a specialist, who makes no
charge. Address Swift Specific
Co., 94 Swift Laboratory,. At
lanta, Ga.
appendicitis. Mr. Broughton came
from Chicago lo this city to take his
position with the company. He was
SO years of age and leaves a widow
and two daughters. The body will be
taken to Chicago for burial.
State Refuses to Sell
Historical Society Lots-
(From a Stall Correspondent.)
Lincoln, April 4. (Special Tele
gram.) The house this afternoon re
fused to dispose of the property near
he southeast corner of the state house
grounds, which has been known as,
the State Historical society lots. Mr,
Ollis thought that the property should
be refined by the state for future use,
while Mr. Taylor thought that the
university was trying to get hold of
too much.
The bill called for the sale of the
property, the proceeds to go toward
the erection of a building on the uni
versity grounds which would house
the historical society and all the
libraries of the state except the law
library. The bill, was killed, 48 to 30.
I u I I Villi! AavjVrfaaaar r-ll A
A Startling Motion Ffernn Ml
Atonal in Fifttm Chapttn . AoafaVj
" Featuring V fl
Dashing, Daring k
Speeding trai n s spectacular
wrecks hair-breadth escapes from
death mysterious and unexplainable
losses the sudden appearance of counter
feit railroad tickets plots to ruin and wreck
a gigantic corporation all form a part of the
big, new photo-novel of railroad life "THE
RAILROAD RAIDERS." It features the
fearless film star, HELEN HOLMES. It
begins next MONDAY at theatres every
where. Ask to see it I Watch your favorite
theatre for announcements.
House Rejects All
Amendments to the
Dry Bill, 81 to 7
(From a Staff Correspondent.)'
Lincoln, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) The house this morning
refused to concur in the senate amend
ments to the dry bill by a vote of 81
to 7 Hopkins, ,JeIen, Kcegan, Lovely,
Nielson, Schneider and Sejtlke vot
ing to concur. Twelve were absent.
Representatives Norton and Thom
as, democrats, and Flansburg, repub
lican, have been appointed by
Speaker Jackson to serve as the
house conference committee on the
"X7"ORM drive deliver
great power, but de
velops excessive friction
unless properly lubri
cated. Use
Dixon's 675 Gear Oil is the
perfected lubricant for this
type of drive. It keeps the
gears happy and healthy.
Ak yaw ofr fw fn
Cure Lmkricmlint Ctai
r City. N.J.
DtoMlawteat to
II XCVC Jars.:
ii yxcz '-aiibwuM jaax
dry bill. All three were members of .
the committee which drew the bill
which was introduced in the house.
The senate committee has not yet
been appointed.
Modern Woodmen Convention. ' .
Columbus, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) At the county conven
tion of the Modern Woodmen of
America held in Platte Center today
Carl Kramer was elected delegate
and Dan Kavanaugh alternate to the
state camp at Norfolk on May 1.
Brandeis Stores
Season is
Are You
Ready for the
showing complete
stocks of all parapher
nalia for the golf and
baseball enthusiast, and
in every instance prices
are extremely moderate.
Good Golf Goods
Wright & Ditsons and
MacGregor Golf Clubs.
Golf Hose, footless and
with feet.
Golf Shoes, .both high
and low styles.
Best Base Ball
We carry full lines of
Reach and Spalding
Base Ball Goods. Will
be glad to submit esti
mates to clubs.
Fond of Fishing?
Here are the proper
things for the angler
good fishing season
right nW don't miss
some good sport for the
reason that you have
not the right outfit.
Let's Talk It Over
With You
Not; only an efficient -sales
force, but men
who know where to tell
you to go to get the best
fishing and what to
buy to make your golf
score high. LET US BE
Main Fleer, Men's Store.
! Perry Lock I
I Steering Wheel
No two locks have keys alike.
Front wheels are wild when car
is locked.
Ask us about it now. Phone
Douglas 3217.
National Auto Accessories Co'
884-6-8 Brandeis BIdg.
' Omaha, Neb.
Have Your Clothes
Tailored to Order
- At a Sensible Price
We put honest, pure wool fab
rics and fine, durable tailoring"
into our clothes. .
N. W. Cor. lStb end HaiWey 4