Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1917, Image 10

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For the First Time in History
Classic WU1 Not Be Played
,. in Omaha.
For the first time In in history the
Nebraska Gol association's champion
ship tournament will not be played
.in Omaha. . The Lincoln Country
club is the place and June 25 is the
time selected for this year's classic?
The number, of entries will deter
mine the length of the tournament If
the entries equal last year's there wilt
be two qualifying days beginning
Monday. If less players enter the lists
(he tournament wilt not start until
It is an admitted belief that Omaha
golfers will not respond to the tourn
ament call in such large numbers as
they have in the past. Fifty will com
prise this city's delegation tnis year,
it is thought But Lincoln's entry lists
wilt be enhanced, as will the grpups
representing the out-state towns,
which heretofore have , sent only one
or two players.
Frank Hale of the Metropolitan as
sociation wants to form a new board
of control and will call a meeting
for that purpose. He also believes
that the excess cash in the treasury
ought to be used to buy a trophy
bowl, which would be played for
Those present at Tuesday's meet
ing were:
S. R. McKelvie, president, and Billy
Folsbm, Lincoln Country club; Zach
Marr, Fremont; Jim Christeiansen,
Council Bluffs Rowing association;
John Redick and W. J. Foye, Omaha
Country club; Frank Hale and Sam
Reynolds, Field club; Gene Merriam,
Miller Park Golf club; Ed L. Bradley,
Klmwood Park Golf club, and W. E.
Shafer, Happy Hollow, the association
Proxies' from the other directors
were voted.
Sport Calendar Today
Wrattllaf Caaaiptaaahip. mt Metmpoll
taa A. A. B. bafUa at Jiaw York Athletic
el oh.
Tjleroaaa Cornell vs. Maryland Arri cul
tural eoUeft, at Collet Park, Md.
Baa. Ball New York National! n. De
troit Amerleeaa, at Wichita, Kaa.1 Boetoa
Americana Brooklra National!, at La-foj-ette, Beaton National! n. New
York American!, at Peterahurt, Va. Taxaa
long-He onrna lu eeaeon. with alalia, playing
at Fntt Worth, Nan Antonio at Beaomont,
Hooatoa at Catoeeton aad Shreveport at
Boilnv Johnnr Aoliberr J ark Hhar-
ker, ten round, at New Yorki Mleker !nnn
va. Young Jtoaner, tea rouoda, at New
"Peck" Griffin, Tennis
, Champ, Visits in Omaha
Clarence J. (Peck) Griffin, with Wil
liam Johnston, doubles tennis cham
pion of the United States, is visiting
in Omaha. Griffin is engaged to an
Omaha girl, Miss Marian Kuhn.
Griffin will not defend his title this
year. His business will not permit him
to engage as actively in tennis as in
the past, so the championship team
of Johnston and Griffin has dissolved.
Johnny Strachan, who won the clay
court championship in Omaha several
years ago and formerly Griffin's part
ner in the doubles, will play with
Johnston this year.
State Golf Tournament
Will Be Held at Lincoln
The 1917 Nebraska State Golf
tournament will be held at the Lin
coln Country club starting June 25,
This decision was made at a meet
ing of the directors of the state as
sociation Tuesday.
Sunday Base Ball at Lexington.
Lexington, Neb., April 4. (Special
Telegram.) Election passed quietly
here, there being only one candidate
on the citizens' ticket for for mayor,
Henry C Heckert J. J. Olsson was
elected treasurer on the citizens'
ticket Harold L. Temple was elected
city celrk on the business men's ticket,
R. C. Beatty city engineer "on the citi
zens' ticket The only special issue
up was Sunday base ball, which was
carried by a vote of 209 for and 139
against. -
Star Outfielder to Be Dropped
Off in Omaha by Chicago
t Cnbs Friday.
Earl Smith, last year the class of
the outfielders of the Western league,
was yesterday returned to Omaha by
the Chicago Cubs, to whom he was
sold last fall.
While a lot of local fans believe
Mitchell pulled a boner in returning
Earl and keeping such men as Mann
and Flack, Omaha is glad to see
Smith come back, because he will be
a big aid to the Rourkes.
There is a chance that Smith may
play first base for the Rourkes this
year. Rourke said yesterday if
Brokaw lives up to expectations in
left he might try Smith out at first.
He believes Earl would fill the posi
tion in a most capable manner, as he
has always been good on ground
Whether Smith will return to his
old spot in left or play first depends
upon Brokaw and Henning. Which
ever goes the best will be retained
and Earl probably will play the other
position. If aboth men deliver the
goods Rourke may have to find an
other job for Smith.
Smith will arrive in Omaha Friday
with the Chicago Cub second team,
which will on that day play an ex
hibition game with the Rourkes, He
will be dropped off here.
Rain yesterday caused cancellation
of the game between the Rourkes
and Creighton. ,
Greater, Omaha League
Holds Meeting Tonight
President Kaiman has called a meet
ing of the Greater Omaha league to
be held tonight in Park Commis
sioner Hummel's office in the city
hall. Whether or not the league shall
carry a seventh club is one of the
matters to be brought up.
E. P. Reed & Co. LaFrance
Wright & Peters
. BbotS
'Every color ' '
' known t0 1
i man ' I k "
Widths AAA to D V& V
Sizes 2 to 10 t$ I-
Pierce Shoe Company
Council Bluffs. Iowa
Harry F. Pierce
Save $2
$8 is the price of Pyrene today; $10 will be
the price beginning May 1.
f . l e '-. j j. . .. . w - "
Everyone dreads fire. Everyone wants
Pyrene. Everyone admits the need.
You'll buy fyrene some day in a month
or m a year for your automobile and home.
wny waitf Delay costs you $2.
r-saststrssa ' V, V KILLS HKE U
ggsgglgsg . SAVES LIFlT
, , ' . " 111 " 1111 i n Ti'l
At All Electrical and Auto Supply
and Hardware Dealers in this City
Wear a cutaway next Sunday
It's the thing for Easter or for anys other daytime dress
occasion. The cost is small; the satisfactions knowing you're
correctly dressed is alone worth the price. Rich all-wool fabrics,
fine tailoring and linings add extra value.
Look fir the label
. . Find it sewed in the coat; be sure you see it;
a small thing to look for, a big thing to find.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
Good Clothes Makers
We have been for thirty years and will continue to
be the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Haydemi EreSo
New Spring Lines Now Here for Your Selection
The biggest stock of these good clothes shown
in any store west of Chicago. See them.