Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1917, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily .Bee
' Use the telephone for
Telephone Tyler 1000
' Easiest Way
Fair; Warmer
VOL. XLVI. NO. 249.
0 Tnlat, it NMi.
Ntwi bttHl. tte., M.
La Follette Makes . Vehement
Speech Against War Meas
ure and Is Answered by
Senator Williams. .
Dispatch From The Hague
Received in London Says
Dual Monarchy Will Sever
Diplomatic Relatiine.
vation balloons to be used by the United States army. The photograph was made while the
Jloon was being tried out at the United States aviation station at Pensacola.
Norris Says Wall Street Inter
ests and Subsidized News
papers to Blame,
Washington, April 4. The war res
cilution was debated in the senate un
til late today, with the expectation
among supporters of the meature that
a vote 'would be reached early, this
evening. Senator La Follette. spoke
over three hours against the resolu
tion and when he had finished Sen
ator Williams replied to his state
It was planned to pass the resolu
tion before adjournment.
Senator L Follette concluded at
6:45 o'clock, after speaking three
hours, senator John sharp Williams
rose to reply, and sharply criticised
Senator La Follette's speech. "It
would better become Herr von Beth-
mann-Hollweg than an American
senator." he declared.
He said he expected the Wisconsin
arnatnr to defend the invasion of Bel
gium and called the speech pro-Ger
man, pro-uotn, pro-vanaai ana ami
president, anti-congress and anti'
.. Williams Scores Colleague.
"The soeech of the Wisconsin sen
ator would better become Herr von
Bethmann-Hollweg than an Amer
ican senator, said senator Williams.
"In fact, he has gone further than
Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg would
ever have gone. Bethmann-Hollweg
said the use of the submarine could
be justified only on the ground of
necessity; the senator from Wiscon
sin puts it on the same footing as
Great Britain's interference with our
"I fullv expected the senator from
Wisconsin before he took his seat to
( e a .1 V r T-l! t-
aeiena ine invasion oi oqigmm, uic
most barbarous act ever committed.
I heard from him a speech that was
pro-German, pro-Goth, pro-Vandal,
ana wmcn was anti-presiaem, ami
congress and anti-American. .
Badger Leaves Chamber.
"While pronouncing , eulogy on
eulogized a very much greater, better
and more intelligent people the
American. His speech was exactly
what might have been delivered in
the German Reichstag by Bethmann-
Hollweg, if Bethmann-Hollweg had
had the audacity. But Bethmann
Hollweg had too much sense, too
much knowledge to make that
At this point Senator La Follette
left the chamber, but remained in the
cloak room a while, within hearing
distance. ;
Continuing, Senator Williams said
he heard in imagination the groans of
men, women and children, sent to
watery graves by licrman subma
rines. Involved by Kaiser.
"But the. senator from Wisconsin
hears none of them, said the Mis
sissipni senator. "I have loved the
Wisconsin senator in a way until re
cently, but I have no patience with
(Contlrurd on Pare Two, Column One.)
Frank ChicRering Dies,
Was Well Known Omahan
Frank H. Chickering, aged 60 years,
died Tuesday after a ten weeks'
illness with cancer of the stomach
at the home of his sister, Mrs.
Jeanette Burton, Lorfeyville, Kan.
Howard B. Graham, his nephew, got
news of the death by long distance
Mr. Chickering lived at 4928 street,
Dundee. He was an active member
of the First Congregational church
here, a state director of the Young
Men's Christian association and a di
rector of Doane college at Crete.
The funeral will be held Friday at
2 p. m. in the First Congregational
church, Rev. Mr. Clark and ReV. Mr.
Leavitt officiating. Burial will be in
the new mausoleum in West Lawn
cemetery. Mrs. Chickering died July
3, 1916.
Buttermilk Station Will
Welcome Beer Drinkers
"Only twenty-three more shopping
days before May 1."
Co-incident with the display of this
notice in many saloons, comes the
announcement that a buttermilk sta
tion will be opened before May 1 on
Sixteenth street in the First National
bank building:
Beside selling buttermilk by the
glass, it will also sell that 'beverage
!y the quart, to be carried home by
purchasers. Cheese, butter, and eggs
will also be sold. ,
The Weather
For Nebrank Fafr; warmer.
Tempera. wot at Omaha Yesterday.
Hour. er.
6 tv. m. 88
a. m.... in
? a. m 36
8 a. m ..35
. a. m. ki.ii. 36
10 a. m 36
11 a. m 36
12 m M
1 p. m 36
2 p. m. ......... 38
2 p. in 3
4 p. m. 40
I p. m. ......... 40
6 p. m. i 41
7 p. m 41
i p. m... 31
Comparative Loral Record.
1917, 1816. IflS. 114.
ITIfthKt yeatertay.... 41 B 1 43
Uwoit yenterdBr.... 38 M 4t 82
M..n temperatura..,.
Iowa Senator Says He Will
Support Measure Saying
State of War Exists.
Washington, April 4. Senator Cum
mins of Iowa announced in the senate
that he would vote for the war resolu
tion. Washington. April 4. Announce
ment was made by Senator Kenyon
of Iowa, who opposed the armed
neutrality bill and and was among
the "wilful men" mentioned by the
president, that he would vote for the
administration war resolution if , for
no othei; reason than for national
Senator Gronna of North Dakota,
.-Mother of the "little group of wil
ful men," announced he would vote
against the war resolution.
Senator Gronna concluded by say
ing that he had believed possible the
maintenance of honorable peace with
all nations.
"War will be an unpardonable err
or and blunder," he concluded. "After
it is declared we will have but one
cause to do our duty in our coun
try's defense. When that time comes
I shall do my full duty."
Another of the armed neutrality ht
ibusterers, Senator Kirby, democrat
of Arkansas, said he would vote in
favor of the war resolution because
he believed it would pass overwhelm
ingly and he desired to have the
country united, although he was op
posed to entering the war. ' .
Stone Strongly Opposed.
Senator Stone in opposing the reso
lution said: "I fear that, involving
the United States in this European
war will commit the greatest national
blunder of history. I shall vote
against committing this mistake, to'
prevent which I would gladly lay
down my life. .
"But if the constituted powers of
my goverpment shall decide for war
and we go into the wan then I shall
winds and my eyes will be blind to
everything but the flag of my country
and my ears will be deal to every can
except the call of my country in its
hour of peril."
McCumber Wants Delay.
Senator McCumber, republican, pro
posed to postpone recognition of a
state of war by resolution to declare
the future sinking of any American
ship withoutwarning or failure to take
care of American passengers or other
violations of international law an act
of war, and authorize the president
to use the military forces of the
country to carry the war to a suc
cessful termination. 1
Senator McCumber said a "very
considerable portion of the people"
do not favor war.
"If this last effort of mine, he con
cluded, "shall fail, I shall acquiesce
in the judgment of the majority and
support my government in its every
war need and shall never vote to
sheath the sword until peace hon
orable and just shall be restored."
Address of Mr. Kenyon.
In announcing that he would vote
for the war resolution if for no rea-.
son other than the nation should not
be divided. Senator Kenyon of Iowa,
republican, said the fight for world,
democracy against autocracy was an
impelling reason. He opposed the
armed neutrality bill and was among
the group ot willtul men designated
by President Wilson.
Senator Kenyon said he had been
strongly opposed to entering the war.
"Patience has its limitations." said
-he. "The limits have been reached.
War is not of our choosing. The
German government is practically
waging war upon us. Uncle Sam,
that patient giant, has done his best
for peace. There will be no difficulty
in securing enlistment if the people
believe that this is a war to save the
democracy of the world and the honor
of our nation. If the rule of kings,
kaisers and czars be overthrown and
the government of the people arise,
then the hands of providence .will be
"This is no time for censuring one
another or denouncing those who
have been earnestly contending tor
peace. It is a time for 100 per cent
Americanism. The great reDublic
must accept the challenge of auto
cracy and go forth in battle for the
world's democracy. WJien we hit, we
must hit hard.
"Let us forget the making of money.
Those who would at this time make
excessive profits from war materials
or the food the people need are just
as guilty of treason as those who give
aid or comfort to the enemy and
should be treated as such."
Senator Kenyon said he was op
posed to any alliance in the war and
that if anything beyond co-operation
were proposed the president must
again come before congress. "The
question of sending an army to Eu
rope," he continued, "is not settled
by this resolution."
House, Passes Army
Bill in Thirty Minutes
Washington, April 4. The army
appropriation bill for 1917. carrying
$240,000,000, was passed by the house
today in less, than half an hour, in ex
actly the same form as it passed the
house at the last session ot congress.
Amendments to bring the total of the
bill to $270,000,000 were ignored in
the interest of speed.
Federal Officials jStX Teu
tonic Agents BusyTrying to
Stir Up a Revolution
Against U. S.
One Plaq Said to Be to Induce
Colored - Population to
- Migrate to Mexico.
Birmingham, Ala., April 4. Reports
that German agents are working in
southern states, particularly in the
tobacco and cotton belt, to incite ne
groes against the United States gov
ernment, were confirmed here today
by local federal agents. These offi
cials announced that steps already
have been taken to curb these activi
Officials said blots instigated in
Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas
are believed to be closely allied with
the recent exodus of southern ne-
eroes in large numbers to northern
industrial centers. ' One plan of the
conspirators, according to the federal
agents, seemingly was to induce the
negroes to migrate to Mexico. Sev
eral plots in the Birmingham district
have been frustrated,. it was said.
Incite Negroes to Arms.
Jacksonville, Fla., April 4. At the
United States marshal's office here
today it was said a watch is being
maintained tor Uerman activity to in
cite negroes to arm against the gov
ernment. Ithas been reported to the
marshal's office that for some days
efforts have been made to encourage
the negro population to make trouble.
Strike in Big Snip
Building Plant at
Hamburg, Germany
Copenhagen, April 4. (Via Lon
don.) -The Berlin Tagehlatt says
that labor difficulties have broken out
in the big Vulcan ship-building works
at Hamburg. The workmen demand
a one-third increase in their wages.
The Vulcan works are where most
of Germany's great ocean liners I
i been- Jwiib-tj --. -
ers have
Labor difficulties and strikes have
been reported from various sections
of Germany in the last few months.
Trouble of a serious nature in Ham
burg was reported from various
sources following the Russian revo
lution. These reports were substan
tiated by statements of socialist depu
ties in the Reichstag referring to "the
deplorable events in Hamburg and
Bremen." . .
A strike occurred in February in
the Krupp works at Essen, the heart
of Germany's munition and artillery
industry. More recently strikes have
been reported among the munition
workers at Dusseldorf and among the
coal miners at Penzburg. These
strikes were said to caused by the
food scarcity, which was alsc credit
ed with being responsible for serious
riots in Berlin an.1 other big Ger
man cities.
Prowler With Fuse
And Gun Arrested
In Tacoma Tunnel
Tacoma, Wash., April 4. After he
had aroused suspicion at the Oriental
dock late last night and had ex
changed five shots with the night
watchman, a man giving his name as
Frank Webber, age 35,' and his occupa
tion a a switchman, was arrested by
a patrolman in the old Tacoma tun
nel. More than two feet of fuse, a
large revolve, and a searchlight were
found in Webber's clothing when
searched at police headquarters. The
watchman says the suspect threw
something aw which he thought
waj dynamite and the officers later
instituted a search for the missing
article. Webber, who say- he is of
German descent, but born in America,
refused to explain -his actions around
the dock.
Over Thirty Vessels Sunk ,
During Week by Submarines
London, April 4. British merchant
vessels of 1,600 tons or over sunk by
mines or submarines in the week end
ing April 1, and including two not re
ported for the previous week, number
eighteen, according to the official
statement issued tonight. ' Thirteen
British vessels under 1,600 tons were
sunk in the same period.
The number unsuccessfully attacked
by submarines was seventeen. Fish
ing vessels sunk numbered six. Ar
rivals during the week for vessels of
all nationalities over 100 tons, num
bered 2,281; sailing, 2,399.
Finland,and St. Paul
Cross Ocean Safely
Jew York, April 4. Word wai re
ceived here today of the Arrival of the
American steamships Finland and St.
Paul at English ports. Both ships
left an American port on March 24.
They were armed. s
Mine-Sweeping Craft Sunk;
Twenty-Four Men Missing
London, April 4. The British id
miralty announces that s mine sweep
ing vessel of an old type struck a
mine Tuesday and sank. The ' an
nouncement adds that twenty-four
men are missing..
Louis Kamarad Killed When He
Takes Refuge in Barn
in Flight.
Ord, Neb., April 4. (Special Tele-gram.)'-Louis
Kamarad, slayer of
little Alice Parkos, who escaped from
Valley county jail Monday'night, was
kilted by a posse on Pat Brad en's
farm near Arcadia this morning. The
body is being brought here. An in
quest will be held as soon as it ar
rives. Shortly after midnight the posse
of men accompanying the blood
hounds, which were trailing Louis
Kamarad, were compelled to change
their plans when the trail was lost. J
It had been fresh unlit thev reached
a road, mere were signs ot a fresh
buggy track going west. It was im
possible to. follow the -track far on
account of the rain and mud.- It is
generally Ix4itved that- KamarartheTd
up tho-dnver of the buggy and com
pelled him to bring him to Ord.
J hree automobiles w ere stolen durinor
the night and were driven in relays
until gasoline gave out or engines
tailed. . v
At about 9 o'clock this morning a
posse of fifty men, headed by Sheriff
Bell, came 'upon a car atatled in the
mud. Later indications pointed to
the fact that Kamarad had been the
driver and that he had taken to (he
farm barn of Pat Braden. The barn
was searched to no avail, but a mo
ment later he was discovered high on
the rafters in a dark place in a cow
barn near by. Sheriff Sutton called
to him to drop his shotgun and come
down and he would i e protected. He
refused and told hiu to shoot. A
secoi d invitation -was ot necessary
and rifteen or twenty sht'.s were fired
The body is being brought to Ord
and an inquest will be held this after
Judge B. H. Paine had adjourned
district court until Friday pending
the result of the man hunt. An effort
will be made to find who it was that
drove the buggy in which Kamarad
escaped from the dogs.
Young Man and Girl
Die as the Result of
Suicide Agreement
St. Paul, Neb., April 4. Th mys
tery surrounding the disappearance of
Edward Parker, 18, and Bernice
Berck, 16, on the evening of March
28 last was cleared today, when their
bodies wjere found in a straw stack
near town. Both had been shot
through the temple, and a revolver
was found near the bodies. One
theory advanced is that they had died
in a suicide pact and the boy killed
the girl and then himself.
Nine Thousand Cigars .
Stolen by Bold Crooks
Nine thousand cigars were stolen
from the Parker-Gordan Cigar com
pany, 709 South Sixteenth stnet,
Tuesday evening. The thieves broke
the glass in the rear door, entered the
establishment and proceeded, to help
themselves to this immense quantity
of choice smokes. , . 1
How About .
Our Army?
Tha Ttun in ilUfrtKnfinff hnnlr
nf tKo TlnifuH Statu irmv
This book is one every American
will be glad to own, because every
fiatriotic American is more keenly
nterested in the army today than
ever before, and also because this
book ia a beauty printed on
heavy paper in colors, full of un
usual illustrations, absolutely re
liable, prepared by the govern
ment. -
Get your copy of the Army
Book today. Sent free on receipt
of your name and address and a
two-cent stamp for return postage.
"Write plainly to
Information Bureau
'Washington, D. C.
s sx i I i TKk , , ?!
Airmen Dropping
Copies of Wilson .
Speech to Germans
London, April 4. President Wil
son's address to congress, translated
into German,, is being distributed
liberally 'over the German lines by
British aviators. It is understood
the same thing is being done by
French aviators.
Foreign Affairs Committee Ac
cepts Senate War Resolu
tion and Reports Favorably.
Washington, April 4. By unani
mous, jtdhsent th$ house agreed -toi
dj,y to b.egjn discussjon, iof, the war
resolution tomorrow morning at 10
o'clock. No special rule limiting de
bate will be brought in and the house
will remain in continuous session un
til the resolution is passed.
The house foreign affairs com
mittee today accepted the senate's
war resolution in plate of its own
and favorably reported the resolution
for pastage.
Representative Shackelford of Mis
souri, democrat, and Representative
Cooper, republican of Wisconsin,
were the only members of the com
mittee to vote against the war reso
lution. '
Y;M.0. A. Offers 500
Men and $3,000,000'
To Country in War
New York, April .4. The Young
Men's Christian association has or
ganized its forces and is prepared to
offer the services of 500 trained men
and to spend $3,000,000 in welfare
work for the army and navy in the
war, according to an announcement
made here tonight by I. T. Tichenor,
chief of the Army and Navy depart
ment of the international committee
of the association.-
The oroDosed welfare work will fol
low closely along the lines of -the
Young Men's Christian association
stations established in the camps
along the Mexican border after the
National Guard mobilization.
These stations, built of wood and
usually 40x100 feet in size, provided
social centers, where the men could
find recreation, facilities for corre
spondence and reading. '
U. S. Ship Zealandia - ,
"Wrecked,", Reports Agents
New York. April 4. The freight
steamship Zealandia, flying the-American
flag, has been'"wrecked," accord
ing to a cablegram received jiere by
its owners, the Universal Transporta
tion company, from its agents in
Liverpool. All on board were saved,
the message said. : .!
1 he Zealandia lelt Mew York
March S with a cargo of foodstuffs
for Liverpool. It was unarmed. Its
crew consisted of Caotain Menrahan,
an American, and about forty men, ofJ
wnom twenty-nve are Americans.
Washington Woman
Named Justice of Peace
Seattle. Wash.. April 4. Mrs.
Othelia G. Beals took office todav as
a justice of the peace, succeeding her
brother; John E. Carroll, who is serv
ing as a major in the Second regi
ment; National Guard, of Washing
ton. Mrs. Beats was the first woman
graduated from the University of
Washington law school and is the
second to serve as justice ot tne peace
in Seattle.
Young;Boy is Given Life
Sentence for Murder
Snencer. Ia.. April 4. Charles
Craig, a 15-year-old boy, was given a
life sentence late last night for the
murder of Harry Peterson, his employer.-
Craig had admitted his guilt.
Craig also tried to kill Mrs. Peterson,
but failed. The crime was committed
March 29. ' Craig gave no motive tor
the crime.
3 &(S n t
Major Barnettt Asks The Bee
to Set Forth Advantages
of This Service. ,
In a campaign to secure 4,000 new
recruits at once for the United States
Marine Corps, Major General George
Barnett, 'commanding that branch of
the sert icc, has wired The Bee ask
ing for help in recruiting and giving
some information about the "soldiers
of the sea."
"We need 4,000 more men imme
diately," his telegram states. "Will
you help us?
"Many persons in the interior know
nothing whatever of the duties of ma
rines, what' they do, how they dress
and the opportunities afforded, tp en
listed men. . . ; - . '; ' -. ...
j . . ;V:j. Always First.',,.,; .
i "Marine CorDti service: in time ' '
peace is.vcry attractive.:. In time of
war it is doubly artractve to ;red
blooded men of action. Marines are
always - first when war is imminent,
and "they have-shown the way to
righting men since 1798, i i j .
"W.c urge the public to show- its
patriotism at this time by helping to
fill the ranks of the marines at Once.'.'
A separate recruiting office is main
tained by the marines in Omaha. Ser
geant Lee Carpenter is in charge at
1312 Douglas street. He asserts that
the marine serviot combines the best
features of both navy and army, and
says he is ready to prove the asser
tion to any young men who apply at
his office. " . (
Army Contract
Scandal Shakes Up
Austrian Cabinet
London, April 4. The Austrian
ministers of justice, war and finance
have resigned after the revelation of
a grave scandal connected with army
supplies, according to a dispatch to
the Exchange Telegraph company
from The Hague. .
Three ministers assisted Dr. Franz,
formerly director of the Vienna De
posit bank, to escape the consequences
of having illegally sold foodstuffs to
the army at exorbitant prices.
At the trial of Dr. Franz documents
were produced which convinced the
judge that the ministers had forged
a paper which -was used in the ban
ker's behalf. They were summoned
as witnesses and admitted their guilt,
later resigning.
Both Catttle and '
Hogs Reach New
High Tops Here
New records on both cattle and
hogs were marked up on the Omaha
live stoek market yesterday.
Cattle reached the record-smashing
price of $12.80, while several hog
.sales were made at $15.10, 5 cents
higher than the previous top price for
the local ma ket:
The cattle which establishci' the
new record were shipped by Frank
Kardeli ' of . Concord, , Neb. There
were eighteen head in the consign
ment, averaging 1,463 pounds.
Several loads of hogs were sold at
the new record price. ,
Another Problem for Neutrals,
Declares Dutch Newspaper
Amsterdam, April 4. (Via Lon
don.) The Nieuwe-Van Dem Dag
regards President Wilson's words in
his address to congress as showing
that the United States will participate
in the world war as vigorously as it
can. , . ,
"For neutrals," says that newspa
per, "it makes a great difference
whether America joins fully or only
partially in the war. A fresh declara
tion of neutrals will have to be made
and America must be recognized as
a full belligerent. Thus, for example,
armed, American merchant ships must
be keat by our government outside
our territorial waters.
"The effect which America's par
ticipation will have on our shipping
cannot yet be forecast, but will de
pend on the, measures Germany takes
against the new enemy."
German Pressure Will Force
Dual Monarchy to Suspend
Diplomatic Relations.
London, April 4. A dispatch from
The Hague to the. Exchange Tele
graph company received here today
says that Austria-Hungary will break
diplomatic relations with the United
States as the result of strong German
pressure. ' ' '
Kaiser Denies Breaking Treaty.
Washington, April 4. Germany's
reply to the American note which re
fused to accept the interpretation of
the old Prussian treaties of 1799 and
1828 because of Germany's "flagrant
violations" of . the treaties, contains
almost no argument in refutation of
the American contentions, but states
that Germany will live up to that part
of the treaty dealing with Americans
in Germany.
Gcaraany denies having itself broken
the treaties and charges that this gov
ernment practically lias done so.
Blockade Not RecognUed. '
Germany's denial of having violated '
the articles providing for frcj inltr
course of either country with 'an
enemy of the other, on the ground of
a blockade, is considered absurd here.
Jta present submarine campaign is not
credited with the first qualification of
a blockade namely, effectiveness as
not 3 per. cent of the vessels entering
and leaving England are affected.
Germany's charge in its reply that
the United S.atcs has prevented Hie
departure of German vessels .' Amer- ,
ican harbors ia flatly denied except
for certain German vessels known to
be planning unneutral service in sup
plying German warships St sea. All '
other German vessels complying with
American neutrality laws' have been
and are still free to leave at any mo
ment. - . t
Hili'-FA-m-ian TTillo -
: Four Men anils,.;. .
Shot by Officer
iHanfor'd, CaC .ApriP4. Four nien
were- killed here today in s shooting N
affray started by L. H. Denny, a
wealthy farmer, arid ending in his
death. , .
, The dead are:
OaORUB h. MSADOWS, Juitlct of th
pac. ' ' '
. T. COSPER. n iMmur.
it. W. WILEY, manager ot a traotlon
g-lno, huAlnosi. .
L. H. PBNNT, farmnr.
Denny shot Cospcr and Wiley in
Cosper's office. Then he walked to
the county court house and just as
court opened Justice Meadows -was
shot. Marshal W. J. Hindes shot
Denny dead when he tried to escape
in an automobile. 1 ' .
It was said Denny had been brood
ing over a' legal action brought
against him to collect notes due.
House Puts Self on Record
For Taxing Munitions Men
(From a BUR Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Anril 4. (Special.) New
that war between the United States
and Germany has become a virtual
certainty, the Nebraska house put ij-
selt on - record today : lorcnoon m
favor of taxing wealth and the man
ufacturers of -war material for most
of the revenue needed to pay thocost
of waging s conflict at arms.
Twelve members seven ot .them
democrats and five republicans-
siened a resolution to that effect.
which was voted upon and adopted
Theotily audible protest came from
Mr. Reisner.
Water Board May Engage '
In the Manufacture of Ice
(From ft Stall Cgrreipondtnt.) . .
Lincoln. Aoril 4. (Special.) The
Omaha Water board may go into the
ice business, according to an amend
ment offered to S. F. 205, a bill di
rected at R. B. Howell in an effort to
force him to stav out of politics, but
which was finally amended so there
was nothing left but power given to
sue the water board. .
Moriartv. the introducer, asked to
have the bill brought back for specific
amendment so that he could change it
to enable the water board to manu
facture ice. This was seconded by
Howell, carried and the pill was
The Best Domestic Help
The kind that do ,
things properly, read
the paper that goei
into the homes they
have been employed .
in, and that paper is
Therefore, when you
want competent .-
household help, put
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