THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. APRIL 2, 1917. Want-Ad Rates USE TUB TELEPHONIC If you MBnol Con veniently urlbg or Kvnd In your ads. Ash for a Want Ad Taker and you will re ceive tlie limn tood service as when de Uverlng your "4 ,hls office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT AI COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITIONS 12:0 M. XORK1XO EDITIONS IP: P. M. NO AD TAKEN OU LEwS TU.VN 20e, ONE TIME, OB LESS THAN 10c A PAT. 1. CASH WITH ORDER. - P Sel Solid (No Display). PER WORD, EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Jlspla)ea In Larger Type. .sc ;er line lin pr Mn-, S or more consecutive Insertions BIX AVERAGE .WORDS TO THE LINE. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rata 20o Hne i CARD OP "HANKS, PEATH AND V1TVITRA1. NOTICES. too ner Unc each tnsertio' tiop (Minimum charge, 60 cetys.) JJONTHLT RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No chins of cpy allowed.) One line . JJ 5 Two Unea or mora ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS! Sc per word........ ona time mo per word, two or mora consecutlvs in sertions. SPECIAL COMBINATION BATE. On I -and. Poultry and Otbr Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE (over 60,000 dally). 90TH CENTURY FARMER (over 110.000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both the city nd rural resident. Special Reg. Rates. Rat. 2 Insertions In Omaha Bee and t Insertion . In 20th Century Farmer, pet word lo 7c 1 Insertions In Omsha Bee and 1 Insertion In :0th Century Ftrmer, per word. ...,..... JOtio IJc (Contract rate oa Application Monuments and Cemeteries. Tha laraest display In th 1'nlted Stales. FRANK SVOBODA. HIS-56 S. 13th. IonMSJuglasJTS-SSJ BlUTTFiTlTjrravfl marker," 53 To $10 last forever. Redman Gravo Murher Co., 1470 jnnrer HI. w u. 3&.f. FLORISTS. BEING members of the National Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, wa are In position to deliver Bowers on abort notice anywher ta the U. 8, and Canada, Hess & Bwonoaa, mr.sis. LARGEST assortmoi.i oi irnsn hub. L. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM "ESS." LEE L. LARMON HI 4 Douglas gt. Douglas $244 PARKER Flowed .hop. Ill . P. $'0$ a7"DONAH UE, M22 Harney, Doug. 1001. BTTENatTonal Florist, 1$04 rarnam Si" FUNERAL JIRECTOR8. "liULSB H1BPEN. undertaker, ind ia palmer., 701 8. Illb gt. Pouglaa 122$. Buffi Johnston, .mbaim. and fu. nersJdjrootnraL 717 8. mh 8t. Tyl.r 17 JOHN A aENTLEMAN, undertaker and embalmer. Mil Leavenworth. Doug. Ull. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS If you lose anything and will advertise It hera you will auroly recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkabla racov- arlea are brought about ovary day through this column. ! THE HONEST WAT, If you And something of value, or a keepsake of value only to the owner, la to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most cases la will ing torefund the coat oJ?J """OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFKB STREET -RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost Rome article would Aa WfeU to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company to iteeertalD whether they left It In the troei car. Many articles each day turned tn gad tha company la anxious) to restore them to the rightful owner. LOST A sunburst brooch set with pearlg and dlamondg. Reward Call Colfax 1676. ' vBBST RESULT A" FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Beat Results and a Rate of lo per word. When yog want both of the above. ' CALL TYLER 1000. LOSTA lad handbag containing trav eling checks and currency. Prom Farnam to depots. Finder return bag to police station and receive reward. FOUND And Fountain. GREEN'S PHARMACY. 18th . nd Howsrd. j,OST Corn! cmeo brooch with diamond aettln. at J.wUh charily ball. Flndor pit... call Pom. W'. H.ward." LOST A .Ilk baby carriage rob. on Far nam, mu 40th; ward (or return to Mil Farnam. Fhon. narnor 7 AROB black, whit, and tan Scotch tolll. do,; nw.rd. -Iwn. Dougla. ,00. FOR SALE MiicelUneou Furniturt nd Homehold Goodt. AUCTION SALE Furtiiture, Rugs, etc., of Nine-Room ' House at Z41Z Lass atreet Mon day (Tomorrow), April 2, ill P. M. &naltlng ot -Si tali ruga, ( rooking chair,, library table, I dining table nd chair.. I buft.t., wardrob., I 1c. boM. kltrhon cabinet, 1 ga. .tov. and S ga. plain, I V.rnln Martin brda, aprlng. and matlrnaaea. pillows quuw. piw.w.hw.i tc; 4 good dreaaera, t chlffonlor., 1 aanl i.rv MnnhM and nad.. acreen. aewlng table, 1 drop-lea( tables, oooklng utelHlla and hundred, oi artlolM too numeral! to mention. IMn't tall to attend Ihl. aal. Tomorrow, at 1 p. m. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. If you have furniture to sell, ball Red tj:j5 or Harney 4673. BAOAINS IN FURNITURE. S gas stoves, 16 each; Is beda, II each; Iceboxes, ruga or an a in as, ibdips .hslrs, china kltcheu cabinets, buffets riprs. trtinks. auitcases. leather daven ports- AH kind Of bedding. Full line ot pool try netting, is 30 -47 Nu. 34th SU Tel Webster ioy, upon iui a p. m. fi.NB DRESSINO TABLB. ti; Hoosler cab Inet, 111: Singer sewing machine, fill sectional bookcase. 113- Webster 6146. auction. P. M. -This la the biggest op- rtortunltv ever offered In Omaha to obtain high grade furniture, rugs and stoves st your own price. We must vscate our warehouse. Our loss Is your gain. S" STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th nnd Dodice 8t. X1EST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasone for the growing popularity are Best Reeulla and a Rate, of lo per word. When you want both of the above. CALL TYLER Ifloe. Com. line of H. H. goods, offloe furn. Price right Come to be convinced, wym rurn. r 223 N. lth; City Fum Co.. 107 8. 14. PRACTICALLY new 4S5 Davenport for 40 If taktn at once. Suitable for office or home. Webster 1151. BUFFET, dining table, rug. modern electric lighting fixtures. Call walnut 1S41 BEAUTIFUtj ojuarter-tawed oak china closet and buffet. 1QQ7 w. tn. weoeisr eia. Pianos and Musical Instruments. RARE opportunity. Must sacrifice 1300 mahogany Jewel-point phonograph with rarords for $70; used ona month. Will ahlp anywhere out of Chicago C. O. D., allowing examination. If not satisfactory will pay express charges both ways. Good reason for selling. Jas. Cotton. MH Nor mal Blvd., Chicago. FOR SALE Large amount of almost new Kdtsen two and four-minut wax cylinder records. Also Columbia two-minute wax records. Prices reasonable. Write M, U. Bokcr, Box 144. Settle Creek. Neb Barrels and Boxes. iD-MAND barrels, carload lots a specialty. McKelrnan Barrel Co.. 2U N St.. S. Side Billiards and Pocket Tablet. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new carom and pocket, with oemplete outfit, litis: second-hand tables at re- 1 duced prices; bowling alieya and supplies hi? payments. Cigar store futures specialty. Send for catalogu. THE I) R UN'S WICK-BALK E-CVLLENUER CO. 407-40 South 10IB SL FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. Harness and Saddlery. WE uiak them ourselves and sell direct to consumer; no middleman's profit; why par two profits for Interior goods when you can get high grade goods at first oostt Alfred Cornish Co., 1214 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co. also public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglas 2803. 640 Paxton 13 Ik. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO.. Bee BIdg. Douglas 117!. WATERS-BARNHARDT PtiT. Co.. quality printing. Tel. l-ugiJiO.' So. 13tb St. l,uixiDer ana puiiaing mater wa. S'E:IAjIf "on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber Wreck. Co. Web. 1HH4. Machinery and Engines. "New and second-hand motors, expert electricians and machinists, le bron electrical works 218-20 S. 13th St.. Omaha. ICE PLANT, seven tons per day. lielted as topped after six montns' run. cneap. Castle Refrigerating Machine Co.. In dianapolis, Ind. Nurieries. Seeds and Plants. SEEDS 6 papers garden or flower seeds for 10 cents silver. Miss. Jtiver need Co., Box 446, Burlington. la. FINE NURSERY STOCK. AT SALES GROUND. J6TH A.NU UAVL.M'UHl. OATK CITT NURSERY. DOOO. 1060. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, aell needles and parti of all sawing machines . MICHEL S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 16th and Harney 8t. Doug. Store and Office Fixtures. BEAUTIFUL mahogany roll top desk, new. 64 -inch, 115, chair to matcn, ifr. i-none Douglas 7166. TPE WRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter i montna ror 96, Central Typewriting Exchange, l0fi Farnam, REMINGTON, Monarch and Smith Pre- niters for rent; sent aywnere. nenpingion Typewriting Company, l-j. WM. SPECIAL bargain In ustd typewriters while moving to our nw location, HQ uooge. Midland Typewriter Co. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR SALKStoresbfilving, counters, show cases, lea botes; tables, chairs; complete outfit for stores; must be sold at one on account of other business. Call Douglas "267. FOR SALE -Uncalled for rugs at weaving price. Gate City Rug Manufacturing and Carpet Cleaning Co., 1616 N. 24th St. Webster 1643. SAFES The World's Safest Safe. Let us tell you more. The Huffman General Sup- ply House, Lincoln, Neb. Miscellaneous, OMAHA PILLOW CO., Downy Comforters made over just Ik new. All your own feathers back when, we renolvate. We call for and deliver, 1007 Cuming, Doug. 2407. DEHKS, safes, scales, showcases, she King, etc. We only sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 414-) S- 12th, Doug. 724. DRT KINDLING WOOD. ACME BOX COMPANY. HARNEY 1837 FOR BALE "One Minute" waahlng ma chine, nearly new. South 00. SALT, 1.76 bbl. A. W, Wagner, 601 N. ieth. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IP YOU HAVE some article that haa out lived Its usefulness to you, make up a little ad aud run It In this column at 1c per word. You will be more than pleased with the remarkable offertnga you will receive. One or two insertions in nearly all caaea are sufficient to set what you want. TltY IT TODAY. 600 NATIONAL 3 -drawer cash register, electric operator, will trade for good trord or anything 1 can use. C. P. Kuno), 1616 Lincoln Ave. Douglas 6381, WE swap and buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., lth and Harney. WANTED TO BUY. BEST RKSULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and s. Rate of lo per word. When you want both of ths above, CALL TTLER 1000. DESKS DESKS DESKS N.w, ued d.,ha, bought, .old .nd tniditd. J. C. Red, 1307 Farnam. D. H TpTTTkJQ P highest price for JJlNXlUXO clothes, shoes, trunks, etc. Red I3ST. Res., Douglas S083. SEI.NER will treat you rltht: boat prlcoa paid for tut-Mtur. and clothu, call woo. 1H47 or Roulh 1H8S. W'ANTKO to buy rwl eatato. Loan and In- luranc. builnoaa. Addraal Bog Uit O'N.III, Nob. FIRST -CLASS pool hall with good trade in country town, ueorge v, Knapp, ibi Omaha Nat. Bank BUlg, OET THE FULL VALUE FOR YOUR ID- HAND CLOTHES and SHOKS. Will call. Olve us a trial. Phone Douglas H3. WE will pay very good prices for your old clothes. t;all us flrst. Doug. 0lt. DIAMONDS sol bVro" an i BOOK 8 bouKht. Kleser. Loyal Hotel BIdg. n Mi 1 iuui hum t Kruvery oiurc. iv nnmm rung, rnone iyi;T tag. IV YOU HAVE ANY FURNITURE FOR SALE, CALL LUNDERBAUM. WKB.. T4B3, B, LAYTON paya highest prices for old clothes, shoes and hats. Phone T, 530. Hlnhfst. i;rirts for 3-hnn.t nlothPS. T.15.14-W. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleatinff. - ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all Hies and styles, hemstitching, plcot edging, em- broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut worn,, pannants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLBATINQ CO., tOO Douglas Blk, Douglas 11, VAN ARM AN Dress Pleating and Button Co., isb-7 Fax ton Blk. Douglas iio. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C. P. A, SSI Ramge BIdg. Phone Doug. 1161. Auto Ambulance. OUR new invalid coach ta now In service. Prompt attention to all calls, either day or P'ght. W. C. Crosby, Webster 47, Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. JBurhorn, Kose iildg. Paim.r echool graduate. Dougl.. 634T. Bakeries. ORTMAN'S NEW KNOLAND BAKKRY, J1S N. 1TH. BKANCIIK.-W-PUB1.IC MARXIST AND OUR MOTTO "BETTSR BAKED OOODS7 Chiropodist!. . Carrie J. Burford, 6!l raxton Blk. R. 4817. Bath,. MOORPIELTVS aulpbur gteam bath, for ladle, and gentlemon. natural mineral water. OpDoalte Poatofflce. Geo. S. Con eannon, nth and H. l'hone Houtn ataa. UAHHEUSK by apt.; inaniuurlnR, rult. .Mia. valRer, 3Z M.vlll. HK. u. ,IT. B1TTENHOUSB Renltartun) : all kind, bathe. alD-1. Balrd Blk., 17th and Pouglaa. GERMAN nurae. maauga. hatha o all kind. 13s Neville Block, leth and Harney. EtECTRlO TURKISH Bathe. 15(1 Harney. Bras and Iron Foundries. Paiton-Ulteh.ll Co., 17th and Martha Bra. . Cards. , SEND Ide for doien ftnaat rlnen .tilting carda printed wltn your name. Hellable Printing. lept. A, Box ,132, Bee. Carpenters and Contractors. M5SSARU SON, 1,11 Cuming. Tyler 1,11. TW T TTYV7 balu tubs., thtjrs., USU IjU AJCj BAT., sun. kvb. school Mtw. gva in k istn at., up, rontenene. QENEV1KVB HAUiXAlRK. Telephone W.b- ater ,3ai. Fixtures and Wiring. HVTTtT'TT Electrlo waahlng maeh urUAkJYlll elertrlo Irona and reading lamp., aa;, Cuming St. Iong!ae Sul. for Rent. I3.S, per mo. A. Hoap. Co. 1S1X Pougl... ANNOUNCEMENTS Detectives. COMPETENT Investigator, evidence secured, civil criminal cases. 60t Paston. P. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, III 1st Nat, Bank BIdg, Phone Tyler 3510. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Nevlllo Elk. Evidence secured In all caset. Tyler 113S. a D. JOLLY. 12 Pax ton. Red 7401. Dressmaking. 8llk suit spHclalty, plain sewing. Col. 1040. WILL sew curtains. Benson 372-W Layettes for baby, everyth'g. comp. Col. 1934. Mrs. H. A. Connelly. 416 KarhaVh. R. 174. TERRY Drc-anmaklng Co,. 3Hh an4 Farnam! WE'LL clean your house froiu top to bottom. Purnlturo varnl.h.dor painted. Call Col, 880. , Imurance. BANKERS I.IKB OP LIXCOI.N. tl.H City Nat. Bank Blrtir. Doug. fl. Masse ures. llssshge, chiropody. Xinnle TCagle, 20S-14 Balrd BIdg.. 17th and Douglas, v. 4QH. MUSCULAR and SWEDISH JIA8SAQE Vibratory treatment, Staats institute, 1508 Harney St. D. 70ST, MISS LILLY, bath, massage. 132 Farn am. MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. Patent Attorneys. STUROES A STUROES. U, S. and foreign patents and trademarks, law Hne BIdg. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter na tinalPatent Co., ftjBa Branqeis. y, essi. Learn to play popular music In 24 lessons. 3ie ff. aim, rnone wd. won atmr o p. m. RoofintT, DOES your roof leak? Our product can be put right over shingles, worn guarantecn. Call Home Roofing Co., 633 Brandela BIdg. Phone Doug. 7758. Rua Manufacturer's. FI-UFF rugs, rag rugs, carpet cleaners. J. w. Poiear Co., ,M3 b. 5tn. v. zgat. Safes. QATTlTC! BAnuAINS, 1213 Farna DAT CjO j, 3. Derlght Safe Co, Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BRlOHTEN YOUR HOME SEE PRKD PARKS. 1 Wall Paper, Palnta and aiaaa, Plrtur. Framing, Painting and Paper Hanging. 4622 . 24th. Phon. 8. 101. CHAM. CLAPP for painting ami pa per hang ing; estimates frpe. Phone South 044. Painting, paperhanglng. cleaning. H. 6770. PAINTINO and TAPER It ANOINT; paper one-half pries, free estimates, war. zgW't. Theatrical Costunies. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent 204 N. 17th. John Feldman. u. 31YS; Towel SuDpHes. Omaha Towel supply. 207 S. 11th. P. B2f. Weddinp; Stationery, WEPDINO announcemonta and printing. Douglas printing Co, Tel. Doug. C44, Where to Eat. EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSENS 1808 FARNAM. BURROUGHS CAFE. OMAHA, NKB. (Service) LINCOLN, NEB ll 8. 18th. 131 o, 13th St. BUSINESS CHANCES MONY wanted. Young, rapidly growing Omaha business house having a trade of about 20,000 per month needs more money to handle the business; t per cent Interest on good security or a share of the profits; a fine position to the right man In our sales department. Address Box 1623, Bee WILL SACRIFICE Paid up Interest In a seven-month lease on a picture theater, or want experienced manager to take entire charge and ran the theater on a co-operative basis. On account of other business must ma): some deal this week. Call at or address tI22 So. 16th St. RESTAURANT FOR SALE Known as Mar's Cafe; I have an up-to-date cafe with new soda fountain In connection; I have a fine business, with best location. In town and living rooms upstairs. I also have an alrdome les cream parlor and dance hall that I wish to sell. Come and look them over. E. E. MrMurry. Avoca, la. B EST RES U LTSpTF A I R RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity are Best Results and s Rate of lo per word. When you want both of the above. CALL TYLER 1000. FOR SALE Ice eresm and soda water fac tory In city of 4,000 population. Has been doing paying business for years. Owner In other buelness.vAny bright young man can make good from stsrt. Address W. J. Cook, 5030 Chicago St, Omaha, Neb. WANTED One or two aggressive business men to take active Interest In enterprising buslnss with great future possibilities, 400 to 10,000 annual Income, will bear the closest investigation. Investment required. Address Box 3611, Bee. UinillCST SPOT CASH PAID for stores snd stocks of merchandise. In city or country; quick action, OMAHA SALVAGE CO., 760 Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. Tel. Douglas 1832. FOR SALE A good up-to-date hotel, ibwi lZo rooms, centrally located, near theaters and business! first-class furniture; fine dining room. Will trade for first-class c,ty Property. Address Box 11 7 g. Bee. STRICTLY cash, groceries and meats. Made up my mind last night to leave town: best of fixtures; new stock; 11,300 month busi ness; fl 00 will handle this. Act quick. S7V Cuming St . ONLY shoe store In town, has a full up-to asts line ana repair department, i&.&oo. Good terms. George D, Knapp, 763 Omaha Nat. Bank BMg A FULL stockod grocery store In a bnsy Ne- brnnka town, tlolng an excellent business. 11,300, terms. Ueorge 1). Knapp, 7t)2 Omoha Nat. RtTnk BIdg. 1 HOTEL for sale, 14 rooms; I bathrooms. steam heat; nice furniture; leaving city, lrtll Howard. FOR SALE nilllnrd hull With fiva pool ana me billiard tables; fixtures nearly new. good stock on hand. J. W. Gil bert, Proprietor, Red Cloud, Neb. IP TOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Busch et Borghoff. 780 World-Herald BIdg Phone D, 331f. WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaters. macninea, reature Alms, Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. 310 Brownley BIdg. MUST sell at onco, confectionery, ctgsr. luncn ana nxtures; leaving city; 122& for quick sale. Phone Douglas 22f. MOTION picture machine (new and re built) tneatera supplied. Omaha Film Exchange. 101 S. 14th St. LEADING automobile storage battery nsenry, umana, nequirea 13,000 to IS.OOO, Box 31 2S, Bee. 1 COMPLETE fixtures of 2 -chair barber shop, very reason a Die. Miner Hotel. Boutb Omaah. Phone South 1183. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re- Duut, an makes; supplies, Western Bup ply Co., 301 Nat. BIdg. OTHtfiR business compels me to sell my lit- u cowecuonery ana notion store. Hake me an offer. 1829 Vinton. TO OET In or out of bus in ess Cftu on UAHUKHTAU, 423 Bee BIdg. PoUg. 8477. ,o u. mij uuBine or reai es- tato. F. V. Kn lest, Bee I'M g Omaha. FOR SALE Small grocery " store," cheap iw-atiuii. VUIIBX Sill DOWD SALE AND AUCTlONCO 11! v. "s. kpu, aass. JRooming Houses. ROOMING house. Barney St.. annit lo. Lin, nigmi mu; a io a mce lot in unariestoil HetgbU. Csll Owner, 3532 Har ney St. FOR SALE at a sacrifice, furniture In a una -room uat on Farnam, near 36th. Save commission and buy from owner. uurtn box ills, t ROOMS Of fine furnltiirn. t.ll bargain i part cash; save commission and out irom owner. 1148.16th St SITUATIONS WANTED WKKKLT RATE, 10c PER LINS," Bualnaa. ada. nvulae t line. on. week..., .......4fte I line. on. week Bach eitra line loo per week Male. The reasons for the growing popularity re Beat Results and a Rate of le per When yon want both of the above CALL TYLER lOflO. FARMERS For married or slnrla mn. iii wrlta or phone Cunningham Employment Atrnnry. in n. i3in m. Pouglas 136. Flrut -class carpenter wants day work and wa jons. Kstimates furnished, Tyler 1801. PAINTING, clciirtlng and odd )nm by re liable man. Wra. Jensen. KU N, 54th. SITUATIONS WANTED Female, YOUNG man wants set of books to keep at night or other work to do after 6:10. Small lary Box Z4t(7. Bee. PUS IT ION as chauffeur wanted by young man; I years experlenoe; will go any where. Box 3I, Bee. HoUH&CLEANINO and paper hanging. I). K0S4. Be nits ry Cleaning uo. EXPERIENCED house man wanta work by the day. Red 48&S. WtlHam Delaney.' WANT WD By high school graduate, any kind of work. Call' wuinut izt. GEOHOK moves ahu and will do general hauling. Web. 6038. pHrtlfS thut want gardens plowed. Wb. 4317. Male or Female. CAMP COOKS Want postlon; man and wife. Geo. Chi ever, Wiener, Neb. Pbons 808. Female. YOUNG lady employed during the day wants place to work tor room ana Doara, where them are no children. Box 2496, Be. POSITION wanted by practical nurse, to care ror persons, oy me nour. v ai. ms. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Day work of any kind. Also cooking by the day; luncheons or Sunday dinners. Phone Webster 6614. CALL DOUGLAS 4872 for washing or bouse cleaning by the day. BUNDLE washing wanted by reliable laundress. 1X10 Cuming. Douglas 9004. FOR experienced bundle washing, call Web ster 1B77. Prompt delivery. WANTED Housework, by reliable colored girl. Call Douglas 1004. FIRST-CLASS laundress by the day. Web ster 5027. Bundle washing and day work. Web. 3093. Ex. colored lady wants day work. Har. 6768. Exp. laundress, bundle washing. Web. 2402. Bundle washing and day work, Web. 1745. WHITE lady wana day work. Doug. 2964, Reliitble"coI. lady wishes day work. D, 669 LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 6344. Washing and lace curtains done. Tyler 1144. Curtains laundered. 25c per pair. Web. 4728. DAY work, cleaning or Ironing. Web. 7034. LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2973. Wanted bundle wash., ladies' clothes. C. 281. Day work, washing or cleaning. Wal. 2638. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Colfax 2456. Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4160. Eiptsr'eert woman day work. D. 1184. WANTED day work. Call Webster 2131, DAT work wanted. Webster 2327. Washing. Ironing, gen, housework. Ty.l864W WHITE woman, wash, Iron. Rrf. Col. 1741 DAY work or housecleanlng exp. Web. 467. Day work and house cleaning. Webster 1612. Day work or bundle washing. Web. 2764. HELP WANTEDMALE Professions snd Trades. WANTED at once, expert packing house man; also expert slaughter house man. None but men who have A-l references need apply. To those qualified we offer better than average pay. Write at once. Lux ton Bros., Idaho Falls, Idaho. WANTED A good shopmaker at once. A man capable to do anything, steady work for the right man. no boozers need apply. Address Geo. H. Schrsefcr, Grand Island, Neb MEN wanted In operating department! must be bustiers. Waterloo Creamery Co., 1617 Howard. DRUO POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank BIdg. FIREMEN, BRAKEMKN, beginners, $126; nan way, care box y 40. Bee. LEARN barber trade; low rates now. Call or write Barber College, 1124 Douglas 8t, TAILOR wanter; prefer all around man. nusrn Tailoring t:o., riatrsmoutn. web LABORERS wanted, 210 B 14th, at room 2, open evenings. FIRST CLASS solderers wanted. Hicks Re- tinning Co. 2018 Cuming St. -Salesmen and Solicitors. HELP WANTED SALESMEN. Wanted Stock salesman ; exceptional opportunity for the right man. This Is a block of treasury stdck In a well estab lished Industrial company, which has a splendid business, good profits and a solid reputation that means a sale to your prospects. This Is an opportunity for a high grade man to make several thou sand dollars in the next ninety days. The commission Is small, but on account of the standing of the company will mean more to you than any work you might put In on a weak proposition. Tour record must be clear and you must have a good per sonality and ability to represent us In a strictly high grade manner. Box 2647, Bee. ADVERTISING specialty aslesman for our complete line of fine art calendars, alumi num, cloth, fans, lead pencils, rulers, cel luloid, thermometers, pennants, signs and metal novelties. Exclusive territory as signed. Connect with the fastest growing specialty house In Nebraska. M. F. Shafer A Co., 12th and Farnam Sts. Fourth floor. FORD owners. We want several live, wide awake men of good character who own Ford cars to work for us In Omaha and othor Nebraska and Iowa territory. Apply at once to Nat'L Auto Accessories Co., 286 Brandols BIdg. WE have permanent sales position with splendid opportunities for advancement open for city and traveling representa tives. Salary and commission National Auto Accessories Co., 881 Brandels BIdg. WANTED For permanent position in finan cial department ot a large nationally known Industrial corporation, a man that can sell our high grade securities to de sirable Investors. Box 2641, Bee. WANTED Two me of selling ability, good appearance, aoie to meet tne better class of people. Must corns well recommended. Apply Monday, between 10 and 12. F. p. Browning, 312 Balrd BIdg. WANTED SaUsmtMi ti sell Ferry auto iocks direct to auto owners. Commission and guarantee, all or part time. National Auto Accessories Co.. 886 Brandels BIdg. WANTED Twa live salesmen to call auto owners. Call Doug, 1002. SALESMAN WANTED Multiplex Sign Co., iiu rarnam at. "Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS EARN BIG MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Ensy to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N., 2817 N, 20th St., Omaha. " Send for Free Catalogue. CALL or write for our free Illustrated cata logue explaining how we teach the barber trade quickly by actual experience, care ful Instruction, etc. ; largest modern equipped barber college In the wesL Molar's, 110 8. 14th, Omaha. Neb. (Estab tishd 1SD3.) NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autos and electrlo starters. For particulars call Douglas 4473, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. Temporary address, 407 S. 10th St.. Omaha. LEARN barber trade; be Independent; more man makes your exnenses while learn in sr. Wages or percentage. We don't over- cnarge you to begin. 1402 Dodge St. . TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1 NIGHT SCHOOL Autos and electric start- era. For particulars call Douglas 4472, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 3061 Farnam St., Omaha. Boys. WANTED Several boys, over 11, In our bottling department. Good wages to the right boys willing to work. The Willow Springs Distillery. 4th and Pierce Sts. Miscellaneous. WANTED Ab(e -bodied men to work on oars as . COIVDUCTORS AND ItOTORMBN.i Steady jobs, good pay. Apply at ones. LINCOLN TRACTION COMPANY. Lincoln, Neb. ' .. YOUNG MEN WANTED Government rail way malt clerks, 1VI month: sample ex amination quest tfrns free. Franklin la etltttte. Dept. 537 -D. Rochester, N. I. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. WANTED Ws can use a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Must he at least I feet, T Inches tall; physically sound, of good character and habits, and must come well recommended. Apply In person between the hours of I a. m, and 12 o'clock noon at offices of Superintendent of Transportation, Room 20S, Second Floor, Merchants' National Bank Bidg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO.. WANTED At once, men or strong boys for factory: chancs for advancement. Call at shipping oiTlcs. Skinner Mfg. Co., 14t b snd Jackson Sts ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help wo can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, 111 W. Broadway. P. 411. WANTED Names man wishing to become railway mall clerks. Commence $76 per month. Box T 217, Bee. HELP WANTED Male and Female. TAILOR WANTED One who can do alter ations snd understands cleaning and pressing, men's clothing store; young man preferred. Jacobson A Hlckey, Genoa, Neb. Population 2.000. Call by phone. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED An experienced lady bookkeeper. Must have some knowledge or stenog raphic work and be capable of taking charge of office; permanent position to the right party, state salary, ago and references) In first letter. Address Box 2241. Bee. ' BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing populsrlty are Best Results and a Rats of lo per . word. When you want both ot the above, CALL TYLER 1000. SEE Co-operative Reference Co. for com mercial positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. A few more ladles wanted for operating electric-driven sewing machines In our houso dress and apron department Large, clean and well ventt lated rooms make working con ditions very good. While experienced operators are preferred,, we shall be glad td- teach the work to some who have had no experience. This Is an opportunity to se cure good steady employment at good wages. Come down to 'M. E. Smith A Co., tth and Douglas, and askrtor Mr. Aryjlerson, I "VAN TED Girls wlthh common school edu cation, between IS and 22 years, to take up local and long distance telephone work. C. E. Lambert, 1807 Pouglaa St LADIES for Ironing neck bands and bodies on men's shirts, good working conditions. See Mrs. Dobeck, M. E. Smith ft Co., 1th and Douglas, LEARN' barber trade, 1402 Dodge St. HouseholiLand Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework; 2 In family. 6113 Webster. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Room 634, Blackstone. WANTED A competent girl for general housework In small family. Mrs. Hoffman, 3607 Harney St. Harney 430. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework; no washing. 218 N. 41st. Wal nut 660. COMPETENT girl for housework wanted; no washing. A desirable position. Apply 1301 S. 36th St. Phone Harney 8077. REQUIRE an experienced bouse--maid, pri vate family, no cooking. Telephone Wal nut 626. WANTED A maid for cooking, good wages, nleasanc room with bath. 3701 Jones St GIRL for general housework; 37 a week; laundress kept 3 days. 3858 Cass Bt. WANTfcJD Reliable white girl for general housework. Walnut 581. NEAT girl to help with general housework. Phone Walnut 815. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED A woman or girl to do kitchen work; wages $6 per week; also sn expe rienced young woman cook, Address Ba con hotel. Corning, la. WOMAN to work In restaurant. 617 North 16th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY HOME; 4 IN FAMILY. CALL TYLER 1047 OR HARNEY 1176. EDUCATIONAL VAN 8ANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank BIdg Entrance 220. Douglas 6890, Y. M. C. A. Day and Ntfeht School. "" FOR RENT-ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERSI If you fall to find the room you desire among these ada call at The Bee office for a Room Llst-MStvea complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and -give your name and address and a list will be mailed to you at once. New lists are Issued every week. Furnished Rooms. "THE MACK" Rooms. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeal, Proprs. Building situated at 214--315 N. 26th St., on Harney car line; will be open April 1. Ths rooms havs been newly furnished throughout and the rates will be from 13 to 16 per week; 11 per night transient; first class service guar anteed. ' FOR RENT Large neatly furnished room . with large closet, tor couple, lady or gentleman. All modern conveniences, pri vate family, no children, no other room ers, on car line, board If preferred, on 1st floor. 2411 8. 24th 8t. Doug. 8646. FOR RENT -A large, neatly furnished front room, with large closet, for one gentle man; all modern conveniences; In private, quiet home; 210 s month; on car line, lull Leavenworth. Tel. Harney 2611. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing populsrlty are Best Results and a Rate of 1c per word. . Whan you want both of ths above, CALL TYLER 1000. S. S. A. and a greater Omaha BEAUTIFUL large front room, and alcove; two large closets; excellent home cooking. Suitable for two or three men or married couple employed. 620 S. 28th St. H. 6642. TWO pleasant southeast rooms, well fur nished; large closets; tine bath; fine loca tion; prlvats horns. GENTLEMEN, Harney 1081. . THE ILER, 614 S. 16th St. One large, dbm- fortable room suitable for two; modern and very reasonable; cool for summer. Douglas 4926. BRIGHT aunny southeast room In modern home, on car lli.e; walking distance; rea sonable 2629 S. 14th St. Douglas 7651. BEAUTIFUL, .well furnished front room; cool nnd delightful for summer, close tn; reasonable. 2047 Dodge. 131 S. 26TH St. Neatly furnished front room, steam heated, electric lighted; 11.60 per week and up. LARGE front room for two persons; modern private home; au,o garage. Harney 1044. 1111 South list ST. MARY'S AVE.. 2663 Large, nicely fur nished modern front room with piano. WORKING MEN'S HOTEL Free baths: clean rooms tor men. 301 N. 18th St. THE GREENWOOD apta., strictly modem rooms for rent. 3314 Leavenworth. STRICTLY MODERN rooms, walking dis tance, en car lino. Red 7960. 13 PER week. 2211 Leavenworth. Two rooms, an suite. 1103 WIRT Furnished rooms ta private family. Web, 3664. LARGE room In beautiful Kountxe Place home on Blvd. Call Webster 3439. 1611 Howard, nicely furn. rooms, stm. heat. FOR RENT ROOMS Housekeeping Rooms. 114 N. 34TK ST. Modern, comfortable light housekeeping rooms: cool and delightful for summer; everything furnished. Red 4631. STEAM-HEATED furnished rooms at the , Sunshine apartments, equipped for tight nouseKfepiiig. ror men ouiy. reni. Office 608 No. 17th St. BASEMENT. 4 rooms, partly modern. 2 SO' Pierce. TeL Tyler 2208-J. Inquire 1301 a 25 th Ave. ' 2013 WEBSTER Nicely furnished suite or single housekeeping rooms; walking dis tance. 407 S. 25TH AVE. Two housekeeping rooms with kitchenette, newty furnished and decorated: also four sleeping rooms. COZY ho use k ce ping rooms. Four, 16 week. Kitchenettes adjoining, !5R2 Harney St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent, 23 and 14 per week. 2204 Webster St. Doug. 8084. 614 SO. 17TH AVE, Two front rooms on bathroom floor. 13.6) per week. s HOWARD, S3IT8 Three housekeeping rooms, part furnished, gas range, refrigerator. FARNAM, 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms, electricity, steam, gas range. TWO rooms with gas, running water, all mooern. iau web. 1601 CALIF. Hk. and sleep, rmi. Reaa'ble. 1611 Howard, hk. and sleep rms. Stm heat. Board and Room. FINE southeast front room, excellent table board, suitable for two or three gentle- men, walking distance. 2611 Harney. BEAUTIFUL furnished-room, strictly home cooking, pleasant surroundings. Walnut .IBZZ. NICELY furnlRhftd room with board. Hans- com Park district, reasonable, to one or two gentlemen. Call Hnrney 1208. BOARD AND ROOM, Iff and up; at SL j amps notei, 4is tf. i3tn. 131 a 25TH ST. Nicely furnished front room; home cooking; 16 per week. CHOICE board and room. 35.50 per week; home cooking. 2226 Howard St, BOARD and room..- 114 N. 24th. R. 4531. Unfurnished Rooms. 1029 LEAVEN WORTH Three unfurnished rooms, gas, electric lights, bath, reason able. Harney 6761. FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms In private nouse. iz n. 23d, 4 OR f UPSTAIRS rooms, modern except bt, 3427 Bristol St. Webster 819. Hotels. THE AGNEW, 2923 Leavenworth. One two-. room, modern, furnished apartment. Har ney 3230. ROOMS, 23 wk.; apts. with kitchenette. steam heated, ogden Hotel, council .Bluffs. Rooms Wanted. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 rooms, furnish ed apartment with kltchenrter' In good neighborhood, for 1 people of refinement no children; references exchanged; state price. Box 2646, Bee. FOR RENT FURBISHED Apartments. 9. S. A. Is better than a bank account'' THREE-room complete apartment, newly furnished and decorated, 407 S. 25th Ave. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 3303 HOWARD STREET. A S-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one car In garage If desired. House rent, 230. ALFRED THOMAS. 808 First Nat'l Bank BIdg. 10-ROOM modern brick house, 2632 Harney St.; hot water heat; vacant April 1. Can be inspected now, - Inquire T. J. o Brlen. Douglas 1216. SIX rooms and bath; all modem; walking distance; adults only. Harney 204V. 208 SOUTH 418T., modern 7 rooms, 125. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 664. North. 2862 TITUS Ave,, 1 rooms, strictly modern, bullt-ln features 132.60 Shown only by appointment, 6-room alt modem house, good location, close to three cars 10.00 4336 Maple St., electric light and gas, 7 rooms 11,00 BIG 4 REALTY CO., Dour. UU. 1015 W. O. W. BIdg. 7-ROOM all modern houae, 120. 201 No. 22d St. Tel. Red 1SS1. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, large lot, tree, and garage, 880S No. 22d, Web. 7-ROOM modern, 3006 Dodge, 132.50. Call Webater 34M. 7-ROOM modern house. 2430 Parker. South. VACANT ABOUT APRIL 5TH $35 PER MONTH. All modern ?-room houae, TTpatatra white enamel, downataira oalc nnt.h, ex cellent In every .respect, Hanacom Park district THE BYRON REED CO., Dowlas 297. 212 So. 17th St. 132, SOUTH 11TH ST., modern except heat, , rooms, 120.00. . BIO 4 REALTY CO., Dong. I486. 101S-U W. O. W. BIdg. 5 AND 6-room flats, 13th and Caatelar, mod ern, ,16. Dougla. B666 or call 1323 Martha. 7-ROOM modern, good condition, ,31, 0. 23d Bt. UOUglaS .545. 6-r. mod. flat, 2310 S. il. 120. Tel.-R. ,711. SNAP S-room brick house, all modern ex cept heat, nice neighborhood. 1932 S. 10th St. Key at 1934. Miscellaneous. PARTLY MODERN. I-R. 611 Martha St....v $12.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, t-r. IS73 Saratoga St. (Modern in ' every reapect except heat) $13.00 ,-R. 1602 N. 27th St 12.60 6-R. 281, N. 27th SL (Will fix up In flrat-claas ahape fot colored tenant) 16.00 PTRICTLT MODERN. ! 6-R. 387, Saratoga St $20.00 -R. 1824 N. 27th St 21.00 6-R. 642 8. SOth St 27.60 6-R. 1334 8. 30th Ave 39.00 6- R. 3919 N. 20t'.l St. (Oarage)..., 82.60 7- R 2606 Pierce St. (Well-arranged for two families) 30.00 7-R (612 8. 23d St. (Strictly mod ern, close , the business center t South Om. ha) 26.00 7-R.- 2726 Plnkrey St. Parage)..; 30.00 9-R. 659 S. 26th Ave 35.00 19-R. 2221 Dodge St. (Close In, well arranged for keeping roomers)., 40.00 FLATS. I-R. 107 B. 80th SU (Within eaey walking distance) $25.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE PRINTED LIST BEFOKB RENT ING. PORTER & SHOTWELL, Realtors. 302 S. 17th St. Doug. 601$. Offices with HOME BUILDERS. 3510 Seward, 6-r, bungalow 30.00 3821 Jackson,-, rooms 86.00 3112 Lravenworth, 8 rooms 85.00 1617 Burt, 8 rooms 46.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1536. 333 Rose BIdg. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growlng'popularlty are Beat Resulta and . Rate of lo per word. When yon want both of the above, CALL TYLER 1000. 8 ROOMS, all modern except beat; newly decorated: In dandy ahape: on paved street: $10 per month. Se. TRAVER BROTHERS. 81, First National Bank BIdg. Douglas 6886. ' THERB la nothing also Ilk. S. S. A. .-ROOM modern Boua. with garag. for can, etos. to car una. o. paved .trMt 88. mnnth DflDRl.. 2691 HOUSES Id all part, of the city. fRKIOH. SONS CO.. 608 BM BIdg FOR RENT APARTMENTS North. STOP) Leokl Listen! 8. 8. A. 1819 EMMET ST. Lower apt- In a St. Louis flat; 6 rooma.and large screened 'porchj modern, $32.60. Phone Webster 3366. FOUR-ROOM, eteam-heated, $18' mo., near poetofflce. O. P. Stebbina. 1610 Chicago. ESTABKOOK apartment, four rooms, $25 mo. O. P. BtebblnS, 1610 Chicago. SEVEN-ROOM ateam-hoatod. $35: near poatofflce. G. P. Stebbina, 1G10 Chicago. FOR RENT APARTMENTS South. . LARGE 5-ROOM APARTMENT. JN THKJ ROOT, 3Id nd Pacltlo, consisting of large living room with fire place, din ing room, two light bedrooms; bath, kit.hen. oak finish throughout ; extra closet space, each tenant has Indlvldusl laundry, private entrance, on direct car line to city; good locstion. This Is ona of the most homelike apartments In ths city. 35 year round. OMAHA'S TjAROEST RENTAL AGENCT, HASTINGS & HEYPEN, 1614 Har. Ty. 60. 336.00 Cfiu Bo. 2th Ave.; strictly mod ern, fl-room brick flat; exceptional Talue. GLOVER & SPAIN (REALTORS), a. at a v .. . i nif TiAiiar. S9SS. TO sublease, 6 rooms, Apt. 2, Mason, first floor. Expires Out. 1, 40 per month. Fhons Harney WO. THREE and four-room apartments, modern. 616 Ponth i2d St. Phone Tyler 3348. Miscellaneous. APARTMENTS, all else and prices, splen fllfi location. Mth nd Farnam. P. 1472 PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEAPQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Suburban 6-ROOM modern house tor rent, S617 N. lst St. Call Ben-203. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. NEW MODERN Btores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 25th Sts. $30 to $50. JOHN W. RORRINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. 4718 S. 24TH ST., $85; center of South Omaha business district. E. H. Benner. Ramge Blk. Douglas S. S. A. Is backed by thousands. MODERN store, 16th St., near poetofflce, L6n?,!t h- O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. MODBRSTORRS AND OFFICES IN FAR 'nam BIdg. First Trust Co., P. 1151. 4718 S. 24TH ST., near P. O.. $85.00. E. H. Benner Co., Ramgc Blk. Dougla s-8406. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounna block, 119 N. 16th St. opposite poatofflce, $10 to $16 per month. Conrad Young, 323 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. CHOICE office space. Balrd BIdg., 17th and Touglan. McCague Tnv. Co WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. LANDLORDS, ATTENTION ! We will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within St. daya If ou the South Side and in a tenabl. condition, or pay you a month's rent, SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED, CAPITAL $25,000. S!S So. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1513 and 1516 Howard St. Phone Doug. 6524. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, atorage and mov Ing. 21 N. 11th St Phono Pouglas 294. ATq iTnro rr vn "d two men, lrtggaIU n.25 per hour. Van and Storage Co., Movl. g. Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 14H6. FIDELITY FREE Phone Douglas 88 for complete list of vacant houses and apart- . xnents. Also for storage, moving, 16th and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., Jt 02 So. 16th St. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Co, For real service In moving, packing and ntfirlfiaT. null Tvlnr 53fi a. Tinn.l.. Alia J C REED Express Co. Moving. " t.tnniii ot. we.. .MB. UQUg. 614S. TWIN CITT EXPRESS CO.. 1622 Caas SU Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specially. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED LARGE 14-room modern home, with gar age, comer lot, 74x132; aouth front! An. neighborhood, close In; term., part caah. bal. 6 per cent. Call owner, Pouglaa 3041, West. CLOSE TO 36TH AND CALI- " FORNIA ST. $4,700 Living room, dining room, kitchen, butler' pantry, first floor, throa bed rooms and bath, aecond floor. Many built In features, house finished In oak throughout. Nice lawn. GALLAGHER & NELSON, , REALTORS. , $10-li Brandels BIdg. Doug. $JS2. A LITTLE S, S. A. means Independence. $000 CASH. Nice lot In West Farnam district. P. . ,i qomn lain at., wead BIdg, $2,000 MTOE., bearing 6 pet. seini-annualT secured by property valued at $6,000. Tal. .....Fmumi. my. io w. U. W. BIdg. FOR SALE Five Improved acres with bearl ing fruit. Mrs. Pallas, $930 McKlnley St.. Benson, Neb. North. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME 3023 Wirt St., nearly new; 7 rooms, oak finish throughout, hot water heat; $200 garage; lot $0xl2; beautiful ahad. trees and hedge. Will sell at a sacrifice or trade for satisfactory bungalow In good neighborhood. Phone Webster 6278. REAL ESTATE AUCTION. 16-room modern house and lot at 421, N. S4th St.. Tuesday, April 10, at 3 p. m. Easy terms. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. 1511 KAJ,T ST. New 6-room bungalow; - ... uiuuern, oeauttrul y decorated; lot 40x105; paving all paid: for culck sale. $3,180; $260 caah. balance monthly. Don't wait too long. Some body Is going to get this. Tyler 781. BEST RESULTS A FAIR RATE. The reasons for the growing popularity word BC""" a Ra" 01 10 When you want both of tha abova. ...... Ui.JAl.Ulf. Five rooma, strictly modern, finished In oak. Located at 3923 N. SSth St. Prlia $3,150 Term Will tak. .mall cotU in trade. ... jJORRis NORR1S, 40, Bee BIdg. Pho: r.,i.. .... NICE 7-room modern house, finished in oak' - ,, r ... . ".,, ui.inot; close in walking distance to high school and t. the city's finest large churches. (24 N 36th St. Harney 1126. 8. 8. A. revealed soon. Watch tha dally 2BuSI,E 6"room cotllle- modern.' on ... o,. r .me. . diock. irom Miller Psrk school, $200 down and $24 per month. Owner, $714 W. 24th St. "Jonin, South. HANSCOM PARK. , 2340 SOUTH 35TH STREET. Owner leaving city, will his $. room strictly modern bungalow. Living room, dining room, kitchen and two bed rooms and bath. Cement basement; tur ner, heat. Large lot; cut front: paved atreet. Price $2.6. A genuine bargain. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. $37 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. D 1711. EVERIBODT booat for S. 8. A. s.