The Omaha Sunday Bee OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 1, 1917. , i r i ir. maha Comb Uoney By EDWARD BLACK. The Old Home Town. One of the interesting experiences of life is a visit back to the old home town after an absence of years. A ride from the depot in a motor-drivrti vehicle bearing the trade name of a peace-loving, well-to-do Detroit citi zen is a feature, of the occasion. The rickety old bus of your memory is disintegrating somewhere in the yjl lagc. It was a good old bus in its time, "but it done broke down." A, ride in it reminded you of the an atomical divisions you learned in the physiological lessons at the village school. The driver always had a cheery word and the lantern he car ried, had a sort of welcome-to-our-city suggestion. Today you find a motor bus wtth a pair of glaring headlights and a horn that would waken a dinotherium. You wander along Main street in search of fa miliar places and faces. Over yonder is a large square house set back in a clump of trees. That is the house where you were born. The wooden walk of your memorv has been replaced by a con crete surface. The old oak tree in front of the house still stands as in the days when you basked beneath its cooling boughs, or frightened your folks by climbing to its topmost branches. "The little wondow where the sun came peeping in at morn," brings back memories of the long ago. Beneath the kitchen window is the spot where your mother placed her pies to col on a box. Other ten der retrospections are flashed upon the screen of memory as you step from scene to .scene; As you wander on and on, the old school house looms up as if to greet a friend of yesterday. In this school you learned that the earth is round and is covered by land, water and the Platte river. You recall the times you recited "A soldier of the legion was dying in Algiers," or "Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revered Your favorite teacher is married to' John Fenncr. Your recollections of John were that he could not move fast enough to catch cold, let, alone catch ing a wife. Visions of John, dancing in the cornfield with a stalk for a partner, flt through your mind. John just stucx to me son ana was noi as slow as some folks thought. He is selling hogs at $15 a hundred, im merses himself every week in a regu lar bathtub, has an electric milking machine, plows with a tractor and is talking of learning to play a banjo. It is refreshing to wander back to the old home town and browse1 around among the placet and faces that you have known. Visualization. Visualize a full grown man singing these words of the refrain of a popu lar song: "Everybody loves a baby, that'i why I'm in love witl you. Pretty1 baby, pretty baby; And I'd like to be your aister, brother, dad and mother, too, Pretty baby, pretty baby. Won't you come and let ine rock you in my cradle of love? And weMI cuddle all the time. Ohl I want a lovin' baby and it might ai well be you, ' Pretty baby of mine." Wouldlt Be right to ay that i seamstress might know a few things about the seamy side of life? , . Height of Disappointment Is to be seven -miles fri m the near est box of matches, fill your pipe and then miss fire with your last match. Slipper!, -s "New French Slipper Salon, reads a local ad. Which reminds us of the old-fashioned slipper salons of which we were one of two attendants. ""Visit and Search. We hear much these daya about the right of visit and search jn connection with the freedom of the seas. What we want to know is whether this right Qroks His W of Qmak AHflie irutli and untrutK thats fit io kiow By A. R. CROH. Chapter VIII First White Settler. Manuel de Lisa was the first white man to settle in Nebraska. He was a bold man and wore a high white collar that came up to his ears and the points stuck up above his chin. Of course, he wore this only on Sun days and when having his picture taken. He was also enterprising and industrious. Manuel bought himself a little gas oline launch and in 1807 be started from St. Louis up the Missouri river to trade with the Indians. He reached Bellevue, where he stopped, and established a trading post and named the place Bellevue, a name which has continued to the present day. Then he went on up past Omaha and established another post near Calhoun, which he named Fort Lisa, after himself. He must have made an impressive picture in his high white collar and long Prince Albert coat, steering his chugging boat up the river. One can imagine how the simple redmen of the plains must have been filled with wonder and amazejnent, for never be fore had a gasoline boat passed up the Missouri. He returned to St. Louis that fall, where he overhauled his launch and made some minor repairs and estab lished the St. Louis Fur company. Every year after that until 1819 he would make the trip up the river. In fact, he lived at Bellevue and Fort Lisa, returning to St. Louis only in the spring for supplies, gasoline, etc. Some historians make a great deal of the "energy" of Manuel de Lisa, basing their contentions, no doubt, on the thousands of miles he traveled up and down the rivers. It would be almost impossible to propel a , boat Jlanutl dtlis yirfm Up iJte2ij?ludiy these great distances by hand. My discovery of the fact that he used a launch explains the facts and does away with the trader1! reputation for great energy. He had a wife, Polly, In St. Louis, and he also had one, at least, in Ne braska, the latter being an Omaha Indian woman. When he made his spring trip to St. Louis in 1817 he found that his St. Louis wife had died. So he mar ried another. After they were mar ried some time he told her he must go back to his trading post in Ne braska. "Ah, then, I will go with you, Man uel," said his wife. "No. no, you mustn't,", hastily ex claimed Manuel. "It is dangerous and there are hardships. I cdufd not take 'my own' away from civilization to endure the hardships of the fron tier." You see, Manuel was getting into a tight place because he didn't want his new wife to know about his In dian wife in Nebraska. "Not another word, Manny, dear." his wife cried. "I will endure hard shins with vou. Dander will be picas- ant when I am by your side. I will be your helpmate in every sense of the word." What could poor Manuel do? He had to take Iter along. He was very moody all through the long trip up the river. And no won derl He was wondering what would happen when his wrves met. His Indian wife was waiting for him on' the dock at Bellevue. dressed in her Sunday beads and with their Vte migfit ie on tfe wvesiling mat Had fie not go fa scissors f?od on tJ?e iniiMcal instrument iuszness. 2(rs. Jrlisa M i greek 'J(iv. dr liia M. 2 two children by her side. It was an embarrassing moment for De Lisa and for the two Mrs. de Lisas. The In dian Mrs. de Lisa rushed up and threw her arms around Manuel's neck as soon as he landed. This started a terrible rumpus. The St. Louis Mrs. de Lisa de manded to know who "this huzzy" was and the Indian Mrs. de Lisa grabbed a tomahawk and tried to hit the other Mrs. de Lisa. The Indian police interfered then and carried the two Mrs. de Lisas off to separate places. The conduct of the Indian Mrs. de Lisa was magnanimous later on. She brought their two children to Manuel and gave them over to him and we hear no more of her. Romance de lights to think that she, perchance, went off and died for his sake. But we know not. The other Mrs. de Lisa stayed at Bellevue for a year and then she and her husband went back to St. Louis. Manuel died there in 1840 at the early age of 48 years. Romance de lights to think that he also, per haps, pined away and died through grief because of his lost Indian wife. The other Mrs. de Lisa didn't do much repining, but lived right on to a good old age, dying in Galena, 111., September 3, 1869. The story of Manuel de Lisa teaches us the folly of having more than one wife. Question! on Chapter VIII. 1. What was the peculiarity of Man uel de Lisa's neckwear? 2. How many wives did he have? 3. Did he appreciate the self-sacrifice of his second (white) wife? 4. Describe briefly what happened when his white and red wives met. extendi to the matrimonial leal to the extent of allowing a wife to vilit and search the pockets of her hus bands trousers r Except Wrath. Miss Bessie Randall, superintendent of the Visiting Nurse association of Omaha, says: "We nurse everything except wrath. Better Babiei. We hope that this better baby propaganda will result in teaching the hahies the imoronriety of sleeping in the daytime and raising high jinks after the curfew rings. Mayt. ' ' ' 1 . '", An old bit of advice is that if you eat an apple it will appease the crav ing for a drink of malt, spirituous or vinous liquor. Every day will be "apple day" m Omaha after May 1. PerWeopss. The suggestion Is made that if pedestrians would wear tiny peri scopes in tneir nats tney mignr, avoia accidents. More Scuds. Now is the time to make two pota toes grow where one grew before, Who's Who. Prairie' Park citizens are clamoring for an article on "How Omaha Got Doc Connell." Naw la the Time. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. By A. EDWIN LONG. ' In that historic little town, where Sebastian Bach wrote rhapsodies with a goose quill j, in the little town ripped to pieces by IMapoleons can non when the Cossacks were slashing his flanks; in the little town where Martin Luther Germanized Holy Writ and was jailed for his pains, and where he once hurled an ink stand into the jaws of the devil; in that little town of Eisenach there occurred yet another event not re corded in the most authentic school histories. ' ' For there, just a few city blocks from where Luther's Satanic ink spot still glowers from the wall was born, in 1866 a baby boy, .William Schmoller. "Billy" was a regular kid. He would stroll out to Sebastian Bach's birthplace, look long and hard at the tumble-down house and vow he must become a great musician. Then he would scamper barefooted to the parks, where the great steel shells and broken cannon in rustv piles told of the stirring days when Napoleon battered the town about the ears of Billy's forefathers. Ah. a soldier must Bi v" be. then. for nothing would do but he must clank a sword at his side some day and shout orders to Jhe gunners. gain ne would contemplate the ink spot, wrathfully splattered on the wall, and' he would -wonder how Luther could get so much excited about a mere devil. Devils had few terrors for "Billy" Schmoller. imo, he passed Luther uo in his succession of hero worshipings. Also tor a time . he dropped Se bastian Bach from his list of great ones. But he clung to Napoleon. A soldier, ah, a military man he would oe. so he made wooden swords. drilled his mother's geese around the back yard and bombarded the barn with foul and highly-explosive eggs. Whitsuntide was alwavs a creat holiday in Eisenach. The young boys had a band that serenaded people on that day, and "Billy" Schmoller, little but mighty, blew one of the biggest horns. It was a great day for sports also, and "Billy" leaped headlong into every form of excite ment I hat is why he got his shoul der broken one Whitsuntide in a wrestling match. That is why he got his arm broken just a year later in celebrating the same holiday. That is why he broke his finger in an other wrestling match again a year later on Whitsuntide. And that is why the fourth year his father tied him up at home and wouldn't let him get out to celebrate with the boys. Even1 whe young Schmoller was studying philosophy in a seminary he was dreaming of the days when he would be leading a bayonet charge. About that time a friend returned from Eneland. where he had been studvinsf inv the universities. This friend had evidently been reading m ' -f !!5r:;..,JHl V - t H niaidtf77M tarn - mm. s&mwt-s- o Ill3klll E53 i---sA-. Scfpnolhtf Thomas Carlyle's comment on the fools who stand up and shoot at one another because their rulers have fal len out Anyway, this cosmopolitan student said, "Poof," and the martial ambitions of Schmoller vanished. With a head full of philosophy, young Schmoller tucked his seminary diploma under his arm and waved a farewell to the school. He was to be a teacher. He was to ne empioyea by the c vernment of saxony-Wei- mar-Eisenach. Now he learned that the government could not guarantee him a job of teaching at once. The same government, however, wanted him to contract to be ready and sub ject to eall for five years. This looked to the young man like a one sided contract an agreement to sit around for five years without pay on the mere prospect ot being given a job some time. "Nothing doing, laid tne uttie man to the big government "I'm going to America. Schmoller had been chumming with a friend who had Deen in America, and who did a lot of talking about the "land of milk and honey." A lad of 17, Schmoller landed at "I hnuirht a ticket for Washington," he gays, "for I wanted to see the sights. Then-1 went to Chicago, where I stayed a few days, and there I heatd a great deal about Omaha. I wanted to come into the wild and woolly west anyway, for I had heard much of the west before sailing. I heard in Chicago that Omaha was to be one of the great centers of the nation, where great opportunities awaited the man who had a few dollars and a little brains." In 1883 he got a job at the Millard hotel and soon he had organized a small orchestra. His music got him into the graces o? the Millards, the Broatches, the Pickenses and other leading families. "I was a close financier," -Schntol-led admits, "so I saved three-fourths of what I made and was very care-' ful with the other quarter." He established a little place and taught music, until Dr. Crummer, the elder, knocked at his door one day and ashed him if he would buy a second-hand piano. ' "I never have," he !aid, "but I II buy anything if it's cheap enough." They made a bargain and in fotir days Schmoller had cleaned and tuned the instrument and sold it at a $50 profit That was easier money than teach ing music, so he made connections with the Mueller Piano and Organ company, then in Council Bluffs and Omaha. He became the Omaha mam ager. In 1893 he went into business for himself, but soon formed a partner ship with Arthur C. Mueller. Then the elder Mr. Mueller died; Schmol ler bought the stock and good will and incorporated the Schmoller & Mueller company, which incidentally did a $1,800,000 business last year. , And that is the story of how Wil liam H. Schmoller chances to be a music store man in Omaha today in stead of a commander with a steel helmet in the trenches on the Somme front Next la this teflon How Omaha Got 0Bie Berg- , Prize Winners and Prize Answers In the Last Puzzle Picture Contest EveTybo3y Tias a H6KW Though a lawyer . by profession," John O. Yeiser is as dentist, theorist and author by hobby. Mr. Yeiser know! Darwin and Huxley by heart. While here and there Bible students have endeavored to dispute Darwin jnd Huxley because they could not inkc their theories conform to Bibli cal accounts of the origin of things, Mr. Yeiser hai attempted tb harmon ize the two. After making, an ex haustive study of biological science, he has written a book entitled "Evo lution Proving Immortality," and he supports his contention with some plausible arguments. In this book of 208 pages he got a chance to unbur den from his chest some ot his scien tific theories which have weighed unon him for many years, and also he got a chance to show what he be lieves to be a relationship between tlie process of evolution as we see it in the physical world, and the possi bility of evolving from the physical world into the spiritual as the next great step or stage in soul existence. This has furnished Mr. Yeiser un limited satisfaction and pleasure in his leisure hours, and he has won favorable comment on the work from :lie press round and round the entire w orld. Even the Chinese and Japa nese newspapers, and papers printed in almost every language, have re viewed the book favorably and wel comed it as a refreshing argument fol lowing upon the heeli of the long controversy . between biological science and the Biblical teaching ol the genesis of the world and its life. If music mav be referred to as a hobby, Chief of Police Dunn has a nobby, ile spends mucn ot ins leis ure time enjoying music. He has an excellent voice and frequently sings at public occasions. He is one of the active members of the Ak-Sar-Ben initiation crew. Mr. Dunn rarely misses a musical event pf any note. He enjoys partic ularly the old songs songs of the heart such as Harry Lauder and John McCormack sing. He enjoy! those singers. "I suppose you call this a hobby. It is the only hobby 1 have and i think it is one of the best hobbies a fellow could have, said Mr. Dunn. Asked about his hobbv W. J. Con nell at first said he had none, but on second thought he corrected himself :.nd admitted that he, too, had a hobby. In fact, he has three hob- hies and they art Billy. Edward and jv.... fc.. ,v,H..v,, vn, u. v.. . ..... and Mrs. Edward Creighton, the lat ter being a daughter of Mr. Connell. Mr. Connell constantly carries their pictures in hi! Docket. , , "The other day Edward's rliotlier asked hint who he loved best and he said he loved God best and then !.: loved his grandfather next to God, That is better' to me than winning a libel suit," remarked Mr. Connell. This Omaha lawyer enjoys a visit with these errandchildren better than any other pleasure he can think of. George Barker sells paint as a busi ness, but ne plays tne vioun ana paints pictures to satisfy the artistic temperament wun wiih.ii hc is giucu. Both Mr. and Mrs. Barker are ac complished violinists, and Mr. Barker has splashed the rainbow colors at costly canvas for years. Though he is an every-aay ousy ousiness man in the commercial activities ot tne Nebraska metropolis, he finds rime ro finish . many handsome paintings, some of which have for some years past been exhibited at the art ex hibits in Omaha and in eastern cities. Everyone on the juvenile court force has a hobby. They've either ac quired them since they went on the county pay roll or grew up with them. Probation Officer Miller's ii athlet ics. Most anything in the athletic line appeal! to him base ball, foot ball, basket ball, horse racing, foot racing, wrestling, boxing it doesn't matter. Just so there's some action and a chance for the most red blooded man or animal to win. "Gus" in his day was a crack basket ball player. .When he was younger mid weighed less he was a member of the famous Sioux City Giants, who won ' second place in the national championship tournament at St. Louis rlurinir the world's fair there. With a rnnnli nf weeks training "Gus1 could get in condition so that only a handful of basket shooters in nmihi u-rmlrl stand anv sllOW With him in the rough cage game. Gus was ranked as one of the crack guards and forwards of the west. Deputy Probation Officer Vosberg Boes in "for Hardening and makes a hobby of raising H. C. of L. vegeta bles. Despite the soaring prices the V lsbcrg table always boasts, some thing rare in the vegetable line. In the winter garden truck is grown in ri.nnture hothouses. Miss Alice Delonne. a field dep uty in juvenile court, collects news naner cHiminns and DOems. She is regarded as the court house author ity on current events and tne laiesi in verses. She can quote Omar from the first quatrain to the last. Mounted butterflies constitute the hobby of Miss Jackie Johnson, chief office deputy. She has an extensive collection and has been offered con siderable money for come of her spec imenl. Miss Elois Virtues hobby is a plu ral one dreams. She believes that dreams always forecast something in the lives of persons who dream and coiir houscrs Hock to her on morn i.'.gs after they indulge in Welch ruebit. v The Ten Prize Winners By H. L. Choate, Washingtfcsij, Neb. Out of our way, ye vain son of Adaml The world after this will be run to auit madam. Fair woman has broken her f ettera at last Go home to the kitchen, you're a thing of the past. II. By R. S. Honey, Uehling, Neb. Omaha, with banner flying, Leads her sister cities gay; Clean-up day is coming. Campaign closes first of May; Mayor'! nervous and excited, Hat and feet are in the air; Omaha will rest contented t When the preacher takes hi! chair. Iir-' . , ' By Mrs. R. J. Harvey, 2019 Douglai Street. For the safety of the nation t " Let the women have the vote, For the hand that rocks the cradle Will never rock the boat - IV. By M. Edward, 634 South Twenty-eighth Street. With all our might We demand our right; We've been the goat, We want the vote. We will cook no more Till you aettle this score; If you want your piea, Give us the franchise. ' V. ' By Caroline Hasness, 428 North Forty-first Street. Lest you forget The suffragette Is marching to the poll. This is to say We're on our way Toward that cherished goal. As well qcide To stem the tide -As check our onward roll. VI. By H. C. Peterson, Oakland, Neb. We're creatures of God's own creation. We've been playing the role of the goat; . We share in preserving the nation, Now tell us, just why can t we voter Wake up. men! Come quick to your senses! Let's finish the journey with you 1 You can't afford to oppose us. We'll fix vou as soon as you do. VII- , By J. F. Powers. Box 29, South Side. Determined are we marching. To die or else to do; Internal vaccination The health board must pursue. With scarifying methods Forever are we through ; Saratoga's battle cry is Freedom I " ' VIII. ' ' By Harold Perrin. Ardmore, S. D. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the auffs are marching Cheer up, sisters, never fear, We will surely win the day In thus suffrage affray, And we'll triumph in our freedom day by day. ... IX. By V. S". Lawrence, Logan, la. . Onward, suffrage soldiers! Marching for the cause. With our blazoned banner! Winning much applause. We-will win our franchise. We're sure of that, you bet. So get in line, dear brother. And be a suffragette. . Wat " " What' On the Banner? X. By Mrs. M. A. Pillsbury, 2429 Fontenelle Boulevard. Woman wants but Ihtle here below, But wants that little now; Give us at once the right to vote, Or we'll raise an awful row. Some Other Good Answers If you will let us women vote Just half men's heavy load we'll tote. We'll simply clean up every foe, . Whip Germany and Mexico; Please grant us this, nothing more we pray Just to "wear pants" on election day. Lo, the conquering suffragette! come. Votes for women! . Yes, ot the cleanest sort; Sound the trumpet, beat the drum! Votes for women! Yes, of the cleanest sort; Too long has mere man held the fort Onward, sister suffragists, . Marching as to war, With the "Votes for Women Going on before. Courage is our leader, We will storm the foe. Forth into the legislature See our sisters go. Votes for women 1 Sound the cry, . 'Till the heavens above-reply. Slaves we will no longer be, i In this country of the free Fear not, man, we must obtain , Rights you fought and bled to gain. We're a mighty army, We'll see who'i the boss; We've come into our own , After much delay and loss. We'll stand by Uncle Sam, Soon we'll hive the vote, And help the boys in blue To get the kaiser's goat. We have been abused and forcibly-ied, Until it's a wonder we are not dead, But puny man will learn ere long s". To jump and run when we,sound the gong. Men. wlib have called themselves lords of creation, Must now humblv bow to our domination, For the ballot we'll gain through this great demonstratiwu And all men shall bow in subordination. .. - w Awards la rneedlaf Wmk's Couta