Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 11, Image 27

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11 B
Her latest and Greatest Serial
About Ready to Go on
the Screen.
It is with much interest that news
is received of Helen Holmes in her
latest and greatest serial, "The Rail
road Raiders."
One thing that is of especial inter
est is that the scenario was written by
l G. Estee of Alexandria, S. D. A
great part of his life has been spent
in the service of railroads, and he
owns and operates a movie emporium
in Alexandria, as well as the local
newspaper. Mr. Estee was in Omaha
a few days ago, and of course the first
place he visited was the local office
of the Mutual Film Corporation who
will handle this production in this
territory. You will not be surprised
to know that he asked Manager Her
man if he would screen the chapters
of "The Railroad Raiders' 'that had so
far arrived. After seeing them he de
clared that the , splendid manner in
which the Signal Film corporation
had produced them, exceed by far his
fondest expectations. This story was
written from his actual experiences
on the railroads, what the public likes
and wants as well as from a news
paper standpoint.
Contains Much Real Stuff.
An audience of critical exhibitors
witnessed a pre-review of chapters
one, two and three in the Mutual of
fices a short time ago and unusual
and favorable comments were passed,
so the theater-going public may be
assured that they will thoroughly en
joy this new railroad series. The
story of "The Railroad Raiders" is of
tlie very certain and successful type
of railroad-adventure fiction. The
plot revolves about a band of thieves
preying upon the railroad, plotting
and counterplotting. There are
wrecks, hold-ups, hair-breadth
escapes, manhunts, battles and perils
and incidents of suspense without end.
Director McGowan is now at work
upon the seventh chapter of the pro
ductionwith six perfectly good neg
atives completed and delivered a val
uable assurance to the exhibitor of the
delivery of the pictures on release
Night Photography Effect.
McGowan has introduced some
highly unusual effects in night photo
graphy from a speeding train. A very
heavy outlay of money and effect
have been necessary in this technical
seeking after realism. Lighting plants
have been built on trains, special cam
era cars constructed and equipment of
infinite detail installed. Some of the
thrill scenes in the earlier chapters
show the train sweeping through the
night in a storm, with the wraiths of
the rain iwept trees weaving through
the gloomy backgrounds. Always
there is action, action, action.
Railway warehouses are seen de
molished, box cars are tossed into
heaps of blazing wreckage, automo
biles are smashed with daring and
abandon, engines collide, there are
gang fights, fist fights, gun fights all
the kinds of fights there are.
Miss Holmes, of course, does a
number of sensational things in her
accustomed sensational style leaping
from an engine to an automobile ton
neau, and stunts of the kind;
Marin Sais Contributes to
Success of "American Girl"
Not a little of the tremendous popu
larity of the Kalem series, "The
American Girl," which is now running
at a number of the leading picture
theaters in this city, is due to the
splendid work of Miss Marin Sais,
who is the star of this cycle of thrill
ing pictures of the great west. The
General Film company, distributors of
this series, states that Miss Sais is the
most popular star in their service.
Versatility is one of Miss Sais' cardi
nal virtues. During her association
with Kalem, which extends over a
number of years, this charming young
woman has portrayed a wide diversity
of roles. Her refreshing personality
never fails to hold and entertain the
patrons of the photoplay.
Miss Sais is a descendant of one of
the old Castilian Spanish families of
California and was born in Marin
county. It was originally her inten
tion to become an operatic star. While
studying music she received her edu
cation at the College of Notre Dame
in San Jose. Upon graduation she
was offered a position with a dramatic
stock company. It was in this valu
able school that the girl gained the
histrionic ability which has made her
the artist she is.
A season in concert work followed.
Her voice attracted such favorable
comment that Miss Sais was induced
to come east, where she was featured
on the Keith & Proctor circuit. About
this time she became interested in the
"silent drama," eventually joining the
Kalem forces. Although her first
work was in the comedy field, the
Kalem officials soon discovered her
dramatic ability. It led to her being
transferred to one of the dramatic
The work of Miss Sais in such fea
tures as "The Pitfall," the "Stingaree"
series and the "Social Pirates" is well
remembered. At present she is con
tributing some of the best work of her
career to "The American Girl" series.
Synopsis of Events Covered tn Paths
News, Reltaaed Todey.
PHILADELPHIA. Pa. A stronr pallet
guard is on hand to wateh the removal
of interned German sailors to U. S. forts
in GeorRia.
SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. Many of the val
uable statues exhibited at the Panama Pa
cifie Exposition are being collected for
return shipment.
French, head of the British Horn De
fense forces, inspects several new com
panies of volunteers.
WESTERN FRONT The Germans began
their retreat on March 17th, with the Al
lies in close pursuit.
SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Caterpillar trac
tors, simitar in principle to the British
tanks, are hem aded to the United
States army equipment.
LOS ANGELES, CAL. School children aid
the eampairn to reduce the cost of living
by planting vegetable gardens in vacant
animated cartoon by T. E. Powers.
NEW YORE CITY Recruiting stations are
busy places, as many volunteers enlist in
the services of their country.
directs that the enlisted force and the
navy be Increased to full war stregnth at
87,000 men.
JACK!! IAUNDBRI eslra It under
stood that the ap used by her In the
Cleopatra aoenea of "Sunny Jane," her
new Mutual picture, was ft real, honest-to-goodneas
live snake.
"I don't like enakee,1 aald the golden
topped star, "but this little enake waa posi
tively eunnlng and I didn't mind it ft bit.
Ite manner were perfect." Yes, you heard
me right, Ah
Helsn Holmes, Mutual'! ratlroad girl and
star of "The Railroad Raiders," Is spending
all her time between scenes breaking to the
saddle a newly acquired horse. Said horse
has enough white around his eyes to make
ths average man particularly interested In
keeping out of range of tha little feetslee,
but It Is aald Mies Holmes haa him to the
point where he will eat out of her hand
(not eat the hand), and le rapidly making
a saddle horse par-eKrellence out of him.
We would suggest taming this kind of a
horse with a Colt's.
Marin Sals eays that she Is representing
the typical "American Girl." Then the
A. O, must be able to swim, ride, shoot,
hang from cliffs, roofs and trees by her
eyebrows, fence, boi. run, Jump, talk your
arm off and other little accomplishments too
numsrous to mention. Therefore we would
deduce ths fact that aha la a most energetic
Tha stock of Big BUI Stowelt, the Univer
sal leading man. has boosted considerable
on account of his splendid work in "Hell
Morgan's Girl." This feature, whlob stars
Dorothy Phillips, Lon Cheney and Stowell
to such advantage, played two weeks In
Los Angeles, and is booked solid for a long
time to come. It Is one of ths vsry best
things that Universal ever turned out and
Stowell mads ft difficult part stand out
Pretty Ora Carew made cult ft sensation
among the acreen folks of Los Angeles by
her work In "Her Circus Knight," ft forth
coming Keystone comedy, and In faot she
was "up In the air" herself. She took some
very big ehances with her work In the air
and particularly with the parachute. It was
all new to her, but she dared and did and
again proved how very plucky ft girl ehe is.
Ora Carew is becoming one of the biggest
favorites of the screen, this after her most
Intimate frlenda had predicted ft highly dra
matic career for her.
William Christy Cabanas, now directing
the "Great Secret," In which Bushman and
Bayne are starred, Is a regular snowbird,
but knows nothing about snowshoee. He
recently waa trying out ft pair, tripped and
fell headfirst Into a snowbank. That night
he burned the midnight product of John D.
and produced tha following poem, entitled
" "S No Use":
"The snow, the snow, the dad-blamed snow;
You try to walk on It, and In It you go;
It gets In your neok and into your shoes,
It freezes your clothes and gives you the
'blues i
It's white and It's pretty, but believe me. bo,
I'd rather not flirt with the beautiful enow."
When Is a friend not ft friend T This la
the question we have been asking ourselves
over and over. What eauaeth all this deep,
serious thought? Ya editor waa approached
by a friend (T ft few daya ago and the
friend In all earnestness assured amid Ed.
that since he had been oh tha "Flashes from
Filmland page" aald friend now read the
want ads for pastime. "Ye Gods, haa it
come to this, Roger?" Well, all we- can say
is that If he reads them diligently, it takes
him mors and more time each week.
We might remark, in passing that the
weather Is very much tn favor of Annette
Kellerman as "Neptune's Daughter." In
some of the scenes, even If it Is in film
form. It might send a shiver up and down
one's back to come out of ths theater ftnd
see. nice white cold snow on the ground.
"Bob" Shirley, of Muse fame, la atudylng
vocal now, or we should have : aald we
thought he was. and right in our office, too.
Here's the line- of talk: "Lopaka Hayakawa
Kokus, Walpaha, Keano Komehl Makale
Kuwa Kllauea."- Uh huh. we thought he
was, too, but it -finally developed Into the
fact that he was Just reading ft few names
of the characters and cast for "Tha Bottle
Imp," which stars Sessuai Hayakawa and ft
Filmland Favorites
Anita Stewart, leading woman for
the Vitaeraoh company, was born in
Brooklyn, N. Y., in 1896 and was edu
cated at fcrasmus nan in me same
citv. Her screen career with Vita'
ffranh was in the photoplays, "He
Never Knew" "A Million Bid,' "Sins
of the Mother" and had the title role
in "The Goddess" series. She has
also been seen in "My Lady's Slip
per "The Suspect," "The Daring of
Diana," "The Girl Philippa" and Is
now to be seen in her latest onenncr,
"The More Excellent Way." She has
many recreations and is especially
fond 01 all sorts ot outdoor sports.
She has light hair and brown eyes.
Home address is "Brightwaters ," Bay
Shore, L. I. btudto address is Vita
graph, Brooklyn, N. Y.
South Sea Island east. Can you pronounce
'era? It may be you Just spell 'em.
We all know that Bryant Washburn wai
in Omaha during the last movie ball and
knew that he met quite a number of Omaha
folks, but It ssems that he becacoe better
acquainted than we all thought for. and
even eucceeded In borrowing clothes, which
la 'goln' some' Ot course there may be
some mistake, but tha fact remains that he
will be aeen at the Shnpress this week In
"Skinner's Drees Suit."
I iz is sieieo on gooa sumorur insc tnw
Iters noruw upvu rvuvivine qii vaiw; iisiii
the Hopeful Film company invested this
enormous amount in two rare specimens of
the now extinct 'spud.' He is now in the
market for a touring car, for whloh he will
trade both specimens with a slight rasti con
sideration to him, or will trade one speci
men even for a late model FUv,
Why Is It that soma people will ge to a
movie and take up a seat to sit In, another
for a coat, and another for ft hat, even when
people are atmndlng up waiting for aeata,
and then come out and 'crab' about the
show Just for one or two little stiver pieces).
po you know? Or Is it just because they
want people to know that they are a critic
par-exceuenoa on me 'silent drawmaf"
We might also state that people coming
into snows win do seen oy tneir mends
without all the loud talk, and then It might
be that your friends would not be at that
particular show at an.
"A Daughter of Daring"
The way Helen Gibson handles railroad trains is
the supreme marvel of the films. Don't miss seeing her
in her new railroad pictures c breathless succession of
flying leaps, reckless rides, desperate chances and
miraculous escapes and rescues, uneeacn
week. Produced by Kalem, and up to the
famous Kalem standard.
Ld.f la.
13th and Pin.
17hl and Vinton.
24th and Fort.
South Sido
Oakland, Nob.
24th and Laka.
Sious City, la.
Iowa City, la.
Dot Moinoa, la.
14th and Douglaa
Columbua Jet., la.
David Citjr, Nob.
Codar Fall,, la.
Sions City, la. Clarlnda, la.
Ottamwa, la. Alhla, la.
Wacaaaaay GRAND
AMERICAN 14,h a Bi""-
Wilton Jet, la. Saturaay
Corninf, la. Doa Moinoa, la.
Loon, la. Donaphan, la.
Storm Laka, la. Ida GroTS, la.
Pondor. Nob. Norfolk, Nab.
Grand Wand, Nab. W.b.tar City, la.
Dyaort, la. Mindan, la.
16th and Dorcaa Aurora. Nab.
Tauraaay IDEAL
FRANKLIN Wo.t Point, Nob.
Omaha. ELITE
PRINCESS Council Bluf f, la.
Odobolt, la. COLONIAL
WONDERLAND Mawhalltown, la.
Lincoln. Nob. WALL
' Friday Fremont. Nob.
Dunlap, la. NaTada, la.
Amer.cans,see these
Pictures of Real War
This country is confronted by the greatest
crisis it has been called upon to face since
the dark days of the civil war. Every red
blooded citizen is thrilled by the wave of
patriotism that has swept the country from
coast to coast, and is deeply concerned in
war and preparedness.
At this crucial time the motion picture
makes it possible for you to see with your
own eyes the War as it is and how Britain
Official Pi
Exhibited under the Auspices of the
Official Government Pictures. Inc.
These Official Pictures show you the titanic Battle of the
Somme the most awful scene of devastation, desolation
and human slaughter in history; the most beautiful and
awe-inspiring marine spectacle ever filmed the British
Grand Fleet in the North Sea; the climax of man's
triumph of the air scores of warplancs maneuvering
above the clouds, also American aviators at the front;
the American Ambulance Corps in action, saving the
lives of the wounded on the French battlefields.
The pictures are controlled by Official Government
Pictures, Inc., of which W. K. Vanderbilt is President
As all the profits of this corporation will be devoted to war
relief, it gives us great pleasure to lend our assistance by
exhibiting the pictures in this vicinity.
This is your opportunity of seeing, with your own eyes,
the greatest tragedy of human history the most despcr-'
ate and relentless warfare man has ever waged, or prob
ably ever will. A new picture each week.
Distributed by GENERAL FILM CO., Inc.
of -a Jnvi.
NT- r
Empress Thea'.er, Omaha, Neb. aphi m wI'a' 4th
Majestic Theater, Cedar Rapids, la. XT?h A"' 7,h
Nicholas Theater, Council Bluf ft, la. jJfiiiSll
Palm Theater, Omaha, Neb. (EftiS
Plaza Theater, Hastings, Neb. Tu..d.,. M.y i4th
Platte Theater, North Platte, Neb. iSlS.
Lyric Theater, Broken Bow, Neb. Wodnoaday, May soth
Orpheum, South Omaha. Monday, Apr x