1 . ,,'X'-ff'vi5B?l,-TeijgwmM 8 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 1, 1917. race against pursuing black slaves that is tensely gripping and this is only one thrill in one ot six great episodes. This $1,000,000 feature will be shown at the Boyd theater today, twice daily for eleven days. Of the dramatic notables who have been seen at the Orpheum none to appear there this season has been so prominently identified with the Ameri can stage as Nat C. Goodwin, who will be the stellar attraction of the bill opening today. Two of his most notable successes were "When We Were 21" and "The Gilded Fool." Other plays which helped to win for him his distinguished place as a co median were "The Cdkyboy and the f-ady" and "The American Citizen." Dramatic recitations will be a fea ture, of his vaudeville offering. He will also recount reminiscences and relate humorous stories. Roger Irn hoff will be seen in the farce "Surgeon THE ELOPEMENT OF ELLEN Auipke ot i NORTH SIDE CHRISTIAN Y. P. S. C. E. lflueica Numbera Under Direction of MRS. MILLIE RYAN FK1DAY EVENING, APRIL 13, AT S:IS SWEDISH AUDITORIUM Tickete on sale, Merrltt'a drug atore, 25c (Continued on Page Nine, Column Two.) vlrf have made to the people IiI.Vx..- W . 4 - f ' Taul Cunningham. tt. m ',e 'isl P8es ' Wallace's fas- I LjfJSr ' cinating story. The great chariot race R "'ifcui''f ' ' episode in the book has been equalled, Kin. , ' , " jf-! it not surpassed, in the photoplay. 7. i , J jtZZe- I Annette Kellermann, the Venus I ' J '"t of the twentieth century, runs a water .ANAGER BURGESS of the fjfl Boyd says: "ine an V1 I nouncement I am now maKing I cuiiaiuci nit most' important that I have made to the people of this city and vicinity since I have had charge of the Boyd here. "By arrangements that I have just made with William Elliott, F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest I have been so fortunate as to arrange for a return engagement in this city April 12-13-14 of 'Experience,' called by 4he critics the most wonderful play in America, and undoubtedly the greatest success of -this generation, as it hat broken all records wherever it has been given and hat even played to more people than such notable suc cesses as 'Ben Hur' or 'The Old Homestead.' 'Experience' comes here with a very high-class organita tion, as the New York-Boston. 'Ex perience' company, with a cast of eighty-two notable players, will be seen in this city. The ladies of this company have attracted much atten tion and their beauty is said to have given the stage a new standard of radiant girlhood. "In ten brilliant and spectacular scenes 'Experience' tells of the adven tures of Youth and the temptations he meets when he goes out into the big world in search of fame and for tune. Mr. Hobart has made these temptations' to be represented, by beautiful girls, and the characters are called by such names as Youth, Wealth, Beauty, Fashion, Passion, Intoxication, Love, Hope and so on for the various vices and virtues. "While the people In the play are called by these allegorical names, 'Experience' is a play of today, and a vital flesh and blood drama. Its characters, I can assure you, are the people we meet in everyday life, and from newspaper criticisms I have seen I think we can all see ourselves in 'Experience.' I believe 'Experi ence' the biggest theatrical produc tion that has been here in over ten years and I am confident no show as big as 'Experience' wilt He here in the next ten years." Mail orders are now being received and will be filled in order of their re- &me.SchettfelJ ceipt. Regular box office sale opens Monday, April 9. & - How many times we read that in spiring story of Lew Wallace which features the bodily and soul triumphs, dangers and defeats of young Ben Hur in his efforts to follow his guid ing star, the ideals of early Christian ity. In William Fox's picture beau tiful, "A Daughter of the Gods," Anita, called "the Lovely," battles, suffers, endures and finally loses her life establishing her divine right-of-way through the evils which beset the children of earth. . And in losing her life, through the purest, holiest love, she finds it again in three incar nations on the screen and on and on indefinitely, just as Ben-Hur must have done after he was lost to view TOTIIE PEOPLE OF OMNIA Did 7091 Ttr realine thai Xiporleaeo la the champion school teacher of th world? Haea yon ejrer thought how low people profit by tao esverieaee of othtnf Bow mm of yon fathers and ssothera have givea your ehiMrea the benefit of roar experience la Itfot la Mow York tot nine moatha, ta Boatoa for fWt atoatha, and tor sovon month! In Ohleego and flro moatha la Pattaaelpala, a play haa boaa preaentod that absorbed too attention of tho oltlaona of thoao aommnnttles to aa extent vnparallolod la theatrical annale. Roapondlnf to reqneate ao numerous and earnest as to hoeomo a' eommand.'X hava arranged for a return engagement of thta wonderful play at Bord'a Theater for throe nlghta, Thunder. Friday and - Saturday, April 12-1S-14, with a matinee on Saturday, aa a apeeial Easter week attraction. Thla play la "Experience." which tells the Eternal, Never-Dying Story of Touth the average young man of today Hie Early Stragglea, Hie Venture Into the Great World to Seek Fame and Fortune, Hie Trials and Temptatlona, Bis Triumph Over Evil and Wickedness Through Bono and Lore. "Xxperlmee" la Tho Boat Wonderful May la America. It hat keen Indorsed by tho eleray of all denom nations. It aotnta out to every father, mother, youth and maiden tho evila of a life of Pleaasra upon tho Prlmroae Path. It hrtngs homo to every heart the old yet over new etory that the Straight and Narrow Path alone U tho Bead to Beppmeaa. It Is a play that thoaa who eeo will never forget. . The play will ho presented at Boyd'a Theater through apectal arrange nenta with William Elliott, F. Kay Comttoek and Morrli Geit, the produce, hy the famous New York-Boatoa "Experience" organisation with a east of eighty-two notable players direct from phenomenal runa of nine montha In New York and live months m Beaton. This Is the aame cait and company that appeared here earlier this season, ' 1 wlah to oaU your attention again to tho fact "Experience" la not a mov ing picture. Price for thla return engagement of "Experience" in Omaha will be: Nights, loo to 12.00; Saturday matinee, foe to I1.S0. The aeat aale opena Monday, April t. The huge number at rworvatkms already received makes It advisable to seear seats early. (Signed) W. J. BURGESS, If onager Boyd'a Theater. Extra and Last Performance Tonight Cohan and Harrla' Flash of Jot "Hit-The-Trail Holliday" With Frank Otts and Excellent Cast Who Hove Made Over 4.000 OmahsM Roar With Laughter During tho Paat Three Dava Chronic Grouch ea Should fry Thm Con Moderate Prkee 2Sc to $130 Monday and Tueaday, April 9 and 10 , The Eminent YMdleh Actor MR. MORRIS SILVER AND MADAME SKANFIELD In Yiddish Repartoira Prices 35c, SOe, 75c, 1 1. 00 D. W. Griffith's Coloaaal Spectacle 9om' iniUwm Cost Soon $2,000,000 Mon., Charlea Frahman Presents Iptn' Rose Stahl 16 17 In "Our Mrs. McCheeney" Tuee., John V. Williams r recants TM- JAHIBDFbV m?L 24 W Pendenoie" Thura, A. H. Woodo Preeeate JBLIAK ELTMGE Apr. Xe-ZS la "COUSIN LUCY I Try Our 25c Plate Dinner 25c AUDITORIUM CAFE 1510 Howard OMAHA'S FUN CENTER 1jrl t ttT7 A Dally Mata. IS-tS-SOc a-lSJ Even'ga,, 1S-ZS.SO-7SC THE MAJESTICS Temea "Tke tketeM FeltM et gerhHoee" The Celaa. tri.. ......... D M 1 let. Ma But "i wiivw aesMiiejia peean Cail is-auanoTH stasi stniHos-ie eaao Cherei et Tveatr-teer eaarailat Ctiaraen (Pinal Performs. . Vplilitv TMK I NEW SHOW TODAY VAUDEVILLE AND PHOTOPLAYS "Echoei From Broadway" A Faat Song and Donee Revue ROSS It ASHTON Tke Survoyore" LUE 4c ALELEKA A Com From tho Tropica JACK LAMEY Juat for Fun BRYANT WASHBURN, In "SKINNER'S DRESS SUIT "BATTLE OF THE SOMME" Third lnoUllmonl Admission 20c and 10c. HARP CONCERT TONIGHT hy Loretta De Lone Aaelated by Lynn Sackett, Teneri Mieaoa Dlerke, Fronds and Sheean, HarpbU. HOTEL FONTENELLE, IP, M. '; Tickets 75c and SI. 00 Fanteaelle Nowa Stand I Week Starting Sun., April 1st I THE BEST OF VAUDEVILLE , yf I THE AMERICAN COMEDIAN i'''' 1 iw . im (: fi 1 IN CHARACTERISTICALLY HUMOROUS STORIES, IN RECITA- fHr' 1 - TI0NS AND IMITATIONS VXJ: 1 I MILT COLLINS MILLICENT MOWER I" '' M I ThcSpeatooftheHome" fjltl, borrow ,1 s Q ' ifm"' V'v S I HERBERT CLIFTON HANS HANKE N3 Foremost Character Delineator The Eminent Concert Pianist J0 1 I FRANK & TOBIE ORPHEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY n I I In original songs, dances and cos- Around the World with the Orpheum I 1 1 tumes, featuring Circuit's Motion Picture 1 "THE JOCKEY" Photographer. S 1 1 A' MERRY WAR OF LAUGHS . .. I ROGER ' HUGH L MARCELLE 1 i Imhoff, Conn SCoreene "SURGEON LOUDER; U, S. A." - I . A Military Comedy. '1 Prices Gallery, 10c; Best Seats, (except Saturday and Sunday), 25c; 1 Nights- 10c, 25c, 50c and 75c """" 11 1 j , , . NAT C GOODWIN j (H) theatre TODAY jr 11 DAYS VZJ O IV! AH A and Twice Dailv 2:30 and 8:30 2:30 and 8:30 PRICES: Mats., 75c, 50c, 25c; Evgs., $1, 75c, 50c, 25c AH Seats Reserved You'll Never See It Any Cheaper Company's Own Symphony Orchestra " .iaiia..u1 ..iaavuyepW n.i mm . , . A I) ?. V 1 ir a 1 1 5 I ' v? f ralinor thr rvr. astntfndinir the mlnrl tteinv tVi Ut nA 'ovcrshaaowine anythlne previously conceived or executed bv master-minds ot moving pictures.. A generation in advance of ifst yp all other film achievements. ' . JPjgf a.'h, f? r.r&r.vmm r.T TTXFPTMr. patdvt Awn tMSSii ? m "TV.'J3 Wondrously appealing and fascinating blending of the Arabian I f(i U 1.111 Nights and "Never Never Land" for the childrefta Completely an- lii - anentininB n nn bitti 71111 iiie tti I7in iw in ru wrim irrnTim.iint. ? I w JtelW.iytte SSf --, -wwf Ola. W. at Vnirf j W Aj ' ITHBv ONLY MILLION DOLLA12. PICTURE I mi' 1 LAD Its' DIME MATINEE WEEK, DAYS