2 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 1. 1917. Danish West Indies Formally Transferred to United States TWO BRITISH SHIPS ARETORPEDOED Several Americans Aboard Horse Transport and General v 'Cargo Craft Are Killed. ONE CARRIED A DECK GUN Washington, March 31. Two Brit ' lh itcamers, the Snowdon Range and the Booth liner Crispin,, both with Americans aboard, of whom i number are unaccounted for, were re ported to the State department today to have been sunk without warning by a submarine. On the Crispin the torpedo which struck the engine room killed five men, two of whom re believed to have been Americans. ' Consul Frost, reporting the loss of . the freight liner Crispin, says: "Crispin, 2,483 tons, Newport News to Liverpool, 686 horses, torpedoed . without warning fourteen miles uff Hook Head, 7:15 p. m. 29th. Sixty eight out of ship's complement of 112 were Americans. Two boats missing, not improbably lost. '. "Torpedo struck engine room star- board side, explosion killing five men, of whom two believed to be Amer icans. Submarine not seen, but wake ;of torpedo seen by Americans. Ves . sel carried gun and wireless. Latter was wrecked by explosion. Weather ... - ',-,'a-, f-d, overcast sky, very I raw swells. Vessel same siowiy, but return on hoard not feasible ow '. ing to heavy sea. . "One boat with nineteen survivors landed at Queenstown, including cap f tain, chief steward, veterinarian and f ,'ten Americans. R. H. Riser, New f port News; Bland Tinsley, PhiladeL ;- phia; R. L. Hays, Covingtorj James '. Kranklin, New York City; George t v Killy, Baltimore; George St. Armand, Worcester; Harry Davis, Baltimore; I John Williams, Newport News. Other boats believed landing Mil- ; ford Haven and elsewhere." ; ' Armed Ship Torpedoed. The dispatch from Liverpool, re- t porting the sin King oi in ara Range, follows: ' "British steamer Snowdon Range, f Philadelphia to Liverpool with gen- t. acoi rem an A nnwder. one Eun aft. torpedoed without warning at 8:45 ( a. m., March 28, thirty-five miles from : Hnllv Head. No vessel in sight at time of attack. Four killed by ex- 1 plosion, remainder of erew took to i boats, including James Carroll, Phil ; .H.inhia! Gtarat Alexander, colored. i ' Wilmington. N. C; Burt Thebalt, t Philadelphia; native-born Americans .i and Harry McCabe, naturaliied, no ?. nrmatient address. "Submarine emerged, showing Ger man flag, shelled Snowdon Range, then boarded and removed provisions and detachable brass, placed bombs, vessel aunk. Crew picked up 6 p. m., taken to Holly Head." A dispatch from Swansea said the collector of customs there reported that forty-nine American from the Rritish cattle steamer Crispin had been landed at Milford Haven. ;No additional details of the sinking of the Crispin were given, 1 A later disoatch from Consul Frost ) definitely established the killing or fj one American and said others prob , .; ably had been killed. The Crispin ''was bound for Avonmouth.' ' ' 'ft H 'i v Two Gretna Store Robbed. : Gretna. Neb.. March 31. (Special.) i Siebert'a saloon and Schmidt's gen eral store were visited by thieves on Thursday night A quantity of whisky ' was stolen from Siebert's saloon. This is the second time within a month that Siebert's saloon has been broken into and Schmidt's - store has been robbed three times lately. The blood hounds, have been brought up from Beatrice and an effort is being made to trace the thieves. Washington, March 31. The final act of more tjian fifty years' effort to bring the Danish West Indies under the American flag was completed with formal ceremonies at the State department today, when Danish Min ister Brun was handed a treasury warrant for $25,000,000, the purchase price, and wireless messages were sent to the American and Danish au thorities at the islands to lower the Danish flag and raise the Stars and Stripes. At noon today the new pos sessions passed definitely and finally under the authority of the United States. 'By giving you this warrant. Sec retary Lansing said, as he handed the paner to the minister, "I will save you the trouble of transporting forty eight tons of gold. The value of this paper in coin would be equivalent to that weight." With the formal transfer the is lands became known as the Virgin islands of the United States, a title chosen by the natives. - In all there are fifty islands, only three large enough to be of impor tance. St. Thomas is the most im portant and has one of the finest har bors in the West Indies, which will be transformed into a strong naval base for the protection of the Pan ama canal. St. Croix and St. John are the other two large islands. . Rear Admiral James H. Oliver, chief of naval intelligence at the Navy department, is enroute to St Thomas to assume the duty of gov ernor. He will serve until a perma nent government has been deter mined upon by congress. Local laws will be administered until congress has acted. Miss Fitz Roberts Goes to Philadelphia Conference Miss Myrtle Fitz Roberts, super intendent of the vocational bureau in t' e city hall, leaves Sunday Kr Phil adelphia to ttend a vocational guid ance conference at William Penn High school. Commissioner Ctaxton and Meyer Bloomfield, an authority on vocational guidance, will be the chief speakers. Miss Fitz Roberts will visit vocation bureai'S in New York and Boston to get new ideas for the local bureau. THOMPSON BELDEN &CQ. VfipVasftionCpnfcrforMbmpn " Cttabfishn) 1006 exposition of XeuDv(illineryfodes AEASTEPv Hheestivdl of Sprina (jadness For centuries Easter has been significant cj trie awakening of tne Springtime. Tneae nev ,. ,.ebonnets- so radiant, so joyous ; ; : : so appealing are in perfect t accora wiin ine iasrerspinr. neasinqiu pncea ar $8.50 to $35 :Ly INDESCRIBABLY SMART ftf ' ill, SUPREMELY ELEGANT AND 2W ; J , UNUSUALLY DISTINCTIVE ' gf THERE'S SOMETHING ABOUT THESE NEWER lSsf Sj , MODELS THAT' AT ONCE PLACES THEM AWAY M I FROM THE ORDINARY. ' WE MOST CORDIALLY J INVITE YOU TO VIEW OUR DISPLAY AND I j DECIDE FOR YOURSELF THAT WE HAVE H t NOT EXAGGERATED. YOU WILL T JjfiSi FIND ALL STYLES MOST . & SF ' MODERATELY PRICED I FOR EASTER WEEK J I Exceptionally Comprehensive I Showings of I Fashionable Apparel I . For the Well-Dressed Woman I I Suits, Coats, Dresses and Blouses ' I I Distinction ' 1 1 ji THOMPSON BELDEN &CO. 1 if Cstabtished fd06 E l j hehompsoncBelden Store More New Spring Silks Than We Can Tell of Black and white com binations in Satin and Tussah are becoming popular. Separate wraps of black Satin with white Shantung, Tussah and Satin are effective. View our showing of New Satins and Sport fabrics. The display is very comprehensive. Printed Silks are in great demand. Crepe Taffetas, Georgettes and Voiles; striking designs for afternoon frocks. Suiting Silks in season able weaves; Taffetas, Satin Raye, Satin de Chine and many novel ties. An early selection is advisable, for the prices can't be duplicated. $2, $2.25, $2.50 a yard. 86 to 40 inches wide. New Silk Skirtings in Tussah, Peau de Crepe, Satin Broadcloth and oth er weaves; colors all fast. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2. THE NEW SILKS FIRST Finest Cotton Wash Fabrics For Spring and Summer The season's newest of ferings in hundreds of Novelties, Voiles, Crepes, Organdies, Skirtings and the like. Twenty-five new colors in English Voiles, special ly priced, Monday, at 59c a yard. A group of novelty woven Voiles, in rich col oringB, priced 50c a yard. New Embroidered Voiles, very dainty, taste ful effects ; launders well (40-inch) $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. Select your dress linens now ; the prices cannot be duplicated. Uncreasable linen, 85c a. yard. Dress Linen, 45-inch, $1.00 a yard. Cope, Rose, Gray, Green, Natural, Pink and Light Blue. It isn't a bit too soon to plan summer garments Summer Furt New fashions In Moleskin, Hudson Seal, Foxes. Priced as low as consistent with quality. A showing wa will ba pleased to have you view. Second Floor Spring Draperies SUNF A ST OVERDRAPE MATERIALS Effective de signs and nearly all shades, 76c a yard. FILET CURTAIN NETS Staple patterns and novelty meshes, 30c, 45c, 65c a yard. Basement Easter Hosiery Should Be of Silk white or black, tops and soles, Silk Hose, with lisle 1 OK Pure Thread Silk Hose, in white, black and colors, $1.75. White Silk Hose, with open or silk clocking. For dress wear, very sheer styles in plain, embroidered and lace effects. Thompson-Belden Hosiery, like other merchandise, is sold with out misrepresentation. Applique Bed Spreads Several beautiful examples of this work, for which we have exclusive sale, are now displayed. The models shown are very practical, attractive and not at all expensive. Art Needlework, Third Floor Women's Lisle Union Suits Low neck, no sleeves, hand crochet and band tops, fitted or wide knee, $1.15. Laces-Embroideries Trimmings Splendid New Spring Display Extensive stocks of laces, such as these, make choosing easy. French and English Laces of every sort. Fine Vals. and Novelty Laces. Machine made Filet Edges and Insertions in various widths; Venise Edges and Bands to match. "Hard-to-find" Embroid eries, extraordinary values. Twenty-seven and forty-five-inch Flouncings with colored embroidery lace edge. Fine Edges and Inser tions for infants' dresses. Yokes and motifs. Corset cover embroideries. Con vent edges, suitable for un derwear. New trimmings include colored novelties in silk and wool motifs. Beaded bands, silk embroidered bands, gold and-silver edges and bands. Silk tassels, gold and silver tassels and ball ornaments. Vou'll find many inspirations among these showings. Helpful in planning Spring and Summer wardrobes. een'sShop EASTER OFFERINGS OF NEWEST Neckwear, Fine Shirts, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery and Other Haberdashery For Spring and Summer.