Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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    11 A
J have
I behi
i I ninn II I
ilrret: t.thl LraKCS. W nanicy
street; Mary Storms, Florence, and
Marie Martin, 3,134 Mamlerson street.
Missouri Star to Be Central
Figure in Special Events
at Relay Games.
wm 9ww mwm o tT-t 1 PHP UIOU
CHARACTERS IN "A RUSSIAN HONEYMOON tiivtw hi int. suum oiyr. mun
SCHOOL LAST WEEK Left to right, Mise Bertha Hoden, the baroness; Guy Emigh, Kouli
koff : Miw Sadie Rotholtz, Michalene; Miia Alt Davit, Poleska; Miss Eva Lipofsky, peasant
girl; Mis Beatrice Wells, peasant girl.
Des Moines, la., March 31. (Spe
cial.) World's Champion Bob Simp
son and Challenger Waldo Ames of
Illinois and Jowas best,. Koscoe
Packer of- Ames, will be the central
figures in one of the special events
at the Drake relays, April 21.' It is
possible that a former holder of the
world record may be in the event, his
entry depending upon his present col
legiate standing. Other hurdlers prac
tically certain to take part are Burke
of Wisconsin and Schienberg of Pur
due, the two men who compelled
Ames to set a new conference record
ior the seventy-yard high hurdles in
the annual indoor Big Nine at Evan
ston Saturday night.
Simpson of Missouri, the greatest
hurdler of all time, is, of course, the
central figure in this event. It will
be his third appearance on an Iowa
track. He was a member of the Mis
souri half-mile team in the Drake re
lays two years ago and probably will
be a member of the same team this
year, in addition to appearing in the
special events. Later that same year
lie took part in a dual meet between
Missouri and Ames and sustained the
only defeat event administered by a
college opponent when Roscoe
Packer climbed over the high sticks
and broke the tape in the lead. Last
season he was the .sensation of the
vear and continually and consistently
"ran the 120ryard hurdles in better
than world's marks.-
Ames1 rS Contender.
This year Waldo Ames of ..Illinois,
a former star of the Chicago high
schools, has shown possibilities of
being a possible formidable opponent
of the Missouri star. He has made
new amateur records for thfe indoor
event from fifty to seventy-five yards,
while his mark Saturday night was
a new world's mark. He is the most
graceful of the men in the event, but
lacks the strength of even the less
known of his opponents. However,
he has been coming strong in the last
year and at the present time looks
lO DC 2 III tU4llCllJvl j w "S
of timber toppers."
Packer, the Iowa entry in the
event, has not been going good in
the indoor work, but may round to
in time to be a real factor, in the
local race. At the time of tr.'; Penn
relays a year ago Packer ma the
best record ever made by an Iowa
hurdler, when he won his prelimi
nary event, but a fall put him out of
the finals. That he will make an at-
tempt to place his name at the head
of all Iowa hurdlers in this, his last
year in athletics, is expected and as
he is a fellow with plenty of sand it
is fairly certain the Iowa entry will
be very much present in the new
event in the Drake relays.
Says Farmers Should Not
Be Allowed to Enlist
Chicago, March - 31. Contending
that the food supply of the nation
would be threatened if agricultural
workers are withdrawn from the
field to military camps, C W. Hol
man, secretary-of the National Agri
cultural Organization society, declared
that farmers should not be allowed
to enlist even if a call for 1,000,000
men is needed.
Washington. March 31. So that the
I'nited States may not run the risk
sacrificing its scientists on the tir
ing line, as the European belligerents
have done before realizing tneir value
behind the army, the bureau of mines
Is conductine a census of technical ex.
oerts at the request ot the council ot
national defense.
I girl; Mis Beatrice Wells, peasant girl. II
i war - i Tcifl X As iV N ftl
Beans by the Carload Condemned
By Government Food Inspectors
Hominy Also Found With So
Much Lye that it is Eat
ing Through the
Tin Cans.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
' E. C. Kemble, chief food inspector
of Nebraskamade two more big sei
zures of beans today. One was a
carload in the Missouri Pacific yards,
which was nabbed just as the owners
were about to ship it out of the city.
It contains 300 bags, 49,500 pounds.
The other was a batch of 300 bags in
a local warehouse.
This is the wind-up of a week of
great activity in Omaha1 by the food
inspector, starting last Tuesday, when
he seized 250,000 pounds of navy.
beans shipped to the Union racking
compan.y here from Hammond, Ind.
Libel's have been filed in the United
States court against those in whose
possession the beans were found.
Thev arc said to be the lowest grade
of beans, scarcely more than husks
and unfit for human food, unfit even
for seed.
' Late Friday Mr." Kemble seized 69,
000 more pounds of beans, found at
the Union Packing company's plant,
Thirty-third nd Spaulding streets,
and 21,000 pounds at another ware
house. These are state seizures, be
cause it cannot be shown that these
beans entered into interstate com
merce. He also seized 1,000 cans of hom
iny, which examination by the state
chemist showed contain such an ex
cess of lye that it Was eating through
the -tin of the: tans. :-- -
A- he was coming home from one
of his seizures Mr. Kemble noticed
some candy in the window of the
grocery store of Harry Kavich, Six
teenth and Cuming streets. He en
tered and examined the candy and
found it filthy and wormy. The whole
saler who had sold Kavich the candy
was called up and quickly appeared
on the scene. They thereupon agreed
to destroy the sweets.
Under the watchful eye of the food
inspector they dumped 174 pounds of
the candy into a barrel, took it out
back of the store and poured a gal
lon of kerosene over it.
Saturday morning wholesaler and
retailer were fined $10 and costs in
police court.
"And the end is not yet," said Mr.
Kemble. "We are going to keep up
the campaign until the dealers in all
kinds of foodstuffs realize that they
must obey the pure- food laws."
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Fourth Class Offices
Raised to High Class
(From a Buff Correspondent.)
Washington, March 31. (Special
Telegram.) Civil service examina
tion will be held on April 28 for
postmaster at Ericson, Neb.
James R. Duncan of Lincoln, Neb.,
has been appointed as assistant truck
crop specialist In the field service of
the Department of Agriculture.
The following fourth-class postof
fices will become presidential on
April 1: Nebraska Brainard, $1,000;
Dakota City, $1,000; Dunbar, $1,000;
Merriman, $1,000; Rulo, $1,100; Wy
not, $1,000. lows Diagonal, $1,100.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Girls Will Plead
With Young Men
To Join Soldiery
At the first regular meeting of the
newly-organized Girls' Preparedness
club, held Friday evening at Metro
oplitan hall, about a dozen of the
thirty-five members attended. They
decided that for the present their
desire to help in the national emer
gency will best be directed toward in
ducing young men to join one of the
military Drancnes. iney nave ai
rpaHv urcured a number of enlist
ments in the National Guard, and
some of the girls have enrolled as
yeomenettcs in the naval reserve (or
land service in case of urgent need.
Miss Louise Fillmore, 44J2 Pierce
street started the club.
Other young women amending Fri
day evening's meeting included: Alma
Jensen, 4313 Pacific street; Elma Mil
ler 3022 Sherman avenue; Hilma and
Elima Peterson, 3335 Mandcrson
street; Marguerite Ellis, 2542 Chicago
street; Niua Embree, 2804 Rinney
Perry Lock j
j Steering Wheel J
German 1. W. W. Agitator
Is Nearly Beaten to Death
Salt Lake City, March 31. "I am
going to Mexico to help the 'greasers
and the 'Dutch' whip the United
States." This remark, said to have
been shouted by W. Brandt, a Ger
man and member of the Industrial
Workers of the World, at the Denver
& Rio Grande station here today,
drew a crowd whlcn immediately
mobbed him. Brandt was knocked
unconscious. He was rescued by po
lice and placed in jail.
Repairs or I'l-f e,
Cleans any IfdlUl
IM Neville BM. Third Fleer
lSlh ami Harmy
No two locks have keys alike.
Front wheels are wild when ear
is locked.
Ask us about It now. Phone
Douglas 3217.
National Auto Accessories Co.
884-6-8 Brandeia Bids;. I
Omaha, Neb. I
Is made by the B. F. Goodrich Co. seamless tube.
Every foot warranted.
Triton, Cascade, Whirlpool and Summit
Are All Big Sellers.
Goodrich Hose has no competitor, either in
price or quality.
You know Goodrich makes "Silvertown Auto Tires
Save Money and Buy Your
Wire Cloth and Poultry Netting Now
Jas. Morton & Sons Co.
Hardware and Tools.
1511-1513 Dodge St
antnm ftttCk 11 V
holds oar straight
ahead, eliminate
jerks from steering
wheel. Safer dm
Ins. Installed ill
ten minutes. 93.00
postpaid. Dealers
and agents write
fnr litter terms.
AUTO STEER CO., Rockforu. Ill
get to mi
office late?
A. Punctures galore.
Q. Is he depending upon
cheap tires or seconds
or unbranded stun" to
deliver first-class ser
vice ? '
No the average highly-rated tires.
Q. Then why the trouble ?
A. I suppose you're like a lot of other
folk you don't know the merits of
Lee Puncture Proof Tires. The stuff
that puts the ordinary standard tire
out of commission has no effect with
the Lee armor protected tire. Call
it their top-liner if you will just try
it Try the Lee Standard Tires and
the Lee Inner Tubes and then you'll
know the joys and economy of rta.
tire service. You can get Lee prices
and s-rvir from
2051 Faraam St. Pfaon. Doug. 921.
teok uplw'nrin Phong Bode
Standard Tires
Give mors tin comfort
and mileage than ever
before claimed for any
standard nuke of Urea.
Lee Tubes
thickness and rugged
oess. They are extreme
ly supple, tough, resil
ient and long wearing.
S.000 miln tfmremeect
Ire Tire t lubber G. Cmshehocieii ra.
Hi 1 nia.aa.aB.a
Mtmifocnmnsf RuUnGrab iincc BM
10 Dominant Manufacturers Build Extra Well
Ten big motor track manufacturers stand out prominently as those whose
products find biggest use among the large concerns who buy carefully.
The stability of these ten manufacturers is assured their combined capi
talization is over $250,000,000: the value of their yearly output runs
high into the millions.
Each builds the best truck he can.
Each offers guarantees backed by tremendous resources, tremendous
manufacturing facilities; big, strong organizations, established business
reputation. 1
In essential specifications, established practice is closely adhered to.
Eight build trucks in excess of four ton capacity. All build from one to
four ton.
Yet with all the tremendous competition, with the tremendous manufac
turing efforts to build the best, SERVICE motor trucks stand out among
the ten with certain definite marked advantages of big value to purchasers.
Only one of the ten famishes tires on all models that equal SERVICE
in size. - Only one other is built to operate with perfect safety at the
tame high speed.
SERVICE is the only one of the big ten using the vacuum feed system,
assuring maximum fuel economy, steady uniform fuel supply.
Eight use the worm drive, but SERVICE worm drive construction is the
strongest that manufacturing ingenuity can devise.
Nine use pressed steel frames, but in the SERVICE motor truck pressed
steel frame greater width of flange, depth of frame, more uniform distri
bution of load assure maximum resistance to driving stress and strain and
clinch SERVICE superiority.
Five use motors of same power as SERVICE, yet SERVICE shows an
1 1 h higher rating than the other four trucks of equal capacity.
In chassis size SERVICE gives greater loading length than any other of
ten. This meant larger loading platform greater carrying capacity
more even distribution of load. Despite the over-size in construction
SERVICE motor trucks, in each model, are notably light in weight, due
to the elimination of all superfluous parts. With these points of leadership
and with every other feature of construction duplicating even the most ex
pensive of the trucks manufactured by these ten big manufacturers,
SERVICE presents a remarkably low initial cost.
&7 of Service Motor Trucks Were Re-orders in 1916
60 of Service Motor Trucks were Reorders in 1915
Wherever big purchasers, basing their orders on proved mechanical
superiority or demonstrated superior service features, are installing motor
truck equipment, SERVICE motor trucks are found.
And the big feature that stands out prominently in the history of
SERVICE tracks is the fact that in each year's business 60 of the
sales are re-sales to satisfied customers. They are in use by the biggest
corporations all over the country, in every line of work, achieving
economy results and standards of operating service that make the use of
the first SERVICE truck the basis for fleet orders.
Sizes of Service Trucks Wait to Do Your Work
SERVICE motor trucks are designed to meet the hardest working conditions to
stay in service day in and day out without time lost for repairs, to operate with min
imum mechanical attenUon, with freedom from necessity for replacement They
are an engineering achievement, particularly built for big practical terries.
Each model is built for the especial work It his to do and range is from the 1-ton
model for fast, economical moving of light loads up to the big 5-ton truck for the
heaviest hauling. All have been tried out through years of usage. Eich Is as
Individual is design as though It were the sole product of the factory. This la the
only way in which proper construction can be achieved. Service trucks are the
prouuet or specialists.
1- ton track . ......
lVa-ton truck . . . . .
2- ton track . . . . ' . ,
3"A-ton track . . . . . ": .
3'rton track (Specie! contractor's) - . . . .
6-ton track . . : . . .
, I. '
3100 ,
Point Booklet
Send for our Big Illustrated Thirteen Point Booklet.
to you in your selection of Motor Trucks.
It Is a concise compilation of tacts of tremendous Importance
Show Room
2216-1 8 Farnam Street
Service Motor Truck Company
Main Office and Factory, Wabash, Indiana
C. W. Francis Motor Truck Co.
A. E. KERR, Manager.
Service Station
2212 Harney Street