THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1917. tate Sores Exceptional Easter Apparel Wonderful Display of Spring Suits $25 Tashionseal" Models Lead the Way Is our idea of the best $25.00 offering in a Suit to be ob tained anywhere in this vicinity. A suit of Tan Gabardine is a good ex ample. Trimmed front and back with an array of buttons, and buttons ap pear again on the sleeves, and as a further decorative idea silk braid ing is employed from button to but ton. A silk over collar, braid bound of sport striped Taffeta, completes one of the nobbiest suits at $25.00 that we have ever had the pleasure of of fering. Another Fashionseal Suit of poplin with cable threaded trimming, and a large pointed Epaulet Collar, elaborate ly trimmed with faille silk. A graduated belt, elegantly embroidered, the back of the coat shows six pleats; a very nobby suit at $25.00. Plain tailored wool velour suits with a sport collar, In bright contrasting design. Norfolk jacket with patch - pockets and large pearl buttons. A wide lapel and a pleated skirt, at $25.00. And a score of other models in fascinating styles. Second Floor Ladies' Neckwear Beautiful Coloring New colored georgette crept collan, in gold, roae, mill iard, chartreuse, old blue and white, specially priced. .50e Georgette crepe collan, plain hemstitched lace and embroidered trimmed, each, at 7Se and 98e New Organdie square back collars, special, at 59 A new line of Georgette crepe vestees, at fl.SO up. Main Floor Beautiful Ribbons for Spring 2,000 yards fancy, plain, Brocade and Velour Ribbon, 6tt to 8 inches in width. They have beautiful floral designs, such as large rose Jacquards, and many others. They come in sport effects for all uses, wide satin edge Sash Ribbon, wide velour for bags, wide plaids for' mil linery, wide satin for girdles. Moire, Gros Grain, 7 inches, wide, heavy quality, in spring shades. They are up to $1.50 per yard, on sale,. Saturday, at, per yard, 39c 5?4 Inches in Moire and plain Taffeta with Ben galine edge of good com binations, very, pretty mil linery or hair bow ribbon in white with blue and pink edge. Also dark combina tion for millinery uses, at per yard. Jle 5-inch Jacquard, with rose and other designs, in white, pink, Jight blue and other colors for Hair Bows, at, per yard ........ ........ 28o No. 22 Black Velvet Ribbon, 1 inches wide, satin back, very special, at, per yd. .19o . Mala Floor. Easter Dresses and Coats $25 00 an, it mm . - "V B" Remarkable Value. For Women Smart New Dresses, at $25.00 Clever designs, newest styles and remarkable values. New Taffetas, Crepe de Chines, Crepe Meteor and combinations of Georgettes. A wide rang of colors to select from, such as Gray, Rose, Beige, Copenhagen and Navy. An unusual group including the popular Coat Dresses in Serge ana Wool Jerseys. EVEN THOUGH EASTER is but a week away and the Spring sea son has just begun, we are in a po sition to offer extremely smart wear at $25.00. This is remarkable in a season when all kinds of apparel is generally bearing a high price mark but the reason is simple; back of this announcement is a store that gives the customer the benefit of its wonderful buying power and prestige. So Saturday will bring unusual opportunities to the woman who wants to spend just $25.00. ' Stylish Coats, at $25.00 Coats for every occasion. . Sports, street and motor wear. New models, showing flared and belted affects, full pleated backs, large collars, Second pockets ox unusual shape, deep cunt. popular cloths, aucn as ui Burrela. Gaberdine and Bern. such as Gold, Apple Green, fans, Rose and Ruby, Navy and Black. Floor. .. Gunnyburl, Velour, All new shades, Knit Underwear Moderate Prices Women's union suits in pink, and white, silk tops, lisle body, nicely trimmed, reg- ular and extra sizes, a very special value, at. .... .$1.00 Women's lisle union suits, Band top, closed gore, lace trimmed umbrella knee, good value, at. . . .' 69e Women's Kayser vests, pink or white, bodice, plain or hand crochet trimmed, nice , quality, at... 59c Women's cotton lisle union ' suits, lace yokes, umbrella : knee, lace trimmed, regular sizes, at 35e Women's cotton lisle vests,., pink and white, plain or lace trimmed, regular sizes, spe cial, at 25c Main Floor Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women Offers Beautiful Easter Apparel Here's where "youth" stands out in bold relief r where bright colors snappy silhouttes and little eccentricities, fascinating in the extreme class : these garments in a group by themselves the quintessence of desirability. Tailored Suite Some braided models, others In belted effects; but ton trimmed models and copies of high priced "Hickson" models. At $29.75 to $65.00 Serge "Daytime" Frocks, made of extra quality Men's Wear' Serge: some pleated skirts, apron affects, others braided. New collars and cuffs. - $35.00 to $75.00 Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Georgette Dresses, some embroidered, others beaded; some semi-tailored models. $19.75 to $39.75 Coat, at $19.75 to $75.00 An exceptional collection, in Gunnyburl, Bolivia, Gaberdine, Jersey and Potret Twill and all other newest materials. Second Floor m Hosiery Women's fancy sport hosiery in all the newest colors and designs, suitable for all oc casions, at pair. $1.25 Women's Pure Thread silk hose, in all shoe and evening ' shades. These have the wide garter hem, reinforced soles, heels and toes, extra good quality, at $1.00 Women's silk hose, all colors and black and white. Lisle tops and double heels, toes and soles, thread silk, Satur day, at 79c Women's Silk Boots and Fiber hose, fashioned and seamless in all the wanted colors, fancy boot and stripes, at 59c Women's Fiber hose, black and white, irregulars, high spliced heels and toes, lisle tops, at... 39e I Main Floor Pre-Easter Sale of Beautiful Blouses THERE NEVER was season when Fashion offered prettier Blouses and there never was a time when the variety of styles waa so broad and comprehensive from the conservative and what might be termed "lauieur" Blouses to toe ultra-smart Kuasian Blouses u art bare. Dainty Georgette Crepe Blouses, in large collar affects, frill models, also eollarlees Blouses. $6.50 to $10.00 Crop de Chine Blouses, all the smartest styles. Semi tailored models, frill models, and a wonderful variety of new collar and cuff effect. $2.98 to $8.98 Dainty Lingerie Blouses, lace-trimmed models and tacked models; hundreds of styles to select from. $1.98 to $12.98 lflOd Draw Blouses, ten ttyit to ttett from. , Special, at $1.45 Each Second Floor . Women's Easter Gloves Guaranteed washable kid loves from the famous 'errin and Adler factories in pearl, white, mastic, grey, tan, Newport, beige, gold and black: all with beauti fully stitched backs, every pair accompanied with our written guarantee, at, per pair $2.00 and $2.28 Two special lots of washable kid gloves, but not in all colors, at.. .$1.80 and $1.78 Our stock of French gloves are complete. Perrin's kid gloves are her from those world's famous factories in France in black, white, tan, grey, gold, champagne, either plain or with beautifully em broidered backs, at, per pair, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.80 Also French Iamb gloves at a special price of $1.60 per pair. The latter com in black and white only and black with white stitching on back. . . Kayaar's Glove We are Omaha headquar ters for the famous Kayser'a Gloves. Our stocks of these best silk gloves made are al together complete. Every pair is guaranteed pure silk and double tipped. They come in black, white, gold, silver grey, champagne, tan, navy, etc., either plain or with beautifully embroidered backs, pair. , . .60c to $1.78 Main Floor ' Children's D SATURDA ii' IP Q U-l fcJ II ' A Really, Truly Fashion Parade for Little Folk Live models will show Wonderful Little Dresses and Clothing for Small Boys. We have prepared as never before with the most complete stocks of the most artistic and at the same time moderate priced wearables. ', oi Our Children's Shoe Department The Best Styles for Girls' and Boys' WE have devoted an entire section of our new Shoe .Department on the Main Floor, rear, to the sale and exhibition of Boys' and Girls' Shoes. We are carry ing a very complete and comprehensive stock and have expert fitters to assure comfort and long satis faction to the children who buy their shoes here. We have grouped together" more than 400 pairs of Shoes and Low Shoes for Easter wear including white, . black patent, black kid, black gun metal and tan Rus sia calf. Three Different Lots, Grouped According to Size First lot, sizes 2 to 5 and 6tt to 8. Former prices $1 49 to $1.65. All at $1.19 a pair. Another lot. sizes 8tt to 11. Former prices $1.T5 to $2.48. All at $1.49 a pair. Mala Floor. Another lot, sizes 11 to 2. Former prices $2.25 to $2.75. All at $1.98 a pair. We are going to sho In the prettiest way In the life of a Httl .The dainty wearable Dawn, Mor and A very, very beauti So come to the Chil Little Girls and Lit Saturday morning a Three in the aftern w yao, on Saturday, as entire day , girl or bor i snd roaaar a Joy. . ful sight, -dreo's Stow of joys, He Boys t ball-past ten, ooc again. J. ) L. BranM & So Little Girls Wearables : ,ahd Thosefor "Flappers". j Girls' Shoe-Top Suits - Sizes 10 to 14 Very new, youthful models, made of serge, check, velour, jersey; colors of rose, copper, sand, gold; price $12.80 to $26.80 Girls' Sports Skirts Very New Large sports plaids, stripes, checks, silk stripes, sus pender effect, plain and pleated, with large pockets; sizes 6 to 14. Girls Blouses Jap Silk, Voiles, Madras; sizes 6 to 14. .$1.75 to $8 Girls' Smart Coats . For school and dress wear; an assortment which in eludes all styles for girls of every type; serge, silk poplin, taffeta, wool poplins, fancy checks, in all high shades; sizes 2 to 6, 8 to 14. . . .$2.96 to $38.00 Girls' Hand-Made Dresses Afternoon and party dresses, imported materials, linen georgette crepe, chiffon and crepe de chine; sizes I to 14 , ...$17.80 to $35.00 Girls' Confirmation and Graduation , Dresses Nets, Voiles, Sheer Organdies, with beautiful ribbon ' sashes, trimmed in dainty laces and embroideries; sizes 6 to 14 $2.98 to $25.00 Girls' Bain Coats and Capes Large variety of styles; just the thing for a rainy day; sizes 2 to 6, 8 to 14; price. . . .$1.98 to $12.60 ' Girls' Wash Dresses Made in fine ginghams, percales, repps, linen, sports stripes, piques; plain or pleated skirts with pockets; sports effects; high and long waist; all fast colors; sizes 6 to 14; price $1.00 to $13.75 Girls' Silk Dresses In pretty plaids, pongees, and plain colors in taf fetas, navy, Copen, rose, in sports effects, trimmed in dainty Georgette collars; sizes 6 to 14.............. .......$10.00 to $29.00 For Growing Girls, Hard to Fit Silk Wash Dresses, Smart Coats, Confirmation and Graduation Dresses, Suits, Bain Coats. Sizes 12 to 16 ....$1.98 to $35.00 CHILDREN'S GLOVES Children's Glove, for E "Pf priced. About thirty do oMdran's or boys over-seam or pique Ki d ta ten only' for children from 8 should sell at $1.25 an d 1-80 P W9 they last, Saturday, a Danforth's over-seam slja?i-" . ., . ,. . , j ouble-tipped Gloves, in ?6" A. ay; A', guaran teed Pure Silk Gloves, pwpair.... 60c CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Wes that please you &&SSrf& all nbbed pure ttread JLatn qu8litJ pink, white and black, JgJWfo at..59e and medium weight; w y - Misses' Fiber Silk Hos ft SXedlieeis to as Suede. Pongee and "'Jf d heeU'' and elastic. Worth 60c, at; Boys' heavy ribbed hos a, triple knees, double heels and toes; extra lo n. B6c at.ase Boys' School Hose, media 4 weight, heavy and fine ribbed, good M w01 19c 18e Main ft ' - BOYS' HEADWEAR Saturday, for the fir st time, we wiU show ' Wash Hats in Bah-E ah styles, white em broidered with blue, M and baby-blue shades; all sizes, at 0c Baby-blue shades, al 1 6B lor- 80c Boys' hats, in fancy mixtures, BOe, 68c, 98c Boys' Swagger Twe40 11-80 Boys' silk-lined felt "da.d,d wears, at..... $1.80 and $2.00 Boys' Spring Caps. Ped lef sweats, plain and fane 1 o,OT. 0c ni 65e SPECIAL"" About 100 dozen of Boys' Children's Wash Hats in plain an und fancy col ors, also blue serge anl laney mixtures in Golf Caps; special valu , Saturday, at. . .25c - . Arc 7; i