( SEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH SI, 1917, EBERHART TALKS 08 PEACE LEAGUE former Minnesota Governor Explains Hopes and Methods of the Proposed League. EEPLIES ' TO ARGUMENTS Seeking to answer all the principal arguments advanced against the prac ticability of a LcagLo to Enforce Peace, former Governor A. O. Eber hart of Minnesota addressed the Com mercial club at noon. He maintained the idea is practica ble, that the eaguc is not an organi zation to stop the present war, but an organization looking toward the prevention ot another. . s . He .divided international questions and controversies into two kinds justiciable and non-justiciable. Justiciable questions, he said, are those which can be decided by a court on the basis of law and evidence. Non-justiciable, he said, are those which are merely a question of pol icy, like Chinese exclusion and others. These, he said, could be referred to a court of conciliation. "If a nation refuses to abide by the decision of the international courts," he said, "the other nations signing the agreement would use economic pres sure on her first, and if that was not sufficient would bring their joint mili tary power against her. The bringing of economic pressure is not a new idea it has been used many times before." s , It has been held that every nation, great or small, free or dependent, would forever have to remain in its present status, under the system of a league of nations of thisjtind. Mr. Eberhart sought to answer that argu ment by holding that if Ireland, for example, ever gained her freedom from England, she would be recog nized by the league. The speaker read replies from many of the European nations now engaged in the war, showing that they were all willing to enter into such a league. "We have expressions from every European nation now fighting," said the speaker, "showing that they would join this movement." He assures his hearers that the league stands unitedly with President Wilson at this time, and has . no nt ilniim mirtliincr in mhar. tiiuugu. v. ..jt.....B . rass him in any way in the present crisis. Their work, they feel, will dome 'immediately after the war. Teachers at North Platte. North Platte, Neb., March 30. (Special.) With nearly 200 peda gogues on hand from all parts of cen tral and western Nebraska, the West Central District Teachers'' association opened its annual convention here yesterday. The morning was spent in visiting schools, while in the after noon Mrs. Bradford, state superin tendent of Colorado, addressed the delegates. Another address by the Colorado superintendent featured the evening meeting. ' OMAHA OIBI.S MEMBERS OF PHI BETA KAPPA. MISS ANNE RUSSELL. i JU9S QZlVZ&EHtaZ. Architectural Art to . Be Exhibited in Omaha Architectural art is to be exhibited at the Commercial club rooms some committee has decided to stage a real art exhibit . in the club rooms. Of course there will not be much of still life, with quiet pools and snowy timbered lands, but there will be architectural drawings. The club is principally interested in art for what that art means to industrial develop ment in the city. For that reason this art exhibit will be confined largely To color drawings of the architectural plans of all the buildings contem plated for Omaha this year. The date has not been definitely set, but the exhibit is to be staged some time after the middle of April, perhaps. Two Thousand Poor Children Will Be Rotary Club's Guests Will M. Cressy is to Entertain Them at Orpheum Theater Saturday Morning at Big Doings. CANDY AND FLAGS FOR ALL Two thousand Omaha kiddies the majority of them poor children from charitable institutions will be the guests of the Rotary club, the Or pheum and Will M. Cressy, appearing at the theater this week, at an entertainment this morning. Mr. Cressy, who is an honorary member of the Memphis (Tenn.) Rotary club, has essayed the role of official sun shine dispenser to juvenile unfortu nates in cities all over the United States. His Omaha entertainment will be one of his biggest attempts. The special program is to start promptly at 10:30 o'clock. Rotarians have donated their automobiles for the occasion and, poor children who can't get to the theater any other way will be conveyed there in motor cars. Every charitable institution in the city has been requested to furnisiljsts Rates On Southern . Vegetables and V Fruits Revised Washington, March 30. General revision of freight rates on fruits and vegetables from southern states to northern and middle western markets, in order to bring rates t. a parity with those from other producing sec tions, were approved today by the Interstate . Commerce commission. Carload and less than carload rates on about forty-eight kinds of fruits, melons and vegetables from every section of the south to Kansas City, St. Paul, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincin nati, Louisville, Pittsburgh, New York, Philadelphia and numerous other towns and cities are involved. In the case of the cities mentioned, 447 rates are increased, 332 rates are reduced and thirty-seven rates left un changed. The commission found that most of the railroads' proposals for readjust- time in April. Tlje new activities f?1"1 or rates were justinea, Dut mat were disapproved. Disapprovals in cluded proposals to increas. rates on potatoes from points in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas; to increase rates on fruit from Arkansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, and to in crease rates on cantaloupes and musk melons from Arkansas. Oklahoma and Missouri, where, such rates are al ready as high as the commission be lieves are justified. , Hurt While Boarding Train. i Edgar, Neb., March 30. (Special.) John Hurley was severely injured here yesterday afternoon. He at tempted to get on a freight-car while QWIr-WI-Wlr-Wl-WlrGOOD FURNITUR fIf.fI6-4IS SOUTH fig 'Sfi Overstuffed Davenport "Ta-Beds A handsome living room or library table that can be con verted into a bed in a few sec onds; very well made and fin ished in fumed or golden oak; Regular $50.00 value for $35.00 Chair Beds An all Spanish leather chair that can be converted into a single bed by touching a spring. A really handsome, comfortable piece of furniture Hhat would be useful in almost any home. S45.00 and $50.00 chairs while they last, for - $35.00 Covered in good quality denim, 6 feet, 10 inches long; a luxur ious, handsome piece of living room furniture that will add tone to an already well furnish ed home; made with deep spiral springs and upholstered by first class workmen. Heavy frame construction. Price only $49.00 ' Sewing Rockers These rockers were constructed from odd and left over dining chairs, which collect from time to time in our stock. They have Spanish leather seats and make very comfortable sewing chairs. The prices save you nearly 60 per cent. Without arms $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $8.50 With arms $5.75 and $7.75 DOWN STAIRS Perfection Smokeless Oil Heaters Absolutely Reliable When the house is chilly these brisk spring mornings, "Per fection" saves, lighting the fur nace or stove, wanning up the room quickly so that breakfast can be taken in comfort. Oil Capacity, one gallon Price $3.49 r - RUGS Second Floor Economy Specials in Floor Coverings Bissell's Gold Medal Carpet Sweeper A well made sweeper that does the work, fully guaran teed, i $3.50 Heavy Steel Door Mat, 18x30 inches, will roll up CO and are easily cleaned. SpeciaL OUC Rag Rugs The largest stock in the city, in all sizes and col ors, from 18x36 inches to 48x84 inches. We have a num- . ber of oval patterns at especially low prices; alup revers ible cretonne rugs, in good, bright patterns; colors: blues, and pink or yellow and pink. Prices ; 27x54, at $2.75 30x60, at $3.25 ' 36x72, at $3.75 Brutaal Rugs 8-3x10-6, seamless, In splendid Oriental pat terns, good colors; a few for bedrooms ... .$19.60 Seamless Velvet Rags In Oriental and medallion figures, in mixed browns and greens. A heavy, rich, good wearing rug 9x12 size, at ' $27.00 J. DRAPERIES: SPECIAL PRICES ON SEASONABLE DRAPERIES ) Saving You About ONE-THIRD ' Lace Nets At reduced prices white or ecru lOe, 12c, 18c, 25c, 35c, 55e Voiles and Marquisette White, ivory or ecru 12 He, 18c, 20c, 25c per yard. T)eetiT-For upholstering purposes $1.95, $3.00, $3.95, $4.50, $10.00. Cretonnes In every conceivable color effect 18c, 23c, 32c, 38c, 48c, 60c per yard Drapery MaterieU In blue, green, brown, rose, 36 and 60 inches wide, per yard 45c, 65c, 75c,- $1.10 Silkolines For comfortables, at 14c per yard. J) of children who would like to gu to the Orpheum Saturday morning as the guests of Mr. Lressy and the Rotary club. Elaborate plans have been made by Dan A. Johnson, secretary of the Rotary club, to make the sunshine party a gala day in the lives of Oma ha's poor children. The Rotary club will present each boy and girl with an American flag and the O'Brien Candy company will distribute boxes of candy to all of the juvenile guests. The Orpheum orchestra has donated its services for the morning and will help in spreading the sunshine. Boy Scouts will "police" the inte rior of the theater and maintain or der among the youthful unfortunates. Policemen will keep the youngsters from storming the theater before the appointed hour. Moving pictures of the swarm of children are to be taken and shown at(the evening perform ance of the Orpheum. Mr. Cressy will give a stereopticon talk, showing how the kiddies of other lands amuse themselves and bring sunshine into their lives. Every poor boy and girl in Omaha is wel come to the Rotary-Cressy-Orpheum party. the train was moving and fell under the edge of the car. One wheel struck his left shoulder blade, fracturing it and knocking him out from under the car. He was a vendor of court plaster and spectacles. The city authorities will look after him. Cy Once More Hits .300 In Matrimonial League "Cy" Forsythe is again batting .300 in the matrimonial league. For a while it looked as if his do mestic slugging average was due for a decided slump, but certain things have happened recently. On February 3 his wife, Minnie Forsythe, brought suit in district court asking a divorce from the Omaha base ball player, alleging that "Cy," named in the petition as Frank, hail been extremely cruel to her. And that was not all. She further al leged that "his cruel and inhuman conduct had humiliated her, causing her great mental pain and anguish. As a parting shot she petitioned that he had only partially supported her, notwithstanding the fact that his prowess with the willow earned him about 250 iron men a month. When the divorce suit came up for hearing in Judge Hay's court it was dismissed by Mrs. Forsythe. Ru mor has it that a reconciliation was effected on the eve of the base ball training season. Park School Pupils to - Show Work at Exhibit Park school will have the honor of sending an entire collection of posters of the Eighth B room to the national exhibit of drawing and manual train ing work to be held at Lincoln dur ing the first week of May. . In making the selections for tru: Omaha section at the exhibit the drawing supervisor was impressed with the unusual merit of the poster work at Park school and advised Miss Clara B. Mason, principal, that her school would be in evidence. Patriotic Scenes As Schools Close , For Vacation Week Patriotic sccucs at Dundee school Friday afternoon were typical of. the demonstrations in all of the schools, although it seemed that the boys and girls of this school were unusually enthusiastic. Boy Ssouts filled the spring air with sounds of fife and drum and many flags filled windows and other spaces. The closing of schools this after noon for the spring vacation of one week was made an occasion for city wide patriotic programs, which in cluded recitation of "Your Flag and My Flag" and Lincoln s Gettysburg address. The youngsters of Kelloin school gave evidence of whistling talent. From kindergarten to eighth grade in all schools the boys and girls were impressed by song ant! story with the meaning of the flag. At Franklin! school Principal Ann Hutchins went from room to room and asked the children if they were French or Swedish or some other nationality. They answered, "No, ma'm." And when she asked them if they were Americans they all replied, "Yes. ma'am !" Young Man Shoots jelf. Geneva. Neb., March 30. (Special.) Gerald, the 17-year-old son of H. A. Warner of Chelsea township, com mitted suicide by shooting. He had been in poor health for years. The Brawn and Brain of a boy are not made out of books or ser mons. They are built out of foods that supply in well balanced proportion and in digestible form every needed element. These elements are in Shredded Wheat Biscuit, a real whole wheat food which contains all the material for building the human body. A perfect food for growing youngsters. Its crispness encourages thorough chewing which develops sound teeth and healthy gums. Children like it and thrive on it. It is ready-cooked and ready-to eat For breakfast or any meal with milk or cream. ' Made at Niagara Falls, N.Y. Growing Up and Building Down Younf mnnt Stop amoklne clfarvta ANTI-SMOKE KMIi the deilra in thru dayi. Harmrass, non-habit-formlni. At ludlnf dnifginti ir writ ua. Full Information Ire. Trial jottla. SI. 00. OMAHA CHEMICAL LABORATORIES, Dept. 10, Omaha, Neb. One Minute Store Talk "Service" Is the biggest word in the dictionary of retailing it's the keynote of the Greater Nebraska's . merchandising success. That we feel It our plain duty to make your money do the utmost work for yon is demonstrated in the values we offer that's one side of our service. That we feel that your time is money, we prove by a most effi cient organization of conscien tious, alert salespeople. No time wasting waits no delays Service in all ways to your advantage at this metropolitan establishment. JOHN A. SWANSON, Pres. .WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas. 1 2rai mis ! Wn- jix America s Finest Spring Suits Hand Tailored Masterpieces $20 $25 $30 IN placing at your command this mosr complete and diversified assemblage of Men's and ' Young Men's Correct Apparel, this Greater Store stands forth as The Fashion Center of the West. Thou sands upon thousands of New Spring Suits, represent ing a score of America's quality-supreme, style-leading designers the height of achievement in journeymen tailored clothes, ready for service, at $20, $25 and $30 Young Men's Entirely New Styles Belter Suit held the center el attention scores of new adaptations of this lively new model. . Button belt, loose belt, stitched-down belt, full belt, half concealed or detachable belt, snug waists, high shoulder military effect coats m 1, 2, 3, 4-but ' ton, single and double-breasted models. Unusually rich new flan nels, tweeds, cheviots, .homespuns, worsteds the color range -'ithout limit Styles of distinction from foremost designers, at 4)20.00. $25.00 nd $30.00. JIen,s Business Suits. i Special Models and Sizes $15 to $40 High grade tailoring combined with worthy fabrics and the greatest range of sizes for "hard-to-fit" men sets this Spring Suit Stock apart in a class by itself. Stout, tall, short or heavy men, if you've never known ready-for-service clothes satisfaction before it's here for you today. Spring Overcoats Silk-Lined Chesterfields, Belter Backs, Trench Coats, fancy mixtures or oxioras, silk lined, eighth or quarter lined. Dress or auto coats. $ many specialty waierprooiea l0-l5-20-$25 Mn'i and Younf Man's Clothing 3conJ Floor. World's Best Shirts Surpassing Selections i Determined to offer supreme assortments of fine shirts, we've drawn upon the world's best makers and devoted a vast sec tion of our main floor to this showing. See them. Young Men, theae striking New Manhat tans, Yorke and Bates Street Shirts have . many new style features that you'll want now. $1.50. $2.00. S2.50 Rich Neckwear 50S $1.0d, $1.50 In every sense of the term, here's neckwear headquarters. Luxurious new silks in a thousand and one pat terns. Bold poster effects, Persians, rich oriental and distinguished brocades. No end to the selection in our metro politan cravat section. For Easter Silk Gloves, $1 and $1.25 Kid and Cape Gloves, $1.50 to $2.50 Refreshing Spring Hats For Men and Young Men Before deciding on your Eas ter hat, see what Nebraska's leading hat store offers. The largest western showing of new styles from America's greatest makers awaits you, amongst them, just the hat for you and experts to help you select it. , John B. Stetson Hat Head quarters $3.50 to $10. Crofut & Knapp Hat Head quarters $3.50 to $5.00. Nebraska De Luxe Hats The Best at 93.00 Nebraska Special Hats Leaders at S2.00 New Spring Caps Sl.OO. S1.50. 82.00 HATS Main Floor, Eaal Section Union Suits All weights, from medium wool, at f 1.50 to $2.50 to Athletic, Vassar Superior and scores of others, $1.00 nd UP Traveling Goods Headquarters, Suit Cases and Bags, $1.25 to $35.00. - , Exclusive agents for "Neverbreak" Wardrobe Trunks, at $16.50. Finest wardrobe trunks, $22 to $60. INSPECT OUR INTERESTING SHOW WINDOWS TODAY. Boys' and Children's Easter Suits Hats, Caps, Furnishings and Footwear. 4 Exclusive Agents Regal Shoes " Acknowledged America's Best Footwear Values. . -CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN' 0'M-A"'A V .ORCHARD fc W1LHELM CO-AMMVMMM3 A.