t:wrtw THE BEEt OMAHA. SATUKPAT , ' BTAKCH 31. HIT, WILSON'S SPEECH ON GENERAL LINES Instead of Discussing Incidents He WiU Deal With Ques tions of Policy, . THINKS U. S. BELLIGEBENT ; Wajhington, March 30. While it it assumed from the defensive measures already taken by the military arm of the government President Wilson, in : addressing congress next week, will ask for war against Germany or a declaration that a state ot war exists it is known he will speak along broad lines, dealing lightly with incidents leading up to the present crisis. Officials feel now that the time It past when incidentals should be dis cussed and, henceforth, that only fundamental questions of both pres ent and future American ; aaterv ahould be considered. At a result the president it gathering opinions and suggestions from all sides at to the sort of an address to make in tne coming crucial period. Doesn't Chansta Situation. The situation hat not been changed . i i l . i . r" - t I oy me speecn oi me uennan tuamci lor, Von Bethmann Hollweg, today, arcnrdin to the view tonight of offi cials. Germanv. it was taid. hat consist ently attempted to lay the blame for us acts on oincr nations. . yn previ ous occasions President Wilson hat taken the position that Germany is in no way justified in carrying on submarine nithlessnett ' because of the British blockade. ' Only complete abndonment of un restricted submarine wariare coma change the attitude of the United States, it hat been said temi-officislly recently, ana press reports inaicaie that the German chancellor did not even discust that possibility. I View of Public Opinion. JfuDlic opinion, was taia nere, as indicated by clippings from newspap er in all parts of the country, un mistakably favors decisive action. Belligerency is not confined to the Atlantic and Pacific sections if opin ions gathered by the administration are a true index. Demand for action on the part of congress and the presi dent comes also from the interior section between the Allegbanies and the Sierras. The views reported by some mid-western congressmen at to the apathy of their constituencies it considered more local than general, The greatest point under considera tion by the administration It whether Germany has not unmistakably thown through a long succession of viola tions of international law, that the United States mutt definitely unite with the liberal democracies of the world against the four most complete autocracies, both for its' prstent and itt future safety. ; Danger to World's Pasco. All hope has been lost, at shown in the note to Germany aa to the treaty of 1828, in the good faith of the present German rulers. The Bel gian invasion and deportations, the ruthless submarine . warfare, the at tempts to embroil neutral countries in plots, and the general conduct of the war, have convinced many officials, tfut the German military system at at present directed it s permanent dan ger to the world't peace. German plott in this country, run ning back almost to the beginning of the war and finally culminating in the Zimmermann note to ally Japan and Mexico in war against this country, are regarded at evidence of the evil of the general system. The adminis tration has much material not yet made public and it it understood, moreover, that tht complete text of the Zimmerman note hat not been published. Further disclosure! of in trigues may be expected st any time. Germany, through the coolnest with which she treated the president's pro posal to name peace terms, is felt to be the greatest source of danger to world peace. Some officials here who felt its original offer was insincere and merely a play for domestic eon sumption, believe its refusal to ttate terms is proof of that contention. ' Full co-operation with the allies, therefore, it generally favored at s necetsity to America i future tafety. German victory now it it taid might lead to a direct attack on thit coun try later and would at least necessi tate extensive armament. A deadlock would be tantamount to a German victory on the basis that while, after peace the German union would be come stronger, the entente might easily fall apart and Germany would be left relatively world supreme. Host Expected Is Draw. Military authorities here ' believe that the mTjst Germany expects now is a draw. What seems indifference In 'this Ailn.rv. an,..,,.. Ih.m .U war causes much interest. Some offi cials have predicted for more than a year that Germany would attempt to force this nation into the conflict at Sage Tea Keeps Your Hair Dark It's Grandmother's recipe to bring back color, youthfulnees and lustre : Everybody is using it again. Gray hair, however handsome, de notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of u youthful appearance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mart the face. When it fades, turns gray and looks streaked just a tew applications of Sage' Tea and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred-fold, Don't etay grayl Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a 50-cent bottle of "Wyeth't Sage and Sulphur Compound, which is merely the old time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks . recommend thit ready-to-use preparation, because it darkens the nair beautifully, beiidea no one can possibly tell, at it darkens to natu rally and evenly. Yon moisten s sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand st time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application 'or two its natural color it restored and it becomes thick, floaty and lustrous and yon appear years younger. ' Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound is a delightful toilet requisite, it is not intended for the cure, miti ' tion or prevention of disease. Advertisement. the last moment, in order that its autocracy might save itt face before the peoDle by surrendering to the whole world, and, secondly, because this country would probably be a generoua enemy. , The last objection to America's participation was removed with the severance of relations when it ceased to be possible for America to get funds to Germany and thus sustain the price of the mark. Before that Finance Minister Helaferich had been most instrumental in curbing the Von Tirpitz party of ruthless submarine warfare. Manner of Participation. With the United States drawn into the war through no desire of its own and convinced that the war it a war of self-protection and self-preservation, the exact manner of American participation is undecided. The send ing of an army to Europe or the pro vision of a huge credit of from one billion to Ave billion dollars are both being discussed. At for military par ticipation nothing probable it de termined, and decisions must await actual entrance into the war. Some feel that a large army, owing to need of equipment and. diversion of ship ping would be more of a hinderance than a help. Munitions manufacture, where the United States could be of most value, would "be expedited by the' greatest possible degree. At the same time alliances with the entente nationt are not contemplated. The United States plant to maintain its freedom of action just as far at pos sible, in a naval and military aense, there will, of course, be full co-operation, but beyond that the country will not assume unlimited liability for the allies' aimt. The United Statea will seek as far as possible to ameliorate the bitterness of the present war and prevent its ending from generating future wart. . East Nebraska High School Students Hold Contest Fremont, Neb., March 30. (Soeciaf Telegram.) Leigh, Clarkaon and Ashland High school ttudentt carried off first honort at the annual declama tory of the East Nebraska district here thit evening. Second placet went to Omaha, Mead, Genoa and North Bend in the oratorical class. George E. Clark of Leigh won first and Max E. Konecky of Omaha tecond in the dramatic class. Libbie Houfek of Clarkson was awarded first and tec ond placet went to Ernest Nelson of Mead and Marion Young of Geneva. taitn wormian took first in the humorous and Catherine Farrell of North Bend wat tecond. Stanton Company Disbands; May Form Another One Norfolk. Neb.. March 30. fSoeclal Telegram.) Ordera cancelling the movement ot Company u, Nebraska National Guard, of Stanton, to aome Missouri river ooint were followed suddenly Thursday afternoon by the announcement of Captain Anderson that the company had disbanded. Mbit of the soldiers may request tranafer to the retervea. It it likely that the vacancy made by the Stanton company will result in another unit being added to the Fourth regiment from some other Nebraska town. German Born Citizens . ' Lead in Patriotic Display Norfolk. Neb.. March 30. iSoecial Telegram.) Norfolk Germans took a leading part in the oatnotic wave here today. Farm houses, building ana city residences occupied by German-speaking Americans blossomed out with the Stara and Stripes. mis aispiay ot patriotism wat quickly followed bv the native born Americans. Adams County Plans To Grow Sugar Beets Haitinat. Neb.. March 30. CSnc- clal Telegram.) The Chamber of Commerce has called a meeting for Saturday to consider planting sugar beets in the fields where wheat has been killed. Suaar beeta were urown successfully here tome yeart ago, but inadequate methods ot marketing mad the venture unprofitable. Funeral of Albert Armstrong. cial.) The funeral of Albert Arm strong, who died of heart disease, was held yesterday afternoon at the home of hia tister, Mrs. N. A. Duff. From Our Near Neighbors ATM, Mra. B. C, Nntsmui wu Omh Itor wsdnMdtr, Mint vrn Ward hu returned from a few days' vtflt at Kim wood. Mra. Edward Wutf and daughter ara vla Itlnir relative! at Nebawka. Mr. and Mra B. C. Marquardt wart ?! lttnf at Talmaffa laat Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Walter Abkar vera here from Berlin Sunday vliltlng relatives. Mra. A. J. Nutiman and eon, Nell, left tbis week for tbelr borne at Bertrand. Mr. and Mra. W. H. Thlela and MlM Bda Meyen mover! to Omaha Tueeday. John H. flchmldt and family will leave soon for Hamlet. Neb., wnere they will re- itd. Mtaa Xenora Kruse wai hero from weep- In Water over Sunday for a visit with friends. Mlsa Bertha Smoota of Julian was hero Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mra. Ora E. Copes and Mr, ana Mrs. E. T. Oearbart were vistlng at Cook lundtv. Mrs. Henry Franaen anri Mrs. w. i. Smoota were vistlng relatives at Platte mouth this week. Mies Maud Hanter of Dea Moines, la., (a hero for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mra. P. A. Hanger. Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Rehmeler ana Mrs. Nels Nelson of Omaha visited rela tives and friends hero this week. Mlea Juliana Rehmeler of Weeping Wa ter was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Qottlelb Rehmeler, here this week. Mrs. O. h. Brinton and children were hero from Kim wood Sunday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Everett. tha T. , Is 1 El It hern. Mrs. Henry ' Bay entertained club Wednesday afternoon. William Widgery of Yuma, Colo, visiting relatives ana rrienas. Mra. J. O. Seefus entertained tha Ger man Card club Tuesday afternoon. A very nloe lunch was served. Mrs. Frost of Wolbach, Neb., li here via itlng her eousln, Mrs. Van A 1st, and Mra D, P. Qulnn and family, A farewell party was given Mr. and Mra. Harry Johnson Wednesday evening at the Knights of Pythias hall. AH wished Mr. and Mra. Johnson eueceas In their new homo at Waterloo, where they will move Monday. Oretaa. Mra. Tanner of Or'oeloy baa been vtiltlng her daughter, Mrs. Earl Mangold. Mrs. Mlka Hughes returned Tuesday from North Platte, where she had been visiting her aistor, Mra. Frank Doran. , H. O, Bandy returned laat week from a businees trip to Kansas City and St. Louis and other eouthern points. Gerald Connor Is quarantined for tha sear let fever at tha William Gillespie home, Tha Chris Peterson homo la alao under quaran tine. Oplnlona differ among tha farmers In this vicinity In regard to tha condition of the winter wheat Soma of the farmers say It la dead and are plowing It under and are sowing the ground to oata or spring wheat Othera affirm that, though tha wheat la dead on top, tha roota aro still groan and they believe there will be some crop. At a meeting Tuesday evening tha Oretna sohoot board re-elected Superintendent Ab bot at an increased salary. The following grade taaohara vera re-elected t Bertha Bishops grammars Mamie Dlllion, Interme diate; Alloa Weeth, primary;, Georgia Fog, kindergarten, IiTtagtoa. - Mr. and Mra Vestal motored to Kanaard Sunday, t Mrs. w nnoa, wna waa nangarouaiy in. is Improving. Miss Kllllan visited relatives at Washing- ton Saturday and Sunday. W. m. Read of Norfolk vlelted. at tha Vastal home Friday to Sunday. Tha Willing Workers met at tha Chris tian church for dinner Wednesday. , There will be a good time social at the Christian church Friday, April a. Mr. and Mra. 8. R, Brewster returned Thursday from a few days' trip ta Kansas city. Mr, and Mrs. Ira Finch left Wednesday for Sprinfield, Neb., where they will make their home. Mr. and Mra. John Hendrlckson visited their daughter at David City a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Babbit of Keyetone Park, were entertained at tha 9. R. Brew ster home Sunday. Rose, daughter of Mrs. Mattla Curtis, was operated on for appendicitis Monday morning, on is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mra. Dave Thomas and family lert Tuesday evening for Edmonton. Al berta, where they intend to make their home. Mr. and Mrs.. A. C. Deln, Elmer and enria ueln and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wll Hams were entertained at the Walter Mad- sen homo In Benson Sunday. Faplllioa. Minn Frances Empey of El Reno, Qkl,, visiting her cousin, Mrs. G. P. Milter. Ulss Gladya Horn Is quarantined this week with a light attack of scarlet fever. Mra T. C. Corey waa taken to the Met ho dlst hospital la Omaha laat Friday for an operation. Bne la getting along nicely. Superintendent F. S. Bowers Is attending tne leacnera' meeting at Fremont this week, Mrs. Bowers and tha children bra visiting at Matnce. Meedamea Q. p. Milter, A, F. Empey and O. H. Boyer . entertained the Ladles' Aid society of tha Presbyterian church Thurs day afternoon. Mtaa Alma Bove, daughter of Mrs. Peter Bove, and Walter Pflug were married at tne prides noma Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Pflug will live in South Omaha. Tha Woman's club met Wednesday after noon at tha home of Mrs. Horace Patterson, with Mrs. William Patterson aa hostess, Mrs. C H, Rosa read a very Interesting paper on prison reform work. Reports from tne district meeting were given by Mrs, woyer ana Mrs. King. . Mrs. Christie Fisher, a former Papllllon resident, died the first of the week at the homa of relatives In Chicago. The funeral waa held hers Wednesday afternoon at the Presbyterian church with interment at Sobaab s cemetery, , , Sprtogfleld. Tha Methodist brotherhood met with L. , Stacy Friday niaht. S, p. Nicholson of Litchfield la hers visit. lng his father, who is quite 111. a. R. secord and William P. Mangold oi urems were in town m on a ay. Mr. Philander Bishop of Gretna visited nis siatar, Mrs. srenen, tnis weea. M lsa Carolyn Oelsel of Battle Creek. Mich., spoke In tbs opera house Thursday evening. Mrs. Frank Comte attended tha annual convention of tha Woodmen Circle at Lincoln tbla week. Mrs. C. w. Sanborn of Bethany visited her son, Wayne, who la farming tha homa piaca this year. jornest Kieck. who is a student at ere! ah- ton university, has accented a noaltlon in a nospitai in Minneapolis. Mrs. John Mines left last Saturday for Wyoming to join her 'husband, who hai taken a homestead there. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham of Green wood visited tha homa of Mr. and Mrs. Fetor Anderson this week. Tha following men were nominated for village council at a cttlsens caucus Mon day night: C. A. Besack, Alois Elwell, J. 0. Geib, Mark Christian, Otto Joern and woy Barbara. Three are to be elected. Weeping Water. A local real aetata aaent reoorts the sale of tltroa farma laat week In thia county at a total of 181, 00. Mrs. J. A, Hlatt was called to Falls City Wednesday by tha serious Illness of her aaugnur, Mrs. v. H. Webber. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Colbert are here from Chicago, where tha doctor baa just com pleted special work In medicine. They are JUST AS BAD AS THE POISON OF SNAKES. I -ka. Br Dm. K. & COOK. Wa can manufacture poisons within our swn bodies which are as deadly aa a make's venom. A blockade in the intestines (at teen in tha cut above) piles a heavy burden opon tht liver. If the SIS feet of intestines are choked or clogged np, the blood becomes poisoned ana ws suffer from what is called auto intoxication or from ptomain poison ln. Something is wrong ws taffat from headache, yellow-coated tongue, bsd taste In mouth, nausea, or gat, acid dyspepsia, languor, debilitv. akin or ayes yellow, the water is leant and high colored, containing "brick-dost" deposits and bile pigments. At such times one should drink plenty of water between meals, a pint of hot water before breakfast, and occas ionally take a pleasant laxative. Bach a one is made of the May apple, leaves of aloe and root of jalap, first extracted and put is readv-to-use form by Dr. Pierce nearly fifty yeart ago, and told by druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Ever sines tha discovery of arte add In tha blood by Boheele, In 1776, and tha bad effect it had upon the body, scientists and physicians have striven to rid tbs tissues and tha blood of this poison. Because of its over, abundanoe la the system it causes backache, pains here and there, rheu matism, goat, gravel, neuralgia, and sciatica. It was Dr. Pierce who dis covered a new agent, called Annric, wbieh will throw out and completely aradioate this orio acid from the system. Anuria has proved to be many times mors potent than Uthia, and consequently yon need no longer fear mnaoular or articular rheuma tism or goat, or many other dis eases which are dependent on an accumulation of nno acid within tha body. - IIIIIIMIIIIlllltllUltl lllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllinilllllllllilillllllillJIIIMIIltlllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllll IIHIlllllllItlllllllllllllti For Woman i I 'T JTlfi ) fY Fo' Men White Kid Boots, 11)) A La k M 1 1 III fSSX. "N K6 Ko Brown Ivory Kid Boots, I iwj f E Vf f I HIXc 7 J n- Gray Kid Boots. JJ(J A LJjl wrana master vnenng of Shoes For Less ! This big under-selling store with its big nine-store I buying power offers you the new and most wanted styles I ai, si my saving. : I I I I II f. h hil 1 Woi i fail . .$4.95 ' Boys' Shoo 3 Stamped Genuine Peck's Bad Boy, s dull calf, both button t$9 AC I and lace....... ..VtJ I A tagged school shoe for tht boy I who is a goer. Button s ft I and lac.... Snow White Boot In the new white Cab leather Flex ible street soles and white enam eled leather. Louis heels, jf or just. . . . . . Men's Custom English Mahogany. Brown Calf, Havana Brown Calf, Royal Black Calf. English cuatom and round toe lasts. Welted soles of leather or the new Texoid tf J Q(J rubber , y4.W Delicate Ivory Kid, Silver Gray Kid, Washable Gray ffQ AO ,.t 9vri Easter Pump Special They have arrived a big 'assortment of styles that are jutt new. Soft dull kid, fins patent colt and glased kid. Street weight and light hand-turned solos. Select a CO QC pretty style now."! sum SHOE CO. ISIS Dousla 1S12 Douslu Afeats for Fame LittU PUymatu Black-White Tops A classy combination for street or strictly dress. Leather Louis heels The New English Walking Boot I With new high English heels, rich 5 brown calf i black, gray Jg fj Black and white tops, same style s in black calf with extra JO AC s high tops and street soles . wO.TtJ E Girl' Shoe ; f Black, White Tops You have wanted a pair. W s have them. Patent with soft white Queen's cloth tops. Sizes tf0 AC up to 2. At. A splendid school shoe; dull calf j and patent, button and J P ' lace; all sixes 7:ftv Extra dressy and durable. Both s dull and patent. Doll tops and s cloth tops. Sites lltt CO OC to 2 ...Vttd s Baby Shoe ', Pretty styles galore in many leatb- era that are stylish and dainty. Let s us fit the little tot in a QO x pretty pair 90C s IrNMHHHNHmmifttHrrr rfaiitlnjr here tit tha home of Ma pnrenta. 'Dr. end Mrs. John Colbert. Word has been reoeived of tha birth at a daughter to Mr. and Mrs, J. w. Lava or Cleveland, O. ' Mra, Love waa formerly Mlsa Hasel Jameson, uhter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jameson of thia place. Hal Bellows, who was a resident of Weeping Water aa a lad many yesra ago, waa visiting old friends here thia week. He waa returning, with his family from California to bis home tn Toledo, O. Valley. Mr. and Mra. W. f. Eddy went to Fre mont Sunday. Mrs. L w. Presba and Jalnnle returned from Beemer Saturday, Miss Wauneta E. Cook and Mlsi Char lotte Anderson spent tha week-end In Lin coln. Mrs. Todd of Waterloo came up Thurs day to spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Kennedy. Miss Hilda Parson has been elected to f.ll tha vacancy in tha Intermediate gradea Of tha Valley school the coming year. Mr. and Mra. F. M. Butta went to Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Butta returned Wednesday night, but Mr, Butta la remaining a' few daya. Tha regular monthly meeting of tha Mis sionary society was hold Wednesday after noon with Mra. Nightengale. Mrs. Mc Donald waa leader of the study. Mrs. Mc Donald and Mrs. Presba ware elected dele gates to the Presbyterian meet in la Omaha. The social and business meeting of the Christian Endeavor eoclety of the Presby terian church waa held Monday evening with Mrs. Ingram. Tha following are the officers for the coming year: Gertrude In gram, president; Preeda Helmbach, vice president; Gertrude Ferree, secretary; Hssal Foster, treasurer; Madolin Monahon, or ganlst. Persistent Advertising Is the Roid to Success. A MOTHER S TROUBLES A mother' unending work and devotion drains and strain her physical strength and leaves its mark in dimmed eyes and careworn ex pressions she ages before her time. Any mother who it weary and languid should start taking Scott', Emulsion oi Norwegian Cod Liver Oil as a strengthen ing food and bracing tonic to add rich neaa to her blood and build up her nerves before it is too late. Start Scott's Emulsion today its fame is world-wide. It is free from alcohol. (aiaLLiNERy shop "The Store of Individual Shops -4 : . . Perfectly Stunning Hats ' Saturday, 5.00 You're rare, to l&e them shapes just out of their creator's minds and So new that Spring seems delayed by comparison, r Colors to contrast with your, color and -harmonize with your, Easter Costume. A truly fascinating array. You'll be eager -to try them on. Beady Saturday. . . , ': .. . Millinery Charged Saturday Will Appear on May 1st Statements. ; i BOYS' SgOP g , 'The Store of Individual Shop" Y our Boy's Easter Suit . Here at- 7.50, 8.50, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00 and 16.50 ' Most of them have extra trousers. Select your Boy's Easter suit from the complete, authentic and mod erately priced gar ments assembled in our Boys' Shop. -A Suit in a Hundred All wool serge, well made and fin- i ished, pinch back, j "3-piece belt with . . front, alpaca lin ing. An. exception ally good suit at $7.50. . : ;.. Boys! Time to Get Action on 'That! Jiamona This is good news for those "boy baseball enthusiasts" Saturday (only) with every clothing purchase our Boys' Shop will give a genuine Ben Thor baseball bat, made of extra heavy hard wood especially for. us . It's a dandy. For the little fellows, we will, give -'a base ball with' every purchase of 50c or more. . : v : . . ; . SFarnam and Sixteenth Stxeets0(ayCSCSv