Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1917, Image 2

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81, 1917.
Lancaster Lawmaker Says
Four-Footed Hog Has Been
Much Maligned.
T t
: Froip a Staff Corraapondent)
Lincoln, March 30. (Special.)
.During the last week I have been
studying hogs and men, comparing
their, babiti, code of ethics and con'
duct under fire and I find that the hog
has been somewhat maligned and the
epithets-which have been hurled" at
him in some measure have been mis
directed. Believing that the four-foot
ed hog is gaining on his adversary and
should be encouraged. I vote yes."
' This is the way Senator Oberlies of
Lancaster explained his vote today
wnen the ssu.uuu appropriation tor a
hog -barn at the state fair gruunds
came up tor hnai passage. I he senator
had tried to get the appropriation cut
down to. $50,000, which was going
some for a Lancaster county senator,
and with the marks of the steam roller
which flattened out himself and more
than a dozen other senators when
they went up against the wet machine
on the dry bill yesterday, it is figured
that his explanation might have had
a personal application.
7 However, the hog barn bill was
passed, with Hammond, Strehlow
and Tanner not voting.
.. The senate refused to take an ad
journment over Saturday, on motion
of Albert. ; .
Bills Passed.
. Other bills which went through on
final passage were:
H. R. 401 .Approprtataa faaa for food
romrolMlon. Paaaed, ST to S, with mar
fancy elauaa.
- H. R, il Appropriate 121,790 for dafl
rleoer prlotlns expanaea o( put blannlum.
'Paaaed, 26 to S, with emergency clauee.
H. R. 481 Fee of S oonu a barrel for oil
Inapoetloa. Paaaed, 10 to S, with emercencr
, H. R. 411 To eoneolidate hotel eomrola
lon with pari- food aommlMlon. Fund,
Jl to 1.
' H. R, 111 Ineriuo ataS and aelarlee of
nura food eommtaelon., Paaaed, SS to S, with
emergency clauia.
H. R. II. Allowf trait aoaipanloi to In
vcat In farm loan bank bonds, Paeeed, SS to
J, with emergency elauoo.
' H. R. Ill To appropriate 11,101 to wlfo
r Frank Honko, allied In a fall at tho
Norfolk hoopltal for tho Inaane. Ho waa
from Boyd county. Paaaed. SI to 0, with
"emergency clauae.
B. R. T 110,000 hps ban at Hate fair
arrounda, Paaaed, II to 11.
, H. R. J0J Appropriating mill levy for
tintveralty building fund. Paaaed, II to 0,
with omergency elauee. .
Cuban Rebel Forces in
( Orients Province Surrender
Havana, March 30. Virtually all
the soldiers and civilians comprising
She rebel forces of Rigoberto Fernan
dez in Oriente province, between 500
and 600 in number, surrendered to
Colonel Varona at Guantanamo early
today. f '
In surrendering the rebels gave up
'.10,000 rounds of rifle ammunition and
JU.OOO rounds of machine gun am
munition, together with sixteen dyna
iinite bombs. Fernandei himself is
still at large. .
The forces that surrendered in
cluded two and one-half squadrons
of cavalry, two companies of infan
try, one machine gun section, one
'transport section and 100 civilians,
together with all officers and equip
ment of the troops.
Rafael Manduley, liberal candidate
for the governorship of Oriente
province, accompanied by several
prominent men of Santiago de Cuba,
also surrendered,
To Cm OoM la Om Day
Take Lasatlve Broms Quinine Tablet.
Drunglme refund money If It falls to ouro,
IS. w. orove'a Ifnature Is oa eaoh hex. Its.
Caucus Also Renominates All
Officers of Last House and
Ways and Means Body.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, March 30. (Special
Telegram.) At the democratic cau
cus today it was decided to vote for
speaker, clerk of the house, sergeant
at-arms and doorkeeper en bloc, pre
senting the names of these four om
eials who held positions in the Sixty-
fourth congress; Speaker, Champ
Clark; clerk, South Trimble; ser-
geant-at-arms, Kobcrt B. Cordon;
doorkeeper, Joseph J. Sinnott.
The question of committee chair
manships was left open, except that it
was decided by the caucus to fill the
vacancies on the ways and means
committee by a resolution similar to
the one which will be offered on Mon
day ss to the officers, present mem'
bers being re-elected to that body.
' Test of Strengh.
To meet the proposition of the
democrats as to house officers the re
publicans may decide to present a res
olution carrying four names as pro
posed by the democrats or they may
t j . . c . i
asit lor a amnion oi tne question
wherein the test of strength will
come. Bipartisanship in organization
seems to be lost in the thoughts ot
those who believed such s condition
At the democratic caucus today two
jyeDrasKans attended, l-obeck and
Stephens. Lobeck having: reached
Washington yesterday. At the repub
lican caucus tomorrow night bloan,
Reavis and Kinkaid will be in attend
ance, Sloan and Reavis being ready
on tne ground.
Clark Likely to Win.
What action the committee of
twenty-seven republicans, of which
Sloan is s member, will decide upon
at tonight's session is problematical.
Their action will be presented to the
caucus tomorrow nieht. But with ab
sentees in both democratic and repub
lican camps, with the indeoendents
split, with dissensions among the
leaders of the two dominant Dirties, it
is anybody's victory, with chances
very largely in Champ Clark's favor
as speaker of the Sixty-fifth congress
mere were 1st memers-eiect In
the caucus, which was undisturbed by
any serious ngnis. i niriy-mree
democrats, some of them classed as
insurgents, failed, to ahow up.
Good Roads Boosters Plan
To Log North Platte Road
Mitchell, Neb., March 30.-(Spf
cial.) The North Platte Valley High.
way association will hold s meeting
at Oahkosh, April 4. Representatives
of all towns from Guernsey. Wvo to
Ogallala, Neb., have signified their in
tention to oe present, ine trip is to
be made from both way to Oshkosh
in cars by thirty ears of good road
boosters. The roads are to be logged
and immediately after the meeting
steps win be taken to mark both the
main highway and all roads leading
mererrom. ;
This highway shortens the distance
from the Lincoln highway to the Yel
lowstone highway over one hundred
miles and as it follows the river
through irrigated Nebraska, it will h
s better grade and more scenic route
than that used by tourists at present
a State Engineer George E. Johnson
is expected to be in attendance and
will explain the features of the state
and national aid appropriations.
We Did NotLower the Quality
We Did Not Raise the Price
Any 0) Any
Hat C, Hat
All Stylts, AH Shapn Ml Colors
You'll Do Better at Beaton's
20c Pears' Unscented Glycerine
Soap, per cake 12e
,15c Williams' Jersey Cream Soap,
. per cake 9
25c Palmer's Talcum Powder 14e
25c Mustara Cemte. ...... .16
OOo Nadinols Cream 29t
50e Nedrs Face Powder.... 29e
60c 3. A..P. Rice Powder. . .270
25c S-inch Scissors. ...... .15,
60c Ziora Antiseptie Mouth Wash
: (recommended by doctors and
dentists) 50
$1.00 S. S. S ....70s
Pink-a-Lene 25e
(Restores any shade of pink)
50c Charles Flesh Food.... 34
25e Nature's Remedy Tablets 1 6
$1.00 Malted Milk... 60
25c Mentbolatum . .16
60e Solid Alcohol Stoves. . .24s
50e Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets 29
50c Oraiin Tooth Past 34
11.00-Tan Lac i,
r v..;' '
10c Hampton Court Cigsrs 5
10c George the Fourth Cigars
for 5
lOe Straight Mozart, Magic,
8 for , 25e
10c Haarlem Oil (Gold Medal),
for 5k
50c Hays' Hair Health 344
$1.00 Pinaud's Lilac Vegetal
tor 59
75c Pompoian Massage Cream
for 48t
25o DeWitt's Cold Tablets. .16
26c Zymole Trokeys lfl
Beaton's Cold Cream, In tubes
n and jars. 25 nd 50
25c Peroxide . ,.10a
$1.00 Hood's Saraaparills...f9
60c Rubber Sponges.. . ., . . .14
60c Father John's Remedy.. 42
$1.00 Hair Brushes Kfl
25e Toileteer, for cleaning Triks,
toilets,. tile floors, etc.... 17
35c Castoria .21
Rubber Goods Dept.
$2.00 2-quart Combination
Fountain Syringe and Bottle,
for $1.19
$1.60 2-quart Hot Water Bottle
for .....79
$3.60 Whirling Spray Female
Douche, for 92.38
$1.60 Shoulder Braces, $1.00
$2.00 Shoulder Braces, 81.50
Abdominal 8ur?orter, com
plete line, from 81.75 to 84
" Mail Ordara Racaiva) Our P ft At. :
Twenty-Eight Ships Held in
Irish Fort While Destroyers
Remove Hundred Mines.
Blank Date, March 30. The fact
that the Cunard liner Orduna was
stopped off the Irish coast by a Brit
ish torpedo boat destroyer and hur
riedly ordered into the nearest port
while North Channel was cleared of a
great flock of mines suddenly discov
ered there, was revealed by the ship's
officers as the reason the vesSi.'Vas
three days overdue when it reached
its American destination today.
Upon arrival in the Irish port of
retuge its officers said they tound
twenty-seven other ships had already
escaped the mines peril by putting in
there, including one American ship.
Two other vessels had fallen victim
of the mines, they learned, and had
gone down. ,
The mine sweepers worked two
days clearing the sea of the menace,
destroying more than 100 mines. Then
all the ships were ordered out at once,
making their way through a lane 01
protecting torpedo boat destroyers
and patrol boats until they reached
safe waters.
On board the Orduna were five
American airplane experts, who have
been engaged in construction and in
struction work for the French on the
western, front. It was learned they
have been called back here to assist
the development of this country's
aerial service.
Sinking of Glynymel Confirmed.
Sinking of British freight steamer
Glynymel, reported by Berlin March
26, was confirmed by members of the
crew who were passengers on the Or
duna. The ship was on its way to
London from a French port, the sail
ors said, and was torpedoed without
warning on March 9. The chief mate
of the steamer was killed and one of
the assistant engineers injured. The
Glynymel was a -vessel of 1,342 tons
gross. . .
Kills Suffrage Bill.
St Paul, Minn., March 30. The
senate of the Minnesota state legis
lature Wednesday killed the Putnam
Sageng suffrage bill, which( provides
for vote of women for president and
vice president, by a vote of 35 to 31.
Men Who Called r
General Strike in
Spain Arrested
Washington, March 30. A revolu
tionary movement',, which resulted in
the calling of a general strike, was
directly responsible for the suspen
sion yesterday by Spain of constitu
tional guarantees, according to an
official dispatch received today by
Ambassador Riano from Madrid.
The government having arrested
the signers of the strike manifesto, is
said in the dispatch now to be relying
upon the "common sense" of work
men and the effectiveness of the
measure taken to preserve public or
der. The country was quiet at the
time the dispatch was sent.
The text follows:
"A manifesto having been pub
lished by the representatives of the
workmen's union proclaiming s gen
eral strike without fixing a date and
clearly with revolutionary purpose,
and with the idea of disturbing public
order, which was very marked last
night at a public meeting, the govern
ment has suspended constitutional
guarantees, after having arrested by
judicial order the signers of the man
ifesto. Absolute tranquility reigns
over Spain and the government trusts
to common sense of the workmen and
the effectiveness of the measures
adopted to preserve public order."
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Purchases Charged
Saturday Appear on
May 1st Statement
Trefousse Gloves
For Easter Wear
The perfect costume is only
possible when all details are
harmonious. Gloves, al
though an accessory, assume
particular importance at
Two-Clasp Pique, in white,
navy, pastel, brown, gray,
black, $2.75.
One and Two-Clasp Pique,
in white, navy, tan, gray, and
black, $2 and $2.25.
Easter Novelties
Newness and originality are
the dominating features of
our neck fixings for women :
Sports Neckwear, bright and'
sensible, in a great variety
of designs. For the one
piece costumes are flat col
lars with sailor backs, made
of Silk, Georgette, and Or
gandie, lace trimmed and
embroidered. t
Guimps and Vestees, Stocks
and Collars, Collars and Cuff
Sets, Stocks and Jabots.
SstabfisfiPd r386
This Is the Week 16 Prepare for Easter
TMs is the Store Where One Finds NEW. Things
An Easter Sale
of Silk Hosiery
Due to broken lines, and sizes we are
pricing Silk Hose for a quick clearance
Saturday. The qualities are perfect and
sell regularly at much greater prices.
Both out sizes and regular sizes in black
and white Silk Hose.
Saturday, $1.19 a Pair
. Splendid Values
Easter Cards
Just a word of greeting, a
sentiment and an appro-,
priate illustration all
finely done on cards and
Art Department, 3d Floor
Center Aisle, Main Floor
Easter Handkerchiefs
Linen Handkerchiefs in
all colors to ' harmonize
with dresses and cos
tumes, 25c.
Crepe de Chine Handker
chiefs in dainty colored
designs, 25c.
MEN! Easter is but a single
. week away. Surely the new-,
ness of spring is contagious.
New Shirts, new Scarfs in
, fact, a general brightening
up is no more than right.
such favorably known mak
ers as- Manhattan, Eagle,
and Arrow. Madras, Crepes,
Fibres, all fast color fabrics,
with stiff or French cuffs
most attractive patterns, too.
We speak of our Silk Shirts
with pride; they are excep-
, tional in every respect
Crepe de Chines, Peau de
Crepes, Broadcloth Silk and .
Satin Striped Tub Silks, in a
striking array of new pat-
terns. ,
four - in - hands. Reversible
Cheney tubulars, knitted
scarfs of pure silk in fact,
any style and color you
might wish. All made with
"slip-easy" bands, 50c to
?2.5o. .
The Day of Fabrics Is Here
Weaves, Patterns, Colors, so strikingly original and
distinctive that there need be no difficulty in the
way of variety or question of authenticity.
making of many a cpstume.
Exquisite designs, vivid and
unusual. Brocades, Paisley
effects, prints,! materials ex- ,
celling in wearing qualities,
?1.25,$1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50.
SKIRTINGS Coin dots,
stripes, plaids, and plain col- -ors.
They will make very
attractive skirts for spring
and summer wear. Selec
tions of Summer Wash
Goods are now complete.
Belding's Guaranteed Taf
feta and Satin de Chine in
twenty-five colors. Both are
pure-dye fabrics, which to
you means no wrinkling,
longer wear and conse
quently,' satisfaction. Why
pay as much or more for or
dinary silk? $2 to $2.50
in Jersey, Burella, and Mix
tures, different from the ordinary.
Toilette Requisites
At Special Prices
Hughes' Ideal Hair Brushes,
triple bristle, waterproof,
specially priced, Saturday
only, $1.00. " i
Powder Puffs, 7c.
Williams' Baby Soap 21c box.
Tooth Brushes, 10c.
Women's Fibre
Silk Hose in a
Special Sale
An odd line of Fiber Silk
Hose, white and black, reg
ular price, 59c
39c a Pair
' Saturday Will Be An Important
In the Apparel Sections
Displays of NEW apparel will be reac(y in a pro
fusion of style ideas that will appeal to well
dressed women. The latest arrivals of Fashionable
Clothes for Easter Wear will make their bow to
the discriminating women of Omaha.
The Demand for Turning Our Attention
Silk Suite the Sports Dresses
,, . . We note that they are
Has made necessary tins gaining in fvorythose
present complete selection styles featured by Thomp-
of exclusive models and
lovely fabrics: Yo-San,
Khaki Kool, Silk . Jersey,
Taffetas, and Poplins are
prominently displayed.
. Silk Suit Prices,
$35, $39.50, $45, to $125
Coats Strike a New
Note of Popularity 1
Consequently Milady of
Fashion will be delighted
with our offerings of
FERENT. For dress wear,
street wear, motoring, and
each and every occasion
Dame Fashion has de
signed a coat with that
particular purpose in
mind. Prices, $16.50, $25,
$29.50, to $95.
son-Belden being charac
teristic in color and fab
ric, but tempered by the
elements of good taste, so
that they are charming in
,deed. Prices are $35,
$39.50, $45, to $75.
Our Alteration Serv
ice is Without Extra
Charge. '
The Blouse Store
Blouses become more im
portant as we approach
Easter. For what Easter
Costume is complete and
in perfect taste if the
blouse is not correct? Ar
tistic blouses will com
mand attention Saturday,
With a price to suit every
purse, a service that is sin
cerely helpful.
Prices, $1.95 to $35
Strpdng Trinimed Hats
in the Smartest Styles Jbr Easter
Many women will wish their Easter,
bonnets to be smart, stylish and be
coming, and yet inexpensive. For
weeks we have directed our efforts
to procure a great collection of rer
$8 50 markaMe values which will sat-
y " ; isfy their need. Here they ; $10.50
; are in three exceptional
groups each ; :
one a real
. bargain.
: hi, .
, one a real '.
Warner Front 1
Lace Corsets
Why do so many women
choose Warner's Front Lace
Corsets? . Because they are
sensible styles, extremely
good values, though extreme
in no other way.
A Warner Corset will fit and
wear well at whatever price
you choose to pay. As low
as $2 a pair. Every ;pair
Prices $2 to $3.50 a pair.
JsAt ".J. 1
. Basement '
House Dresses, Porch Dresg
: es,. Aprons, as dainty as they
are serviceable, as attractive
' as they are practical. These
dispel forever the idea that"
duty apparel for house wear6
need not be stylish and good!:'
: looking. ' '- '; V , . s
Aprons that are very un- ;
usual for 85c, $1.15, $1.35. ;
usual smartness to Pumps and Oxfords
for spring and summer wear. . Modeled
V on shapely lasts, dainty full Louis heels.
Fashions in Pumps and Oxfords
Patent Kid Pumps, $6.
Dull Kid Pumps, $6. ;
Dull Kid Pump's, with gray '
back quarters, $8.
Tan Calf Pumps, $7.
Gray Kid Pumps, $7, $8. .
Stylish Oxfords, $5.50 to $8.
".''''.;,..'. 15th and Fatrnam. f