Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1917, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 18, Image 18

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Smith Oirli Make Sacrifice!.
Mr. E. G. McGilton has t tetter
from her daughter, Miss Eleanor Mc
Gilton, from Smith college telling of
the patriotic wave, as well at the sac
. nficial streak affecting the Smith
girls. "The girls are simply bursting
.with patriotism," she writes. Last
Friday, after an appeal made, for
prisoners of war, the college girls
pledged themselves to give $8,500 to
the relief fund after Easter. Many of
the eastern girls of great means
pledged large sums, but the majority
of girls on allowances are making
many real personal sacrifices in order
to make their pledges.
"It is not an uncommon sight now
' to see bruised knuckles on the girls'
hands, since a number of them are
washing their own blouses to save
the laundry bills," writes Miss Mc
Gilton. .
r.;H nn nur nmm Hrpss IS the
Omaha girl's sacrifice, and she re
marked tnat sne was reany inanxiui
that she already had a party wrap,
ha thm imnulae become
to sacrifice all worldly things that she
might otnerwtse oeem u wise jo uu
witnout it. . ,
Th anrai IFntifnent at Smith
seems to be that if the United States
idoes get Into war the college win De
'transformed into i base hospital and
that the girls taking the Red Cross
work will be made assistant nurses.
A meeting is to be held this week
to determine the advisability of giv
ing up the prom, the great social
event of the college, since there will
be a scarcity of men in the evelit of
A bit of news concerning a former
Umaha girl, miss winnrea roubb.
who is making good in college, is her
recent appointment to the position of
assistant editor-in-chief of the Smith
College Monthly.- It is considered
quite an honor to hold the position,
since she had to be recommended by
the English department and then
voted upon by the present staff.
Organise First Aid Class.
No meeting of thenew hospital
class to study first aid work which is
being organized by Mrs. E. H.
Sprague and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson
will be held this week. The first
meeting will be held next Friday at
Lord Lister hospital, where Miss
Marie Weekes, head nurse at the hos
pital, will give her time between 11
and 12 o'clock to the work. Dr. E. C.
Henry and the members of the group
of doctors who meet at the hospital
each Friday noon to discuss medical
roblems will allow the class to glean
nowlerige from these round-table
talks. The twelve members of the
class have not yet been chosen, al
though the names are being consid
ered today, ,v
Sorority Luncheon. .
. Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will
meet Saturday for a 1 o'clock lunch
eon at the home of Mr.s. Robert H.
Thompson, when she will be assisted
by Mrs. G- W. Poynter, Miss Susan
Faxson and Miss Helen Sholes, Misa
Louise Found and Miss Josephine
Burkett of Lincoln, Miss Margaret
, Ashford of Sioux City, Mils Alfreda
Stokes and the Misses Anne Russell
and Geraldine Johnson, who are home
for the spring vacation, will be guests
at the luncheon,
On the Calendar.
Km. John VV. Gill, president of
tke Women's Missionary federation
of nSe city of Omaha, will entertain
the executive committee of that or-i
g'uiixatlon at luncheon at the Yjoung
VSomeri's Christian association Tues
day. A dancing party Is being planned
for the evening of Easter Monday,
April 9, at the Metropolitan club
hoose by the Young Men's Dansant
.Wedding Plan. '
' The marriage of Miss Mamie Spies
berger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Spiesberger of this city, to
Mr. Sam Kramer of New York City
wl take place April 26 at the Bilt
more hotel in New York. Mrs. Sam
Rabinovich, who was formerly Miss
Hortense Spiesberger, will attend her
sister aa matron of honor. The affair
will be a family wedding, with only
about thirty-five or forty relatives
present Mr. and Mrs. Spiesberger
leave next Wednesday for New York
to join their daughter and to remain
until after her marriage, Mr. Meyer
Spiesberger will go to New York
later to be present at the service.
Event of the Say.
Mrs. W. Righter Wood entertained
eight intimate friends of Mrs. Alfred
Francoeur of Glencoe, Chicago, at an
informal luncheon in her honor at
the Blackstone. After luncheon the
members, of the party adjourned to
: the home of Miss Kate McHugh for
their class in Jiterature, which since
last summer has met every Friday
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mikesell will
entertain twenty-two guests at din
ner at the Her Grand hotel tin's eve
ning in honor of theirisitors, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Terryll of Eaton, O.
The party will then attend the Qui
Vive dancing party at lurpins din
cintr academy.
Mrs. Fred Meti entertained the
Skat club at luncheon at the Black-
stone. Red and yellow tulips formed
the centerpiece for the table and the
afternoon was spent playing Bleat.
Seven members were oresent,
Mrs. Clarke Powell entertained the
Altar guild of Trinity cathedral at
her home, when the time wa spent
sewing for the Easter sale, which
will be held tomorrow morning at
10:30 at the Jacob Memorial hall.
Omaha-Lincoln Gossip. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Metcalfe have
been visiting their son, Mr. Theodore
Metca fe. in Lincoln. Mrs. Walter
KIodd is the guest of Miss Janet
Chase: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Johnson
spent the week-end visiting their
daughter. Miss Irene Johnson, and
Mr. Harold Schubert spent the first
of the week at the Phi Gamma Delta
Miss Ruth Welsh will have as her
guest during the spring recess Miss
Evelyn Wheeler of Lincoln.
Mr. William Guilbert. who has been
home ill, returned to Lincoln Monday
to resume his studies at tne state
Miss Helen Sorenson has returned
from a visit with friends m Lincoln,
The Misses Faye Simon, Lucille
Nitche andV Lillian Gnam will be
week-end guests at the home of Miss
Elizabeth Crawford,
Miss Ruth Anderson has as her
guest Miss Alfreda Stokes of Lincoln.
MISS jjosepnine uurxeit oi Lincoln
will arrive tomorrow with Miss Eliz
abeth Gould to spend the Easter va
cation at the Gould home.
Misa Dorothv Davits and Mr. Lyell
Ruston motored up from Lincoln for
a visit yesterday at the home ot the
Of Club Interest. "
The Philathea union will meet in
the covenant room at'the Young Wo
men'a Christian association tonight at
8 o'clock, thia meeting to be preceded
by a cabinet gathering at 6 o clock.
Co-oDeration in the summer camp
fund campaign and with the Social
Settlement of the South Side, as well
aa admission of new classes, will be
A minstrel show will be give at
the Benson city hall Saturday evening
at 8:15 o'clock by Maple Leaf chap
ter, Order of the Eastern Star, under
the direction of Mi's. S. A. Smith.
The executive committee includes
Mrs. Robert Allen and Mrs. W. M.
Clark. This minstrel show has been
given twice before by this chapter.
This entertainment is sponsored by
the Benson Woman's club.
A special meeting of Chapter E
of the P. E. O. sisterhood was held
Thursday tt the home of Mrs, R. B.
Zachary, when Mrs. Nora Killian of
Kearney, Neb., grand chapter organ
iser, inspected the chapter. Twenty
one members were present. Mrs. Kil
lian. left last" night for her home. ,
Sochi Qossip.
Miss Resina Connell left last even
ing for Louisville, Ky., where she
Hall classmate, Miss Maragret Munn.
Miss Dorothv Hall ia back from
-Chicago and will be at home over the
Mrs. Wait H. Squier Is suffering
from a general breakdown in health.
She has been confined to her home for
the last week and will be denied to
callers for tome time to come.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Horton, ac
companied by their children, Helen
Marye and Charles, left today for a
ten days' trip to Galveston and other
southern points.
What Women
Are Doing
Nearly 10,000 women are employed
as waitresses in New York City.
Women fill the office of state super
intendent of public instruction in
Washington, Colorado, Idahor and
Wyoming. , -
A; committee known as the "com
mittee for the voluntary enlistment of
Frenchmen in the service of the coun
try," has been formed for the purpose
of taking down the names, addresses
and qualifications of all women who
are willing to give their service when
ever the government may call upon
them. -' '
It is well to be a woman In France
on New Year's day. This is the great
festival of the French people, and on
its arrival it is customary for the men
to bestow all manner of presents upon
their mothers, wives, daughters, sis
ters and sweethearts, while the
women are exempt from giving any
presents. '
Mrs. William Gould, who before her marriage was Mia Ethel
Blanche Sander of New York, it now actively engaged in,
Red Crow work in England.
I mmmmimmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I inll'Tini J-IaM.,,,.m.'m jj
Feeding the Growing Child
i During the Second Year
(This is the first of series of arti
cles furnished by the United States
commissioner of health. The articles
will appear once week).
Much of the illness and suffering
among babies commonty attributed to
the "second summer" or to teething
is actually due to errors In feeding.
The baby s delicate digestive mechan
ism, accustomed to dealing only with
milk, cannot all at once undertake
the task of adjustment to a varied diet
of solid foods, but must be strength
ened by the gradual addition of new
foods until the organs are trained to
more complicated operations. The
safe rule for feeding the baby is to
add but one new food at a time to
his dietary; to watch carefully the ef
fect of each one and to withdraw it
and return to the simpler diet at the
first sign of trouble, ihese rules are
particularly important in summer,
when a baby is more readily upset.
The following list shows the day's
meals for a baby in his second year:
T a. m., milk, awlebaek, toait or drltd
bread. -
S a. m., orange Julca.
10 a. m cereal, cup of rfllk. ,
S p. m., broth, meat, vegetable, stale
bread, baked apple.
S p. m., cereal, milk, toaat or bread,
10 p. m., milk (may be omitted.
Milk At this time the baby should
be taking about one quart of milk in
twenty-four hours; part of this may,
be poured over the cereal,
Cereals Oatmeal should be cooked
three hours, with a little salt in the
water. It should be served without
sugar or with a very little only. The
lighter cereals should be cooked at
least an hour. '
Breads Bread for young children
must have been thoroughly baked and
should beuite dry when used; that
is, at least two days old. Tender toast
is made by cutting thin slices from
such a loaf and allowing them to dry
still more, then toasting them to a
delicate brown over a quick fire. Toast
thus made is crisp all the way through
and may be used in many ways. Many
children will, like to eat it broken
into bits in broth or milk. Hot breads
and biscuits, griddle cakes and muf
fins are not suitable for young chil
dren. Fruit The chjld may have a small
portion of baked apple or prunes once
a day in addition to his morning feed
ing of orange juice. The apple should
be baked very tender, and all the skin,
seeds and hard parts should be re
moved. Prunes should b very care
fully washed, soaked alt night, then
cooked until very tender with very
little sugar. A small portion of the
strained pulp may be given instead of
apple, and the juice may be used also.
Meat The child may have about a
tablespoonful of scraped meat, or a
soft boiled or coddleM egg once a day.
Beef, broiled, boiled or roasted, the
tender part of a lamb chop or the del
icate meat of chicken or fish may be
used. All meat should be scraped or
minced very fine, as no child of this
age can be trussed to chew it prop
erly. 1 "
Vegetables A small portion of
some properly cooked green vege
table like spinach or tender string
beans may be given. Such vegetable j
should be fresh. They should be
cooked, then drained and mashed or
strained through a colander.
Roosevelt to Talk Here at
Commercial Club in June
Theodore Roosevelt has written to
C. H. Pickens accepting'at. invitation
to speak before th; Omaha Commer
cial club in June, when he comes west
again. Mr. Roosevelt is already un'
der engagement to speak ini Lincoln
about commencement time, and will
make the Omaha date a part of his
trip. The exact tim will be announced
Berg's Women's Shop Now Open
1621 Farnam St.
1-5 Oft
Our stock is. entirely new; every garment in it was shipped
to ns within the past ten days from New York. Every lata style
development that has appeared you will find represented here.
And this exclusive stock is offered before Easter at the special
discount mentioned above. ,
Drop Into this new
8hop of ours, Just
east ot 17th St, on
Farnam, Just oppo
site the Omaha Na
tional bank. You'll
be delighted with
the Individuality ot
our styles You'll
be astonished at the
reasonableness of
our prices, v You'd
be surprised to
know how many of
your friends have
been getting their
mart outfits from
as the past few
years. Drop In.
Every conceivable type of suit: plain tailored styles In navy,
gray or beige; wool Jersey suits ia the new high shades for sports
or outing wear; silk suits for dressy use In gros de londre, trldmph
silk or silk sublime, aa well as the silk Jersey suits; fancy trimmed
for outing nse. Every suit from 117.50 to $75.00 at a discount of
14 off.
. Both silk and wool coats In high or staple colors for every use!
sport, dress, auto or street wear. Many materials are shown that
are new this season Qunnlburl, lupina, Plnehurat, waterfall and
. many others In all the popnlar shades. Our coats range In price
from 112.50 to 160.00. The 112.60 coat sells for J16.00; the $60.00 coat
for $40.00. All go at 14 off. - . ,
We never had as distinctive s line of dresses as- we are show
ing right now.- There are some perfectly beautiful georgette models,
trimmed with beads and soutache braid. Then there are taffetas,
erepe de chines and crepe meteor m modela for afternoon, street or
Informal party wear. We never had so many pretty dresses and
all at 14 off, - ,
10 OFF
Georgette Crepe
Crepe de Chine
10 OFF
New Flounces
New Colorings
: The New Spring
Skes Stylss
Offer a Splendid
Selection for Yon
to Choose From
Chic New
' la All the Popular Colors
00 to $12
ilfl w liae of Fane 1 JC
SKfc Hom, p.eully priced t..$l 0
IVcS-Cvar Shi I!:?
317 South 16th Stmt.
1519 Doughs Street
On Sale Saturday
A1 value-giving event that will save 350
women actually much more than half on
" Fashion's daintiest smartest Easter
Blouses, in a color to Harmonize with your
new Easter Suit Plain tailored or dressv
styles for various occa
sions. A wonderful as
sortment' in a vast and
most advantageous bar-
gam event
Crepe de Chine,
French s; :
..Voflee, V
Tnb Silki .
' New
' Maize,
Chart reuse,
Gold, Bronze,
'Navy; Nile,
Sport Stripes,
Tea Rose,
As to
The npwest deep collars, latest
frills, fancy jabots and pretty
eollars, cuffs and pockety
come in elaborate combination
effects, v Choice of the dainti
est silk creations, suitable for
dressy Easter wear, as well as
for the practical serviee
sports wear, etc
Miss Mollis Greenberg, in Charge of Our Waist Dept.
Sunday Dessert
The combination for tomorrow is
Coffee lea Cream with Almond Pasta
From and sweetened just to your tasta,
Riebly sprinkled with chopped Citron fruit
A Special Dessart that can't help but suit.
Ua.. Va 4Vea i'.. UM m JA.U. mMm D
ipa vivsv vj viivrt) id Mavrcajv at ucaici vtiiu bciib aaa
It is less work for the telephone opera
tor to make a telephone connection than
to report: "The line is busy. -
Trade in that old furniture of
yours, on some new pieces, by
. turning it into cash through
a Bee Want-Ad.
Phone Tyler 1000
Between 8 A. M. and 10 P. M. Today v
You are as close to
v as your phone is to you '' '