Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1917, Page 14, Image 14

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Cattle of All Kind; Slow, but
About Steady Sheep Are
! Generally Steady.
i Omaha, Ureh J. J1J,
Receipts were:
oiru.ial llondxy....;
Official Tuesday...,
. fifflckal Wwln.Bdajr
OITIvial Thursday,,,
ISatlmat. Friday,
t Cattla. Horb. Sheen.
. Mil Mil
.10, ,11 II. iu 10,111
. l.OIS 1T.I4J 11.014
. 4,017 14.114 10,141
. 1,1M 11.309 7.600
Flva dais thla,i 7f,l:7 ii.iii
8ama daya laal Wo.k.lMIS 41,436 4S.I00
8aine daya I WKe. ano.St.l41 44.1I3 I0.7II
Same daya I was. aio.33,314 41,111 47.47
8.111a day 4 wks. aao.lJ.JI4 41.427 40.141
Kama daya laat year. .14,00 14,741 41.106
Receipts and dlapoaltlnn of llva stock al
thit Union stork Tarda, Omaha, for twenty
four hours coding at I o'clock v. mv yes
tarday; ,. .
Cattla. ijoce. Shaep.H'r'av
C. V. 4k St. P 1 I
Wabash 1 I ..
Plsnourl Pacific 1
L'nlon Parlflc S3 54
C. N. W.. oaat I 4 1
('. K. W.. weal. ...14 II I 1
O, M. P., M. O,. I II .
c. n. Q., west.. .14 17 4
O., R. I, P., east., I I
i'.. R. 1. A P., ml., I y 1 ..
Illlnola Central 1
Chlcaio Ou West.-,. 1 I ...
Total receipts..... II 141 II
Cattle. Hove.
Morris at Co 41 1,457
Swift Co 441 1,171
Cudahy Packing Co IS! ItH
Armour Co SSI . 1.611
Schwartl 4b Co , , 104
J. W. Murphy 1,714
Lincoln Packlnf Co..... , 1 .
a Omaha Packing Co., 1 '
Kohr Peaking Co 11 ....
Wlleon Packing Co 111
T. B. Lawla... - II. ....
Huaton Co.... 1 ....
P. a. Kellogg. H ..... ....
Kills BrOB , It
Sullivan Broa II '.
t'hrlatle , II
Hlralna 14 ..... , ....
Huffman ....... 1 .....
Roth , 4 ....
(llaeeberg , 1 .... ....
Hiker, Jonea A smith.. 10 ....
Banner Broa. I ..... ....
John Harvey' I ..... ....
Jensen 4s I.andgren 10 ...
Pat O'Day ..,..., ..,. ....
Other tuyere 101 1,171
Totala l. IMS? 4.101
Cattle Receipt, of cattle were moderate,
e uiual on a Friday, but for the weak re
ceipt! have been very large, In fact, the
largoat for a good many weaks hack and
. larger than a year ago by 1,000 head,
Aa uaual on a Friday, the trade waa pot
very actlvo and mora or leas uneven. Still,
price did not ahow any noteworthy change
In either direction. ''
Quotations oa cattla) Good to choice keevea,
lll.0e)ll.0; fair to good beevee, I10.7K,
11.10; common to fair beevee, 11.11410.10;
good to choice heifers, 11.00010.00; good to
choice oowa.; fair to good eowa,
11.0001.71; common to fair oowa. Ifi.tO!)
1.101 prima feeding steers, Il.l04ll0.tlj good
to choice feeders, 11.7101 60; fair to good
feeders, ll.0IOI.7l: common to fair feed
era. 14.7491.04; good to eholco stockers.
iieill: atock heifers. I7.ll0t.ll; stock
oowa, 11.0001.00; atock calve., 11.00010.111
veal oalvea, ll.00O13.00l beef bulla, Blurs,
etc., 11.1001.11; bologno bulla, I7.OO0I.:I.
Kepraaentatlv Bales:
Av. Pr. Mo.
. I.,
Av. Vr.
., 110 17 71
..III I 10
.. 771 I II
., 447 I 10
.. 110 I II
.. 101 10 II
.. 171 10 10
., Ill 10 74
..1041 11 10
..1201 11 10
...12411 11 10
,.1171 11 II
, 411 10
. 740 I II
, 130 I II
.1110 10
. 101 10
34 1010 10 10
II 171 10 40
17 1104 10 10
14 HO 10 II
10 1014 11 It
II 1101 11 10
12 1311 11 10
...1327 II 00
ICS I 10 I.. 114 I 16
...141 t 00 II Ill t 10
...710 I II 11 (It 10 00
... Hi 10 IS
I 71 1 410 1 40
1 II 1.. 940 I 10
I It 1 110 I 00
I II II ...1010 11 10
I 00 3 141
tJIMO: lai.ibe, shearing, 114.21014.71; year.
Hnsm, good to choice. 111. 00011.70; year-
I nss. vlalr to good. wetnere,
fair to choice, Ill-Sf 017.71; own, good to
choice, 111.40013.30; ewea. fair to giod.
111.00 011.40; eweo. plain to culls, 17 000
Repre'ssntatlva gales: '
No.' ' Av. Pr.
311 fed lambs 70 III 16
211 Mexican lambo II 1' 31
II cull lamb. 10 11 00
311 native aharlng iamba. ...... 77 14 IS
377 native ahearlng lambs 71 14 10
311 Meilcan Iamba 721 111 1
111 Meilcan lambs II 11 00
ill Meilcan Iamba . 14 IS
560 fed lambs 74 14 10
400 fed Iamba 72 14JTS
II natlvs spring lambs 71 II 71
- Cattle Steady, Hogs Weak Sheep
Are Strong.
Chicago. 111.. March 10. Cattle Recelpta,
2.000 head; market, eteady; native beef
cattle, 11.10012. as; stackers ana iceaere,
17.0001.40; cows and heifers, 11.10010.10;
calvea. 11.100 14.00.
Hogs Receipts. 11.000 head; market.
weak at 30 to 36c above yesterday a aver.
age: bulk, tll.3O01t.4i; light, 114.45016.41;
mlied, II4.IO015.IO; heavy, 114.40014.44
rouab. 114.10011.16: alia. 110.71014.36.
Sheep and Lamba Receipts, 1,000 head;
market, atrong: wethera,;
ewea, 11.000 13.10; lambs, ll!.0lt.SO.
St. foals Llva Stock Market.
St. Louis, March 30. Cattle Receipts,
110 head: market, steady; native beef aterrB.
17.60 0 1 2.16; yearling ateers and hetfera.
11.10011.71; cows, 15.16010.00; Blockers
and feeders, 14.00010.00; prime southern
beef eteero. to. 00011.00; beet cows and
heifers. II. 3101.00: prime yesrllng steers
and heifers, 17. 60O10.00; active calvea, 14.00
Hoga Receipts, a, 100 neaa; marxrt,
higher;' lights, II4.IO01I.1O; pigs, 11.760
13.60: mixed and butrhers. 114.16016.40:
good heavy, I16.35 01...U, bulk, 114.100
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,100 heed:
market, steady; lambs, 113.00011.40; awss,
11.10012.26; yearling. 118.11014.31.
Weill City llva stock Market.
Sloui City, la., March 30. Cattle Re
celpta 100 head; market ateady; beef eteera,
110.100 13.00; butchera, fl.t0O10.60; fat
enwa and helfere, 17.60010.60; cannera, IE. 60
07.60: atorkerB and feedera. 17.5001.76:
oalvea, 17.6001.60; bulla, Btaga, etc., 17.60
01.60) feeding cows and heifers, fl.500
Hogs Receipts, 700 head; market ion
70c higher; light, lt.lO014.7O; mixed,
H4.7i01l.IO; heavy, 111. 10O16.00; pigs,
111.10011.00; bulk of s 'is, 114.70011.10.
Sheep and Lamba Recelpta, too head;
market 10o higher; yearlinga, 113.00013.26;
wethers, 111. 60012.10; -owes, 110.10011.50;
Iamba, 111.00011.46.
City Live Stock.
Kanaaa City, Mo., March 14, Cattle Re
celpta, 100 head: market, ateady; prima fed
Blears, 111. 76013.10; dressed beef ateera,
11.71011. 10; western ateera, 11.000 12.00:
oowa, 19.00010.10: heifers, II. 00 011.10;
atookers and feeders, 17.76011.00; bulls.
17.600 10.00; oalves, la. 00O13.00.
Hogs Reoelpts, 1.100 head; market.
higher; bulk, 114.15015.10: heavy, 111.30(1
15.30; packers ana butchers, 114. 15014.26;
light, 114.10011,00; pigs, 113.000 11.10.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head;
market, steady: lamba, 113.00011.00; year
lings,; wethers, 111.50013.76;
awes, 110.10011.60. '
, St-. Joseph Live Slock Market. '
St. Joaeph, Mo., March lO.Cattle Re-
ceplta, 100 head; market itaadyl ateera, cowa and helfere, 11.OO011.2I:
calvea, 11.00012.00.
Hoga Reoclpta, 1,500 head; market 150
I60 hlgheri top, 115.11; bulk of tales. 114.71
sheep ana Lamos Receipts, i.nos nean;
market weak to lOo lower; lambs, 114.40
v :. -
4 It
I 71
I 10
I 00
1 It
1 to
1 16
I 16
I 10
4 10
I to
1 1031 I 10 11........ Ill
1 171 I II 1 , III
I Ill 1 tO 11. ....... 1061
I ...11H0 1 10 I lit
7 1011 I It 3, ...... .1116
!v...,.1060 I 41 1.. 110
11.,.' 1141 I 10 1 1115
11. ...... .1110 I 10 t ...1110
1 1168 00 I. ,1111
I It 1...
I It 1...
1 Ill I 31 1...
II Ill I 00 4...
1 10 10 00 1 170 11 II
1 110 11 It I Ill II 40
Hoga There waa another liberal run of
hoga hero this morning, arrivals being the
heavieat that have ahown up on a Friday
this month. The aupply waa oatlmated at
111 cars, or 11.101 head, making the total
for tee flvo daya 11,111 head. Thla Is the
largest alnca flva week! ago, being 11,000
larger than a week ago, MOO heavier than
two weeks ago, ana a gain of 11,404 over
laat year.
Prlcea were fully lto higher on tha ear
lier trade today, though like yeaterday, part
of the advance waa loot on tha eloao. Ship
pars bought about their uaual quota, paying
10 Olio to poaalbly loo higher. Tho killer
trade waa a little dreggy at tho outaat, but
movement started la pretty fair aeaaoa at
generally llo higher prlcea.
One packer waa fighting tho advanos and
aa waa the case yeeterday aellera were un
able to '.effect a clearance at tha early ad
vance. With between thirty and forty car,
atltl unaold and .-,ly one packer aull In
the trade who really needed hoga, blda
dropped to a 100 higher baala. Sellers who
atill had hogs triad hard to get early prlcea
for them, and for a while tho market waa
pretty dead, but In the end tho buyers had
their way, buying the remelnder of the aup
ply about a dims higher than yesterday, or
fully a nickel below morning tlgureo. All
recorda were again amaahed. Bulk sold at, with nulla a ahowing at 111.10
and aa extreme too 01 115.05,
One packer refuaed to follow tha advanoo
early, and thla made the later rounda alow,
but while sellers had to tight hard to get
morning prices on the laat thirty or forty
cara. In the end everything except a few
scattering loada waa oteaaed ap without
much change In valuea, Oa paper laat
salea did uot took quite aa good - aa early,
but naturally the beBt hoga Bold on the
opening and, conaldertng thla, the close
ehowed ao Quotable change.
The market averaged 110 higher than
ycaterday, and the bulk, average coat and
top were the hlgheet aver recorded here.
Moat of tha aalea were made at a spread
of ll4.7O01i.OO, and tho extreme top
reached., too above yeaterdaya top.
which waa the previous record. Since laat
week's close prlcea have moved up gener
ally 16c. , i
Kepraaentatlva aalea: , . 1
No. Ar. th. Pr. No. At. ah. Pr.
43. .161 ...14 10 II. .184 ...14 It
.171 ...14 10 11. .176 10114 71
114 14 10 II. .184 ... 14 II
... 14 II II. ,114 14 14 It
...16 10 10. .114 ... II 01
... II 44
Sheep Sheep and lamb reoelpts wera oa
tlmated at twenty-nine loada, or 7,100 head,
a very decent Friday run tor thla time of
year. Actual offerings were Blx cara leaa,
that many loada being consigned direct to
packers. Total for the flvo daya la 11.311
head, aa against 41,101 last weak, 10,111
two weeks ago and 41,101 a year ago. Ths
week's run la tha largest since tha middle
oc reoruary.
On tha bulk at the light and handy lambs
me mantel waa a repetitioa ot yeaterday a
Net much at anything waa dona until well
elong In the forenoon, buyers appearing to
bo Juet marking time the early part of the
day, but la the end bulk of the deelrable
lamoa waa bought at pncea that were
moaily eteady to at the worst ao more
than a shade lower. For everythln axoeot
some extremely light Mexicans 116.01 was
the limit. One load of flfty-two-poundera
sold at 111.31, equalfcf the record. Spring
lamna at lll.ea wera act or the best.
Nothing much la tho owe Una waa on
offer. Nominally steady prices ware quota
ble oa mature atock. Shearing lamba were
scarce and ware quoted unchanged. One
r that was eonaldered mora deelrable
than anything that kaa boas here set a new
record of
Ciuotationa on akoop and Urn be: Lambe.
!tg!tt and bandr. I14.7e01i.lfe lambe.
hearg, 114.10014.71: lamba, dipped, n 10
17. .311
73. .311
el.. 217
IS.. 131'-
: lira Stock In Sight.
Recelpta ot llva atock yesterday at the
flva principal western marketai
Cattla. Hogs. Sheep.
nmaha 1 1,160 11,200
Bicux city too 700
St. Loula 180 1,400
Chicago 1,000 16,000
Kanaaa City 400 1.100
Total! 1,180 40,100 11,404
Stlmaiatlng Features Maka for Activity
la All Li ae
New Tork, March 10. Tomorrow Brad-
alraat will Bay: Batter weather, tha ap
proach of Eaater, large government buying
for army and navy account and heavy pur
chasing power of the publio at large con-
atltuta the atlmulatlng teaturea which make
for exceptional activity in nearly every llno
of trade to swell the total volume at most
centera above last yaar'a levels. At a great
many marketa there is talk ot continued
conservation ae to tar future buying, but
thla la abaolutely bobbM In the Iron and
ateel trade which notea new high levels of
prices reached and rarely noted In cotton
and woolen gooda, which are etrong with
an upward tendency for nearby needa and
aupported by tha atrengih of the raw ma
terlala, ao far aa the future la oonoerned.
Frequent mention ts made, too, of tha actual
volume of trade not being larger than a
year ago, but added to thlo la tha atatement
that the higher levels of all prices make for
a greater financial turnover. Thfs matter
of high prtoes, la tact, seems to be the key
of the situation and bulks larger by far In
tha trade dlacuaalona than does the talk of
the poaalblllty ot hoatllltlee. Weekly bank
exchanges, 11,114,111,000.
' ' Coffee Market,
New Tork. March 10. There waa a mod
erate demand for lata monthe In the mar
ket for coffee tuturee here today and an
opening decline waa followed by ralllea, but
prlcea eaeauv on again, cioaing at a net loaa
of I to 1 points. Ths opening waa 4 to I
polnta lower under scattering liquidation,
which probably reflected dteappotntment
that yeaterday'e rumors of peaoe found no
encouragement in the morning aewo, Offer
Inge were not heavy and after Belling at
l.01o early, December oontraota stiffened up
to t.'Olo on buying at board to Inveetment
tntereete. Aa soon as this demand had been
aupplted, however, the market sagged off
under renewed liquidation, closing at prac
tically the low point of the day, Salaa, 18.500
baga; April, t.tlc; Mary,, 7.46o: June, 1.7!o:
July. 7.71c: Auguat, 7.84c! September, f.alo;
October. 1.14c; November, 1.11c; December,
x.04o; January, 1.10c; February, l.llo. Spot
dull; Rio la, IHc; Santoa 4b, IHo. Tha only
rrean orrare mentioned in the coat ana
freight market were Santoa la and 4a at
1.10c, London eredlta. The official bablee re
ported no change In the primary market ex
cept Santos futures, which were nnohanged
to II rela higher.
Weakness of Futures Market
Makes the Trade in Gash
Wheat Dull,
Art. Open. I High. Low. Close. Yea
May 1 II 1 II , 1I1U 1 111
July 1II04H 1 16 142H 1 IMa 11644
Sept. 141 11114 117 1 47 160H
May 111 1 lilt 11644 1 lit, till,
July 1 11H 1 11 ill, 1 14 114
Sept, 1 11 1 11 111 1 11 111
Oata. , ,
May IS 13 81 13 It
July 17 17 16 -64 I6H
Sept 41 1H II II I II
Chicago cioaing prlcea, furnlahed The Bee
by Logan 4b Bryan, stock and grain broksra,
116 South Sixteenth street. Omaha:
Art. Open. High. I Low. Close. Tea
Wht. I
May 1 II 1 11 111 1 11 1
July 1 16 1 11 181 1 11 111
Sept 1 11 1 11 110 1 10 lit
Corn. .1
May 1 11 1 11 HI 1 11 111
July 1 17 1 17 111 1 11 117
Septt 114 1 11 111 t 14 111
May 13 13 11 II 13
July 61 il 61 .61 11
July 41 64 11 II l
May 84 10 34 II 31 IS 14 11 14 II
July 14 II 14 10 31 16 14 44 II IT
May 10 II 10 13 30 11 10 10 10 II
July 10 40 10 40 10 17 10 IS 10 SI
May II 41 II 41 II 16 II 17 II II
July IS 10 ll 74 11 II 11 61 n 10
. IBVIaN J4iriBTa j
Ntw Tork. Mkrvti 10. MUU L-1.
quint, M.ITifc, BptjiUr, quUt; -pot oait 8t.
Ixtuii daltvarrt HO-wOOlO.. Coppar. quirt;
itwiroiynoe ipoi ana nearoy, nominal io
ontt quarts) r, 3I.O05iSt.00j third quarter.
131.000 31.00. iron, arm; No. northern.
$4O.0OO41.; No. t. 111, 60tJ 40,10: No, 1
tiouUitrn. 116. tfl. 5.60: No. , 34.fi0l-.O0,
Tin, QUlt; ipot offtrcd at
At London: Spot oonntr. (ISC: futurB.
tl3S lOi; .Mtrolytlc, Ilttl. Spot tin, (114
U; future, i-14 Ita, Lead, 13 10a, Spot
ter, 147.
Omah Bar Market.
PrtlrU Mny Receipts Ilf ht, market higher
on better fradea of hay and alfalfa; de
mand continues good. Upland: Choice, 111.10
O14.00: No. l, ir.50l3.00: No. I. tit)S09
II. 01; No. I, ls.00OI.00. Midland: No. 1.
III. 00aJlJ.IO; Nov 1, IM0O10.I0. Lowland:
No. 1. SS.ieei.ft9; No, S tT.IOOI.Mi No, t,
Alfalfa Cholc, HMO N. 1,
lis.ooeil.oo; etandard, U.OOiJlT.OO; No. S.
llS.OOtf 14.00; No, 1. 10,6O13.,O.
Straw-Oat, T.00T..0; wheat, ll,00
' OU aad Koela.
Savannah.- Oa.. lfairh I0.-Turoentin
firm: hoc: hiii, ei ddb.1 reMlDU. : aula-
m-nte. Ill; atock. 1,414.
Roaln Firm: aalea. 144) hbli.t MMlnta.
844; ahlpmanta. 494, atock, 40.144. Quote-
a, u, v. y ana a, ...(; f, a, h and I.
1.40: K. IB. TO: It. IS.e.flS.T: N. I.TOtt
I.T; WO, II.lltol8.l0; WW, fl.10.
ttry GtMda Market.
Hew Tork. March 10. Cotton noda wan
active and atronir today. Wool marietta were
firm, although not eapeolally active hecaueo
of the very high prtcea current. Tarna were
higher and Bioro active. There waa a mod
erate demand for alike,
. t, !! Grata Market, ;
1 St. Louie, March JO. Wheat No, t red.
ft3.ll; No. I hard, nominal; Maall.Hfi :
July, 11.11 H.
Com No. I, No. I white. 11.33
Mar. Ill ! July, 11.1TV
Oate No, Jt. 45 c; No. I while, nominal.
Per$istent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Omaha, March 10, ltlT.
Tha Ipcal trade In eaih wheat waa very
dull today on account of wcakneae of the
future market, but tha trade Jn corn waa
excellent, and thla grain continued to eell
at record-breaking prlcea.
Tha oata market waa very quiet and up
to noon only a few aalea of No. I white
had been reported and while the recelpta
of thla cereal wera rather heavy the de
mand waa not over active and a large
percentage of the eamplee were hU over.
Wheat and corn recelpta were aleo very
good, but moit of the wheat aamplea were
held over, while corn aold very readily
on the advance.
Snot wheat waa ouoted from vacbangea
to lo ! wer, with the bulk of the No. S
hard eel ling at 12.01, while No. I hard
brought 2.0 arid a few care of No. 4 hard
brought from S1.I6 to 92.02.
Corn rulr ' from ateady to lc higher and
while the demand for all gradee of thla
cereal waa good a premium waa paid for
white eorn inA In moet Inetancee thla va
riety aold about Gle above the yellow
and about ltfco In advance .of the mUed
A few or tne eariy aaiee oi oaia wera
made at ateady prlcea, but the market
onerallv waa ouoted from a Quarter to
a half cent lower, with the bulk of tha No.
white eamplee eelllng at 9ic and a few
going at 64 464
Rye waa atrong at an advance of l-c
and there waa an excellent demand for thla
cereal at the prevailing market prtcea.
Barley waa quoted nominally unchanged
and the trade wee rather quiet on account
the light recelpta of thla cereal,
nearanrfa wera: Whent and flour equal
to 477,000 bu.; corn, 113,000 bu.; oata, 1,000
du. .
Primary wheat recelpta wera tsft.ow ou.
and ahlpmente of 644,000 ba against re
celpta of 1,074.000 bu, and ehlpmenta of
941,000 bu. Iat year.
Primary eorn recelpta wera 767,000 bu.
and ahlpmente of MS, 000 bu., agalnet re
celpta of 132,000 bu. ana enipmenie oi
484.000 bu. last year.
Primary oata recelpta wera 7fi5,von du.
and ehlpraenti of 1,087,000 bit., agalnet re
celpte of 710,000 bu. and ehlpmenta of
444,000 bU. font year. v
Wheat. Corn, Oata
Chicago 14
Mlnnenpoila ..... ....ioz
Duluth 12
Omaha 43
Kaneaa City
Ht. Loula 133
Winnipeg ,.344 ... ...
xneee galea were reported touayj
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: t care. 12.08.
No, hard wtntre: 1 car, 12.07; 1 care, 12.06.
No. 4 ham winter: 1 car, x-.vz; i car
femutty) Oftc. No. I mixed: 1 car, I2.0&.
Sample hard winter; H car (corn mixed)
13. 00. j
Rye No. i: i care. 11.42,. no. i: l car.
11.42; 3 cara, $1.61.
corn No. I white: l car, xi.ia; i car
(ehipper'a welghte) No. t white: S
cara, ll.lSi; 1 cara, 11.18, No. t yellow:
3 cara.". no, a yenow, e care, ii.n.
No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.17. No - yellow:
1 car, $1.17. No. x mixed: 1-car, H.17H;
I cara, 1.17i t e..r, (ehipper'a welghte)
11.17. No. I mixed: 13 cara, $1.17; 1 car
(ehipper'a welghte) $1.17. No. 4 mixed: 1
car (ehipper'a welghte) $1.17; 1 car, $1.1.
No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1,1$. "-mele aweet:
1 car, 11.08.
Oate no. I white i car (enippera
welghte) 44c; care. 34. Sample white;
1 car, 63c; I care, 6 2 "Ac
umana caan I'ncee: wneat no. x nara,
l2.OTKe3.0ft; No, a hard, $2.0602.07; No.
A hriV 11 afiftif AS. Cnrti Nn 1 whitn.
$1.11401.11; No. I white. $1.1801.18141
no. white, slit v lis; no wntte,
$U701.174; No. 6 white, $1.16 0L17 4 ;
No. I yellow, $1.17401.184: No. I yel
low, $1.1701.1714; No. 4 yellow. $1.160
1.17; No. 6 yellow, $1.1601.17; No 6 yel
low, l.lfl401.H4; No. 2 mixed, $1,170
1.1 TH; No. 8 mixed, $1.1601.17; No, 4
mixed, 11.1601.17: No. I mixed, $1.1640
1.16K; No. mixed, 11.164 1,16 Oata
No. 1 white, 6440&c; etandard, 64 0 644o;
No. t white, 63U0O4C; No. 4 white, 630
630. ' Barley Malting, $1.1701.27; No. 1
feed, $1.0301.16. Rye-t-No. Si $161 "4 0
1.41; No. I, $16101.63.
Omaha Vutaree,
More favorable weather report had a
bearish effect on today'! market, although
reporie of crop damage to wheat were
plentiful. May and July Wheat opened
ateady around yeeterday'e cloee and later
.declined about 2c, hut a 'fraction of the
'early loaa wee regained, and May wheat
cloaed at ll.tCUt While the July cloaed at
corn followed the early break IB wheat,
but the eentlment in thle market waa main
ly uullinh, and both tha May and JulkJ
May oata cloned ateady, but the July Bold
off about la, while September oata ruled
about He lower at the cloee.
tiocai range ot pncea ;
Greater Gains Again Begistered
by Stocki Under Profes
sional Control.
Paclflo Mall
Paclflo Tel. t Tel
Ray Con. Copper... 7,100 19
Readln. 11.000 100 a,
Rep. Irion it Steel. 1,100 14
Hhat. Arts. Copper. ...
Southern Pacific... 1,200 1614
Southern Railway. 10,100 SOU
atuaeDaxer Co....
Texaa Company..
Quotatloaa ef the Day ea Uia Varteae Lead
in. Commodities.
Ner Tor, March II. flour Firm.
Wheat spot easy; No. I hard, 11.1414,;
No. 1 northern, Duluth, II.SIH; No. 1 north
em,, 41.30V.. (. 0. b. New York.
Corn Spot, eeey; No. I yellow, 11.IH4.
0.1.1. New York.
Oata Spot, oaay; etandard, II07IHO.
Hops Uull: state, medium to choice, 1111,
16940c; paclno coaat, medium , to choice,
Provisions PorTt. stronr; meaa. $11,140
137.00: family, 131.00041. 00; abort oteors,
l37.004J3t.00. Beef, Arm: meaa, IS1.00O
It. on; family, I17.00O3I.04. Lard, arm:
middle weat,
Hides -Quiet; Botota, 4!0c; Central
America. 436.
Leather Quiet; hemlock trsts, llo; seo
onda. He.
Tallow Stronr: city, llvio, nominal;
country, II tit) lie; apeclal, II Mo.
Butter Strong; recelpta, 1,111 tuba;
creamery hither than aatrae, 44V,lt4ta;
creamery eatraa (II score) 44c; Urate, 41 H
94!M,e; second,, 110410.
, Evbb Firm! reeelpte 11,114 cases; fresh
fathered alorafe packed tlrata, Itito; flrata,
Cheeoe Irrevular; receipt. 4.117; etata
held specials, l717!io; state average fancy,
34(44 17c,
Poultry Dreseed, Heady; chickens, 110
Sic; fowls, 1114 011c; turksys, II Ollc.
Poultry Live, firm; chickens, UKSIc;
fowls, SIOIIo; turkeys, Slo,
Mluaapollo Oral Market.
Minneapolis. March 14. Wheat May.
11.1174; July, 11.4414. Caeh. No. 1 hard.
11.0I01.1IH; No. X northern. 11.111,4)
1.01; No, a northern. ll.ltl.Ot.017,. .
Corn No. I yellow, ,11.14401.11. '
Oata No, I white. 41 S 43 14c
Plalaeed 11.10 OS.II.
Klour Unchansed.
Barley II. 01 I. II.
Rye 11.4101.17.
Bran lsi.0Olji3S.ia. . .
City Oeaoral Market.
Kaoaae City, March II. Wheat No. !
hard. I3.10OI.1I: No. I red, 11.1101.14;
May, 11.14; July. tl.elleOl.llt.
Corn No, I mixed, ll.SOOl.30; No. S
white, 11.13C1.3SH; No. 1 yellow.
1.11H: May, l.nS1.17Hl July. 11.11.
Oale No. I white. I70l7!c; No. S
mixed, I40lci .
New Tork, March 30 Higher frelsht
ratea a-ranted by the Interstate Commerce
commleeion, predict. one of additional ad
vancee In prlcea ot finlehed ateel and Iron,
and good enormoue bank clearance attest
ing to the expansion of general bualnesa
were among the favorable Incldenta which
imparted occasional atrength to today'a Ir
regular market, Greater galna were again
registered, however, by atocka under profes
aional control.
Neutralising factora which manifested
themselves in the later operations. Included
reviews of the crop altuatlon by accepted
authorities, dlscloelnf aertoue damage in
western and southwestern states, deteriora
tion in some Instances being reported at as
much aa 30 per cent. The International
crisis, aa outlined In Germany's reiteration
of nor submarine policy, also caused aome
confusion of sentiment.
United tStates Steel figured to a much
smaller extent In the day's business, there
being a marked absence of tha usual in
dividual dealings In that issue. From Its
best price of llb Steel gradually fell back
over a point, but cloaed at 114, a net gain
of 44 of a point.
Bflthie&eiu steel, Bioas-snenieia steel and
Virginia? Iran also scored extreme galna of
2 to e polnta, but thepe were soon loet In
part or whole, otner munitions ana equip
menta traversed a more narrow course with
metals, leather and minor apeclal ties,
Shippings and motors were aold after
brief gains with oils and a few utilities.
Wilson Packing repeated Its recent per
formance of rising to a new record, gaining
ihi polnta at M, and. Ohio Uaa waa among
the day'a most active atocka at a gross ad
vance of I polnta lo 132)4, much of which
waa retained. 4
Coalers wera the foremost featurea of the
railway group with Union Paclflo, Atchison,
New York Central. Southern Railway and
Rock Island. Gains of 1 to 2 points were
materially reduced In the selling of the last
half hour. Total aalea amounted" to 660,00(1
Nominal dealings In Teutonic exchange' at
yesterday's quotation with a hardening of
rates on Spain and the Scandinavian coun
tries, featured the market for European re
mittances, -.
Bonds were lower with 1 to 1 point de
clines m Pennsylvania railroad issues. To
tal sales, par value, 3,60,000.
United Statea bonds wera unchanged on"
call. '
Number of leading: galea and quotationa
Sales. High. Low, Close,
Am. fleet Sugar..., 7,800 ft 91 M M
American Can 11,400 41 60 b0
Am, Car ft Found. 1,100 70
Am. Locomotive... 1,100 72 71 71
Am. 8. ft Refng.a, 1,100 106 104 104
Am. Sugar Kefng... eOO 116 112 112
Am, Tel. ft Tel.. 800 1S U6 126
Am Zinc, L.ftS., BOO l l 26
Anaconda Copper.. 1.700 84 88 83
8,600 105 104 104
MOO 01 69 6t
2,0Q 81 71
200 68 - 68
Baldwin 'Locomt...
Baltimore ft Ohio..
Brooklyn Rapid Tr.
Butte ft B. Copper.'
Cat, Petroleum... J
Canadian Paclflo.
Central Leather..
Chesapeake , - Ohio.
C. M. ft St. Paul.
Chicago ft North..
C, R. I. ft P. Ry. 12,100
Chi no copper
Colo, Fuel ft. Iron.
Corn Prod. Refng,.
Crucible Steel
Distillers' Security,
General Electric...
Gt. North, pfd
at. North, ore cue.
Illinois Central....
Inter, Con. Corp...
Inspiration Copper.
Inter. Her,, N. J.,
Int. M. M. pft. ctfs 21.000
K. C. Southern...
Kennecott Copper.
Louis, ft Nash . . ,
Mex. .Petroleum...
Miami Copper,...
M K, ft Tex. pfd.
Missouri Paclflo,...
Montana Power. ,.
.National Lead
Nevada Copper.,.
N. T. Central...,,
N. T N. H. ft H
Norfolk ft Went
700 24 28
3,700 166 163 166
6,300 83 tl 21
6, 00 62 60 61
1,400 84 93 '83
600 117 117 117
1,000 67
800 62 !i
2,300 26
8,100 89
68 68
20 30
300 20
800 165 166 165
300 115 J16 114
700 84 84 36
406 106 106 105
600 12 12 12
1,600 61
6,100 22
1,700 46
800 108
60 66
84 86
22 22
46 46
... 131
92 63
41 -41
17 16
30 30
196 104
4 HO 60 68 69
200 28 28 38
4,800 98 97 98
1,800 46 48 46
Northern .Pacific!. 700 io""" 106 106
400 33 33
4.300 108 101 101
800 228 326 226
Union Pacific J0.400 142 140 140
Union Paclflo pfd.. 200 81 81 61
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol, 1,600 124 126 124
U, 8. Steel 61.700 116 114 114
U. 8. Steel pfd...; 1,300 118. 118 117
1.700 111 110 110
3,600 36 25 26
200 98 97 97
,700 (3 63 32
Utah Copper
Wabash pfd "B"..
Western Union..,..
Westlngh. Electric.
'Assessments natd.
Total salea for tho day, 360,000 shares.
New York Money Market.
New Tork, March 10. Mercantile-Paper
494 per cent.
Sterling jcxchangti flO-day bills. 84.71 :
commercial 60-day bills on banks, 14.71;
commercial 60-day bills, $4.70; demand,
14,16 t-16; cablee, 34.74 7-14.
Wl Ivor Bar, 73c; Mexican dollars, 65c.
Bonds Government. steady: railroad.
Time Loans Easier! 60 days. 8U03U
per cent; 90 daye, 3 93 per cent; alz
monthe, 304 per cent.
call Money steady: blah. SU ver cant:
low, 3 -per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent;
last loan, 3 per cent; closing bid, 8 per
cent; offered at 3 par cent..
U. B. 8a, reg... 9 M..K.4T. 1st 4s, 76
do Coupon.... 98 M. P. con. 4s, ,.103
U. B. Is. reg(..100Kont. Power ts. 99
Mo coupon.... 100 tf. y. C. deb. 6109
U. S. 4s, reg.. .107 N. T, C. 4s,.107
do coupon.... 108 Sew Haven c 6s.l0t
AT. AT. c, 4e,106Ko. Pao. 4a 83
Anglo-French' ts. 93 do 8s... ...... 66
Atcn. gen, s... s, u ref. 4s. 93
B. ft O. es 92Pac. T. eV T. 6s.l00
Beth. St. ref. 6s. 100 Penn. con. 4s.l06U
Cent. Pao. lat. 69 do gen. 4s.. 98
C. ft O. ev, 4s. 83 Run ding Ken. 4s. 94
C B. ft Q. Jt, 4s. 973o. Pac. cv. 6s. .101
-u.,M.4ftHt.r. castle ao ret, 4s..... 10-
C. R.I.ftP. rf. 4a. 73 So. Ry. 6s 100
C. A S. ref. 4s 8 - Union Paclflo 4a, 97
D. ft R. O. e. 4a. 79 do cv, 4s 92
Brla gen. 4 66'U. 8. Rubber 6e.l03
Gen. Klectrio Ss.105 (J. 8. Steel 6s.. 106
Gt. No. 1st 4e, 99nr. Union 4s.. 95
I. C. ref. 4i.,.l 8tDom, of C 1931. 97
C. C. So. ref. 8b. 8ft i Bid.
U ft N. on. 4s.. 14
Liverpool Bxchanjrea to Cloee.
Liverpool, March SO-. The ftrovislon and
cotton exchanges hero will be closed April
4, 7 and 8, Easter holiday Beginning
with April 10, under the summer time act.
tne cotton exenanae win open at 10 a. m.
and close at 4 p. m except Fridays, when
the session will be extended to 4:30 p. m.
Tho exchange will remain cloaed Saturdays.
Landaa Btocko and Honda. '
London, March 30. American securities
developed Irregularity and closed easy on
the atock exchange here today, ,h
miver Bar, ia per ounce.
. Money 3 per cent,
Discount Rates Short bills, 4 per cent;
three months, 4 per cent.
" Ctta Market.
New Tork. March 30. Cotton Futures
opened steady; May, 19.01c: July, 1B.63;
October, 18.00c; December, 11.07c; January,
u.qac. - . t
Futures clseed easy. May, 18.75; July,
18.58c; October, 17.68c; December, 17.61c;
January, IT. 61c Spot quiet; middling,
19.10c. ,
The cotton market cloaed lrreaular at a
net loss of 21 to 46 points. -
iiiverpooi. Marcn 30. Cotton spot.
vaeter; good middling, 12.6Td; middling.
U.Hdt low middling, 13.69d. Sales, 10,000
Sugar Market.
New Tork. March 80. Suaar Raw. eaev:
centrifugal, 6.89c; molasses, 6.01c, Refined:
Steady, fine granulated. f.l608.OOo. Sugar
futures opened ateady and 1 to 16 polnta
lower. The list rallied later on a good de
mand from trade houses and at noon prlcea
wera S to I points higher.
uiosea steady and unchanged to I points
higher, Salea 14.104 tons. May. 4.97o:
July, 6.66c; September, 6.170,
Amorlcaa. To lop ho no ft ToUf raph Co.
A Dividend, ef Two Dollars per share will
be paid oa Monday, April 16, 1017. to teck
holders of record at tho close of bttstnoaa oa
Saturday, March St, 1917. - : - .
S. D. MILNE, Treaeurer.
.. PUaainf
Prices oa
Attractive Specials In Easter Apparel
Surprising Values In New Spring
Suits, Coats,
Dresses, Waists
New Spring Suits, made to sell .at $20.00 and
$22.50. Come "in poplin, gaberdines djl J QA
and new wear serges, choice ....... P "
Exquisite New Suit Styles
Exclusive designs in fine taffetas, Poiret twills,
serges, wool jerseys, etc. Wonderful range of
colors, and exceptional special tQC AH
Special, at
values, at. .
Special, at
In Velours, Gaberdines,
Serges, Scotch Plaids,
etc. In all the wanted
colors, in belted and
novelty pocket effects.
Classy designs for all
occasions. Come in Ve
lours, Poiret Twills,
Burella Cloths. Bolivia
Cloths, etc. Great values.
Beautiful Pattern Dresses
Made to sell up' to $39.50. Styles suitable for
street, afternoon or evening wear. Come in
Wool Jerseys, Georgettes, Taffetas, V. ... dO C
etc. Special sale price, Saturday b3
Blouse Sale for -Saturday
A new lot of Spring Blouses;
the latest and most approved
styles; all the leading shades,
in Georgette, Crepe de Chines,
Radiums and the new high
stripes. Very special, at
A very special lot of Crepe de
Chines and Fussy Willows, in
all the new shades, and all
sizes; worth to $5.00. Saturday
N.w Two-in-On. Coat Dree,.,,
' S35.45 up to 865.00
Saturday Morning
8:30 A. M. to 12 M.
100 Women's and Misses' one
piece dresses, in Taffetas, Silks
and Serges, in the season's new
est styles; range of styles to select
$5.98 '
500 Women's Silk Blouses, in
Crepe de Chines and Tub Silks;
all sizes, many styles? variety of
shades. Unusual values; till 12
Saturday in the Chil
' dren's Section
Second Floor
Special showing, Saturday, of
Children's Coats, for little tots,
2 to 6, at $2.95. $3.95.
$5.00, up to $25.00.
Special - values in Coats, for
girls 8 to 14, in great variety
of styles, all colors, at $5.00.
$7.50 and $10.00
A few exclusive models, at
$15.00. $19.50 and $25
Children's White Dresses, for
all' occasions; large Variety of
styles shown, at $2.95. $5.
$7.50. $10. up to 822.50
$1 00 French Ivory Toilet Articles $1 00
-At Lew Than Cost- 1
We have been for several weeks collecting this great assortment of Fine French
Ivory Toilet Articles, all of high quality heavy stock, not the thin, off-colored stock
so often used for special sales, but Finest French Ivory, fresh from our own complete
stocks. We can state with utmost honesty that each piece is- sold at less than usual
wholesale cost. Each piece of the same quality and color and matches perfectly.
You can obtain a complete Ivory Set at one-third usual cost. ,
; ' We enumerate a few of the many novelties:
$2.00 Fine French Ivory Mirrors. .$1.00
$2.00 Fine French Hair Brushes. .S1.00
$2.50 Fine French Clocks $1.00
$1.50 Fine French Hair Receivers. $1.00
$3.00 Fine French Clocks $1.00
$1.50 Fine French Buffers ..... .$1.00
$3.00 Fine French Jewi! Boxes. . .$1.00
$2.00 Fine French Jewel Boxes. . .$1.00
$2.50 Fine French Perfume Bottles,
at ...$1.00
$1.50 Fine French Picture Frames. $1.00
$2.00 Fine French Pin Cushions . .$1.00
$1.50 Fine French Candlesticks . . $1.00
$2.50 French Ivory Bud Vases . . .$1.00
$1.50 French Ivory Combs ...... $1.00
$2.00 French Ivory Cloth Brushes,
t $1.(13
$ 1 .50 French Ivory Hat Brushes . . $1 .Cl)
$1.75 French Ivory Trays . . . $10V
$1.50 French Ivory Powder Boxes. $l;0l
$1.50 French Ivory Hatpin Holders,- .
at ...i.$1.00
$1.50 French Ivory Cream Jars. , .$1.00
$1.60 pair French Ivory Salve Jars, pair. .$1.00
$1.35 French Ivory Hair Brushes. .... .'.$1,00
$2.00 French Ivory Pictures Frames. .. .$1.00
This is positively the most woiiderful lot of Ivory ever offered in Omaha, and
anyone who misses this sale is loser. . '
Quantities of some articles limited, and we Advise early shopping for the best
$1.50 to $3.00 French Toilet Articles
v Jewelry Dtpattmnl, Main Floor
Dignified, Picturesque,
Fresh From the East
OUR buyer., just returned from the
east, where he made several ad
vantageous purchases of Trimmed
Hats. All the newest styles in Dress,
Street and Sports Hats. Hats that
you'll agree are truly dignified, pic
turesque and elegant.
The Entire Shipment .
i. $ A
95 $50 $ 750 $1f
... .... . i XJ
IN ADDITION to these eastern
purchases, our force of expert
designers and makers have turned
out scores upon scores of truly won
derful Hats. -
1 This is, without a doubt, the
greatest Trimmed Hat selection of
the season, as there are over , ; -
A Thousand Hats V
to Select From
v Come and '
Be Convinced
-....4.: ;