Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1917, Page 12, Image 12

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' Cadet Band, Dramatic Players,
-v Glee Club and Soad Show
Make , Tours;
The 1917 University week it at hand
in many towns in the state. Superior,
Red Cloud, Oxford, Cambridge, Mc
Cook' and Holdrege, are the towm
which constitute the circuit this year.
The university cadet baud, the Uni
versity Dramatic players, under the
direction of Miss Alice Howell, the
Glee club, the Road Show, and the
lecturer, constitute the array of talent
University week has been growing
in popularity in the short years since
it was adopted from Wisconsin and
Minnesota universities and made a
permanent custom here. The officer
of the University Week association
which manage this activity are: Ray
mond J. Saunders, a senior from Red
Cloud, manager; Fred W. Clark and
John R. Cook, juniors from Stamford
and Beatrice, respectively, assistant
managers, and Virgil J. Haggart, a
ienior of St Paul, president.
University week is a sort of a
lyceum course, compressed into four
or five days of the March vacation.
Several university organizations make
the trip to the towns and cities of
Nebraska, following one another on
successive nights. The purpose of this
movement has been and is to ecquaint
the people of the state with what sort
of young people make up its state
university: to get the students in
touch -with the people; to advertise
tte school and its activities. " ...
Makes No Profits.
University week is not a profit mak
ing proposition for the association.
The attractions are furnished at mini
mum cost, such cost being pro-rated
among the various cities comprising
the circuit This amount is paid, one-
half at the end of the first perform
ance and the balance at the end of the
last Each city provides its own opera
house or theater, as well as managing
its own ticket sale. Advertising pos
ters and programs are furnished by
the association.
Following is the itinerary of the
university talent for the days it will
be on the road:
Prldar, March 10. at Superior.
Saturday. March SI, at Red Cloud (Sun
day at Rtd Ctoud).
Monday, April S, at Oxford.
Tueaday, April I, at Camurldce,
Wednnday, April 4, at UcCook.
Tnuraday, April S, at Holdrasa.
"Allae Jimmy Valentine."
Saturday, March 31, at Superior (Suuday
M Superior).
Monday, April I, at Red Cloud.
' Tueaday, April t. at Oxford.
Wadneaday, April 4, at Cambridge.
Thuraday, April S, at MrCook.
Friday, April S, at Holdreio,
Monday, April S, at Superior.
Tueaday. April I. at Red Cloud.
Wedneaday, April 4, at Oxtord.
Vhuraday, April t, at Cambridge.
Friday. April S. at MrCook.
Saturday, April 7, at Holdresa,
Tueaday. April S. at Superior. I
, Wednesday. April 4, at H.d Cloud. '
Thuraday, April S, at Oxford.
Friday, April S, at Cambridge.
Saturday, April J, at MeCook (Sunday at
Monday, April I. at Roldreft,
Wedneeday, April 4, at Sueprior.
Thuraday. April S, at Red Cloud. i
- Friday. April S, at Oxford, '
Satunday. April . at Cambridge (Sunday
at Cambridge), ,
Monday, April I. at MCook.
Tuesday, April 10, at Holdreg.
Omaha Nationals Cop ,
Class B Cage Title
1 The Omaha National Banks retained
their claim on the Class B title of the
city, winning from the High School
of Commerce in the final game of the
Commercial league elimination tour
ney at the "Y," IS to 6. The work of
Shepherd and Bender featured for the
Bankers, Shepherd being credited
with seven free throws out of eleven
attempts. The lineup:
...L.O.IL.Q ,
U .....
Bender .
. Nlrholaon
, ... Reovea
, Levenaon
, , Johnaon
Suballtutea: Brawlell for Lee, Fh.lpe for
Reevea. Field goala: Shepherd, Morrleon,
Beader (I). Macfarland (1), Reevea. Free
throwat Shepherd, 7. Time of halvea; le
tutnutra. Referee: Charleeworlh.
BACKSTOPPING MATERIAL FOR REDS Here it the catching squad training: with the
Cincinnati Red at Shreveport, La. Left to right they are: Allen, Wing, Clark and Huhn.
Cincinnati Red Legs
Beat Washington
In Exhibition Play
Louisville, Ky., March 30. A rally
in the the late innings of an exhibition
game yesterday, gave victory to the
Cincinnati Nationals over the Wash
ington American team, 5 to 4. --The
winning run was made in the ninth
inning, when Smith booted Huhn's
single, allowing McAHie to score
from first. McAllie of Washington
featured the game with three hits out
of four times at bat. Score:
L' I I I I ONeale.ef a 1 0 0
Foe tor. 2 b
Shanko,rr 4
MoB'de.aa 4
Penry.o S
Alnem'h,o S
Shaw.p 1
Dumont.p 1
Total!.. II 731 II
OMcK'ie.Sb I i
euroh.Jb I 0
OBhean.ib 1
SCaee.Sb 4 1
OUrlftlth.rf 1 0
lNeltiko.rr 0 0
OsWIngo 1 0
OM'chell.rf 0 4
OCueto.lf 1
Huhn.o 4
SHch'der.p t
Sanderi.p I
1 1
0 1
1 s
Totals.. IS 117 11 1
One out when winning run icored.
Balled for Noltaka In eighth.
Waahlngton 0 0 0 1 0 0 04
Cincinnati ....1 H 4 0 0 1 1 1
Stolen baeeir Smith, Huhn. Two-beee
hit!! Milan, Neale. Home run: Smith.
Double playat Huhn to McKechnie; Orob
to Chaoe; Leonard to Atnamtlh to Leonard.
Flrot baee on.errom waahlngton, 1; Cin
cinnati, I. Hlta and earned rune: Off
Schneider, I hlta and S runa In Ave inninga;
off Saadera, S hlta and 1 run In tour In-
nlngoi off Shaw, S hlta and I run In nv.
Innlnge: off Dumont, 0 hlta and 1 run la
four Inninga. Struck out) By Schneider,
t; by Sanders, 1: by Shaw, 1; by Dumont,
1. Baeea on balle: Off Schneider, 1) off
1 oft Shaw,
1; off Dumont, 1.
Dealers of State
Guests of Company
Over 100 Willys-Overland dealers
from out in the state were the guests
of the Omaha brtnch of the Willys
Overland company at a banquet and
sales convention lield at Hotel Loyal
J. K. Jamison, Uniaha Branch man
ager, gave the address of welcome.
O. E. Haring of the sales department
was toastmaster.
Luther Drake, president of Mer
chants National bank, speaking on
"Financing the Automobile Business,"
said that banks no longer feared to
lend mbney to automobile men.
James L. Dalton, president of the
Dalton Adding Machine company,
Cincinnati, O., addressed the dealers
on "Salesmanship."
"1 he freight Car Mtuatton wasl
tli tL fit thm tnllr fit Tnhrt Mrllffn 1
general agent for the Chicago &
Northwestern railroad.
Other speakers on the trocram
were: Homer Fitner, Guaranty Bank
ing corporation of Kansas City; W.
L, Welch, W. H. Caldwell, E. B. Jack
son of the Willys-Overland factory
and L. V. Nicholas, manager of the
Nicholas Uil company.
Brooklyn Nationals Win One to
Nothing Game Full of Sen
sational Fielding.
Little Rock, Ark., March 30.
Brooklyn Nationals won from the
Boston Americans, 1 to 0, yesterday
i.. a game that was filled with sensa
tional fielding. Ruth and Dell engaged
in a pretty pitching duel during the
five innings they were in the box. The
big Boston left-hander had the Rob
ins well in hand and Fabrique saved
the game for Dell when he made a
spectacular catch of Manager Barry's
fly with the bases full and only one
out and doubled Shorten at the plate.
Pennock succeded Ruth In the sixth
and with two out in that inning John
ston of Brooklyn singled and Fa
brique scored him with a slashing
double down the third base line. Fen
nock was effective thereafter. Score:
4 1
4 0
I 1
1 0
5 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 1 OHhorten.rf 4 110 0
4 4 .Barry, 2b! 1110
I 1 McNly.Sb 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 I 1 I 0 0
1 0 OLewla.lf 4 10 0 0
4,1 4 0 110
I 1 t 1 0 1 0
1 1 0Janvrn,aa 1 0 4 4 0
4 0 CCady. o 1 1 8 0
0 1 OThomaa.o .11110
0 1 OAgnew.o 0 0 10 0
0 0 0Ruth,p 0 0 0 1 0
Penock.p 1 0 0 0 0
Total!. .17 4 17 11 l'Hivrcksn 1 0 0 0 0
Hobllil 1 0 0 0 0
, Total!. .10 127 11 0
Batted for R. Dell In alath.
Ran for Cady In eighth.
Batted for Berry in eighth..
Batted for Oalner In ninth.
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
Bootfn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:
Two-baae hit! fabrtqua. Three-baae hlta:
Shorten, Hlckmaa. Pouble playe: Walker to
Janvrln, Pabrlque to Barry (1). Inninga
pitched: By Dell, 4 hlta 0 run In five In
ninga: by Ruth, 1 hlu, 0 run, In five In
ning!, Struck out: By Ruth, ; by Pennock,
4: by Dell, 2: by Cadora, a. Baael on bell.:
Off Ruth. 1: off Dell, 1. VmplreaL Klem
and O'Loughlln.
Archie Kay Too Fast at Pool
For Jess Reynolds Game
Archie Kay had it over Jesse Reyn
olds in the fourth game of the Reno
pool tourney last night. Reynolds'
total was 52, with three safeties and
three scratches, while Kav made s
total of 106, with five safeties and six
scratcnes. lomgnt Kay will meet
Griftin. Last night's score:
iteynoiaa 00011100011 I
1 2 T 1 0 0 11 011
Archie Kay OlOlSSOliSSO
leeillOSOO 17 10S
; Baraoa Are winner!.
The Pint Methodlit Baraca won from a
South Side junior baaket ball aggregation
at the "V," 41 to 0. The Bqnaba won from
the Gym leaden, 10 to II, the gams being
tied at the cloee of the aecond period, mak
ing an eitra period neceoeary. Andenon,
Reeve and Walker did clover baeket ahoot
Ing for the Squabi and Mllbers tor the gym
(jXS00St3 MEM'S 8HOPg0j)g00gj)0g)fj
"The Store of Individual Shops"
Get your lid on now
Don't let the new season find you napping. Remember your old hat
will look mighty "shabby" with your new Easter outfit.
( );
"The Master"
Our , Special New
shapes new shades.
Smart styles ' that peak
Benson k Thome ex-clusivenesa.
Smart Spring styles.
.Broad brims, soft mellow
quality. An assortment
of the newest shades and
shapes. ' '
' . Feather 1 weight broad
brims, fast colors in all the
new Spring shades Yes we
bought early consequently
the same quality at the old
price. :-
We said we would have a" Men's Furnishing
Special every Saturday and here's Special No. 2
Wilson Brothers and Interwoven make hosiery you know their
worth. Pull fashioned and seamless, plain and fancy.5 Values that can
not be duplicated elsewhere at 19c the pair. Limit of i six pairs to a
customer. '
Merchandise Charged Saturday Will Appear on May 1st Statement
New York Yankees
Even Up Exhibition
Series With Braves
tfothan. Ala.. March 30. The New
York Americans evened their exhibi
tion series with the Boston Nationals
yesterday, by winning the second
game, 7 to 5. With the score a tie
in the seventh inning. Pipp hit over
the fence for a home run. scoring two
runutrs ahead of him. Baker and
Kelly also hit home runs. Score:
Gllhoty.rf J 1 1-0 OMarvnt.M S 0 4 1
I 0Kver,2b S
1 S
0 OKontcylb 4
OBatlfly.rf 4
1 4
1 ISmtth.Sb I
1 OTrageir, I
0 OTyler.p X
0 ORudiph.p 1
0 0Chappele 1
0 OBarnea.p 0
Wilhoit 1
Total! SI 10 17 U J'Haiaey 1
Fitaptrlk 0
Maine 1, 3 b S
Pipp, lb 4
Baker, 3 b 4
Maffse.ct . 4 t
Nunmkr.o S
Walte,o I
Shawky.p I
'Miner i
RUHflll.p t
Totala 12 S U 14 S
Batted or Bhawkey in fifth.
"Batted for Rudolph In aeventh,
Batted for Traaresaer in ninth.
Batted for Barnes In ninth,
Ran for Even In ninth.
Boston.......! 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 15
New Tork.... 01910140 7
Two-baae hits: Baker. L. Ma see, Kelly,
Hlh. Home runs: Kelly, Baker, Pipp,
Bsaea on balls: Off Bhawkey, 8; off Ruasell.
3; off Tyler, 1: off Rudolph, 1. Hits and
earned rune: Off .Bhawkey, S hits and I
runa In five Inning; off Roseell, 4 hits, 1
runs In four Innings; off Rudolph, 4 hits,
1 run la three innings; off Tyler, a hits,
2 runs In three Inninga; off Barnes, 4 hits,
4 runa In two Innings. Struck out: By
Bhawkey, 4; by Ruessell, I; by Tyler, S;
by Rudolph, I; by Barnes, 1. Passed bait:
Tragreaaer, Umpirea Tannehall and Hart.
, White Bta CaHahan.
New Tork, March 80. Charley White of
Chicago had a slight advantage over
Frankta Callahan of Brooklyn in a ten
round boxing match In Brooklyn tonight.
Whlta scored In five of the ten rounds,
while Callahan was tha aggressor In four,
one round being even.
Whit weighed 133 pounds and Callahan
Murphy .Join Navy.
Kansas City, March SO. Tommy Murphy,
amateur lightweight boxing champion, will
light onoe more to defend his title. Then
he (a going to Join the navy, he told Lieu
tenant H. V. McCabe, here today. Murphy
will participate In the national amateur
bouts next week In Boston,
House Members Talk Over
Measure to Reimburse
, Liquidating Banks.
(From a Staff Correapondent.)
' Lincoln, March , 30. (Special.)
Whether the state should return a
bank's guaranty fund assessments to
it when it goes -out of business, or
should retain a part or all of the
money for the protection, of depositors
in the banks which continue to op
erate, was the subject of an animated
discussion on the floor of the house
today. . . .. . 1
More than an hour's time was con
sumed in discussing various proposals,
but none of them had been voted on
when' the committee of the whole
arose at noon and the house took its
midday recess.
Hall's BiU Clipped.
State Treasurer George Hall had a
bill, bearing the number of H. R. 614,
providing that all moneys collected by
state departments, institutions and
other agencies should be receipted for
in triplicate, and that one copy of each
receipt should be filed with the treas
urer. This part of the measure en
countered no objection, but other fea
tures did.
On motion by Mr. Peterson, a sen
tence authorizing the state treasurer
to supervise the collection of all funds
Lby every department, institution and
bureau, was stricken out. it was
claimed that this provisions would
have given Treasurer Hall authority
to appoint someone in every state of
fice as his own deputy and thus dictate
how moneys taken in should be
handled. Other state officers were
much opposed to it;
Another amendment added to the
bill gives 'the auditor and treasurer
jointly the right to specify what the
form of receipts shall be, instead of
leaving it to the treasurer alone.
Sale of Historical Tract.
The bill authorizing the sale of the
half block of ground, with buildings,
just east of the state capitol square,
which is owned by the State Historical
society, and the use of the proceeds
in helping to pay the. cost of a com
bined historical society and library
building on the state university
campus, was partly considered. The
plan is to house half a dozen libraries
in this building, including those of
the hostorical society, the university,
the library commission and all others
under the control or semi-control of
the state, except the law and reference
library at the capjtol, which is to re
main there.
Mr. Reisner . thought the state
should keep' the ground east of the
capitol square, as a basement has
already been installed there for a
projected building which would house
the supreme court. To' this, Mr.
Peterson responded that the state
does not have title to the property.
"Then the state thoulc condemn
and take it over," Reisner said.
The bill was finally laid over to be
taken up at some future sitting.
Hormone for War.
Salt Lak. City, CUb, Maroh JO Plane
for recruiting the traliUnf camp thta aeaaon
to a larg. atrength are now under war
backed by all the former member, of th.
flrat camp held last year and by official,
of the Mormon church.
Colonel Paul Says
The Fifth Eegiment
Speeds Recruiting
From a Staff Corespondent.)
Lincoln, March 30. (Special.)
The following information for the
newspapers was given out by Ad
jutant General Hall today:
Company A, signal corps. Fremont, Nob,,
ordered out Immediately.
Colonel Btfthr. Fourth Nebraska Infantry,
now on duty, has established temporary
headquarters at the Adjutant General's de
partment, 1317 N street, Lincoln.
Staff officers of the state administrative
staff will report at headquarters for duty.
Quartermaster corps ordered out and
work continues day and night filling requi
sitions for -war strength equipment..
Preparations being made for further im
provement of the state rifle range, Ashland,
Colonel Paul reports by wire Fifth Infan
try speeding up recruiting and Is ready to
take the Held.
Medical corps needs several officers.' Ap
plicants should apply to the governor of the
state, must be between the affes of 23 and
34 years, must have a general education,
must be a graduate of a reputable medical
school legally authorized to confer the de
gree of doctor of medicine, must be a legally
qualified practitioner In the atate and must
have had at least one year's hospital train
ing. Including experience In the practice of
medicine and surgery or Its equivalent In
Omaha Civil Engineer
Loses Case for Alienation
Ruahville, Neb.. March 30. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Louis F. Thomas, a
civil engineer of Omaha, lost his suit
against Valter White, a conductor on
the Northwestern railroad, for $25,000
on the charge of alienating his wife's
affections. It was developed that
White and Mrs. Thomas had been at
Houston, Tex., and other places at
the same time, but she was divorced
from her husband.
Baptist Membership
In State on Increase
Grand Island, Neb.. March 30
(Special Telegram.) Dr. T. C Staf
ford of Philadelphia gave an address
today on the different phases of "The
Atonement." , .. Dr. Bruce Kinney
talked on "Personal Evangelism," Dr.
Agar on "The Spiritual Life" and Dr.
Cornell of Kansas City on "Voca
tional Work."
In the evening Dr. Elliott of Ot
tawa, Kas., gave a lecture.
Following the close of the evening
session last night the board of man
agers of the Nebraska Baptist state
convention convened Dr. Morris of
Omaha, Dr. Wilson Mills and Dr.
Bruce Kinney have arrived especially
to be in attendance at this meeting.
The report of the secretary showed
an increase in the membership of
Baptist churches during the year of
25 per cent, equal to the net gain of
the previous twenty-five years. The
question of the location of the state
missionaries and sending out the
chapel car evangel and other im
portant work was attended to.
The assembly will come to a close
tomorrow noon.
Cnimila Arrive at Zurich.
Berne, Switzerland (Via Parle), March Sfl.
Four more of the little group of American
conaula left behind In Germany at th. time
fit the rupture of relatione, bavt. arrived at
Zurich from Munich.
The original Borsalino
The genuine Borsalind
The only hat that is
the right Borsalino
Just arrived from Italy across the war-zone through
the blockade-on the Italian S. S. Dante Alighieri from
Genoa. Held at Genoa until arrangements were made to
safely convoy it by the Allied warships through-the Medit
erranean and jiast. Gibraltar.
! NOTHING BETTER MADE IN HATS, and that ifwhy,
we are willing to risk so much to bring them to you..
1512 Farnam Street
"The House That Jack Built"
Direct Contradiction to the
High Cost of Living". Saturday-
Will Witness the Opening of
$12.50 Clothes Shop
Take ANY dozen suits from the "Shirley" stock; mix them thor
oughly amongst the usual clothier's $20.50 garments, and neither
YOU nor any OTHER casual buyer can tell WHICH is WHICH
the $12-50 suiU and overcoat of "Shirley" or the $20.50 gar- ,
raent of the usual clothier. If you are a judge of clothes you will
admit that there' no perceptible difference 'twist "Shirley" fab
ric at $12.50 and the usual clothier' cloth at $20.50. "Shirley" .
' open with 'ONLY new Spring clothe; the very attire shown and
soon to be worn in the authoritative east YOU are paying mor
than ever for groceries, for shoes, for living necessities in general,
so why should you tfot at least GRASP this opportunity to save on : -.
CLOTHES. Make it a memorable Saturday. See what "Shirley" has '
, to offer. Surely, $8.00 SAVED is a worth while amount, isn't it?
Any full minded man is open to rea
son this explains why $20.50 grade
Suits and Overcoats are brought
down to $12.50 at "Shirley's".
Th firm r.eponeibL for thie Omaha ttor ef "ShirUy." b a giant PRODUCER
of Mob's Clothing, maintaining its OWN factorial, and f.aturlnf DOZENS
of $12.50 oatabliahmanU Uka this ona. Combinad afforta, eorabinad manu
facture, combinad manag .m.nt and modern concentration in general scora
heaTiljr and bring down the COST of garment.. A merchant, yon knew, mutt
. hare the COST price in mind when setting a SELLING price. There Un'
another concern in, America that can produce and market a well made, per
fectly styled garment at a lower price than "Shirleyt", and it won't take but
a few weeks to PROVE it to tha entire satisfaction of Omahana.
109 Souil6 St Omafia
Sells Men's
Suits &0vercoats
Trousers at $3;50
Any pair at $3.50, and
you'll affect a saving
al least $2 a pair.
Eaeh Garment WorthMMon
Shirley's Clothes Shop is situated at 109 South
16th St., Omaha. The former location of
"Black, the Hatter."
w y aJ BjVrfcupJ 'sjyNlV