Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1917, Image 1

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    Miey Bee
Paget On to Fourteen
Unsettled; Colder
VOL. XLVL NO. 245.
TnlM, it VMM,
Mn stusi. tic. .
- :
American Freight. . Steamer
Mongolia Sees German Ves
sel Believed to Be Con
verted Cruiser.
Wireless Operator Spoke in
Language of Kaiser to Some
Unidentified Receiver.
(Br Mocltl Prm.
-, March 30. An armed
vessel,-lelieved to be the converted
German raider , St. Theodore, was
sighted in mid-ocean three days ago
by the American freight steamship
Mongolia, which arrived at an Amer
ican port today.
If it was not the St. Theodore, the
Mongolia officers 'were certain the
vessclvas a German raider, both be
cause of -its actions and because It6
wireless operator talked in German.
.The - Mongolia .encountered the
raider March 27, 1.000 miles east of
Sandy Hook, the officers said. The
raider approached within a halt mile
of the American freighter, circled
around her, and then made away
without signaling, but her wireless
was crackling- our messages in Ger
man to some, unidentified receiver.
The stranger, undoubtedly a con
verted merchantman, had two masts
and one funnel, was painted a war
gray and armed with three big guns.
It had a speed of about sixteen knots.
The St. Theodore was captured by
the German cruiser Moewe last De
ccmber in South American waters and
fitted out with armament. It was
reported from Copenhagen today to
I k. ,..,L nff Pin Tanr-im after
having transferred to the Moewe the
prisoners the St. Theodore Baa cap
tured from the British steamship Gov
ernor alter sinking tne patter vessel.
Man Held on Charge
; , Of Making Threats
Against President
Sioux Falls, S. D., March 30.
, Charles Schmidt, taken into custody
bv federal officers at Brookings, S. D.,
charged with having threatened the
life of President Wilson, vJas lodged
in the county jail here today upon
default of $2,000 bond, to await final
. hearing before United Suits Commis
sioner D. J. Conway, April 4. The
man is alleged to have used abusive
terms in denouncing the president and
declared he would "kill him at the
first opportunity." This is the first
arrest in this district under the new
federal law, prohibiting threats
against the president.
Ships Are Warned of "
German Submarines
: In Atlantic Ocean
Norfolk, Va., March 30. German
submarines are in the Atlantic ocean,
according to reports brought here by
foreign merchantmen. Warning of
the presence of these hostile craft
were sent out as early as last Monday
by allied warships patroling the
coast, according to the reports. The
position of at least one of the U-boats
was mentioned in the warning, but
masters of foreign vessels arriving
here decline to divulge it.
Over 40 American
Captives Taken to
Germany by Moewe
Copenhagen, March 30. "(Via ton
don.) More than forty Americans
were tamong the' prisoners taken to
Germany by the German .commerce
raider Mowee. according to Jack
Penson. an American seaman, who
has arrived here. The Americans, he
says, now are held as prisoners of war
in Germany.
The Weatther
For Nebraska Unsettled; colder.
Temperature lit Omaha Yesterday.
19 1. 115. 1114.
ItlffluMt yesterday.
AIMn temperature.
Lowoat yeHtprday. .
Honn temperatur..
Precipitation .....
Tempernture and preclpltaUou departures
from the normal: .
Normal temperature ..;,....' 43
Rxc-ess tor the day , ....21
Tote I exceas slnue March 1 66
Normal Precipitation. 06 Inch
ticuclency for the day.. , .06 Inch
Total rainfall eince March 1..... .lt Inches
'Excess since March 1 03 Inch
Denclenoy for cor. period, 1916... .36 Inch
Excess for cor, period, 1315.. 34 Inch
KeporU from SUUloiu al 1 T. M.
Station and Stat '' Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. , .. 7 p. m. eet.
Cheyenne, cloudy 42' . 64
Davenport, clear ...... 64 . 70
Denver, clear, 64 . 73-"
Dea Moines, cloudy 76 30
ander. clear S3 63
North Platte, pt. cloudy 63 86 .
Omaha, cloudy......... 73 34
Rapid City, cloudy 16 '70
Banta Fe, cloudy 63 64
Sheridan, cloudy 34 rA
Kteax- City, cloudy...... 74 n .
Valentine, eloudv 46 18
L. A. WELSH. Sieteireleatst. .
, . 11 Hour. ues.
i pK ) N I a. m 4
JP& 2 S a. m
O.J E I a. m......', .50
Tf aM 10 a. n , 56
iftAtu-!L-L J "'ni.'Ii.'".".'! H
PSC' F P- "
c rs L i.....
'" -iTxW ' ' B 4 p. m
122 s p- m. 3
A JC? S p. m
sx5:"E&5l ' P- '
I .. -Sa a p. m 7(
' Comparative Local Record. "
, ju. ll. 115. 1114.
. .. ( 62 3 44
... 64 41 32 41
Leader in Keicnstae rar
V With U. 5. WonXriihlt U-Boats
Count Westhapp Asserts Oper
ations in Barred Zone Won't '
Be Affected.
Berlin, March 30. (Via London.)
Among the speeches of party lead
ers In commenting on the chancel
lor's address, those of Dr. Gustav
Stresemann, national liberal, and
Count von Westarp, conservative,
were the most important Herr
Stresemann remarked: "A declara
tion of war by America will be possi
ble only because American public
opinion has been misled."
Supporting the demand for elec
toral reform, Herr Stresemann said:
"New times demand new laws, and a
beginning should be made with a
new system in Germany."
Count von Westarp alluded only
oriefly to America, saying:
"We can await the decision of
America with complete calm, and the
execution of our operations in the
barred zone will not be changed
thereby." . ,
Speaking of Russia, he said:
"Many believe that with Russia's
entrance into the ranks of democrat
ically ruled states, Germany will have
to follow. All arguments, however.
are against comparison of our country
with enemy countries. Germany has
shown superiority over all enemies,
which proves that the foundation of
our str-te system is secure. War is
Wealthy Denver Woman Wh'o
Killed Her Chauffeur Hus
band is Freed. . .
Denver, March 30. Mrs. Stella
Newton Moore Smith, wealthy so
ciety woman, was found not guilty
of murdering her husband, Jdhn Law
rence Smith, by a jury here this
afternoon. The jury was out only
nine minutes. One ballot was taken.
Smith was slain the morning of
January 13 last. His wife main
tained she was forced to kill him fol
lowing a night of torture that cul
minated in threats by Smith to kill
Mildred, Mrs. Smith's 12-year-old
daughter by a former marriage. Smith
formerly was a chauffeur employed by
Mrs. Smith's father. Alfred Britton.
Britton, whose home was in Chicago,
made g fortune m lexas oil. e
k; Trial it Sensational.
The trial has brought out many
unusual features. Witnesses have
been called to Denver from Niagara
Falls, from California cities, from
Salt Lake City and from other points.
Only this week one witness was sum
moned hurriedly from Detroit to tell
the jury that she, and not Mrs. Smith,
was the woman previously identified
as the defendant by a number of
state witnesses.
The testimony of the defendant
was such that the court ordered the
public excluded while she was on
the stand, while at many times dur
ing the trial witnesses or counsel
have described startling events.
Self-Defense Pleaded. . '
The state's theory, as outlined by
counsel, has been that Mrs. Smith
premeditated the death of her hus
band, and that she shot him as he
was about to leave her. Jealousy, the
district attorney said, would be shown
to be the motive. The defense, op-
fosing this, sought to prove that Mrs.
mith Shot her husband while he was
attempting a crime, the climax of a
series of threats and abuses.
Agricultural Experts
See Hope for Wheat
Lincoln', Neb., March 30. Agricul
tural experts and farmers of many
years' experience, who have been mak
ing critical examination of the winter
wheat acreage in the southern half
of Nebraska, east and west, in a
report made this evening, are nearly
united in the opinion that conditions
are not as bad as supposed and that
with an early rain a half to two-thirds
crop is indicated. While they found
some fields were being ploughed up
their advice is to delay further activ
ity in tnis direction tor a week or two
Omaha Boy Now Consul
To Hamilton, Ontario
Edward A. Dow. who was formerly
secretary of the O'Keefe Real Estate
company in Omaha, has been ap
pointed to be consul to Hamilton,
Ont, Dow passed the examination
for the consular promotion with fly
ing colors. I
British "Slacker"
Navy; Narrowly
Into the navy recruiting annex in
the Tirst National bank building a
squat, stodgy man walked with a con
fident mien. He approached Chief
Quartermaster Brady with a swagger
and announced:
"His Majesty's ships have bigger
and- better guns than those pictured
on your American ships in those cards
in the window." .- , ',
The chief c-uartermaster, who has
seen twenty-six .years of service be
fore the mast, for Uncle Sam, glared
at the Intruder and asked.
"Are yoo an American?"
"No," came the reply. 'My. home is
over in Wales, England."
'Have you taken out your first citi
zenship papers yet?" curtly inquired
"No, I haven't been over here but
a short time," said the Englishman.
for ur i reason for adhering to a
strong and vigorous monarchy, not
with an ornamental monarch, but with
flesh and blood kingship leading and
guiding the destinies of the people.
Therein lies Germany's strength. We
wish to obtain as soon as possible
peace which will permit us to live in
agreement with the new Russia. Our
conception of what is necessary-for
the safety of the eastern frontier is
unchanged by the Russian revolu
Amsterdam, March 30. (Via Lon
dbn.) In a confidential statement to
the Reichstag main committee, as
reported in a telegram from Berlin,
Vice Admiral von Lapelie, German
minister of the navv. said all expeC'
tations regarding the submarine war
had been realized to the fullest ex
tent. The total of tonnage officially
reported as having been sunk in rcb
ruarv. amountine to 781.500, was de
stroyed in spite of unfavorable
weather and ice floes.
There were the best prospects for
the future, he asserted, all the more
because the number of submarines in
active service was increasing con-
stantly and because these craft were
always become more ethcient.
British Comparative Figures.
London, March 30. 'The figures
for British shipping losses troni sub
marines and mines in the first eight
een days of December, January, Feb
ruary and March were given as fol
lows today in the House , of Com
mons by Thomas J. McNamara, fi
nancial secretary to tne admiralty:
December, 30; January, 26; Febru
ary, 66; March, SS.
Omaha Tells Wilson
He Has Its Support
The mayor of .Omaha, together
with the presidents of the national
banks of the city and also the
presidents of the Grain exchange,
Commercial, Omaha and Rotary
clubs and the secretary of the As
sociated Retailers of Omaha, joined
in sending to the president the at
tached telegram last evening:
"The people of this community
and of the west generally, as we
believe, dp hot favor a policy of
inaction in the present crisis. They
believe that our government should
recognize officially the situation as
it really exists. They will support
you in your every effort to see
that the honor and dignity of this
nation are upheld."
Jas. C. Dahlma'n H. C. Bostwick
J. H. Millard J. F. Coad
M. T. Barlow L. M. Lord
F. H. Davis E. M. Fairfield
Luther Drake J. A. Linderholm
F. W. Clarke E. C. Henry
W. T. Auld C. C. George
H. S. Clarke, jr. J. W.' Metcalfe-
Circulate Petitions 1
Next Week to Recall
Commissioner Kugel
A. LV Sutton authorized the infor
mation that recall petitions will be
circulated next week against City
Commissioner Kugel.
"We have not decided who will be
submitted to replace Commissioner
Kugel, but expect to have someone
in a few days," stated Mr. Sutton.
Rumors in the city hall are that
Willis Crosby, former county cor
oner, will be the candidate but Mr.
Crosby would not-commit himself
when questioned.
Active in the proposed recall
against the police department super
intendent are residents of the Sara
toga school district. Attorney Sut
on represented these citizens in a
recent suit against Health Commis
sioner Connefl, who is a subordinate
of Commissioner Kugel.
Commissioner Kugel was not in
clined to comment on the proposed
recall, nor did he seem to be per
turbed when told of petitions which
Mr. Sutton says will be circulated to
displace him.
Alleged failure to enforce certain
laws is given as the reason for Jhe
proposed effort to recall Mr. Kugel.
Frank Sturms Arrested
In Connection With Crime
Fairbury, Neb., March 30. (Spe
cial.) Chief of Police Smith Williams
arrested Frank Sturms, a familiar
character of this city, and turned him
over to Sheriff John G. Rawles, who
took him to Lincoln and delivered
him to the sheriff of Lancaster coun
ty. Five or six weeks ago, it is said,
Sturms' brother-in-law, who resides
fn Lincoln, was murdered and his
body found near a hay-stack on the
outskirts of the Capital city. At the
time Sturms was in Lincoln and soon
left town. Lincoln officers wired the
chief of police here to arrest Sturms
on sight and notify them. While lis
Sheriff Rawles' office, Sturms, it is
said, admitted knowledge of the mur
der, but denied he had committed it.
Criticises U. S.
Escapes Beating
"Get 'out of here," Brady said
quietly, pointing a finger toward the
door and moving closer to the critical
"You know," said Brady is i the
man was backing out the door, "an
American dog is better than you are
because he is all American. Men like
you let England in the mess it was in
when this war first broke. I think
you are one of those Britishers who
sneaked away fror.. home at the first
suggestion that yoo might be forced
to do your little bit Men like you
never help any nation. And ss for
your censure of American ships
But the Britisher had heard enough
and was walking out of ear-shot
around the corner.
"I'm kind of half sorry now that I
didn't give him a wallop on the jaw,"
said Brady after his anger had some
what cool '
Zimmerman Says Hia Instruc
tions Came Into American
Hands in Way Which Was
"Not Unobjectionable."
Asserts "Our Behavior Con
trasts Considerably With
, That of Washington Gov
London, March 30. Reuters Ams
terdam correspondents sends the
following concerning the address of
Dr. Alfred timmermann, minister of
foreign affairs with regard to Ger
many's attempt to embroil Mexico
and Japan with the United States:
"Hugo Hasse, leader of the social
ist minority in the Reichstag, remark
ed that the German offer of an al
liance with Mexico had aggravated
the situation ,with the United States
and Dr. Zimmermann replying, said:
" 'I wrote no letter to General Car
ranza. I was not so naive. I merely
addressed by a route that appeared
to me to be a safe one instructions
to our representatives in Mexico. It
is being investigated how these in
structions fell into the hands of the
American authorities.
Hoped For U. S. Neutrality.
"I instructed the minister to Mexico
in the event of war with the United
State to propose a German alliance
to Mexico and simultaneously to sug-
fest that Japanese join the alliance,
declared expressly that, despite the
submarine war, we hoped America
would maintain neutrality.
"'My instructions were to be car
ried out only after the united States
declared war and a state of war super
vened. I believe trTe instructions were
absolutely loyal as regards the United
States. General Carranza would, up
to the present, have heard nothing
of it if the United States had not
published the instructions, which
came into its hands in a way which
was not unobpectionable. Our be
havior contrasts considerably with
the behavior of the Washington gov
ernment. , ,
No Chance to Explain.
"'President Wilson after our note
of ajnuary 31 1917, which avoided all
aggressivness in tone, deemed it
propsr immediately-to break off rela
tions with extraordinary roughness.
Our ambassador no longer had the
opportunity to explain or elucidate
our attitude. The. United States gov
ernment thus ' declined to negotiate
with .us. On the other hand, it ad
dressed itself immediately to all the
neutral powers to induce them to join
the United States and break with us.
"'Every unprejudiced person must
see in this the hostile attitude of the
American government which seemed
to consider it right before beginning,
war with us to set the entire world
against us. It cannot deny us the
right to seek allies when it has itself
practically declared war on us.' "
Dr. Zimmermann contended that
Mexico obviously was an ally and that
the antagonism between America and
Japan was stronger than between
Germany and Japan, despite the fact
that a state ow ra existed between
Elmer H. Wood Dies
Following Illness of
More Than Two Years
Word has been received in Omaha
announcing, the death of Elmer H.
Wood at Lombard, 111., at 3 o'clock
Friday afternoon, following an illness
that extended over more than tvvo
years. He is survived by his wife, a
4on, Ralph, and a brother and sister,
all of whom were with him when he
passed away.
Elmer H. Wood was 62 years of
age and had been with the Union Pa
cific more than forty years. He re
tired from active service with the
company in the fall of 1915 or soon
thereafter, went to Lombard, where
during most of the time since he had
been taking treatment with a spe
cialist. "
Mr. Wood's first employment with
tie Union .Pacific was in the Chicago
office, where he was- a freight rate
clerk. In this line of work he dis
played wonderful ability and to him
promotions came rapidly. A few
years later he came to the Omaha
headquarters, remaining until he was
retired. At the time of his retire
ment he was freight traffic manager
and was looked upon as one of the
best rate men in the United States.
January 24, 1915, Mr. Wood was
stricken with paralysis and his right
side rendered useless for a long time.
The treatment that he took afforded
some relief, but he never fully re
covred. For mori than thirty years
hp was a rpsirlent .ti Omaha The
funeral wilt be held in Lombard and
buiial will be there. The date, how
ever, is not known.
Daniel Thomas Gets Big ;
Verdict from Otis Firm j
A jury in Judge Wakeley's court,
presided over temporarily by Judge
Leslie, returned a verdict of $25,000
in favor of Daniel M. Thomas, 25
years old, who sued the Otis Elevator
company for $50,000. it was one ot
the largest verdicts returned in dis
trict court for some time.
Thomas, an employe of the Omaha
General Iron Wor"s, was fitting ele
vator doors at the Castle hotel at the
time that hostelry was built. An ele
vator struck him and he was precip
itated five floors to the bottom of the
shaft, suffering permanent injuries
and crippling him for life, lie alleged.
1 Jmii
' Jil
Manager of British Corporation
and His Cashier Murdered
by Bandits.
Galveston, Tex., March 30. W. H.
T,, Buckinghani, general manager of
the- AgtiiU Qjl company on the Isth
mus of Tehuantepec, mnrf his aslrterV
named Bannermsn, were killed by
bandits at Nanchital on March 9,
according! to infqrmation - broughj'
here by, passengers arriving from
Mexico on a -tank steamship.' Both
men we're British subjects. After
Buckingham .had been killed his
body , was hacked to pieces. .
.These passengers also report that
a reign of terror has prevailed for
several weeks in the oil fields near
Minatitlan, in the state'of Vera Crui,
and declared it to be the result of
German influence. The oil fields lie
between territory occupied by Car
ranza troops on one side and the
forces of Zapata on the other.
Buckingham and Bannerman were
killed following a demand by the
bandits for $1,500, and their discov
ery that the safe contained only
$1,300. Buckingham had been in
Mexico for twenty-six years.
The next day, says the report, the
bandits went up the river a few miles
and killed a Mexican farmer, his wife
and father and cut off the hands of
the farmer's two little girls.
Operations in the oil camps have
ceased since March 9, and it is be
lieved there is little prospect for re
sumption. The men who brought the
story to Galveston said their friends
in Mexico would be killed if their
names were revealed. , t .
Body df Noted Sculptor to
Be Buried in Arlington
Washington, March 30. Permis
sion for the burial in Arlington Na
tional cemetery of Moses Ezekiel, the
Virginia sculptor, who died recently
in Rome, Italy was granted Riday
by the secretary of war. He was i
confederate veteran and among his
many works were the confederate
monument dedicated a few years ago
in Arlington and the Robert E. Lee
monument at Richmond.
Our Country's Flag
Flags! Flags!! Flags!!!
Specially designed,' printed in correct colors, on heavy
enamel paper to be cut out and pasted on the window pane.
.Size 17x24- inches. r - . - . , i , ;
Get them at The Bee office. " -
' Two flags for this Coupon and 5 Mitts :ly mail 2 cents
extra. . i ..., .;.:
Put Om ia Every Window.
Prawn for Th Be by HaJ Coffmin.
Berlin War Offioe Announoes
further Withdrawal Along '
Peronrie-Fins Road. 3
London, Marc j0. British' troops
luvi i-jintiirrH the villatres- ol,Ruval-
ourScjcal-ltS-Grllnd ana- rinsli
twecn uertincoiitl sua Koisei, on inc
front in France-, according to the offi
cial statement from British, headquar
trfl U'i,H rrkniirhr. !A German. attack
upon- British positions south-of Heu-
VlllC-DOtinoltvai, II 1 nuuu, -
driven-off with ioss.:; i 'j
Paris. March 30. The - French
troops in Champagne, in ' a counter
attack, have expelled the Germans
from positions they captured mere
March 28, according' to, the French
official communication tonight. North
of the Somme and between the
Somme and the Oise the Germans
bombarded French positions. ,
Paris, March 30. The heavy fight
ing on the French front since the be
ginning of the German withdrawal
has come to an end ior the time bet
"From the Somme to the Aisne the
night was calm along our outposts,"
says today's -official report, ' "There
were no important events elsewhere
on the front, with the exception of
patrol encounters and rather lively
grenade ngnting in me sector oi mat
sons de Champagne.", . . . .i
Germans Are Retreating.
Berlin, March 30. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) A further - withdrawal of
German troops on the Peronne-Fins
road is announced, ' '
Canadian troops made four attacks
last night on German positions east
of Neuville St. Vaast, the war office
announces. They were repulsed with
heavy losses.
The statement reads: " - '
"East 'of Nuville St. Vaast a Ca
nadian regiment four times attacked
our positions during the night. They
were each time repulsed with heavy
losses. Some prisoners remained in
our hands.
"In Parroy forest, on the Lorraine
front, our raiding detachments
brought back thirteen prisoners from
hostile .trenches." . ... . , - -
Publio Opinion Seems to Favor
a Declaration that a State ;
, of War With Germany
Now Exists. ,
Messages in Identical Language
Protest Against Action that
. Will Bring War. .
Washington, March 30. After to
day's cabinet meeting, which lasted
an hour and a half, there, were re
newed indications that the adminis
tration expects congress next week
to adopt a resolution declaring that
a state of war exists between the
United States and Germany, ine
president's partially finished message
to congress was discussed.
Cabinet members took to tne meet
ing reports on preparations to put
the country in a state of prepared
ness. Takintr for arranted from the speech
of the German, chancellor that Ger
many will not abandon its subma
rine campaign of ruthlcssness, offi
cials generally have given up hope
that an actual clash with Germany
can be averted. ,
Secretary Baker said that the early.
graduation of the upper class at 'West
Point was under consideration, but
had not been determined upon.
Secretary Rcdheld said everything
was in readiness for turning the ships
and crews of the coast and geodetic
survey over to the Navy department'
for war purposes. Preliminary plans
have also been made for having the
navy take over direction of wireless
plants. ..'
Secretary Wilson said that satis
factory progress was being made in
plans for mobilization of labor re-
sources. Members ot tne cabinet wno
are also members of the council of
national defense reported that every
thing being done to co
ordinate all the resources of the na
tion for the government in war.
c . ' r,...:.i- ... ii . i . . .
heads of the Navy and War depart
ments, remained in conference with
the president for half an hour after
the other cabinet members had de
parted. :. . ( . -
1 Washington, March .30. Steps' ill
anticipation. - of President Wijjon's
appeauoee I befor . eongres s" next
week and for action on whatever
recommendations he may make to
meet the national emergency began
to take, final form today.
The president. held a final confer
starting the actual writing of the ad
dress he 'will deliver before a joint
assemblage of the house and sen
ate. . ' i -
President Wilson now has before
him recommendations "of his princi
pal cabinet advisers and in a general
way-has-heard the sentiment of the
country, - i
The preponderance of opinion for
warded to the White House is for a
declaration that a state of war exists
between the United States and Ger
many. .
Telegrams advising the president are
being received in large numbers.
Many of them, couched in identical
language, favor the maintenance of
peace. ....... - . , -
More Guards Are Called.
- Orders were being prepared today
calling out additional guard forces in
several eastern states. They contem
plate an increase of at least two regi
ments of infantry to the 50,000
guardsmen already added to the fed
eral service for police protection
Secretary Redfield conferred with
Secretary Daniels today on legisla
tion to provide that the Navy de
partment, in event of war, take over
the vessels, equipments and person
nel of the coast and geodetic survey.
It has 104 trained officers, all tech
nical graduates and skilled naviga
. , Submarine Nets Ordered.
Orders were placed by the Navy de
partment today with the American
Steel and Wire company of Philadel
phia for the immediate construction
of 100 steel rope submarine nets. The
nets will cost $1,881 each, will be
1,050. feet long, 30 feet wide, with a
12-foot mesh. Deliveries will begin
within three weeks and continue at
the rate of ten a week thereafter.
Strengthen Canal Garrison. ' .
Strengthening of -the military
Inrfma in th Panama ranal nna waa
ordered today by the War department
and a board of officers named to re
port upon organizing civilian em
ployes in the canal zone 'for military
defense purposes. The board will con
sist of Lieutenant Colonel Chester
Harding, governor of the zone; Com
mander Hutch I. Cone, marine super
intendent of the canal, and Major Oli
ver Edwards of the general staff.
Phone Tyler 1000
before 9 o'clock to
night to have your
r Want-Ad in the
Big Sunday .Section.
' Experienced Want
A d takers will help
you write your ad if
. you wish. ' '.
You are m dot t
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