Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1917, Image 7

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Briej City News
Mazda Lamp Buraaaa-Granden Co.
Hit Boot Petal It New Bueon Praas.
Plntinum Wadding Rings Edholm,
Bolls Ring Palm Sunday Thre
sacred concerts will b given on the
chlme o( Trinity cathedral on Palm
Sunday. .
Ex-President Wadsworth Here The
Ilev. Dr. Guy W. Wadaworth, former
president o( Bellevue college and now
.located on the Pacific coast. Is In town,
the guest of Rev. Dr. Jenka.
Missionary Drama A missionary
drama, "Broken China," will be given
this evening at the First Baptist
church, Twenty-ninth and Harney
streets, by the World Wide Guild Girls.
Patriotic Aire on Chimes Trinity
cathedral chimes will ring out patri
otic airs every day from now until
Easter from 11 MS to noon each day.
"The Star Spangled Banner" and
"America" will be featured.
Lodge Party St. John's Masonic
lodge had a most successful party at
Scottish Rite cathedral Wednesday
night when 1.090 attended. Music
was furnished by the pupils of Frank
Moch and by Frank Potter's orchestra.
Concerts at Central Park The
Royal Holland Bellringers will give
three musical entertainments Friday
at Central Park school, Forty-second
and Saratoga avenue. The first one
will start at 1:1S p. m., the second at
2:30 p. m. and the third at p. m.
New Motorcycle Officers Chief of
Police Dunn has appointed Officers
Farrand and Risks as members of the
motorcycle squad. This will bring the
number of Omaha motorcycle police
men up to five. Officer Carey Ford
will succeed Farrand as patrol driver.
Rev. B. A. McBride Speaks At the
Central United Presbyterian church
annual meeting and congregation din
ner last evening, the Rev. B. A.
McBride, D. D., a former pastor, now
of the First Presbyterian church,
Cedar Rapids, la., was a guest. Dr.
McBride is holding a week's meeting
ih the First Presbyterian church,
Council Bluffs, la.
'Get Acquainted Day'
Planned at Central
High School Shortly
The "Get Acquainted Day1 idea has
taken root at Central High. At a
meeting oMhe senior and student
councils yesterday it was decided to
start the get acquainted program the
week following vacation. The carry
ing out of the plan is entirely in the
hands of a guiding committee which
will be appointed by the council. This
committee will be about the halls be
fore and after class hours, will pass'
out cards to the students and will
introduce pupils to each other.
It is also the aim of Principal Mas
ters, who has entered heartily into the
plan, to have the members of the fac
jlty become better acquainted with
each other and with the pupils.
Charles Morearty, who is credited as
being the originator of the get ac
quainted idea, will have charge of the
distribution of the cards. Robert
Buckingham has been appointed
chairman of the advertisement com
mittee for the campaign.
The council also has a plan in mind
awarding prizes to a freshman boy
and girl who can point out the largest
number of acquaintances and give
' their correct names.
Reserve Banks Lend
Fifty Millions to the
. U. S. Government
Washington, March 29. The twelve
federal reserve banks today oversub
scribed on twenty-four hours' notice
a ninety-day loan to the government
of $50,000,000 at the rate of 2 per cent
a year. ; ,
The money was borrowed on ninety-day
treasury certificates of indebt
ness to help tide over the government
till June, when the great stream of
income and internal revenue taxes
will flow into the treasury. An addi
tional $50,000,000, it was announced,
may be borrowed in the same manner
before the close of the fiscal year.
Brinton Likely to Talk
To the Friends of Art
Efforts are being made by John
Lee Webster, president of the Friends
of Art association, to have Christian
Erinton, critic, authority on art and
writer, deliver the principal address
at the annual dinner of the associa
tion at the Hotel Fontenelle the eve
ning of April 11. .
While no definite arrangements
have been made, Mr. 1 Webster be
lieves that the chances of Mr. Brinton
coming to Omaha for the annual din
ner of (he Friends of Art association
are good. - ' -
An unquestioned authority on any
thing pertaining to art, Mr. Brinton
has achieved an international reputa
tion as a critic and writer on art sub
jects. He has written several books
on art, including one on the exhibits
at the Panama exposition, and is a
frequent contributor to the better
class magazines.
It is now assured that in the neigh
borhood of $50,000 worth of famous
paintings will be. exhibited the night
of the annual meeting and dinner.
The association plans to purchase a
couple of the works to be added to
the already extensive collection owned
by the Friends of Art association.
Several paintings from the brushes
of world-famous artists have been ar
ranged for by Mr. Webster. One,
"The Roof Garden," by Childe Has
sam, is valued at $10,000. Mr. Web
ster received a photograph of the
painting yesterday, with assurance
that the big canvas itself will be here
by the evening of the dinner.
Says Germans Do as They Are
'. Told Without Any Questions
New York, March . 29. Ernst
Becker, one of six Germans on trial
here charged with plotting to destroy
vessels leaving American ports with
munitions for the entente allies, testi
fied today that "Germans are accus
tomed to doing as they are told, not
to asking questions."
Hindenbura Would Invade -France
Through Crushed Italy
Rome, March 29. (Via Paris.)
The predicted great offensive against
Italy by the Central powers con
tinues to be the chief topic of dis
cussion in military and political cir
cles. Field Marshal von Hindenburg
is credited with aiming at an invasion
of France across a'prostrate Italy.
Miura as Iris and Teyte as
Mimi Ravish Local Ears
With Sweet Music.
An operatic fable, or rather fantasy,
of Japanese characters woven into in
teresting Italian music and treated in
Italian manner, was what Mascagni's
"Iris" proved to be, when presented
in Omaha for the first time yesterday
afternoon, in the rarely artistic man
ner of the Boston National Grand
Opera company at its second per
formance at the Boyd theater. The
soft tints of its lighting, its beautiful
and appropriate scenic properties and
the gorgeous Japanese costumes, es
pecially those worn by the wonderful
little star, Tamaki Miura, all com
bined to heighten -and enhance the
illusion of the music of both orches
tra and voices. In this opera Mas
cagni has used more delicacy and
more subtle means of interpreting in
the music and but few of the strong
colors found in his "Cavalleria Rusti
cana" were perceptible, although the
music was dramatic and vivid when
need be.
Symbolic Rather Than Real.
The plot, as we have come to ex
pect from grand opera, is sordid and
unmoral, but such is the character of
the story, and the music that one feels
it is symbolic, rather than real, more
of a play than a delineation of life.
This may be partly the result of the
difference in philosophy of the orien
tal from our own.
The music suffers from contrast
with the wealth of tonal beauty of the
two Puccini operas also presented by
this company, but it .is of high musical
standard. The opening daybreak and
sunrise brought forth some marvelous
lighting and about the most beautiful
music of the whole opera, and these
same themes furnished a later devel
opment and return in the third act.
The "Hymn to the Sun," a broad and
sonorous chorus off stage at the open
ing was highly effective and the whole
episode from darkness of night
rises to a majestic and impressive cli
max, at the coming of the full day.
Music Suggests Japan.
The music for the "Puppet Show"
of the first act, by which Kyoto en
snares the unsuspecting Iris, brought
many .suggestions of Japanese native
music and was well and carefully
worked out, and most effectively pre
sented. Act II brought other sugges
tions of Japanese music, music that
was admirably adapted to the scene,
and several dramatic moments, as well
as some of lighter vein when Kyoto
was present.
The company maintained the high
standards in this opera which have
been the outstanding features of all
their productions. Suffice it to say
that "Iris" was produced with true
magnificence, both musically and
scenically, and Conductor Moranzini
and all concerned deserve great ap
probation for their artistic and intel
ligent results. The audience was not
large, but it was a genuinely and dis
criminatcly enthusiastic one.
Miura's Voice Improves.
Madame Miura as Iris repeated the
triumph she made last year as
Madame Butterfly, although unfor
tunately the score does not afford her
the breadth of opportunity of the
other opera. Her voice is lovely and
sweet, and has a certain childish note
in it at times which is most suitable
for the part. She sings even more
beautifully than last year, and made
the most of what fell to her with her
own individual charm. She is an
irresistible, actress, and histrionically
infused the greatest interest into the
character. Tovia Kittay as Osaka dis
played a well trained tenor of some
what metallic quality, but in no way
displeasing, and he furnished rich
and blase young man who was at all
times satisfactory. The Kyoto of
Georgio Puliti, and the blind father
of Virgilio Lazzari added other ex
cellent singers and widely different
characters to the opera, and Elvira
Leveroni and Romeo Boscacci made
the most of minor parts.
The chorus of "mousme," or work
ing women, in Act 1, of the peddlers
at the close of the same act, and the
opening and closing hymns to the
Sun proved again the thorough train
ing and ensemble of this company,
and the orchestra sang through the
entire Opera as only an artistic body
of trained musicians can.
"La Boheme" Closes Engagement.
"La Boheme," last evening, closed
the engagement of the company in
Omaha, and it is a gratification, in
face of the small audiences present, to
realize how much those who did not
avail themselves of the opportunity
of hearing the operas presented
missed. This well loved opera by
Puccini grows all the more lovely in
Corns Loosen Off
With Magic "Gets-It"
2 Drops Do th Work. Painlewly
"X tell yon, before I heard of 'Oeti-It' X
ted to try one thing after another for
corns, I still had them. I used bandages and
they made my toe so blf It was murder to
Cons llnra Vara MaT Trr OetcI"
ana They'll Feel Msat US I
put an my shoe. I es iilvu and ethar
thins that ata off mora of tho toa than
thr did the torn. I'd eat and div with
knivei and iclnori, but now no more fool
ins for m.. Two drops of 'Gott-It' did all
the work. It make tho com thrive! and
get so tooaa that you can juat pielt H right
off with your fingers r
There baa baen nothing new dlaeoverad
for corns einee "Gata-It" was born. It's tha
new way tho common-sense, simple, aura
"Geta-It" b sold everywhere, tic a bot
tle, or sent on receipt of pries by E. Law
rence ft Co., Chicago, III.
Sold In Omaha and recommended as the
world's best com remody by Sherman ft Drag Co. Storea.
its repetitions, and either we have
forgotten how wonderfully the com
pany presented it last year, or in the
more intimate spaces of the Boyd
theater, it made a more personal im
pression, tne tact remains mat me
presentation of last evening surpassed
any other we have ever heard of this
masterpiece. There was a sprightli
ness and freedom about the work of
the four friends together, a life and
freedom about the ensemble scenes,
and opportunities which offered the
chorus a chance to far surpass their
very excellent work in the other two
The music of this opera is so in
spiredly beautiful, so full of melodies
that charm and harmonies that thrill,
of colors that delight, and of life and
brilliancy, as well as the underlying
note of tragedy, that it never fails to
reach the listeners Under the baton
of Fulgenzio Guerrieri this music
shone to its fullest luster last eve
ning, the orchestra deserving even
additional mention for its masterful
laving: of it.
Miss Maggie Teyte made a Mimi
who not only looked but acted the
part, and who fairly ravished by the
beauty of her voice, she was Ire
quentl interrupted with applause, in
the first act, after her solo and the
duet with Rndolph, in Act III, when
she goes away and in the affecting
death scene at the close, where her
exquisite quality of voice shone to its
fullest advantage.
Miss Riegelmann as Musetta.
The Musetta of Mabel Riegelmann
was of the vivacious and lively type
one expects this young lady to be,
and she is well equipped with vocal
and dramtic riches which made her
wholly delightful in the part. While
we were sorry that owing to an in-
aisposuion luccarao jnarun uia not
sing the part of Rudolpho, we were
glad to hear Romeo Boscacci in the
part, who if we are not mistaken was
the Rudolpho of last year. His is a
tenor of the loveliest velvety quality,
and the beautiful solo in Act I won
him prolonged applause in appre
ciation. Rudolpho in his hands was
a satisfaction from all standpoints.
Graham Marr excelled his Marcel
of last year, and much of the humor
ot tne opera was due to his intelli
gence and ability. Jose Mardones,
who made such a tremendous im
pression last year, was again Colline,
at all times a vocal delight and bass
of exceptional qualities, whose song
to the coat in Act IV was a vocal and
dramatic triumph. Georgio Puliti as
Schaunard and Paolo Ananian, in
two minor roles, were worthy of be
ing in such excellent company.
The death scene as given by the
Boston National Grand Opera last
evening is an achievement of art and
tragedy, a most magnificent achieve
ment of consummate musical and
theatrical attainment, and was heart
rending in its pathos and tragedy.
It is hoped that we may many more
times have the pleasure of hearing
this company, and that at future
visits they will receive the patronage
and support that the artistic tatue of
their work deserves. The prices were
not high when one considers the im
mense equipment, and large and
renowned casts they bring.
No Egg Rolling on White
House Grounds This Year
Washington, March 29. Egg roll
ing within the White House grounds
on Easter Monday, a custom almost
as old as the White House itself, will
be abandoned this year because of
the international situation, and the
grounds around the Washington
monument will be used. Under the
present rule policemen keep all un
authorized persons at a distance from
the White House.
Here Is Name Different 1
From Rest of the Smiths
Charles Wesley John Von Hinden
burg Smith. That is the name a
youngster of Little Sioux, la., is
destined to carry through lif unless
he can get it changed when he grows
up. It was given to him by his father,
Charles W. Smith.
You who
tire easily;
are pale hag
ga rd and
worn; nervous
or Irritable; i
whs arc aub-1
lect to nig of I
melancholy or 1
in "Hues," i
get your blood
examined for
Iron defici
now tak.nv,
.nree times a
y after
is win increase your Btrengv
-ance 100 per cent in iwa
many cases. f era in
WW .. 4 11
lir1ek:V&MllVsTrf HAM s.aMSaft .k. fa.
or. kl w m MuinM mntMPjmooa druffiM
on an m'lu fttartnu of ifafvot money
iwntBi awj-ingem usually vmrme im nfjiriif ttfy
Spring Time
Is Moving
We are prepared to ren
der good moving, stor
ing and van service.
Omaha Van &
Storage Co.
Phone Douglas 41S3. '
. SOS Souta lSia Street.
rant iminmjiiiiMrnrvmmmmtdMmWi
Says Omaha Could
Double Business by
Reaching Into West
"Omaha could double its business
by reaching into the great west," de
clared Joseph M. Carey, vice presi
dent of the new Federal Farm Loan
bank and former governor of Wyo
ming, speaking to members of the
Rotary club at noon.
He referred to the vast oil industry
in his state and expressed the belief
that extensive oil fields are as yet un
tapped in western Nebraska.
"We ask co-operation of the busi
ness men of Omaha in helping to
make this farm loan bank a success,"
said M. L, Corey, registrar.
D. P. Hogan, president of the bank,
stated that it is the aim of himself
and associates to standardize the farm
mortgage. He explained that the
farm is the best security today; that
other industries may rise and fall, bin
farming goes on forever. Frank G
Odell spoke briefly.
Will Cressy of the Orpheum theater
offered a witty talk which aroused
the risibilities of all. He is a mem
ber of the Rotary club of Memphis.
Omahan Elected Treasurer
Of Millers' Association
Kansas City. Mo.. March 29. L. E.
Moses of Kansas City was elected
president of the Southwestern Mill
ers' association at the annual meet
ing of the organization here today.
H. K. Schafer of Omaha was elected
treasurer, and C. K. Topping of
Wichita, Kan., secretary, insurance
and traffic problems were discussed.
Sioux City German Held
For Pro-Kaiser Speech
Sioux City, Ia March 29. George
Schultice. a German, was arrested by
local police tonight at the request of
W. P. Smith, a deputy federal officer,
and is being held for investigation for
alleged pro-German utterances. He
will be examined tomorrow by federal
I Mother-Made, Quick !
nwmg ixuuyn oyrup t
Home Easily Prepared aaS
Coats Little.
Mothers, you'll never know what you
are missing until you make up this in
expensive, quick-acting cough syrup and
try it. Children love its pleasant taste
and nothing else will loosen a cough or
chest cold and heal the inflamed or
swollen throat membranes with such
ease and promptness. It's equally as
good for grown-ups as for children.
This splendid cough syrup is made by
pouring 2 Mi ounces of Fiuex (50 cents
worth), into a pint bottle and filling the
bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. This gives you a full pint a
family supply of much bettor cough
remedy than you could buy ready-made
for $2.50 a clear saving of $2.
Tha moment it touches the inflamed,
cold-congested membranes that line the
throat and air passages, the healing be
gins, the phlegm loosens, soreness
loaves, cough spasms lessen and soon
disappear altogether, thus ending a
sough quicker than you ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
couzhs are conquered by it In 24 hours
or less. Excellent for bronchitis, whoop
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
Fines is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pino extract,
combined with guaiacol and is famous
the world over for its quick healing
effect on the membranes.
Beware of substitutes. Ask your
druggist for ounces of Pinei" with
directions and don't accept anything
else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
faction or money refunded. The Fines
Co., Ft Wayne, Ind.
a Sale of
In the Downstairs
See Friday Papers for
Wax Oil Polish
The Famous
"Donkey Oil"
Liquid Veneer,
Furniture Polish
Floor Wax
Sponges & Chamois Skins
Everything for house
cleaning. Hamilton Paint &
Glass Co.
1517 Howard Street
Phona Douglas 2642
Deliveries to all parts of Omaha
Bronchitis, Coup, Coughs and Colds,
fconey back. SoU and guarantee b,
Sherman & McConnall Drug Co.
Brown Park
Mineral Springs
asta and O Straata, South Side
Phone South 870 .
Oataaaatata Phjelcian, la Chars
Thursday, March 29, 1917.
Phona Douglas 137.
Another Day of Rousing
Values Friday in the
Down Stairs Store
Remnants Dress Goods,
at 49c
Plain color, checks, plaids,
stripes and mixtures, materials
suitable for women's skirts,
dresses, suits and children's
dresses, lengths Hi to 6 yards,
widths, 86 to 44 inches, 49e yd.
Remnants Challies, at 29c
Lengths 2H to 8 yards of
challies and sport skirtings, big
selection of styles and colors,
27 to 36 inches wide, 29c yard.
Remnants Silks, at 59c
Lengths 1 to 24 yards, in
cluding foulards, messalines,
etc., in plain colors, also fig
ures, special, 69c yard.
Remnants Silk Poplins,
at 19c
Remnants of silk poplins, in
small figures, sale price Friday,
19c yard.
Dress Ginghams, 13Vgc
Standard brand Toils de
Norde in plain colors, checks,
plaids, stripes and pretty new
color combinations, 13)t yard.
Wash Goods, 7Vc Yard
Remnants of 2 to 6-yard
lengths of voiles, lawns, fou
lards, etc., Friday, yard, 7 He.
Come Here Friday and Buy Your
NewEasler SuitK $12.95
Made of all wool
serge of good qual
ity, jacket lined
with flowered lin
ing, belted model
with double box
plaits In back, ex- ..
tra silk collar, skirt '
with belt. Very spe-
cial, at 912.95.
Silk Dress Skirts, ,
at $5.95
Made of sport
stripe material in
plaids and black
taffeta. Shirred and
pleated, trimmed
with pocket and
buttons. We con
sider the values
very extreme, at
Burn-Nh Co. own Sulfa Stare.
Women's Shoes, at $1.99
In Down Stairs Store '
N Your choice of several hundred
pairs of women's pumps, slippers and
high shoes, the sizes are 2U, f gg
3, 3ia and 4, offered in this I MM
sale at w.onderful reductions,
Women's Shoes, at $2.98
A big lot of women's shoes from
the second floor, patent, gun-metal,
kid-skin, in button and lace,
Goodyear welt and turn soles,
choice, for $2.98.
Misses' School Shoes
at $1.98
Very special, Tan Russia
calf button, solid leather sole,
school heels, for this sale only,
Men's Work Shoes, at $2.49
All sizes tan moose with leather soles, black calf
skin, lace, blucher cut, tan Calf with elk soles, $2.49.
Bureaa-Naaa Co. Down Stairs Store.
Nainsook Embroidery
Flouncing at 10c Yard
Pretty new patterns of nain
sook embroidery, flouncing
and corset cover embroidery
widths to 18 inches at 10s yard.
Embroidered Voile Dress
Flouncing at 29c Yard
40-inch voile dress ilounclnga,
pretty embroidered, very spe
cial at 19e yard.
Real Linen Torchon Lace
at 6c Yard
Torchon lace, real linen, S
inches wide, good selection ot
patterns, at Se yard.
New Embroideries, Be
Embroidery edges and inser
tions, 3 to 5 inches wide, very
special at sale price, Be yard.
Wash Good, 12Mc Yard
Sample pieces, 86 to 40
inches wide, plain colors, fig
ures, stripes and plaids, wide
selection of colors, 12 H ysrd.
Burtasa-Naah Co. Down Stain Stars
Children's Sample Hose,
Very Special, at 10c
Big lot of children's sample
hose, also odd lots including
cotton and silk lisle in white,
pink, sky blue and tan, also
big lot of chil- - f
dren's sox with I LC
fancy tops, pair.
Women' Hose, at 25c
Cotton or lisle, black, white
or tan, all seamless foot, ex
treme values, 25c pair.
Women' Vest, at 10c
Low neck and sleeveless,
white cotton, full taped, 10c
Women' Union Suit, 39c
Low neck and sleeveless,
made of fine white cotton, lace
at knee, 39c .
Percales, at 11c Yard
1 Light colored percales of
standard quality, 86 inches
wide, in lengths of 2 and 10
yards, at lie yard.
Burfeea-ttaah Co. Dow Stairs Stars
Men's Work Shirts, at 50c
A recent purchase of work shirts made
of Palm Beach Panama linen and cham
bray, in gray, blue and tan colors, most
of them are solid colors, but included in
the lot will be two striped numbers;
three styles attached collars, some with
one pocket, some with two pockets, full
size and all seams double stitched; a
most extreme value at the price quoted.
Men' Black Hose, 6 Pair, 35c
Maco yarn, double heel, toe and sola, extra fine gauze, a hose
any man would wear; only H dozen to a customer; no mall or
telephone orders taken. Price, 6 pairs, 35c.
Men' Handkerchief, 5c
Men's hemstitched Japanett handkerchiefs, full size and first
quality, Sc.
Men' Union Suits, 49c
Men's white and ecru union suits, closed crotch, extra values,
at 49c, ,
Men' Underwear, 29c
Men's 2-piece balbriggan shirts and drawers, ecru color, small
sizes only, 29c.
Men' Neckwear, 19c to 50c
Men's Easter neckwear, large flowering and apron tie, well
made in new patterns and designs. 19c, 25c, 35c and SOc.
Burseea-Naea Co. Dowa Sulra Stare
Come Choose Your New
Easter Hat Here Friday
at $2.98
From this splendid display of new
creations, designed especially for
the woman who demands stylish
millinery at small cost.
The hats are in every favored col
or, trimmed with flowers, wings and
f fancy bands. We consider them ex
i treme values
Bursaaa-Naah Co. Down Statra Store ,
Women' Voile Waists,
Extreme Value at 89c
Splendid quality in white,
rose and copen with Khaki Kool
pattern collar and cuffs. Striped
voile waists in sports design,
with large flat collars of con
trasting materials. Lace trim
med and fancy striped white
voile waists, collar and cuffs of
organdie. - .
' Brassiere at 39c
Beautifully trimmed with lace
and embroidery, very special at
sale price, 39c.
Women' Apron at 59c
. Women's cover-all aprons of
fine gingham, made with belt in
front, finished with plain bands.
Bursaaa-Naah Co, Dowa Stalra Stora
2-Clasp Double Tip
Silk Gloves, 35c
Women's silk . gloves
with double tipped fin
gers, slightly imperfect,
black, white and colors.
Special in Down
Stairs Store, 3 if
at pair..
Curtain Stretchers
Adjustable stretchers
with nickel plated pins,
full size, 79c
Sale Enamel ware, at 10c
All white enameled ware, every
piece seamless, consists of sauce
pans, wash basins, pudding pans,
baking pans, soup ladles,
mixing bowls, etc. Your fn
choice, at. 1 VV
Enameled Coffee Pots, 25c
2 and 3 quart gray enameled cof
fee pots, special, 25c
Enameled Dish Pans, 29c
17 quart gray enameled dish
pans, special, 29c ,
Berlin Kettles at 39c
10 quart Berlin kettle with cover,
jamless, special, 39c
' Burgaaa-Naah Co. Dowa Stalra Star. V '