Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1917, Image 3

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March Wont Month For Thii Trouble
How to Romovo EmUj.
There's a reason why nearly every-
body freckles in March, but happily
there is also a remedy for these ugly
blemishes, and no one need stay
freckled. " v : k
Simply get an ounce of othine,
double strength, from your druggist
and apply a little of it night and
morning, and in a few days you
should see that even the worst freck
les have begun to disappear, while
the light ones have vanished entirely.
Now is the time" to rid yourself of
freckles, for if not removed now
they may stay all Summer, and spoil
an otherwise beautiful complexion.
Your money back if it fails. Adv.
Bring Back Natural Color
Without Dyes Satisfac
- tion Guaranteed or Money
Refunded, j
Yoa can li.v. glossy, rich and luxuriant
hair of a soft, vn shad. Instead of srar
or lifeless, faded hair or hair streaked with
gray. It's very easy and simple, very health
ful, .safe and in perfect good taste which
dyel are not. , ,
Simply apply Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer
as you would a shampoo. It i ready to use,
harmless liquid, sold under the makers full
guarantee of "your money back if not satis
fied." Use of U-Ban will bring back natural,
soft, even, pleasing color, full of beauty,
and lustrous and fluffy as a girl's hair. No
one can tell you have applied Q-Ban, be
.eauae it doesn't work a look unnatural as a
dye does. You will be delighted with your
air of youth and vitality, and your hair will
have real health. Only 50c a bottle at Sher
man A McConnell drug store or any good
drug store, or write Hcssig-EHis Drug Co..
Memphis. Tenn,, mentioning the druggist's
name. Illustrated, interesting book, "Hair
Culture." sent free. Try Q-Ban Hair Tonic.
Q-Ban Liquid Shampoo,- Q-Ban Toilet Soap
also Q-B&n Depilatory (odorless) for re
moving superfluous hair. Advertisement.
t How To Get Relief When Head
. aad Nose are Stuffed Up,
Congressman From Fourth
. District Talks to the
Count fifty! Your cold in head or
catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages of
your head will clear and you can
breathe freelv. No more snuffling.
hawking, mucous discharge, dryness
or headache; no struggling tor breath
at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist and apply a
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
in your nostrils. It penetrates through
every air passage of the head, sooth
ing and healing the swollen or in
flamed mucous membrane, giving you
instant relief. Head colds and catarrh
yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed
up and miserable. Relief is sure. Adv.
Best Home Treatment
- for All Hairy Growths
(The Modern 'Beauty.)
Every wontan should have a small
package of delalone handy, for its
timely use will keep the skin free
from beauty-marring hairy growths.
To remove hair or fuzz, make a thick
paste with some of the powdered dela
tone and water. Apply to hairy sur
face and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off,
wash the skin and it will be free from
hair or blemish. To avoid disappoint
ment, be sure you get real delatone.
Home Remedy -for
All Pain
Are yoa In paint This Ii the qnertlon
yon will bear daily, aod to be able to relieve
pain, whether It be a slight nervou bead
ache or the most excrnclattng gufleringi of
neuralgia or rheumatism, brings the height
ol pleasure to both patient and doctor.
Touching this point, Hugo Engle, A.M.
M. D., aays. Antl-kamnla tablets have be
come favorites with members of the medical
profession they are very reliable In all
kinds of pain, and set at once. To stop pain
quickly, tbe dose Is one or two tablets re
seated in two or three boors If required.
Antl-kamnta tablets relieve all pains due
to rheumatism, headache, sciatica, neural
rta. toothache, gout, and are especially
useful for all conditions known as women's
aches and pains. Antlkamnta tablets have
no unpleasant after-effects, and In 92 per cent
of all cases they eton the pain immediately.
Ask for A. K. Tablets Obtainable at drug
ttoreii In any quantity deilfed."
Don't Neglect
your stomach. Keep it strong
and well When food disa
grees withit, strengthen with
Large Sal of Any MmIIcIm fa thaWarU.
&old every whsr. In boxes, 10c, 25c
r Wortft Grtatut
Exttnul Bnutij.
Coughs and Colds
oa ofaect and aaather
katwaaa aboaldar Males)
Weak Chests,
Any Loeai
i i
r lr .
Good Miditt
IGni eranDt rasoHa toBraKar1!
ittsatlac &i aad Orlpps
i mass. . Wasaaaoa,, Bm m.sjs. Hi
indt ha Hoir-UDear-
tTa.TwiToBsx Ulack Shorn.
k Dresry. Durable. J
1 23 o 1 1 1 a wi
1 I
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 29. (Special.)
"The nation is facing a crisis and
the American people should keep
their heads," said Congressman Sloan,
in the senate today.
"National affairs are drifting rap
idly toward an end, which it has not
been difficult to forecast when we
keep in mind the controlling policies
of the last two years.
"However, that drift may continue
or eventuate, I am convinced- that
the course of congress deliberately
taken and the administration's activ
ity to vitalize that course, rill find
behind them a united citizenship
whose policy of peace ,if that be
adopted, will be approved, or whose
wrath, if war should come, will be
effectively felt by any nation which
may insur it.
"It is a good time now for both
citizens and those granted a brief
measure of authority to keep their
feet firmly upon solid earth and cool
heads upon well set shoulders. -At
this time meeting the pressing prob
lems of the time, as they will come,
sober judgment dictated by a due
sense of grave responsibility to the
people now, and the country here
after, should prevail rather than the
insistent voice of the ,'eace at any
price,' advocate or the demand of
those who would have 'war at any
price.' ".
Representatives Sidestep
Appropriation for Guard
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Neb., March 29. (Spe
cial ielegram.) the house had an
other oratorical fireworks display this
afternoon in the presence of Con
gressman Charles Sloan, who after
ward addressed that body.
During discussion of the governor's
special bill appropriating $1,000 to
buy medals for members of the Na
tional Guard who served on the bor
der, an amendment was offered by
Shannon to raise the amount to $1U,
000 to reimburse the soldiers for
property destroyed and ruined while
they were away and which was left
in the armories.
Trumble, Cronin, Shannon and one
or two ' others lifted their voices so
that the timbers fairly shook. The
amendment was defeated because
many of the members believed it bet
ter to put the appropriation on an
other bill providing funds for the
mobilization of the guard, which will
probably come up tomorrow.
Quick Justice Given Man
Who Tried to Rob Bank
Nebraska City, Neb., March 29.
James Johnson, self-confessed high
wayman who held up William A.
Ritter, assistant cashier of the Farm
ers Bank of Talmage, was sentenced
to serve a term of from three to fif
teen years in state's prison late
yesterday afternoon by Judge Beg
ley. His sentence came almost within
twenty-four hours after he entered
the bank at Talmage and after failure
to get into the vault and the strong
box, held up the assistant cashier and
obtained $5.95 m money.
Alliance Patriots Join
To Form Guard Company
Alliance, Nel, March 29. (Special
Telegram.) The adjutant general to
day authorized J. B. Miller of Al
liance to form a company, which will
be used to fill out the organization of
the Fourth Nebraska infantry.
A veteran of the1 Spanish-American
war, Sergeant "Jack Miller, retired,
will do the recruiting.
The Alliance Commercial club has
lent its support in securing men for
this company and western Nebraska
will shortly be represented in the Ne
braska Fourth regiment.
Girl Acquitted of Part
In Nebraska Citv Holdup
Nebraska City, Neb., March 29.
Virginia Eudaley, 16-year-old com
panion and alleged ' wife of Joe
Eudalev. was acquitted by a jury in
the district court at 9 o'clock last
nieht of anv complicity in the hold-up
of Albert Chapman, an employe of
the Fetrmg garage, the nignt ot
March 11, and for which crime
Eudaley and Ben Mallow, youthful
auto thieves and bandits, pleaded
guilty a few hours before.
Yeomen Will Meet at North Platte.
North Platte, Neb., March 29.
fSoecial.1 All oreoarations have
been completed by the local home
stead of the Brotherhood of Ameri
can Yeomen, for the reception and
entertaining of the delegates to the
state conclave, which is to b in ses
sion here April 2 and 3. About 500
delegates from all sections of the
state are expected to attend the an
nual meeting.
Best Medicine for Constipation.
Mrs. Charles Crim, Charleston, 111.,
states that Chamberlain's Tablet, are
the best medicine for constipation
that she has ever used. There are
hundreds of others who are of the
same opinion. These tablets are easy
to take and most agreeable in effect-Advertisement.
Obituary Notes
patrtok OARRT. formerly a resi
dent ot Omaha for twenty years, died
at the home of his son, J. J. Garry,
Dea Moines, Sunday morning. Mr.
Garry was born in Ireland, January
8, 183o, coming 10 mi. country Willi
his parents as a boy. Mr. Garry came
ot a family ot nine children, all of
whom lived to be 80 years and up
wards. He la survived by hi, sister,
Miss Helen Garry of Vermillion, O.,
four, eons, J. T. Carry of Toledo, F. C.
GarrV of Kansas City, J. J. Garry of
Dea Moines. Will W. Garry of Kansas
City, and Mrs. Will Her of Omaha. A
brief aervice was held at the chapel
at Sea Molnea and the body placed in
a receiving vault, later to be taken to
Cleveland for final Interment In the
family lot. All the children attended
the funeral.
Fifth Nebraska
Ordered to Fill --
To War Strength
Lincoln, Neb., March 29. (Spe
cial.) Regarding the situation as
covered by the call ol the president
for troops, Adjutant General Hall
this afternoon gave out the following
Eight hundred men comprUIn? th Fourth
Nebraska Infantry, machine sun comptnlee.
etc.. hv been ordered out ftt once to g uurd
plfteee of national Importance within the
itata Itmlti. This Ii a general order In all
the atttea In the union. Appearancea at
Washington Indicate that our nation la at
thti time In a critical condition and a gen
eral call to arms may be expected In the
very near future.
The Fifth Nebraska Infantry, signal corpa
and field hospital have been ordered to re
cruit to war strength Immediately and be In
readiness for a call.
The Nebraika National Guard needs at
once S.flyOO men In addition to Its preeent
strength. There will be no volunteers out
side of the National Guard, for they are
now considered under the defense act as a
national cttlsen soldiery, and when recruited
to war strength In all states will total one
A heavy guard will be placed on the ar
senal and all guard storehouses as well as
government supply depots.
Oeneral recruiting stations will be opened
at once at Lincoln and Omaha and all com
pany stations of the National Guard. x
All matters pertaining to this movement
are to be considered as strictly confident tat.
Civil authorities at places where organisa
tions will be stationed are requested to co
operate with the state troops. Newspapers
are requested to co-operate with the state
headquarters at this time,
Grand Island Democrats
Score Senator Burhman
Grand Island, Neb., March 29.
(Special Telegram.) T(he following
telegram was today sent to J. F.
Webster, state printing commis
sioner, who, in a statement here, de
clared he had the definite promise of
Senator Buhrman in the campaign to
vote for an effective dry measure if
that was the people's decision at the
J. F. Webster, State Printing Commis
sioner. Lincoln, Neb.: The Toun. Men's
Democratto asaoclatlon of Hall county de
slrea to express their appreciation to your
self and to those members of the Nebraska
senate, who aro earnestly opposing the at
tempt to embarrass and render tn-efCeotlve
the dry bill. We condemn the affiliation of
Senator Buhrman with thla deliberate at
tempt to make a joke of thii measure. Please
notify Buhrman that we are humiliated
by hta betrayal of tha people of Nebraska
at this time. Signed.
THOMAS W. M OOVERNy Secretary.
Church Quarrel Nearly
Results, in .Violence
Petersburg, Neb., March 29. (Spe
cial.) For the last two years there
have been ominous rumblings and
occasional outbreaks in the Catholic
congregation here, and a culmination
was reached Sunday when the pastor
in charge undertook to enforce a new
ruling which forbids some ot the
members from having a seat in the
church. 1 lie attempt provoked angry
talk, and after the priest had at
tempted to push one man out of the
church by force, a number of others
were kept from blows only by the
quick interference of friends. The
original quarrel between the pastor
and a number of the people was once
fought out in the district court, where
the priest lost. He has' taken it to
the supreme court.
Russell Phelps, Jr.,
Is Fined for Speeding
Beatrice, Neb., March 29. (Spe
cial. KQsscll Phelps, jr.. was fined
$25 and costs yesterday in police
court tor exceeding the speed limit
with his auto. He refused to pay the
fine and appealed the case to the dis
trict court.
Read This Scroll
It Unfolds
Overstuffed Chairs in
a beautiful rose and
tan tapestry, in figur
ed velours and leather
in a range of prices
from $16.75r 18.75,
$24.50 to grades that
are the last spoken
word in superb pattern,
construction and lux
urious comfort. Here
are values unapproach
ed heretofore..
Since Monday our
floors have been reliev
ed of many exceptional
bargains in these splen
did pieces for the liv
ing room by thrifty
Prices that shout will
hold good on many of
the best among the
rockers, davenports
and easy chairs, at both
stores for the balance
of the week.
Surely, now is your
supreme opportunity
to secure just the liv
ing room piece you
want, at such a saving,
Jrou can ill afford to
et pass,
17th and Howard iJ
K 1513-15 Howard St. If
, Draperies .
3,000 yards plain
and fancy bor
dered scrims
Per yard.
Easter Offer
ings in This
biandds Stores
Garden Tools
Rakes at 3i
Pruning Shears, 3 Be
Garden Ho. . . .3Sc
High Grade Shovsli
at ..SOc
GiveYcu Surety
of Satisfaction
and Savings.
These off erings represent excellent style in every instance reproductions of the highest grade gar
ments, at prices that will enable you to save considerable money. This Basement is such a great institution and
represents so well the wonderful economy that may be practiced when big organization is back of it, that no.
woman who desires to obtain wearables in excellent style, made of good materials and assuring satisfaction, to
gether with fabrics that are desired just now, at lowest prices, can well afford to miss the opportunities offered:
With Easter Only a Few Buying Days Away--SHOP NOW
Stylish Suits in Splendid Array for Easter
- .
Over 1000 Women's and Misses'
New Spring Suits, in the Great
Bargain Basement Suit Store.
The prices should appeal to any
one that w ishes to save, at the
same time get a new, right-up-to-the-minute
spring suit. The
Right Color, the Right Style, -the
Right Material, all combined with
Fit and Workmanship.
Wonderful suits in each of these
Great Price Lots.
Suits at $13.85 and $14.85
, At these two prices, you can select from
over 400 suits, that are the equal of suits else
where at from $5.00 to $10.00 more. A visit to
Our Basement Suit Store will allow us to prove
this statement. You can select from dozens of
styles, all, the new high shades, as well as
staple colors. Every suit is a copy of ahigh
priced model, reproduced with all-wool ma
terials, such' as Poplin, Poiret Twill, French
Serge, Garbardine, Fancy Tweeds, etc. Just
think of buying such fine suits for so little
Suits it $9.95 and $10.95
You can choose from over 200 right up-to-date
new spring Suits, many different styles, new high
colors, as well as staple shades; made of wool
serge, poplin, novelty .colors, fancy mixtures, etc.
Values up to $15.00. , y . '
Suits it $5.95 and $7.95
Over 400 splendid suits to select from at these
two very low prices. They were made to sell up
to ?15.00, some even more. These, lots consist of
many new spring suits, all this season's styles, also
suits from late last spring, that in many instances
are the same as the practical styles of this season.
Many are made of fine all-wool materials. x All
silk lined coats, fancy skirts, etc. "
- ' Linens
Splendid Offerings
Huck Towel Endi, . O
only Table Cloths, made of a nice
quality mercerized Damask, all
pretty patterns, 2 yardi 7'?C
long, each, at
7 1-2 In. Crash, 5c
About 6,000 yards bleached
Twilled Toweling, fancy bor
ders, special, at a yard.,.
Turkish Towels, 19c '
On lot of Turkish Towels, in
pretty fancy colorings, heavy
quality, special, each, 1J)C
at .
Spread, 95c
For Friday, one. lease Crochet
Bed Spreads, hemmed ends, regu
lation size, each, 95 c
Specials for Friday's Selling
36-inch iancy uurtam acum,
neat fancy border, ecru and
plain white, per
Ofl !..!, Ty-amm Par! 1ft. the best
grade, light and dark grounds,
g- Z 12c
27-inch Dress Zephyrs, Everett
classic and other staple Dip
grades, Friday1, per yard. f2
Best Grade Apron Ginghams,
Indigo dye, all the wanted QJL
checks, Friday, per yard if 2
Comforter Challie and Kimono
Cloth, neat Persian and Oriental
styles; Friday, per
Highly Mercerized Dress Poplin,
all tha wanted shades, 1Q.
good quality, Friday, yard 1
Mill Remnants, Curtain Scrims,
fine quality, desirable lengths,
easily matched; Friday, per C.
yard ''
Simpson and American Dress
Prints, full bolts, black and whjte,
gray shepherd checks and shirting
styles. Friday, special, 71
yard, at 2'
86-inch Bleached Muslin, Cabot
4-4 shrunk, galateas, etc., at mill
lengths, special, Friday, CXf
yard '. ... ., 2C
Pajama Suiting, pure white,
dainty dimities and checks; mill
lengths, easily matched; Fri- C
day, yard, at
Millinery i
A Wonderful Display of Hats
At a Reduction
We have hundreds of new trimmed
hats in shiny straws and hemps, trim
med in ribbons, ornaments and flow
ers for Friday, special, 42 gQ
Sixty dozen hemp and tape hats, in small and largfr
shapes, in colors of '
gold, new blue, rose, '
purple, green and
plenty of black.
Worth to $1.50. Fri
day, special, gEc
Children's hats of
milan straw in all
shapes, trimmed in
ribbons. Special, Fri-
Stylish Shoes for Easter
Exceptionally Low Priced
Special sales of men's shoes for Easter, made
in tan, vici kid and velour calf skins, lace and
button, both English and high toes, OC
sizes 6 to 11, values to $5.00, at. . . , P.OU
' Boy's shoes in America welt soles, in box
and velour calf, lace or button, tf0 Q
sizes 1 to 614, values to 13.50, at P4.0i7
' HffAn'a .kiu. In Wo.1tah an1 ntah fnns. Cnnd.
year welt soles, velour calf, button and lace,
sizes 6 to 11, regular values . dJO QQ
$4.00, at iPA.Jp
Friday and Saturday in Basement Shoe
Department. . '
A remarkabla.showing In ladies' 0-inch top,
high-class footwear, in four styles, as follows:
a. All vie! kid lace, turn soles, full covered
"Louis" heeL
b. Pat, vamp, lace, turn sole, dull kid top.
it. All white "Rin" boot.
d. Bronze kid welt sole, 2-inch leather heel.
Price, $4.00
Misses' and children's patent leather, lace
or button, white "Kip" top, sizes tl 1 7Q
8 to 8, at VI. IV
21?..!9.": .... $ 1.98
A Corset for slender and me- ,
dium figures, low top, long hip;
sxtra value, $1.25; 75 C
Corsets for stout figures, me
dium top, long hip, reinforced over
lip; also extra protectors under
front steel; special, 25
Brassieres, neatly trimmed and '
perfect fitting; front cloa- 4Q.
ing; 60c values, at ...... i7C
Knit Underwear
In Our Bargain Basement
Women's fine cotton pink
Union Suits, cuff knee CC.
ityle, all sizes, each, at. . DOC
Stout women's Cotton Union
Suits, Crown Mills; sleeveless and
jmbrella lace knee style; sizes 62,
54 and 56; special, a suit, EjQg
Women's Silk Lisle Sleeveless
Vests, sizes 4, 5, 6, sec- IE,
onds of 26c quality, each.lOC
Women's Lisle Hosiery, black
and split soles, all ribbed topdou
ble heels, toes and soles. OP
Worth 86c, at, a pair. . . . i)C
Boys' extra heavy black hosiery,
In three thread leg spliced heels
and toes; sizes 6 to 10; OP.
special, a pair, at syvJC
Infants' pure thread silk ribbed
Hosiery, in pink, black and blue;
sizes 4 to 6V4; 50c qual- OQ.
ity, a pair, at
Notion Specials
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, white and
. ecru, per ball 7)io
Notion Boxes, each .Be
Elastic Remnants, black and
white, 8 for .Be
Shell Hair Pins, box . . . .3Hc
One big lot of real human hair
nets, each .4e
Rick Racks, edgings, -finishing
braids and other tapes, all at
bolt ... 7c
Washable Dress Shields, pair, lOe
Scissors and Shears, pair 25c
Inside Skirt Belting, with bones,
per yard 10c
Ladies' and Children's Hose Sup
porters, per pair 9c
One big lot of slightly soiled
"Betsy Ross" and "American ;
Maid" Crochet Cotton, white ,
anc colitrs, at. ...3c
Ocean Pearl Buttons, worth to -
10c, at card 2(4c
Rust Proof Dress Clasps, per'card,
12-yard bolts of Rick Racks, ail
imported, at ..... ... ..... 18c
Dressing Oombs, each. ...... .9
Bias Tape, large rust proof hooks
and yes. por card. ....... .Be
Fast colored Darning Cotton, 8
for Be