The Omaha aim .Bee All th store newt in THE BEE "The great market place" THE WEATHER Partly Cloudy VOL. XL VI NO. 244. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 30, 1917 TWELVE PAGES. Oil Tmlrti. it HeteU. New Standi, (to.. St. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. DECIDE TO GARRY BRAND WHITLOCK OFF TOGERMANY Frontier Correspondents of British Press Hear American Legation in Brussels Tin- ' der Police Guard. IS VIRTUALLY ISOLATED Rumored Teutons Contemplate Taking; -Minister and His Staff Across Border. . U. S. CAPITAL IS SKEPTICAL 'London, March 29. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch .from Amsterdam says: : - - - "Frontier correspondents hear from Brussels that the American legation is completely isolated and under a nnlirr. It is rumored that the Germans contemplate taking the minister (brand wmtiocKj ana his staff to Uermany. -Must Stay Three Months. "n. Am.rir.iK in Rmssels have been notified that they cannot leave Belgium betore tnree montns at me earliest. A Hague dispatch March 28 le dared authoritatively that the Ger man government intended to ask American officials and relief workers of the American commission tor re lief in Belgium to submit to a period of "news quarantine," the time not to exceed four weeks, in order to pre vent military information from leak ing out. A Proper Course. - Washington, March 29. Subjection of Americans of the Belgium Relief commission to a "news quarantine" prior to their departure from behind the German lines was explained at the state department today as a proper course agreed upon when the relief workers were invited to remain in Belgium. Reoorts that Brand Whitlock, min ister to Belgium, and other diplomatic officers also would be detained were not credited. .' One Station Trains -Sailors at the Bate of Thousand a Month Lake Bluff, 111., March 29. Sailors at the rate of almost 1,000 a month are being turned out at the Great cording to reports just made public. In the last few weeks recruits have been, received at an average rate of sixty a day. As a result,, accommo dations have been pressed to the limit and more than 800 are sleeping in tents. The course of training, usu ally Jour months, has been reduced and the men are being sent to sea as rapidly as they can be made fit. A class of 450 will leave tomorrow for "somewhere in the east." In addition to the recruits received from throughout the west and middle west, preparations are being made for: the training of short course units composed of students from a number jf midwest universities. A unit from the Armour institute, Chicago, today began to attend classes in radio sig naling. - . '-; ' - , Two Women to Every Man ' Would Enlist As Marines New York, March 29. "Are wo men more patriotic than men?" Dur ing the last week two women to every man have applied for enlistment in !!he United States marine corps, ac cording to Captain Frank E. Evans, officer in charge of recruiting here. "One woman insisted upon being assigned to duty on a battleship," said Captain Evans. "It was difficult to convince her that women are not permitted to serve in any capacity on warships." A recent ruling of Secretary Daniels provides for the enlistment of women to till clerical positions, only, in case of war. This has en couraged many patriotic daughters of America, who prefer machine guns to typewriters; to offer their services as actual combatants. .'' V The Weather ForN'ebraslta I'anly' cloudy: varmer. - Temperature at Omaha 'wterday. Hour. . , Def . WARMER itS:l:::::::Si - 8 a. -m... S7 (i i. ro 3 &r m 40 F 11 m 43 r?A-$Srf. 1 p. m so tin, S3 3 p. Di. 6tt 4 P m. 65 7 p. ill,, 64 8 p. m 60 I Cemptmrativa Local Record. ! 1917. 191ft. 115. IS If I Highest yefterda.? .. 57 67 3fi 49: lowest ?wtr(lay ... S3 41 33 41 Minn tfinperatura 4S 30 45 , ''.'ntp1ta.tlon 08 .00 .00 .0 Temrwrulur and precipitation departures mm Hi normal: - i Vormal tempera tore 43 .xrui for the day . ,." 2 Total fxcese since March 1 4H Normal precipitation 07 Inch eflrlencr for the day 07 Inch i Total rainfall rlnce March 1... .1.36 Inches -3ices linen March 1 03 Inch .)enitflncy for iior. period. .19U.. .02 Inch Excess for cor. period, 1916 40 Inch Report from Stations at ? P. M. flatten and Stale Temp. Hifh. Rain of Weathr. 7 p. m. est. . fall. Cheyenne, parf cloudy.. 6(t . 64 .00 Davenport, clear . 48 64 .00 Oenver. part cloudy.... S 73 .00 ee Moines, clear 14 6 .00 Jorifte City, part cloudy 70 : 74 .00 anclor, cloudy 61 04 .t! forth Platte, clear..,. 80 64 .00 maha. clear 64 67 . .00 ?uelilo, part cloudy.... 68 74 .00 Sapid City, part cloudy OK 70 .00 Hit Lake City, cloudy.. 40 70 .00 Rant Fe, part cloudy. .04 Oft .00 aherldtn. clondy ...... 64 . 6 .00 JMoiLt City, clear....... 4 62 .00 VtUOlUiB Clear 69 CS .00 -4 1 A. WELSH Meteorologist. --rL i 1 MANCHESTER ROW SPLITS WOODMEN Efforts to Oust Supreme Guar , dian of Circle Divides Or der Into Factions. APPARENT AT CONVENTION i Efforts to oust Emma B. Manches ter, supreme guardian of the 'ood men Circle, from this position at the convention to be held at Memphis, Tenn., beginning April 2, have split the Woodmen people into two fac tions, particularly in Nebraska. Mrs. Manchester blames the move ment entirely uoon Sovereign Com mander Fraser of the Woodmen of the World, and says he has made a scurrilous and untruthful attack upon her. The Fraser faction charges that Mrs. Manchester has been in-a con spiracy against the Woodmen of the World or Mr. Fraser personally. The eleventh biennial convention of the Woodmen Circle of Nebraska is now on in Lincoln and the fight is cropping out there. Whether it will come openly and personally upon the floor or not, the shadow of the strife will be evident in the fight of the re spective factions for representational the supreme lodge meeting in Mem phis April 2. Mrs. Katherine Rem ington of Omaha is candidate for delegate to this national convention and belongs to the faction opposed to Mrs. Manchester's re-election as su preme guardian. After Mrs. Manchester's Job, Mrs. Tola McGowan of Grand Island is the candidate for the fac tion favoring Mrs. Manchester. Mrs. Manchester has been supreme guardian of the Circle for eighteen years. She holds that she has built it up from a state of virtual bank ruptcy to the position of kone of the strongest - fraternal orders in the world. - Mr. Fraser holds that the Wood men of the World has financed the Woodmen Circle. Mrs. Manchester denies this and declares the Wood men of the World have never con tributed one dollar to the promotion of this order since she has been su preme guardian. Charges Duties Hampered. Mr. Fraser and his friends hold that Mrs. Manchester has tried to hamper Mr. Fraser in the discharge of his duties as sovereign commander. Mrs. Manchester, on the other hand, de nies this, and says the only attempt that has ever been made to break off friendly relations was made by the sovereign commander himself. Mrs. Manchester declares there are seven members who are in open re volt against her as supreme guardian. She declares it is a conspiracy to un horse her from this position and give it to another. . "Their grievance are largely men tal apparitions," says Mrs. Manches ter. - " ' , s Thus the . fiffht continues. Mrs. Manchester has gone so far as to is sue a little pamphlet to the members, setting forth her position as prelim inary to her regular official report, which she is to make at Memphis. Part of Convention Bolts. Lincoln," Neb., March 29. (Special Telegram.) Woodmen of the World in their state meeting here today got into a controversy which resulted in a part of the convention "insUrging" and leaving the convention hall. State Manager Ed Walsh made a motion to make the re-election of Earl R. Stiles of Omaha unanimous. G. W. Haskell of Lincoln demanded a roll call and did not get it. O. Eeezley of Lincoln launched into a speech declaring that steam roller methods were being used and de manded a square deal. Then many other delegates took up the fight, but Stiles was re-elected. Refuse to Seat Unitt. The trouble was renewed when the convention refused to seat Charles Unitt of Omaha, . clerk of Alpha Camp , of that city, who came as an alternate. He left the hall and a number followed him. The Woodmen Circle also had a little scrap over the election of a delegate to the supreme lodge, the anti-Manchester crowd winning with the election of Mrs. Remington of Omaha. Thefanchester faction de clared that the majority faction had taken undue advantage by holding the election in the morning, when it had always been the custom to hold the elections in the afternoon..' Terms in Penitentiary , For Stealing Motor Car Fremont. Neb.. March 29 rSncria! Telegram.) Walter- Larson, 21, and Harry Herbert, 19, who said they had formerly resided in 'Omaha, pleaded guilty to stealing a Ford touring car belonging to Sam Maxwell of Fre mont and were sentenced to terms in the penitentiary by Judge Button. Larson was given from one, to two years and Herbert from ' twelve to eighteen months. Both Larson and Herbert had served on the border as members of company A, Fourth regi ment. Larson and i-Jerber'. were ar rested at Ravenna with the car in their possession. Sheriff W. C. Condit and Arthur Larsen returned from Neligh, where the automobile belonging to Mr. Lar sen, stolen on the streets tn Fremont two weeks ago, was found. They drove the machine back and brought with them Glen Howard, held on a charge of having sold the stolen car, and Frank. Motony. a farmer near Neligh, who had bought the machine. While at Neligh, Sheriff Condit and the sheriff of Anteljpe county located a car belonging to Dr. W. H. Taylor of Omaha, Lady Walnut, Kentucky Hen, Makes New Record Lexington, Ky., March 29. A world's record was made today in the international consecutive egg lay ing contest when Lady Walnut, white leghorn No. 707, laid an egg. It was the eighty-third consecutive day that this hen has produced an egg. She is owned by Dr. K, 1. Ireland ot Louisville, Ky. The best previous record was eighty-two eggs in that many consecutive days, HCLLWEG SAYS IF WAR DOES Cn'f miw.Jr Chanoelloj j Germany x Never Hv rglitest Inten tion of AtUcking Amer ica and Has Not Now. HE EE S SITUATION Asserts Kaiser's Government Has No Wish for Hostili ties With Washington. NO HINT OF CONCESSIONS Berlin, March 29, (By Wireless to Sayville.) "Germany never had the slightest intention of attacking the United States of America and does not have such intention now. It never desired war against the United States of America and does not desire it to day," was tfrc" declaration made by the German imperial chancellor, Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg in a speech in the Reihhstag today.- - The chancellor made important declarations concerning Germany's policy toward, the United States and Russia. Reviews the Causes. "How did these things develop?" asked the chancellor, in speaking of the relations with -the United States. He then proceeded to answer the question by reviewing the causes which led up to the German use of submarines in unrestricted warfare. Declaring that Germany had un dertaken unrestricted submarine war fare for its defense, Dr. von Beth mann Hollweg said: "If the American nation considers this a cause for which to declare war against the German nation, with which it has lived in peace for more than 100 years? if- this warrants an increase of bloodshed, we shall not have to bear the burden of respon sibility for it." Says Germans Don't Want War. Concerning German relations with the United States, the chancellor, whose speech is reported by the Over seas News Agency (the German offi cial news bureau), said: "Within the next few days the di rectors of the American nation will be convened by President Wilson for an extraordinary session of congress in order to decide the question of war or peace between the American and uerman nations. "Germany never had the slightest intention of attacking the United States of America and does not have such intention now. It never desired war against the United States of America and does not desire it today. ExpecL...ona Disappointed. ' "How did these things develop? More than once we told the United States that we made unrestricted use of the submarine weapon expecting that England could be made to ob serve, in her poU y of blockade, the laws of humanity and international agreements. This blockade policy tnis l expressly recall nas oeen caneo 'illegal and indefensible' (the imperial chancellor here used th. English words) by President Wilson and Sec retary of State Lansing. "Our expectations, which (re main tained during eight months, (lave been disappointed completely; England not only did not give up her illegal and inderesible policy of blockade, but uninterruptedly intensified it. England, together with her allies, ar rogantly rejected the peace offers made by us and' our allies and pro claimed its warfare which aims at our annihilation and that of our allies. "Question of Responsibility. "Then we took unrestricted sub marine warfare into our hands; we had to for our defense. 'If the American nation considers this a cause for which to declare war against- the Germai. nation, with which it has livid in peace for more than 100 years, if (his action warrants an increase of bloodshed, we shall not (Continued on rates Two, Oolumn Two.) Wilson Endorses Fund for Relief : of Jews in Russia Washington. March 29. President Wilson sent a telegram today endors ing the raising of a $10,000,000 fund for the relief of Jewish war sufferers, in which he said "the Russian revolu tion has opened the door of freedom to an oppressed people" and urged that they be encouraged. The president's telegram, sent to Julius Rosenwald of Chicago, fol lows: "Your contribution of $1,000,000 to the $10,000,000 fund for the relief of, Jewish war sufferers serves democ racy as well as humanity. The Rus sian revolution has opened the door of freedom to an oppressed people, but unless they are given life and strength and courage, the opportu nity of centuries will avail them little. It is to America that these starving millions look for aid and out of our prosperity, fruit of free, institutions, should spring a vast and ennobling generosity. Your gift lays an obliga tion, even while it furnishes inspira tion." , Pretty Plaintiff Walks Into Court in. Bare Feet Jurors m Judge Kedick's court sat up and took notice when pretty Miss Hazel Johnson, plaintiff in a $5,000 suit against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street . Railway company, patty-patted into the witness box in here bare feet. Counsel for the street railway com pany had requested that Miss John son's ankle, which slie alleged was permanently injured in accidentt on May 25 and May 30, be examined by the jury. The fair plaintiff was re luctant at first, but finally consented to go into an ante room and remove her shoes and stockings. . . Ever " iff - - - 9 ' What are you 1rttiiig in the league rf life? What's your fielding average? How many errors for the year? Ever knock a home run? Or do you strike out every time at bat? What do you do if you wallop out a single? Talk to someone in the grandstand and tell cm how gd you are SPAIN SUSPENDS ALL GUARANTEES Alfonso Takes Extreme Meas ures to Suppress Appeal ' Made to People. DETAILS ARE WITHHELD London, Marcnv 29. The Official Gazette at Madrid published today a decree suspending constitutional guar anties in all province of the king dom, Reuter's Madrid correspondent cables.. .". :. -. ( ' -. The Spanish government will adopt measures made necessary for the preservation of order in view of an appeal to the people which is char acterized as seditious, says a Reutcr dispatch from Madrid. No information had been received here early this afternoon in explana tion of the suspension of the consti tutional guarantees in Spain. Leaden Are Arrested.. Paris, March 29. An "appeal to the people" which has been issued in Spain has been declared by the government to be seditious, a Havas dispatch from Madrid reports. The signers of the appeal, whose names have not be disclosed, have been ar rested. The cabinet has taken the affair into its own hands and will deal with it summarily. Subject of Italy Sues Rock Island for Big Sum Louis Farrara, a citizen of Italy and a subject of Victor . Emmanuel III, is suing the Rock Island for $10, 200 in district court, alleging-permanent injuries suffered in a railroad wreck near7 Atlantic, la., on February 5. His attorney said that the cast was brought as it was, with Farrara named as a citizen of. Italy, so that it could not be changed to federal court. Public Aid to Be Given Garden Workers in Fremont Fremont, Neb., March 29. (Spe cial Telegram.) At a meeting of citi zens at the high school Wednesday evening plans for a community gar den club were laid and a' committee appointed to have charge of the work. Arrangements have been made for aiding in a financial way those who are unable to buy their seed potatoes. Our Country's Flag Flags! . . Flags!! ' Flags!!! Specially designed, printed in correct colors, on heavy enamel paper to be cut out and pasted on the window pane. Size 17x24 inches. . - Get them at The Bee office. : ' ; Two flags for this Coupon and 6 cents by mail 2 cents extra. Fut One in Every Window.- Keep a Box Score of Yourself? instead of keeping your eyes on the ball? The pitcher slips it to the first baseman and you go sit down on the bench. Or, are you watching the base you are on, also the pitcher, second, third and home? Life is a ball game any gam if you. think of it that way. H. G. Telephone Girl at Away Would' Operator Fires Six Shots at Man Who Climbed Pole and Attempted to Out the Cable. PEESENCE OF MIND SHOWN Falls City Neb., March 29.(Spe cial Telegram) Atl '"attempt was mide to tob the tank, at Rslo'Iast niffht bv several men. who; when de tected, fled south toward Kansas in a high-power auto. The telegraph wires were cut at the Burlington depot, and JAPANESE-WARSHIP IS SUNOY RAIDER Report from Tokio Says Un named Vessel Destroyed in the Southern Pacific BRITISH BARK NEATH SUNK : Vancouver, B. C, March 29. A dis patch to the Canadian News from Tokio says that a German raider has sunk a Japanese warship in the south ern Pacific. The names of the vessels wert not disclused. - It was officially announced in Tokio about two weeks ago that a converted German cruiser had been sighted in the Indian ocean and was being traced by Japanese and British - warships after the raider had sunk a Japanese freight ship. Prior to that two -British steamships were reported to have been destroyed by an armed mer chantman off Colombo, Ceylon.; Bill to Supply Funds 'For Guard Reported Out From a Staff Corripondnt.).. Lincoln, March 29. (Special.) The house finance committee today reported put for favorable considera tion the special' bill sent in by the governor, appropriating $100,000 for th?- mobilization " of the National Guard and to cover other expenses in connection, with raising troops if it should be necessary. . ' Rulo Drives Be Bank Robbers the agent, being unable to find a live wire in either direction, called the tele phone exchange and told the girl his suspicion that an attempt would be made to dynamite the big railroad bridge. In a few minutes the girl heard a noise outside the office, and, peeping out, saw i man on the tele phone pole cutting the cable. She fired six (hots with a 21 revolver at the man and to arouse the town, and ran to the nearest house and aroused Dr. Shepnara. Slie snot at tne man after he , was on the ground and he called, ""Girlie, don't shoot; we won't hurt youl" Tools were taken from the section house. BRYAN WANTS HIS PEACE PLAN TRIED Nebraskan Appeals to Congress for Inquiry by Impartial Tri bunal Before War Starts. ALSO ASKS REFERENDUM ' Miami, Fla., March 28. William J. Bryan today addressed an appeal to the senate and house of representa tives, urging that an attempt be made to secure the suspension of Ger many's ruthless submarine campaign through the application of Hhe so called Bryan peace plan, which pro vides for an investigation of all dis putes by an international tribunal be fore resort to war. Mr. Bryan asked that congress also consult the -, wishes of the ' people through a referendum if it concludes that nothing but war, will satisfy the nation's' honor. Mr. Bryan's appeal to congress follows: "Exercising the- citizen's - right of petition, I appeal toou. The dis pute with Germany has passed be yond the domairr-.of diplomacy and some advise settlement by the sword. The metropolitan press, -which tried to prevent the re-election of the president and failed, undismayed by a popular verdict of more than 500, 000, now seeks to lash the country into a fury and urges the govern ment to take part, in the European conflict ''To you, and to you only, is given constitutional authority to declare war war which - in this case may mean the signing of the death war rant of thousands, even millions, of your countrymen, and the laying of grievous burdens upon future, gen erations. Before you take this blood uoon vour hands consider, I pray you, first, that the wrong which you would punish, cruel and unjustifiable as they are, are-not intended pri marily against this country, but ire acts of desperation directed against other nations with which the offend ers are at war. Second, that our land is not thtcatened with invasion, but that we are asked to go 3,000 miles for a chance to fight. Third, that we I have not the excuse for going to war ' that the European nations had. They I had no machinery for peace. We have a peace plan offered by this na tion to the world and now embodied in thirty treaties with three-quartera of the population of the globe. The plan has the endoisement of the pres ident, the'eommendattor. of the sen ate and the approval of the people at the polls. It provides for investiga tion of all disputes by an interna tional tribunal before resort to war. ' Treaties With Four Nations. "Fortunately these treaties compel us to employ -the plan with Great Britain, France, Italy and Russia be fore going to war with them. Ger- (CultaiMd oa ran Nun, Column hJ WILSON HOPES TO DELIVER SPEECH EARLYIH WEEK President Wishes House to Or ganize' Promptly, So as Not to Delay Action in Crisis. ' ; LEADERS DRAFT MEASURE Action Must Originate in House . Largely Because of Stone and Hitchcock Attitude. CABINET TO MEET FRIDAY Washington, March 29. President Wilson was said today to be hopeful that the house of representatives will rush its organization plant so that there will be no delay in affording him opportunity to make his address on the war aituation to a joint ses sion with the senate. Administration leadera are anxious that if a pro longed fight is in prospect some sort of an arrangement be made for tem porary organization to permit the president's appearance Tuesday or Wednesday. The resolution for congressional action to comply with the president's recommendations probably will be considered first in the house, leaving the senate to take it up later. The house foreign affairs committee now is drafting various forms of a reso lution to meet the executive recom mendations. Another reason for original house action is the probability that the reso lution will carry an emergency ap propriation. Appropriation measures must originate there. -Stone end Hitchcock. The peculiar situation in the senate foreign relations committee with Chairman Stone opposed to action which would lead to war and the op position of Senator Hitchcock, the next ranking democratic member, to steps further than an armed neu trality manifesto, -was another factor in, the tentative plan to have the resolution originate in the house, t The president has received recom mendations from several cabinet mem ber on points to be included in his address and is now preparing it in a preliminary way. ,. The final cabinet meeting before the assembling of congress will be held tomorrow and members will be ready to report fully on preliminary preparedness measures. Universal Military Training. Chairman Chamberlain of the sen ate military committee, with' White House engagement for late today, said he would ask President Wilton in his addr.-ss to congress next week to endorse universal military training as a preparedness measure of first im portance., , Impetus was given the movement for universal training legislation to day when a call went out to repub lican house members for a conference on the subject tomorrow, r Represen tatives Green of Vermont! Gray, New Jersey; Piatt, New York; Gardner, Massachusetts; McArthur, Oregon, and McCormick, Illinois, issued notice asking "republican members-elect who favor the principle of universal com pulsory military training" to the meet ing. Many members have indicated their acceptance, Representative Caldwell of New York, u democrat, has announced he will introduce the Chamberlain bill for universal service as soon as congress convenes, ' i ii i , Faculty bfEegents ! Of Nebraska Uni Opposed to Pacifists i Lincoln, Neb., March 29.-X peti tion circulated in the faculty and among the regents of the University of Nebraska, in which President Wil son is strongly endorsed and paci ficists are declared untimely, was signed today bx nearly thirty persons, influential in university affairs. Copies of the petition will be sent to Senator Hitchcock and Congressman. Rcavis at Washington. , ; Nellie Wakeley's Funeral to Be Held This Afternoon Funeral services for Miss Nellie Wakeley, eldest daughter of the late Judge E. Wakeley, will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon from th. family residence, 607 North Nineteenth street. Dean Tancock of Trinity ca thedral, will ' conduct the services, which will be private. Pallbearers will be: - - . Charles B. Kellr . Robert W. Pitrlctt fltockson Heslh w. A. RMtok -Henry W. VU- Alfred Millard Morton Wakeley and Thompson Wakeley, nephews, will arrive to Omaha this morning from Ithaca, N. Y., where they are students at Cor nell university. ' The increase in value of real estate holdings in' a growing city is almost un believable. Put your savings to work by applying them on the purchase price of a home, lot or investment. Read the bargains in to day's Want Ad' columns.