11 BRINGING FATHER 1 VOOVE BEEN MP . WtJ.K . "YfVi I I Mhr oh:ma6ie it VERT KINO TO NENOW-fHE HITS ME WITH . THE SOFT END OF THE BROOM- LlKJEA HAPPY MARRIED k fa HI I - .. MMREO A TOO LONj TIME LONG! , .vim v THIRTY YEAR?) THE BEE: OM HA, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1917. SET"J 1 THOUGHT VOO I . DREAO TO 1 ' : HAD FORGOTTEN THINK OF HT f . ALL f&OOT JT JLQ : ; thirtieth . f A long ACO! J huh? ) np ' " - ,S -7 -im Caayrfekt. - 117, . International New. . Strvlce. . Drawn for The Bee by ' George , McManus MOORE'S MARVELS WIN JUNIOR TITLE Get ' Basket Ball Honor by . Defeating the Midgets at "Y." SHOW ACCURATE WORK Verne Moore's Marvels won the state junior basket ball championship by defeating the Midgets last evening at the Young Men's Christian associ ation, 26 to 24. Accurate basket' flipping and su perior team work gave the Marvels a 21-to-o" count over the Midgets at the half time period. On the restart the Midgets tried hard to come back and although they outplayed the Marvels, found the lead against them was more than they could overcome. The basket flipping of Klepscr, Moore and Payntcr featured for the Marvels. Gilfrey and Russum also jumped in the limelight by their ex cellent guarding". Out of seven free casts at the basket, Russum managed to find the center six times. . ., "Fuzzie" MacFarland, Smith and Nicholson did the heavy work for the Midgets. , ' By taking the Midgets in camp, the Marvels have the undisputed cham pionship of the junior quints of .the state. The lineup; MIDGETS. MARVELS. Nicholson R.F. R.F.. ...... imltb ....h.V. L.W. Sedln C. C ... MacFarland ....R.O. R.G...,.., Ciher .....L.G. L.G. ....... Substitutes , Oilier, . Ben'olken, Klepser - Moore tayntor Qlifrey Russum Walker. Field roala: Klepser ' (3). Moors 6), Paynter (2), Nicholson. Smltb. (2), MacFar land (2), Usher S). - Foul goals: Russum (6), Bmlth, MacFarland (21. Releree; .Conn. Assignment of pates for -; ! Auto Races Is Postponed t-uicinnati, u., JMarcn ine signment of dates- for the various' big automobile meetjs' 'at Chicago and Cincinnati this summer - was post poned at a meeting here today be tween David F. Reid, president of the Chicago Speedway association, ' and officials of the Cincinnati Speedway association. . :;-4 .v. ..... In a format announcement it -was stated that if the. war situation was such that the auto drivers, mechanics and helpers were needed by the gov ernment the various associations would offer the speedways to the government and would encourage the enlistment of the race drivers and mechanics in the army," " Five Rifle Teams Tie for Lead With Near Perfect Scores Washington, March 28. Exceed ingly efficient marksmanship is being displayed in- the various competitions for the encouragement of rifle prac tice being conducted for the War de partment under the auspices of the National Rifle association. Scores of eighth week show five teams in the interclub civilian match tied with a score of 995 out of a possible 1,000; New York Military academy, Corn-walt-On-Hudson, leading the military schools with 962; Union High school. Placer, Cal., leading the high schools with 967, and Washington State col lege, Pullman, Wash., leading, the college competition with 993. Base Ball Games ' JncksonvIMe, Fta., March J8. Philadel phia AmrlenB, 4;-Jackvonvlll (Bouth At lantic league), 3. . New Orleans, La., March 28. Cleveland Amerlftana, a; New Orleani (Southern aeio c.atlon), 0. Da41aa, Tex., March JS. New York Na tionals, 11; Dallas (Texas league), 0, Little Rock. Ark., March M. St. Louis Nationals, ; Little Rock (Southern associa tion), a. v . . Houston, Tex,. March II. Chicago Ameri cans, .4; Chattanooga (Southern associa tion), 0. ' Cordele, Ga., March 28. Score: R. H.B. Boston Nationals ....3 4 0 New work Americans 0 4 J Cafted end of sixth, darknew. Batteries: Nehf and Oowdy; Caldwell, Love aud Nuna msker, Walters Memphis, Tenn,, March !8. -Score: R. H. E, Boston Americans.,,,, ,,..7 8 1 Brooklyn Nationals............ 6 11, 4 Ten Innings. Batteries: James, Mares and Cady, Thomas; Maxquard, Coombs and Myers, Miller. Rosenthal and Hurd Survive. ' Plnehurat, N. C, March 28. Miss Elaine -Rosenthal of the Ravlsloe club. Chicago, and Mrs. Dorothy Campbell Hurd of the Pitts burgh Country club, were survivors today In the semi-finals of the women's north and south golf championship here and will meet tomorrow In the finals. In today s play Miss Rosenthal won from Mrs. J, R. Price, Pttts- uuitfu, na i, ma rs. Hura aereatea hiss Mildred Caverlyr Philadelphia,.) and S. -Leonard Agnes to Terms. Boston, Mass., March 28. Hubert ("Dutch") Leonard, the crack left-handed pitcher of the Boaton Americans, agreed to terms) with President H. H. Frasee today, according to advices received hers from Memphis, Tenn. The terms were not an nounced, but It has been understood that Leonard was offered $S,000. -,y Coffer Stops KeUar. New Tork March 28. Jim Coffey, the Dublin giant, stopped Terry Keliar of Call y fomla In the third round of a ten-round match In Brooklyn tonight KeUafs sec onds threw In the sponge. Coffey weighed 9u pounds and Kellar 171. WOUaana Bmu MnrraT. Nanr Tork. March 18. Kid William, of Baltlmor. mtfoutiit Jimmy Murray of thla oil, In a tan-round bout her. tonight. The vsnu war. 1ven u wuilama. 119; Inw, t. ,f ; LINING 'EM OUT WITH THE CARDINALS Roger Hornsby, the crack batter of the St. Louis Cardinals, in spring training at San Antonio, Tex. !r- fri to ROGER SfrC Sport CdendqjrJToday -Base Ball Boston Americans vs. Brook- lyn Nationals, lnterleagiie game, at Little Rock. -Boston' Nationals- -vs. New York Americans, Interlengne game, at Dothan, Ala. Washington Americana vs. Cincinnati Nationals, iuterleague game, at Louisville. .Swimming National Amateur Athletic union, lou-yard championships at Pittsburgh. ! -Wrestling National Young Men's Chris tlan association championships, at Boston, Bench Shows Opening of annual show of Chicago Kennel club, at Chicago. Opening of annual show of Seattle Kennel club, at Seattle. Horse 8 how Opening of ninth annual how at Camden H. C. Basket Bait Wisconsin state champion ship tournament opens at Appleton, Wis. Tennis Invitation tournament of - the Longwood Cricket club, at Boston, . Boxing Charlie White, vs. Frankle Calla han, ten rounds, at Brooklyn. Chick Bimler vs. Jimmy Regan,' ten rounds, at fetoranton, Po. , ,,:.r. .. Liners Manchuria ; '. And 'Adriatic Cross Atlantic Safely 1 New York,' Inarch 28. The Amer ican line freight steamship Manchu ria has arrived at an English port after a voyage across the Atlantic, it was announced today. The British passenger steamer Adriatic' also has arrived safely at an English port The arrival at an Atlantic port of the White Star line freighte. Cretic from a European port is announced today. . Cuban Rebels Steal Circus Horses and Food New York, , March 28. Cuban revolutionists stole an, entire one ring circus except the tents and the 'sawdust, according to Edward and Lottie McUinley,- members or the show who arrived heVe today on a steamship from Cuba. The rebels, ordered by their chief to commandeer the circus horses and food supplies,; made off with the garments of Caesar and Cleopatra after drawing lots for distribution of them and cap tured also a twenty-three-year-old lion and Hattie, the elephant. The circus was playing at the time at a town about twenty miles from Ha vana, the arrivals said. Three Men Ride Half . Mile On a Snowslide Ouray, Colo., March 27. To be caught in a snowslide and to ride on its crest for half a mile and remain unhurt was the experience of three men from a mine near here today, who were making a trip to another mine high up in the mountains. A bobsled they were dragging and to which they clung, when the slide started, is supposed to have kept theni on top' of the slide. The men were seen through glasses by clerks at a muie loffice, who re ported the -escape.? Ls - 4 i ,4 . r' s $ v. z i f i fril r " f2 SEA FOODS . Rec.iT.d Dir.ct Vrom Coast Twice a. Wk Live Lobsters a Specialty HOTEL ROME SENATORS AGREE : TO WEL CLAUSES IN BONE DRY BILL (Continued from Face One). ' servant. Some of the senators would find out, he said, when they taced their constituency at the next election, after thwarting the will of the people in this legislature. Senator, Sawver and Haeer. both drys, urged (hat as long as it had to be done, the senate should proceed with its work. : : ' Chairman Tanner of the committee of the whole joined with Senator Saw yer in the rebuke. He referred to "ten gallon boys" and "on with vaudeville shows," but the "show" went right on for an hour' afterward. ,,- Sandall Looks Ahead. Senator Sandall accused the wets of arsuinir aeainst nrohibition by saying .that it would not prohibit. Then when tne urys were aDout 10 maife n urasut enough to prohibit ' effectively, they step in and refuse to sanction it. In the end thev will, after preventing the enactment of such a law, say "I told you so" about the ineffectiveness of prohibition. - To follow 'McMullen's limited amendment Howell proposed what he thought would appease both factions an amendment allowing unlimited liquor in inc. nome. t . 1 The wets looked at him and the dryt looked at him, and the amendment lost. 32 to I. Th one vole was How ell's own vote. . "Don't be extremists, said Senator Howell, -addressing the drys. "Your lack of broadness is-what has caused all the fighting." The final vote. Consideration of the entire remain ing committee amendments was taken ana the entire lot read Detore action was taken. ' ; Then a vote was taken on the adop tion of the amendments and the bill was sent to third reading by a vote of 18 to 15, Howell and -Albert voting with the drys. The vote stood as fol lows on the adoption of the' amend- . rot , . i Adams Tjthntra . HtrshloW Bennett Mattes - Tanner Rurhman Mnrlartr Wilson i)ty Robertson (Dodffe) , Oates Kamuelson Wilson Henry " Roost - (Frontier) 11 Kohl Xplrk Against Albert Hasao McMullen Ileal 4 Haser Oberltea Bushee Hammonds Handall Chappell - Howell t Sawyer, lloutnett - McAllister - Lahners and. Spirk, republicans, voted with the democrat, for the wet amendments, while Albert, Beal, Chappell, Hager, Howell, Oberlies and Sawyer democrats, voted with the republicans against the amend ment. . .- One Hundred Tread the- Masonic Desert at Lincoln , - (From: a Btaff Correapondsnt.) Lincoln. March 28. (Special Tele gram.) More than 100 novices were given all the stunts necessary to make them good travelers over the desert tonight at the Masonic Cathedral. A parade featured the meeting before the banquet at 6 o'clock. One of the features was a real livel camel from Beatrice At midnight there was luncheon and a cabaret at the Lincoln hotel. Legislative Notes , (From a Staff Corresjiondent.) Lincoln, March a8. (Spuclal.) Governor Neville In a special messiige to the senate this morning Intdoduced a bill making It un lawful for state and county officers to ac cept favors of service from telephone com panies. . I Two new state bank charters have been Issued by the State Banking board. They are. Nebraska state bank of scrioner, capi tal tiiMOO. President, R. A. Da hi; vice president, J. W, Dahlj cashier, P. H. DahL American State bank or Mem man, capuai $16,000. President, Arthur Bowrlng; vice president. E, C. flwlgert: cashier, E. S. Ksmlnlskl, - For Pib Sufferers Sasnple Pack fill th K s o ' Prraunld PUa . Treat moot Now Offered free to Prove What It Will lJio for Y - Pyramid PH Treatment f ;fves quick re lef, stops Itch Inff. blearilnff or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and all rectal troubles, In the privacy of your own home. KOo a box at all druggists, . A single box often cures. .Pre sample for trial with booklet mailed free In plain wrapper, if you end us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRtTO COMPANY, tit Promld Bid,. Harahall. Uich. Kindly aond in a FrM asm pi. of sVraaMPiUTr.atr.aa. Id plain wrapper. Nam Stnat .... Clty..... I .. a). Btat.... v mi Three Sons of Ex Governor Hay of Washington Enlist Spokane, Wash., March 28. "Their mother said they would not be sons of hers if they did not answer tne call of their country," said former Governor M. E. Hay of Washington last night in explaining the enlist ment of his three sons in the coun try's National Guard. With the enlistment here today of Bruce M. Hay in Company I, Wash ington .National Guard, the former governor now has three sons who have answered the call of their coun try. Edward M. Hay, another son, a studeht in the Harvard law school, has written his father, saying he would enlist there, while Ramond M. Hay, third son, is an applicant for enlistment in Lewiston, Idaho. All of the Hay boys have had mili tary experience,, having graduated, front a military academy. Griffin Wins Second Fray ; - From Reynolds in Pool Play . Griffin won the second game of the pool lournament from Reynolds at the Reno billiard parlor,. Seventeenth "and Douglas streets. Griffin's total was 102, with five safeties and two scratches, and Reynolds' was fifty two, with six safeties and one scratch. Owen, and Rodeston will play to-; night. THOUSANDS NEED S. S. S. ; RIGHT NOW To Prepare the System for Spring ' The (fiance of seasons is al- wiva severe nn the human BV8- tem: Particularly is this true nf the rhanire from winter to spring. With the ' change , of seasons there is also a enange going on within the human system that is very trying on the average person, unless na ture is, given some assistance. The severity of winter has a wearing effect and leaves the body in a run-down condition. That is what is meant by the 'cenerjil rlebilitv which eems t) affect so many people, com monly called "spring lever. Anvone is liable to feel its de pressing influence. At this season men who are vigorous and active and need nil their atrenirth In their rlailv pursuits, find creeping over them a ieeung oi weaxness which increases until their en tire Rvntem her.nmen worn-out and a breakdown seems immi nent. .. . --: , . Women become nervous and tired, their household duties seem more than they can stand, they can hardly drag them selves around, so weakening is the "all-run-down"- feeling which takes possession of them. Spring ailments are common to children, for this is the sea son that is most severe on their little bodies. They become puny, lose appetite, are cross and irritable, all' because they are not in the proper physical condition to stand the change. Why is this general run-. down, ''Kood-for-nothing" feej. ing so prevalent' just at this season. The reason is easily I Order now for i your own cellar I 5 or 10 gallons or half barrel JarvU' I 77 Brandy, or any ! brand Kentucky I whiskey. m Iowa Governor Asks People to Co-operate In Feeding of World Des Moines, la., March 28. In special address today to a joint ses sion of the Iowa house and senate, W. L. Harding, governor of Iowa, called on the legislature and through them the people of Iowa to co-operate during the coming season in the "Christ-like work of feeding the hun gry of the world." I He asked that every effort be made to produce a record crop next fall for the reason that "never before in the memory of any living man has there been such a universal demand for food and such a universal tack of it." Kohlberg Jury Split and Case is to Be Tried Again Failing to come to an agreement at the end of twenty-four hours, the jury in the Kohlberg arson case, which went out at S o'clock Monday afternoon, was discharged by Judge Sears. It is known that the jury stood seven to five the state says for conviction, while the defense con tends it was acquittal. Joseph Kohlberg, proprietor of the Farnam, a moving picture theater at 1415 Farnam street, who was charged with the crime of arson, will be tried again at r later term of court. explained," and the condition can be readily corrected. There are certain, demands made up on the human system every day and weather conditions play an important part with the functions of the body. Impur ities have accumulated during the- long winter period, your blood has become sluggish, and as the health of your body de pends upon" the condition of your blood, it is Impossible to be vigorous and feel buoyant when it contains the slightest impurity. . Nature needs assistance, and the feeling of lassitude is her distress signal calling for aid. She needs a cleansing tonic that will sweep away the accumu lated impurities and prepare the system for the bright and sunny springtime. , , It is right now that eveir body needs a few bottles of S. S. S., the greatest blood puri fier and tonic. This is truly nature's own remedy,'for it is composed only of the roots and. herbs of the forest, being guar anteed purely vegetable, and absolutely free from any parti cle of mineral substance. It promptly cleanses and revital izes the blood, renews the ap petite and imparts strength to the entire body. 'It should be taken right now by every mem ber of the family. Resolve that this spring will find you and yours prepared for the change, and you will have a new en joyment in the change of sea sons. i ' You can obtain S. S. S.xat any drug store. Our medical department will send you, without charge, full informa tion and advice in regard to any kind of blood disorder. Ad dress Swift Specific Co., 95 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Nebraska, May' First ItV AwfuT But- BONE DRY Delegates to the Woodmen ' Circle Gather for Convention (From a Start Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 28. (Special Tele gram.) The advance guard for the eleventh biennial state convention of the Woodmen Circle is arriving and politics is growing warm. Mrs, Cath erine Remington, Omaha, grand guardian, was early on the scene, be ing a candidate of the anti-Manchester faction for delegate to the supreme Instead of $20.50 he isks but $12.50. Wouldn't the EIGHT SAVED DOLLARS feel good In YOUR pockets ? , . , . The H. C. off L (High Cost of ' Living) thus affects you less. - YOUR K EASTER SUIT nail to order vHh oar vutnnte no fit no pay that's our var Ramember, Easter fa only two wka way. Select your ault now from th larg-aat and moat complete aaaort ment of wootena over displayed aod wc will maka you m perfect ilttlnaT auit at. N. W. Cor. 15tb and Harney OPEN SI EL SEE SATURDAY OUR EVENINGS W WINDOWS "Duffy' t Has Kept U$ Young, Mother What a pleasing picture is a healthy and happy old couple their eyes bright, brain alert and disposition amiable. It's always a pleasure to enjoy their friendship and a constant delight to be closely associated with them. To delay the effects of old age and bring back the vivacity of youth, many medical men prescribe Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a reliable stimulant. Certain it is that thousands who have reached the grand old age willingly extol . ... Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey With its prescribed advice of a "tablespoonful in water Just before meals and on going to bed," Duffy's has earned the reputation of an ex mm "Get Duffy's and Keep Well" Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY NATE01 "r's Iron your local ' ' fcdrunis, trocar or dsalsr, 11.00 par bottle. If bo can not aupply you write us. bold booklet free. Greatly reduced fae-almtle of bottle and package. The Duffy Your dealer will ell you right; if not, write Jarvis Brandy j Company I 120 3d Street, j St Joseph, Mo. I lodge, which flteets next week in Nashville. Mrs. Tola McGowan. Grand Island, candidate of the Man chester faction, is present. It is said that there will be no effort to adopt any resolutions to the grand circle, either favorable or unfavor able to Mrs. Manchester, supreme guardian. . . Mrs. Larocca, supreme advisor, St. Paul, and Dr. Charles Brown, Omaha, supreme physician, are the supreme officer, present, besides Mrs. Man chester. . i Peirry Lock I j Steering Wheel J a positive Theft . Insurance s No two locks have keys alike. Front wheels are wild when ear is locked. i I Ask us about it now. Phona Douglas 3217. National Auto Accessories Co. 884-6-8 Brandeif Bldg. Omaha, Neb. cellent conic stimulant lor temperate use. Being an absolutely pure . distillation of thoroughly malted grain, it prompts the stomach to healthy action, pro motes digestion and assimilation of the food, en riches the blood, and brings strength and vigor to the system. It is truly a "Medicine for all Mankind" for medicinal purposes only. Why not have a bot tle in your home to guard against illness, or in cases of emergency? Better order it now before you forget. ... , ...... . , ,: Send for useful house- Malt Whiskey Co.. Rochester, N. Y. .Phone . Jl Tyler ' ll f 1000 ' S-fctioJcQ&Z (I