I The Omaha Daily Bee Use the telephone for BEE WANT-ADS Telephone Tyler 1000 Easiest Way THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XLVL NO. 242 OMAHA. AY MORNING. MARCH 28. 1917 TWELVE PAGES. On Trilni. it Hnttlt. Newt Standi, Etc., So. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SENATE VOTES FOR NEARBEER:GRANTS Til TOSELL OUT Upper Chamber of Nebraska Legislature Disposed to Mod ify Restrictions of Pro posed Bone Dry Law. FIRST TEST 18 TO Represents Lineup on Changes in House Bill to Enforce Dry Amendment. FURTHER ACTION TODAY (Krinli ;t smrf Co! respondent,) Lincoln, .March -7. (Special.) Nebraska senators by voles ranging ,ni 18 In 15 to 19 lo 14 today mani fested their intention of modifying fundamentally the house bone dry bill drafted to place regulations on han dling liquor in the state after May 1. when the prohibitory amendment e;ocs into effect. An amendment to the bill permit ting the manufacture of "near beer" v.as adopted. Time to Sell Stock. Dealers in liquor were given thirty davs in which to dispose of their stocks after the amendment goes into effect. A change was made in the bill per mitting the manufacture of wine and cider on one's own premises. I'.y a vote of J9 to 14 the senate de cided to allow liquor dealers to have an unlimited amount of liquor on hand if bought before May 1. The manufacture of ethyl-alcohol w as permitted if made unfit for a bev erage. Large Crowd to Witness. The ealleries and every spot which was big enough to hold anybody were crowded. Senator Robertson offered a motion to eliminate the index appearing in front of the bill. So carefully was this watched that the dry people got themselves in a trap right on the start by opposing an amendment py Kohertson wnicn bad not been prepared and printed. When this had been settled by an agreement not to take up new amend ments, McMullen sprang a new amendment on the wets and then it was discovered that in depriving Rob ertson of the right to offer new mat ter the drys hail locked themselves ut. Senatorial courtesy was several times fractured and in the heat-of argument things were said which might have provoked mortal combat under other conditions. First Roll Call Tells. That the wets had the'situation well in hand was indicated by the first roll call, which came on the amendment to section one. This amendment defines intoxicating liqours and virtually allows the use of "near beer." The voted stood: Fur Kor Ai;ims Rjt,ertson tler'iiett Sam'ielaon H.hnitnrt S'uoft Splrk Slrehlf H.ury Kolil r.iuihert Maltf'9 Mnrinrty Aifuinsl Alhrrt Tannt-r Wilson of Dodge ,A ilcoii of frontier It A irn inst il o well McAllister Ni-ul oltcrllrB Samlrll Saivyor 15 it-.'. I Oluijjpell nouthelt 1 1 ii II -r Hammond Albert Stands on Argument. Albert of Platte, while voting with the drys on the roll call, made a apeech in which he said that the peo ple of the state did not vote for a bone dry law, but voted simply to abolish the saloons and not restrict the individual in his home, lie produced the argument put out by the dry federation through the sec retary of state to substantiate his claim and said that the only thing for the senate to do was to pass a law in conformity with the argument placed up to the people. When section 2 was reached an other amendment covering about the K'ontinilei! on I'njre Two, Column Two.) The Weather I"'ir Nebraska Fair; warmer. Teiiiperuturea at Omaha Yestrrday. Hour. I WARMER D . in C a. m . . 7 a. in . . 8 a. m . 9 h. m. 10 a. m. 11 11 in. 1 p. ni . . 2 yt. m . . 5 p. m.. i p. m. . fi p. m., p. m.. p. m. . 8 p. m Comparative IocaI Record. 1917. 191. 1IH. 1914. Highest yntPnlny .. 55 68 37 45 f.mvt-st -ftflrlay .. , 2S 31 2 34 M.nn temperature .. 42 45 33 40 l'r dpi to t ion 00 .00 .00 . 1 & Temperature and precipitation departure front the norimil: Nor phi I f-mpt-TJitun 42 1 nfWiiT for the Uay 0 Toed excH8 Hnei' March 1 3 Normal iindiltntlort 0' 1nrh lflMney fur the lny ,uc inch Toinl rainfall slnre March 1 1.36 Inche Kco?n wince March 1 .St Inch triclency cor. period, 1916 79 Inch lixcofs cor. period, 1915 .b3 Inch Reportn from Station at 7 P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Raln- of Weather 7 p.m. 8t. (nil, Cheyenne, clear 42 46 .0 Davenport, clear 4 44 .on Denver, -clear . . M fifl .on Jfs Mclnea, elear. ..... 46 4 .00 DmIk City, clear.,.... 64 58 .00 Lander, clear So 52 .00 North Platte, clear 64 hi ,00 Omaha, clear 6a ' ft 5 .00 Pueblo, clear 62 64 .00 Rapid City, pt. cloudy.. 48 52 .00 Knit tke City, cloudy. 44 4A .00 Hanta Fe. eleaiT 4R 63 ,00 .ShTldan. cloudy 42 61 .00 Pinux City, clear .!) Valentine, clear 62 ,00 L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. U. S. MAY LEND BILLIONS war being declared between the United StaVwid Germany, it is said to be the present plan of the auministration to chiefly aid the allies in a financial sense. If such a plan is put into effect these are the men who woulct arrange the de tails in behalf of the United States. life IV EtA 7$ii VI iK-S V:: WNT .viM, I OFFICERS OF BANK DECIDE ON DUTIES! Work of Different Depart ments Is Mapped Out at Meeting of Board. TO MAKE APPOINTMENTS President Hogan, Treasurer Mor com and Secretary Odell of the Fed eral Land bank of Omaha have been made a permanent loan committee of the bank by an action of the board of directors, who met yesterday at the Commercial club rooms and in flie offices of "the fiaiik oil "Hie twelfth floor of the Woodmen of the World building. The work of the officers was mapped out so that in the operations of the bank each will know what his duties and funcliuns arc: and what de partment he is to be responsible for. President Hogan is to lie in charge of completion of loans, appraisements and legal matters. Secretary Odell is to be in charge of office routine and the formation of federal farm loan associations. Treasurer Morcom is to be charge of accounting, collections and the custody of the securities. Attorney Registrar Corey is to han dle legal matters under the direction of the president and is to represent j the federal government as registrar. The directors' meeting will continue i today and a number of clerical ap- pointments are expected to be made. I Twenty Are Killed By xlabama Storm; Town Demolished Birmingham, Ala., March 27. TVcnty persons are reported dead as the result of a storm which swept through Crenshaw, Hale and Pike comities. Alabama, early today. At Petrey, five wdiitc persons and nine negroes are reported to have lost their lives and every building in the town of 250 inhabitants, is said to have been destroyed. At Middle brook and in the section north of Troy, Ala., two white persons and two negroes were killed and several churches and dwellings destroyed. Charles Wright, a rural mail car rier, and an unidentified negro are re ported dead, in the southern part of Hale county. Many Men Enlist at All Chicago Stations Chicago, 111., March 27. Aside j has greatly swelled enlistments both in me regular army and the National Guard, figures were withheld for military reasons. Long lines of ap plicants at the National Guard ar mory today, however, were pointed to by officers as telling the story. Xavy recruiting stations were the scenes of activity unprecedented since the Spanish-American war. Mother of Mrs. Bucholz Suffers Severe Injury Norfolk, Neb., March 27. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. X. A. Kainbolt, formerly of Omaha, is suffering from concussion of the brain after falling down a flight of stairs in her home here. Her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Bucholz and her son, William Kain bolt of Omaha were at her bedside. Her recovery is expected. Champion Holstein Is Killed by a Needle Applcton, Wis., March 27, Pauline Pul Parthenae, champion Holstein cow owned by R. J. Schaefer, is dead. A post-morem showed that a darning needle had pierced the heart. Two years ago the animal gave 2,888 pounds of butter. She was 1.5 years old and won every prize for whirh she had been entered for some years. TO ALLIES eient of LAWMAKERS FEAST AT ANNUAL SPREAD Four Hundred Men Seated at Banquet of the Legisla tive League. GOVERNOR GIVES WELCOME IKrom a Staff CVtrreponilo!il.) Lincoln, March 27. (Special Tele gram.) To the music of the L'ni vcrsity of Nebraska band, over. 400 banqueters sat down tonight to the sixth annual banquet of the Nebraska Legislative, league, Secretary Rich mond outttoing all former-attempts. Guests found a bottle of "near beer" at each plate. Grape juice was used a year ago. Chief Justice Morrissey presided as toastmaster and the following re sponded to call: Governor Neville, "welcome address;" E. P. Brown, C B. Letton, W. F. Rieschick, D. H. Cronin, John M. Tanner, Charles Wooster, George Tracewcll, John A. Robinson, T. J. Majors and I. L. Al bert. Former Speaker Marsh Elder, now of Oklahoma, as the honored guest tof the evening responded to the toast, "The Days ot '91. The legislative quartet composed of Senators McAllister and Oberlies and Representatives Jackson and Shannon, with the Omaha Commer cial colored orchestra furnished music. Officers elected by the league this afternoon were: V. H. Dech, presi dent; A. M. Walling, vice president; Henry C. Richmond, re-elected secre tary. Villa and Carranza Troops Battle at Chihuahua's Gates Chihuahua City, Mexico, March 27. Skirmishes between Villa and Car ranza troops by which Villa tried to feel out the defenses prepared by General Francisco Mnrgua, have al ready taken place today in the neigh borhood of, Chihuahua City, where the greatest vigilance is now exer cised against an attack in force by the rebels. Juarez. Mexico, March 27. Fight ing was in progress all day yesterday at Bachiamha canyon, tlurty-hve miles south of Chihuahua City, Mex icans who arrived here today on a refugee train reported. Villa troops attacked a troop train going south, they said, and a general engagement followed. Hamilton County Wheat Is Dead, Say Experts Aurora, Neb., March 27. (Special Telegram.) That 90 per cent of the wheat in this part of the stale is dead was the statement made today by several men who made a thorough canvass of the fields of the county. One of the observers was Mr. Ander son from Lincoln, a representative of the weather bureau. Mr. Anderson, ('. S. Brown and Swan Peterson drove about fifty miles and examined scores of fields. Congressman Charles H. Sloan of Geneva stated here yesterday that the wheat in Fillmore county is dead. He has examined carefully eight fields and found them dead. Farmers are beginning to ask about seeding spring wheat. Many acres of spring wheat will he planted. The remainder of the dead wheat will be plowed up and the land put into dollar com. Two Men Are Killed in Fight at Cleveland, 0. Cleveland, O., March 27. Two men were killed and a third was wounded in a pistol battle in the street at Woodland avenue and Fast Twentieth street this morning. Eight or nine men participated in the bat tle, which is believed to have resulted from a gambling quarrel. RECRUITING IS BRISK HERE FOR STAfEJILITIA Temporary Headquarters of Guard Bristle With Activity as Young Omahans Show Eagerness to Enlist. NO DEFECTIVES ARE TAKEN Officers' Motor Cars Are Used to Convey Applicants to Downtown Station. PATRIOTISM RUNS HIOH National Guard rrcrtii.in opened with a vim Tuesday morning in tem porary headquarters in the First Na tional bank building, Sixteenth and Farnam streets. Up till noon a total of thirty-one new guardsmen had been formally ex amined and accepted for enlistment. out of a larger numl r who pplicd Lieutenant Colonel Elsasser and Ma jor J odd declared the recruits had only begun to come in. They said they expected to r;ctire the desired total for the Omaha battalie-n very rapidly, as soon as all youn;. Oma hans were informed of the oppor tunity now afforded to cnlisi in the guard. Rich and Pcrc Are Equals. Young and old. rich and poor, workers and idle alike, were among tne applicants lor guard enlistment. Bugle calls, sou. dcd frequently in the busiest street intersection f the city, as well as nag and gun decorations of the new recruiting hcadmiartcrs and the appearance of many soldierly and uniformed officers and guards men gave the headquarters a warlike appearance and attracted many pros pective recruits, as weil as curious attention from passershy. llclorc the ofhec had been open long the recruiting sergeants were busy talking with applicants and signing up volunteers. Autos owned ly Captain C. W. Hamilton, jr., Cap tain i. L. hershener and other olh- cers were kept busy bringing in ap plicants, whom the guardsmen had secured in all parts of the city. Thrills Act as Stimulus. Increased rumors that the local guard might soon be called upon for duty outside of Omaha, and even be yond the itate borders, gave a great Stimulus to the recruiting. "Orders prevent its from disclosing any such plans or probabilities," ex plained Major Todd, "but we would not be surprised to get orders to en train or march soon for active duty elsewhere. The fellows w ho now get into the guard will be on the ground floor for service, in case of need." Rev. T. I. Mackav. rector of All Saints' church and a vcterai. nf the civil war, applied at the guard head quarters and ottered his services in any possible way he could b used. He said he had just heard from one of his sons, who talked of joining a military organization. James Love, U, 01 Woodbine, la., was another of the older men who applied to help in any possible way. He is visiting relatives here at 117 North Twenty-ninth street. A. I. r. Hertschy of the Bertschy Garage company volunteered to help the guard officers and donated a $-'0 check to their incidental expense fund by way of showing his patriotic spirit. Ralph L. Madsen of Creighton, Ne braska's tallest citizen, ducked through the door with his seven feet wo inches ot height and applied to enlist, but was turned down on ac count of physical and eyesight re quirements. McGowan First "Rook." Louis McGowan, 22, a flag and bunting decorator, who lives at the Flomar hotel and has done Ak-Sar-Ben decorating work, was the first re cruit enlisted Tuesday morning. The second was Anthony Burns, J5, a res taurant cook, who lives at Eighteenth street and St. Mary's avenue. Both said they wanted excitement and pa- notic activity and simply could not resist the nation s appeal to loyal Americans. They entered Com pany A. Dan Pugh, fornierlv mess sergeant of Company B, who recently finished a guard enlistment period, volunteered for re-enlistment when he heard that his old guard regiment had been called back into federal service. He secured a uniform at once and began hustling for other recruits. Lieutenant E. L. Wilbur of Com pany A went to Lincoln with twenty picked guardsmen from various com panies of the Omaha battalion in re sponse to orders from Colonel W. E. Bachr, now in Lincoln, to organize and equip his regiment for active diilj-. The detachment will help him there for a few days. Company B of the Fourth Ne braska National Guard Monday even ing elected Tupper Wyman firt lieu tenant to fill a vacancy. Attorney James Connelly was elected second lieutenant. Both elections were unani mous. Berlin Filled With Rumors Kaiser Has Offered Russ Peace London, March 27. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Am sterdam says; "According to a Berlin telegram received by the Amsterdam Bourse, Berlin is filM with rumois that Ger many has offered separate peace In Russia. The tennn utfered an said to be complete autonomy to Poland, the internationalization ot Constant i rnplr, the evacuation In Russia of Austrian trrritory ami a Russian pro tectorate over Armenia." Flags! Flags!!" Flags!!! Our Country's Flags Specially designed in two colors and printed on heavy enamel paper to be cut out and pasted on the window pane. Size 17x24 inches. Get them at The Bee office. Two flags for this Coupon and 5 cents by mail 2 cents extra. Put One in Every Window. DEMOBILIZATION OF THE GUARD STOPPED This Move Adds Nearly Twenty Thousand Men Available for Federal Service. ARMY VOUCHERS MONEY WashiiiKton, March 27. Nearly 20.1 KH) men were added today to the National Guard force available for federal police duty by a War depart ment order suspending the muster out of all Guard organizations still in the federal service. With t lie men called out during the last few days, this gives the government upward of 50. 000 guardsmen for employment in their home states to protect industries and other properly. Most of the men affected by today's order are at their home mobilization camps preparing to return to civilian life after long stays on the Mexican border. They now will be held at their camps or armories for assign .me nt -as conditions require. The Full List. In all. 22,000 men are retained by the order, but several of the units al ready had been designated for federal service. The full list follows: ArUona Ktmt Infantry,, -.i . . Nnw II x !( Fir t titfuutrSvNej AV Alftbma -CtrPi. Mfonl mid 1-oUrth tit -faDlry, lflrt rRlnient rivalry, one com puny 8!iih1. mrpa, outs field lioepltut, one ainbu laiii company. C lormJo On flold lioiplta). ftna Hifiiiil eorpp. Hire tropw cavalry, ttonrgla Flrt(. Sprnnd amt Fifth Infantry, fli-ijnnrt Moumlron and Truop A cavulry, on field lioKptlal. Kentiirky First mid Tlilril ttifimlry. Oom pany ii signal corpn, ambulance company No. l. MlfulHHtnpl Flrt Infuntry, Ohio Firfet titittalkm ftifnnl corpn. Firm. Seroni anil Third fk'lil lnwpllM. Flmt ami SiM'oniJ amlmlanre rnrnpanlfH, Firm tiBlialiori field artillery. First battalion and Company a engineer. North Carolina Srrtmtt and Third In- fan try, Troops A and il cavalry. Companies ; A and n cinKint)H. Virginia First battalion field artillery. Battery C, Company A miRlneeni. Company A flKnal corps, Flrnt squudron cavalry. West Virginia First tnfnntry. To x a s Su rnn d and Tl 1 1 rd I n f a ti 1 r y and part of Fourth Infantry, Flmt so uh Or on cav alry, .Mattery A, one field hospital. Army Vouchers Acceptable. Another announcement made today , was that the federal Reserve hoard had ordered army vouchers accepted i by federal reserve banks as negotiable ; paper. T he action was taken to meet the emergency presented by the fail ure of the laat congress to pass the army appropriation hill and , the defi ciency bills to cover border mobiliza tion expenses. Probably the total amount of busi ness the War department must do on credit will pass $50,000,000 before ap propriations become available. This burden was found too heavy for con tractors to carry unaided. Hospital Ship Sunk j Without Warning; ! Thirty-One Drowned London. March 27. The British hospital ship Asturias was torpedoed without warning, it was officially an nounced today. Thirty-one persons were killed and twelve are missing. The admiralty statement reads: "A British destroyer recently struck a mine in the channel and sunk. Four officers and seventeen men were .,avcd. i "Another of these vessels sar.k tto-1 day after a collision with a steamer. One man was lost, There were no: other casualties. i The German admiralty yctcrday ! announced the sinking of the As- tunas. It was a vessrl of 12,000 tons. An attempt was made to sin1; il in February, 1915. Land Bank Officers Will Be Guests of Omaha Rotary Club Officers and directors of the Fed-! era! Land bank of Omaha will be ! guests of the Kotary club at the week j iy meeting and luuclleou at the Motel i Konienelle- this noon. Those who will ' tell the Rotarians about Omaha's ' newest big financial institutions are I). P. Hogan, president; M. 1., Corey, registrar, and Joseph M. Carey, vice ' president. Will M. Cressy, appearing at the 1 Orphetim this week, will aUo be a i guest. He is an honorary member of j the Memphis (Tenn.) Rotary club. 1 W. R. Adair will act us chairman ' of the meefiiig. ! Two British Torpedo Boat Destroyers Reported Sunk j I.onrlou, March 7. Two nritish t'trpt'Ho ln4m (Irstruyers liuvc been mi::' , unc hy striking a miiu. ami mih .u'lcr a colli.siui! with a Meanicr, it I'flicially i'.mioum-cd ttmiy'it. FRENCH CAPTURE COUCY-LE-CHATEAU Paris War Office Reports Gains at Three Points in Northwestern France. I SURPRISE ATTACK IS MADE London, March 27. The British in thoir advance toward Catnbiai have occupied the villages of Longcvesnes, Licramont and Equancourt, according lo the official report tonight. Taris, March 27. All of the lower forest of Coney has fallen into the hands of the French together with the villages of Petit Marisis, Vcruveil and Coiicy-La-Yille, accorJI.ig to the official statement issued tonifc, This important territory lies soutl. of I.a rcre and west ot Laon. J he rrench advance now has reached the western outskirts of the forest of St. Gobain and the tipper forest of toucy. Berlin, March 27. (By Wirclens to Sayville.) The occupation by entente troona of the French town of Hoisct. after repealed efforts, is announced by the war olhce. In the torest between the Uise and Luuchy-Le-Chateau German troops gave way to avoid being outflanked. Paris, March 27. The village of Loucy-Lc-Lhaleau was captured by the rrench in an attack last night, the war office announces. Further pro gress was made in the lower section of Coucy forest, all of the northern part of which is now held by the French. ' The statement follows: . ".South of the Oise we occupied all of the northern part of the lower for est of Coucy, the enemy was driven beyond the Llarisis-Servais line. South of Forest our troops in a night at tack captured the village or Loucy-I.e-Chateau, which was defended energetically. Worth of Soissons we captured a farm northwest of Nfargival and a point ot support held m strength by the enemy. In Hie Argonne we made a suc cessful surprise attack in the sector of Four Ue Paris, taking prisoners. in Lorraine enemy attacks on small posts in the region of Letricourt were repulsed." Russians Flee Before Gas. Pclrograd, March 27. (Via Lon don.) Attacks by German troops on the Russian line along the Shara, in the Baranovichi region, southeast of Vilna. were at first unsuccessful, the war ofiice announced today. A dis charge of gas accompanying the sec ond attack, however, compelled the Russians to fall back. The statement reads: "Jn the region of Postava, south of Haranovichi, German artillery dis played greater activity. In the region of Darevotahuzy the enemy attacked our troops on the western bank of the Shara river. The first attack was repulsed, but a second, accompanied by a discharge of asphyxiating gases, obliged our troops to fall back in an easterly direction. "Enemy airplanes set fire to two of our captive balloons. Two enemy air planes were hit by our he and fell into our lines. The aviators were made prisoners. "Caucasus front: There were recip rocal firing and scouting reconnais sances." National Colors To Wave on Each School in Oinaka Flags arc to be floated from all pub lic schools of Greater Omaha during daylight hours until further notice. Circulars lo that effect have seen sent lo the principals by the superintend ent. Former instructions were to fly flags only on days as specified in the school handbook. Many boys and girls of the schools arc wearing tiny flags on their coats and dresses. Garfield Circle No. II, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, will raise a flag on a fifty-foot pole which will be placed in JeHersOn square by the city park department. The park department also will place a fifty-foot pule at Twentieth and Grand avenue. An eighty-foot pole living placed in F.luiwund park will have a large Hag furnished by West Leavenworth Improvement club. Omaha has taken on a real patriotic air and flags are in evidence eveiv vvhere. Many private residences have tl.-ur.i filiating to the I'reei-c aiMl nearlv every office buildiniv ii decorated : :orc or lei"i . WILSON TALKS OF Tl REE PLANS TO MEET ISSUE Senator Hitchcock Has Lone Conference With President Prior to Meeting of the Cabinet. WILL SEE OTHER LEADERS Republicans Consider Provi sional Organization for Handling War Measures, MEN FOR MARINE CORPS Washington, March 27. President Wilson was represented today as still having an open inind on exactly what steps he will recommend to congress when it meets in special ses sion next week, although the pre ponderance of official opinion is that he should ask for a declaration that a state of war exists between the United States and Germany. Prior to a cabinet meeting at which details of - preparedness measures were discussed, Senator Hitchcock, member of the senate foreign rela tions committee, discussed the situa tion with the president. Afterward he outlined the following three courses which he believed open to congress: Passage of a resolution endorsing steps already taken by the president to place the United States in a state of armed neutrality and authorizing further preparedness moves; Adoption of a resolution declaring that a state of w ar exists between the United States and Germany; and . Adoption of a declaration of war against Germany. Sentiment of the West. Senator Hitchcock said there was undoubtedly sentiment in the west for taking the first of the three instead of declaring war or declaring that a state of war exists. Other advisers of the president, taking the view that the best step to take is a declaration that a state of war exists, are examining prece dents in order to map out the best course to pursue. The general ex pectation is that in the end the reso lution adopted when the United States went to war with Mexico will be fol lowed closely in the present situation. That resolution recited repeated acta of aggression on the part of, Mexico against the United Spates. ' , Will Bee Other Leaden. The president is npt expected to put bis message to congress into final shape until just before delivering it. In the meat. time he wilt confer with congressional leaders. Senator Hitchcock made it clear that he went to the White House on his own initiative and said that he knew nothing yet of the plans of Chairman Stone of the foreign rela tions committee for action in ad vance of the meeting of congress. Organization of House. Representative Madden, chairman of a republican committee created in tne last congress to consider nd recommend tarty policies in the new house, telegraphed today that he will not reach Washington before Satur- day. Progressive republicans want an earlier conference and a movement was started for a meeting before Sat urday, notwithstanding Chairman Madden's absence. It will consider a proposal for a provisional house organization for consideration of war measures and appropriation bills and the question of pushing the fight for republican control afterwards. Men for Marine Corps. The United States marine corps needs more than 4,000 men to fill n its ranks to a war strength of 17,400. Explaining that the present author ized maximum strength of the ma rine corps was 14,981 men, Secretary Daniels said that more than 25,000 additional men would have to be re cruited to give the navy the 87,000 bluejackets and the marine corps the increases sought. Every step that is possible to in crease the navy personnel has now been taken except tire calling out of the naval militia. This arm of the service will be needed, it is said, to assist in manning new vessels. Secretary Baker "Enlists." Newton D. Baker, "present occupa tion, secretary of war," formally en rolled himself today as an alumnus of Johns Hopkins university, who is ready to place bis personal services at the disposal of the government in . any capacity in which they might be needed. The enrollment blank, sent out by all colleges in an effort to list trained men available for duty as a measure nf national preparedness, reached Mr. Baker's desk in a routine way and was promptly filled out, signed and returned. The Decision of the people who rent rooms favors TheBee. In the eighteen days of . March as compared with last year The Bee gained 432 The World-Herald lost 238 Room to Rent Ads. Get best results and sav money. Call Tyler 1000 Mr. Addison will help you write an ad. J. Cent For Word. T,7hy pay more?