THE BEE: OMAHA, MARCH 1917. X t n t t Want-Ad Rates t'SB THB TELEPHONE If yon cannot con veniently brim or send In your ads. Ask for a. Want Ad Taksr and yon will re ceive th am good servlc aa when de livering your ad at thla offtc. PHONE TYLER ltW4). WANT AD COLUMNS CLOSE: EVENING EDITION'S 13.09 V. WORN I NO EDITIONS ., 10 .0$ P. M. NO AD TAKE FOB LESS THAN Me, ONE TIME OH LESS THAN lOe A DAT. 1A CASH WITH ORDER, I Set Solid (No Display). v PER WORD, EACH INSERTION. If Paragraphed or Displayed Id Larger Typo j io per tine one ttma To per line, 3 or more consecutive Insertion. SIX AVERAGE WORDS TO THB LINE. SITUATIONS WANTED. Weekly rate ..- JOo per line CARD OF THANKS. TEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. 100 per line each lnaertloo (Minimum charge, 14 cents.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy allowed.) One line t IMS Two Unea or more.... $1.10 ALL FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER HELP WANTED CLASSIFICATIONS: To per word ...... one twn lo per word, two or mora consecutive In sertion. SPECIAL COMBINATION RATE. Os Land, Poultry and Other Advertising. THE OMAHA BEE (oner 40.000 dally). SOTIl CENTURY FARMER (over 110,000 weekly). A combined circulation which will reach both the city and rural resident Special Reg. Rate. Rate. J insertion In Omaha Bee and 1 Insertion In 29th Century Farmer, per word to 7c 7 Insertions In Omaha Bn and 1 Insertion In 20ih Century Farmer, per word 10Ao 15c (OmtraH .y.,o.gpjljo"' Movie Program Current offerings fo tb beat Motion Pic ture Theaters. in Omaha,, (Change Dally.) Downtown. v PRINCESS, . 1317 DOUGLAS MRS. VERNON CASTLE in . CHAPTER $ OF "PATRIA" OALE HENRY In "ART ACHES" . North. DIAMOND, TWENTY-FOURTH AND LAKE "THE GREAT TREASURE" A DEAL IN FURNITURE" "THB SADDLE GIRTH" GRAND, SIXTEENTH AND BINNET FRANCIS Jt. BUSHMAN and BEVERLY BAYNE In No. I of 'THE GREAT SECRET" LOTIIROP, 24TH AND LOTH R OP FifHTH STOREY " and""' ANTONIO MARENO In "MONEY MAGIC" South. 2ITH AND LEAVENWORTH MARIS DORO. In "OLIVER TWIST" AND COMEDY FAVORITE 171 VINTON MARGARET ' T.ANPIfl In "CROSSED TRAILS' "GRANT POLICE REPORTER' . "HE WINKED AND WON" West. ROE, J666 FARNAM CLAIRE MAC DOW ELL In "THE GATES OF DOOM" ANIMATED WEEKLY South Side. "TWENTY-FOURTH AND N "EVIL HANDS" ANIMATED WEEKLY and "DEFECTIVE DETECTIVES" ORPHEUM, TWENTY-FOURTH AND M DOROTHY DALTON l IN ' ' "THE WEAKER SEX", DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. WENNINOHOFF John &.. aged B0 years, March 23, beloved husband ot Mary Wen ninghoff. h unerat from family residence. 1111 South Twenty-seventh street, Tuesday at 9; e a, m. to St. Mary Magdalene s church at I a. m. Interment Forest I .awn ceme tery. Besides his wife, he Is survived by five children, Mrs. C. B. . Mills, North Platte. Neb.t Mrs. O, H. Glbba, Miss Mathilda. John and Alfred, all of Omaha, KNOL AND Amelia M., died March 24, 1217, . aved II years. Beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamoa S. England. Funeral services Monday, March 2ft, 1117, at t p. m., rrom st. Paul a Episcopal church, IZd and California Bts. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. CULL INS James L., at Oacoma,. B. D.. Sun day, March 36, aged IT years. He Is sur vived by on daughter, Mrs. A. W. Boyles of Oacoma. , Funeral from Croaby'a Parlors Tuesday, w 1' h 27, at 2 p. m. . BARTON Mrs, Nettle D , March 26. 1917, afeo i years, at residence tn Fiorsne. Funeral at 2:20 D. m. from the Pres byterian church Id Florence, Interment Foreat Lawn eemetery. FLORISTS. BEING members "of the National' Florists' Telegraph Delivery association, we are In position to deliver Bowers on short notice anywhere la th U. 8, and Canada, Hess A Bwoboda, Florists. . LaROKHT assortment of fresh flowers. I.. HENDERSON. 1519 FARNAM KK, , ..II, in I . ill I II ....llll I. I I I I ...l.l..-. - ' LEE T.. LARMON ITunt.tiell. FlorUl. 1114 Doutla. St. Douilu SSM. PARKER flower ahop, 111 g. II, D. 1108 A. DONAHUE. 1C2 Harn.r. Doui. 1001. BATH. National Florlit, ISOt F.rn.ra . FUNERAL DIRECTORS. lll'LSE t RIEPEN. und.ruk.ra and em. ba mora. T01 B. 16th St. dohi u 112L &UPFT JOHNSTON, embalm, r. and' to n.r.1 dlraetora, 717 B. lUh Bl. Trl.r 161. JOHN A OKNTLEMAN, undartak.r and mbalmar. SS14 Leavanworth. Dou,, ISM. CARD OF THANKC Words cannot express our appreciation and thanks to friends for the sympathy and kindness shown during the long I litmus and death of our beloved sen and brother William Seltslnaer. We (peels Uy thank the sign companies of , Omaha for their kind assistance. MRS. MARY 8EITSEINGER, ''MRS, GEORGE ZUVRR. MRS. BERTHA GODBEY, W E wish to extend our thanks to t ha many kind friends snd neighbors for the kind ness and sympathy shown us at th sua den death of our beloved wife and mother us use tally for the floral offerings; also the minuter and choir for the nice sermon t?.!.d songs rendered us. Peter Jauaen and Children. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The folowlng marriage license have been IVMUl'd Name and Address, Age. Raymond E. Rodwel, Cambridge, Neb... 21 Florence Perry, Cambridge, Neb.,.,,,., 20 Robert 8. Klnsey, Jfteraon, Xa... 26 Alice Nuon, Jefferson. la . 21 Oorre Carter, Omaha.,.,.,.., Sarah Kirtley, Omaha , over IS John, 8, Hedetund, Omaha. llffien. D. Johnson, Omaha .u 21 Alfred S. Nejhu. Omaha... Marts Larsen, Omaha...... Jnhn N Lewis. Ottumwa, la......;..,. It Merlam B. Bowker, Ottumwa. la.,,.,., 41 Thomas Themaen, Benson. Neb.. Anna Meyers.- Omaha 31 (hartes M. Rlsley Omaha Katie B. Kobarts. Omaha.... .,.,,,M, Jienry D, Hamakcr. Wood lake. Neb... 4 21 jimnita Jnnos, Omaha, 0iunfilas Dauw, Omaha.,, Zinnia Trnlote, Omaha... BUILDING PERMITS. ' Tuc following building permit have been UU?tit . IN Armhartt 2!lT Han scorn boulevard. f.Ht-u venr aweinng. S4,oo; aeorge Slater, r :;;;( s.adiion. frame dwellnc. 11.000: R. l.ui.iiti, it: Gust, (ram dwelling, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births John B. and Emma E. Smith. Sell L, boy; Peter and Nettle 8 (eras. 811 Pierce, boy; Frank and Frona Qroves, 8124 Stone avenue, boy Edwin and Winnie Locke, 1834 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Ern est J. and Mary Pike, 214 Bristol, girl; Adolph L. and Ellen PeUer, Jill South Eighteenth. gtrL Deaths Mrs. Minnie smith, 79, Mio north Twenty-fourth; Mrs. John Lacy, 42, hospital; Frank Wall, 31, hospitat; Helena Tonder, el. Jioi Webster; William h. Clark, 76, 2012 Blnney, Ellth C. Cowle, 42 2$58 Paclflc; Lydla Ashdown, $8, 2112 South Thirty-third. ; SPECIAL NOTICES AFTER thla date, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted ay my wire, Martha TadVock. Louis Tedlork. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you lose anything and will advertise It her you will surely recover it u roona by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through thla column. THB HONEST WAT, If yoo And something of value, or a keepsake of value only to th owner, la to Insert a small ad. The owner of the article In most case Is will InsT to refund the coot of advertising. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAT COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tbey left it In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the cbmpany Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. LOST Saturday morning, gold wrist watch on 18 tb St.. between uapnoi avo. ami California. Finder will be rewarded. Box 8164, Bee. FOUND a sanitary Soda Fountain. QUEENS PHARMACY. 18th nd Howard. LOST Boston bull dog. white face and one glass colored ay. Reward. Doug. lies, vr. B. R. Tarry. 240 Beo Bldg. LOHT or strayed, sorrel Collie dog; with white neck. Tel, Harney 2Ja or can at 131 S. $8th St. Liberal rewsrd . LOST Black and white rameo ring Man:tt I. Very liberal reward for return. iei. Harney T8Q. LOST Large mink muff, several days ago. Good i reward. Fnone uoug. Tasa, LOST Hamilton watch, II slie; reward. F. O. Ellison, 48QI so. ana Bt. womn eizv. LOSTPlnk cameo surrounded with small psarln. Downtown ana west. Harney am a. LOST A lady's tan suit. Call Douglas 207. Bui table reward. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furniture and Household Goods. BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. t gas stoves, $1 each; 26 beds, 91 each; I Iceboxes, rugs of all kinds, tables, ohalrs, china kitchen cabinets, buffets, dressers, trunks, suitcases, leather daven ports. All kind of bedding. Full Una of poultry netting. 1830-47 No, 24th BL Tel. Webster 1807. Open till I p. m THE FEBRUARY SCORE, of Paid Classified - compared with 11: THB HER gained... I.04T lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD-HERALD LOST.. 14 lines Figures) complied by th War field Adv. Agenoy, an Independent audit bureau. Com. line of H. H. goods, office turn. Price right. Come to be convinced. Loyal rurn. Co.. 222 N. loth: City Furn Co.. 107 S. 14. AUCTION, P. M This la the biggest op portunity ever offered In Omaha to obtain high grade furniture, rugs and stoves at your own price. W must vacate our warehouse. Our loss Is your. gain. . STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge sts. FOR SALE Odd pieces of furniture, ward robes, dresssrs, stair carpets, nan run ners, all In good condition Call person ally. 203 S. 26th Ave. I-PIECE goldon oak dining room suits, 940. walnut 2210. Barrels and Boxes. 2D HAND barred, carload lots a specialty! McKetrnan Barrel Co., 2810 N St., B. Bias, Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. 40,000 VERY FINE asparagus plants. Sec to too per 100 Com with baskets to 4io Poppietan Ave. Phone Wal. 111. Billiards and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE-rBILLIARD TABLES. Brand new carom and pocxei, witn complete outflt, ft o j second -nana tables at re duced prices; bowling alleys and supplies; easy payments. Cigar stor fixtures a specialty. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNSWICK-BALK E-COLLENDER CO., 407-402 South 10th St, Harness and Saddlery. WE make them ourselves and sell direct 'fo consumer no middleman's profit i why ' pay two profits for Inferior goods when you can get high grade goorte at nrst cost? Alfred Cornish at Co., 1210 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. "Printing and Office Supplies. Commercial Duplicating Co , also public Steno. Phone for prices. Douglas 2802. 840 Paxton Blk. GET our prices on Job printing. UNITED STATES PK1NTINO CO., - Be Bldg. Douglas 1172. WATERS-BARNHARDT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tai. Doug, 2100. QZ4 Bo. Hthfli. Lumber and Building Materials. SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumbar A Wreck. Co. web. 2X84. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS, EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND MACHINISTS. LB BR ON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 210-20 8. ISth St., Omaha. Sewing Machines. ""SEWING MACHINES" We rent, repair, sell needle and parts of au sewing machines MICKKL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 10th snd Harney Sts. Doug. 1682. Typewriters and Suppliea. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver typewriter 1 month for it. centra Typewriting Kxchanse, itoe REMINGTON. Monarch and Smith Pre miers for rent: sent ay where. Remington Typewriting company, p. l!. Guaranteed typewriters, no up. write for list. .Midland Typ. Co., lie Bldg. Miscellaneous, OMAHA PILLOW CO., Downy Comforters man ovar just ma new. ah your own feathers back when we renolvata. W call for and deliver, HOT Cuming. Doug. 2487. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelving! etc. -We only sell., Omaha Fixture and nuppiy :o.t n a. i?tn. ioug. X7Z, FOR SALE Elegant hand-car vsd hears nl fin a condition: used very little; cost 11,800. Will be sold cheap. Ensign Omnibus and Transfer, Lincoln, web. dry kindling wood. acme box company, harney ikst. SALT, 1176 bbl. A. W. Wagner, 801 N. 18tb, SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU HAVE tome article that has out. lived its usefulness to you, make up a little ad and run It tn this column at 1c per. word.' You will be more than pleased with the remarkable offerings you will receive. One or two Insertions In nearly . aU cases are sufficient to get what you want.' TRY IT TODAY. WE swap and buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day service. Kase Kodak Studio, Neville Bin., I tit a and Harney. SALE or trade, excellent fruit ranch. lo cated Canyon City, Colo. Mrs. Carrie Thayer. . .WANTED TO BUY. DESKS , DESKS DESKS K.w dnka, iu.d d.x., bought, aol, and iraa... j. i. Ke.a, izti rarnam, i. Tf KTVTXTO Paia hlihcat prlca tor ;iJim4.iu cloth... .ho... trunk ate. Kd IlfT. R..., uou.laa 1031. DON'T SELL TOURTrjfTJllf AM FORE TOU iBE WEBSTER tin. rT a lunwns " SOL BERGMAN A CO. BOOKS bought. Kleser, Loyal Motel Bldg. WANT pool hail or grocery store. 429 Rose Bldg. P ho ne Trier TSS. GET Mb highest price tor old clothes,' Sell to B. Lay tin. 008 N. 10th Ht. Tyler ESQ. IF YOU HAVE ANY Kl'llNlTlTHK FOR SALE. CALL LUNDERRAUM. WEB.. 7482. WANTED Compels vulcanUItig outfit vlth ctttie, aoa x eta, j , ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all slx-s snd styks, hemstitching, plcot edging, em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1834. VAN ARMAN Dress Pleating and Button Co., 238-7 Paxton Blk. Douglss 81 0. Baths. MOORFI ELD'S sulphur steam baths for ladles and gentlemen, natural mineral water. Opposite Postofflce. Geo. 8. Con cannon, 24th and M. Phone South 2232. ELECTRIC Turkish baths, massage, experi enced operators. Btaal's Institute, l&Oft Harney, p. 707. Open evenings and Sun. BATHnd"massa(imaiiTcurtng. physical culture. Miss Walker. 224 Neville Block. RTTTE NHOUa E SsniTarlura; ail kinds baths. 310-14 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglas. GERMAN nurse, massage, bathe of all kinds. 228 Neville Block, lth and Harney Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Caraentera and Contractors. LESSARD k HON, 2021 Cuming. Tyler 112. Chiropractic and pinal Adjustment ur. .burnorn, nose i5iag. Palmer school graduate. Doaglas I24T. Accountants. E. A. DWORAK, C P. A. B3H Ramg Bldg. Phone Doug. 2181. Bakeries. ORTMAX'S NEW KKOLAND BAKERr. SU N. 1TH. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAYDKN BROTHKRH. OCR MOTTOt-"BETTER BAKED OOOPi" Cards, SEND 10e for dozn finest linen visiting cards printed with your name. KeuaDie Printing. Dept. A, Box 2122. Bee. Chiropodists. Carrie T. Bnrford. 62 Psxin Blk. R. 4587. rianrinor A rlil'Itltf. TW T TTY1? BALL TL'ES., THt'Rfl.. XJEJ UVaCJ BAT., SUN. EVE. SCHOOL WON. EVE. Ill H. lBin m., up. rontcnau GENEVIEVE UAUFLAlItE, Telephone Web ster 8338. . Detectives. COMPETENT Investigator, evidenes secured. civil criminal cases. 60 Fax ton. v. evua. OMAHA DETECTIVE ASSOCIATION, 131 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Fnone Tyler ag, JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evldenc secured in all castas. Tyier nan. 8. D. JOLLY, B13 Paxton. Red 7401. Fixtures and Wiring. TYrTPTTW Eleotrlo washing macWnea. 1UXvXVlli oiactrlo Irons and reading lamps. 3221 Cuming St. Douglas 2B1I. Dreasmaking. Silk suit specialty, plain sewing. Col. 1040. FOR ex. dressmaker. Web. 3)187. 2814 Plnkney WILL sew curtains. Benson 372-W. layettes for baby, everyth'g. comp. Cot. 134. Mrs. R. A. Connelly, 416 Karbach. R. 1784. Terry Dressmaking Co., 20th and Famam. Housecleaning. WE'LL clean your house from top to bottom. Prices reasonable. De Luxe. D. 0362. Insurance. BANKERS LIFE OF LINCOLN. 013-14 City Nat. Hank Bldg. Doug. 8M. Masseures. Massage, chiropody. Minnie Nagle, SOS-Id Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. D, at tin. MI 38 HALLE, massage, baths. 1600 Harnsy. D. 7097, MISS LILLY,' bath, massage: 1223 FarnatnT MISS WEST, manicure, massage. 210 N. 17th. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national patent Co., 83 Brandels, p. 8091. 1 Pianos for Rent. U.tQ per mo. A. Hospo Co. 1612 Douglas. Roofins. DOES your roof leak? Our product can be put right over shingles. Work guaranteed. Call Home Roofing Co., 682 Brandels Bldg. Phone Deug. 776H. Rug Manufacturer. FLUFF rugs, rag rugs, carpet cleaners. J. W. roicar Co.. 1642 B. 24th. D. 2321. Safes. RATTlT.Q BAROAINS, 1211 Farnam. 0l'iO J. J. Derlaht Safe Co Painting and Paper Hanging. TO BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME ' 8KB FRED PARKS. Walt Paper, Paints and Glass, Picture Framing. Painting and Paper Hanging. 4622 8. 24th. Phone S. 101. PAINTING and PAPER HANGING; paper ong-nnii price, rrc estimate, Har, loo. Painting, paperhanglng. cleaning. H. 6779. Theatrical Costumes. , THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits for rent, got w. lTtb. John Feldman. D. 3128, Tailors. HIGHEST prices for 3-hand clothes. T. 18S4. Tntwt! Siinrtli Omaha Powel Supply. 207 S. 11th. P. 623. Wuririinar Satinnrw WEDDING announcements and printing. -nn una tbi. JJOUg. et. Wh in Pe EAT HOME COOKED MEALS NKW PKL1CATE3SEN, 1I0 FARNAM. wfnuftrmua nip. OMAHA, NKB. ( LINCOI.K. NEB. in 8 nth. isa a. nth at. AMERICAN LUNCH Wanted, 600 man to aai .0, ivo ana 15, meala. 101 B. 12th St. BUSINESS CHANCES MONEY WANTED Young, rapidly growing. umana outness nouse having a trade of about 120,000 per month needs more money to handle th businees; t per cent Interest on good security, or a share of the profits; a fine position to the right man In our sales department. Address Box 2323, Bee. SPLENDID OPENING Man with sales and managerial ability who can Invest 22,000 In capital stock of largest auto accessory firm west of Chlcsgo can secure responsi ble position. Company paying good profit. Need additional capital to cover new field. Bunk and trade references. Box 1437, Bee, GARAGE For sal or rant at Piatt Center, Neb., building 48x94, cement block, stock about 13,000, Will rent building, 340 per month for years. Act quirk; this Is a snap. Address Box 346, Humphrey. Neb. FOR SALE Dry goods and millinery stock in one oi me oest nortnern uoiorado towns, located In hesrt of business district. All new goods, paying about 33.000 net. Wilt take about $6,000 to handle stock. Present owner have good reasons for selling. Writ for particulars. Dworak-Brantley Agency, Longmont. Colo. GOOD picture show for sale In a town of 6,000, well located, ground floor, seats (so; can o pougnc ai a Bargain; every thing new; good reason for set Una-: will take amall amount down and monthly payments. Address nrx I 910, Bee. HIGHEST SPOT CASH PAID for stores and stocks of merchandise, in city or country; Quick action, 1 OMAHA SALVAGE CO.. T50 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1332. WANTED Man to Invest $1,000 In well established business. Return on Invest ment will yield 0 to 100 per cent. Ex cluslv territory; will bear strict Investi gation. Box 331$, Bee. IF YOU have $3,000 to $6,000 and want to get In where Uiero 1 some real money to be made, wlttryour money secured, dollar Tor dollar, address Box 22&0, Be. Ret rence exchanged. HOTEL tor aale; electric lights, water and sewer: doing nne business; occupies block of land; good location: county aeat town and factory town; will eR right and terms. Stevens Hotel, Union, Mo. FOR SALE A good up-to-dat hotel, about 126 room, centrally located, near theaters and business: nrst-ciasa furniture: fin dining room. Will trad for first-class city property. Address Box 217$, Be. FOR SALE Only .restaurant and confec tionery In country town; doing $600 busi ness; must sell at once, as I am leaving town. Frica i&oe, casn or Dan a Die not. Address Box T 022, Bi UP-TO-DATE shining parlor for sale cheap. Doing good business. Leaving town reason for selling. In town of 36,000 with leas on the building. Only on la town. Box X :o. Be. PICTURE show" tn live Kansas oil and gaa town, population , 4,000; bargain if taken at once. Addreaa B 119, E. 34th, Kansas city, mo, t , FOR SALE A good modern hotel. $0 rooms, first-class furniture, central location, do- . ing gwti business, Oood reason for sell ing. Address Box $174, Be. . BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE food flve-chalr barber shop In best location tn town or over e.oou, doing good buelness, snd will sell cheap for cash. Box T 915, Bes. OA H At E owners and agents: Get our plan for monogram I ng autos. Big pront. tjni verbal demand. Western Motorist Acces sories Co., Cheyenne. Wyo. WE BUY. wo sell motion picture theaters, machines, feature Dims. uo-operauve Film and Supply Co., 210 Brownley Bldg. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming house call on Buscn at Borgnorr, 730 World-Herald Bldg Phone D. 2310. MOTION picture machine (new and re built) theaters suppliea. umana rum Exchange. 18 8. lth Br. COMPLETE fixtures of 2 -chair barber shop, very reasonable. , Miller Hotel, South Omaah. Phoae South 1SB3. MOVING PICTURE machines, new and re built, all makes; supplies. Western Sup ply Co., 201 Nat. Hldg. WANTED Electric light or telephone plant in Nebraska town. Canan McCagu Bldg. TO GKT In or out of business call on GANGEATAD, 422 Be Bldg. Doug. 2477. I guarantes sale of any business or real es tate F. V. Hnlest. Bee Pldg., Omaha. POWD SALE AND AUCTION CO., 1126 W, O. W. Bldg. Red 2885. Room in it Houses. I ROOMS' of tin furniture, all filled; a bargain;- part cash: savs commission and buy from owner. 214 S. JSth St. I MUST sell this week, rooming and board ing house, doing good business, cheap. South 3383. FOR SALE Rooming house, excellent prop osition. Call Douglas 8208. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, 20o PER LINE. , Business ads, regular rates: 1 lines on week 40c 2 lines on week, 00c Each extra line 20c per week Male. YoUNO MAN with eight years' experience around automobiles wishes position. Either chauffeur or genera) repairing. Prefer Job with Ford. Address Box 2300, Beo. SITUATION wanted by Al pharmacists. country preferred. Room 624, Y. M. C. A., Lincoln, Neb. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general of- tic man open for position, competent to take charge of office. Good references. Box 2S64. Bee. FRESCO painter and decorator, of German nationality, first-class experience, desires position. 3833 Parker St Walnut 2898. FARMERS For married or single men, call. writs or pnone uunmngnam Employment Agency, 1U 8. 13th St. Douglss 1206. First-class carpenter wants day work and odd Jobs. Estimates furnished. Tyler 1609. PAINTING, cleaning and odd Jobs by r- liable man, wm. Jensen, mi N. litn. Parties that want gardens plowed. Wb. 0217. Female. YOUNG lady experienced bookkeeper and stenographer desires position In small of fice. Moderate salary. Reference. Boa 2211. Bee. Experienced practical nurse wants position; old people and children a specialty. D. 0200 COLORED girl wants a position; first class cook. Phone Webster 7130. Laundr? and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work, washing, Ironing or cleaning. Webster 3812. WANTED By white woman, day only. Mrs, Stewart. Webster 1266. BUNDLE wash by experienced laundress. Web 8710. FIRST CLASS laundress by the day. Web ster 6027. 1ST class laundry and day wk. Web, 2143. Reliable col, lady wishes day work. D. 6808. LAUNDRY and day work. Webster 6344. Washing and lace curtains done. Tyler 1144. Curtains laundered. 26c per pair. Weh. 4728. DAY work, cleaning or Ironing. Web, 7034. LAUNDRY or cleaning, day work. Web. 2973 Wanted bundle wash., ladles' clothes. C. 28S. Day work, washing or cleaning. Wal. 2638. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Colfax 2456 Want day work by reliable woman. Red 4860. Experoed woman wishes day work. D. $184. Ex, colored lady wants day work. Har. 6763 WANTED day work. Call Webster 3131. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. BKKPR., $00; Accountant $126; Bkkpr., $76; Ledger Clerk, $70; Draftsman, $100; urric cierK, $oo; etenog., $76; stenog., $00: Office boy, $30 to $36; Oft Ire boy, $26. WrATT8 REF, CO., 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house, 286-1100. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O...W. Bldg. 2 SALESMEN $70 STENO. , 76 I STENO. $6 THB CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHER, automobll firm, $76. THB MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED at once, expert packing house nan miBo aiuni imuMnicr nuuiv num. None but men who have A-l references need apply. To those qualified w offer better than average pay. Write at one. Luxton Bros., Idaho Falls, Idaho. WANTED Assistant druggist, also good soon man wun some xuowieage ox me drug business. Address 10, Kensington Apts., Bait Laas city, Utah, giving ref erences and salary expected. WANTED An experienced auto mechanic; married preferred, to take full charge of hop; guarantee and commission, Fergu son Auto Co., Clarks, Neb. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED First class shoemaker, good wagea ana ateady job ror good man. Ad dresa M. Vj Demi no. Nebraska City, Neb. LEARN barber trade; low rate now Call or writ Barber College, 1124 Douglas St WANTED Good coat maker at one. Al Rasmuasen. Grand Island, Neb. TAILOR wanted; prefer all around man. Bosch Tailoring t'., Piattsmouth, Neb. MAN wanted to clean wall paper at 221$ Douglas, 3d floor. Call at once. Salesmen and Solicitors. ADVERTISING specialty salesman tor our complete line or one art calendar, alumi num, cloth, tana, lead pencils, rulers, oel Iqlnid, thermometer, pennant, sign and metal novelties. Exclusive territory as signed. Connect with th fastest growing specialty house In Nebraska. M F Shefer 4- Co lth end Farnam 8ts Fourth floor MEN these days are demanding pay ac cording to what they produce, that 1 just th way wa pay, the more business you produce, the larger your income. It you can sell goods, call and see us. ask for manager, C. L. Adams Co., $2$ 6. loth St. WB want an experienced advertising so licitor, capabls of earning $60 per week. Excellent chance for right man to get Into a business of hi own. Apply 634 Brandels Bldg. . WANTED Salesmen to sell Perry auto locks direct to auto owneni Commission and guarantee, all or part time. National Auto Accessories Co., $80 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Two ilva salesmen to nail on auto owners. Call Doug. 00AI. WANTED Salesman who wants good line, to call at 1610 Howard St Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Two men; would prefer men ex perienced In selling encyclopedia or any book proposition. Call Tuesday, between 10 and 13, F. D. Browning. 113 Balrd building. Trade Schools. AUTO MECHANICS BARN BIG MONEY. ' Nvr Idle Big Demand. Easy -to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. $317 B. 0th St.. Omaha. Send for Free Catalogna. CALL or write tor our fre Illustrated ota logu ax plaining how wa teach th barber trad ouicKiy oy actual experience, ear f ul Instruction, etc ; la rgsat modern eoutoDed narper conega in tn weal iioler a. 110 S. 14th. Omaha. Neb. Estab lished 1003.) NIGHT AND DAY SCHOOL Autos and lectrlo starters. For particulars call uougias tils, or write us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. Temporary address. 407 S. 20th St. Omsha. LEARN barber trade; b Independent; mora than make your expenses wbli learning. Wagea or percentage. W don't over- onsrga you to oegin. leoi uoaa ot, - . TRIUTT BARBER- COLLAGE, - HELP WANTED MALE Trade Schools. NIGHT SCHOOIr Autos and electric tart ar. For particular call Douglas 4471. or writ us. AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE, 2061 Fa mem St.. Omaha. Boys. WANTED By experienced housekeeper, position on ranch. Two boys, 12 and 10 year Prefer west. Address P. O. Bo 107S, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Several boys, over 18, In our bottling department. The Willow Springs Distillery, Fourth and Pierce Sts. BOYS wanted to learn trade; must be over 10 years' of age. Gordon -Law less Co., 8th and rv-dge. Miscellaneous. WANTED We ean uss a limited number of men between 21 and 40 years of age a CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Must be at least I feet, f Inches tall; physically sound, of good character and habits, and must com well recommended. Apply In person between th hours of t a. m. and 12 o'clock noon at offices of Superintendent of Transportation, Room 306, second Floor, Mercnants national Bank Bldg. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. YOUNG MEN WANTED Government rail way mall clerks, $76 month; sample ex amination questlona free. Franklin In stitute. Dept, 237-D, Rochester. N. Y. COMMON labor. Union Paclflo Store Dept. Apply Cass St. gate, ask tor storekeeper. Steady work; good wages. ATTENTION, farmers. If you want help we can supply you. Bluff City Employ ment Bureau, 016 W. Broadway. P. 431. WANTED Names men wishing to become railway malj clerks. Commence T6 per month. Box Y 917. Bee. FIREMEN, BRAKE MBS', beginners, $126 monthly; positions guaranteed. Railway, Box 488$, Bee. WANTED Experienced soda dispenser. Ref erences required. Harley Drug company, 1101 O St., Lincoln, Neb, HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO and BKKPR., $75; Stenog. and Bkkpr., $70; Steno., $66; Stenog., 60; Steno, and Bkkpr., $60; Steno., $60; Office Clerk and Typist, $60; BUI Clerk, $60; Steno., $40; Steno., $SS; Office Clerk, $40; Cashier and General Office Clerk, $36. WATTS REF. CO.. 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg STENO. and Bkpr., $76; asa't. bkpr. and steno,, $60; steno., beginner, $50; steno.. beginner, $36. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N, 76$ Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Young lady stenographer, per manent position. Apply Sunday afternoon, S to 4 p. m., or Monday. World Film Corporation. 1603 Harney. SALESLADY who has had retail experi ence; salary depends on ability. WATTS REF. CO., 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, automo bile firm, $70. THE MARTI CO., 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Stenographer, permanent posi tion; good worker only needly apply. Doug. 389 or Web. 1970 evenings. SEE Co-operative Reference Co. for com mercial positions. No filing fee. Professions and Trades. WB NEED a few more ladles to operate sewing machines In our house dress and apron department. Th workrooms are large, clean and well ventilated. You will like the work and It will give yoq, good steady employ ment. Experienced operators desired, but If yon have had no experience coma down any way. Ask for Mr. Anderson, M. E. Smith A Co., $th and Douglas Sts. WANTED IB girls to work tn cracker factory, steady employ ment. Loose-Wiles Biscuit Co., Kth and Davenport Sts. WANTED Girls wlthh common sohool edu cation, between IS and 33 years, to take un local and long distance telephone work. C. E. Lambert, 1807 Douglas St. LADIES for finishing on coats. Apply to Mr. Anderson, M. E. Smith A Co., th and Douglas Sts, WAITRESSES, also "help-hall" waitresses. Address Box 2279, Bee. LEARNT barber trade. 1403 Dodge Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced housework girl; must be good cook. Mrs. J. Klein, 137 South 36th St. Harney 3013. WANTED An experienced cook; Omaha references required. Mrs. franx T. Hamil ton. 210 So. 22d Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; no laundry worn. Airs. vt. u. Shearer, Harney 2420: - WANTED An old lady who- wishes a home In exchange for looking after 4-year-oid child. 4468 Farnam. ' WHITE girl for general housework. 4 In family; no laundry worn, own uoican-o. Walnut 2120. COMPETENT MAID In family of 3; refery ences required. Harney t8. GIRL to assist with housework, Harney 2303. 300S Farnam street. WANTED A girl for general housework. Call Harney 1660. WHITE girl for general housework, no ashing. Walnut 7gq. Hotels and Restaurants. WAITRESS WANTED La Roy hotel: $4 TWO experienced dining room girls. Apply at Clarason nospitai. Miscellaneous. WANTED New faces for motion pictures. Good opportunity experience unnecessary. Full details. Sierra Co., Box 1797. Los An geles. Cal. WANTED Girl, colored preferred. Omaha Paper Stork Co.. lath and MarcySta, WILL exchange piano lessons for sewing or laundry. Red 9825 EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL ' Evary day la enrollment day. Book fcoeplnar, .horthand. at.notype, typ.wrtt- ln,, telegraphy,' civil aervlce all eommer- clal and 2n,llah branchea. Catalosue free. BOTI.ES COLLEGE, ttaucla. 1B68, 1s(h and Harney Sta. VAN SANT 8CHOOI, OP PUSINESS. DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. SMond Floor Omaha National Bank Bid, Entrance z:o. Douslaa b8,o. T. M. C. A. Day and Nllht School. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you deslr among those ads call at The Be office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description ot va cant rooms in all part ot th city. If more convenient phone The Be Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will be malted to you at one. New lists ar inaued even' week. Furnished Rooms. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Large yard, fln for summer, two nicely furnished rooms near Farnam car 11ns: strictly modern; private home; no other roomers; must be seen to b appreciated, walnut 264$. LARGE front room, suitable for on or two gentlemen. .Nicely furnished. Private family. Block from Hanacom Park car line. Walking distance, UZl 8. list St. Barn? niu - FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. THE FEBRUARY SCORL' of Paid Classified compared with 1010 THK BEE gained 8067 lines THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD-HERALD LOST.M4 lines Figures complied by Warfleld Ady A gey., an Independent audit bureau. NICE cosy rooms, home privileges, one block to car, $1 to $2 per weeek. 2212 North 19th. Webster 1280. 313 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished room In modern home, walking distance, reason able. Phone Harney 4963. 2710 S. ' :10Tli Nicely furnished " room for rent In private family, good summer home for one or two. Tyler 1481. LARGE front parlor, piano included, suita ble for one or two people; rent '$6 per week. 2210 Douglas St. 321 G DOUGLAS Large front parlor, piano Included, suitable for two; ' per week. Phone Douglas $417. S009 SHERMAN AVE., nicely furnished room, private family, all modexn conveni ences. ROOM Suitable for gentleman with night work; no children, quiet all day Harney 417$. LARGG southeast room, well furnished; large closet; fine bath; fine location; pri vate home. GENTLEMEN. H. 1088. BEAUTIFUL, well furnished front nom, cool and delightful for summer. Close in. Reasonable. 2047 Dodge. NICELY furnished pleasant room, Apt, 601 New Hamilton. Gentlemen preferred. References required D. 7(543. MODERN furnlahed room, close In, private family: gentleman preferred. Red 8403. WORK ING MEN'S HOTEL Free baths; clean rooms tor men. zo n. I3th st. TWO small sleeping rooms, reasonable. 638 8. 27th Bt. Phone Harney 6932. FURNISHED room In privateamlly for 1 or z gentlemen. 2579 Harney St. D. 8743. lfili Howard, nicely furn. rooms, etm. heat. Housekeeping Rooms. 312 N. 2SD ST. Two comfortable rooms; private home; modern; every Ponvenience including gas range and kitchenette; within walking distance; very desirable for summer. 114 NO. 24TH ST.. modern, comfortable light housekeeping rooms; cool and de lightful for sumer; everything fur nished. Red 4531 2416 CAPITpL AVE. One suite of rooms, newiy oecoraiea. weu iurnisned and run ning water; also one single light house keeping room, wet furnished. Doug. 0449, DOUGLAS, 2508 Two very desirable front rooms, with alcove, furnished complete for light housekeeping; walking distance. Harney 1986. SIS S. 22D ST. Suit of two rooms, well rurnisnea tor ngnt nousexeeping. very desirable. Reasonable. 8121H CALIFORNIA Three furnished rooms, modern, with beat; ground floor. Harney 4001. 1711 BURT Modern furnluhed light house keeping room; walking distance; reason able. COZY Housekeeping roo is, 4-J5 wetk. Kitchenettes adjoining. 2682 Harney St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent, $3 and $4 per week. 2204 Webster Ht. Doug. 8084. LIGHT housekeeping rooms; completely fur- nlshed. 2209 Douglas. Douglas 8188. 614 SO. 17TH AVE. Two front rooms on $3 PER week, 2218 Leavenworth, Two rooms en suite. 424 N. 23D. Housekeeping rooms. Every thing furnished. $2.60 and up, Doug. 4466. 1609 CALIF. Hk. and sleep, rms.. reas'ble. 1(111 Howard,, hk. and slep. rms. stm. heat' Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL southeast room, furnished tnrougnout in gray and pink; private bath; good board. Phono Harney 1796, Also gar age. THE IRVING 2102 Leavenworthr oxcelient board; good surroundings. Tyler 1419. BOARD and room for young man. Con venlent car aervlce. Harney $702. CHOICE board and room, $6.50 per week; noma coo King nszs Howard st, BOARD and room. 114 N. 24th. R. 4631, Unfurnished Rooms. 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $10; no children. Phon Doug, 469$. 913 North 19th. 4 OR 6 UPSTAIRS rooms, modern except neat. zn Bristol Ht. Webster 819. Hotels. ROOMS, $2 wk., apts. with kitchenet. Steam heated. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. FOR RENT HOUSES West THE FEBRUARY SCORE of Paid Classified compared with 1918: THE BEE gained 8967 line THE NEWS gained 770 lines THE WORLD-HERALD LOST.. 14 lines Figure complied by Warfleld Adv, A gey., an independent audit bureau. 3302 HOWARD STREET. A t-story frame, 7 rooms and sleeping porch. New furnace. Room for one car In garage if desired. House rent, $30. ALFRED THOMAS. $08 First Nat Bk. Bldg. 10-ROOM modern brick house, 2632 Harney, hot wster heat, vacant April 1. Can be Inspected now. Inquire T. J. O Brlen. Harney 1094, Douglas 1218 or Tyler 128. DUNDEE, choice home, 7-r., strictly mod , new, very select, $60. 6013 Davenport McKltrlck R. E. Co. Douglas 100. APRIL 1 Six rooms and bath; all modern; walking distance. Tel. Harney 2049. 308 S. 41ST, hot water plant 326.00 JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 65. 7-ROOM modern house, 3006 Dodge. Call Webster 8486. North. 4 OR 7 -room bouse, modern, two blocks to car, garage, good yard and shade. 4016 NO. 3 Bltl Bt. $36 six rooms, modern, oak finish, newly decorated, near car. 1461 Lothrop. uau Douglas 1869. S-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; on car line. Harney 1104. 3114 LOCUST ST.- modern rooms, $24. Webster 8213. 7-ROOM modern house. 2436 Parker. South. NEW building for light manufacturing or auto repairs. Leaven wort n Bt. un noor. aq. tt., witn beating piant, tu.uv. E. H. BEXNER, Ramge Blk. D. 8406. 6-ROOM cottage, bath and electric light; water paid, $29 per month, walnut 1312 S. 11th St. 8 AND -room flats. 13th and Castelar, mod ern, $16. Douglas 6666 or call 1323 Martha 6-r mod. flat. 2310 S. 24. $20. Tel. H. 4711. Miscellaneous. WE HAVE WHAT TAU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4.R. $401 MaDle St $ 1.00 6-R 60$ Martha St.... 12.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT, 6-R. 2872 Saratoga St ...$18.00 -R. 1602 N. 27th St 12.60 6-R. 281$ N. 27th St. (Will fix Up first-class shap for a good oolored tenant) 18.0$ STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 1824 N. 27th St 21.00 6-R 1384 8. 20th Avo $0.00 6-R. -21 N. 20th St. (Garage).. 32.60 6-R. 3830 N. 19th (Choice bunga low with garage), unfur nished 36.00 Furnished 40.00 7-R. 4612 8. 23d (Good brick dwell lnr very close to the business district of South Omaha) .. 26.00 T-R. 2605 Pierce St 30 T-R. 3728 Plnkney Bt 30.00 9-R 659 8. 26th Ave 36.00 10-R. 2211 Dodge St (Very cloae in. well arranged tor keeping roomers; will fix up tn flrst claaa condition for good ten ant) 40 HEATED APARTMENTS. STOECKER APTS., 826 8. 24th St S R. Apt. t $30.00 4.R.Apt $0.00 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE ItENTINU, PORTER BHOTWELL. 30$ B, 17th 8t. Doug. 601$. Office with HOME BUILDERS. WHAT HAVft YOU FOR RENT in th wsy of four, flva or alx rooj modern ao-to-dat apartment 7 rrersr- no will be given to those tn better district of th city. Want t deal direct with owners; no agent. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 101$. i-hmm modern ikhisw with garage for oar, elosa to ear line, on paved stroot no moots, uoogiaa FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. 14H1 riNKNBY. 6-r. bungalow 3510 Seward, 6-r. bungalow 1821 Jackson, $ rooms 35 00 1617 Burt. 8 rooms 5.0tl ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 333 Rose Bldg. 8 ROOMS, all modern except heat; newly decorated; in datidy snaps; on paveu street: $10 per month. See TRAVER BROTHERS. 819 Klrst National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6886, , HOUSES Id all psrts of the city. CREIGH. SONS fc CO.. 608 Bee mag. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. UKSIRABLE furn tuned arid unfurnished apartment. All sues snd prices, splen did location. 24th md Farnam. D. UTi. FOR RENT 1 APARTMENTS West. I'llOK't .U'.VKTMENT. with 5-room accommodations, 3301 Deivey, new, a. e. exposure, good lo cation: haa two built-in ocds; 3& aunt., 9,0 winter. OMAHA'S LAROKST RRXTAL AOEXCT, HASTINGS HBVUKX. I6H Har. Tyler 80. .-ROOM Apt., Harold, .No. 3. Harney S100 mornings. North. 4-ROOM modern apartment. Janitor serv ice, $30. 1814 Maple. Vacant April e. Red 1881. , FOR RENT 6-room apartment, In brick flat on Sherman Ave. Modern, bin rax ton Blk. D. 9350. SEVEN-ROOM steam-heaiod. (35; near noatoffice. G. P. Ptcbbtns, lfiin rhk-ao. 4 AND 6room apt., all modern, steaoTheat. iipth and Blondo. Web 1902 or AVett. 3bt. South. 6-ROOM and sun parlor, brand new and beautifully decorated, apartment service. 811 So. 30th St. 5-ROOM Apt., nrst floor, HIT So. 10th, Uh. Tel. nouxlas 4"7. Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOR OMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. 1413 DODGE St., 22x132 ft.; 2 floors and basement witn elevator. E. H. BENNKR, Ramge Blk. D. 840f. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 26th Sts.; $30 to $50. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 4716 8. 24TH ST., $86; center of South Oma- na Business metric:, ri. ti, Conner, itamge Block. Douglas 8403. MODERN store, 16th Ht., near postoffiur, $75 month. G. .'. Stebblns, 2610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAIt- tiam Bldg. 71rst Trust Co. P. 1151. 4718 S. 24th, near P. O., $85.00. E. 11. Benner vo., Ramge Blk. D. 8406. Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and en suite. In a central location. BROWN BLDG., Room 407. Douglas 1558. DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block. 111 N. lGth St., opposite postoffice. $10 to $15 per month. Conrad Youlg, 322 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. OFFICE room suitable for dentist; reason able rent. 16th and Howard. Doug. 152. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg. 17th and Uouglas. McCague Inv. Co. Garages and Barns. GOOD garage, oment floor on paved alley. ztw capitoi Ave. Rea 5: 8 3. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WE WANT TO RENT And take charge of your property, as we cannot supply the demand for rental property and have clients waiting for desirable rental pro per r Let us relieve you of the worry and care connected with your property. Expert service. Call us and let us come and talk the matter over with you. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Har., Ty. 80. Miscellaneous. LANDLORDS ATTENTION. Wa will secure a desirable tenant t? your vacant store, house or flat within SO days If on thj South Side and In a tenabl condition, or pay you a month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED, CAPITAL. $25,000. 4926 8. 24th St. Phone South 1247. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1513 and 1515 Howard St. Phone Doug. 5524. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. 218 N. 11th St. Phon Douglas 394. FIDELITY service FREE Phono Douglas 88 for com pie t list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; xnuvlng; packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 802 80. 18th St. Douglas 4163. Jp PTnri Express Co. Moving, j, IXLjlliLJ packing and storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 27 48. Doug. 614 6. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing, call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. Maggard and two men, per hour. Van and Storage Co., Moving. Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Doug. 1496. TWIN CITY EXPRESS CO.. 1S22 Case St. Douglas 1717. Trunks stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. 31ST AND CALIFORNIA. Just listed, 6-room, strictly modern house. Iiarge lot, on pavnd street, paving paid. This can be bought at a bargain figure. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. WEST Farnam homo, 8 rooms, modern; most be sold Immediately. For prices and terms, apply to H. Fischer, Trustee. Doug. 1968. 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. $600 CASH. Nice lot In West Farnam district T. D. Wood, 310 South 18th St., Wcad Bldg. North. Dandy Home 3 Lots Six rooms and sleeping porch, oak fin ish, strictly modern, full cement base ment, fine barn or garage, south fronts, 2 blocks to car, three splendid lots, 30 fruit trees, 45 grape vinos. Price only $4,900; about $00 down, bnlanco monthly. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-2 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. $250 CASH. $28.50 per month, buy a nw bungalow, 6-r, and bath, oak finish, wfth oak floors even In kitchen: high grade fix tures ; full basement; furnace heat; lot sfOxlSO; on block to car and school. Price $2,800. RASP BROS.. J10 Kcellne B!dp. Tyler 721. NEW BUNGALOW. Plv rooms, strictly modern, finished In oak. Located at 3923 N. 25th St. Prlc $3,160. Terms, Will take small cottage In trad. NORRIS NORRIS. " 400 Be Bldg. Phoi.e Douglas 427$. FOR RENT Near Mjjn mouth Park, new I room bungalow, 24x40 ; full basement ; beamed ceiling; paneled dining room; built-in features; oak floors; sun room; entirely modern; Ideal for young married couple. Phone Tyler 1011 or Colfax 685. NEW. modern, 7-room house, with sleeping porch, quartered oak finish, hand-painted decorations throughout; two toilets; built by owner for home. Must be seen to be appreciated. Term to right party. Walnut 3917. NICE 7-room modern house, finished tn oak; nearly new; Cathedral district; cloee In. walWng distance to high school and to the city's finest Urge churches. $24 N. 36th St. Harney 112$. .