THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1917. 8 iJIOTHERS f DAUGHTERS You who lire. , easily; are pals, has-., gard and worn; nervous o r Irritable; frho are sub ject to fits of I melancholy or I t n e "Diues, get your blood examined (or iron aenci- nev. IVXaTM ,IBO taken times a iv after Die wui increase your atrengu :e vv per cent in iw many cases. Ferdina UXATES IRON Be OMUnrt cuartnu of urautr pmri UUfltluni s vt. Km i on n worn funded icli Mr at v yj :w f a nrOjMwtoQi drugiti lfwor jo oner r tQ tj fifrftitn lab Wr jpy anr meils. Put Stomach in Fine Condition Says Indigestion Results from an Excess of Hydrochloric Acid, Undigested food delayed in the stomach decays, or, rather, ferments the same as food left in the open air, says a noted authority. He also tells us that Indigestion is caused by Hyper-acidity, meaning there is an ex cess of hydrochloric acid in the stom ach which prevents complete diges tion and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours in the stomach much like garbage sours in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which inflate the stomach like a toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery in the chest, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heart-burn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and instead get from any phar macy four ounces of Jad. Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast and drink while it is effervescing and, furthermore, to continue this for a week. While re lief follows the first dose, it is im portant to neutralize the acidity, re move the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts is inexpensive and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia and so dium phosphate. This harmless salts is used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent re sults. Advertisement. Use Cocoanut Oil For Washing Hair If you want to keep your hair in good condition, be careful what you wash it with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and is very harmful. Just plain mulsified cocoanut oil (which is pure and en tirely greaseless) is much better than the most expensive soap or anything else you .can use for shampooing, as this can't possibly injure the hair. Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two teaspoon fuls will make an abundance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily, and removes every particle of dust, dandruff and exces sive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounce3 is enough to last everyone in the family for months. Advertisement. HOW TO JUDGE A WOMAN BY HER HAIR There is real common sense in just noticing whether the hair is well kept to judge of a woman's neatness or gootT taste. If you are one of the few who try to make the most of your hair remember that it is not advisable to wash the hair with any cleanser made for all purposes, but always use some good preparation made expressly for shampooing. You can enjoy the very best by getting some canthrox from your druggist, dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup Of hot water. This makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of just the top of the head. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its lustre and soft ness will also delight you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures Hair growtn. nav. Eczema Is Conquered Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good clear skin is ivantedi From any druggist for 25c or 1.00 for extra large size, get a bottle jf zemo. When applied as directed, it ;ffectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is a clean, dependable and inex pensive, penetrating, antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effective and satisfying. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland. O. Brand New Way to Remove Hairy Growths Actually Removal Root and All The vexd queetlon of how to completely banish euperfluoue heir ha been eolved at Inet! By meane of the new phelactlne process, the hairs entire, roots and all. como out before your very eyes eaally, hnrmleealy, "quick aa a wink." It la ao different from the depilatory, electrical end ahavlna- method, you elmply must try tt to fully appreciate Its remarkable ad vantage.. Phelactlne la perfectly odnrleae, non-lr-rHallna". non-poleonoue a child could ,'ut it without the least Injury. It leaves the akin so soft, smooth and halrleea, no one could tell you ever had a mouatache or other htilry growth. If you will procure a stick of phelactlne and follow the simple tn s'ructlons. you will certainly be astonished and dellshtcrt with the result or drusclet will refund the price upon request. Adv. Brie) City News Mm da Lamps Burgess-aranden Co. Hats Boot Print It New Beacon Press. Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm, Jeweler. V. W. H. A. to Meet A meeting of the Young Women's Hebrew associa tion will be held Tuesday evening at the Young Men's Hebrew association quarters, 335 Paxton block. Is Now "Troy" Laundry The P. D. S. Laundry company has changed Its name to the Troy Laundry, accord ing to amended articles of incorpora tion filed with the county clerk. Harding to Talk on Butter J. M. Harding of the Harding Creamery company will talk Friday noon to the Manufacturers' association at the Commercial club on "Butter Making." Appendicitis Operation Mildred, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. A. C. Kugel, underwent an operation for appendicitis in a local hospital. Her condition is reported as favor able. Two Want Divorce Harry Dalton Is suing Minnie Dalton for divorce in district court on grounds of alleged infidelity. Katie Mina would be freed from Manuel Mina, She alleges non-support- Studies Rules of the Road City Clerk O'Connor has Joined the ranks of motorists. He Is spending hla lei sure momenst learning the vagaries of gasoline engines and studying tho rules of the road. Increase Stock The Baker Manu facturing company haa increased its capital stock to $200,(11)0, according to amended articles of incorporation nlcd with the county clerk by J. S. Uaker, president of the company. Son at Sutton Home Coppers down at the city jail are smoking big fat cigrars. The occasion is the birth of a nine-pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton, 4411 Davenport street. Paul Sutton is with the morals squad. Joe Butler Out of Hospital City Gas Commissioner Butler is out of a hospital again. After a long siege he had to return for several weeks on account of an injury he suffered last fall when he slipped on the floor of a barber shop. Asks Verdict Suspended Charles M. Thompson of umaha, sentenced to serve a year and a day in ft-dtral prison for alleged complicity in the "wild horse" case recently tried here, has filed motion in federal court to have his sentence set aside. Lnwycr Defendant In Court The $25,000 suit brought against Franklin A. Shotwell, an attorney, by Mrs. Ruth Blakely, who alleges that tho lawyer "influenced" her husband, Charles Blakely, to obtain a divorce, has been started in Judge Estclle's court New Auto Company Incorporates Foshier Bros. & Dutton have filed articles of incorporation with the county clerk to manufacture and buy and sell automobiles, trucks, tractors and accessories. The capital is $10,000. The incorporators are W. E. Foshier, E. E. Foshier and C. J. Dutton. Butchers See Kansas City One hundred and fifty grocers and butch ers of Omaha intend to go to Kansas City as guests of the Kansas City Gro cers and Butchers' association on April 21. An all-day tour over the city, covering the boulevard system, is in prospect and a big banquet in the evening. Skilled Workmen Help U. S. More skilled workmen enrolled Monday for possible munitions employment in case of war than had applied during all of last week. Miss Viola Coffin, civil service secretary in the federal build ing, received the applicants. Should the need arise the men would go to arsenals, armories, ship yards and mu nition plants. Ask for More Mailmen To ask for more mail carriers for Greater Omaha, Postmaster Fanning will go to Wash ington Tuesday. He says he needs five or six more carriers for Omaha and will1 require two more for Flor ence and Benson when those towns are added to the city and free mail delivery by carrier is established there. Benson, already has free carrier service. Wants to Try Farming Edward Butzlaff, Chicago, wants to try farm ing at some point in the west and haa written Immigration Agent How ard of the Burlington for information relative what to do in the way of get ting hold of a piece of land. Butz laff writes that he was born and raised in the heart of Chicago . and is deeply interested in agricultural pursuits. Fire Destroys Property on Poor Farm South of Tecumseh Tccumseh, Neb., March 26. (Spe cial Telegram.) Fire at the county poor farm, south of the city, tonight destroyed a barn, cow barn, granary, corncrib and shed, together with six head of horses, four tons of hay, 150 bushels of oats, 200 bushels of corn, two sets of harness and other articles. The barn was insured for $300 and the horses for $100 each. Hiram Law rence is the tenant on the farm and his loss is confined to stock and grain. The barn belonged to the county. The cause of the fire is not known. Many Wish to Hear Russ Violinist, Symphony Orchestra From the way the tickets were sold yesterday for the concert to be given Friday night at the Auditorium by the New York Symphony society and Efrem Zimbalist, the wonderful Rus sian violinist, it is believed that there will be a capacity house in the big municipal building. Owing to the heavy demand for tickets, it was necessary to open the box office yes terday in order to accommodate the Omaha lovers of symphony music. The box office will be open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. today. French Cavalry Finds Body Of American Aerial Fighter Paris, March 25. The body of Ser geant J. R. McConnell, the American aviator, who wis killed last week in an engagement with two German ma chines, has been found by French cav alry, the Herald says today. With the body was the wreckage of McConnell's machine. It was found in the devastated zone of the German retreat. The identification was de layed, it is stated, as McConnell's pa pers and other articles that could have served to identify him had been re moved. American Forces Have Been Withdrawn From Santiago Santiago De Cuba, March 26. Re lying on assurances of the ability of the Cubans to maintain order, the American commander withdrew today the last men of the force landed two weeks ago. The city is quiet, although skirmishes in the outskirts are no infrequent. It is announced a vigor ous campaign against the rebels will be inaugurated immediately. The rebels are continuing their campaign of destruction. DANIELS APPEALS TO THEYODNG MEN Navy, First Line of Defense, Must Be Brought to Its Best Condition. EMERGENCY IS NOW HEBE Secretary of Navy Joscphus Daniels last night sent out to the editors of newspapers throughout the country a telegram, asking for assistance in making effective the order issued by the president, that the navy be brought up to its full war strength of 87,000 men at once. This amounts to a call for volunteers, although it is for the sea service and not the land. A state of war practically exists, and the navy is the first line of de fense for the United States. That is why stress is being laid on the ur gency for greater recruiting for the service at this time. The secretary's dispatch to The Bee reads: "The president last night signed an executive order, directing that the au thorized enlisted strength of the navy be increased to 87,000 men. He was authorized by congress, in case of emergency, to direct such increase in enlistment. New ships and ships in reserve are being fully commissioned as rapidly as possible, and the need is imperative for a larger enlistment to man them. There has been a net in crease of over 6.500 in enlistment since congress recently authorized an in crease, but many more are needed now. "The navy offers exceptional advan tages to young men of stuff and ambi tion to serve in the first line for na tional defense. "JOSEPHUS DANIELS." Robbers Get Just Sixty Pennies in One House Sixty pennies was the loot two rob bers got when they pried open a win dow of L. Shiller, Thirty-third and California street, Saturday evening. Mrs. J. W. Bowen, 3171 Grand ave nue, reported to the police the theft of a rag sack containing 75 pennies, a child's saving bank containing $1 and a manicuring set from her home Sat urday evening. Police arrested Boyd Fuller, brother of Mrs. Bowen, who is chared with the robbery. em: IF WWSWELM 8ayt glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. If vou wake ud with a bad taste, bad breath and tongue is coated; if vour head is dull or aching: if what you eat sours and forms gas and acid in stomach, or you are bilious, con stipated, nervous, sallow ana can t get feeling just right, begin inside bathing. Drink before breakfast a glass of real hot water with i tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This will flush the poisons and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels and cleanse, sweeten and pur ify the entire alimentary tract. Do your inside bathing immediately upon arising in the morning to wash out of the system all the previous day's poisonous waste, gases and sour bile before putting more food into the stomach. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with body im purities, get from your pharmacist I quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is inexpensive and almost tasteless except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Just as soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so hot water and lime stone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stom ach disorder should begin this inside bathing before breakfast. They are assured they will become real cranks on the subject shortly. Adv. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause Tale Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment clogged live: and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a toothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. If yon have a bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested foods, you should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so vou can eat what you like. At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. RHEUMATISM m m m m m . m 'ai usually yields to the purer blood Anrl ffreater arranark whirh SC0YT5 creates. Its rich oil-food enlivens the whole system and strengthens the organs to throw off the injurious acids. Many doctors them 4b. selves take Scott'i Emulsion iSa and you must stand firm YlW against substitutes. -4111. Scott & Bowne, Bloom Held. N. J, 16-21 Burgess-Wash Company. "EVERYBODY STORE" Monday, March 26, 1917. STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY. Phoae Douglas 137. It's Seldom, Indeed, that You Have Had the Opportunity to Share in Values Like These for Every Section of This Big Service Store Contributes to This Month End Event Merchandise of the Wanted Sort and Very Specially Priced Women's Pumps, Small Sizes Only, Tuesday, Pair $1.00 Big lot, all small sizes, 2'A, 3, 34 and 4, left from regular stocks; patent, gun metal and kid. (Down Stairs Store) Children's Shoes, Sizes 2 to 8, Reduced to, Pair $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Patent kid and black vici kid, button style with tips, turn soles; wonderful values. (Down Stairs Store) Women's House Dresses, Reduced to . . Made of percales and ginghams, neatly finished and trimmed; splendid fitting. (Down Stairs Store) Children's Wash Dresses, Special, Tuesday, at Plaid, checked and striped ginghams, middy and waisted styles; some have jackets of plaid, check and chambray combinations. (Down Stairs Store) Women's Petticoats, Reduced for Tuesday to Made of white sateen, just the thing for wear with light summer dresses, pleated flounce. (Down Stairs Store) "Burnasco" Quality Corsets, for Tuesday, at Medium low bust, long skirt, free hip; made of firm quality batiste, fancy trimmed. (Second Floor) An Assortment of Brassieres, Tuesday, at $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Elaborately trimmed with lace and embroidery, also plain; ex cellent quality of material, filet edge; sizes 34 to 50. (Second Floor) Coutil and Batiste Corsets, Tuesday, Special A variety of good models in pink and white, some have elastic gore; sizes 19 to 36. (Down Stairs Store) Lace Trimmed Brassieres, o c d1 AA Tuesday, for L tOlf $I.UU Linen, lace trimmed, back and front, made of fine quality ma terial, open front; sizes 34 to 60. (Down Stairs Store) Ball-Bearing Roller Skates, Tuesday, pair 3-Piece Garden Tool Outfit, Tuesday, for $1.00 $1.00 Adjustable for boys and girls; very special values for Tuesday. (Fourth Floor) Fielder's Glove for Boys and Young Men, at $1.00 Good quality fielder's glove, leather lined, sizes for boys and young men; great value. (Fourth Floor) F!ann:idere,Ba,ylV2yuS.for$1.00 Big assortment of designs in fine cream baby flannel mill ends, perfect goods; Tuesday, l'i yards, $1.00. (Down Stairs Store) Single Blankets, for Double Beds, tfj 1 A A Reduced for Tuesday pl,vU Full double bed size blankets, cut and single for sheets or sleeping porch use. (Down Stairs Store) Bleached Muslin, Special Tuesday, at S6-inch bleached muslin, free from dressing, soft finish; buy as much as you wish off the bolt. (Down Stairs Store) One Sheet and Pair of Pillow Cases, Tuesday Good weight seamless sheet, size 81x90, and a pair o: men cases, lor si.uu. (Down stairs store) Crochet Bed Spreads, Tuesday, Reduced to 10yds$1.00 $1.00 of 42 or 45x36- $1.00 Bed spreads of crochet, hemmed, assorted patterns, good weight, double bed size. (Down Stairs Store) 10 yds. $1.00 Linen Welt Crash, Tuesday, Special . . Unbleached crash, with blue border, verv firm weave: limit nur. chase to each customer. (Down Stairs Store) Fancy Bath Towels, Tuesday, f d 1 AA Big Values J0rM.UU Large fancy bath towels, heavy weight, with fancy blue or pink broche border; very special. (Down Stairs Store) Fancy Linen Scarfs or Squares, Special, at. $1.00 Splendid selection of fancy scarfs, centers, and squares, broken lines, but uncommon value. (Down Stairs Store) Hemmed Mercerized to - d1 A A Napkins, Tuesday. .. .... l IQX sJl.UU Mercerized napkins, size 18x18, good weight, assorted patterns; hemmed and ironed ready for use. (Main Floor) Bleached Huck Towels, Tuesday 12 for $1.00 j i j . j Huck towels, bleached, with neat, red border; medium size, good weight, soft and absorbent. (Main Floor) Table Damask, oV, (t1 A A Tuesday, Special L I OS., tj) l.UU Bleached table damask, highly mercerized; heavy weight, hemmed ready for use; rare value. (Main Floor) Women's Cotton Union 0 f (f1 A A Suits, Tuesday, at L 101" M.UU The proper weight for present wear, low neck and sleeveless, knee length, made of white cotton. (Main Floor) Women's Cotton Union d1 AA Suits, Tuesday, at 6 10X tJl.UU Low neck and sleeveless, with fancy lace insertions; good quality white cotton. (Main Floor) 6 for $1.00 Consisting of spading fork, malleable iron rake and steel blade hoe. (Down Stairs Store) "Diamond-Kut" Table Tumblers, Tuesday, at . Guaranteed hand cut, best quality, lead blown tumblers, large assortment of designs. (Down Stairs Store) Jardinieres and Hanging Baskets, Reduced, Tuesday An assortment of odd jardineres and hanging baskets, etc.; spe cially reduced for Tuesday to close. (Down Stairs Store) 3-Piece Earthenware Utility Kitchen Sets, Tuesday , $1.00 $1.00 Consisting of large bread jar with cover, cake jar with cover and sugar jar with cover, glazed earthenware. (Down Stairs Store) Adjustable Basswood Curtain Stretchers, Tuesday, for Well made, with burnt-ln measuring rule, full site, nickel-plated brass pins. (Down Stairs Store) Norway Pine Step Ladders, With Shelf, for $1.00 $1.00 24 Rolls $1.00 Very substantially made, 6-foot size, with pail shelf; a big value. (Down Stairs Store) Crepe Tissue Toilet Paper. Tuesday, at . Toilet paper, crepe tissue, large size rolls; specially priced for Tuesday at, 24 rolls for 11.00. (Down Stairs Store) 4-Piece White Enamel Cooking d 1 A A Sets, for plUU Consisting of 5-quart lipped preserving kettle, 4-quart lipped sauce pan, 4-quart Berlin sauce pan with cover, and a 6-quart mixing bowl, all seamless. (Down Stairs Store) 4-Piece "Big Wonder" Mop Outfit, for $1.00 Consisting of cedar triangle oil mop, 1 chemically treated floor mop, 1 triangle wall mop an dl-quart can cedar "Big Wonder" polish. (Down Stairs Store) Fancy Border Huck Towel Tuesday 19x38-inch bleaohed huck towels, with fancy border, in blue or pink; 6 for 11.00. (Main Floor) 6 for $1.00 10 Yds., $1.00 Chamois Finish Long Cloth, Tuesday, at. . , 36-Inch fine chamois finish long cloth for undergarments, gowns and men's night shirts; limit of 10 yards to customer. (Main Floor) Turkish Bath Towels, 0 - 1 A A Tuesday, Special, at 6 lOT wlUU 25x62-inch extra large Turkish towels, double and twist weave, full bleached; heavy and absorbent. (Main Floor) Silver-Plated Lemon Dish, Tuesday, Reduced to $1.00 A very special value, lined with glass and complete with fork; In silverware section. (Main Floor) Leather Strap-Back Hand Purses, Tuesday Newest shapes, splendid quality of real leather, lined, and some have fittings. (Main Floor) $1.00 Silver-Plated Picture Frames, 1 uesday, for . $1.00 Picture frames, silver nlntorl It. AvS.Innl,. m :.n.. j j . Tuesday, to $1.00.' (Main Floor) UUCT,a "r Solid Gold Front Circle - Ai a a Pins, Tuesday 3 for Jl.UU Circle pins, with solid gold front, assortment of designs, S on a card, for 11.00. (Main Floor) Women's Cotton Summer me (M A A Vet, Tuesday, Special - - 12 for $1.UU Made of white cotton, with low neck and no sleeves, full taped we consider them extreme values. (Down Stairs Store) 5 Pairs,$1.00 for $1.00 Women's Black Cotton Hose, Tuesday, at. . . . Good fast black, full seamless, all sizes, and very specially priced, at, 6 pair $1.00. (Down Stairs Store) J Pw. Boys' Union Suits, Tues- day, Down Stairs J Union suits for boys, porous knit, short sleeves, knee length, white or ecru; 3 for $1.00. (Down Stairs Store) Women's Venetian Silk Vests, d 1 AA Soiled, Tuesday, Reduced to P 1 UU Small quantity and they'll go fast Tuesday at this very special price; $1.00 each. (Main Floor) Diamond C Yellow Laun dry Soap, Tuesday Also Cudahy's Pearl White laundry soap, and Cudahys Whit Borax Naptha soap, 80 bars for $1.00. (Down Stairs Store) ' Women's Allover Style Chambray $ 1 A A Aprons, Tuesday, for. V 1 UU Closed skirt, belted back with adjustable belt In front, finished with assorted plaid bands at neck and sleeves. (Second Floor) Silk or Crepe de Chene Camisoles, Tuesday, at . A special group, lace trimmed, also tailored; very unusual values. (Second Floor) 36 Bars, $1.00 $1.00 Women's Combination Suits, Specially Reduced to $1.00 Lace insertions with embroidery medallion, lace edges, neck, sleeve and drawer. (Second Floor)