Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1917, Image 3

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Special Senate Investigating
Body Looks Into Com-
pany's Ways.
(From s Stuff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 26. (Special.)
The telephone investigation is over
and the committee, consisting of Wal
lace Wilson, George M. Adams and
diaries A. Chappell, senators, tried
and true, have made their report to
tli e senate.
They discovered that the Nebraska
Telephone company had headquarters
at the Lincoln hotel and had a tele
phone not connected with the hotel
switchboard over which members of
the legislature sometimes talked, and
that the telephone company charged
the calls to the parties using the
telephone and presented bills for pay
ment and some of these bills have
been paid.
They submitted the question to the
attorney general, whether it was un
lawful for a state official to accent
free telephone service from a tele
phone company, either directly or in
directly, and the attorney general has
ruled that it is not.
However, the committee finds that it
is "reprehensible and against public
policy," for a telephone company to
maintain headquarters in Lincoln dur
ing a session of the legislature and
allow a member of the legislature to
talk over the telephone therein lo
cated, even if he does pay for the call,
ami they want a law passed, which
will cover the situation and cover
it tight.
State Auditor Figures 1
Savings of Water Board i
iKrom a Klaff ' VirrcNpondt nt.)
Lincoitt. March 26. (Special.) The
Metropolitan Water district of OniH'
ha made an apparent saving and
profit of over S500.000 during 1916,
according to the annual report made
by the state auditor's office, made
public Monday. i
The income during the year, added
to the bond sinking fund and to the
surplus after expenses had been paid
was $226,273.65. To this sum is added
$208,522, as saving to customers on re
duction in rates, and $15,086 saving to
district on reduced hydrant rentals,
making a total profit and saving of
Deducting $147,728.48 as the prob
able maximum city and county taxes
had the plant been privately owned,
the auditor finds that the probable
minimum net savings and profit, com
pared with private ownership, was
Thayer County Man
Without a Country
Hebron, Neb., March 26. (Special.)
George Spomer, a farmer living near
Gilead, it a modern "man without a
Mr. Spomer applied for naturaliza
tion papers. All necessary details had
been attended to until the time came
for him to renounce allegiance to his
former government. "To what govern
ment do you renounce allegiance?" he
vas asked. The proceedings were
brought to an abrupt stop when he
replied that lie is a Russian. The
Russian go'-ernment having been
cverthro.v.i the could could not go
ahead with the matter. A message
was sent to government officials in
order to determine whether or not a
man without a country can become'
a citizen of the United States.
Marsh Elder Is on Way
Back for the Banquet
Ttvun a taff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 26. (Special.)
Secretary Henry Richmond of the
Mate legislative league, which is to
yivc its annual banquet Tuesday eve
ning at the auditorium, received a
message from former Speaker Marsh 1
KUlcr. who is a member of the Okla-'
homa legislature, that he was on his
way to Nebraska to take part tn the
bniquct tomorrow night.
Speaker Kldtr was elected speaker
.r the Nebraska legislature in the
Memorable populist session, where
"'recesses' were unknown and "un
hitching lor dinner" were always in
, Morris Declares
He Wants No Czar
i For President
(From a Start Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator George W. Norris
spoke to a crowd of about 2,500 peo
ple at the city auditorium tonight. He
opened his address by stating that it
any person expected that he had come
to Nebraska to make any apology for
his action he was mistaken. He had
come to tell people things that had
not been in the newspapers.
The senator appeared to have an
especial grudge aginst the newspa
pers and said at different times that
they had not printed all the facts.
In one instance he read from the
bill empowering the president to arm
ships and informed his audience that
certSin parts had never been printed
in the papers.
Notwithstanding the assertion the
extracts read by him were carried in
the Associated Press dispatches and
printed in many Nebraska newspa
pers. He said he expected to stand by the
country in case of war, but said the
present attitude of the president and
congress was to establish a monarchy
with a king or a czar to rule.
Error of Legislature
Causes Veto of Bill
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. March 26. (Special.) Gov
ernor Neville sent his first veto to the
legislature this morning when he failed
to approve of House Roll No. 15, a
bill by Representative Price providing
that surveyors employed to fix section
lines and corners should be paid by
the counties instead of by the town
ship or precinct.
There was no particuluar objection
to the bid except that a word had been
left out which rendered the law
meaningless. The word "supported,"
which would render the bill unconsti
tutional. Mr. Price ''concurred" in the opin
ion of the governor and is willing that
the bill should remain where it lies
in the legislative graveyard.
Legislature Favors a Bill to
Boost the Home Rule
House Passes Bill
To Brace Sackett Law
' Krom a Staff Correspond!, t.l
Lincoln. March 26. (Special Tele
gram.) ine touowtng mils were
passed by the house this afternoon:
H. R. 630 Voter who nan been attslited
by a judge to mark his ballot may call an
other .fudge lo verify It.
If. R. 304 County attorney subject to flno
find rrmova! for failure to prosecute under
anticiftarftte law.
H. R. 703 Empowers rltis and village
with right to condemn land for cemetery
H. K. 453 School land rental to b on
9 pr cent basis.
H R. 685 Orrjftha city planning bUI.
H. R. 692 County surveyors to furnish
topographical maps for drainage districts.
H. R. ."3S Strengthens Sackett law for re-
moval of public officers derelect In their
duty by ouster proceedings started by gov
ernor. Alkali ' and pipe lines given authority to
acquire land by eminent domain.
Thayer County Farmers
Are Plowing Up Wheat
Deshler, N'eb., March 26. (Spe
cial.) There will be no winter wheat
in Thayer county. Farmers are put
ting in oats and spring wheat on
ground sown to winter wheat, and
what remains will be put in corn.
There was a big acreage and the loss
of the crop will be keenly felt, but
with the present high prices of cattle
and hogs there will be no serious in
convenience. There never was so
much money in circulation as at pres
ent. New banks have been estab
lished at Carleton, Belvidere and Al
exandria, making a, total of seven
teen banks in the county.
Chairman Mayfield Heard
With Pleasure by Convicts
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 26. (Special.)
Chairman "Gene" Mayfield of the
State Board of Control yesterday de
livered an address to the men at the
penitentiary. What he said to them
was received with rounds of applause.
Mr. Mayfield's speech, according to
those who heard it was an uplifting
address. v
Fitfy Students of Lincoln
Inspect Keokuk Dam
Keokuk, la., March 26. (Special
Telegram.) Fifty students from the
engineering department of the Uni
versity of Nebraska inspected the !
Keokuk power plant and dam here
I (From a Starr correspondent.
j Lincoln. March 26. (Special.)
I The bill allowing Lincoln, Omaha ami
i other cities to call a second home
rule charter convention, after one
! charter has been submitted ami lc
i feated, was advanced to third read
ing, along with these others:
Uniterm munlilnal booUkvcplnc. under
state auilltor'a aupervlelon.
Sheriff suhjeet to removal 1f he Ueepa n
I bastardy defendant anywhere elae tliun at
! the county Jail.
County hoards are authorized to huy hooke,
blank and stationery In the open imirket.
after rejecting- bids.
Ona thousand dollars per year extra pay
to Douglas county clerk for aetlriK as county
ItouRlas county worlthouso l.lll.
The senate bill providing for the
return of guaranty fund assessments
to banks going out of business vas
taken up in committee of the whole
and partially discussed. Mr. Hull
meister moved to kill the bill, but
the committee arose ami reported
without acting upon it.
The Cronin bill permitting members
of the Nebraska National Guard to
vote at elections when called outside
the state passed the house unani
mously. Nebraska Baptist Assembly
To Hear Prominent Men
Grand Island, Xeb., March 26.
(Special Telegram.) The annual
meeting of the Nebraska Baptist as
sembly was opened this afternoon
with ail address by Dean Shailer Mat
thews, head of the divinity school of
the University of Chicago. The morn
ing sessions will be devoted to various
classes conducted on the lecture plan.
Among the speakers will be V. W.
Cranell. president of the Kansas City
Theological seminary; T. T. Stafford
of the Kansas City I heological sem
inary; A. A. Agar of Boston, Miss
Brockway of Philadelphia and Rev.
W. A. Elliott of Ottawa, Kas. An ad
dress will be given each evening by
Dr. Elliott.
Eighty Thousand Death
Claims Allowed by A.O.U.W.
Grand Island, Neb., March 26.
(Special Telegram.) The grand fi
nance committee of the Ancient Order
of United Workmen was in session to
day, and allowed death claims aggre
gating $80,000. The membership is
rallying to the standard of adequate,
rates and very little loss is anticipated.
Those present were Grand Master
Anderson, Grand Recorder Evans,
Ross I.. Hammond, Judge Joseph
Obcrfelder and Nicholas Ress.
New Bank at Bayard.
Aurora, Neb., March 26. f Special.)
Harvey K. Bald, cashier of the new
Farmers Slate bank at Bayard, left
for Morrill county today and will
open the doors of the new bank next
Monday morning. A. E. Fisher, the
president of the new bank, will go to
Bayard just as soon as summer vaca
tion comes for the schools. He is
superintendent. The bank has $25,000
fully paid up.
Livengood Bound Over.
Beatrice, Neb., March 26. (Special
Telegram.) James Livengood of
Clay Center, Kan., was bound over
to the district court at Wymore to
day on a paternity charge preferred
by his sister-in-law, Bernice Martin,
16 years old. He was released on $2,
500 bond furnished by his father.
Obituary Notes
Funeral of Pioneer
Citizen of Syracuse
Syracuse, Ncb Marc.h 26. (Spe
cial.) The funeral of the late Albert
Armstrong, who died at St, Cloud.
Kla., last Monday and whose body
arrived here Saturday, was held yes
terday afternoon from the residence
of his daughter, Mis. W. S. Wiles, and
from the Methodist church. The serv
ices were tinder the direction of the
Masonic lodge here, of which de
ceased was a charter member, ana
were conducted by Past Grand Mas
ter Samuel Whiting of Lincol.1.
Mr. Armstrong came to this county
in 18o6 and has resided in the com
munity ever since and was one of the
most respected citizens. He was an
active worker in the Methodist
church since its organization here and
in many other enterprises for the
good of the community. He is sur
vived by four sons and one daugh
ter, Leonard of Alliance. Neb.;
Charles of Kansas City, Mo.; John
of Omaha and Clarence and Mrs. W.
S. Wiles of this place, and his wife,
Mrs. Nancy Armstrong, who was with
him in St. Cloud and who, through
illness, was not able to come with the
Richmond Clears Himself
Of Charge About Bill
(From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, March 26. (Special.)
Richmond of Douglas arose for the
first time during the session to a
question of personal privilege today,
fie called attention of the house to
the statement of an Omaha paper,
which he said, had "forgotten hereto
fore to mention my name during the
session," that House Roll No. "72,
which provided for acquiring public
utilities in the city of Omaha by popu
lar vote has been smothered by Mr.
Richmond and his colleagues on the
committee of cities ami towns.
"As a matter of fact," said Rich
mond, "this hill was postponed some
three weeks ago for the reason that
the authors themselves called atten
tion to the fact that it was incom
plete and the omissions could not be
supplied except by the authors them
selves." Mr. Richmond moved that
the bill be placed on the general file.
but the sixty votes necessary could
not be obtained.
Gurley Pool Hall Keeper
Is Fined for Assault
Sidney, Neb., March 26. (Special.)
George Fredericks of Gurley was
arraigned before Judge Chambers
Saturday charged with assaulting
Tony Duresky, This was Fredericks'
second offense. He was asked by the
court to plead and his reply was, "I
am guiltier than h I." After the
judge had admonished him severely
he was fined $75 and costs, a total of
$8670, and was told that should this
occur again that the next time he
would get a ninety-day jail sentence
in close confinement.' Fredericks
runs a pool hall at Gurley, twelve
miles north of here, and a great many
complaints have been made by the
residents of the place about the man
ner in which the place is conducted.
Injured Man Improves.
Aurora, Neb., March 26. (Special.)
Charles Eckcrson, who was seri
ously injured Saturday evening, in an
automobile accident, is improving.
One leg was broken and several ribs
were fractured.
WILLIAM E. HOTT, general pas
senger agent for the Missouri Pacific,
Is dead after an illness or a couple
of weeks. He had been with the Mis
souri Pncifle continuously since 18S7,
and had visited in Oniaha a number
of times. He was company agent In
New York for moFfe than twenty years.
of John P. Cleveland, died At the age
of 83 nt 2103 Spencer street. Funerul
services-will be held Wednesday after
noon, with services at the home at
2:30 o'clock, and burial at Forest
Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Cleveland was
a charter member of the First Pres
byterian church and was born at
Zanesville, O., December 22, 1833.
She came to Omaha in 1869. Her
husband died In 18S7. The surviving
children are: Grant, Thomas B. and
John F. Cleveland, Mrs. Sarah Burch
more, Mrs. C. H. Peterson, Mrs. John
M. Newell and Miss Sophie Cleve
land and Mrs. M. H. Rupert of Kan
sas City.
One Minute Store Talk
"Is this great store fully ap
preciated?" asked an observ
ing customer recently.
For an answer, ask any one of
the thousands of customers who
trade here. Look at the unpre
cedented growth of every de
partment. Note the quality of
the merchandise and all new
selections, five to fifteen times
larger than elsewhere.
Our clothing business.for in
stance the largest between
Chicago and San Francisco.
But see it all for yourself any
day. We're here to win your
John B. Stetson's
Crofut & Knapp
De Luxe
Nebraska Special
Value Leaders at
$2 to $10
Omaha's Finest Showing
of Quality Clothes
'T") EADY for Easter as never before, placing at
r( your command the most complete and diversi-
l m 1 i j-ii 1 1 i j - l.
men lanorea uoines jreaay ior service; inai
the city has ever known.
All That's New For Young Men
and Men Young in Spirit
Refreshingly new Spring Suits, belt backs, full
belted, half bait, detachable belt, soft roll tacks,
lounge suits, business suits, 2, 3, 4-button, tint la or
double models, half, quarter or full lined. Pach,
iant or welt pockets. Every conceivable new shade
greens, blues, browns, greys, fancy mixtures,
plaids, checks stripes. No end to the range for
choice all sites S20. $25. 830.
Man's ana Younc Men's Clothtaf S.cond Floor.
XS ibnr
Masterpieces of finest tailoring art, ready for service, $35 and 840
em I next HAM. n
There Was Nothing So Good for
. Congestion and Colds
as Mustard
But the old-fashioned mustard-plaster
turned and blistered while it acted. You
can now get the relief and help that
mustard plasters gave, without the plas
ter and without the blister.
Musterole does it. It Is a clean,
white ointment, made with oil oi
mustard. It is scientifically prepared,
so that it wofTcs wonders, and yet
does not blister the tendcrest skin.
Just massage Musterole in with the
finger tips gently. See how quickly
it brings relief how; speedily the
pain disappears.
Use Musterole for sore throat, bron
chitis, tonsilitis( croup, stiff neck,
asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges
tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lunjbago,
pains and aches of back or joints,
sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil
blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest
(it often prevents pneumonia).
Don't Rub It On
Bruises or Sore Muscles
Sloan's Liniment quickly pene
trates and soothes -without
nibbing. Cleaner than mussy
piasters or ointments, does not
stain the skin.
Have a bottle handy for emergency,
rheumatic aches end psins, neuralgia, lum
bago, gout, itrsim, sprains and lame back,
yield to Sloan's Liniment.
At all druggists, 25c. 50c. and $1.00.
R ul.r Rhea 2k, Me, Si. St DrutjLU.
Dan Cupid Beats Irate
Papa by a Few Seconds
Hebron, Neb., March 26 (Spe
cial.) Dan Cupid proved himself to
he just two jumps ahead of an irate
papa here yesterday.
Vernal Lee Anderson. 21, of Ry
tlall, Kan., and Miss Edith Elizabeth
Kenaston, 18, of College View, Neb.,
drove hurriedly up to the local court
house and asked ior a marriage li
cense without a second's delay. The
license was duly issued and the young
couple had each answered the wcll
.known questions, uniting them for
life, when the court room was dis
turbed by the noisy ringing of a tele
phone bell.
"That marriage must be stopped
instantly," said an angry voice over
the phone. "You're too late," replied
County Judge Harrison. "For once
Dan Cupid out distanced you by just
a few minutes."
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson departed
for home, ready to face paternal an
ger together husband and wife.
Holt Senator Hears
From People at Home
O'Neill, Neb., March 26. (Spe
cial.) Telegrams from all parts of
Holt county have been sent to Sena
tor Robertson requesting him to with
draw his amendments to the hone
dry bill and to support the bill as
passed by the house. A petition will
be oresented to the senator in Lin
coln by delegates from Holt county
on Tuesday before the senate acts on
the bill.
Notes From Harrison
And Sioux County
Harrison, Neb., March 26. (Spe
cial.) Andrew Christian, jr., reports
the birth of a double-headed calf on
his father's ranch, fifteen miles north
west of Harrison. The animal has
two heads, two months, four eyes
and two ears. The lower jaws are
deformed, but the rest of the body is
normal. It was horn on Thursday
of last week and was still living Sat
urday night. It is not able to drink
and Mr. Christian has to pour milk
down one of its mouths to keep it
In the Sioux county high school de
clamatory contest which was held
here Miss Mercy Davis won first
place in dramatic class, James Mur
phy in the oratorical and John Par
sons in the humorous. These three
will represent Sioux county in the
district contest lo be held at Chad
ron on April 18.
John Sherrill, one of the early set
tlers of this county, died Saturday
night. Mr. Sherrill wait one of the
few pioneers that are left who came
here in the carlv '80s.
Getting Johnnie1
Off to School and
husband off to business are
problems that tax the nerves'
and strength of the house
wife who runs her own
home. So easy and delight
ful if you know Shredded'
Wheat Biscuit, the ready
cooked, ready-to-eat whole
wheat food. Children like
its delicious, , crisp aroma
whin served with hot milk.
Child Dies of Appendicitis.
Syracuse, Neb., March 26. (Spe
cial.) Vera May Snowden, the 6-ycar-old
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. B.
Snowden, who died in a hospital in
Xebraska City, was buried in Park
Hill cemetery Saturday. She had been
sick with appendicitis and pneumonia
and the presence of both maladies
made an operation unsafe.
Made at Niagara Falls. N. V.
Bwedruttorg s great wot ou Ibe lllc after
death, 4 no pges, only is cents poll paid.
Piiior Liininterrcrt Windsor Plsat, St. Louis. Mo.
1'ersistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Ribbons for
Hat Trimming
Hand Pagt
I brandeis Stores I
Ribbon Bows
Little Tots
&STER Only 11 Shopping Days Away
Here Are Hints of Stylish Accessories
in complete assortment, the most beautiful Easter Apparel and .
With a wise discrimination we have chosen only those things
which possess the greatest amount of style and distinctiveness
and in many, many instances the displays we make are exclusive.
New and complete line of Perrin's Fine Im
ported Kid Gloves, at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and
Perrin's, and Adler's Washable Kid Gloves in
all the new shades Beige, Gold, Gray, Ivory,
and Newport.
- In the latest designs.
Beautiful trimminRs of Indian beaded bands
and motifs. Also a full line of tassels to match.
Buttons in the desired shades for spring suit
ings, value at 50c dozen, very special, at 15c a
The latest Japanese and Sports Buttons at
moderate prices.
Veils that accentuate the beauty of a charm
ing hat and at the same time protect the face
from sharp spring winds. Fifty dozen Sample
Drape Veils in fancy silk mesh, fancy meshes
with dainty woven borders and embroidered de
signs in all colors. Worth up to $1.00, specially
priced, at 59c.
Wash Silk Chiffon Veiling with fancy border,
36 inches wide, in all colors. Specially priced,
at 59c.
Kayser's fine Lisle' Vests with hand-crocheted
yokes, in solid pinks and whites, all sizes, at
59c each.
Women's fine quality Silk-Top Union Suits
with lisle body, in pink and white; regular and
extra sizes; very special, ior si.uu
a suit.
We have just what you are
looking for in all the new spring
The Hose come in fancy plaids
and stripes, at $1.19.
Pure Thread Silk and Fiber
Hose, very becoming; also black
and white stripes, and in all the
wanted colors, at, only, 59c.
Fiber Silk Hose in the Shoe and
evening shades, seconds, at 39c.
THE REAL NOVELTIES this season, in the
colors made famous by the old Paisley Shawls,
in fine leathers; very attractive shapes
$1.00 to $15.00
Filet Laces, the most popular trimming for
blouses and collars; white and "real" shades;
filet and St. Gall combination patterns
15c, 25c and 39c yard
Filet and Venise Lace Edges and Insertions,
white and cream, medium and narrow widths,
worth 16c
At 10c a yard
The new and beautiful Shoe Store is the most
commodious and complete department in this
Middle West country. Our display Includes the
very best of all Shoes, from the moderate priced
to the most exclusive novelty.
At $6.90 a pair, we are showing seven espec
ially fascinating styles of Footwear, all eight
inches high, widths AA to D and sizes 2 to 7.
The fairest Easter Display we have ever made
and Fashion has helped us immensely, for she
nas aispiayea a nunnrea aitierent
modes this season.
Very attractive group of Col
ored Georgette Collars,, in gold,
chartreuse, rose and Alice
98c and upward
Neat and dainty Embroidered
Georgette, trimmed in Venise and
Filet effects
50c and upward
Vestees, with very pretty col
lars, in white and colored Geor
gette $1.50 and upward
Sports Ties, in all colors
29c each
Notions and Sewing Needs at Savings
For Pre-Easter Home Sewing Time
THERE ARE GOOD economies for
offerings gives everyone an opportunity
One big lot of Dressing Combs, each, at. . . .7c
O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, white and ecru,
a ball 7?,
Shell Hair Pins, 6 in box, per box 3)ic
Inside Skirt Belting, white only, a yard 3e
Sanitary Aprons, worth 39c, at, only 9e
J. & P. Coats' Thread, black, and white, a
spool 4c
Kleinert's Rubber Sheeting, 1 yard wide, at. ,39c
Fast-colored Darning Cotton, 3 spools for. . . .5e
Ocean Pearl Buttons, worth to 10c, card. . . .2c
Men's and Ladies' Collar Bands, all sizes,
each 2Hc
Real Human Hair Nets, all shads, 10c, 3 for 25c
12-yard bolts of Rick-Rack, all imported,
per bolt 18c
American Maid and Betsy Ross Crochet Cot
ton, per ball. . .' '. ,8e
everyone in this sale and the variety of the
to obtain just what they most require.
Wavy Wire Collar Stays, rust proof, card. . . . le
One big lot of Edgings, Rick-Racks, Tapes
and Finishing Braids, worth up to 15c
bolt, each, at 7 He
Novelty Braid, turtle style, per bolt. . ... . .24e
Best cloth-covered "Simplex" Curlers, pkg., T)i
Wire Coat and Trousers Hangers, each, at. .10c
Black, and white Extra Heavy Combs, each. .19c
Washable Dress Shields, a pair. . .9c
Electric Hair Curlers, per card., 9c
Babies' Rubber Pants, worth to
35c, each, at 19c
Children's Skeleton Waists and.
Garters, sizes 2 to 14 years,
35c value, at, pair 19c
Ladies' sew-on Hose Supporters,
at, pair 9e
Dress Forms at Lowest Prices
Our best four-section "Better Way" Dress
Forms, each form has arm pieces and extra long
hips. These forms have wire skirts and can be
adjusted to any length. These are all adjustable
Dress Forms. Sizes are A-32 bust, when closed,
and can be adjusted to any size up to 48-
size B-35 to 62 bust. These are our regular
$10.00 forms. On sale at a special (JM QQ
price, for y'ttVO
"Better Way" 12-section Dress
Forms, can be adjusted at shoulders,
neck, bust, waist, hips, and to any
height; also a Wire skirt and arm
pieces to show the exact setting of
sleeves. These are our regular $15.00
forms. On sale, Monday, QQ
for only tpOiJO
t . Main Floor