10 HE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 27, 1917. rl i l i. V I LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kindt Cattle Slow to Ten Lower Sheep Show Very little Change. HOOS SELL ABOUT STEAD? Omaha, March it, 117. Cat (I. hoKi. Sheep .no 7,00 17,tt"0 90S l.fi& .r4 7.S1K 1,494 i:.,723 fi.SOR f.,ft Ml 7,14 Mfl 14,112 T.4&0 7.176 ...nfU Reetpt were: Ba limit Monday Bam day laat wecl. .. Ham day X vka ago. San day S wka. a ;o. 8am day 4 wki. age., Sara day laat year... Receipt and disposition of Ike stork it the Union Stock yards for twenty-four houra edlng- it I p, m. yesterday: RECEIPTS- CARS. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H'r'e. r., m. a st. p a i Wabash ( Missouri Pacific. ..... 1 Union Parlle U 21 &C 0. X. W, eaat 44 , 3 C, N. XT', went 0 3i t. St. P. 0 29 I C B. Q, east.,,.. S C B. Q'. wet 79 34 18 C, R. I. 4 P.. aaat.... 7 .. Illinois Central ...... & ... Chicago, Gt. Western. 1 yoarltnft, fair to tocd. UlEf t.tfl; wether, filr lo choir, 9lo.80fl2.3i; ewe, good to choice. 9U. 40912. 09; ewes, fair to food, tIO.O0tfll.4O; iwti, plain to culla, 17. 9099.60. RepresentatrV sales: No. 324 Mexican IsmHs , 201 Mexican lambs 274 Mexican lam be 141 fed iamb Pr. I B 00 16 00 16 00 14 0 Total receipt! 370 101l 7 DISPOSITION HEAU, C ttl. Hon. Jl orris f'o. Swift Co Cudafcy Pk,. Co.. .. Armour at Co. . ..... Hermans A Co..... J. w. Murphy Jlorr.ll Lincoln Pkr. Co...:. Swift. Denver Wilton Pks Co.... Hennlna-r k Oliver W. H. Vanaant Co. Benton, Van. 4fc JUnta Hill Son r. B. Lewis J. B. Root ft Co.... J.M. Bono... h: f Huh......... Roseiistork Bros. ... F.CI. KellOff. Werlhlmer Ellis CO. tigllf van Broe. . . . Rolkachlt, JCreb. Mo. Kan. Calf Co. Chrtelt. Hluln. ., Huffman ,,,'..',,...' Bolh . Olassbsrt , Baker Banner Bros.- John Harvey i lltnnls 4s Fr.nels.., Jensen ft Lunar.... ODay Other buyam .... 1,040 1,111 l."8C "li 1 ,n "ii ' so 171 , 54 j" m 410 ' 71 10 J) ' 921 lit . 410 210 . 4 II 'Jli 11 9 ) 10 ". ,'. s , 2 - Ill 474 ' 103 111 I III l.Olt , . 1,111 1.0(4 1.414 7I 1,440 Sheep. 2 167 . HMD 2ll - 1.021 1,104 ; Total. 1,029 1,101 1,111 11 140 Cattl. Rseelpt, wero libera), belns tha laraeet 'for a Monday for several weuka Oak and. larger than a year agd by 1,000 lead. Ainumber of trains were late n ar rlvlne and, as rtber markrt points were all Heavily loaded and Importing mors or less it a decline, the trade hers was slow to . around lOe lower. It 'was lata In the dsy eeforo anything Ilka a rlearanoe was made. One reason for the Aullneen Is to be found:. In' the quality of the receipts, there being ' a long etrlng of eommon trashy norlhara nttle Included In the reoelpta. Quotations on cattloi Good tooholco laevea, III. Mtll. 40; fair to goo,' beeves, 110.700 11.00; eommon to fair beeves. M.2C10.00; good t. ehotco helfera, fl.00O10.00; good to choice oowa, 91.710)1.71; fair to good cows, $l.00.7ft; oammon to Ir uova, 10.009 7.101 prlmo feeding ateers, II.IOtrlO.16; good to obolea feeders, f 1.7601.60; fair to good feedera, 11.0001,76; common to fair feed era, I6.76t)l.00' good to ohfllre stockers, IK9l.lt: stock heifers, t7.liOr.00; stock cows, lo.ooeo.oo: stock calves, Ii.oo0io.oot real calves, H-OOf U.Oftf beef bulls, stags, ate., 11.0001.601 bologna bulla, fl.OO0(.U. RepreaeBtatlvo sales;. - i : Mar CTawaa ' Vo. "- At. l. io:... it.,.., t...., ,.. II,..., t: Pr. 700 90 10 , ooi i oo ... III. i so ... ou I il . ...1041 10 16 ...1001 10 76 ...1011 11 00 No., I... 11... ,11... 14... 1... II., to., - At. Pr, . 600 97 00 . 107 I 11 . 770 I 70 .1001 I 71 .1110 1 10 .1010 10 to .1111 11 II CHICAGO LIV 8TOCK MARKET. Cattle Unsettled. Hogs Meady and Sheep Are strong. Chlcesjo. III.. March 2. Cottle Flecelpts. 10.000 hind; market unsettled; netlve beef cattle. 19.160 12.06; stockers and feeders, 17. 0009. SS; cowe and hellers, 1.60010.60; calvea. UUOff 1.1.00. Hoes Receipts. 60.000 heed; market steady at Baturday's a.erage; bulk, 114.10 016.10; light, 114.16016.00; mixed. 114.60 916.16; heavy. 114 .46016.16; rough, 114.46 014.60; pits, 110.60014.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 20,000 head; market strong; wethers, 111.16011.76; ewes. 11.00013.40; lambs, 112.76016.40. St. Louis Live Stock Market. St. Louis, March 20. Cattle Recetpfa, 4.600 head; market lower; native beef eteera. 17.60012.00; yearling steers and. heifers, IH.60M1.76; cows, 16.36010.00; storkers and feeders. 10.00 0 10.00; prime southern beef steers. IS. 00010.00; beef cows snd heifers. 14.2600.00; prime yearling steers snd heifers, 17.600 10.00; native calves, 16.000 14.60. Hosa Receipts. 16.300 heed; market steady; lights, 914.(6014.16; pigs,' 11.000 13.60; mixed and butchers, I14.6O0I6.1A; good hesvy, 916.00016.10; bulk of sales, 914.40A16.06. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,400 hesd market steady; lambs, 111.00016.40; ewes, 11.60012.36; . yearlings, 9II.r014.I6. ' Sloul City Llv. Stock Market. Slou City, Ia Warrh !. Csttlo Ke- celpte, 1,000 heart; market 10016c low, beef gteers, 90.00010.60; butchers. Ii.600 13.60; fat eows and heifers, 17.600 10.60; cajiners, li.60 0 10.60; - stockers and reed ers, 97.6001.60; calves. 91.6001.60; bull. stags, etc., 97.6901.60; feeding cows and neuors. ib.so. Hon Receipts, 9,000 hesd; msrket steady; light, 914.36014.60; mixed, 914.600 14.16; heavy, 9I4.O6014.il; pita, 110.600 13.00; hulk of sales, 914.60014.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, . 100 hesd; market steady; ' yearlings, 112.00013.26 wsthers, 10.60013.60; awes, 910.I0OU.60, lambs, 919.00 0 14.10. . HEW YORK STOCKS Offerings Are Often in Excess of Demand During the Day. PRESSURE AT THE CLOSE : Kan City Lire Sleek Market. Kanaa City Mo., Man-h 24. Cattle Rv celpu 16.000 head; market, steady: prime fed tier. Sll.7eolK6fl: dreaeed ner ateers, $9.60011. 60; wmtrn ateera, 19.00- 12.00; cowe, .oo,lo,lt); Hellers, ifl.ootp 11 26; tockera and ffedera. 17.75010.60 bulla, 7.0U10.00; calvea, lt.00(ti:.BO. Hosa Reuelpta, 12 000 ' head; market, ateady; bulk, 14.S0$14.90; heavy, 9I4.909 6.06; packvrs and ttutckora, iM,6UOlb.t.; llltht. I14 00OH.65; l.lfn, 110.00 12.00. Sheep and lAmpe Kecetpta, T,2Q nean; market, ateady; lam be, til. 604916.00; year linn, 0013. 76; wethers, Ml. 60(912.80; ewea, 410.60O12.2S. 1 ' IJve Stock In Slvhl. Receipt! of live stock at the five principal western markets; , . Cattle, Omaha ............. 9,400 Stoux City 1,000 Knnaaa City. IS, 000 St, l-ouli....fc 4,1100 Chicago 19,000 Hone. Sheep. 1,0 17,000 6,000 100 12,000 7.200 IS 300 1.400 EfrOOO 20,000 Totals , .49,400 90,900 46,700 .. 119 .. 996 ,.1114 ..140 ,1379 .1919 T 26 I 21 I 96 36 I 60 I 00 HEIFERS, 1. ....... 140 TOO 1........ 960 100 2 010 76 1 1090 10 10 ,.w.,, . sows." 1.,....., TOO I 7fl 4. 10...,.,.. 985 00 ' 7. . a... .....ma i to i. ,,rtt..,U9 1. , 1. 9... 1991 99 v" x BULLS. ' L. ...... T40 I 71 . . 1........U40 III 1. I ..,1160 t 00 ' 1 ..1399 CALVM. . Is....... 120 f 00 . 1...;..., S30 T 60 ......... 101 t (9 30 419 10 00 , . STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 14.. ...... 691 I 7 II. M H I 6 Hoc Thar waa juat a normal Mon day aupply of hoars here, thoufh arrUala of 101 care at about 7,900 head war nearly four tlmea a Ursa ai t weak a to. Offer ings vera nearly 1,000 ameller than' two weeks ato, and a few hundred short of ine rem pond ins Monday laat year. Receipts at Chteaca overran estimates. and lower prices wera predicted there, but under the Influence of rather moderate, cuprites tne local trade wae mostly steady, Shipper demand was neither as broad nor aa ursent as at the close of laat -week, and the boa; order buyers bought showed an easier tendency, being no more than teady t la qultr a few Instances 6c lwr. . l ';.. ' Packers atao got some hogs that looked weak to a nlckol lower, particularly on early rounds, but theae sales were scatter ing, and, when bulk of the offerings was tvauhad It was at prleei that wera about M;tidy with laat week's close. Movement ws never very active, and as waa tha case Saturday tha laat rounds M'ere dreggy, D aJrable hoga wr praottcally all uleand up. and .ackera were not making much of an attempt to boy the few bunches of common light and highly mixed hogs that wtf sttll in first bands. The general Quality was ndt nearly as - good as It was Saturday, lack of the real good heavy hogs which -wtrr fairly plenti ful the closing days of Inst week, being especially iiotloeable. On thie account oin packer droves figured aa much as a drine lower on paper, but quality considered the teneral market was not chuna-pd to auy quotable extent. A epread of I14.60014.I6 . caught tha bulk of the sates. There waa ri'jtte a scattering below this, aad abovn 114.70 aals wore mighty svarue, though the extreme top equaled tha record of 114.40 inad teat week. . Representative sates.. N'O. Ar. Sh. Pr. , No. A v. St.. Pr. , 99. .170 110 14 -1 09. .171 e It 45 .' JS..104 ... 14 40v TI..2S0 120 14 9l .4..19& 100 14 90 74,.:. 4 14 03 : 74. .234 ... 14 !0 4S..S86 "...14 90 . PIOIJ, !4,.U1 ... IS SI 41. .It. 0 It 10 SheepWTotal receipts of sheep ahd Jaml were the largest for any on day tn eetr oral weeks, arrivals counting out auveniy one cars or about 17,000 head. These flg nree.were misleading as to actual offerings thongh, for some twenty-five loads were 'jf heart ng and feeding lamb ivhlch were ;rlng tbrourh, and two or three cars Verc llrecet to packers. The total run wis fmir times aa heavy aa a week ago. more than 1.00 larger than two week ago, and twice is large a a year ago. Deducting the lam be that were Dither con. -.arnod direct or going through actual of. . .'.ring were still ahov forty cars, a fair tatidey run, and following, the tone of arir Ctrteago wlree packers made their opening bid at lower prices. 'There was - fatrly firm undertone to the market, chough, and before they were able to buy much of anything buyers had to raise Ihetr offers to a good steady basis. The general market, while unevon, waa a hjy steady affair, flight at the opening a 'ew lembe sold that might have been ae irr.'but before the close sales Were made that wen?, if anything, stronger. Bulk of th offerings moved upwards from 114.40, tvhll 21 i.O&O LM0 was paid for best We it cans, the latter price being given by paek-e-rt for the first 41 me here. Th Uinli that brought theae latter price were of light and handy weight snd at rift I y good being more desirable than anything kere lb latter halt of last week. , Only a couple of bunch f Sheep were on sale. A two-car bunch of Navajo ewe that sold-t 111,99, a new record, waa th , principal off art ng tn the mature class. The market, waa quoted steady. ' The week opened with a lively demand for feeding and shearing lamb and a supply Uiat was none too larg was cleaned up In good season at steady figure. Moat of the offerings sold around 914.16(914.46, Y Quotation on aheep and lamb; lamb, light and handy-. H..oH.o( limbs, heavy, 14.09ff 14.0 Ismb. uilppnf, 911.69 K.4: lambs. ahearlng, 114.9014.00: erllnga, good, to oaoic. 91X.&VOU60; St. Joseph I.lv Stork Market. Mt Jnnutili. Marrh M..r.mill Knrelnti. Is 00 head; market steady to Ific lower; steers, 9.600 12.0(1;' cow and heifers, 15.60 JJill.OO; calves, 9T.0Og 14.16. nop nncpipiav- ,uud nean; marnm iteady to loo lower; top, (15.00; bulk of ales, II4.40O14.95. Hheep and Lamb ttecelpls, 12,000 head; market steady to l&o lower; lambs, 91 4.00 (p 14.60; ewes. 111. 00012.00. 'coffee Market. . t New Tork, March 29. -There wa a re newal ef liquidation In th market for cof fee futures today and prices mad new low ground for the movement, setting about 26 to 40 point he low th high level of last week. The market opened unchanged to t point lower, under selling which seemed to come partly from houses with cotton trade connections, while scattering Wall street llquldatlm may have been prompted by a less favorable view of political news from Russia, very little support waa in evi dence and after selling at 7,7 (c, July eased off tQ 7.710. while Perember declined frotiw .Olo t g.09c. Closing price ware th lowest of th day, showing a net loss of I to T point. Sal, 14,600 bag. March, 7.42c; April, 114c; May, 7.6ln; June, 7.62n; July, 7.70c; August, 7.77c; September, 7.92c; October, 7.99a; November, 7.o; iecember, I.Ooc;. January. 1.06c; February, 1.12c, Spot, qutet. Rid 7. ivi Santo 4j ,100, Sera of th offer reported In the cost and freight market were said to be a shade lower, with other about unchanged. Santo 9 and 4 were offered at 94 o and 4a at 9,40c, London credit.- One of the cotton trad houses, Interested also In coffee, re ceived a' cable from Havre reporting a higher market there,., wing to th total prohibition of Imports, " ' . Th official cable reported a" (TeeUns of 160 rel at Rio,, with Santo j spot changed, and future unchanged! to 26 rel lower. Santo reported a cleafeinc of 94, 900 bags for New Orlean. ' , New Tork, Marrh 2. Offer In gn were most often In excea of demand during to day broad trading In the stock markei the net result being a number of materia declines. For some reason the sperulativi element seemed leas ODtlmlstlc regarding tn effect of war preparations and sold freely throughout the session. Pressure wa at It height In the final hour, the liquidation of that period neini .concurrent with western advices inaicaun serious crop deterioration and a drop In Russian exchange accompanied by rumors ot a Teatonio driv on tn eastern wi front. War and eml-wr hares registered e tremo declines of 4 to 6 points, with proml nent Industrials, metals, motors, oi Inf. ship plnga and rarfl. Th leu specific special. tlea, with few exreptiona, fell away in sym pathy. Unit en Ptatea Hieer. wnian asmi chanced hands In many large Individ hlnrlta. fhi etna ted between 114 and 114U cloning at the minimum, a net reversal' of 1 points. Bethlehem SMeel new stock ateo closed at It lowest quotations or uaft, Iom of 4V4 nolnts. ; Shippings were Irregular when not heavy, marines making cross dec Ine oi 2 points, with 2t to 4 points for Atlantic flulf and west Indies. United Fruit ana r clfto Mall. Central Leather, International Harvester and Industrial Alcohol were in eluded among the other backward Indus trials. Transcontinental and granger were heaviest of the rails, Canadian Pacific fall In 4. to 141V. with an averase of points' for fnlon Pacific, Southern Paclfity and St. Paul, whlls coalers yieiaea l u do nt. Isolated strength In several utilities and specialties waa attributed to pool activities, Ohio Oas featuring the few strongest stocks at an extreme advance of l point to 134. Total sales amounted to 860,000 shares. Bonds were Inclined to Increase on mod. erate demand Snles. par value, 92.610.000, United States bonds were unchanged on call, Number of aates and quotations on lead- in a atocks were. nans. nign. ww. tnose. 7,000 96 92 92H MOO 41 4 47H .47 7,300 714 MY 6t 11.200 74 714 71 1,400 106 104 1044i 700 112V 1H ' 700 127 127 14 127 - 2,00 37 96 25 12,700 95 93 8 2.I0Q 0B 1(M 104 40,200 62 69 68 2,200 82 80 79 609 99 69 1,100 46 46 46 400 34 28 22 1,200 166 161 161 17, mo 95 91 91 8,00 2 60 90 86 82 83 . 900 119 117 117 A - 3 4, en 6,700 Am, Meet Bugar... Am, Can Am. Car A F'ndry. Am. Loco Am. Smelt. ; Ref. Am, Sugar Ref. . . , Am. Tel. A Teh.,, Am. 2., L. A ... Anaconda Copper,, Atchison ......... Tin. Id win Loco Its It! more ft Ohio. Brook. Rap. Tran.. H. A S. Copper.... Cal. Petroleum. , . . Canadian Pacific. Central Leather.., C. -o ; C, M. A St. P...... C. A N. W , C, R. 1. ft P, Ry.. Chlno Copper Colorado F. ft I. , . Corn Products Ref. 11,000 Crucible Steel .... 12,400 Distiller' Sec 600 Kri 14.600 Oeneral Klectrlc... OL No. pfd at. No. ore, ctf.. Illinois Central, V.,. Int. Consol, Corp.. In qp I ration .Copper. Int. Harvester. ... I. M. M. pfd. ctf.. K. C, Southern.... Kennemtt Copper. T ft N, , . Mexican Petroleum Miami Cooper M K. ft T. pfd,,. Mo. Pao new Montana Power... National Lead Nevada. Copper. ... New xorK central, N, T., N. H. A H.. Norfolk A Western Northern Pacific,. Pacific Mall ....... Pennsylvania .'... Ray Consol, Cop.. Reading Hop. Iron ft Steel., Shattibk Aril. Cop. Southern Pacific. 59 63 2 72 21 81 200 166 67 51 34 97 20 29 I6S 67 61 24 68 20 39 165 1,200 116 114 114 1,7110 3ft 34 Vi 34. 'A 300 106 104 104 709 13 13 13 V 9,000 01 47,200 ia l',600 47 6, 200 93 2,000 41 62 34 1,800 . 700 2,(00 100 1,100 46 1.000 138 no ,60 107 206 1,300 1,800 64 16,100 30 81,700 101 7,100 64 1 400 29 , (UOft 9S 60 60 . , JIB 99 89 49 46 .... 128 90 90 41 41 .'.. 46 .... 30 .... 100 61 61 24 24 97 .91 ee 127 105 22 . 54 29 38 JS 23 54 29 IS 82 28 96 -29 Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New York, March 86. Evaporated Apple Firm; fancy nominal new crop, cholc, 9c prime. 9c. Dried Fruit Prunes, firm; California, 0 10 o ;' " Oregon, 8 At 1 0 of Apricots? steady; extra choice. nc; fancy, zoo. Peaches, ateady; choice, 8o; extra choice, 9u; fancy, 9c. Raisins, quiet; loose muscatel, nominal; choice to fancy seeded, 909o: ndlss, 10911c; London layers, nominal. 1 OU and Hosla. . Savannah, Oa March 26, Tur pen tine Firm, 44c; sale, 41 bbls,; ship men t. 398; Htock. 9.8C9. Rsln Firm; receipt , 14 bb!s.i ihlpment. 1,031; toch, 70.228. Quote: A. fl. C, D. K. I. ,46: F. O, IT, I, 16.95; K. 14. IS. 65; N, Wa, 96.70; WW, 96.76. , . 5 Pry Ooods Market. New Tork, March 94. Cotton good were very firm today. Gray good were active and yarn firm. There wa a good demand for dress good, dealer buying for iprlitg and fall.f Raw atlk wa iteady. Indo Storks and Uond. London, March 26. -American securities were neglected on the stock exchange tatlay. pnver oar, io per ounce Money 8 per cent Discount Rate short bill and tbre month. 4 per cent. Southern Railway. 12,200 .30 MUfleoaker Oo,... TOO 103 108U 162i Texas Company... 200 2.? 229 224 Union Pacific 11,100 149 140 140 U. S. Ind. Alcohol, i.800 lT is. i.;aai u. o. oieei iss.iuw uti 114 114 V. S. 8tel pfd..., 1,000 118 118 111 Utah Copper 10,500 lt 110 111 Western Union.,,. 00 9T 96 99 Westing. Electric. 4,600 61 61 61 Wabash pfd, "B". . 2,400 3 24 16 Total sale for tft day, 940,900 ihare. ' Nr YotK Money Market. New Tork, March, 2. Meroanta Paper 40 4(4 per cent. - , Sterling Exchange 60-day Mils, 94.71; commercial 40-day bill on bank. 94.71; commercial 40-day bill, 94.70; demand, 14.76 9-14; cables. 94.11 T-16; Franc, de mand, 96,14; cables, 96.91; mark, de mand, 99c; cable, 49 o; kronen, demand, 4.11. SI; cable, 911. IT; guilder, demand. 40o; cable. 40 18c; ltres. demaml, 1-77; cables, T.7flj- ruble, demand, 9.4. 60; ca ble, 928.50. Sllvr Bar, 71oj MenWaa dollar. 66& ' Bonds Government steady; railroad easy. Time Loan Steady; 90 and 90 days, 8 03 Pr cent; sis months, I04 per cent Call Money Steady;, high, 1 per cent; low, 2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent last loan, 2 per cent) closing bid, t pr ecgt; offered at 2 per cent. U, 8. 2s, reg... 99 M-, K. A T, 1st 4 744 do coupon.... 99 M. P. con. 6s. .103 U. 8. Js, reg..,.100Mont. Power 5s. 99 do couDon.,...lu0fe"N. T. c. aen. vs. lie U, S. 4s. reg. ...101 N. T. C. 4s.,107 do coupon...,. 109 New Hav. c 6s. 101 A T, AT. c, 4106No. Pao. 4a 98 Anglo-French 6 92 do 3a 96 Atch. gen. .., 4au. b, ret. ts B. ft O. 4s 92 Pao, T, ft T. 6s.. 100 Tieth. St. ref. 5s. 100 fenn. con, 4a.l05 Central Pac, 1st. 90 do 4s ll C. A O. o. 4. .16-19 Reading gen. 4s. 94 B. AO. jt, 4a. 97 So. Fac, cv. .-,.10U C..M.ftHt.P.C 6.104 do ref. 4..., 91 C, H.I. P. 4.. 76 So. Ry. 6s J01 " CAS. ref. 4s. 44 Union Pacific 4. 97 v. n. u. c 4. soa oo cv. m Krle gn, 4 66 U, 8. Rubber 6s,102 Detieral Ulec. 6. 106 U. S. Steel 6s. ..106 Ot. No. let 4. 99 W. Union !'.. 96 "l, u. ret 4.... s ,wn, oi (j., is.!. I k. C So, ref. 6a W 'Bi4 L. A N. un. 4a', . 94 , Bank Clearing. Omaha, March -36. Bank clearlnta for Omaha today were 96,175.617.12 and for the corresponding day last year, 93,6.3,031.01, CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheat and Cora Make New High oa Extemlv Early Buying. Chicago, March 29. Snow In Kansas and Nebraska offset to lomt extent alarming crop reports today wh.cn bad caused a sharp advance In prices. The market closed weak at 11.10 to 91. 90 for May and 11.53 to 91.63 for July, with th range1 a a whole c off to lo up compared with Saturday's finish. Latest trading left corn at o decline to advance, oat down o to o and provision unchanged to 9c lower. Crop advice, that were . classed aa th worst yet thl season, led to a . rush of buying In the wheat pit at tha atari, and carried July and September to a new high price level. Damage In the winter belt waa represented a so sever that forecast were circulated Indicating that th government report In April, would put th crop condi tion at one of the lowest stages In many years, with Kansas and Nebraska per centages under 70. Announcements that a famine was threatened In Argentina tended further to Increase bullish sentiment and so, too, did active military measure by the United States, aucb aa the calling out of llltl and tbe atep to increase naval enlistment on a. large scale. Despite neavy profit tahlns on the cart of holder, th wheat bull retained con trol of the market until the last hour, al-; though a the session approached an end considerable ekeptlclsm appeared to be de-1 veloplng as to whether th crop Injory reports had not been wildly exaggerated. word of light snowfall in western Kansas snd Nebraska proved sufficient at this Juncture to Increase selling pressure and to turn quotation at th finish sharply down grade. The tact was evident that the rap idity of th advance sine Thursday nan weakened th technical position of th bulls and had mad at least a temporary aet bark almost Inevitable. Corn weakened with wheat. Earlier, how ever, th market had risen to new top llvel. On the advance heavy profit taking by bull leader formed th order of the day. Oats followed other cereals. A featur wa the sal of 100,000 bushels for Immediate shipment to New Orleans. Some slowing down In th demand for hog made provision a little easier, i rom was neglected altogether, at times. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, 92.04; No. 3 red and No. 2 hard, nominal: No. 2 hard. 92.01, Corn: No. S yellow, 91.19 01-1; No. I yellow, 91.1701-1; No. 4 yellow, 9M9OM.- Oats: No. 2 whit, 3065c; standard, C3066r. Rye: No. 2 and 3. nominal; NO. 4, 91-6601-68. Barley, 91.0CO1.45. Seed: Timothy, 93.7605.76; clover, HJ.OOOHM. Provisions: Pnrk. 931 .66: lard, nominal: rib, 917.47019.17. Butter FlMn; creamery. 33040c. i Eggs Higher; receipts, 8,8 Iff ca'sei; firsts, 3702lo; ordinary firsts. 20CT; at mark, case Included, 26028c. Potatoes Higher; receipts, 48 car; Wis consin and Michigan, 92.80O2.46; Idaho, Colorado, Oregon and Washington white I2.80O2.60. ' Poultry Alive higher; fowl. 22c; springs, 33c. . St. Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, March 26. Wheat No. S red, 92.1203.14; No. 2 hard, 92.06O2 16; May, 91.91; July, 91.90OL10. Corn No. 9, 91.1801-19; No. I white, 9119Ol-20; May, 9114; July, 91-14. Oats No. 2, 94o; No. 2 whit, nominal. " NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Features at the Day; oa Various Leading Commodities, - New Tork, March 94. Flour Firmer; spring patents, 99.80016-06; winter patents, 19. 4509.70; winter straight 99.05tjH.3Q; Kansas straight, 99.80010.006'. Wheat Spot, Irregular; No. 2 hard, 92.19; No. l northern. Duluth. 92.31; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, 92.27 f. o. b. New Tork. Corn Spot, steady; No, I yellow, 91.30 o, l i. jvew lorg. Oats Spot, 'eady; standard, 7c. Hay Firm; No. 1, nominal; No. 2. 9110 CI 15; No. 3, 91.09; shipping, 90c 0(1 .00. Hop Steady; state common to choice, 1016. 36042c; 1916, ?09c; Paciflo coast, 1916. 10O13c; 1915, 809c. Hide Steady; Bogota, 43044c; Centra) America. 43c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec ond. 66c, Provision Pork, firm; mess. 936.50: family, 938.00040-00; abort clears, 937.009 39.00. Beef, firm; mess, 925.00 0 26.00; fam ily, 937.0028.00. Lard, steady; middle west, 920 40020.50. Tallow, firmer; city, 15c. nominal; country, 12Ol3c; special, 13c. Butter Firm; receipt, 4,371 tub; creamery higher than extra. 4203c; creamery extra (92 ecore). 42c; first. 39041c; second, 25038c. Eggs Strong; receipts, 11,774 cases; freeh gathered extra first, 3030c; firsts. 29O30. Cheese Irregular; receipt, 2,429 boxes; state held special. 27027c; state average fancy; 3627. Poultry Live, unsettled; no price quoted Dresstd very firm; chicken. 18029c; fowl, I9024c; turkey. 18034c Cotton Market. New Tork. March 29. Cotton Tutor opened barely steady; May, 19.03c: July, 18.17c; October, 18.80c; December offered at ll.68o; January, 18.68c The cotton market closed barely steady at a net loss of 1 to 20 point. Cotton futures closed steady; June, 18.870 July, 1872o; October, 18.23o; December, 18.310 January, 16.40c; spot, quiet; mid dling, 19.20c. Liverpool, March S6. Cotton Spot, firm J good middling, 1268dr middling. 13,98d; low middling. I3.40d, lea, 6,000 bales. Sugar Market. New Tork, March 2 6. Sugar Raw, ftTmf centrifugal, 5.65c; molasses, 4.77c; refined, firm; cut loaf. 8.16e; crushed, 9.00c; mould A and cubes, 7.50o 'XXXX" powdered, 7.15c powdered, 7.10c; fine granulated, , 7.004$ 7.fl0c ; diamond. "A." 7.00c; confectioner A, 6.S0c; No. 1, 6.85c. Sugar, future opened , firm and active on buying from outdd source and trade Interests, prompted by the firmnes of the spot market. At noon price were 6 to 10 point net higher. Closed firm and 1 to I points higher. Sale. 67,000 tons; May, 4,83c; July, 4.90c; September, 4.94c, Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, March 26. What May, 91-86 01-86; July, 9L90. Cash: No. 1 hard. I3.042 05; No. 1 northern, tl.9401-98; No.' 2 northern, 9I.90O 1.98. Corn No. 3 yellow, 91.1601.17. Oats No. 3 white. 6196:c Flaxseed 12.8502.94. ' " Flour Unchanged. Barley 91.01O1.2I. Rye 91-6201-63. Bran 936.00O36.60. ' IU UJ6U.XDft OOUOIAS STRECTS : We Sell the Highest Quality and Save You From 23 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent on the cost of . Living. Buy for Cash. Then You Don't Have to Pay the Other: Fellow's Bad Debts. 48-lb. sack Best High Grade fMamond H Flour; nothing finer for bread, pies or eakei, per sack..,, 933USS 0 bar Diamond C Swift's Pride or Laun dry Queen White Laundry Soap... 20c C th. Beit White or Yellow Corn meal for lac T Ihs. Best Miicel. Chick Food, SSe 9 lb. Best Breakfast Oatmeal. .... .3 lb. Choir Japan Rlc, S5c Nebraska Macaroni or Spaghetti, per ' pkg., at TVb Skinner's Famous Macaroni. Vermicelli or Spaghetti, per pkg. ...,.,., .SVic S. C. Corn Flakes, per pkg.' , .6Vie Ifl-o, jar Pure Fruit Preserve ,,, .25c 38-oa. Jar Pure Strained Honey.... 30c Pure Comb Honey, Monday, special, per . ".. H ....Vic No. Hrf can Extra Standard Sweet Sugar ; Corn for . ....UVac S'.e 12VC ..lie , .10c ..10c ..10 Assorted Soups, per can...... Bulk Peanut Butter, lb 16-oa, can Condensed Milk... Breakfast Cocoa, par lb....,. Ripe Olives, per can Choke California Prunes, lb. . Choice California Cooking Figs, lb.. 16k Choir California ,Paehc, lb. ,,,,, .10c Imported Cleaned Currant. Ib..,.,. 23c "Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears, per lh., at ,, itc Lemon or Orang Peel, ll. . r! !!! ! . ,20c Imported Kerd Date, lb.;.,,, 20c j norma urac rig. i THPFBrSIrS,T,CTLY TntSH Ecos. The Best Creamerr' 'Butter', ' buik," per Fanry N. 1 Country' Creame'iV 'Aiiiler 1. .. ' muim o utter, IS, . . ,34e.Mc Full Cream, N. V. Whit.. WliSnVta Cream ., FuU Cream Brick Ch.e" per lb., at esrh . . ..4c . BUY YOttP rvejinu a't-V. 'i,'.".: raZl' ,r Y"1"' "o. SetsTr Pki".' "?' St. Br S" J" 80 ' " J)..',? 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