Neville Asks for $100,000 to Mobilize State Troops The Omaha Daily Bee All the store new in THE BEE "The great market place" THE WEATHER Warmer VOL. XLVI. NO. 241. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 27, 1917 TEN PAGES. On TrttM. tt MotiU. Newt fttMfe. IN., M. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ALLIES CONTINUE TO GAIN GROUND FRO (HERMANS French Troops Occupy Two Towns, Folembray and La FeuiUes, South of the Coney Forest. BRITISH TAKE VILLAGE Germans Sacrifice Many Men Sunday in Vain Effort to Re capture Lost Positions. FRANKS PASS FOLEMBRAY Pari, March 26. Though strongly opposed by the Germans, the French troops today occupied the towns of Folembray and La Feuilles, south of the Couey forest, says the official statement tonight Progress has been made by the French north of Sois- sons; near Vregny. British Take Village. London, March 26. This, 'morning the British attacked and captured the village of Lagnicour, according to the official report from British headquar ters in France tonight. North of Ba- paume-Cambrai road thirty prisoners and a machine gun were taken. Dur ing the afternoon the Germans de livered counter attacks from the east and northeast. These attacks, the statement savs: were reoulsed. Notwithstanding the bad weather and the difficult state of the ground, the French continued last night to advance south of the Oise. The War department t announces that patrols reached Folembray, south of the for est of Coucey. Germans Lose Heavily. The "Germans made heavy and use less sacrifices, the statement says, in several attacks yesterday on positions captured by the French between the Somme and the Oise. Wherever they approached a French position they were thrown back by Counter attacks. The statement follows: "Between the Somme and the Oise the Germans made' repeated attacks during the night on the front between Essigny . and Benay. All these at tempts were repylsed -nd rious losses inflicted fn the enemy. We maintained the .positions captured yesterday. f-rT A'SouilfoT the Oise on our advance Vrear'continued, notwithstanding the state of the ground and the bad weather. We pushed forward our patrols- beyond Folembray, south of the lower forest of Coucy. "North of Rheims our batteries caused the explosion of a munitions depot east of Du dodat farm. , "Five German airplanes were brought down yesterday. One of our aerial squadrons last night dropped 1,000 kilograms of projectiles on fac tories at Thionville and in the basin of the Bricy, and also on the railroad stations at Conflans and Montmedy." Postmaster Test Becomes Effective First of April Washington. March 26. President Wilson will issue, within' the next few days, an order requiring exam inations for candidates for nomina tions as first, second and third class postmasters to go into effect April 1. He conferred with Postmaster Gen eral Burleson today. Postmasters of these classes now are named without any sort of com petitive tests, usually upon the recom mendation of the member of congress in whose district the office is located. The recent announcement that the change was contemplated stirred up a row at the capitot, which will be re vived upon the return of congress next week. It is understood that the new plan has not been perfected. I'here has been no statement as to whether the Civil Service commission will conduct the. examinations. The Weather Fnr Nebraska Fair, somewhat warmer. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. i Hour. Dev. 6 a. m 34 6 a. m 7 a. mi I a. m. ...... t a. m. ...... I a. m II a. m 12 m 1 p. m. ...., t p. m , 1 p. m. ...... 4 p. m t p. m p. m ., 7 p. m I p. m. ComparatlTt Loral Record. mi im. mi. fllpheat yesttrday.... 44 48 II 64 Loweat yesterday. ... .' 84 31 - 18 31 Mean temperature. , SI 18 24 44 Precipitation M .00 .M .06 Temperature and preclpatioa departure! from the normal: ' - Normal temperature ......... 41 Deficiency (or the day 3 Total excess elnce March 1... 18 Normal precipitation 06 Inch - Rxccm for the day 00 inch Total rainfall ilnca March 1.... t. SB Inches Kxnesi aince March 1 .27 inch Deficiency for cor. period. 111. .7J inch Cxceaa for eor. period. lflG.., .It Inch Report From Statlona at 1 P. M. Station and State Temp. Hlh'. Rain- of Weather. T p. m. eat. fair Cheyenne, clear 23 navenport, cloudy...... 44 24 4 : 48 Denver, clear 3v Dee Mtolnea, cloudy 43 Todjre City, clear...... SS 49 Lander, clear 33 North Ftatte. clear. ... SO Omaha. Part cloudy... 40 Pueblo, clear...-. 33 Rapid City, clear 33 Halt Lake City, cloudy. 3 ' 4 40 31 34 Santa Fe, cloudy 38 40 .00 Hh.rldan. clear 3C 32 .01 i ioux City, part cloudy. 3 ' 43 .00 Valentine, pari cloudy.. IS 36 .00 "T" IndloatM trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH, Meleorolojiit GERMANS DESTROY SEVENTY-SIX SHIPS Nearly All Are Small Craft and Average is About One Thousand Tons. HOSPITAL SHIP IS LARGEST Berlin, March 25. (By Wireless to Sayville, March 26.) The sinking of twenty-five more steamships, four teen sailing vessels and thirty-seven trawlers, with an aggregate gross ton nage of 80,000 tons, in the last few days is announced by the admirarly. The statement follows: "In addition to the losses of ships already published in March, German submarines during the last few days sar.k twenty-five steamers, fourteen sailing ships and thirty-seven .rawlers, with a total gross tonnage of 80.000. On March 9 a German submarine an nihilated by cannon fire a British bi plane in the English channel. . List of Ships Destroyed. The ships which were-sunk are: Brlka (British), S.MS tone gross, armed. rtnnH( fRrltlflh). 1.960 tone, armed. Oranton (British watch ahlp. with the herring trawler o. N. 34 in tow;. Olynymel (British), 1,114 tons. Memnon (British), 3.303 tons. Asturlua (British), hospital ahlp, 13.003 tons. 1 . Sir Joseph (British), salllnf vessel, 18 tons. Robert, Rlvend, Jessamine, Gratia, Lent lllly. Hyacinth. Case, lnternose. Melly, Ens, Kesstrel, Reindeer. Forget-Me-Not, Try, Arance, trawlers. British. "The following French ships were sunk: Sully. Hrk, 3.640 tons. Homarne. Eugene, A. J. Bert. Anais (130 tons). Madeline, Davoupt. schooners. Adieu Va (slaty-four tons), Marie Louise, from Fecamp, and Maria Louise, St. Taul and ths American, aalllng ships. Martha Tvonne and Cordouan, pilot achoonera. Petltjean, Henry Luis. Dleu Do Oarde, Nozal. Rupella, Louis XIV, Pentltleu, Acid. Maria, Juliette, Camllleemlle, L.. R-, 12s, L. R. 1320, Madeline, Fellclte, .-Madonna and Entente Cordlae, trawlers. "The following Italian vessel was sunk: Medusa, steamer of about 1.000 tone (1.314 una). "The following Norwegian vessels were sunk: Bolferlno.. 1,165 tons: Wilfred. 1,121 tone; Glrda, 1.824 tons, Blaamanden, 964 tons; Ronald, 3,021 tons: Expedlt, 680 tons; Frlnk, 1.038 tons: Elnar Garl, 840 tons, atearaers. Bfu, sailing vessel of about 600 tons (not listed). "The following American steamers were sunk: Illinois. 6,228 tons, and City of Memphis, S.362 tons. "The following Spanish steamer was sunk: ' , . . -r-Vhrtm 8.131 - tons. ".-': "The following Dutch steamer -war sunk: La Camplne, 2,596 tons. "Ships destroyed, the names of which are unknown, either because theye were not identified during a night attack or because they had no name on the side, are as follows: Unidentified Ships Destroyed. "Unidentified steamer, with cargo, about 3,000 tons gross, sunk by a tor pedo in the midst of a convoy; armed British steamer ot aDout o.uuu tons; steamer of about 3,500 tons: tank steamer of about 3,000 tons; steamer of about 8,000 tons; Norwegian steamer of about 2.500 tons; three masted schooner of 300 tons and three British and two French fishing cut ters. "With these shiDS. o far as is known up to this ime, were destroyed among other things, 34,000 tons of coal, the greater part of which was on the way to France; 3,000 tons of kero sene oil: 3.300 tons of ore from Hu- elva to West HartleDOol: 3.300 tons of grain and 9,900 tons of provisions, besides fish sunk with the trawlers." One Fire Follows Other, Plattsmouth Store Burns Plattsmouth, Ncb March 26. (Special.) Two fires, one this morn ing -and the other this afternoon, de stroyed the mercantile establishment of Zuckwciler & Lutz here today. The first fire broke out this morn ing in the basement in the grocery deoartment. The flames were extin guished after a damage of about $5, 000 was done. This afternoon fire broke out in the store again and this time the building was destroyed. The total loss is estimated at about $20,- 000 and is covered by insurance totalling $13,000. The firm of Zuckweiler & Lutz had been in business in Plattsmouth twenty-five years. South Dakota Guard Chiefs Told to Make Preparation Pierre. S. D.. March 26. In re- SDonse to a call from Secretary of War Baker, Governor Norbeck to day .issued instructions to command ing omcers ot the inird Dattanon oi the Fourth infantry, South Dakota National Guard, to prepare for mobili zation for federal service. Designation of the point of mobilization and the time will be made bv the commander of the Central department at Chicago. The movement will begin wnen in structions are received from Chicago. The battalion, headed by Major Ked-. rick of Hot Springs, consists ot tne four comoanies stationed at Yankton, Rapid City, Lemmon and Aberdeen. Harbor jof WjJhelmshaven Closes to Public Fortnight London, March 26. A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Am sterdam says the Wilhelmshaven newsoSDers announced that the har bor of Wilhelmshaven will beclosed to the public for the next fortnight and that a special permit from the ad miralty board will be necessary for admission to the docks. The reason for the order is not given, the corre spondent adds. Wilhelmshaven is one of Germany's strongest naval stations. It is situated on Jalide bay, thirty-three miles northwest of Bremen, BIPARTISAN OPPOdlJTH HOUSE Republican Leader Mann's Pro posal Meets With Little Fa- . vor on Either Side of Popular Chamber. DEMS WILL FORCE FIGHT 0. 0. P. Conference Will Be Held Short Time Earlier Than Originally Fixed. LENROOT EXPRESSES VIEW Washington, March 26. When Re publican Leader Mann, upon his re turn today from a vacation triri to Haiti, announced his willingness to withdraw from the speakership race in favor of Speaker Clark, provided democrats and republicans could agree to bipartisan or nonpartisan organiza tion of the new house, he drew pro tests aginst such a program from members of both parties. A similar plan had been discussed informally before Mr. Mann left Washington, but it was generally believed, until his announcement today, that it had been eliminated from serious consideration. Representative Lenroot of Wiscon sin, acknowledged leader of the pro gressive republicans in the house, and mentioned as a candidate for speaker aginst Mr. Mann, promptly declared he unqualifiedly opposed the sugges tion. Won't Agree to Plan. Democrats, including Speaker Clark, Floor Leader Kitchin and Represen tatives Flood and Glass of Virginia, Harrison of Mississippi and Garner of Texas, said emphatically they would not agree to the Mann plan unless necessary to prevent a long deadlock. At the same time, they declared their belief that they would organize the house from speaker down and some of them, interpreted Mr. Mann's atti tude as an. acknowledgement of the republican's inability to organize the house. Representative Mann said he prob ably would ee some ot the other re publican leaders tomorrow to present his views. He is willing, he said, to make the race for speaker if a ma jority of the republicans favor such a course despite his personal belief that it would be to the country's disad vantage. Partisan affairs should have no place in the incoming house, he said,' and whether the country is to have peace or war it is essential that all parties .unite at once to expedite important public business. ' Will Force Fight. Democratic plans, it appears, are to force the organization fight to a 'vic tory, if possible. Some of the party spokesmen tonight predicted that the entire organization would be com pleted within a few hours after con gress convenes next Monday. A tentative arrangement contem plates the renaming, for the purpose of making committee, nominations, the ten members of the wavs and means committee of the last congress, who return to the coming congress. The custom, heretofore, has been for the ways and means committee to make the formal nominations for both sides, although the republican floor leader, in reality, has named the republicans. Most of the democrats now here are hopeful that their plan will be accept able to the dissatisfied anti-prohibitionists and the northern democrats, who have threatened to fight against southern committee chairmen. Prac tically all of the new committee as signments are expected to go to these elements. Republican organization plans have not yet been perfected and probably will not be before Saturday. The re publican conference, originally set for Saturday night, was set forward today to Saturday afternoon and notices urging attendance sent out to all re publican representatives-elect. Confidence is expressed among both democrats and republicans that the house will work harmoniously after the brush .over organization. Colonel Hayward Inspects 'New York Infantry Regiment New York, March 25. The Fif teenth regiment of infantry, New York National guard, made up of ne groes, was given a preliminary inspec tion today by its officers, headed by Colonel William Hayward of the New York City Public Service commission. The regiment has been accepted by the state. PALwIN How Monk Rasputin Played Upon Superstitious Fears of the Empress Petrograd, Sunday, March 25. (Via i the monk. Whenever Rasputin was " .i . i7:..i u.n:. London, March 26.) The supersti tious belief that the health and even the life of Grand Duke Alexis, the young heir apparent, depended on the presence of Gregory Rasputin, the mystic monk notion which is gen erally known to have accounted for Rasputin's tremendous influence over the imperial family is explained in the following manner by the Russky Slovo. "Rasputin," according to the news paper, "stated ' in confidences to friends at convivial moments that he was able to fortify this superstition with the help of Madame Virubova. lady in waiting to the empress, and M. Badmaef, court physician, until the empress was absolutely convinced that the life bf her son depended on FIRST TANK TO BE BUILT IN UNITED STATES Testing a "tank" built in California for experimental purposes by a big manufacturer of caterpillar tractors. United States army of ficers were present and aided in putting the "tank" through its paces. NEW U.S. .TANK TO RECRUIT MARINE CORK TO 17,400 Secretary Baker Says No Fur ther Call Upon National Guard in Prospect. DANIELS ISSUES APPEAL Washington, March 26. War prep arations by the government today in cluded calling into the federal serv ice a score of additional guard regi ments for police service in the west ern and middle western states, and an order for the immediate recruiting of the earine corps-to full war strength of 17,400 men. With both the navy and the marine corps ordered up to full strength the only step remaining to increase the navy personnel without action by congress is the calling out of the naval militia. It has been understood that the militia will be needed to fill out crews for the many vessels to be added, but no announcement has been made. No Further Call on Guard. Secretary fcaker said today no fur ther call upon the National Guard was in prospect. More than thirty- two regiments have been summoned to federal duty to guard industries or other property which might be threat ened by internal disorder growing out of the German situation. The address to be delivered to con gress next week by the president probably will be discussed at the cabinet meeting tomorrow. The sug gestion that' a large sum, money or credits, be furnished one or all of the entente allies is one of the imporant problems to be taken up. To Incrase Marine Corps. The order to increase the marine corps trom its present autnonzea maximum of 14,981 to 17,400 was an nounced by Secretary Daniels in the following statement telegraphed to newspapers editors whose aid in find ing the men is sought! "The president has signed an exe cutive order directing that the author ized strength of the marine corps be inicireiased to 17,400 men. "He was authorized bv congress, in case of emergency, to direct such in crease in enlistment. , "The United States marine corps is the soldier branch of our 'first line' of defense. Marines serve both ashore and afloat and are trained as infantry. heavy and light artillery and machine guntcompany. Form Landing Parties. They form the landing parties from shins of the navy, are the first men detailed for expeditionary duty, and defend all navy bases. Each capital ship of the navy carries on company of marines. There has been a net in crease of over 3,C30 in the strength of the corps since congress recently authorized an increase, but oer 4,000 more are needed and needed now. "Will you pleasa emphasize the (Continued on Pave Two, Column One.) absent Madame Virubova obtained poisonous 'powders from the physi cian and nlaced them in food brought to Alexis. The result was that dur ing Rasputin's absence the delicate health of the young heir apparent grew steadily worse until Rasputin was summoned back to the court, when the powders were stopped and Alexis became better. "Rasputin always announced that forty days after his death Alexis would fall ill. This prophecy came true, being caused," the newspaper declares, by Madame Virubova ad ministering another powder to the little grand duke in the hope of con tinuing the tradition of Rasputin's in fluence oyer the imperial family and preparing the way for a successor to him. Boy Bandit Was Known in Bluffs As a Church-Going, Thrifty Lad Lived With His Aged Parents and Contributed to Their Support Discouraged by Loss of Job. YOUNGEST OF 6 CHILDREN A young man with a baby stare and a softly modulated voice, calmly admitted yesterday to Chief of De tectives Maloney that he was the man who held up the clerk in the Evans hotel in Columbus early Monday morning and forced hrm at the point of a worthless gun to hand over $85, the contents of the hotel's safe. "I thought I could get away with it," he explained. "Now that I have failed, I suppose I will be 'sent over for' from one to ten years." Donald Sloan is an unique type of bandit He is so honest in appear ance that one would suspect him of Well Known Railroad Man1 is Murdered in Home by a Burglar Philadelphia, March 26. Harold Ellis Yarnall, secretary and treasurer of the Midland Valley railroad and prominent society man, died early to day from a bullet sustained while de fending his wife from the attack of a negro burglar in their home here last night. Mr. Yarnall was rushed to a hospital immediately after he was shot and an operation was per formed about midnight. He died three hours later. Mr. and Mrs. Yarnall had just re turned from a day spent at their country home at Media when she encountered the burglar in her room. She grappled with him and at the same time screamed for help, Mr. Yarnall, who was in his bath, rushed to his wife's assistance 'and hurled the negro into the hallway. The assailant then .drew a revolver and fired, the bullet entering Mr. Yarnall's groin and penetrating the liver. De spite his fatal wound he, continued to struggle with the negro and suc ceeded in forcing him backward down the stairway. After firing another shot the burglar made his escape through an open window. A handbag containing about $100 in cash is the extent of his booty. Mr. Yarnall was 51 years old. Dollar Worth Only Forty-Five Cents, Says Kruttschnitt Washington, March 2C Railway earnings have not increased with the average rise in commodity prices dur ing twenty years, and railroad credit is not good because they cannot sell bonds with interest rates as low as states and municipalities, Julius Kruttschnitt, chairman of the South ern Pacific company board, today told the Newlands investigating committee. "Owing to the rise in commodity prices," Mr. Kruttschnitt said, "the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen 55 per cent and the railroads are in the position of being compelled by law to accept payment for their service to the public in debased cur rency wurth 45 cents on the dollar. "If the railroad rates had increased in proportion to commodity prices in 1915, the additional cost to the public would have been $1,654,000.000.'' John D. Moore, Pioneer Resident of Boone, Dead Boone, la., March 26. (Special Tel egram.) John D. Moore, for seventy years a' resident of, old time stage driver, died today following an illness of short duration. He came to Iowa when the state was a complete wilderness, selected the spot in what is now Boone, and made this place continuously his home. nothing more serious than having re cently checked his wings and halo. When asked if he did not have a hand in some recent hold-ups in Omaha, he turned his big, blue eyes upon his inquisitor and said: "No sir. If I held up anybody here I would say so. I have had no part in any hold-up in Omaha Or Council Bluffs. But two years ago I entered a saloon in Columbus and they sent ms away for s year, which I served in the Columbus jail. Sloan says he was 20 years old March 25, He lives with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sloan. 221 Bluff street. Council Bluffs. He is the youngest of six children. Neighbors knew him as a steady working, sober young man, who held a job in the stock room of a- 5 and 10-cent store. He was a fairly regular church at tendant and his quiet mannerisms led folks to believe that he was a model young man. He was shout the last boy in all the Bluffs who would be suspected ot criminal intentions. "It was the loss of my job Satur day which discouraged me, said Uon aid. "I did not want to be a burden to my parents, who are quite 'ad vanced in vears. My dad is 72 and my mother is about 60. I wanted money and I thought I could get it easily. I tried and I failed, that's all." "But why did you stage a hold-up in Columbus, where you had lived, and in the very hotel where you had worked as- a bell-hop?" Chief Ma loney asked him, , "I tied a handkerchief around my face to conceal my identity," said the young bandit naively, "Of course I took a chance on being recognized, but I did not consider that seriously, even though there was the night bell hop in the lobby when I told the clerk to hold up his hands, "And the gun I had was no good," continued the boy. "It wouldn't work right only once in every five times. The gun wasn't mine. I borrowed it from a friend, at the Bluffs." Sloan bought a round-trip ticket to Columbus from the Bluffs Sunday night at 12:30. He got into Colum bus about 2:30 and waited a half hour before he staged the hold-up in the hotel. "I didn't think the Columbus oo lice could get me," he explained, when asked why he had chosen that city as the scene of his, crime. "But I'm caught with the goods and I don't in tend to howl." Armed American Ship Crosses Safely; Nebraskan Aboard Washington, March 26. The Amer ican liner St. Louis, first armed Amer ican ship to cross the Atlantic,- has arrived safely at its destination, Sec retary Daniels announced. New York, March 26. The St. Louis, owned by the American line, left an American port on March 17 with thirty-one passengers, of whom fourteen were American citizens. Among its crew of 394 persons were 131 Americans. Hastings, Neb., March 26. (Special Telegram.) Otis E. Taylor of Madi son, Neb., who went to London to be com private secretary to a prominent English theatrical man, was a pas senger on the liner St. Louis. Lehigh Eailroad Must Sell Its Lake Steamship Lines Washington, March 26. In the first case hnwht under the Panama canal act, requiring railroads to dis pose of their steamship interests, the supreme court today decided that the Lehigh Valley railroad must relin quish its Great Lakes steamship transportation line, operating vessels between Buffalo and Chicago and Milwaukee. CALLS NEBRASKA REGIMENT INTO SERVICEJF U.S. Captains of Companies in the Fourth Are Ordered to Mo bilize Troops and . Await Orders. ' . GOVERNOR ASKS $100,000 Twenty Regiments in Midwest Will Protect Property in Home States. WILL WITHHOLD DETAILS (Prom a Start Corrpondsnt.) Lincoln, March ,26. (Special Tele-, gram.) One hundred thousand dol lars, for the purpose of mobilizing the Nebraska National Guard and equipping other regiments, if needed, was asked for in a special message ' sent to the house this afternoon by Governor Neville. The message, which was accompanied by a bill cov ering the matter, which was at once introduced, is as follows: "The president of the United States has ordered the mobilization of the Fourth infantry, Nebraska National 1 Guard. It becomes 'more and more apparent that war is inevitable, and Nebraska must uphold the president in any contingency which may arise. Calls for 1100,000. "I deem it imneratlve that the legis lature appropriate $100,000 for the use of the state military department for the mobilization of the Nebraska Guard, for mobilization of volunteer regiments and for any other con tingency which may arise. "Moneys paid into the state treasury by the federal government in reim bursement of funds spent in mobili zation should be reappropriated, so that the military department will have an elastic fund to meet all emergencies during the years 1917 and 1918. KEITH NEVILLE, "Governor,' Order Received. Governor Neville thisSnorning re ceived an order from the War de partment calling the Fourth Nebraska regiment ; int the service oj the United States. ; The captains are" or dered to mobilize their companies and hold them for orders. The troops will be used to guard federal prop erty, communications, bridges and to suppress any disorder within the state. Deputy Ajutant General Steele said there were over 800 men in the Fourth when it was mustered out on its re turn from the Mexican border. While some of the men have left service since then, Mr. Steele said the de partment did not anticipate any seri ous trouble in bringing it ud to full strength, when the order of mobiliza tion became effective. There are twelve companies in the Fourth as follows: A, B, C and D companies, Omaha; E, Wayne: F, Blair; G, Stanton; H, Madison; J, Gordon; K, David' City and Osceola; L, Kearney: M, York. Twenty Regiments Called. Washington, March 26. Twenty additional complete infantry regi ments and five additional separate battalions of National Guard troops have been ordered into the federal service for the protection of prop erty in the event of possible internal disorder. The troops have been called out in eighteen western and middle western states not included in the list of similar orders made public yesterday. . The War department's statement follows: "Following additional national guard organizations have been called in the federal service for general purposes of police protection against possible interference with the postal, commer cial and military channels and instru mentalities: "Illinois, First, Fifth and Sixth regi ments infantry; Indiana, Second regiment infantry; Iowa, First regi ment infantry; Missouri, First and Third regiments infantry; Nebraska. Fourth regiment infantry; Minnesota, First regiment infantry: Michigan, Thirty-third regiment infantry; Wis consin, Third regiment; South Da kota, Third battalion of Fourth regi ment; North Dakota, Second bat talion of First regiment infantry; Colorado, First and Second separate battalions infantry; Wyoming, Second separate battalion infantry; Ohio,' (Continued on Poire Two. Colnmn Three). The Sunday Score Advertising in The. Bee (Warfleld Affoner Measurements) ' SUNDAY, MARCH 26, 1917 , NUMBER OF INCHES: Local Display 1538H Foreign Display,,... 467 Automobile 869 Classified ...1048 Total........... 3922 ; SAME SUNDAY LAST YEA' Local Display ..... .1294 Foreign Display, ,, . 117 1 Automobile,..,.,. 366 Classified 740 Legal ............ 4 ; Total.. ..'.'....,.2622 GAIN 1400i4 INCHES, . Keep Your Eyo On The Be I : i