KANSAS CITY HAS PATRIOTISM DAY Flag Everywhere Displayed and Parades Testify to Loyalty of Citizens. .'LEDGE SELVES TO NATION Kansas City, March 25. Thou rands of persons brougl.t to climax last night their observance of "loyalty ' clay" by crowding into Convention hall to acclaim their patriotism. Throughout the day the United States flag was displayed in the business and residence districts. Every street car and public buildirlg was decorated and hundreds of motor cars bore .streamers and flags. Men, women " and children thronged the downtown streets today carrying small flags or with red, white and blue knot on coat lapels. Parades of state militia organiza tions and civilians tonight, preceded the mass meeting. The Convention hall gathering had placed before it resolutions express ing support of the president and the nation and approval of the plans for universal training. Speakers reiter ated the belief that the city would do in share if the crisis developed to a further break. United States Senator James A. Reed said: "If America is forced into the war its entrance will absolutely determine the result and the houses of Hoben zollern and Hapsburg will follow the Romanoffs into obscurity." The support of Kansas City was pledged by Mayor George H. Ed wards. CALLS FOURTEEN GUARD REGIMENTS INTO U. S, SERVICE (Contlntwd from Fe On.) Delaware, Maryland and Virginia, West Virginia, District of Columbia, the canal zone and Porto Rico. Head quarters at Governor's Island. "C Southeastern deDartment: Ten nessee, North Carolina, South Caro lina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Atississippi, together witn tne coast defenses of New Orleans and the coast defenses of Galveston. Head quarters at Charleston, S. C. "D Central department: Ken tucky, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Il linois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota. South Dakota, Iowa, Mis souri, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado, Headquarters at Chi cago. The Southern Department "E Southern department: Louisi ana (except the coast ' defenses at New Orleans), Texas (except the coast defenses at Galveston), Arkan sas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Ari zona. Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston. "F Western department: Wash ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Cal ifornia, Nevada, .Utah and Alaska. Headquarters at San Francisco. "Major General Leonard Wood will command the southeastern de partment and Major General J. Franklin Bell will command the east ern department. Major General Hun ter Liggett will command the west ern department and Brigadier Gen eral Clarence R. Edwards will lorn mand the northeastern department. "Brigadier General Edward H. Plummer will command the troops in the Panama canal zone. Other de partment commanders wilt remain ss at present." Girl Stenographer Joins The United States Navy New York, March 25. -Mist Eliza beth Harry of thia city was enlisted in the .United States navy today with a third-class yeoman's rating. Miss Harry is a stenographer. When the week's campaign for volunteers for the American Red Cross ended tonight 2,220 persons had enrolled as members. Chadron News Notes. Chadron, Neb., March 25. (Spe cial.) There being thirty-three con testants from the Chadron High school for choice of appearing at the district convention in humorous, dramatic and oratorical work, it took two evenings to hear them alt at the Pace Opera house. The prizes were awarded as follows: Oratorical l-rank Sturdevant, first! Lysle Trus ter, second. Dramatic Ann Dowling, first; Rosadel Allbright, second. Hu morousMae Hanna, first: James Dowling, second. The district con vention, embracing Harrison, Craw- lord, Hay springs. Kushville and Gordon, will meet at Chadron April 13 to decide who shall appear for this district at the state contest. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J'.dy Kandall, i twenty-hve-year resident of Chadron, was celebrated , at their residence last Tuesday. Over 150 guests were entertained from all over the county, and several from : other parts of the state. The wedding ceremony was "repeated." John Sweat and wife, who had recently passed their golden wedding, acted ss best man and bridesmaid. Married, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Triem in Chadron, parents of the bride. Margaret Faye Triem to Henry Herbert Carter of Omaha. Rev. F. M. Sturdevant of the First Baptist church performed the ceremony. : Married, by"1 Rev. F. M. Sturdevant of the First Baptist church of Chad ron, at Belmont, Miss Mary Lemons to Aigot ivewolom. Soldiers' Home Notes OranS Island, Nab.. March IS. (SmoIiI.I Uri. SUrr Blinop hu miueKted a atxtv- ,1ar fnrlourh and will apand that Uma at bar noma at Broken Bow. Mra. Vraaland la raportad aoma Improves ana aoi to oa up and around tna parlor. William Maddan, librarian, baa taken abort laava of abaanea. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Fa vorite for Colds. J. L. Easley, Macon, 111., in speak ing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy t says, "During the past fifteen years it nas been my sister s tavonte mem. cine for colds on the lungs. I myself have taken it s number of ttmes when suffering with a cold 'and it always relieved me promptly. Adv. FORMER RULERS OF RUSSIA AND PALACE USED AS PRISON Petrograd report that former Czar Nicholas and the czarina have been made prisoners in the magnificent Tsarskoe-Selo palace, the scene of many bacchanalian feasts in days gone by. WW mm? I - - r ' ' - .; , v. M R if in n ir RUTHLESS ZEMUR AT DENJNITIATION Horrors of War, With Every Atrocity, to Be Practiced Upon 1917 Candidates. MAKING MUNITIONS NOW Zeppelins may drop bombs upon the Ak-Sar-Ben members and visitors at the Den this year; Taubes and bi planes may swoop down upon them, ripping the hats and wigs Off the men in the audience; torpedoes may bore their way through the floor and explode directly beneath the chairs; and bayonet charges may oe maae upon the multitude with shining, glit tering, cold and polished bayonets. In these strenuous times, with mili tarism in the air, no initiation thrill now will thrill like the torpedo or the Zeppelin, say Gus Reiue. No mere goat riding will furnish the proper sensation. Renze is nearly scratching S pathway down the center of his scalp, cogitating over the problems of this year's initiation. With "Dad" Weaver ne has decided tney want ine show and initiation this year to have none of the features of former years, but that they want it to be entirely new, and they are giving military and naval features a great deal of thought. Knighthood Recruiting Lively. Nearly 700 men have already walked into the office and handed out their $10 for this year's memberships and they cannot come any too .fast to suit Samson, aamson wanta tnem to come trooping right along with those said tens. "Don t wait until the hustling com mittee calls on you," said Samson. Don t make these fellows hustle and hustle after you and coax and coax you. They are as busy as you are and they are giving their own time to this without pay. Why should you ask them to keep running after you, when you could just ss well pay your $10 at once?" I here is an added inducement, too, for those who join now are exempt from the initiation. They will be neither "Zepped" nor torpedoed. Three Nebraska Boys Graduate From Annapolis Baltimore. Md.. March 24. (Spe cial Telegram.) When members of the class ot 1U17 ot the united states Naval academy receive their diplomas at the graduation exercises next Ihursday morning at Annapolis, every one will feel that the young men are being called forward not for a frolic, but because their country needs them in what promises to be one of the greatest crises in the coun try s history. The men who receive those diplo mas will step from the academy halls to the decks of warships. There are 18J members in the class, the othcial roster showing those from Nebraska to be Francis A. Smith, Edward Spar row and Clarence O. Ward." Two Slates st Lexington. Lexington. Neb.. March 25. (Soe- cial.) The business men's caucus named the following slate: Mavor, James Byrnes; clerk, H. L. Temple; treasurer, J. J. Olssen; engineer. H. F. Smith; councilman, First ward, J. D. eager: second ward, j r.. Ham mer; Third ward. V. Naffzinger; school board,. D, Rankin and G. A. Temple. The citizens' caucus named H. C. Hecker for mayor, H. L. Temple for clerk, John Roberts for treasurer, R. C. Beaty for engineer: councilman. First ward, T. Battles; Second ward, R. S. Lene: Third ward, R. M. Hew son; school bpard, H. P. Neilsen and W. I. McKee. Judgment for Auto Accident Fairbury, Neb., MarcY 25. (Spe cial.) In the case of Glebe vs. Nis- pel, outgrowth of an automobile ae cident, two years ago. Mrs. Lizzie blebe, the plaintiff in the action, se cured a judgment for $900. U. S. Reiterates Purposes To Aid Cuban Government Havana, March 25. A note from the American government to the Cuban government, reiterating the purpose of -the United States to sup port the Cuban Government in its efforts to re-establish order and con demning the conduct of the rebels, was delivered by William N. Gon- rales, the American minister, today, j THE BEE: HUSBAND'S CLERK IS SUEDJSY WIFE Miss Hattie Bowlby Defendant in Action Brought by Mrs. Beverly. ACCOUNTING SOUGHT FOR Kansas City, March 25. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. J. A. Beverly, who a week ago ousted Miss Hattie Bowlby from her husband's apart- Iments and resumed her place in his home after a separation of ten years, filed suit today against Miss Bowlby for $5,000. Beverly, former Omaha politician, and until a year ago prominent in in surance circles, was declared irre sponsible last week in the probate court, and placed under the guardian ship of his wife. He now is in a sanitarium. Mrs. Beverly and her adopted daughter, Miss Bernicc De Pierre, came hurriedly to Kansas City from Omaha when they were advised that Beverly was acting quecrly. They found Miss Bowlby in charge of his apartments. She had been his secre tary and housekeeper for seven years and had entire charge of his business affairs. Mrs. Beverly charges that about $5,090 worth of property which for merly had belonged to Mr. Beverly is in Miss Bowlby's possession. This is the property involved. Two weeks ago it is asserted by Mrs. Beverly's attorneys that Bever ly had $5,000 to his credit in a bank. When the husband's affairs were put under a guardianship it was found the $5,000 had dwindled to $100. Among the checks which had been drawn and cashed was one of $1,600 to Miss Bowlhv. Beverly s wealth is estimated at $50,000. OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1917. THIRTY-THREE DEAD IN INDIANA STORM Less Than Dozen of Hundred Injured Said to Be in Serious Condition. RELIEF WORK IS PROMPT New, Albany, Ind., March 25. Two additional deaths reported today made a total of thirty-three persons who lost their lives because of the storm here Friday. Three-fourths of the wrecked area has been explored and the list of missing is being reduced almost hourly by reports from miss ing persons, who have been cared for in private homes. Of the 100 or more who were in jured, it was said probably seventy five were badly hurt, but that less than a dozen were in a serious condi tion. The institution of relief measures was prompt. Citizens of Louisville subscribed $12,000 and sent motor trucks loaded with food and clothing. Later in the day the Chamber of Commerce here issued an appeal to the county for aid, estimating that $200,000 was needed. State troops are supervising the work of clearing away the wreckage and searching the ruins for bodies. The first organized effort? to esti mate the property loss was made late today by a committee appointed by the Chamber of Commerce, the New Albany Real Estate board and Red Cross representatives. The commit tee after an examination of the devas tated districts placed the loss, includ ing damaged or destroyed homes and contents, at $1,133,000. When rescuers today examined the ruins of a negro school house, which was expected to yield a number of bodies, they found only a badly fright ened but practically unhurt negro boy. He had been pinioned beneath the debris, but was protected from harm by overhanging timbers. Vrooman Urges All to Turn Their Yards Into Gardens Washington, March 25. A state ment urging that as a patriotic duty city residents transform their yards into gardens and farmers so diversify their crops as to make each section self-sustaining, was issued last night by Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary of agriculture. The great need in war time. Mr. Vrooman said, would be a surplus of wheat with which the nation could feed its allies. He also declared acreage of soy beans and cow peas should be increased to augment the resources for protein, which in emergency could replace meat for hu man consumption. Iwo or three crops of some sort should be raised during the coming summer, he said, on every vacant foot in the cities. China Moves to Break With Austrian Empire Peking, China, Thursday, March 22. (Delayed.) The Chinese foreign office has directed the Chinese minis ter at Vienna to ask the Austro-Hun-garian government if it approves of the German submarine policy, because of which China has severed diplo matic relations with Germany. Should a satisfactory reply not be forthcom ing, diplomatic relations between China and Austria-Hungary probably will be severed. Belgian Ecclesiastic Is Jailed for Act of Mercy London, March 25. Monsignor Louis Legraive, vicar general to Car dinal Mercier, primate of Belgium, has' been sentenced to nine months' imprisonment and deported to Ger many for sheltering a discharged trench soldier tor one night, accord ing to a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam. i w ii ip i!.i jki'DnmajjuB m. I iBTAIfJjMTWll1 I jgr Hfs On table drink that kiddies as well as the older ones can safely enjoy (NO CAFFEINE) "There's a Reason AMERICANS QUIT BELGIANJID TASK Will Withdraw From German Territory Because of Prom ises Disregarded. WHITLOCK OFF TO HAVRE Washington, March 24. Because of "the German government's disregard of its written undertakings," for the protection of Americans and Ameri can relief work in Belguim, the State denartmcnt announced today that American Minister Brand Whitlock had been withdrawn from Brussels and the staff of the American com mission for relief in Belgium advised that they should not remain longer in German occupied territory. Minister Whitlock, who has been kept on Belgium territory chiefly to aid the relief work, will go to Havre, the temporary capital of the Belgian government. The withdrawn Ameri can relief workers will be replaced by Dutch c:tizens. and the commission through that means will continue from outside bases as best it can the work of carrying for 10,000,000 dependent Belgians. The department's announcement, one of the most severe indictments of Germany yet drawn by the United States, recites that restrictions have been imposed on the Americans, "which under ordinary conditions would never have been tolerated," and that Minister Whitlock has been de nied diplomatic privileges and cour tesy. It says that the most serious disappointment, however, has come within the last ten days, when several of the commission's relief ships have "been attacked without warning by German submarines in flagrant vio lation of agreements of the German government.'' Whether Germany will continue to make the relief work difficult for other administrators is not known here. The general American execu tors, headed by Chairman Herbert C. Hoover, will continue their efforts for Belgium and northern France out side German jurisdiction. U. S. PreDares To Strike With All Its Power Washington, March 25. Having taken virtually every defense measure possible before the assembling of con gress, President Wilson and his ad visers in the executive branch of the government are concentrating efforts to prepare for the more sweeping steps for which congressional au thority will be sought. The details of the steps to be rec ommended are held in closest con fidence, but officials let it be known today that among the rest a general military budget, co-ordinating items of expense deemed imperative will be laid before the house and senate when the extra session begins a week from Monday. During the day the Council of Na tional Defense held a long conference with its advisory committee of seven industrial leaden, who mapped out laid before congress is expected to m mobilization plans for the country's economic resources; the Navy depart ment awarded contracts for twentv- four destroyers, and called a confer ence of steel and other material com panies for next week to consider means of speeding naval construction; the War department announced that failure of the army appropriation bill at the last session of congress would not be permitted to handicap the army's preparations and regulations were promulgated to guide the coun try's newspapers in a voluntary cen sorship to prevent .publication of de tails which might embarrass the gov ernment. The general military budget to be A m GIVES $1,000,000 TO RELIEF OF JEWS IN EUROPE. Julius Rosenwald. president of Sears, Roebuck & Co.. Chicago, has notified the American Jewish relief committee in New York that he will give $1,000,000 to feed and clothe Jewish war sufferers. This is the largest individual cash contribution ever made to a charity. The relief committee has announced that $10, 000,000 must be raised immediately if 3,000,000 Jews in the eastern war zone are to be saved from death. Mr. Rosenwald will pay $100,000 as each million is raised. elude many army measures which failed at the last session and which now are being restudied and co-ordinated. The nature of any recom mendations of changes in army or ganization, such as the adoption of a universal service policy, has not been disclosed. A new element for the considera tion of the national defense council was called to its attention by Richard M. Bissell and W. E. Mailalieu of New York, president and general manager, respectively, of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. The board has offered to organize and di rect for the government the working out of a broad plan for dealing with fire prevention requirements. The theory on which the suggestion was based was that a campaign of in cendiarism might follow an outbreak of hostilities with Germany. France to Protest Against The Devastation of Country Paris, March 25. The French gov ernment gave notice of its intention to address neutral countries in protest against acts of barbarism and de vastation on the part of the Germans in the trench territory which tney are evacuating. The official note annoitnc.ng this says: "Entire villages have been pillaged and destroyed. The acts of the Germans are not destined to check the operations of the French armies, but have as their object the ruining for many years of one of the most fertile regions of r ranee. -v-w "tyn my.9 j?! Wanted A Lawyer -Salesman Some lawyer who is earning less than $5,000 a year, is invited to communicate with us regarding a position paying this amount, which, we believe, a man with legal training will be qualified to fill. The opening Is with one of the largest and best known corporations in the middle west. While it involves salesmanship, it is not imperative that applicant shall have had selling experience. We can train the right man. What we want is a quick-thinking, forceful, aggressive man who has plenty of initiative and who has the personality to dominate and convince people with whom he cornea in contact whether they be the average man or leader in business or the professions. We can afford to pay such a man not only a salary of $5,000 a year, but substantial commissions and provide him with a liberal drawing account. If you believe you can qualify, inform us regarding your age, educational advantages, experience and whether or not you are a westerner familiar with western ways. All replies will be held in the strictest confidence and an interview arranged if your letter convinces ua that you are the man we are after. Address Box 2324, Bee 1 GROTTE ic p- Ceseral Distribsters Omha,Nebasks I Persistence is the ca rdinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may be in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really successful. EXPECT LARGE FOND FROM CHARITY BALL Committee in Charge of Ben efit- Dance for War Suffer ers Predict Big Total. ti BE HELD THURSDAY Between $6,000 and $7,500 will be netted for the Jewish war sufferers by the big charity ball at the Audi torium next Thursday, if the expecta tions of the committee in charge are realized. The Jewish war sufferers' relief com mittee of Omaha, on which is repre sented every Jewish organization in Omaha, has the affair in charge, and they have left nothing undone to make the function a financial as wel! as social success. The program will consist of a handsomely made booklet containing information about the conditions which make necessary the collection of a huge sum for the benefit of the starving thousands in the war zone. Governor Capper of Kansas Is for War, Tells Methodists Topeka, Kan., March 25. -Declaring that the United States can no longer endure the ruthless conduct of Germany in sinking American ships and in taking the lives of Amer ican citizens, Governor Arthur Capper yesterday, a speech before the Kansa9 conference of the Methodist Episco pal church, urged Kansans to stand together and stand by President Wil son and congress in a national crisis. "I have talked against war because I considered it a wrong against the masses," said the governor. "But the conduct of Germany is so unjusti fiable, so indefensible, so criminal, that all patriotic citizens feel our government can no longer condone it without loss of self-respect for life and liberty that is dearer than life itself,. It we would maintain Ameri can lionor. and American traditions, we must defend them and ourselves against these murderous assaults on human life and human rights. What the situation calls for in this emer gency is that we should stand by the president and his program." Four Killed by Premature Explosion in a Tunnel New York. March 25. Four work men were killed and eleven seriously injured last night by premature blast of dynamite in a new subway being constructed under the East river, near Blackwells Island. At the point where the explosion occurred the men were at work 135 feet below the river bed. The great Queensboro bridge spans the river near there. Inmates of the two hospitals, peni tentiary and workhouse on Black wells Island, were throw n into a panic by the explosion. H