Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Sunday, March 25, 1917
Phone D. 137
"The Beautiful Rests on the Foundation of the Necessary"
It's Springtime
Now All Over
the Store.
A bower of fresh-blooming
beauty th spirit and color
and inspiration of a new
spring caught and crystalhed
and tat forth in the concrete
form of merchandise.
Everything here presented
is the necessary, clothed in a
radiant beauty, beautiful in
its form or in its purpose.
And ' the vision grows
greater as we pass in review
the guiding principles in the
upbuilding of this store,
adopted three short years ago,
which have become this hon
ored creed
appreciation of what
makes success and. a,
fixed desire to take the
patient steps leading
to it.
tagerntst to absorb new
ideas, to neglect no op
portunity,, to correct all
recognition that excel
lence for its own sake is
alone worth while.
determination to forego
temporary gain and build
for permanent success.
What ever measure of suc
cess we have attained, we ac
knowledge unreservedly ' is
due in greatest part to the
many men and women who
have recognized the big, vital
purpose of. this store and
Brought to it their patronage.
Not a day will pass without
the blossoming of something
necessary and beautiful in the
store. Each day will see us
expending our every energy in
the service of clientele 'as
generously appreciative as the
people of Omaha and vicinity.
You'd appreciate thit
special showing Monday of
Readyto-Wear Banded
Sailors, at $3.98 to $15.00
FASHION has decreed that banded sail
ors shall be the correct hat for present
and early spring wear, and anticipating
the unusual demand, we announce for
Monday a most charming display of the
newest ideas.
The straws include
1 Liters China Piping
Milan and M Han-Hem p ,
In black and almost every imaginable
color combination.
The range ef (election will fee most
pleasing eo wrd in diversity of style
individual and distinctive style char
acteristic of Burgees-Nash the sort
wanted by every woman who gives a
thought to her head dress. Come, you'll
enjoy the showing.
BvimJM C Stem Tlr
There's not been
a single weave Uft out oj
The Superior Showing Monday of
Silks for Sport Wear
P RACTICALLY every weave, every pattern and color
combination you might desire is represented in this
uncommon display. Among the weaves shown, are :
Fairaway Silks, $3.50 and $4.00 Yard
Heavy, rough erepy weave, in all the wanted new sport colors,'
38 inches wide.
Pretty Yo-San Silks, at $2.93 (
Sport colorings with wide stripes, most desirable for pleated
skirts, twenty-five different styles for selection.
Rookie Sport Silk, at $3.50
For suits and skirts, solid color with wide satin strip effect,
86 inches wide.
Imported Pongee Silk, at $1.49
Natural color, all pure silk with the newest sport figures and
stripes, desirable for skirt and dresses.
Wathabla White Satin, at $1.95 '
Desirable for sport skirts, will be very popular this season, 36
inches wide.
Burg tst-Ntfth Co. Main Floor
Most Interesting is This
Display Monday of
The New Modes in Women's Ready-
to-Wear for Spring 1917
A. DISPLAY gay with spring colors, embracing
suits, coats, skirts and dresses that cleverly por
tray the latest style touches; combining a certain
distinction with moderate pricing that will appeal
to the discriminating women of Omaha and vicinity.
New Coats, $14.75 and Upwards
A large and varied showing including the belted,
top cOat and "barrel" models, featuring large sport
and distended pockets, gauntlet and tight-fitting
cuffs and novel collars.
Women's Tailleur Suits,
$25.00 and Upwards
The strictly tailored and more dressy suit tailored
models, indicating fashion's trend in mannish tweeds,
Poiret twills, gaberdine, serges, silk poplins, novelty
wool weaves, taffetas, in black and choicest shad
ings ; 34 to 36 sizes.
Smartly New Skirts
There are the stripes on bright and dark color
ing, pleated in a way that show the work of an
artist The materials are adaptable for dress or
sports wear. Large pockets and belts are the lead
ing style features.
Price range, $10, $12.50, $16.50 and Up
Distinctive New Dresses
An assortment of new "one-piece" dresses, so
varied and so pretty that on is glad " 'tis spring
time." Every new style development is represented
in our display. Straight line and pleated effects
are very popular.
Price range, $19.75, $22.50, $25 and Up
The "New Era" Club Sale
First Payment Five Cent Brings You the Best
Standard Rotary Sewing Machine
This great "New Era" sale gives you advantages that can
not be offered at any other time. There are no interest charges
and no extra expense no drawing no chance no delay.
Instead the plan pays cash dividends in advance to those who
will help themselves to the dividends.
" Only a Limited Number of Machines f err This Sale
We have the agency for the STANDARD ROTARY. We
consider it the best sewing machine in the world.
Come, take your choice of any style or type on "New
Era" terms, and pricei ranging upward from $20.00. It is the
surest, safest and most profitable saving agreement for se
curing a good machine.
of Weekly Payments
O.OS I0.SS $1.05 $1.51 .
lt Wlt llth Wwli 21st Week Slot Wirt
.10 .so Tto i.eo
2d Wejc Htft Weelc tii Week 8d WX
Hi .S i.lB 1.65
d WtK ttth Wofll m WetV 3d WW.
.20 .70 1.20 1.70
Ht Week 14th Week ath Week 4th Week
.38 .78 1.25 174
liy trtt l8lh Week tilth Week 8th Week
35 .80 1.30 1.80
th Week lth Week ISth Week 16th .Week
Wi Week ITth Week 2Tth Week 7th'week
.40 .DO 1.40 1.90
lh Wtk th Week 2th Week SIth Wee
.48 ilS 1.45 Final Pr-
til week lHi Week 28th Week meat 11SK
"8b 1.66 1.50 1.9S
Hth Week 20lh Week aqth Week yth Week
fate advantage
of th cash divi
dend offer by re
versing the pay
ment by paying th
final payments
firsts' and In ad
vance, before they
are due. For each
final payment yeu
take up in advance
you get 10-eent cash
dividends. In this
Way you can save
$3.80 extra 6n a
$39.00 Standard Ro
tary In cash dividends.
Six-drawer style the world's
best machine, lock and chain
stitch central needle style
Standard Rotary
" . ' 19 '- ' '
f I f payment
Immediate deliv
ery, thtn very
week yon pay 6c
fnore than th pre
vious week' payment.
. BurK-Nh Ct.TvHh FloeV.
Announcing for Monday
Our Annual March
Sale of Lace Curtains
Involving several thousand pair of
curtains that are offered to you
At Remarkable Price Reductions
A SALE planned in the broadest merchan
dising sense planned at this oppor-'
tune time when every one is thinking of
rejuvenating the home offering thousands of pairs
of curtains, suitable for every room in the home, at
reductions of the most extreme nature.
The offering is so great and the values so won
derful that no woman who has or anticipates a cur
tain need can afford to let this sale pass unnoticed.
You'll find such curtains as1.
Notlinahams Filet Nets Scrims Voiles
Marouisettes With Lace or Insertions Quaker Lace
Marie Antionette Swiss Plain or Ruffled Arabian Lace
Etc., Etc. Etc., Etc,
They are all three yards long and regular widths, in an almost unlimited range of pattern selection.
Ten great groups :
Group 1
Includihg Curtains
reduced to
Group 6
Including Curtains
reduced to
Pair. J.:
Group 2
Including Curtains
reduced to
Group 7
Including Curtains
reduced to
Group 3
Including Curtains
reduced to
Group 8
Including Curtains
reduced to
Group 4
Including Curtains
reduced to
Group 9
Including Curtains
reduced to -
Group 5
Including Curtains
reduced to .
Group 10
Including Curtains.
reduced to
Pair.- 77
Extra salespeople and extra selling space has been provided for this sale that selections may be made with ease
and convenience. Sale starts Monday morning, at 8 ;80. Bur..... c tum new '
... . ' . : ' . ' -
ample Stationery
at 17c to 98c
' Includihg Crane's linen lawn
and Crane's Highland linen.
This lot include an assortment
of this spring's novelties prac
tically every box at maker's
cost 17c to 98c per quire box.
5-quire box of another well
known make at $1.08.
Burg ra.-N.ih Co. M.I. FlMr
EW Stamping
Where various material? are
Stamped with the design you de
sire most for embroidering. De
signs for women's and chil
dren's wearing apparel, bed
room sets, lunch sets, center
pieces, monograms, initial, etc.
Stamping on crepe, chiffon,
velvet, satin and other delicate
materials a special feature.
Special assortment of bead
ing designs now so much in de
mand for dresses, waists, etc.
We invlt you to take advan
tage of this service.
Free Lessons
Under the direction of com
petent instructor W give free
lemons daily in making lamp;
shades featuring complete
line 6f wire lamp shad frames,
with materials for making.
Bar(M.-Nnh Cr-Tilr Flow
ODAK Time Is
IHere Again
And We're ready to offer you
every ' assistance for better
pictures.... . .,,
. No. 8 Brownie, for $2.00. ', '
No. 2-A Brownie, for $3.00. v
. Vest pocket ktdak, $6.00.
No. 1 Autographic Kodak, jr.,
t $9.00,
One-day service for develop
ing and printing.
' 8urt'NUB Co-M.i Floor
Voile Remnants, ?ViC
Also dimities, batistes, lawns,
etc., pretty styles and colors,
2 to 5 yards, 1H yard.
Poplint, at 15c
Mercerized poplins, in pink,
blue, lavender, navy, white and
black, special, St 18. yard.
Ginghams, ldc
Scotch lephjT ginghams,
stripes, plaid and ohecks, 82
indies wide.
Cretonne Centers, 29c ,
Size 87-inch scarfs,! site
18x45, and pillow sllpsi large
selection of color, .
Infants' Dresses, 5$c
Ready-made batiste dresses,
lace trimmed, stamped) to em
broider; size 8 months to 1
BurlI-Na,on Co- town Jtlr SlorO
Cut Glass Table Tumblers
Like Illustration Monday, 6 for $1.00
EVERY one guaranteed to be hand cut 6n thin blown
lead blanks, plain or optic shapes; there is a large as
sortment of cuttings from which to choose, of which six
are illustrated. They're worth a great deal more in the
regular way, but a prominent manufacturer wanted to
reduce his line and we were fortunate in securing this lqt
at a big price reduction. '
BurM.-Nmh Ci lMfl Stolri Sm
' hohtm Sine, so reti. A
iiU! Mu Mm m- Xt 47 V
Do Your Part to Help Reduce the High Cost of
Living Utilize Your Back Yard
EVERY indication is that foodstuffs
will continue high in costwhy not
use that little plot of back yard and plant
it with garden truck.
The Illustration to the Right
Will Give You itn Idea
of what can be done with a small amount
of ground when scientifically or system
atically planned and worked out. You'll
be surprised how much it will 'reduce
your cost of living.
: Garden and Flower
"Pakro" seed tape,
makes better gardens, SO
kinds of vegetable seed,
18 kinds of flow? seed,
easy to plant ; you do not
have to be an expert; per
package, lOe.
D, M. Ferry's" fresh
seeds, flower or vegetable,
pkg.Bc. .
. Blue grass or Trans-Mis
sissippl seed, pound, 20c
White clover seed, per
nound. 65&
Garden Tool. Specially Priced
Spading forks, D handle,
guaranteed ' tines, special,
at St)e.
Rakes, 14-tlne siz, lit. :
Hay fork, long handle;
at9e. .'t,.
Riveted steel hoe, ' good.
Quality handle, S3, ; , -
Garden cultivators, spe
cial, Tc. - v
Hoes, specially designed
for Women, steel blade, spe
cial, S6e. .
Bhovels and Spades, square
r round nolnt. sneefal. SS..
').., Ch-Pawi SlUrt Star. ,
Garden hoe, best i
quality, steel blade,
best quality handle,
special, at S5.
Steel blade trow
els, Wood handle, 5c,
Malleable iron garden
rakes. 12-tine size, special,
at lie.
Pruning Shears, It.