Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Briej City News
Mniao .Lamps BursMS-Qrandtn Co.
Have Root Print lt-New Beacon Press.
Platinum Wedding Rings Edholm,
Hn Lowe Wants Divorce Harriet
C. Lowe Is suing Volftey K. Lowe In
district court on grounds of alleged
' C. F. Weller Convalescent C. F.
Weller, president of the Richardson
Drug company, is recovering from his
recent Injury and Is able to be at the
office a few hours eacn day.
Civic League to Kleet The, Omaha
civic league Is to hold its annual meet
lug Friday evening, March 80, In the
Commercial club rooms. Directors are
to be elected tor the coming year.
. Mother Seeks Lost DntiRbter Mrs.
W. S. Miller of Albion. Neb.. Is seen
Ing her daughter, Rosa Moyer, aged
IS, whom she last saw fifteen years
ago In Minnesota. She asks readers
of The Omaha Bee to help her.
Last Blockade Cleared Union Pa
cific trains that were caught in the
buow blockade In Wyoming are arriv
ing twelve to eighteen hours late. The
track has been cleared and trains for
the west are going out on time.
' To Talk on English Prof. Augus
tine Dwyer- of Philadelphia will ad
dress the students .of the Commercial
High school Tuesday morning In the
assembly room on "The Practical Uso
of English." Prof. Dwyer Is a gradu
ate of Oxford, t
Retreat '.at Sacred Ileart Father
Judge announces that a retreat will be
held at Sacred Heart convent for the
students of the Sacred Heurt school.
The retreat commences at 7:45 o'clock
Sunday and closes after devotions
Alleged Done Sellers Held John
Collins and Nettie Bradshaw, colored,
were held to the federal grand jury on
charges of selling morphine on lower
Capitol avenue after a hearing before
United States Commissioner McLaugh
lin Saturday morning.
, Carriers Want Auditorium The La
dies', auxiliary of the Omaha Letter
Carriers' association has asked the city
commission for free use of the Audi
torium for a. mask ball to raise funds
for delegates' expenses to the next na
tional convention of the association.
Goes to Bankers Sleeting W. B.
Hughes went to Chicago Wednesday
to attend the meeting of the officers
of the various state banking associa
tions of the middle west. He was ao
eempanied by his mother, Mrs. W. H.
S. Hughes, and his sister, Mrs. George
TVant to Become Citizens Foreign
born employes of the Cudahy Packing
company are hastening to become nat
uralized. One hundred of them ap
plied for citizenship papers recently.
The company is encouraging all its
foreign-born employes to take out nat
uralization papers.
'Passengfer Agents to Play Ball
Members of the Omaha Passenger
Agents' association are organizing a
base ball team for Immediate prac
tice. Games are to be played with
similar organizations by the passenger
men of the railroads in Minneapolis,
St. Paul and Chicago.
Keller Boards the "Chester" Lieu
tenant Harold Keller, U. S. N., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller, was
ordered from duty at the naval acad
emy at Annapolis this week to join
the scout cruiser "Chester" at Boston.
Lieutenant Keller leaves his wife and
infant son at Annapolis.
Efficiency Conferences C. N. Daw
son, O. M. Keve, John Calvert and L.
V; Slocumb, Methodist pastors of this
city, will hold efficiency conferences
next week as follows: Ralston, Tues
day, 2 p. m. and on through the even
ing; Spring Grove, Thursday, 2 p. m.
and evening; Gretna, Friday, 2 p. m.
and evening.
Captain Yates
'! Resigns Office
In Local Guard
Captain Frank Yates, Company D
of the Fourth Nebraska National
Guard, resigned last night. He offered
no reason for his withdrawal, which
was presented to the company mem-
. bers at the meeting in ths armory at
Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets. The
' resignation -was accepted.
First Lieutenant Leo Crosby was
appointed to the captaincy and Second
Lieutenant Sidney Stocking succeeds
to Crosby's rank. Donald White was
made second lieutenant.
Colonel E. A. Root, U. S. A., in
spected Companies A and D at the ar
mory last night. It is understood that
the condition of the men and equip
ment is satisfactory. He had previous
ly inspected Companies B and C, and
they, too, it is said, passed muster.
Mrs. Lucy M. Clark Able
To Handle Own Property
Application filed in county court to
have a guardian appointed for Mrs.
Lucy M. Clark and her property on
grounds of alleged insanity, has been
dismissed by Judge Crawford. The
judge found that she was sane and
well able to handle her own affairs.
Health Talks
(Br Dr. Burhorn)
. 'Lumbago is a muscular rheuma
tism in the small of the back,
many times confused with sciatica.
The primary cause of lumbago is
a subluxation 'of one or more of
the spinal segments, producing
nerve pressure.
Exposure to wet and cold, falls,
jars, shocks, or anything that in
jures the spine or causes a mis
placement of one or more of the
vertebrae, producing nerve pres
sure, are the direct causes of lum
bago and it is this nerve pressure
that, if allowed to exist, produces
pain to such an extent that motion
is a practical impossibility. This
lack of mobility is quite different
from paralysis, in that a person
does not dare to move these mus
cles, realizing that there is great
pain connected with such action.
Chiropractic adjustments free
impinged nerves, allowing nature
to assert herself, which consists in
eliminating bodily poisons and
building up resistance and putting
the body in the best condition pos
sible. If you have rheumatism in any
form, spend a little time in making
a thorough investigation of my
' Dr. Burhorn is a graduate of the
Palmer School of Chiropractic and
has one of the finest equipped
chiropractic offices in the west. Lo
cated in the Rose building, cor
ner 16th and Farnam Sts., on the
fourth floor. Phone Douglas 6347
for appointment. Consultation is
free. Adjustments are $1.00. Out
side calls, made by appointment, $2.
Beatrice Woman Heads Organ
ization Which Will Meet at
Her Home Next Year.
Fremont, Neb., March 24. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Beatrice -. as chosen
for the 1918 conference of the Ne
braska Daughters of the American
Revolution, who closed their annual
meeting yesterday.
Resolutions pledging the support of
the Nebraska Daughters to President
Wilson, in the impending crisis were
unanimously adopted.
A petition was forwarded to the
Nebraska legislature asking that a
state banner be adopted.
The Gothenburg chapter won the
silk flag for the local chapter mak
ing the largest percentage of gain in
membership during the year.
Mrs. C. B. Letton of Lincoln, for
mer state regent, was endorsed for
the office of national general vice re
gent. The following officers were
Regent, Mrs. E. G. Drake, Beatrice;
vice regent, Mrs. Frank I. Ringer, Lin
coln; recorder, Mrs. Elizabeth U Linn
Smith, Chadron; treasurer, Mrs. C. E.
Spencer, North Platte; auditor, Mrs.
A. E. Bryson, Fullerton; registrar,
Mrs. J. J. Stubbs, Omaha; historian,
Mrs. Hosteler, Shelton.
'4 vv-w i
Ready for Sea Service R. B. How
ell, general manager of the munici
pal water plant, upon his return from
Lincoln expressed himself as ready
any time to re-enter the naval serv
ice if called upon. lie served seven
years at sea for Cncle Sam.
Young Woman Is Dragged Into
Eighteenth Street Alley
Bites Her Assailant.
Sergeant Russell's Raiders
Go After the Mickey -Promoter
Gocd, sound teeth saved Miss
Sarah Epstein, aged 22 years, of 3704
North Sixteenth street, from a das
tardly assault by a powerful negro
last night. She bit the hand which
he had clamped over her mouth as a
gag and screamed for help. Her as
sailant, who had dragged her into a
dark alley, fled.
Miss Epstein was on her way to
a Jewish women's meeting at the
home of Mrs. Anna Cohn, 1116 North
Eighteenth street. As she was walk
ing over Eighteenth street the negro
leaped from the alley between Nich
olas and Izard streets. Before she
could shout he had carried her 100
feet into the darkened area. She bit
his hand till the blood came. But her
assailant again gagged her with his
hand. She bit it again and when she
shouted the second time the colored
man ran down the alley and disap
peared. Miss Epstein was verging on hys
teria when, she told her story to the
police. She was unable to give a de
tailed description of the man who as
saulted her because the intense dark
ness of the scene prevented her from
getting a good look at him.
Have you met the mickey-promoter?
He is the present pet peeve of Ser
geant Russell and the police moral
squad, and the friend of all active
opponents of "bone-dry" measures,
lie is the most recent adornment of
the front door of those saloons which
would be oases after 8 p. m. He is
distinctly a new development of the
prohibition era and is the ogre whom
Omaha police fearfully anticipate,
when May flowers strew the coffin of
King Booze.
An this is how he works.
Suppose you, a member of the
Thirsty Thirty Thousand should be
prompted by a certain cleaving of the
tongue to seek a drink and the eight
dismal bells have long since tolled,
the supposed closing of all booze
emporiums. Then you mar direct
your steps to your favorite life sav
ing station and speak gently to the
silent sentinel at the door. - Simul
taneously you slip him two-hits and
call your pet beer by name. He will
vanish with your quarter and return
with two amber bottles. These he will
slip to you from beneath his coat,
provided, of course, that no one is
around to see.
Simple arrangement, you say. Quite
right. But it is hard to catch the
wily man who is "promoting a micky."
The other night Sergeant Russell
and lid-lifting warriors found a sa
loonkeeper in his place of business,
An opened beer bottle was on the
bar. The proprietor said he was just
about to drink the refreshment him
self. There is no law against that and
the officers walked out.
There is no law, either, which pre
vents a saloonist from harboring
within hh place any number of his
employes. One or two "micky-pro-motcrs"
may be among these guests as
the police raiders swoop in. But un
less the .ops see actual purchases
made, they are powerless to make
Three Men Are Held
For Alleged Theft '
From Freight Train
Arrest of three auto accessory
thieves is believed by railroad and po
lice detectives to have removed from
active operation at least a portion of
the alleged indicate, which is be
lieved to be making a regular. busi
ness of stealing autos and auto goods,
and then selling made-over cars
F. N. Cashman, assistant chief spe
cial agent of the Union Pacific, and
city detectives effected the arrest of
George Smith, Joe Brown and Wil
liam Robertson. Friday morning
they waived preliminary hearing be
fore United States Commissioner
McLaughlin and were held to the
grand jury on charges of stealing
$400 worth of auto accessories from
an interstate Union Pacific freight
shipment consigned to Faxton & Gal
lagher of Omaha.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
In Corracting Such Ills $
A splendid first aid is
Don't Miss the Big Sale of the $150,000.00 Beaton & Laier Stock
Exceptional Opportunities to Save Considerable Money on Fine
Exceptional Values In Dressers,
and Ghiffoniirs
Sale Price.
$54.00 William and Muxy Dull Finish
Mahogany Dreaaer, 843.20
as&SO Rounded Front Mnhounny
Drain 829.50
StKK AA Tin 1 1 MoliAirili fPvlnls MlpMr
Drensins Table ..844.00
(28.73 Gun Wood Dresser 823.00
926.00 GOm Wood Chiffonier,
matches nboTe dreaaer 820.80
S23JE0 Solid Quarter-sawed Oak
Dreaaer, swell front 81S.80
$19.50 Famed Oak Dresser 815.45
$18.75 Famed Oak Chiffonier 814.75
$1.50 Triple Mirror Famed Oak
Dreulas Table 813.20
$12.00 Solid Oak Dresser ...8 9.80
Specials In Bed Rcom Suites
$ 82 .50 6-Piece Irory Enamel Bedroom Suites
Sale Price $ 66.00
$110.00 8-Plece Irory Enamel Bedroom Suite)
Sale Price 88.00
$142.00 6-Piecc Mahogany Bedroom Suite ',
Sale Price $114.60
$1S&00 4-Piece Solid Oak Bedroom Suite; i
Sale Price $110.00
$207 M 6-Piece Antique Birdseye Maple Bedroom Suite;
Sale Price $165.60
$33540 7-Piece American Walnut Bedroom Suite; Sale
Price $268.00
Wonderful Selection off Dis
tinctive Dining Room Sets
Sale Price.
$02540 9-riece Queen Ann American Walnut Dining Suite.. $500.00
$330.00 9-Plece Solid Mahogany William A Mary Dining Suite. .$264.00
$194.00 9-riece Solid Mahogany Dining Boom Suite $154.20
$150.00 9-PIece Colonial Fumed Oak Set $120.00
$48.00 Rope Leg Fumed Oak 7-piece Dining Set $ 37.40
Amazing Bargains In Comfortable
Upholstered Rockers
Sol Price.
$SS.M Spanish toother
Platform Itocker ....
$33.50 Royal Push tli
orris Chair Hlrh Bark Rnanlah
Leather Rocker 815.50
$15.00 Blaek Imitation
OTerotuffcd Harris Rock
er 812.00
$S Golden Oak Black
Imitation Leather Backer. 8 6.80
$5.80 Ooldan Oak Wood Seat
Rocker 8 4.40
$3.75 Imitation ' Quartered
Oak Rocker 8 8.00
.826.80 s
Big Savings
In Our Large
Rug Cept.
Large Showing Period Design
Sale Price.
$72.00 00-ln. top Wll-
Uam Mary Buffet,857.6
$72.00 SO-ln. ton Wil
liam aad Mnrr Ja
cobean finish Buf
fet 849.60
$43.50 48-lnrh top Ja
cobean Buffet 834.80
$45.00 48-ln. top Chaa.
11. ropa Its Buffet. .836.00
$35.00 Charles II. rope
lea; China Cloiet ...828.00
$30.00 Colonial Fumed
Oak Buffet 824.00
123.00 Fumed Solid
Onk Plank Top Buf
fet 818.40
Stationary and Duofold Davenports
; Sale Price.
$07X0 Loose Cushion Tapestry DaTenport.. $53.60
$55.00 Tapestry Stationary Davenport $44.00
$18.00 Tapestry Upholstered Shalae Lounge $38.40
$48.00 tnlfold Spanish Imitation Leather Golden Oak DaTen
port $38.40
$15.00 Kroehler Duofold Bed Davenport, Imitation Spanish
leather $36.00
$31.50 Kroehler Imitation Spanish Leather, Colden Oak
Automatic Bed DaTenport $27.20
$22X0 Spring Edge Black Imitation Leather Conch $17.60
Splendid Bargain Values In
Brass and Iron Beds
New Spring Pal! erns In Rugs, all Reduced 20
The majority of these rum hare just arrived previous to onr pur
chasing the Beaton A Laier Stock, and represent the very newest pat
tern and color combinations. Ion will find in this department un
equaled opportunities to save money. A 10 discount only will 'be
allowed on WTilttall Anglo Persian Bugs.
Refrigerators, Elc.
Sale Price.
M2.50 MeDouxall .
Kitchen Cabinet 834.00
$33.75 Kltehcn Maid
Kitchen Cabinet ...827.00
118.50 Kitchen Cab-
lnet Bane, porceltron
top 815.60
$7.50 Maple Cabinet
Boae 8 6.00
$20.00 Porcelain Lined
Kcfrlcerator ...... .820.80
111 JO Refrlcerator,
hard wood ...8 9.20
I72JS0 Combination
Gaa and Coal ltonse.S58.00
$50.00 Combination
Goo and Coal Uancc.846.40
LJ M U y rt'J fcrd atom,
,.v. hi ta -i ir-mi. in .u uyu
Sale Prlea.
Satin Braaa Bed 632.00
Simmon's Contlnnona Pont
Bed 825.60
$21.00 Simmon's Braaa
Bed . 816.80
$tSJM Simmon's Brass
S31.0S Slmmon'a 8a.
Paat Metal Bed 816.80 2-Inch Contlnn
ona Pout Bed, ten 2
Inek tiller. 814.40
$12.00 a-lneh contlnn
ona Pont Bed, 10 1
Ineh filler. 8 9.80
$(.00 S-lneh Poat Sim
mon's Enameled Bed.8 7.20
$125.00 Sfaaatra Pullman Spanish Leather Duofold Set, sale price.
S 77.50 3-J I ere Kroehler Duofold Llbrarr Set upholstered In cenulne Saanlah
Leather, sale price 8 62.00
$ 0X50 Imitation Spanish Leather Ooldcn Oak S-pleea Duofold Set, price. 8 50.00
$ 59.50 3-pleee Genuine Spanish Lcntkcr Golden Onk Parlor Suite, snle price.. 8 47.60
$ 47.00 3-pleee Genuine Block Leather Upholstered Golden Oak Parlor Set,
aula price 8 37.60
II Will Pay Yon
lo Visit Our
Drapery Depl.
Entire Beaton A Laier High
Grade Stock Bedueed to
911 B,,B Tlr Fernsr
fcV Lam Prlea.
All Quaker
Curtains and Nets,
Thousands of sample
lenirth tapestry and
veiour below fac
tory cost
biz. r
We Still Retain Our Old
Telephone Number
Douglas 1876
y4-f-HBia-hhB$BiH,jBo) Snoot! ijanWannnnnnni
runty) I lylGiLc AUU hmi I Ml.
415-417 South 1th Street
Douglas 1876