THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 25. 1917. 6 D .itm "Mta coxs-w-i, : FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Lands. DIVIDING 1,100-acra Alabama plantation Into (arm. Black soil bolt Ideal tor Block ralolnf and diversification. Drained, fenced, buildings, bard roada, transporta tion. Cheap labor. 122.50 per acre. Liberal termi. Joseph Humphrey, gelma. Ala- Colorado Lands. LAND AUCTION. V Of t,M9 acrea of fine deeded nonlrrl . rated land, alt lylnf In the San Arroya valley t ml lea aouthweat of Fort Mor fan Colorado, on ' TUK8DAT, APRIL I. 111?. Bale will be held on the ranch, f mllet aouthweat of Fort Mortan. Colorado, and 1 ml lee aoutheast of Vallery, Colorado, SALE WILL START AT :lo A. M. All of above described land la nice, level land laying In the San Arroya valley, A e-ood well, with plenty of food water, can be obtained on any of this land at from 10 to S feet. We have 1G acres of el falfa on this bottom that made lent year 14 tons per acre without a drop of irri tation. We will tell this land tn tracts of 10 screa or more, or will sell It all togethsr If desired. For furrier Information In regard to this land address 8. Sanford, Owner, Mor gan County National Bank of Fort Mor gan. Clerk, H, C. Dennis of Fort 11 organ. Colorado. LOOK HERB DON'T MISS IT. Choice Colorado farming lands on 18 years' time, one-tenth cash down, balance one eighteenth per year nt t per cent Interest. Price fso per acre. The Llebler Land Co., Hugo, Colo, RANCH. With plenty of cheap grass leased, also Improved; lots of water; easy terms. You can't beat It. Box Hugo. Colo. Florida Lands. ItAISB. ALFALFA In FLORIDA (Natal H ay) this winter. First cutting. SO days; t&0 and 990 annually on ISO land. 625 Paiton Blk.. Walnut 2667 (evenings). Iowa Lands. FOR BALK at Laka Okobojl, summer home. Den Molrres Beah; south front; eight rooms and garage. Bargain, 4,000. DR. C. A. BOEDER. S34 Brandols Theater Bldg., Omaha. WILL sell at a sacrlflo IS acres adjoining Council Bluffs, 13 acres bearing grapes; 1 acres garden. J. S. Mosbachsr, 162ft Had- ' Ison Ave,, Council ml una, Ft)R SALE At Ltke Okouojf, summer home, les Motnes beach ; south front, sight rooms and garage; bargain, 14,000, DR. C. A. BOEDER, 194 HrandelH Theater Bldg. Missouri Lands. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and & month ly; no Interest or taxes; highly productive land: close to I big markets. Writs for photographs and full Information. Munger, A-llS N. T. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER -LAND FARMS. Oralns thrive. Drouth, haO unknown. Root crops, dairying, graxtng. Ideal. Fins roads, market; 14ft growing days. Aver age killing frosts October t. Terms easy. Qeorgs Bowel , Jr., U Bacon Blk., Mar quette, Mich. Michigan Lands. LANDSEEKERS Splendid opportunity for farm renters and wage earners to get farm homes. Small or large traets, suitable for general farming, stock, dairying, poultry, vegeta bles, fruit. Located In Michigan's best countlss. Near towns, schools, good mar kets. Prices, lift to 126 an acre, $ft to $100 down, balance small monthly or yearly payments. Writs for literature and full Information free. I want to tell you all about this country. Owner, George W. Swigart, D. 1246, First National Bank Bldg., cnicago. J u, Nebraska Lands. 5U4 Acres lTt miles south of Fort Calhoun, on the high road, good T-room houee, barn and a-aragc, 40ifl0, cement floor and other ncrrAsary buildings. Fine lawn and trees and a good orchard; possession at on re. A dandy smalt farm home, Pries $18,400. 218 ACRES. Well Improved. mils west of the S. W. corner of Fort Calhoun: high, rolling land, a little rough; 76 acres under plow, 6ft acres alfalfa, 40 acrea seeded to clover, 3 years' growth, balance la prairie pas ture and soms timber: mortgage IIMOO. payable yearly; located IS miles north of Omaha post office. Ws want. an offer for Hie equity. . 80 ACRES. On Military road, II miles from Omsha, and It la a beauty, too. Every acre good land, beautiful building site, fair Improve ment, Pries, 200 per acre. WESTERN WHEAT LANDS. Why continue to rent high-priced east ern farms to enrich land owners when vmi n trnv in Kimball county. Nebraska, and southeastern Wyoming. In Laramie oounty, where ons crop often pays for the landT Ons man got SIS.MS for his wheat crop on 120 acres. We can sell this land at lift to 2 per sore. Bet us about U now, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. (REALTORS) Doug, 3711. 1011 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FINE 12 ACRES. t A wMnw owns 13 acres, close to paved road, only about mile from Benson. This Is ths finest piece or lana in ins couniy. All nreclloallv level, hi ah and Sightly; elegant shade trees; small grove, small orchard and vineyard; iq acres in a ire tie, which cut 10 tons last year. This acre age faces I main roads; small Improve ments; 4-room house; chicken house; good large hog house; email stable; good well and windmill. This will make a family a fins home and you can make money there; It's not like one or two acres; here Is a small farm and you can get pos session at once. Price $600 an acre, and It is a snap. Small payment down- will handle It. Owner mlaht take a good, small modern house well located as part payment S. S. MONTGOMERY, Phone Douglas 4t or Walnut 1T0H, Farm Near Omaha 240 Acres Located about 16 'miles ' northwest of Omsha and about 4-i mites from 9al hount all upland, good soil, fair Improve ments. This farm produced over la, 700 for the owner's share last year. Owner going to California; has cut price to $146 per acre for quick sals. Terms; $11,600 cash, balance to sua. The Byron Reed Company, Bf.ltor,, JUS. ITthit. POSSESSION APRIL 1ST, 1917. 10 acres, all under Irrigation, 10 acres In alfalfa, balance plowed and ready for crop this year, good new sis-room house, new barn for $0 head of stock, new gran ary and chicken house, only five miles to good town on main line of the Union tract n R. R. Small cash payment, bal ancs 1ft years time. This Is a rare op- port unity to go right to work and put in your spring crop. BIG 4 REALTY CO., 101 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. S4KI FRUIT AND CHICKEN FARM. $1,900. EAST TERMS. Large I -room house, water res. hath, elect, lights, bam and chicken house; three ft 0-foot lota fenced. It frutt trees, fins grape arbor, blackberries, straw berries, entrants, all kinds of shads and shrubbery; 4 blocks to car. Improvements worth $1,009. Call Douslas ftOll during met nours ana voirai mo trier g p. m. X. L MORROW, YOUR LAST CHANCB to buy I or I sections of good graslng and part farming land near U. P. town In Lincoln county, under original R. contract. Terms one-tenth cash, balance 10 yrs. at orlg. R. A, price, $0, plus 0o per acre. Subject to previous sale. Write at wire for information. Otto Siemssen, . sjb use jsiog.. umiu. Man. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 1,840 ACRES DAWES COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Nine miles southwest of Chadron, t.uoo acres very best of fs rm land, balance fins pasture, heavy grass. NO SAND. Plenty of timber for fuel and posts, creek and never-falling springs. Ons of the best combination places In Nebraska. Price $15.00 per acre, easy terms. Call or write for full particulars. ' KLOKE INV. CO.. 141 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. EIGHTY-ACRE FARM. 4 hours' rids from Oman, about 1 mile from a good R. R. town; highly Improved; all level, black loam soil; nice shade and orchard; small payment down; possession at once; 20 acres alfalfa; good terms. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, $05 Omaha National. no ACRES Joining town I'lnebluffs, 50 acrea hay meadow, l&o acres cultivated, ftO In winter wheat, running water year around. All can he cultivated; fenced; poor set Improvements. Priced to sell. No trades. 2418 N. 68th Ave., Benson, Neb. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy payments e acres up. we farm the rami we aell you. The Hungerford Potato Growers' As sociation, 10th and Howard flts., Omaha. Doug !bs 0371. CHOICE 100-acre Uage county farm. Im proved; iiv acres under plow, ons 1& miles from town and school. ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Bmnrlfls Bldg. WUT land made dry enough for crops or no pay is our way or draining land. no tract tcu large or too wet. Guarantee Drain Ago Co., Oakland, Neb, EAST central Neb.. SO acres, highly Im proves: xarm, close to town, snap, terms, possession at ones. 8. S. and R. E. Mont f ornery. Oregon Lands. THE OREGON ALMANAC, contains a vast amount of inter esting and valuable informally cov ering that great states. If you are thinking of farming or are seeking a business location in the west, you should certainly hav. that book. I will send a copy of It to you absolutely free. Writs to me today, R. A. SMITH. COLONIZATION ft INDUSTRIAL AGENT UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ROOM 1023, UNION PACIFIC HEADQUARTERS, OMAHA. NEB. Texas Lands, ARE YOU DISCOURAGED with ths High Cost of Living In Ne braska? Then corns with us on our next excursion trip to ths Trinity River Valley vof Bast Texas on April t: We want you to see and Investigate our corn and al falfa land wo are selling for the low price of $26 an acre; easy terms. Be Inde pendent and purchase a farm of your own In this "Sure Crop Country," where the rain tail is ample and the climate delight ful. For further Information call or writs W. S. FRANK, 101 Wjvjll. Bjjf.P;'"' 'Nshrssks, FARM LANDS FOR RENT FINE FARM FOR RENT. 130 acres three miles north of Blair, Neb. Fair Improvements, 100 acres under cultivation. Act quick. 420 Rose Bldg. LUND. Tyler 76$. I LOTS and house and bam In east Omaha, s.iD.oo a year, call web. tzio after 7 i. m. 110 ACTtCS best part of Texas for sale, $40 acre or trade lowa or Neb. a. P. stebblns, 1010 Chicago St. Miscellaneous. LAND AUCTION. Of 1,000 acres of fine deeded nontrrl gated land, all lying In (the San Arroya veuey, s mues sou tn west or. ron Morgan, Colorado, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1. HIT. Sals will be held on the ranch, 9 miles southwest of Fort Morgan, Colorado, and 7 miles southeast of Vallery. Colo. SALE WILL START AT 1:80 A. M. ' All of above described land Is nice, level land laying in the nan Arroya valley. good well, with plenty of good water, can be obtained n any of this land at from 10 to aft feet, we have IB acres of al falfa on this bottom that made last year 14 tons per acre without a drop of Irri gation. Wo will sell this land In tracts of 10 acres or more, or will sell it all together If desired. For further Information In regard to this land address s. Ban mm, owner. Mor gan County National Bank of Fort Mor gan, Clerk. H. C. Dennis of Fort Mor gan, Colo., Auctioneer. ORKAT bargains, $ft down; $6 monthly, buya 40 acres good fruit and poultry land near town southern Missouri. Price only $200. AnnresBHny08jBceismr Sprlnge,Mo. AUTOMOBILES USED CARS If you want a used car, priced right, see the i C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO Most Any Make Fords, Electrics, five and seven-passenger cars, all in the best of shape. C. W.FRANCIS AUTO CO. Maxwell Distributors Salesroom, 2216-18 Farnam St. Douglas 853 Service Department, 2212 Harney St, AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. LA HQ EST P BALERS IN USED AUTOMO . BILES WEST OP CHICAGO. Hudson si a-forty. l$ll model, like new, big reduction off of list prlce.$3B0 uaoiiiao signtcyiinaer touring, uit model sacrifice. . , , St ude baker touring, 1111 model nearly new $60 Moon sixcyiinder touring, lilt model, run vsry little, sacrifice..! Mitchell six-cylinder touring, newly painted, ne tires, mechanically perfect 4TS Maxwell touring, brand new, 1110 model (170 Font touring, perfect throughout.. $00 aieis touring, model, run very little no overland touring, lllft model, elegant condition 7ft Bufcit touring, lfl$ model, Ilko new. J.a unevroiet touring, itif model, run very little , fta wnaimera six touring, nearly new, painted new tires cost $$,$40 factory, electrically equipped..,,,, ISO National raolng roadster. Budge- , Wfattworth wire wheel, electrically equipped oo Paige light sla, touring, fine condi tion , 47$ MORE THAN tt OTHER CARS , TO SELECT FROM. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, $30$ Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 810. upen hunflays. open evenings. KoL'R'PASSKNOEH roadster, 0-cylinder Continental motor, all standard equipment. Two extra tires, spot tight, etc. I6ft$ Farnam. AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO. BARGAINS. Do you know you cannot afford to buy a used car before you see our line? A visit to our show room will prove to you. Ford touring 1014, good running order.$l7S Mets Speedster, wire wheels l&Q Chahmers Speedster 145 Regal touring 140 Mcts Roadster 150 Mets Touring, electric lights and starter 260 Bulck Roadster, electric lights and starter 2fi5 Velle truck, new tires 125 Cadillac touring, like new 676 Mitchell touring, electric lights and starter , $M Pullman touring, electric lights and starter 266 New Ford, panel body &0 Ford truck body 10 Presto tanks, large size ft If you are dissatisfied with your old car, trade it In and got one you can use. Don't wait. Select your car now. Make small pay ments ench month. W store it for you until you want It. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., 2107 FARNAM. DOUGLAS 60J. TUB FKKKL'ARY fK'UKK. of Paid ClaKBined comparud with 1910: TIIK HKE (mined J.89C7 line. THE NKWS gained 770 line. TUB WORI.D.HEItAI.D loat... 14 Una. Figures compiled by Wurflcld Adv. AkR'.. an Independent audit bureau. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 220$ Farncm St. Douglas 3310. Light Six Palg !. ftfi.OO Ford touring $200 Briscoe touring , $450 Tlulck touring $370 OLDSMORILK, 1016 roadster, NEVER BKKN USKD; 8-cyIlnrier. fully equipped, Including Ave wire wheels. This car as It stands would cost from any dealer $1,476; I will sell for $950 cash. Dr. Freeman tel, Rose Bldg. FOR SALE 1916 6-piis. Huppmoblle, ex cellent condition, run 4,200 miles. Will take Ford coupe In exchange. Call 428 at D. 2787 after 0 p. m. PAINT YOUR OWN CAR for $6. Free booklet tells how. Auto name I Company, 5 St. Paul Street, Rochester. N. Y. FOR sale, cheap for cutih, late model llve pasienger car. Will tako Ford In part payment. Call after 6 p. m. 1426 8. Sixteenth St. WE will trade you A new Ford for your old one. INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO., $0th and Harney. Douglas 5251. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Ctr Dept. 21(1-11! Farnam St. Douglas 86$. Almost any make at reasonable pries. TELL A BINKLktf, Auto ropalrlrg; expert mechanics. 2310 Harm St. D. 1640. 2 IN 1 VUL CO., 161$ Dve..port St. ftO Per Cent Saved on Year Tire Expenser S-PAH8 ENUER Ford bougnT"ln June. 1916. well cared for as private car, as good as new. Owner. Tyler 721, or Web. 1460. BERT8CH X "Kan-Flx-lt." Southeast cor nerjoth and Harney Sis. Douglas 2562. CASH FOR YOUR USED CAKH AUTO EXCHANOE. 2107 FARNAM, D. 60S6. Autv Livery and Garages. WHITE CALFE garage, 723 S. 37th, suc cessors to Smith A Deafner Oarage; day and night storage; repairs and supplies. A chance to please you la what we ask. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car al ways ready Jmaha Oarage, 2C10 Har ney St. Tyler $65. Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. NEB. Auto Radiator Repulr Service, and prices right. 210 8. 18th. P. 7JI90. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY-DAVID80N MOTORCYCLES .Bar- gaina in used machines, victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man." 270 LeavenworthV MEDICAL PR. B. B. TARRY, PILES, FISTULA Dr. B. R. Tarry eure. pile,, fistula and other racial dlaeaies without aurglcal op eration. Cur. guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ, for book ou reo. tal dlaeoae. with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRT, 140 Be. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. WHT SUFFER? Latest and Most Sclerftlfle Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Karnes, Oll-HL'U nos, Bldg. Examination and Consultation frae. Ho ts ourlng thou sands. m NOT TOUT Delays ars dan gerous. If you can't call, write. Hours a. m. to I p. m., 7:30 to 1:10 .venlnga. Sunday by appointment. RADIUM watsr baths and Hot Springs mer cury treatment for rheumatism. Dr. U, Pyor, 1 Patterson Blk. D. 6!2(. PUPTURE Successfully treat. I without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray, 80. Bee Bldg. Chiropractors, DR. KNOI.LENHKRO. SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 2ta and Farnam. D. IttS. REAL ESTATE West Farnam Residence An Unusual Home ' Wo are not often able to offer for sale a home so well built, carefully planned and attractively arranged aa the home of Mr. L, O. Doup at SOOT Jackson. It was built a short tlms ago, without re gard to Initial coat, and all materials entering Into the construction were se lected for beauty and permanency. There are eight rooms and three bathrooms; also Included In this sale are all draper lee. overhanging, lace curtains and rugv. which were especially selected to blend in the color scheme of the various rooms. The lot has a 60-foot frontage on Jack son rtreet We could state fully the de scription of this house by saying that It ts an exquisite home and one which ! well worth the price naked. For further ' Information call on . - The Byron Reed Co., Doug. (Realtors). !I! 8. ITth St. MEDICAL Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Bldf. D. S461. Dr. Frances Dawson, 50J-S Rose Big. T. Drs. Johnston, 1326 W. Q. W. Bldg. D. tltt. Dentists. Dr. Bradbnry. No Pain. (12 W. O. W. Hldg, Taff. Dent. Rim,, 308 Rose Bldg. P. ti. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Alfred C. Kennedy to C. & N. W. Ry. Co., southeast corner Thirty-ninth REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS West Farnam, two new 8-room brick flats, 60x180. Improvements cost $13,000. The Erastus Young, 125 feet in the same block, sold for $60,000 or a little over $300 a frontage foot, deducting the cost of improvements. There is a bargain in the ground for quick sale. We offer this at $25,000. Apartment Site 200x165, east frontage; best location in West Farnam District, short block to Farnam car line, solid building ground. Farnam street values are bound to increase value of this property; 95 feet just one block east, sold for $24,000. Investigate this now. Brick Flat Double brick flat, exceptionally well built, 6 rooms each; annual rental, $840. Priced for-quick sale at $2,000; about half cash, balance in monthly payments. Located near 30th and Dodge. Home Bargains Exceptionally well finished, with tiled reception hall, large living room with fireplace, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 4 bedrooms and tiled bath on second floor, attic finished complete, large cemented, floored porch; garage with cement drive; basement has laundry room, storage room, boiler room with hot water plant. South front lot and located near car line in Kountze Place. Cost the owners $16,000; they will sacrifice and make a price of $10,000 with liberal terms to the right party. Cathedral District Large 8-room, strictly modern brick house, priced at $5,500, for quick sale. Snap - 7-rbom strictly all modern, well finished house, located on California west of 38th. Lot alone worth $3,000, covered with fruit, shade and shrub bery. We offer this place for immediate sale, at $4,000. Well Located Strictly modern 8-room home, full lot, near Bemis Park and two car lines; price, $3,700. 5 Acres Well improved, excellent modern brick house with hot water heat, elec tric lights, water system and soft water cistern ; f ine Jbarn, cement floor in garage, chicken house, etc. 2,000 blackberries, 1,500 grapes, one acre of fine assorted orchard, balance cultivated land. Entire tract fenced chicken and hog tight. Located mile from paved road and 1 "4 miles to two car lines; high, sightly location; price, $6,500; investigate this now. Vacant Lots 60-fdbt frontage adjoining 4701 Davenport St., on west; price $700. Easy terms. . 45x116 on Fontenelle boulevard, one block from car line and near school. Price $700; $10 cash, balance $10 per month. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., Realtors Douglas 2715. Closing Out N Minne Lusa We are rapidly selling out the re maining lots in this beautiful residence district. Where Will You Go to buy such fine lots when Minne Lusa is sold out? $550, $600, $650, $750 and $850 On paved streets, with sewer, water, walks and grading all in and paid for. , Close, to good car service and in a re stricted district. Dozens of new homes are being built by the "owners. This is your LAST chance. Call one of our salesmen today and let them show you. F. L. Gallup, Colfax 120, or M. O. Headley, Colfax 3482. Charles W. Martin & Co., (REALTORS) 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. Two Close In Apartment Houses For Sale Harney Street, east of 26th. These buildings are practically Nnew, always rented, and are lo- cated in the very best part of the city to advance in value. They 'Will Be Sold Immediatly for what They will bring Be sure and investigate Mon day. DOUGLAS 1472- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS and B streets, 130x315 1 750 Hope Livingston to C. A N. W. Ry. Co., northeast comer Thirty-ninth and E streets, 110.3x130 220 Gerhard 8. Benawa and wife to C. ft N. W. Ry. Co., Thirty-ninth street, 11S.1 feet north of E street, east side, 130x172.8 2,000 Ella Ambler et al to Lillian P- Car man, Fifty-second street, 280 feet north of Frances street, east side, 40x144 385 Elisabeth M. Shahan to Sarah Olm sted. Fowler avenue, 243 feet east REAL ESTATE 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS of Thirty-sixth street, north side, 48x138 Ida Sutton and husband to Kazlmiers Ftechura and wife, Thirty-fourth street, 06.3 feet north of D street, west side, Kxl30 , B. n. Mills and wife to H. T. Johns, J25 1,100 southeast corner Thirtieth and Cap' ltol avenue, 33x100. s , REAL ESTATE CHOICE DUNDEE LOTS ON EASY TERMS Located between 48th and 52d Sts. and Dodge and Howard Sts., in Dundee's Newest Addition, where ,all streets are paved, all special improvements made, all lots put to proper grade and ready for building. Good lots in Dundee which can be purchased for $1,500 are few. We are offering better lots ranging in price from $800 and up in this new addition, on terms of only one-tenth down and 1 of purchase price, payable monthly with a 5 discount for cash, where the improvements will be new and restricted so that a purchaser is amply protected as against flats, tene ments, duplex houses, etc. This addition is located only 2 '- miles west of the retail business center, with the development taking place faster each year in this direction. Where can you buy a lot and feel that your in vestment is more safe and will increase in value in greater proportion than in this location? Will be glad to have you make an appointment with us at your earliest convenience, and will be pleased to drive you out to look over the property. We feel sure you will be convinced that this is the location in which to buy. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS Douglas 756. 902 City National Bank Bldg. Court Orders Sale of Business Property by Referee to Settle Doll Estate 1309-1311 Howard street, known as Fest , tier Ptg. Co. building, two stories substan tially constructed for any mercantile pur- pose. To be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the east front door of Court House, Omaha, April 2, at 10 A. M., sale lasting one hour. Ab stracts showing clear title furnished. x For any information, see PIATTI & WEAR, Attorneys, 1017 City National Bank Building. ELMW00D PARK WE WILL DIVIDE AND PUT ON THE MARKET THIS SPRING FIF TEEN ACRES JUST NORTH OF ELMWOOD PARK AND WEST OF THE BOULEVARD, OFF 63D AND WEST DODGE. BOULEVARDS WILL BE PAVED AND BUILDING RESTRICTIONS PLACED ON ALL LOTS. THE VIEW FROM THESE LOTS WILL PLEASE YOU. T LANGAN REALTY COMPANY 301 OMAHA NAT'L. BANK BLDG. OR J. A. LANGAN, WEST DODGE. Prettiest Mile Home A great bargain in a seven-room, all modern house, with oak finish and hot water heat, four bedrooms, garage and driveway. Wonderful shade trees and fine lawn. Lot 78x128, east front, in the prettiest block on the boulevard. ' All street improvements paid for. The ground is cheap at $3,500. Figure it out. See it Monday. Charles W. Martin & Co, 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George Dullard and wife et al to Robert Rightbower, Maple .tract. 47 feet oast ot Thirty-sixth atreet. north side, 79x100 t August Johnson and wife to Richard Defoort, southeast corner Railroad avenue and Monroe street, Irregular piece MO ooo Bee Want Ads Produce Results. REAL ESTATE 2709 Leavenworth, two-story hardware store, suitable for bakery, grocery, gar age or any mercan tile business in a loca tion of increasing values.