THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 25. 1917. j r AN flu Cotne Today! If You Can't Come Today, Come Tomorrow! Don't Wait Until the Best Land Is Sold! . , . . . . v . ( 5) OK 9 P A 0 md Garden Lots for Sale Ideally Situated for Raising Garden Products and Small Fruits COST IF Ml jvl n Whereby Everybody Can Lfl fl ie Rent Problem irdien, chickens, fruit, pigs, and a cow. 3 ON YOUR OWN GROUND Jeans, Peas, Radishes, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Rhubarb, Der bies, Currants and All Kinds of Small Fruits bp LAND )cation of the piece of ground purchased i hi and 50c a Week chased. You may pay a larger amount if you desire. 11 be allowed for cash. mafog, and West Q street car. Get off at 43rd and Q 5 you to the sale, or you may take the Ralston or Pa ! Street, the southeast corner of this garden land. If luglas 2596 or South 2447 and have our automobiles ay. ' We sell, day and night on the ground. If you COMPANY tonal Bank Building fu VII mmm mm today mm VOUR DOLLAR AND select voub mm SITE Ask any man what he could have done? Ask any man what he did do? Compare the man who made the investments with the man who waited to see how the other fellow's invest ment was going to come out. Buy garden land on the installment plan. Build a house on your garden land. Pay for it on the installment plan. When you pay rent you are paying for a house for your landlord. Don't keep your children from starting a foundation for a home. They may not need the garden land now. You did not need any garden land a few years ago. The TIME to START the foundation for a home is TODAY! HOW TO REACH THE SALE Take Any Car and Transfer to the South Omaha and West Q Car. Get Off at 43rd and Q Street, Salesmen Will Be There and Will Take You to the Sale, or You May Take the Ralston or Papillion Interurban Car and Get Off at 56th and 0 Street, the Southeast Corner of This Garden Land. Sale Is Going On DOU Get Off Car HERE en :NS!.: Car LineQ STREETZZCar Line; II Ed IS m o 3 il s 2596 or South 43d and Q Sts. S3 m Be Sure and Get OK the Car at 43d and Q--The End of the Line ?