THE OMAHA SUXnAV BEE: MARCH 25, 1917. llllillllilllllUillllllH in (nro)nfi II 1 1: AT THE SALE YOU WILL FIND AN EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR In .one of the largest tracts of ground ever platted in Douglas County. Don't Delay a Minute! Co A ki9 tra A iABBEEL 1 Mop- wf;ff FBMT 3 There Will Be Thousands of People at the Sale. We Will Offer Nearly One Thousand SJ n To Be Awarded Through the Tlffi flCaflllfl DAILV SOT: (World-Herald, News and Bee) bist unnis FOB Tfli K PLAN FOB abd We Offer a Feasible Plan BED EE Jl Write a letter to the GARDEN CONTEST EDITOR of The World-Herald, Omaha Bee or Daily News, laying out a plan and telling what kind of garden products to raise on a tract of garden land to reduce the High Cost of Living. 1st PRIZE: 2nd PRIZE: 3rd PRIZE: 4th PRIZE: 5th PRIZE: $435 Worth of Garden Land $205 Worth of Garden Land $140 Worth of Garden Land $135 Worth of Garden Land $100 in Cash RULES OF CONTEST Any person over 21 years of age may enter the contest by personally registering at the real estate ofilce of H. H. Harpef & Co., at 56tlr and Q Streets. We will announce on April 1st in the daily papers the date of the close of the contest. We will give you ample time, but send in your answers as early as possible. No contestant will be considered unless he has registered at the Sales Office on the grounds. ... P not cJ,?,veiii?t f.or yu to come to our Sales Office, you may register by sending in a filled out copy of the Mowing entrance blank, to H. H. Harper & Co., at 56th and Q Streets. Entrance Blank. Register my name in the Garden Land Con test at the Sales Office of H. H. Harper & Co., at 56th and Q Streets. ' Name . ,s.... . . Address This contest is free and contestants are not required to buy any property. We would like to have you come down to the sale and look over the garden land; you may be able to offer some valuable suggestions to our many prospective gardeners. HOD InlU And Solve the j Buy a location for a home with.gard lei PLANT YOUR GARDEN ( Raise Potatoes, Onions, Strawberries, Celery, Bean Spinach, Cucumbers, Blackberries, Goosebern PRICES k 4; and up, depending on the size and locate TEIOTS: 81 Cash1! ; and up, depending on the size of the ground purchase No discount will be j Take any car and transfer to the South Omajift Streets. Salesmen will be there and will take you pillion interurban car and get off at 56th and Q Stre you can't come on the street car, telephone Douglas take you to the Garden Land Sale. Come today. can't come today, come tomorrow. Don't delay. 1013-14 City Nation; ifu Age Telephone Douglas 25