Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1917, AUTOMOBILES, Page 4, Image 28

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4 C
College' Students Pose as Models for Classy Clothes
Many Service Stations Around
the City and Each One Pre
pared to Help.
"Convenience as to location and
preparedness' to give real service
Ihark the Goodyear Tire and Rubber
company's service stations in
Omaha," declares Joe M. Dine,
branch manager.
"We feel that for 117 we have a
better arrangement for taking real
care of car owners in Omaha than we
have ever had before. Every Good
year service station is a real station.
Every one is equipped, not only with,
the means, but also the desire to help
car owners get the most possible
mileage to reduce tire cost per mile
to the lowest possible level.
"Prevention is lots easier than cure.
And the prevention of tire troubles is
, just as important as the inspection
and adjustment of any other part of
a car. Small tread cuts, if neglected,
become big ones. When they get
down to the fabric, water and dirt
work in, then blowouts follow. The
automobilist can't foresee how many
miles from help he may be when the
blowout is ready to perform. How
much easier and cheaper it is to have
the tread cut mended when it makes
its first appearance.
"That's where the Goodyear serv
ice station comes inr Kach station is
ready waiting for the motorist to
bring in his car and have his tires
looked after. Tread cuts are one
thing;. Proper air pressure is another.
Keeping front wheels aligned is im
portant There are many things that
count in making mileage greater."
New Buildings Erected
At the Peerless Plant
"Arrangements are now complete
at the big plant of the Peerless Mo
tor Car company in Cleveland," as
serts W. T. Hause, local distributor,
''for the removal of the passenger car
departments into the new group of
factory buildings which have been
erected to take care of the increased
, production of the Peerless model 56
eight-cylinder car. This group of
factory buildings affords approxi
mately 500,000 feet of additional
floor space which is to be devoted ex
clusively to the manufacture of Peer
less Eights.
"The new buildings will house the
departments which manufacture the
Peerless eight-cylinder two-power
range motor, the body bnilding de
partment where Peerless bodies are
turned out and the painting and fin
ishing departments.
"The two-power range eight-cylinder
motor is the thing. Its combined
loafing and sporting range is one of
the most talked about developments
in the motor car world."
Two Are Bound Over On
Charge of Stealing Auto
Page Fite and Fred Davis of Te-
Jcamab, alleged members of the rev
cently exposed band of auto thieves,
were bound over to district court in
the sum of $1,000 each by Police Mag
istrate Fitzgerald on the specific
charge of taking the machine of J, P.
Were you at the style show at
the Brandeis stores yesterday?
My, how nifty those men looked,
parading gracefully across the stage,
dressed in clothing of the Hart,
Schalfner & Marx brand. The stage
was built across one end of the big
clothing department, with a back
ground of French windows looking
out ou a garden.
Living models to display men,'s
clothing were used for the first time
in the west and attracted large crowds
in which the large number of women
was noticeable.
From the dressing rooms at either
end of . the long stage the models is
sued and strolled easily along before
the admiring spectators. There were
three-button suits and pinch-back
suits, single breasted and double
breasted suits, bnglish walking suits,
business suits, tennis suits, golf suits,
Palm Beach suits, dress and tuxedo
suits, top coats and rain coats.
These "classy" models were inter
spersed by other living models dis
playing American army uniforms of
various periods, cowboy and Indian
costumes. And there were also sev
eral models of the fair sex displaying
frocks that were very fetching and
went well with the perfectly groomed
gentlemen models.
The men "mannikins" were college
students. The first show was at 11
a. m., the second at 2: JO p. m. and
the last at 7:30 p. m.
De Brown Takes Over
Cole Agency in Both
Iowa and Nebraska
One of the largest distributor con
tracts closed in this vicinity for some
time was recently consummated by
the Cole Motor Car company of In
dianapolis with the De Brown Auto
Sales company. The territory in
volved constitutes all of Iowa and
that part of Nebraska lying north ol
the Platte river.
The De Brown Auto Sales com
pany, with headquarters in Omaha
anit Des Moines, la., handles the ad
jacent territories from the respective
J. E. Roberts, district manager for
the Cole Motor Car company, asserts
that Mr. De Brown, commonly known
as "Buster," is one of their fastest
district dealers and has done most
satisfactory business at Lincoln,
where De Brown made his headquar
ters in the past.
Plans are being mad by De Brown
for the operation of an extensive
service scheme, both in Nebraska and
Iowa, and all operations will be On a
targe scale.
Lou Traynor, who has handled the
Cole and Interstate, is very much
pleased with the new organization and
will retain the retail end of the Cole
business in connection with his Inter
state business. Traynor predicts a
very successful future for the new
company and expects to add a good
record to their credit so far as sales
in this vicinity are concerned.
"swa 'nfNinTTrPS motor)
Two Rookf Look Good.
Two rook! catchers, Shaw nf lh Tin
kees and McOraw of t)i Brave", ar mok
In a nice showing behind thn ht and lire
also bitting the ball In true slugging ityle.
New Yank Second Bagger.
According to FHot Bill Donovan, Frits
Maiael will hold down second for the Yan
Instead of Oedeon.
There is a strong public be
lief in the superiority ol
the Stearns-Knight motor
The new series of
"Eight" and "Four"
cylinder cars rep
resent the last word
in Knight engine
Steams-Knight cars
are built in the
shops of the F. B.
Stearns Company
according to the
teachings of six
years' experience in
Knight motor-building.
One glance at
the crankshaft and
sleeves will show you
the ' difference be
tween the: Stearns-
Knight and
other Knight
type motors. .
"FOURS" (80 H. P.) "EIGHTS" (80 H. P.)
f 1,495 $2,250
ZZ7 fAlinAn, if. - OMAHA.
Packard Divides Up Country
Among Dealers and Makes
Effort Worth While.
Probably the most unique and in
teresting sales campaign ever in
augurated in the history of the motor
car industry has been devised and
is now in the height of operation
along the Lincoln highway. - This
sales stimulus is called ' the Lincoln
Highways Sweepstakes and is being
staged by the Packard Motor Car
company of Detroit. The contestants,
are Packard dealers along the Lin
coln highway. . -
To follow the race one must' know,
the rules of the game and how the
points are scored.
The route across the United States
from San Francisco to. New York
City has been divided into 100 units,
and the progress of the contestants is.
gauged by the rapidity of the sale of
their quoto of cars. For instance, if
the dealer's quota of cars is 100, each
car sale would advance bim one point
in the race. In order to reach the
finish he must sell' 100 cars. If. on
the other hand, the dealer's quota is
twenty-five cars, each sale would ad
vance him four points, and he would
reach the finish when the twenty-
fifth car was sold.
The country has thus been divided
into Jour divisions A, B. C and D
each according to the quota of cars,
and the race is strictly between those
coming under the respective divisions.
Omaha is in Division B, and the
Orr Motor Sales company is i very
fast eontestant for the prue. Omaha
now occupies fourth place in Divis
ion B and has outdistanced such
towns as Minneapolis, St. Paul, Seat
tle, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Buffalo,
Baltimore. The towns leading Omaha
in Division B are Rochester, N. Y.;
Toronto, Quebec and Atlanta, Ga.
Prizes are to be given by the fac
tory at Detroit to the winners and the
dealers contesting are . offering indi
vidual prizes to their salesmen. The
race will be finished when 2,500 cars
are (old.
For the extremely fast contestants,
if there prove to be any who outdo
their .competitors before the race is
finished, a boat race is arranged from
New York -to Galveston. To reach
Galveston . a dealer must score 206
points, or 106 after reaching New
York, ,
Harley-Davidsons Are
Here by the Carload
: Another carload of the 1917 "mili
tary drab" Harley-Davidson motor
cycles has just been ordered for rush
delivery to Victor H. Roos, the local
distributor. The new color, which is
required by Uncle Sam on all his field
equipment, is making i big hit, for
bicycles, motorcycles and autos alike
are coming out now in big numbers
with this color, says Mr. noos.
'Honestly Built"
Knowledge comes only through ex
perience and wide experience better
fits one for a judge than an individual
This application is particularly true
in the case of choosing a motor car
which is adapted to a community. The
experience of a single individual Is not
sufficient to judge whether a motor
car is suited to the needs of a com
munity. It requires the observation
of the needs of the majority in the
community to pick an automobile
which will give satisfaction.
Our 27 years of experience in trans
portation problems which confront
people in this section, has. fitted us.
admirably to select a car suitable to
the needs of the community.
t is with this experience to guide us
and back us up, that we choose the
Hollier line and the same experience
and confidence in our judgment per
mits us to endorse the Hollier to put
our reputation behind it to recom
mend it to you.
In offering to you the Hollier "Six"
at ?985 and the Hollier "Eight" at
$1185, we know that we are offering
you a maximum value for your money
and that we are selling you a car
which will meet all your needs at any
. time. .
,. Investigate Now. Immediate Deliveries
Omaha, Neb.
Sioux City, la.
Now Is The Time
To Buy Your "Six-46"
Let us again urge you to pce
your order for a Far-ieM
Don't wait too long don't be
too sure that you can buy tie
just as good advantage thirty or
sixty days from now.
For the spring season is nearly here
and it is certain that we shall
not be able to supply more than
one-fifth of the demand for this
popular car. -
Then, also remember that the cost
of manufacturing, materials and
labor is still soaring.
With the single exception of the
Fairfield, tevery light Six on the
market has been increased in
price, anywhere from $100 to
$yo and more "raises" are
undoubted'? coming.
If it were necessary for us to bur
chase the material for any of our
models today, we couldn't attempt
to sell them without increasing
the price twenty per cent
So, from every angle, you see, the
Fairfield is a "preferred buy"
right this minute. By contract'
ing for our supplies more than
eight months ago, we have done
everything that we possibly
could to protect ourselves and
you. But in the face of a con'
ean Rang market we may be
fojwsd tp increase prices proper'
From the present outlook, there is
no otter alternative, for we flatly
refuse to compromise on the qual
ity of our cars. Weshallcontinue
to use only the best materials no
matter how far the commodity
prices may advance.
Above all, please understand that
this advertisement is written in
a sincerely helpful spirit It is
by no means our purpose to
"stampede" motor car buyers in'
to early or ill-advised
We are merely telling you the
- - facts facts that can be readily
substantiated by your banker or
any man who is well informed
in regard to industrial conditions.
The "Six -46" now costs $1375.
At that price we honestly be
lieve that it represents more
actual dollar for dollar value
than any other motor car on
the market
Wait too long and you run the
risk of paying more.
Place your order now and you
can rest assured that you will
never regret the decision.
Stratford "Six-m"
Fairfield "Sn-rT
Lin wood Sumo
BrooUands "Sbt-51
Dartmoor 511-39
Iinwuatne "Six-51
Sedan Thx-ji
Town Car "Six-jr"
:" four-passenger
1 or 3-passenger
$1495 f. o. b.
$1375 f. o. b.
$1175 f. o. b.
$1695 f. a b.
$1175 f. 0. b.
$2750 f. o. b.
$1300 f. a b.
$1750 a b.
Paige-Detroit Motor Car. Company, Detroit, Michigan
1814-18 Farnam Street
Phone Tyler 123.