THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 25. 1917. 9 B Spring still is held In winter's grasp But soon her bonds She'll break And tripping down The hillside green Her fresh, lithe way She'll take Across the plains She'll swijtly fling Her blossoms which She's sure to bring She'll loose the brook's Soft gurgling note A song will burst forth From her throat A PERSONALLY conducted" tour through a section of Orchard fc Wilhelm's great Furnltur House that I had not previously via Itad revealed such wonders to ma that I feel It worthy of mention In theaa columm, for I want you, too, dear readeri, to aik the privilege of seeing; jtaat what my eyes beheld. Three din In room aultea, created by a Mat ter Furniture Maker, and designed for handsome, spacious homee copies of authentto period piece eo aecura In quality and perfection of orafta manahlp that they ahould be oonald ered apart from the regular commer el allied furniture. The on that par ticularly pleated me was an Adam Period mahogany suite with ebony In lay, oonelatlng of a 10 -Inch dlntnr table, serving table, aldeboard and eight ehalra (fix aide chain and two arm chain), Thla claaalo suite was Intended originally to tell at 12,000, but on aceount of It being alow In el ling la to be offered at $676.00. Such a sacrlftcs aeema to ma almoat a dese cration! There la another Adam aulte la fluted deelgn, with garlanda and oval medallion carvings, ao typical to us of that period, and which In tta stately proportion would lend dignity to a large, beautiful home. Besides these, there la another aulte of Shera ton, with satin-wood Inlay, that will also be offered on the sacrificial altar. Shades of Robert Adam and Thomas Sheraton, arlsel e e e My richest friend, who has lived years In Parle, many times remarked plaintively, "Why do you and all my good friends Insist on sets of d tehee 7" And, ai I was moat particularly fond of my complete aet of thin, daintily decorated French china, I never quite caught her orltlclem. Aht but now X know! Last week I happened upon the moment when a shipment of won derful china was being marked and arranged. "Thla," explained the pre slder of the collection, "la a Service plate for an Adam period room. No tice the urn the oval rosette the flowing Greek line the color the glass!" I commenced to catch the enthusiasm and queried, "What Is this ' for?" "A blue-gray dining room," quoth the prealder. "It was a trifle oold, so this real turquoise plate was needed." And I find that nowa days they lay out their tablet In chromatic scales. DID you notice with what a de gree of comfort you spent the entire evening at the "Black atone" the other night T I wondered a little myself at the splendid venti lation and pure, warm air. "It's the new Vapor System installed by The Illinois Engineering Co., where only part of the radiator needs to be heated at one time," I wat told. And did you know this same system la Installed at St. Cecilia's Cathedral, aa well as nu merous apartment houses, hotels and homes? It's wonderful! W. H. Hy land, 602 Bee Bldg., will explain It to you. e e e A 8 Stevenson, that lover of Tiny Tots, would say, "Oh! I do think It's the pleasantest thing ever a child can do" to visit The Little Folk's Section of Benson & Thome's and have Miss Adams fix them up In pretty things designed "speshully" for the younger generation. The Intent coat arrivals for Sister Dear are in black and white Shepherd's checks so serv iceable and yet with style aplenty. Box and belted models besides charming semi-empire effects, with washable and detachable collars and cuffs, so that Sister can always look sweet and fresh. These ducky coats are priced $3.60 to $10.00. Miss Adams has darling little hats, too, so when you buy the coat, be sure to find the becoming hat for Easter. Wee girls will wear little lingerie hats this summer quite frilly, with touches of color in hand-made roses, e e I NEVER saw such cunnln hankies for Kiddies In all my life I know I stopped a half hour at Thomp- ' aon-Belden's looking at them. Sol diers marching all around the square, or Mother Goose's children doing their proverbial "stunts" Id the corners, all for lOo, But there are fancy birds and butterfly designs and even flower pots for "Muvver" or "Sister" and such neat linen ones with colored borders. And, oh! such exquisite hand embroidered handkerchiefs for Easter e e e SVELTE and youthful looking! Yes! The "S. H, Camp Goodwin" and "Artist's Model" corsets are per fect foundations for your new Spring "tailor-made." Catherine Dwyer fits these models to our leading society women her sclentlflo corseting Is en dorsed by many leading physicians. 170 Douglas St. e e e I ALMOST broke the tenth command ment the other day when I beheld one of the most charming frocks of the Spring-time season. "Truly," I thought, "an artist's hand has de signed this." It was of Georgette In a delicate shade of gray, with an intri cate pattern of embroidery In self-tone silk cording. Never for a moment did I Imagine that It was other than hand-work, so I was amazed to be told that It had been done by ma chinery and It took The Ideal Pleat ing Co. a whole day to complete the beautifully elaborate design. I can surely recommend "The Ideal" at do ing the most perfect work of any thop I know In Omaha. e e I WAS out for an evening both restful and cheerful And stopped at the "MUSE" to tee what was "on." The pictures were charming, the music engaging Such a dear little place, I was glad I had gone. And after an hour or so, feeling at ease, X remembered "Muse Piotures PERPETUALLY PLEASE.' Just escaped from the circus! a gray elephant with a caravan pack on his back, and dangling from It all the things a little girl would need with which to make her first doily. Smith, Tukey and Latenser Enlist in Officers' Reserve Three more well known Omaha men are offering their services to Uncle Sara in case of war. They will enroll with Captain McKinley of the army recruiting station as members of the army officers reserve corps. Frank Latenser, Allan Tukey and Lloyd S. Smith are the volunteer offi cers. Saturday noon they called to see Captain McKinley and enroll with him, but found he was out of the city. They declared they would enroll bur. All three have been officers in AN .OLD rhymlst speaks about the primrose at "Merry Springtime's harbinger." Pausing before Leo Larmon's Flower Shop window. In The Fontenelle Hotel, I noticed many small plants abloom with these same lovely blossoms that Inspired the poet, be sides pots of bright cyclamen, cinerar ias and hyacinths for which Ruskln intent have sold the loaf of bread to feed his tpul and, oh. Just ths dain tiest little table ferns! Why not havs at leaat one of these pretty plants to adorn your home this week? It will bring happiness to all the family. They are priced only $6o to $1.00. Phone Douglas $244. m e e EASTER'S coming! And, how about your new Bonnet? Belle Hatch, 1920 Farnam, has some stunning models, both in tailored hats and beau tiful lacy affairs for evening wear. One thing I particularly love about her hats It the hand-work the putt on with truly an artltt's touch, e e e THE Immortal bard certainly knew a thing or two when be said, "The apparel oft proclaims the man." And when It comes from Luclen Stephens' Shop you may be assured of its abaolutely correct form. There you'll find your Eatter neck wear, hosiery, hat and gloves and. Mr. Man, If you're a bit ultra In your taste, may I suggest a walking stick, too? e e e SOMETHING Is surely happening In THE UPTOWN RETAIL DIS TRICT. If you don't believe me, just take a peep Into A. T. Benton's Specialty Shop, 1818 Farnam St., and tee for yourself. My, but you'll be the surprlzee when you eee the large proportions this ehop Is assuming and with all the extra, new fixtures be ing put In It'e certainly going toj be one of Omaha't most inviting shops for women. So busy was everybody the day I visited this shop this week that I did a bit of exploring on my own hook and let me tell you, I dis covered some frocks Inside the show cases that were positive beauties frPBh, little frorks of lustrous, firm taffeta, some combined with Georgette, and fft the bright, sunshiny colors so popular this Spring. Every woman should Include a blue taffeta In her wardrobe most practical thing in the world, you know! The Bnecialty Shop hat a splendid line of these. EVERY time I etop for a chat with Miss Pargcter at The Nerkwear Section of Thompson-Belden's, I spy something new and attractive In the show cases. This week It was storks of pique with wonderful ties of that marvelous silk, Yo San so good looking to wear with tailored and snorts suits, and decidedly new! Then the Georgette collars this Spring are ao pretty to "dress up" a eult or frock, and come In plain white or trimmed with colors some dainty ones with lace medallion Insets. Pongee and Rajah collars, too, are very smart In- ' deed, and Dame Fashion dictates we are to wear organdy collars this tea ton with taffeta suits and gowns. Also I taw such sweet, little veetees of embroidery, fine lace and embroidered crepe while peering Into those fasci nating show cases. e e THE World of Femininity has Its thoughts now centralized on THE EASTER HAT. Have you found yours yet? If not, let me urge you to see the tailored 'models at The Drahos-Luttlff Hat Shop. Jaunty hats In the popular shades of blue, green and rote from famed Eastern makers. The bon-ton of our city teem to favor thla shop but I don't wonder, though, for a Prahos-Luttlg hat Is characteris tic In its cleverness. e e 'e Crowns are high and brlmt are large on the modish picture hats. eee THIS little Item thould be of spe cial interest to Christian Scien tists. In looking over the many beautiful pictures on display at A. Hospe'e Store, I discovered a few finely colored platlno types that every Scien tist would enjoy having In his or her home. "The Home of Mary Baker Eddy" $2.69. 'The Mother Church In Boston" $1.6$. "Church of Christ Scientist, Concord" $1.60. Then there Is that masterpiece of St rut ft, "A Little Child Shall Lead Them," ex quisitely finished In water colors, for $12.00, and a new picture, equally ap- pealing, by the sams artist, called "The Reign of Love." "Christ In the Temple" and "Daniel In the Lions' . Den" are favorite subjects also both $12.00. H OW often do we hear ladles In clined to be stout remark. "I'm always obliged to have my The Bee's Shopping Service ts free to Its readers. Clip the items that appeal to you. Bs sure to be very specific when you write, as to color, size and style you desire. Pur chases sent from the stores C. O. D. Address THE OMAHA BEE, Polly, ths Shopper. high school and university military organizations. Latenser is an architect in the firm of John Latenser & Sons. Tukey is an Overland auto salesman. Smith is a department manager of the Lin inger Implement company. The reserve officers' corps already has enrolled three other young men here, and still others are known to be planning to join the corps. They would be called to the regular army or National Guard as commissioned officers when war should come, and the greatly enlarged military forces would be in urgent need of officers with some military cadet experience. Thdn down the city's Busy street Will come the ripple Of her feet And by the gay And festive throng You'll know they've heard Her gladsome song So do your shopping Early friends It surely boosts your Spirits friends To have those fresh And lively things To dvn when spring Warm weather brings waists made, because I simply can't find a ready-made one In a large site." It will bo Joyful tidings, then, to know that at last tome pretty blouses have been specially designed for them, which fit perfectly without any altera tion whatsoever. One I noted was of flesh Georgette daintily hemstitched with Inserted panels of taffeta. Anoth er of white crepe de chine with hem stitched tucks and broad sailor collar. Both these blouses come In sizes 4$ to $8 and are splendid values for $6.7$ At Benson A Thome's. eee ANNOUNCEMENT! A new Oriental Shop has been opened In Omaha, where gifts of the rare beauty and oharmlng dittlnctlveneet of the In genious Japanese and Chinese peopte may bs found. There are elegantly embroidered klmonas, Mandarin coats, filet laces. Canton wear and antique porcelains the most marvelous pearl Inlaid and carved furniture. Never be fore In our city has there been shown such gorgeously rich and unusual art treasures from the Orient. Do visit the W. H. Bldrldge Importing Co 's new shop across from the W. O. W. Bldg., at 131$ Farnam St.r A formal opening Is announced for Thursday of this week a treat Is In store for you there. eee ENTIRELY new thlt season are ths colored cut embroidered flouno lngs and bandings to match, tn the most delicate shades baut If ul for bridesmaids' frocks! And there are the finest flouncing of organdy, voile and marquisette with filet lace edges or elegantly embroidered, which Miss Rhodes, the buyer for this de partment at Thompson-Belden'a, says are all foreign Importations which she was very fortunate to secure. Just the thing for bridal or graduation gowns. s e f TJUSYi Well, I should say It It. i r Why, Lamond's, 2d floor. Rose Bldg., fairly hums with pleased hoppers theee pre-Batter days. No wonder, though, for there Is merit as well as styls In Lamond's smart wear for women, and It Is very evident that the dear, feminine public It real ising thlt fact. Last Tuesday I helped my friend, Virginia, In the se lection of a new Spring coat and she remarked, "I'm simply tickled to pieces, Polly, that you Introduced me to this shop, for I've found exactly the coat for which I've been looking." It was gratifying to me to hear her tay to, for I certainly think Lamond's it one of the most attractive ahops about town. eee GOOD newt! Those pretty, pink, brocade corsets you admired to much at The Vogue Shop will be specially priced all this week. Hurry up If you want one! Second floor Rose Bldg. eee AT THE Alia 8hop, 207 S. 18th St., I find such glftle things for Easter. An envelope, beautifully decorated. Includes five little letters of greetings each one expressing a different sentiment. Price 80c. A pretty box, on the lid of which a clover verse ts printed, contains two fine Chinese Egg cups. 60c. Exquisite Easter cards 10c to 26c. eee JUST off the press! I'm so glad to tell my readert about Napier's new 1917 Style Folder with distinct Illustrations of the newer patterns and materials In boots and pumps, which will be modish for Spring and Sum mer. If you're Interested In smart foot wear, Mr. Napier will be delighted to mall one of these to you If you'll send him a postal with your name and ad drees. . Write Napier's Booterle, Ross Bldg. eee This will be the most popular "white season" In footwear that the country has ever known. eee HAVB yon visited the Excelsior Bath Institute, 683 Rote Bldg.T It's splendidly equipped clean, comfortable and sanitary. The Wo ' man's Bath Dept. It In charge of Mlts Thomas, formerly of ths famous Ex celsior Springs Retort. eee WATCH out! Warm days are coming, and with them come foot-troubles, both painful and annoying. Exercise a bit of foresight and consult a specialist (n the care of feet. Mist Johnston, by her care ful chiropody, has relieved many who are footsore and weary. Better see her at The Comfort Shop. 601 Rose Bldg., before the warm weather sets In. see MISS COLE'S latest creation for the little housewife who wishes always to look neat and sweet for "Husband" when he comet home, le a coat-drees of pretty wash mate rial, made with broad tailor collar, daintily trimmed; twagger pockett and deep cuffs. Priced $2.60. Her famous Bungalow aprons are $1.26 cap to, match, 26c. Lingerie Shop, fill Bee Bldg. eee I JUST can't resist tucking In this item, for It's something I discov ered late yesterday afternoon, and I do want you to know about It very, very much. Just arrived from Fifth Ave, are the most up-to-the-minute Coat-Dresses of Jersey cloth, I'm told that N. Y. women are crazy over theml In thadca of Canary, Kelly Green, Jap Blue huge set-on hip pockett, belt and collar of white broadcloth ttitched in color. You'll want one of these frockt, I know! At Benson Thorne'e for $19.76 (they're selling in N. Y. for $30.00). eee Dear Folks: Such a week as I've had In ths Shops about town, through bewildering mazes of coats, suits or gown and "stocks" so delightful, such smartness revealed and to my aetthetlo tente turely appealed. When I found thlt good-looking, aye, ultra "tret beau," new neckwear the shops to engagingly ahow. Be It neckwear or furniture, mandarin coat or flowers do let me do your shopping at these clever shops of ours. POLLY. "Advertisement. Previous enlistments in the reserve officers' corps included Attorneys Amos. Thomas and Anan R. Ray mond, and Mayer L. Cohn, a military school graduate. T. W. 0. A. Not.,. Association veapera thli afternoon will be In charit. of tha extenelon department. Mra. Effle Klttlenon will give a talk on "Personality." Miaa Hazel Evane will .Ins and Mlaa Marguerite Brown will play the violin. Social hour follow!, when light re freahmeiue are served. On Monday ntsht at S o'clock will be held the aecond maae meeting In the In tareat of th. summer camp. All captains and worker, wilt be preaent. Report, will be given and It will be a general "booater" and "enthusiasm" meeting. What Women Are Dome: in the World CLUB CALENDAR Woman's club, political and social science department, Metropolitan ,club house, 2:i0 p. m. Dundee Catholic Circle, Mrs. Faul T. Fleming, hostess, 2 p. m. Summer Camp rally, Y. W. C. A., 8 p. m. Chautauqua Circle, Tennyson Chapter, public library, 2:30 p. m. Woman's Council, court house, 11-2 p. m. Business Woman's club, V. W. C. A. , 7 p. m. Omaha Woman's club, oratory de partment, 10 a. ni.; current top ics. 2:30 p. m.; philosophy and ethics, 4 p. m: Association of Collegiate Alumnae, vocational guidance section, Cen tral High school, 4 p. m. South Omaha Woman's club, lit erature department, library hall, 2:30 p. m. Study of Music club, Mrs. T. B. Hoyle, hostess. 2:30 p. m. Custer Woman's Relief Corps, Memorial hall, 2 p. m. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. P., Easter sale, Mrs. Alva Smith, hostess, 2 p. m. Grant Woman's Relief Corps, Mrs. D. A. Sweezy, hostess, 2:30 p.m. Vacation Bible schools committee, Y. M. C. A., 8 p. m. Daughters of American Revolu tion, public library, 3 p. m. Wednesday Dundee Woman's club, Mrs. Leigh Leslie, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Mothers' Culture club, Mrs. W. G. Spain hostess, 1 p. m. W. C. T. U, Frances Willard Union, Y. W. C A, 2 p. m. W. W. club, seventh anniversary, Mrs. H. F. Shearer, hostess, 1 p. m. Spanish War Veterans, Lawton auxiliary, Mrs. Perry Miller, hostess. Woman's club, Benson city hall, 2:30 p. m. Omaha Woman's club, art depart ment, 10 a. m.; music, 2:30 p. m. Metaphysical Study club, 516 Bee building, 2:30 p. m. W. C. T. U., Omaha Union, all-day institute, Calvary Baptist church. of American Widows, Mrs. B. C. Turpin, hostess, 8 p. m. P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. K Mrs. A. A. McGraw, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Episcopal churches, Woman's Auxiliaries, St. Barnabas church, 2:30 p. m. Saturday P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter M., Miss Georgina Davis, hostess, 2:30 p. m. B'nai B'rith, McKinley Auxiliary, luncheon at Blackstone, I:i0 p. m. MRS. JOSIAH EVANS COWLES, president of the General Federation of Wom en's Clubs,- besides request ing all clubs to display the national flag at meetings, has wired President Wilson as follows: "The General Federation of Wom en's Clubs stands loyally behind the government. It is our desire to serve the nation to the best of our ability." True southern hosiptality will be extended all clubwomen at the mid- biennial council meeting of the Gen eral Federation at New Orleans, April 9-13. Mrs. F. H. Cole, Mrs. K. K. J. fcdholm, Mrs. J. N. i'aul and Mrs. A. G. Peterson will make up the Nebraska delegation. The Louisiana Federation will en tertain the board of directors of the General Federation at a sacred mu sical at the home of Mrs. Frank P. Williams, St. Charles avenue, at 3 p. m., Easter Sunday. ' The City Federation of New Or leans will entertain the invited guests of the council with a luncheon at the Country club, Monday, April 9. the local board of arrangements will give a large reception in the lounge of the Grunewald hotel. Mon day, from 9 p. m. to 12. Wednesday, April 11, beginning at 1:30, p. m there will be a pilgrim age through the old French quarters; stops win be made at various points of interest and a guide will be in at tendance to tell ot the history and items of interest. The pilgrimage will close at the H. Sophie Newcomb col lege, where the famous Newcomb potteries will be viewed. The visit to Newcomb will terminate with a pa geant a lovely phantasy "The Birth of Summer," on the Newcomb camp uus, given by the college girls. the Council of Jewish women will be hostesses to the council of the Fed eration at its Harmony club. I'lav day, iriday, April 1J. will be celebrated by a thirty-five mile trip on the Mississippi river, on the old steamer Sidney, taking in the wonder ful harbor of New Orleans, the Pack- enham plantation, stopping at The Oaks, where the Colonial Dames will serve tea to the guests. J. P. Palmer will speak on , Health, fast ana U . Ijjli jl There la but ana 'nature', moat beau- ,U I I Xlll Hotel Colfax with lie tilul ecsnerv await ran at 1 , I trf7 majeetle poeltlon on tha crest Hotel Calf as and Mineral V llT, of a high hill overlooking a Springs. l IjW J" "t"ral springs. Tha health-giving water. II III II Rh.uraatiam, Stomach Troubles Tha etimulattag hatha. II III and Nervous Eahauerlan re- The rich vet netful ma- ' II all Every opportunity for (rounding a. II fjji healthful and netful recreation. See Coltaa Brat. A SJ 11' II fl "-AND XZX?- "I nCftlf fl fiLf MINERAL tuui ..rd.. ..... 1:1 If colax,. 1 t?SWlEI iv,owfiJL "Nebraska Legislation Concerning Women and Childrrn"'and Ray J. Ab. bott on "Law Enforcement" ai the meeting of the political and social science department of the Omaha Woman's club Monday at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. F. J. Birss will have charge of the program and Mrs. D. G. Craig head, Mrs. J. H. Dumont and Mrs. George Abel will give reports of legislative work at Lincoln. The luncheon planned by the ora tory department for this week has been postponed, but the department will meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock to practice exteiuoraueous speech-making. The current topics department Is the first to hold its election Tues day at 2:30. The Bible lesson will be on Daniel. The philosophy and ethics depart ment will meet Tuesday at 4 o'clock in the club rooms, when Mrs. J. W. Welshans will speak on "Personality." Mrs. Dale Collins will be leader and Mrs. Mary H. Manley will assist her. Mrs. W. S. Knight leads the art de partment's program Thursday morn ing at 10 o clock. The rise of Ven ice, Gothic architecture and the Ve netian Renaissance, with its wealth and luxury, will be discussed. Piano students of Miss Bella Robinson and vocal students of Mrs. Douglas Welpton will give the pro gram of the music department Thurs day afternoon at 2:30. Those taking part are Miss Robinson, Mrs. Kini man Saner of St. Joseph, Miss Mabel Allen, Miss Martha Murphy and Miss Nina Garrett. Indications are that the mid-jubilee celebration of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will be a large and enthusias tic meeting. The date is April 17, the place the First Methodist church, and it is one of seventy meetings held simultaneously in seventy different cities. A chain of telegrams will be going the rounds of the seventy meet ings. The entire program is not yet ready. A meeting to promote the daily vacation Bible schools will be held at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Information concerning plans and re ports of the work accomplished last year in three local schools wilt be given. If the schools are to be held this summer it is necessary to begin the preparations at once and the com mittee in charge, consisting of Mrs. F: J. Birss, chairman; Miss Ethel Reese and Rev. Oliver Keve, requests all churches or societies interested to send representatives 'to this meet ing. Tennyson chapter of Chautauqua circle will meet at the public library Monday at 2:30 o'clock, when the les son will be chapters 20 to 24, inclu sive, in "Belgium, the Land of Art." Mrs. H. N. Craig will be the leader and Mrs. W. H. Shriver will have the lesson on "French Letters." An Easter sale will be given by Chapter B. P. of P. E. O. sister hood Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Alva Miles Smith on Florence boulevard. U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps will have a kensington Tuesday after noon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. D. A. Sweazy, 4758 North Twenty-fourth street. The W. W. club will meet for 1 o'clock luncheon Wednesday with Mrs. H. F. Shearer. This meeting will mark the seventh anniversary of the club. The twelve original members will be present. Election of officers will be held. The Study of Music club will meet Tuesday afternoon to study Balfc, un der the leadership of Mrs. Stanley Green. Mrs. T. B. Hoyle is hostess for the meeting. Mrs. M.'S. Hartman entertained the last meeting of the club, when Mrs. J. M. Prime led the program on Brahms. Mrs. Joseph Bushman was elected secretary, to succeed Mrs. Allen Guttridge, who has gone to Grand Island to live. To celebrate its fifth anniversary, McKinley Ladies' auxiliary to B'nai Britii will give a luncheon at the Blackstone Saturday. Past presi dents will be guests of honor and will give short talks. The Mothers' Culture club will meet Wednesday for a 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. G. Spain. Mrs. E. O. Hamilton will have charge of the program and the subject for study will be "Natural Wonders of America." Mrs. George Mickel will discuss "Home Progress of the Child." j The Belles-Letters club meet Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edward Nelson. After an hour's dis cussion on current topics Longfel low's "Courtship of Miles Standish' was studied. Three honor gue'.ts wer present, Mrs. J. K. Finlayson, Mrs. Thomas Hoyle and Miss Morris. The next meeting will be held April 3 at the home of Mrs. Rose Morris. Mrs. K. R. J. Edholm of Omaha, chairman of the health committee for the General Federation and gov enrment agent for the children's bureau, will give her address, "The Light That Flashes," before the First district meeting at Brock, April 3 and 4. Mrs. Edholm gave this ad dress at the Second district meeting here last week. Mrs. Charles Hum phrey of Falls City will preside at the Brock meeting. Women of the George A. Custer Relief corps will meet Tuesday at i o'clock at Memorial hall. The Metaphysical Study club meets regularly every Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in room 516 Bee building. The library is open every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. The Dundee Woman's dub will meet at the home of Mrs. Leigh Leslie Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, when plans for the work of the coming year will be discussed. Mrs. T. R. Braden, leader of the program, will give an analysis of the story, "Enoch Soames," by Max Beer bohm. Mrs. B. L. Johnson will ana lyze Ferber's story, "The Eldest." The Dundee Catholic circle will meet Monday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock with Mrs. Paul T. Flemming, 801 North Fiftieth avenue. The regular monthly meeting of the women's auxiliaries of Episcopal churches of the city will be held at St. Barnabas' church Friday after noon. Rev. Mr. Pamp of tho Swedish Mis sion church will conduct the prayer meeting of the Business Women's council Tuesday at the courthouse. Women of the same church will serve luncheon between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. The art department of the Business Women's club will give a program on the peasant life painter, Jean Fran cois Millet, Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock at the Young Women's Christian association. Miss Katherine Davis and Miss Caroline Speetzen have it n charge. Miss Mabel Del bridge will give items of current in terest. Mrs. A. A. McGraw will be hostess for Chapter B. K. of P. E. O. sis terhood Friday afternoon. The Society of American Widows will meet Friday evening at the home of Mrs. B. C Turpin. Frances Willard chapter of the Wo men's Christian Tempe ance union will hold its regular nic ting in the assembly room of the Voung Wo men a Christian association Wednes day at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Harriet Edger will speak and Miss Lillie Givens will sing. Mrs. R. C. Vermillion will be leader of the literature department of the South Omaha Woman's club Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock at library hall. Mrs. Vermillion will discuss the Norwe gian drama; Mrs. William Berry, Ibsen; Mrs. A. J. Randall, BJornsen; Mrs. C. W. Lees, Frederika Bremer; Mrs. P. J. Farrell, a review of a Norwegian novel, and Mrs, J, E. Bed nar Swedish literature. Benson Woman's club will meet at the city hall Thursday for its last program on "Pan-Americanism." Mrs. John Speedie will be leader. Papers will be given on "Progress of Education and Culture," by Mrs. Vick; "Pan-American Union and Conferences," by Mrs. Howe; "Rela tion Between the Two Americas," by Mrs. Tracy, and review of Rafael Neves;' "The Two Amcric ," by Mrs, Oliver. The Woman's Christian Temper ance union of Benson will hold a spe cial meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harman Hawkins, when Mrs. Frances Follansbee of Omaha, superintendent of juvenile court department of Douglas coun ty, will give a talk and confer with Mrs. M. C. Berry, who ii a co worker. Mrs. Charles H. Aull, retiring re gent for the Nebraska Daughters of the American Revolution, has called a meeting of Omaha Daughters for Tuesday at 3 o'clock at the public li brary to make plans for co-operating with the Red Cross society, accord ing to action taken at the state con Ladies Will Find It laster From Our Large Stock of Beautiful Spring Apparel, and at the same time secure the advantages of our lower prices, made possible by our INEXPENSIVE lo cation, LOW operating expense and IMMENSE buying power. ' Ladies' Spring Suits The materials are wool poplin, velour, serges and wool jersey. All the new shades Copen, apple and citron green, gold, mustard and morning glory and staple blues. Splendid values, at $16.50 $22.50 $27.50 Ladies' Spring Coats Quality Coats, stylishly made, in the new fabrics. The materials are velour, poplins, serges, in all the latest shades. Moderately priced $7.50 12.50 $17.50 $22.50 "Tke People's Store.' ference at Fremont last week. Omaha chapters will report to Chicago head, quarters, in charge of John J. O'Cun- ' nor, 112 West Adams street, while alt other chapters in the state wilt work under Denver Red Cross headquar ters, in charge of S. P. Morris, at the state capitol. The Ladies' Aid society of the First English Lutheran church Benson, meets in the church parlors at 2 30 Wednesday. - Mesdames J. Gehrig, jr., and C. C. Johnson entertain. The meeting opens at 2:30 and a light luncheon will be served at 4. Mrs. J. M. Lanritsen, recording sec retary of the Missionary society of the First Lutheran church, Benson, entertained the society at her home Tl 1 r. a : tuuisuay aiicuiuuii. r lupic waa pre sented by Mrs. Lillian Kistler, who read an article on the effects of mis sionary work on the industrial life in India. The Benson Foreign Missionary society gives a tea at the home of Mrs. P. Penoyer Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Mamie M. Claflin, state Wom en's Christian Temperance union president, and Mrs. J. J. Bristow, vice president, will be in Omaha Thurs day to attend the all-day institute of the Omaha Women's Christian Temperance union, which opens at Calvary Baptist church at 10:30 a. in. Mrs. Claflin will talk on "Tomorrow and the Next Day," Mrs. Bristow on "Future Economic and Social Condi tions" and Mrs. Alice Minnick on "Legislation." Miss Mary Lunn will give an illustrated talk on "The Tem ple" Mrs. Charles Ross and Miss Na thene Talbot will give readings and Mrs. W. E. Shafer and Mrs. J. Ben nett, musical numbers. Luncheon will be served at noon. The Political Equality league of Omaha will give a luncheon, card party and afternoon entertainment at the Blackstone Monday from 1:30 to 6 o'clock. The program will Include an address by Mayor Dahlman, mu sic by Mesdames A. A. Holtman, Florence Baslcr-Palmer, Miss Doro thy Brown and Joseph Harding, and reading by Mrs. Joseph C. Lawrence, Master James Duffy and Miss Edna Opper. A suffrage address by Mr. Neal Bartelson will conclude the pro gram. Mrs. Perry Miller will entertain General Henry Lawton auxiliary. United Spanish War Veterans, at her home Wednesday afternoon. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. DRIVER , r uaObCi HCJf WHO 111 VII wo Sunday, April 8th. Your clothes need just such cleaning, smoothing; and remodeling; operations as we can give 'em. You are not going to put off callirs us very mut h longer; are you? Phono Tyler 343. DRESHER BROS. Cleaner. Dyers 2211-2217 Farnam Strut. , Easy to Select Their ! Clothes u I,. v:-,,-s. flaw Wat it . -Kj' BH " - JFJ 1 or so a W week will y dress ' you well K Easter Dresses Beautiful new designs in wool and silk pop lin, taffetas $7.50 to $35.00 Easter Hats The latest creations $3.85 to $15.00 Ladies' Two Tone Shoes, $6.75 Ml Goods Marked Others to ....$10.00 in Plain Figurea Opposite Hotel Rome.