Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1917, SOCIETY, Page 3, Image 13

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3 B
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
Mrs. F. V. Houghton entertained
the Atlas club Monday afternoon. A
very interesting discussion of current
events preceded the study of Turkey
in Asia. The topic for the day was
Contautinople. and a very entertain
ing paper on the subject was given
by Mrs. C. D. 1'armelee. The last
study meeting of the year will be
held at the home ot Mrs. Clem t.
Kimball April 3.
Invitations are out for the mar
riage of Miss Anna Price of this city
and Mr. C Koy W ard of Kansas City.
The ceremony will take place at 4
o clock Monday afternoon at the !-ec
ond Presbyterian church, Rev
George A. Kay officiating. A number
ot entertainments are being given m
honor of the bride-to-be and the days
between now and April 2 will be very
full ones.
Tuesday Mrs. Edward P. Schoent
gen. regent of the Council Bluffs
Chapter; Mrs. V. rl. Dudley, Mrs.
R. H. Lemen and Mrs. Angeline
Iirinsmaid left for Des Moines to at
tend the state conference of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion. Mrs. Drayton W. Bushnell
honorary vice president general, who
has been spending a few days in Col
fax, will also attend the conference as
a delegate from the local chapter.
Mrs. Bushnell was invited to be in the
receiving line at the reception, which
was given I uesday evening.
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Smith entertained at their
home on Lainson avenue. During
the evening entertainment was
planned fr tne Grinnell boys, who
are to come here for the glee club
concert March .30. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. -Guy P. Leavitt, Miss
Kdna Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. James
Kowe and Mr. and Mrs. rloyd Van
deventer. Tuesdav afternoon the Ideal club
met at the home of Mrs. B. S. Ter-
williger. The discussion of current
events was led by Mrs. J. C. Hunter,
after which the study of the Slav peo
ples was resumed. Mrs. William
Pyper gave a delightful discussion of
the folk songs and music of Bui
garia. The painting and sculpture of
Bulgaria was very ably discussed by
Mrs. Millard F. Rohrer. Mrs. George
Williamson read an interesting ar
ticle from the National Geographic
magazine on "Bulgaria and Its
Women." A short business meeting
followed, in which it was decided to
hold a cooking sale March 31 for the
benefit of the scholarship and loan
The Harmony Chapter Kensington
society met Tuesdav afternoon at the
Masonic temple. An informal pro
gram furnished the entertainment for
the afternoon. Refreshments were
served by a committee consisting of
Airs. Boch, Mrs. Ueise, Mrs. Branson
and Mrs. Atwater. About sixty mem
bers were present The society has
planned to have fortune telling
booths at the' next meeting, April 17,
to raise money for the Visiting Nurse
association. .
The H. G. L. club was entertained
t the home of Mrs.- I. W.
Pence Tuesday afternoon. The prizes
it five hundred were w6n by Mrs. J.
R. Arcger and Mrs. C. A. Plunkett.
Mrs. Jenks was a guest of the club.
-Ketreshments were served late in the
afternoon. No more meetings will be
held until after Easter, when Mrs.
Griffin will be hostess April 17.
Mrs. Charles F. Swan of Newport
News, Va, is the guest of her father,
A. C. Ranck, 308 Harrison street
Mrs. Swan, who is accompanied by
her small son, Charles, Jr., expects to
be here for several weeks.
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Gibbs celebrated their silver wedding.
Mrs. Gibbs, two sisters and her broth
er were all present at the family
party in honor of the event. Her
brother, Arthur Kramer, Dixon, 111.,
and his wife, left Wednesday evening
for home, while her sisters, Mrs. Guy
C. Toye, Northwood, la., and Mrs.
Andrew M. Thomas, Seattle Wash.,
remained until .Thursday morning.
Mr. Gibbs was formerly with the
Great Western, but has retired. Mr.
and Mrs. Gibbs were married at Cas
talia, la., and have been residents of
this city for the last fifteen years.
Mr. and Mrs. Torry Everett sailed
this week from Honolulu and expect
to arrive here about April IS for an
extended visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Everett.
Members of East End Card club
were entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Grover DeBar Wednesday
evening. Prizes were won by Mrs.
Lester Kilpatrick, Mr. J. G. Wjlliams
and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dunn.
Mr. Williams also won the "cut for
all." Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were guests
of the club. After the game supper
was served by the hostess.
Twenty-three members of the music
and drama department of the Council
Bluffs Woman's club met at the Y. W.
C. A. at 1 o'clock Wednesday for
luncheon. Later an informal pro
gram was given in the association par
lors. Miss Marguerite Morehouse - ve
two piano solos and Miss Vera Wind
sang two solos. April 9 the club will
meet at the home of Mrs. C. A. Har
den and the officers for the next year
will be chosen.
Mrs. J. B. Pemberton entertained
the F. W. W. C. club on Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. E. H. Sylvester and
Mrs. F. R. Barton were admitted as
was a club guest. The afternoon was
spent in making garments for the
children at the creche. Luncheon
was served late in the afternoon. The
club will meet at the home of Mrs.
D. G. Pierce April 19.
The Junior Sewing league, which
Quality Counts
I in
Beauty Aids
. Hair Brushes of superior qual-
? ity that give the hair a superior
Many good brushes can be
bought, but none superior to
i ours.
Hughes Ideal
1 and
I Sanitax Brushes
I In Many Different Stylet.
- 16th and Howard. Doug. 846.
fii..- l..l:.l;!liJiiliJi!liili;ll:l!iliii!lTtMIT;l!li:li:l,iliil
jrms. edgar jv. sjqssman.jr.
organized last week, met on Tue-....y
afternoon at the home ol Miss Gretch
en Hess. The afternoon was spent in
sewing for the visiting Nurse asso
ciation. Miss Virginia Mcrritt will
entertain the club next Tuesday af
ternoon. Wednesday the Woman's Christian
Temperance union met at the home of
Mrs. C. E. Sessions on Oakland
drive. Mrs. If. A. Ballenger, who is a
member of the board of directors of
the Benedict home in Des Moines, has
just returned from a business meet
ing there, and gave a very interesting
talk on the work which has been done
there. Mrs. O. G. Oldham gave a
very delightful discussion of the work
of Neal Dow, whose birthday was
celebrated ednesday. Mrs. Day and
her daughter, Mrs. Johnson and Mr.
hart Horr rendered musical numbers.
Mrs. Fisk, Mrs. Williams and Mrs.
Po;ter gave reading- and Mrs.
Scholles gave a recitation. Mr. Dun
ganj financial agent of the Benedict
home, was present and gave an in
teresting talk. The state conference
of the organization, which is to be
held at Des Moines, May 1 and 2. was
announced. A social hour and re
freshments followed the program.
West Ambler
Social Activities
O. J. Pickard went to Lincoln Tues
day in the interests of rural roads.
Carl Nielson returned Saturday
from a week's visit to relatives in
St. Paul.
Mrs. Leon Marshall and daughter.
who have been spending the winter
with her brother, F. C. Jensen, and
family, in Eckerman, left for their
home in Marshall, Wyo., Wednesday.
M. Schested and family of East
Ambler left Monday for Broken Bow,
where they have leased a ranch ot
several hundred acres.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baarman had
as their week-end guests I. Anderson
and daughter, Miss Hildegarde, of
Ashland, Neb.
A. V. Remier and family have occu-
J t .1.!. 1. I
pica xne uiiz nome mis wees anu
Mrs. M. Tracy and brother will take
the Remier home for the summer.
Mrs. I. A. Miller was the guest of
Mrs. H. Parks and daughter in Mon
mouth Park Wednesday. t.
Byron Pickard and family arrived
from Phoenix, Ariz., Saturday and
spent a few days with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. .Pickard, going on to
Pittsburgh, Pa., where they will re
Little Miss Jane Nielson, only child
of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Nielson, is re
covering nicely at the Methodist hos
pital. Mrs. William Vlckers and daughter,
Mrs. Eastlund, of Detroit, and Miss
Eliza Black spent the week-end at
the home of Mrs. Vickers' daughter,
Mrs. Jack Bostock, at Glewood, la.
Mrs. John Wisler and Mrs. Frank
Cockayne represented Holly Camp,
Royal Neighbors, at rremont at tne
state convention, returning Thursday
Miss Ithol Garman entertained at
luncheon Tuesday evening in honor
of their house guests, Edward Peter
son of Portland, Ore., and Miss May
Cone and Elmer Peterson ot North
Mrs. Tohn Camo and daughter. Miss
Gladvs. of Superior. Neb., are the
guests this week of her sister, Mrs.
Arthur King, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Stultz had as
their guest this week their sister, Mrs.
M. White, of Pueblo, Colo.
Mrs. Catharine Clark went to
Pierce, Neb., Saturday to visit her
son, David Clark.
Mrs. A. J. Grover of Council
Bluffs has been ' the week-end guest
of her son, E. G. Grover, and family,
in Eckerman.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. M
Lacey, in West Side, was damaged by
fire to the extent of $100 dollars on
frank fox and tamily of West
Ambler have taken rooms of Mrs.
M. Lemming in in East Ambler for
the summer.
Mrs. M. Sunspaugh entertained at
luncheon Monday for Mesdames H.
G. Claggett, E. Stevens and D. L.
Rev. W. H. Downing and wife
spent the week-end with relatives at
Nickerson, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Farrar Yates left
Thursday for their future home in
Hamilton, Canada.
Mrs. Carl Nielson of Forty-ninth
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
and Mason will entertain the all day
meeting of the Ladies' Aid society,
Thursday, March 29.
Mrs. Don Kaley and daughters,
Dorothy and Cathryn, leave Wednes
day to join Mr. Kaley on their ranch
at Strausburg, Colo.
M. Moore, who has been in St.
Louis the last two weeks, returned
Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs.
Moore, who had spent the week in
Mrs. A. J. Wisler entertained 100
of her West Side friends at the hall
Saturday evening, the occasion being
her birthday.
Mrs. Glen Gerkin entertained the
West Side kensington at her home
on Wednesday. The following mem
bers were present: Mesdames Thomas
McDonald, George Nicklen, S. T.
Jones, George Baldwin, M. F. Brew
ster, J. Graham, M. Potts and J.
The yearly institute given by the
Woman's Christian Temperance union
at the church Thursday was a decided
success. Mrs. George Covell spoke on
"Organization," Mrs. Dr. Sumncy on
Suffrage," Dr. Calfass on "Medi
cal Temperance" and Mrs. Hattie
Edgar of Scottsbluff on "State
Work." Solos were sung by Dr. Cal
ffss, Misses Lillian Givens and
Evelyn Grover. A class from the Sun
day school gave a temperance drill
and yell. Lunch was served. Mrs.
M. Snyder and Mrs. Stephen Calfass
were guests of honor.
Social Gossip
Mrs. R. S. Ledwich departed Friday
for a few days' visit with her mother
at Shelby, la.
Mrs. Alfred Van Dyke and two chil
dren of Omaha spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Morley.
Miss Helen Miller of Ralston and
Joseph Slavik of the South Side were
married Wednesday. Miss Miller has
resided here most of her life and Mr.
Slavik-is well known at South Side.
The Ralston Progressive club gave
an entertainment consisting of music,
singing, etc., to their lnends and fam
ilies Friday evening.
Harrv Shausrhnessv left Mondav
night for Leavenworth, Kan., where
he will reside. Mrs. Shaughnessy and
little girl preceded him two weeks.
Mrs. bcholting of Albright spent
Friday with her daughter. Mrs. M. M.
Club Makes Donation to
Help Develop Highway
The Commercial club will give $100
to the development of the Omaha,
Lincoln & Denver Highway. This
subscription was approved at the last
meeting of the executive committee.
It Had to Come
The Cleaning Business, in common with all other
lines of industry, during the past two years, has been
subject to heavy increase in cost of Supplies, Labor,
Rent, etc.
During this time our prices have remained sta
tionary, and many Cleaners have barely made ex
penses. It is necessary for us, if we keep up our
Quality of work and service, to advance prices slightly
until things become normal.
We believe a 10 per cent increase on each order,
while it will mean very little to any one customer, will
allow us a reasonable profit on our work and enable
us to keep up our Quality and Service.
We ask your cheerful acceptance of the new ar
rangement and the continuance of your patronage
and co-operation.
April 2d
Acme Dry Cleaners.
Bee Hive Cleaners & Dyers
Carey Cleaning Company.
Dresher Brothers. '
French Dry Cleaning Works
Gate City Cleaning Works.
Germania Cleaning and
Dyeing Company.
Ideal Dry Cleaners.
Kanouse & Shoemaker.
South Side
Social Gossip
Mrs. L. Strawhccher is reported
seriously ill.
Mrs. Harry Snyder and children of
Billings, Mont., are the guests of rela
tives in this city. Mrs. Snyder was
formerly Miss I.ucile Dennis, well
known South Side girl.
Rev. Greer of Hutchinson, Kan., will
occupy the pulpit at the I'nited Pres
byterian church this morning.
Miss Pauline Winter was called to
Lincoln on account of the death ol
a relative.
Dr. James Murdock has been called
out ot the citv on business.
Mrs. lav Williams and son are vis
iting with relatives out in the state.
Scoutmaster Vorc and his Box-
Scouts hiked to Child's point yester
day afternoon.
Mr. S. R. Snodgrass has been taken
to St. Catherine's hospital (or medical
Dr. C. M. Day spent a few days in
Lincoln during the last week.
Mr. George Copper was taken sud
denly ill with pneumonia Sunday
Mrs. J. 1. Ilelgren entertained at
a luncheon Wednesday at the lllack
stonc in honor of her sister, Mrs.
Harry Snyder of Hillings. Mont. Cov
ers were placed tor tourteen.
while on his way to Lincoln where
he is employed in the land depart
ment. His condition is serious.
Mrs C. P. S. Tohin entertained at
a luncheon for eighteen guests at the
Blackstone Thursday.
The degrees team of lodge No. 19.1
Degree of Honor, will give a card
party at the Ancient Order I'nited
Workmen temple, Wednesday eve
ning, March 2fy Sixteen prizes wil
he sriven.
Mrs. J. Hamilton entertained the
Jitney Hunch at a 10 o'clock luncheon
on Friday.
A surprise party was given in honor
of Mrs. A. De Lanney Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Julia Piillian. The
afternoon was spent playing high five.
Prizes were won by Mesdames Ue
Lanney, Pullian and Roessmg.
Mrs. James Roach will entertain
the Thursday Whist club it the blue
room this week.
Mrs. C. M. Day entertained on
Wednesday evening in honor of the
birthday of Dr. Day and Mrs. J. W.
Lampman. The evening was spent
with music.
On Sunday Mrs. J. T. Considine
entertained at a dinner party in honor
of Mr. Considinc's father of Platte
Center, Neb. Covers were placed
MfRiirs. And Mesdamfr
M. Queenan, J. Consldlnt.
F. Rattcrman,
Mlaspn MlBfi
Lucy Hill, Jeanette Cosldliia.
Lurll. Conlldln.,
Meisre. Mear.
J. P. Considine, Conaldina.
On Friday evening a party of South
Side girls gave a musicale at the
Methodist hospital. Those taking
part were Misses Helen McMartin,
Adeline McCulloch, Mildred Bliss,
Mildred Farrel, Eyelyn Vore and
Lucy Hill.
Mrs. D. G. Robb entertain a party
of twenty guests at the Blackstone
on Friday.
The Ladies' Aid of the West Side
Congregational church will give "The
Old Maids' Convention" at the church
the evening of March 30,
Mrs. F. A. Cressey entertained the
Home Missionary society of the
Grace Methodist Episcopal church on
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Homer C.
Stuntz gave a very interesting talk
on home missions.
On Thursday the South Omaha
Woman's club gave a musicale at the
home of Mrs. J. W. Koutsky for the
benefit of the West Side social set
tlement. On Friday Mrs. S. M. McCoid en
tertained the women of the United
Presbyterian church at a missionary
On Monday evening the Mozart
orchestra, under the leadership of
Prof. Henry Bock, will give a pro
gram at the Grace Methodist church.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Imperial Dye and Cleaning
The Magic Way.
The Pantorium.
Royal Dry Cleaners.
Sothmann Dry Cleaning Co.
Sothmann Brothers.
Standard Cleaners & Dyers
Teddy Bear Cleaning Co.
J. C. Wood & Co.
Society Notes
Mrs, O. L. Hart nave a luncheon
uf six covers at tlu Ulaokstouc last
Troup 4 of the Hoy Scouts cleared
over $( toward a wireless outfit at
the entertainment given at the Dun
dec theater.
J-'rauk Dale and Nathalie Dale cele
brated their common birthday Ity a
supper party at lite it; home last Sat
urday. The V. P. S. (.'. F. beld a sucial
Kridav evening at tlu home of Kstlter
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. GeorRc are
visiting in Pasadena, C al., for a lew
weeks. .
The Dilutive Circle of the Child
Conservation league met Monday
with Mrs. Walter i Cjjuok.
Mr. K. 1. Wilson of Chicago was a
Kttest lust week of Mr. and Mrs. K. E.
Mrs. A. L. Green yave a luncheon
last Friday at her home, in honor of
her mother, Mrs. Urcyfogle of
Louisville, Ky.
The Men's Bible class of the Dun
dec church bold a social meeting Fri
day evening at the church.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hrandcis ar
rived home the first of the week, from
a viit of several weeks in California.
Mrs. George Mchitrc and sons are
expected home from Florida this
Mrs. D. L. Johnston's HiMc class
met Thursday with Mrs. G. G.
Guintrr. It will meet this week with
Mrs. Hutchinson.
Dr. Charles O'Xeill Rich has re
turned from a short business trip to
The Missionary society of the Dun
dee church met Friday with Mrs. J.
J. I.ampe.
New Spring
That Will Create a Sen
sation Monday at the
Low Price of
If you want the BEST EASTER SUIT
that has been shown in town this season
for $21.75, you will be here bright and
early Monday morning. You'll have to
compare these with usual $35.00 Suits
to get the measure of their true value.
The Model Illustrated at $21.75
is typical of the Wonderful Values
offered in this GREAT SALE. Fash
ioned from fine all-wool Serge in a smart
pleated style sash belt deep overlay
collar and Silk Faille and smart flaring
skirt. Also choice of over twenty other
styles, in Serges, Poplins, Diagonals,
Matelasse and Fine Velours.
Colors are gold, apple green, mustard,
brown, spring blue, Copen, navy and
black. Sizes for misses, 14 to 18. Wo
men's sizes, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46.
Remarkable Monday Sale
200 New Spring Blouses
Actual Values to $6.50
Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Pussy Willows, Jap Silks, Fine Voiles.
Undoubtedly the most remarkable assortment of beautiful, crisp spring
' fashions ever offered at this popular price. Countless styles to choose
from with beautiful cascade frills, dainty tucks, touches of embroid
ery, new Dutch necks, large square or pointed collar, etc. ,
Colors: Nile Green, White, Flesh, Maize, Peach, Spring Blue, Rose, etc.
Other Waists Featured at $1.95, $2.45 and up
Miss Mollie Greenberg, formerly with Brandeis, is in Charge of Our Blouse Dept.
I Open Season Now
1 On Speed Maniacs;
j Must Quit Racing
j An open season on careless
jautoists was declared "on" after Mon.
(day by Police Judge Fitzgerald, who
I warned eight offenders Saturday
morning that Tines, and perhaps im
prisonment, awaits the next man who
, endangers human lives and limbs by
(m aking speed laws on public high
ways, "l'pp'r Farnam street must cease
, to be a race track." said the court in
, imposing a $7.50 tine on K. K. Wag
I net. who was driving between forty
and fitly mites when arrested.
! Seeral defendants, charged with
parking their autos for a longer time
, than the allowed thirty minutes, were
'dicharged wtih a warning. One of
I tht defendants said he knew of the
j existence of a parking law, but
j thought it was not being enforced this
i season.
Dr. Delmer Oavis Joins
Medical Reserve Corps
Dr. Uclmer K. Dav'S. will known
Omaha surgeon, has joined the reserve
medical corps of the Imilcd States
navy and has been commissioned as
assistant surgeon of that organiza
tion, with the rank of lieutenant. He
is the first Omaha medical man to
thus come forward to aid the govern
ment in case of war.
Dr. John G. Davis of I.inrolu, no
relation of the. Omaha man, has also
offered his services and been commis
sioned, the same as the Omaha sur
geon. lioth will be subject to call for ac
live service with the navy in case of
urgent need.
1519 Douglas Street
Promote Omaha Region
For the Fruit Grower
Ncls H. Nelson has been madi
chairman of a special committee ot
the Commercial club to map out a
campaign cncoiiraKing fruit (frqwing
in the region about Omaha. This ac
tion came out of a meeting of the
fruit marketing and development com
mittee of the cluli. Chairman Trimble
appointed the special committee. It
was held by the committee that the
region about Omaha is as well -dapted
to fruit growing as any region in the
For Easter
Cut flowers or
blooming plants
are the perfect
expression of the
s e n t i ments of
love, purity and
beauty, and
make the per
fect Easter gift.
Let our stock of
flowers help pro
vide a perfect
Easter in your
Don't forget
your sick friend
Just phone us.
"Th C.r.ful Floritt"
1804 Farnam St., Omaha.
Phone Douglas 3000.
f JFldril V