THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 25, 1917. -iff i What is Going On in Society Circles (Continued from Pai One.) white satin, with long drapery of net embroidered irt silver, nd over this a drapery of net embroidered in white. The tulle veil caught with orange blossoms formed the train. The bride carried a shower bouquet of sweet peas and wore a platinum lavelier set with diamonds, the gut of the groom, The couple left for Los Angeles and Del Mar, California, where they will spend part of their honeymoon. and then take the ocean trip from San Diego to San Francisco, Vancouver and Seattle. Alter May 1 they will be at home at Hunter Inn. Jamcs-Tohnson Weddings. . At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Johnson Wednesday evening the marriage of their daughter, F.thel, to Mr. Lloyd James, took place. Miss Lilly Johnson, a sister, played the Mendelssohn wedding march before the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. A. A. Delarme of the 1'irst Baptist church. The bride was attended by her sis ter. Miss Mildred Johnson, and Mr. ,'ames was attended by Mr. I age Ahl berg. A reception followed the serv- ice. at which about 100 guests were present. J he choir ot the first Bap tist church sang during the reception Mr. and Mrs. James and Mr. James' mother of Missouri Valley, la., were at the Blackstone until Thursday morning, when they lett on a honey moon trip to Chicago. Wedding Announcement!. Mr. J. Bernerd Lesh and Miss hrma 1). stover were married at the Dietz Methodist parsonage Thurs day afternoon. Kev. C. N. Dawson officiated. Mrs. W. H. Seibert and Mrs. M. I. Dawson witnessed the ceremony. Betrothal Announced ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Sterrett announce me engagement oi tneir daughter. May, to Mr. Leo C Green, son of Mrs. Sarah Green. News of School Set. ' Miss Helen Walker, who attends .Mrs. somcrs school in Washington D. C is in New York with a party of incncis tor trie week-end. Clarence Peters, who is a junior at Vale, was recently made "king" of his fraternity, an honor usually conferred upon a senior. Mr. i'etera will remain east during the Easter holidays. Miss Margaret Williams, who is attending Wheaton college, will spend her vacation at Marblehead, Mass., with a group of college girls. Social Clubs Meet.' ' r The Lambs', club was entertained Thursday evening by Mr. J. Watson at nis nome. I note present were Meaara. -Tom Lucae Kllan Camel , Kay Corloy J. r. Kuncl Jknun Badll Mleeea -Bmma Kment Watson Roae Maallktt ' Avne, 8pup Mr. and lira. 3. D. Watson. ' ' The Friendship club wilt meet Fri day evening at Metropolitan club house. The next meeting will be held Friday, April 13. Mothers' Club Invites Fathers. The West Omaha Mothera' Culture club gave an evening affair for hus bands of member! Friday evening at the new home of Dr. and Mn. Blaine Truesdell. in Dundee. Mr. W. F. Baxter talked on "Single Tax," a gen eral discussion following, and musical numbers were given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiem, Miss Gertrude Thiem and Mr. Will Hetherington. Present were: Dre. and afeadjMuee P. T. Barter, A. F. Tyler. Newell Jonee, - Meaara. and Ueedemee - W. N. Baker, T. W, Co John Cooper, J. C Ouaan, Clinton Hamilton, 3. A. Hamilton, B. A. McFerlane, Mra. L. F. Vlokery, Ml, Mavnueon. Meeera. Wen P. Badll Lao Mlakovak Joa Bwobodn 14 Awohoda J. Chloborad Mleeea ' Anna Pleuler Maria Vaako Mamla BiMip ' C. W. Korea, O. A. Roberta, K. C. iHtater, C. B. Bwan. T. F. Bonordea, T. J. White, W, F. Baiter. Last Week-End Club Dance. The last dancing party of the series given by the Week-End Dancing dub at the Fontenelle was held Saturday evening.. The member of the club are: ; ,,. , Meaara. and afeedamea-. T. w. Baumer, Frank C. Beat, A. F. Bloom, , W. T. Bourke, V. W. Boylea, H. Burna, W. U Carey, Henry Claueaen, T. J. Donahue, J. 1 Ferclot, . F. A. Fttaa-erald. Henry D. Frankfurt, J. A. Preeland. C. J. Herrtam. ' O.orae H. Miller, M. U. Murray, H. O. Naaburt, Al Nabatedt, A. O, Mchole, Henry Nyaaard, ' Allan Farmer, Louie W. Platner, W. H. Plainer, C. A. Pratt, V. D. Reynolda, t:. ti. T, Blepen, Howard B. Urahara, Frank Roberta, J. Orotendlck, F. W. Hadley. A. B. Hamilton, K. M. Harrla, J. M. Hoiran. L. M. Ilolllday, -C. R. Jewelk U. W. Johneon, W. 3. McCaffrey, Tom 8. Xelley, B. E. McCasue. John 3. McMahon, Charlea A. Martin, J. H. Martin, a P. Maoon. Dra, and Meedame A. L. Barr, L. A. Dermody, A. W. Fltaalmona, H. L. Rarrar, Meaara. J. J. Aleiandar, II. B. Boylee. B. Penny, Jam W. Hurley, Roy W. Moore, Babies' Social Function. Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Leavltt of the Plymouth Congregational church gave a baby party at their home Thursday afternoon in honor of the 8. Rutherford. E. H. Bchunamen, Charlea F. Soneraier, A. C. Brotl, Q. W. Shields, O. It. Smith, Paul Themanaon, Robert 8. Trimble, K. H. Ward, J. W, Welch, R. B. Wilder, H. Q. Wlndholm, H. L. Whitney, F. A. Wood. H. B. Newton, H. A. wahl. Orant Wllllatna, Meaara.' Q. A. Btomhalmer, A. B. Bwanaon, 3. M. Tanner, Dr. T. T. Harrla. E2fURNITUREc! AUCTION SALE FORCED to move out of our four-etory warehouae, we will aell at auction or private aala the entire (25,000 stock of fine furniture, ruga, stoves, etc. Do not miss this opportunity. Our loss is your gain. You'U be well paid to attend this sale. AUCTION DAILY AT 2 P. M. When Big Crowds Convene. State Furniture Co. Corner Mth and Dodge Sta. , , Omaha, Neb. Young Mothers Bring Children to Visit Grandparents k,f H ML ;yr - i Pa y ' ? Jeer- ' " ent as a precaution against an epi demic. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Welch, formerly of this city, but now living on their ranch near Los Angeles, are at the Blackstone. The Welch ranch, "Aha Lona," forty miles out of Los Angeles, is a charming spot where many Omaha people are entertained. Re cently Mrs. Joseph Barker and her children, Miss Virginia and Joseph, jr., spent a week-end there and Mr. and Mrs. George Mayne of Council Bluffs and Mrs. J. E. George were en tertained there just before Mr. and Mrs. Welch came east. ft, 0,,t i i a ' C A f at I 1J Benson Social Circles first birthday of Master William Leavitt. Twelve babies of ages from 2 months to 2 years were present. They were: Mary Elizabeth Hitch man, David Chase Hazard, Helen May Malum, Richard Printz Phelps, Marjorie Kittell, Owen Fisk, Helen Woodford, Joseph Benjamin Ogden, Marguerite Hazard, Winifred Balzer and Betty Lou Stringer. Stork News, A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson of this city on March 14. Mrs. Anderson is at the home of her parents in Kansas City, Pleasures Past Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Low cele brated the latter1! birthday Tuesday with an informal supper at their home. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mc Keen, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Judson, Mrs. Remington. Charles L. Saund ers and Harry McCormick were the- guests, i Miss Eleanor scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Scott, en tertained a few of her young friends at a supper party Saturday, in honor of Miss Daisy Richard's birthday. I he iriday Night Dancing club gave its usual party Friday evening at the Strchlow Terrace club house, with forty-six couples present. Next Friday evening1! party will close the chili's season. Mrs. J. F. Binder entertained at din ner last Sunday in honor of Mr. Bin der's birthday. The guests present were: Meaara and Meadamee C. J. Paaalok. Fred Prlbnraky, Charlea Prlboraky, Joaepb Prlboraky. joeepn Hiaiovlo, la, V J Dorothy MUlevlr. Caroline Prfbonky, T.lllUn Psttlnk, Marun mndur. A surorise oarty was triven Thurs day on Miss Rose Svacina at her home. Ihose present were Mvidatnet Jonaph Houcik, Cha.rl Bwanioa, Otto Bthltrk, Anton Horky, Anton Fuxa, Frank Krecek, Anton Krtcek, Milmet Frank Marhal, Jnmci My era. Ami I Prohatka, JoiApb Bart a. R. F. Prnhaska, Mary flvarlna, Km ma Sltnanek, , s rV at ' iST 1, ' - r y-. . f -A 1 a I tlRS, ROGER VAUGHAJ7 WTHMAfiTHA 7HJOOf AND JOHN LOBQ Birthday Dinner-Dance. A surprise birthday dinner-dance was given Saturday evening at the Home hotel in honor of Miss Kuth McKeon. American Beauties formed the table decorations and old rose and ivory in the ball room. Covers were laid for: Mleeee Mlaaea Amy Fltawllllama, Luclle Johnaon, Vera Waaln, of Weeplns Water, Jeeelo Drasoo, Ruth MoKeon. Meaara.- Heeara. Wlllard Cooper, I.eroy Buaaard, O. Olaon. Charlel Draioo. Vincent Shook, Social Gossip, , Miss Louise Dinning has been vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCor mick in Baltimore, but is now back in New York with Mrs. Charles Turner at the Madison Square hotel, the lat ter having returned from- a visit at Palm Beach. Mrs. S. D. Barkalow and Miss Barkalow have decided to remain east longer and are now in New York at 14 East Sixtieth street.- Mrs. W. S. Poppleton is also stopping at this same hotel Mrs. Charles T. Kountze is expect ed home the middle of the week from French Lick Springs. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stevens and her daughter, Mrs. Ben Wood, jr., leave today for New York and At lantic City for two or three weeks. Mrs. G. Steunenberg, wife of Major Steunenberg, is stopping at the Blackstone. Mrs. Fred P. Hamilton left Pheo- It U V Omaha's Most Beautiful Indoor Play Ground It the way in which man? Omaha paopla raftr to th Black ttont Hotel the building of which marked the beffinnlnf of new epoch la Omaha social history Luxury prevails en the eighth floor of the Black atone -the entertainment floor where every poi alble appurtenance Is at hand for the convenience and comfort of thoae who delight ta coming to gether, to entertain or to be entertained. The dinner-dance, the dancing party, the reception, the card party, the banquet or the lecture, in fact. -any variety of the higher type of social diversion ' or entertainment may bo staged here in moit de lightful fan talon. Information relative to reservation! for each en tertainment may bo obtained by telephoning THE BLACKSTONE Haraajr 945. nix., Ariz., Thursday for Pasadena, where she will spend about ten days before coming home. Mr. Samuel Burns is staying at the Omaha club during the quarantine of his wife and little Barbara and Mar gery is with friends ii) Kountze place. The Holyoke school, which Barbara attended, has been closed for the pres- N. H. Tyson has returned from a few days' stay at Fort Dodge, la. Mrs. M. C. Berry has returned from the coast, where she spent the winter months. Mrs. J. F. Marshall was hostess for the Omaha Mothers' club at her home last Wednesday afternoon. Messrs. P. A. fiailor of Crete, Neb., and A. W. Gailor of Zap, N. D., were guests last week at the J. F. Marshall home. The Royal Holland Bell Ringers will give a sacred concert Sunday evening at the Methodist church. G. W. Edgerton of Hugo, Okl., was a guest a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Kinney. A number of affairs were given last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Faussett, who leave next week. E. J. McArdle gave a stag party last Saturday evening for a number of friends. Miss Pearl Mattson was hostess for the Bluebird social at her home on Thursday evening. Miss Flora Titzel entertained at dinner Monday evening for five Omaha guests. Mrs. Harry Corrington entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Maud Meeker of Deca tur, la. i Mrs. A. E. Carter entertained at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Frank Parkins of Park City, Utah, and Mrs. Pauline Brisco of Cheyenne, Wyo, Miss Gladys Babcock and Miss Agnes Davis entertained at lunch in the domestic science room for the fo.-mer and present instructors, Mrs. L. Moon and Miss Mable Shipperd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faussett were surprised at their home on Monday prior to their leaving Benson. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mar shall, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. ' Young, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Longacre, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Loomis, Mr. and Mrs. G . Wolslager, Mr. and Mrs. T. Penny, Misses Vera Marshall and Gertrude Penny, Messrs. Roy Loom is and Harvey Sagar.. The Baptist Missionary circle met at the home of Mrs. E. C. Fuller last Wednesday afternoon, when the pres ent officers were re-elected. Mrs. E. J. Whistler was hostess last Wednesday for the Methodist Ladies' Aid society for a social and business meeting. Mrs. E. A. McGlasson entertained for the P. E. 0. chapter Thursday afternoon, Miss Nora Killian, state organizer, being present to inspect the work. Mrs. Roy Marshall has returned from a visit with relatives in Kansas City. Mrs. H. C. Campbell was hostess for the L. P. 'club last Friday at her home. The guests present were Mes dames S. R. Butler, G. Sherer, D. E. Fields, A. Davie, C. S. Chapman and A. Edelman. About fifty couple! were present at the "Shamrock" party given by the Rebekah Social club, Saturday even ing, a week. Mrs. Lew Raber was hostess for the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid society "open day" meeting last Thursday. A program of "How I Earned My Dol lar." Poems were given which were interpreted with music. Luncheon The Home of the ChickeringPiano THE SAFETY ' yUr furchase 53 guaranteed by 1 : $S& m THE tE you pay is consistent with the quality of the pianos sold. Pianos With a Pedigree All the pianos we carry are makes of standing with long years of reputation back of them, but it is not simply the years of piano building experience that make them the best it's the careful construction resulting in the fine musical and artistic qualities that make them the greatest values on the market today. You Can Make a Large Saving by Purchasing Your Piano Now Chickerintr Ivers&Pond Behning Haines Bros. Kohler & Campbell Brewster 1 SchaffBroi. Smith & Barnes Armstrong Autopiano Segerstrom UPRIGHT PIANOS PLAYER PIANOS $50 and Up $265 and Up Terms to Suit Burgess-Hash GompmV. 'everybody!? stork was served to about forty-five guests. Miss Lola Byars will entertain for the Loyal Daughter's club at her home next Tuesday evening. Miss Margaret Erickson of Omaha spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sidney Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faussett have sold their home and furniture and will leave Monday for Gothenburg, Neb., to visit. They expect to settle on a farm. Three girls' and one woman's gym nasium classes have been organized for Wednesday nights. Misses Grace Forney and Merle Hughes, Mrs. G. Stahl and Mrs. Ed Janke will be the instructors. The Maple Leaf Chapter of Omaha will give a minstrel at the Odd Fel lows' hall next Saturday evening, under the auspices of the Woman's club. Mrs. Vincent Kenny of Benson hurst left Friday morning to spend the week-end in Lincoln. Mrs. Harman Hawkins will be the hostess on Friday afternoon for the Women's Christian Temperance union, when the essay contest work in the schools will be discussed. lew System cf Fat Reduction Here's a new way for all tmt people to laugh together at that old bugaboo obeilty. The saying that "there ii not h inn new under the un" does not bow apply to fat people any more. Here i something new for them a new aensation, new pleasure, m new and graceful figure, easily found by any one who is passing beyond the limits of slimness. Everyone has heard of the Mar mola Prescription: that Harmless combina tion of fat-defying elements which has be come known as the moat successful of all reducing treatments. Now there comes an other idea-the Idea of conilennin these same pure, harmless ingredients into a pleas ant little tablet Taken after eating and at bed time, they help the stomach to dis pose of all the fatty foods, converting them into compact, solid flesh, muscle and energy, without dieting or exercise. Marmola Pre scription Tablets regulate the entire sys tem do for you what bodily exertion and self-denial can not do, and the fat, ence routed is gone for good. You can prove all this at a trifling cost. Marmola Prescription Tablets are sold by all druggists or nent post paid by the Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. A larne case suffi cient to bring lasting result i but 75c. Advertisement. uiiiu ma null' The Ideal Gift There Is no more appropriate and appreciative remembrance than jewelry and our stock is replete with many suggestions for boys and girls. w1 A Few Suggestions to Assist in Making Your Selection For Boys 12 Size Elgin Open Face Watch, 20-year gold filled case, plain or engraved. Our Confirma tion price $10.00 Solid Gold Cuff Buttons, plain for monogram or beautifully engraved. Our Confirmation price $4.73 Nice Heavy Solid Gold Seal Ring, we do engraving free. Our Confirmation price .. $3 Reconstructed Ruby Stick Pin, swell designs. Our Confirma tion price $1.50 Waldeman Gold-Filled Watch Chain, soldered link, guaran teed to wear. Our Confirma tion price 98c Gold-Filled Knife, plain or fancy pattern, 2 blades, guar anteed to wear. Our Confir mation price 98e For Girls Bracelet Watch, 20-year case, excellent movement, small size, plain or engraved. Our Confirmation price $1.75 Beautiful Solid Gold Diamond La Valliere, 12 up-to-date patterns to select from. Our Confirmation price .... $5.00 Reconstructed Ruby Tiffany Ring, finest quality. Our Confirmation price .... $6.00 French Indestructable Pearl Necklaces, every pearl per fectly matched. Our Confir mation price $5.00 Cameo Brooches, biggest selec tion in Omaha, solid gold mountings. Our Confirmation price $5.00 Entirely new Vanity Cases highly enameled sterling sil ver. Our Confirmation , price $10 Sterling Silver Spoon. Our Confirmation price 79ci Brodegaard Bros. Co. 16th and Douglas Streets. "Qnly OneEasy MQiwwMpenhmmilmrs "A Secret That Makes Them Just Dissolve Away Like Frost Be fore the Sun' Says the Great Beauty Favorite of the Screen, Valcska Suratt. By VALESKA 81 B ATT. THE usual method used for re moving superfluous hatrs la barbarous, to aay the least. There are any number of things which will remove thtse halre but many of them so Irritate, burn and redden the akin as to make tt a sight to look upon. It la no longer neces essary to go at It In such a savage manner. Superfluous hatr can now be removed by an application which Is aa safe aa water and never falls to remove every hair so thoroughly that not a vestige of It remains to be seen. There Is only one thing that will do this, and that Is sulfo solution. This can be obtained from any drug store. The hairs arc merely moistened with It for a few momenta and then the hairs are seen literally to wither and dissolve away and- are wiped off, leaving a skin ab solutely perfect, spotless, soft and smooth. This Is the sensible method and no matter how aenvltlva the skin or how thick the hair growth It Is al ways successful. FRETFUL The trouble Is that the ordinary wrinkle creams produce lit tle or no results. Many of my stage friends have used my own formula with astonishing results In a few days. You can do the same. Get two ounces of eptol at the drug store and mix with one tablespoonful of glycerine and a half pint of water. Tou will see how fast the crow's feet and "mouth" wrinkles will disappear. This wltt take 20 years from your appearance. MISS ADEPT Don't waste time with -4hose hair tonlca you mention. Profit by my own experience. I never got any results until I stopped all those preparations and used my own formula. Everybody that has used It marvels at the results. Tour hair will at once stop falling and the hair will grow long, silky and beautiful. Mix one ounce of beta qulnol with a half pint of water and a half pint of alcohol, or use one pint of bay rum Instead of the water and alcohol. This makes over a pint of this positive hair grower, costing less than you could get at the stores and besides It does the work unfailingly. WIBHINO First lay aside everything else you have been using for beautify ing your sktn. Next gttt one ounce of Intone from the drug store and mix It with two tablespoonfuli of glyoerlne In ft pint of water. Start using the cream at once and continue every day. Tou'll be one ef the happiest women In the world when you acturlly see your skin taking on the bloom and purity of a rose. All freckles, blemishes, red spots and muddlnesa will positively disap pear. see MIRS F. T. It la an easy matter to control the profuse perspiration In the arm pits and removing all odor at ence by applying bydroltsed tale to the af fected places. Any druggist ean sup ply you with this remarkable article. MRS. 5. G. M. It Is no wonder your face is red In spots, trying to pinch out blackheads. Try this and see them disappear In a few minutes'. Sprinkle powdered nerosln on a wet sponge and rub this on the blackheads. It's magic. You can get the neroxln at any drug tore. Steaming the face makes pores large. MISS R. A. O. No one can promise that anything will surely develop the bust In every case. The very beat thing, however. Is to mix two ounces of ruetone and ha)f a cup of sugar In half a pint of water. Of this mixture take two teospoonfuls after each meal and on retiring. Wonderful resujts from this In a month's time have been ob tained, WAITING I can see no reason for any good druggist not having the sin tone for making up my skin beautify ing formula. If you have any difficulty hereafter send the price, fifty cents, to "Secretary to Valeska Suratt, Thompson BIdg., Chicago." and it will be sent to you at once by mall. MIPS O. P. Better order one of the beautiful Suratt "movie" pillow-tops now while they lent. I arranged to have my friends supplied with them at the special price of fifty cents. Bend price to my secretary, to address as given In paragraph preceding, and you will get It by return mall. These pillow-tops have my large photo and my signature la the center nd are done elegantly In orange and purple. DOUBLE N. There Is not a single face powder I ever used that didn't have that "chalklnesa" In some degree. That's why I have my own face powder. It's Just like the softest down and In visible. There's nothing else like It. It Is now sold at drug stores as "Valeska Suratt Face Powder." at fifty cents. In white, flesh and brunette tints. MRS, r. O. K The alkali In Maps and ordinary shampoos dries up the scalp and hair secretions. Don't use them. If you want a, wonderful cleanser and shampoo that actually dissolves dandruff as If by megio and helps hair grow, mix a teaspoonful of eggol In a half cup ot water. You can get eggol at the drug store for twenty-five cents, enough to make twelve or more of these marvelously elfocilve washes- Adv.