The Om Sunday AHA PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO FOURTEEN PART TWO MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO FOURTEEN VOL. XL VI NO. 44. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 1917. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. News of the Week in Social and Club Circles Bee , : . .V. Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker's friends call her a real ''joiner." If (here is any large woman's organiza tion on the membership roll of which Mrs. Baker's name is not found, it hasn't been discovered. Mrs. Baker belongs to the Tuesday Morning Musical club, the Fine Arts society, the Drama league, the Visiting Nurse association, the Young Women's Christian association and several departments oj the Omaha Woman's club, which she served as leader. Mrs. Peter Elv ad is a member of the Fine Arts society. Her husband is president of the Bankers Realty Investment company, which built the fine Blackstone hotel, where the Elv ads make their home. Mrs. hem H. Hill and, Mr. Hill, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will EldYidge, leave about April 1 for San Francisco, from whence they sail April 7 for Japan, to be gone six months. Mr. Eldridge has traveled the length and breadth of the cherry lossom country in search of art work and curios. Iff V ' W VMM. fi HI Villi I r ll: : -,?x ' Social Calendar Monday Eastern Star, Vesta Chapter, dance at Blackstone. Monday Bridge Luncheon club, Mrs. George Greenough, hostess. Monday Bridge club, Mrs. Karl Louis, hostess. Political Equality league benefit card party at Blackstone. White Shrine Whist cub at Ma sonic Temple. Tuesday Winter Dancing club party, Harte hall. Orpheum matinee party for Miss Lillian Cavanagh; Mrs. Robert McLean, hostess. Wednesday Luncheon for Miss Lillian Cav anagh; Mrs. Garland Boswell, hostess. Junior Bridge club, Mrs. Will . Schnorr, hostess. Winormissit club, Mrs. C. L. Pe terson, hostess. Thursday Cinosam club dancing party at Scottish Kite cathedral. Jewish War Relief ball at Audi torium. Luncheon for Miss Lillian Cav anagh; Mrs. M. K. Rohrer, hos tess. Bridge club, Mrs. E. J. McAdams, hostess. Luncheon for Mrs. Luther Drake, Mrs. E. M. Fairfield, hostess. Rockford college alumnae lunch eon at- the Blackstone. Eastern Star kensington, Mrs. A. N. Eaton and Mrs. H. N. Craig, hostesses. club dance, Metropoli tan club iousc. Saturday Kite Dancing club party, Scottish Rite cathedral. Trinity Altar Guild salef at Jacob's hall, 10:30 a. m. as long deck walks, and perhaps as a Metz and Miss Harriet Mack, the consequence, were poorer sailors other members of the party, have than men. The tea dansants, which returned to Omaha. No doubt it was were reported by a voyager return- the influence of the romantic country ing from Panama, however, were which caused the whole love story, said to have been purely delightful But, then, it was to be expected that and to furnish a means whereby the some one would insist on carrying Madam, disinclined to walk, might away such a fair daughter of Omaha achieve the needed exercise. before long. Miss Marion is young, People who are returning now do pretty and popular wherever she goes not boast sea voyages. Now all that and her list of admirers is long. one can reminisce about is the sea- son at Washington, where unexpe- Country Club to Open Early, rienced westerners are carried in a According to present indications gay whirl of eight or ten affairs from the Country club will be the first late morning until early dawn, or the of the clubs to open this season, as beach at Atlantic City, or the golf at there is talk of April 28 for the open Belleair, or the motoring in southern ing. This will be a month earlier California. One returned traveler than its usual date of opening. The lamented her return. date, however, will not be definitely "Why," she queried, "does anvone announced until Mr. G. W. Wattle's live in the middle west? Not only is return from California in ten days or there a dearth of social life, but we tw0 weeks. The Happy Hollow club are so far from every source of and the Field club will both open the knowledge or pleasure. If you can- 1at' Par' of May and Carter not live in the east, why not live on Lake club ,las announced Decoration the western coast?" v ay. May 30, as their opening date. We feel, though, that we have il,s- F- A- Nash bcfore her depart something to live for in the middle ule for California two weeks ago, west, if only to have had the pleasure ,,,a,lc UP l,cr dinilcr l'arty for the 01 Hearing tne lamous Lita. pro nounced famous by the west, before she has given herself over to the grasping east. What if the buds are bursting in the east and the south and the oranges are turning red in California with their ripeness, there is some delight in an Omaha spring, and, as one philosophical returned traveler said, "The March wind blows everywhere." The little Busy Bee from California, who sent her editor a tiny crate of oranges, said, "Throw a snowball for me while I eat oranges for you." The squirrel expressed the same sentiment in the old poem of the Mountain and the Squirrel. "Tal ents differ, all is well and wisely put, if I cannot carry forests on my back, neither can you crack a nut." Alas! you are not interested in such Inane philosophy. A thousand par dons for having bored vou with it. Perhaps you care to talk about the signs of spring, of the golfers who opening night of the Country club and there are doubtless many otlir hostesses who have done the same. sill entertain theater nartlrs Thursday evening. The Cinosam Dancing club will give its last dance of the winter series Thursday evening. Election of offi cers will be held during the intermis sion. Mrs. A. N. Hiton nd Mrs, H. N. Craig will on toil a in Fonteiiellc chap ter ot tne I'.astern Mar at a kensing- thcir home and will move next week to 5106 California street, which will be their temporary location. Dr. William P. Haney has come here from Chicago to make his home. His wife and baby will join him here ts soon as he finds a suitable house or them. Dr. Haney's mother has been living here with her cousin, Mrs. Harry P. Deuel, for the last four inn Thiiru av afiemnnii a! 1 11. linmo years, Having come up witn tier son of Mrs. Eaton. Mrs. James Butter of at ,l,at ,ime ,rom Mexico City, where r lorence will assist. The Rockford College club will give a luncheon at the Blackstone Thurs day. Mrs. C. L. Peterson will entertain the Winormissit club Thursday afternoon. Grand Opera Parties. Reservations for the opening night of the grand opera scries which will be in Omaha this week have been made by Mr. and Mrs. Waller T. Page for eleven guests, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kouiitze for eight. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Drake will have a party of seven, as will also Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and Mr. W. D. Mc- Jlugh. Reservations for groups of Among the Visitors. he has been practicing. Mr. and Mrs. Burt C. Fowler, who ' have been living at the Blackstone during the winter, have returned to their summer home, Hillcrest, it Florence Heights, Florence, Neb. Mrs. E. H. Sprague returned Sun day from Chicago and is at the Blackstone until she and Mr. Sprague move to their summer home at Ben son about April 1. Mrs. Victor Caldwell, upon lier re turn from California, will give up her apartment at the West Farnam, as she has leased Mrs, Theodore Ringwalt's house. Mrs. Ringwalt and her daughters wilt take a (mailer place. six have been made by Mrs. W. J. Hynes, Mr. H. M. Rogers, Mrs. E. W. Nash, Mrs. Leonard Everett, Mrs. Rathbiiru of Fremont and Mrs. Tur ner. Smaller reservations have been made by Walter G. Silver, Charles S. Mrs Howard Kennedy has returned to her home in Lincoln after visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E, Davis. Their mother, Mrs. Willis Cunningham of Grand Island, will remain here for about two weeks. Mr. Ernest Siemssen of Pfing Tau, Belgian Relief Benefit. A large benefit performance for Harold Boyle will take place April 7. Belgian war orphans will be given the evening of April 20, and the after noon of Saturday, April 21, at the Brandeis theater, iy pupils of Miss Mary Cooper. About a hundred pu pils, including little tots of 3 and 4 years, and grown-ups will appear in all kinds of fancy dances, solos and group dancing numbers. Admission will be $1 for each person, or enough to keep a little Belgian child supplied with food for a month. The sum which is netted by this entertainment will be sent to the Belgian children through the Literary Digest. Miss Leavitt is an old friend of Miss Ingwcrsen and a schoolmate at Mrs. Loring's. She will act as bridesmaid. Mr. Boyle is a youi:.., Englishman who has made his home in Omaha for some time. The affair will be a large wedding at the Kenwood Evan gelical church of Chicago. After a wedding trip the young people will arrive in Omaha about May 1 to make their home here. Miss Jngwer sen will visit in Chicago before com ing back to Omaha. Winter Sojourners Return. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis and children arrive home today from Belleair. Fla., where they have been since early in To Attend April Brides. Miss Regina Connell and Miss Eliz abeth Davis will leave in the near fu are venturing out on the club crolf ture to attend former schoolmates at Fehruarv. TO SATISFY her idle curiosity, 'inks to brush up their "game" for their weddings in southern cities. Mr. and Mrs. James Ludlow ar- Mellificia took a peep in the the summer, or probably you'd like Miss Connell goes Thursday to rived home the first of the week from old files. Even in March of the '9 rehearse the wonders of the mu- Louisville, Ky., for the wedding of a three weeks' visit at Camden, S. C, year 1914 events seem far dis- sical notes of Amelita Galli-Curci, her Dana Hall roommate, Miss Mar- where they enjoyed golfing and out- :ant yet strangely familiar. Then but those arc old topics; we must garet Munn, on April 4. Miss Davis door life. ' On their way they stopped people were having weddings and 'urn to new ones. leaves April 2 for Memphis to serve at St. Augustine, where they found Meeting presidents "of the Fine Arts One of the largest and most far- in the wedding party of Miss Mary the thermometer registering 91 dc- lociety and observing Lent, just as reaching entertainments of the week Falls on Easter Monday. From grees. we are now. Then there was the will be the Jewish war-relief ball at Louisville Miss Connell goes to Cin- Mrs. F. R. McConnell returned Sat- iame talk of enforced idleness dur- the Auditorium on Thursday even- cinnati and then east to Poughkeep- urday from a winter's sojourn at .ng the Lenten season and other well- '"8. which will come nearer to equal- sie, where she will be the guest of Phoenix, Ariz., with her .daughter, worn excuses for the scarcity of 'ng the famous Chicago war-relief Miss Mary Van Kleeck, who was here Mrs. Robert L. Parker, and Mr. news which prevail now. Still far- "an man anything given in Omaha last autumn. Miss Connell will not ther back, in the year 1910, Lenten this season. With all the induce- be home until June, as she plans to be sewing circles held the floor and peo- ments to secure funds which have at Dana Hall for the commencement, pie were planning their summer trips been given by generous donors ol when Miss Clara Hart of Council jr writing home from their favorite conditional hundreds - and millions Bluffs and Miss Corinne Elliot of resorts of the wonderful golf games this event is sure to net a large sum this city will be they were having. ' of money. class. Miss Davis plans to visit New are expected back by April 1 Chief among the differences he- One of the greatest surprises of York befo(e her return. On her Way Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dictz are ex tween then and now, however, is the the week in social circles was the south she will stop at Kansas City pected back Friday from their Hon- and Mis. Moshier Colpetzcr also went to Hot Springs from Belleair and will be home the end of the week. Mr. Arthur J. C'ooley has returned frnm Winler Park, Fla. Mrs. Cnnley will remain until the middle of April. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scobic will leave Florida April 4. the former for New York on a business trip, while Mrs. Scobic and Miss Helen will stop a few days in Chicago on their way home. Mrs. W. A. Rcdia and Mrs. W. R. Sweatt of Minneapolis, who have been at Palm Beach since the latter part of January, have left there and are expected home early this week. Mr. J. E. George and Mr. George Klguttcr, E. C. Twamley, R. C. Howe, riiina. is Martin Bush, J. L. Webster, L. F. time of . Mr. and Mrs. Otto Siemssen Crofoot, C. I. George, G. I. Zim- of this city. merman, W C. Shannon, A. V. Kins- Dr. Roger Vaughan of Chicago tr ier, Gottlieb Storz, Miss Kate Mc- rived Saturday morning from Chicago Hugh, I. U. Loomis, June Graham, to be with Mrs. Vaughan during the Dr. ( resop, Nebraska City; Frank absence of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord, Hamilton, Miss Eugenie Whitniorc, who left yesterday for a six weeks' Louis Hiller, S. S. Caldwell, Gigrgc sojourn in California. H. Prinz, Mrs. Edgar Morsmaiirjr; Miss Florence Stern of Savannah, Dr. (. II. Foltz, Dr. J. M. Bannister Ga., is spending a week with Mrs. Car and P. W. Kuhn. rie Livingston, enroute to San Fran- cisco. Trinity Guild Eastt. Sale. Mrs. Alva E. Brown of Fremont, The Altar guild of Trinity cathedral formerly Miss Mary Fahs of Omaha, will hold its annual Easter sale at was tne guest ot Mr. ana Mrs. Web Jacobs hall, Saturday evening, begin ster Mills for a few dtys. niug at 10:30 in the morning. The Dr. and Mrs. John R. Arnold and members of the guild, who arc mostly daughter of Los Angeles are visiting the young girls of the cathedral, have Mrs- Arnold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. l.-..,, l,c. ,l,,r; 1 .! ,-,l-,,, .l,;,.c I. B. Whittaker. Wright of Council Bluffs arc expected for the sale There will also be a Mrs. Alfred Francoeur of Glencoe, home from California this week end. r:imy tMe mlWr ,le lllanaKcmellt 0f Chicago who was with Mr. and Mrs. .uis. utuisc win iciiiuiii in i .Mutua rs Wa ter Roberts. .Miss S dnev Konaiu raterson last weeK. will Ot- Stebbins, Miss Elizabeth Davis, Miss vide this week between her aunt, Mrs. with her father until later. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Farnsworth have Meliora Davis, Miss Thunim 1, Miss John R. Dennis, and her cousins, Mr. returned frohi three weeks at Holly- Mary Marston, Mrs. Georg Voss, Mrs. ad Mrs. Donald Neely. She expects wood, Cal., Mherc they have been Harold Pritchett, Mrs. Ralph Peters, to leave for her home Saturday, twice Ibis winter. Mrs. George B. Thuinmcl, Miss Mary Mrs. Elwood Bailey and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Lichtenwallner Fahs, Miss Louise White, Miss Eliza- Ruth, of Jackson, Mich., and Mrs. have returned from l winter spent in beth Keed, Miss Dorothy Brown, Miss Frank Wilkins and small son, James, California and have taken apartments Alice Carter and Miss Emily Keller of Detroit, are guests at the J. O. at the Sherman. arc some of those who have contrib- Phillippi home. uted their work to the sale. Looming on Social Horizon. The Junior club announces Friday iaence v-nanges. irequent mention ot sea voyages, luniorca ana nan-conlirmed engage One long paragraph was devoted to ment of Miss Marion Kuhn to "Peck" I disquisition on walking on board Griffin of tennis fame. Miss Kulin ship as a cure-all for seasickness. and her mother are no.v in Los An Women, said the chronicler, were gelcs, where they expect to spend less given to such strenuous exercise some lime, although Miss Gertrude Leavitt, whose marriage to Mr. James two weeks before coming home. Mr. Parker, who make their home there. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton and of. Easter week. Aoril 13. as the date daughter, Exilona, have returned for its spring dance, which will be from a five weeks' stay in California, given at the Blackstone. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wharton have The White Shrine Whist club will in the graduating gone from Belleair to New York and give a luncheon and card party at the Blackstone April 5. Mrs. L. r. Shrum and Mrs. G. R. Ledyard have charge of the arrangements. The club will hold its regular meeting at the Masonic Temple Monday after noon. . Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze, Dr. N. H. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Towlc and Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Sum- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barstow have gone to Chicago, where they will make their home in the future. Mrs. Barstow has been prominent in the work of the ladies' auxiliary of Trinity cathedral. Scott-Warren Wedding. Saturday evening, at the apartment of the bride's mother, Mrs. L. F. Warren, in the Knickerbocker, Miss Mary Myrtle Warren and Mr. Thomas Winfield Scott were wedded by Rev. C. E. Cobbey of the First Christian church. There were no at tendants. Preceding the ceremony for a day or two with Miss Mildred olulu. Butler. " Mr. M. C. Peters and Miss Daphne Miss Helen Ingwerccn is In Chicago Peters left Belleair for Memphis, for a visit with Miss Bessie Leavi't, where they will spend Sunday, going daughter ot Mr. and I-'.s. Wellington from there to Hot Springs, Ark., for W. M. Rainbolt gives up his local if ?"" '"e rem?ny business connection April 1 to take U?V ."ra,e Me charge of his farm interest, in South V '1T ,V T- a V, w Dakota. He and his family will spend the summer at their Mi inesota camp and in the autumn wi.l make their home in Pierre, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis have sold Mengedoht on the violin and Mrs. W. M. Simpson on the piano. The apart ment was prettily decorated in green and white. The bride's gown was of (Continued on Pan'' Two. Colnmm One.)