Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1917, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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10 A
Invents Electric Light After
He Stubs His Toe on a
Dark Crossing.
law or snuff recited
, By A. R. GROH.
From Mrs. Gladys Matoush, 556
Meredith avenue, Gregory, S. D.t
comes a request that I write up
Thomas A. Edison, his early life
and scientific achievements."
'I am glad to get this request and
shall direct upon Mr. Edison the
searchlight of my wisdom.
1 Thomas Alva Edison was born in
1847 in Ohio, U. S. A. While he was
a small boy people did not know that
some day he would become the great
est inventor in the world. One sum
mer evening, while out walking, he
came to a dusty place at a crossing
and. as it was dark, he got his shoes
all dusty. . ' ,
The boy decided then that some
day. he would invent the electric
ll8Timelwent on. He finally got a
job as newsboy on the Grand Trunk
railway and before long he was a
telegraph operator. He invented
' things that saved the telegraph com
panies millions of dollars and every
once in a while they would raise his
pay $5 a month.
Becomes a Wizard.
; Soon he started out in business for
himself as an inventor and rapidly
became the great "wizard" that he is
todav. We could never hear "Cohen
at the Telephone" or the Fifteenth
Bulgarian Rhapsody in B or any of
the other classics on the phonograph
if Edison had remained telegraph
operator, fo he invented the phono
grapht He also invented the in
candescent light.
I saw Mr. Edison once. However,
I do not think he remembers me. Tt
was in a large crowd of about 10,000
people and he may ot even have
tern me. If you should desire a
fuller biography of Mr. Edison you
may be able to find it at the library.
.A great legal question is presented
for my decision by John Klaseus,
Creighton law student, who ad
dresses me as "America's greatest
phrenologist" and says h would ap
point me judge if he had the ap
pointive power.
"Your first ease," he writes, "will
be to decide the legality of a law
which 'forbids the importation, sell
ing of giving away of snuff or any
of Its substitutes.' " ,
. I Wants the Law.
He further Informs me that I will
find a case of this in 144 Northwest
ern Reporter, page 661, at -the Doug
las county law library.
All right, John, call the court to
order, f have looked up the case you
mention. State vs. Olson. This case
has to do with a South Dakota law
and it defines Snuff as "any tobacco
that has been fermented, dried, fla
vored, pulveriied, cut, scented or
Otherwise treated." '- ' ' ' ' '
In view of this, of course, and bas
ing my construction of the "quid"
pro nullus a priori and taking into
consideration the court's decision in
the similar case of State vs. Schnit
telbaumer (171 Illinois Territory,
page, 3,694), as well as the case hav
ing similar bearing though Somewhat
more t pluribus unum and therefore
ex , parte vobiscum, State vs.
Srbjrinklvetmotski (974 Oregon,
page 1,753), the court holds that
snuff, being tobacco non vult and the
statute in this case providing that if
not it should stand semper idem, the
court so decides, fixing the costs on
the plaintiff.
Remember also, John, that you can
be an upright man and good citizen
even though you are a lawyer. Yes,
indeed. . '
Two Autos Collide On
' ' North Side Boulevard
Three young men of prominent
families in a racing automobile mirac
ulously escaped injury when the car
they were in was rammed on the side
and turned completely over by an
other high powered car on the Flor
ence boulevard at Boyd street shortly
after midnight. The occupant, of the
overturned car were Dr. James O'Neil,
2607 Bristol street; Albert Meneray,
secretary-treasurer of the Omaha
Nursery company, and T. Iforris of
Benson.- A. L. Rose was the driver
and only occupant of the other car.
According to Dr. O'Neil, both cars
were going at a moderate rate of
speed north on the boulevard. Rose
was in the lead. Suddently Rose
turned off to the left and .'. other
car, in trying to veer out of the path,
was struck squarely on the side, turn
ing completely over. The windshields
of both cars were completely mashed
and both cars wrecked. Outside of a
bad shaking up, the occup. tits of
neither car receive! a scratch.
The overturned car belong to Albert
Harding to Tell Omaha '
Business Men About Butter
The manufacturers of Omaha will
know more about making butter after
next Friday noon than they ever
knew before. A big butter-maker Is
tn tell them about it. T. M. Hardin
is to speak to the Manufacturers' as
sociation at the Commercial club
rooms on that day on the subject of
making butter.
Jordan's Wax Oil
I Polish
t The Famous
"Donkey Oil"
Liquid Veneer. Furniture
Polish, Floor Wax, Cham
ois Skins and Sponges
eve r y t h ing- for House-Cleaning-.
Hamilton Paint and
Glass Co.
Atlas B. Hamilton, Pres.
HIT Howard St.
Fk Dmglas 2642.
DaUrarU. to all parte ef Omaha
RECENT PICTURE OF DUMA IN SESSION The Russian Duma, or Congress, j which is
largely responsible for the successful revolution against Czar Nicholas and his administra
tion, is here seen in session in the chamber of Tauride Palace which was set aside for lU
use. A large portrait erf the Czar is placed behind the President's desk.
' j i - sj -jv ,
foreign Ministers to Greece
Having Lonesome Time
These Days.
(Correepondenc. of The AeeoclateS Preae.)
On Board the Abbasieh, Off Pi
raeus, Greece, Feb. 20, The Abba
sieh is the ship which, since Decem
ber 15, has housed alt the entente le
gations accredited to King Constan
tine, save the Italian mission. A small
boat, once a tacht, it is a far from
comfortable dwelling for so many
diplomatists and their families.
The various cabins have signs on
them indicating that one or the other
is the British, French, Serbian, Bel
gian, Russian or Roumanian lcga
tipn. The main saloon at meal times
is a common dining room as interna
tional in character as that of any
Swiss hotel in the tourist season. By
dint of Ions, enforced residence at
close quarters, some of the little nice
ties ot lite have gone Dy tne poarn.
French, the common diplomatic
tongue, is here solely the language
of the French. Each group sticks
together and converses in us native
speech, save at .the formal confer
ee's. . , ; ,.a
Reading a Thankless Task,
After the common -breakfast, the
tables are cleared and the reading
of the Athenian morning papers is
the order of the day a task usually
falling to Mr. Filidor, the Roumanian
minister, the readiest translator from
Greek. The task is' rather a thank
less one, as the Athenian newspapers
have little good to say oi the entente
powers these days of blockade. The
comments ot trie listeners, nowever,
Doctor Says
Of The Woman Of Today
Is More Iron In Her Blood
Any Woman Who Tires Easily, Is Nervous or Irritable, or Looks Pale, Haggard and
, Worn Should have Her Blood Examined for Iron Deficiency.
Administration of Nuxated Iron In Clinical Tests Gives Most Aston
ishing Youthful Strength and Makes Women Look Years Younger.
ThM an M a hMlthj, kMatlfid, ntr without It, no m(tr how much or what Iron etate, or tlnoturo ot Iron limply to
rlMokoS nun wttkoat Iron," Dr. rou ot. your rood nurolr ptuii throush uti a few contt. Tho Iron dxminded or
rardlntnd King, a Nw Tork PhnloKn tnd you without dolus you mr food. Tou Ilothar Ntur for tho red colorful matter
Hedlral Author. "In my recent tnlke to don't ret the itremth out of It. nd u a In the hlood of her children ll, alee! not
phyalelana on the Brave and eerloue conae- conaequence you become weak, pale and that kind ot Iron. Ton muat take Iron In
qencea ef Iron deficiency In Ihe blood of alckly looklnl. juat like plant trylns to a form that can be eaelly absorbed and
American woman. 1 have atronsly empha. I row In a eoll deficient In Iron. If you are eialmllated to do you any food, otherwlae
alaad the fact that dootora ahould Draacrlbe not atront or wall, you owe It to youraelf It may prove woraa than uaeleaa.
more orfanlo Iron nutated Iron for their lo make the following teat: See how lonf "I have uaed Nuxated Iron widely In
nervoua, run-down, weak, hasrard-looklnf you can work or hova, far you can walk my own practice In moat aevere artravated
women patlenta. Pallor meana anaemia.' without becomlnf tired. Neil lake two nve condltlona with unfalllnf reaulta. I have
The akin of the anaemlo woman la pale, train tablete of Nuiated Iron three tlmea Induced many other phyalelana to five It
the Ileal! flabby. The mueclea lack lone, per day after meala for two weeka. then a trial, all of whom have flven me moat
the brain fan and the memory fall., and teat your atrenfth ataln and aea how much aurprlalnf reporlo in retard to lta treat
often they become weak, nervoua. Irritable, you have falned. I have aeen doaena of power aa a health and atrentth builder,
deepondent and melancholy. When the Iron nervoua, run-down people who were alllnt all "Many an athlete and prlaeflfther haa
toea from the blood of women, the ffoaeo to the while double their etrenfth and endurance won tho day almply because he knew the
from their cheeka. and entirely rid themaelvea of all aymptoma aecret of treat atrentth and endurance
In the moal common food, of America, ?' liver and other troublea In and filled I his blood I with
p"l.;?dre,";bV.:d.d.' .",":
hat forrth.ia auiarara ImMt. .-,. ...n.....
arrmlnatd cornmtal no lonctr Is iron t
ta found. Reflnlrtf pro
otiMi tiara rmovtr tha
Iron of Mother Earth
from the 1mpovrlahd
food, and altlr mthod
of homa eookvry, br
throw. nf down tha wait
plpa tha watar In -which
our ritabla art cooktd.
ar retponilbl lor an
other trava Iron Ion.
"Therefor. If you wtah
to proaarva your youth
ful vim and v. tor to a
rip old ait, you - muit
aupplja tha Iron deficiency tit your
food by utinr om form of organic
Iron. Juit aa you would naa aalt -whan
your food haa , not noutb
. "Aa I hava aald a hundred tlmt
ovaTa ortanle Iron it Rratat at
all atranith builder. If people
would only take Nuiated Iron when
they feel weak or rundown, Inatead
of doalnr themaelvea with habit
fortnlnr dnura, atlmulanta and ai
ooholle bevaragea I am oonttnowd
that in Utla way they could ward oft
dleaaa. preventing It . becoming
organlo In thousands of ae
and thereby tho Uvea of thousand
might bo aaved t ho now die
vry year from pneumonia, grlpp.
kidney, liver, heart trouble and other
dangerous maladlea. Tba real and true nun
which atartod their dlaaao waa nothing mora
nor lea than a weakened condition brought
on by lack of Iron In tho blood.'
"On account of tho peculiar nature of wom
an, and tho great drain placed upon her aya
tern at eartaln period, aha require Iron much
mora than anaa to help make up for tha to.
"Iron la aloo absolutely aeceaaary to enable
your blood t change food lata living tisane.
are generally of similar tenor, albeit
from the other side. The news of
the day digested, there is the first
conference and discussion on the
day's program. Once the conference
adjourned, the legations separate,
each to occupy a set of tables of its
own for its work when there is any
to do. ,
The British and French legations
are the busy ones. The Roumanian
minister, almost entirely cut off from
his government, of whose seat he
is never quite sure, is a forlorn fig
ure, pacing the deck while his col
leagues labor. The Russian minister
is somewhat busier, especially since
he acts as his own cook. The Serbian
minister disappears frequently, quietly
slipping ashore and making his way
to Athens, to return only late in the
evening, spending the night aboard
as a pure matter of form.
Runs His Own Typewriter.
At one table Sir Francis Elliot, the
British minister in shirt sleeves is
tapping the typewriter himself, at
another one of his secretaries is lost
among the maze of papers that with
every roll of the ship slip to the
floor. Nearby at another table two
other British secretaries are playing
chess. In a corner four of the diplo
matic ladies have organized a day
long game of bridge. The Belgian
charge watches the bridge, sadly, his
thoughts far away on the sand
dunes that are all that remains of
his native land.
On the opposite side of the cabin,
Jean Guillemin, the French minister
holds sway. Nervous and restless, he
is constantly up and down, rushing
back and forth from his cabin or
breaking in on his British colleague
who listens to comment or discussion
impassive, returning to poking one
finger of each hand at the typewriter
keys when the storm has passed. Cap
tain de Roquefeuille, the French naval
attache, hurries in with the latest re
ports from the Athenian cafes, filled
with the lurid color characteristic of
the Orient. The eager French gather
about to drink them in, with many
Crying Need
TrOTTI Wil (O lOUTItmn am J tmw iimptj "T
t.k.n. iron in the proper form. And .hi.
without ob-
talnlng any
hnflt. But
don't take the
old forms of
reduced Iron,
Dr. Ferdinand King, Ntm York Physician
and Medical Author, UlU phy icians that they
$xould preterit mon orgatyie ironNuxaed
rohwcr tfair patitnl$- gain anaemia-iron de
ficiency it 0t$ greatett cum to the health, ttreng.h,
tilality and beauty of the m:dem American
Woman Sou nd warning against use of metallic
iron, which may injure the
test i, corrode the stomach and
do far more harm than goodt
advises use of only Kuxated
Iron, ,
It is
1 1
wiiii 1 1
"Ohs!" and "Ahs!" and "How dread
fuls!" Afternoons those who do not sleep
go ashore for walks on the island
of Salamis, or climb the barren
Aegaleos heights. '
Invention by Which the
Blind Are Able to Read
Correapondence of The AMOcl&ted Prew.)
London, March 6. At the Roetgen
Ray society's February meeting Prof.
Fournier d'Albe demonstrated an in
strument whereby, with . practice,
blind persons are enabled to read
ordinary print by sound. The instru
ment depends upon an application of
selenium, and is a development of an
instrument which Prof. d'Albe used
four years ago to enable sightless
persons to locate bright lights or
brightly luminous patches by means
of the ear and to discover shadows
intercepting the light. In this case
the light shining upon the silenium
arms of the machine caused certain in
terruptions or changes in the electric
current passing through them, which
were translated into sounds by means
of a telephonic contrivance. The
later apparatus is a more delicate
adaption of the same idea.
A small, revolving perforated disk
is illuminated by a half-watt lamp,
and the image of a line of luminous
dots, furnished by the rvovling disk,
is projected upon the type to be read.
The light thus reflected from the type
is passed to a set of silenium bridges
conncted by a telephone relay, and
sound corresponding to the various
letters of the type are carried to the
receiver. Each letver of the printed
matter, as it passes over the small
aperture in the slab, gives a different
sound effect from any other latter,
and with practice a blind person can
recognize these distinctive sounds.
This sound alphabet, of course, has
to be learned, but with practice the
line of type can be moved across the
aperture at the rate of several words
a minute, and the sense becomes in
telligible to the reader, or hearer.
noni smw i .. -
another H ton. down .n Intlorlou. d..
State Public Health Service, aald "It
should bo brought noma to tha mrnas or
the younger as well as elder women of
America, what a wonderful change will
take place In many caaes, when Nox
a ted Iron Is taken; how It will cause tha
enriched blood to Bring tne roses to tneir
cheeks, the sparkle to their ya and tha
elasticity to their atop, how their every
function will be stimulated and regulated
and that sense of what the French call
blen entro will get up with them In the
morning and accompany them at night
ta a sound and perfect sleep. Men toe
tho who, tn th strenuous strain of
bustnsss competition burn np rapidly
stores of nervous energy, hero Is a
source of power, and renewed strength
and nduranc which wlUl bo found
MOTE Nuxated Irn. which Is pro
scribed and recommended above by
physlctana tn such a groat variety of
easos la not a patent medicine nor socrot
remedy, but one which Is well known to
druggists and whose Iron constituents
are widely snseribed by omiuent pnysi-
clsna both In Europs and America. Un
like the older Inorganlo Iron products
It la aaiiiy assimilated, does not injurs
tha teeth, make them black, nor npaot
tho stomach; on tho contrary, tt Is a
moat potent remedy In nearly all forma
ot Indigestion as well aa for nervous,
run down eondltuna. Th manufactur
er havo such great confidence In nux-
Sua. R it. afa. fnrfal, tt1 A A AA f n
charitable Institution 'it they cannot take
man or woman unoer so wno wens iron.
and Increase their strength 1M par cent or
over la tour woeks' time provided they hava no
serious organlo trouble. They also offer to ro
tund your money If It does not at least doable
your otrsngth and endurane In ten days tints.
dispensoa in mis eiv sy nnavnaw so
Drag Itoros.
Russia Will Become
Definite Force in
War, Says Milukoff
. London, March 26. Foreign Min
ister Milukoff has outlined the atti
tude of the new Russian government
in foreign affairs to a number of Pe-
trograd and Moscow journalists. A
Reuter dispatch from Petrograd
quotes the foreign minister as say
ing: "We shall remain faithful to all past
alliances similar to that with our al
lies, which would still further be
strengthened and become still more
cordial and sincere. The change in
regime will disperse the distrust our
allies had a right to feel toward the
late government It is Russia's duty
to continue the struggle brilliantly,
both for its own liberty and that of all
"By the change in regime we defi
nitely won the sympathy of neutrals,
especially Sweden, while Finland,
thanks to the restoration ot its con
stitution, has become our sincere
friend. Our allies came into touch
with the new regime without an in
stant's delay, understanding that the
old regime was a religious hindrance
to that organization of the Russian
people which is necessary for a final
"Todav Russia is no longer a dead
w;ight in the coalition of allies. It
is a productive force. Henceforth all
rumors of a separate peace must van
ish once for all. It would be anti
national for freed Russia to come to
an understanding with reactionary
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Have arrived
This Italian Songbird
sings only for the
Every Victrola Owner
Simply Must Have the
Following Three
Beautiful Numbers
Offered for Sale
For the First Time:
Home Sweet Home
No. 74511, Pric. $1.50
Romeo and Juliet
No. 74512, Pric $1.50
Lucia Mad Scene
No. 74509, Pric $1.50
Hear Them Monday
Sure, at
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
15th and Harney.
A. M. to 2 P. M.
, 5 to 8 P. M.
Good MualeWhil. You Eat
Chicken A La Cceole .
Sweet Relish
Fried Spring Chicken
Cream Gravy
Broiled Lamb Chops on Toast
Green Peas
Roast Stuffed Goose
Apple Sauce
Roast Your Turkey, Celery
Dressing, Cranberry Sauce
Prima Roast Beef, au Jus
Roast Spring Chicken
Sage Dressing '
Mashed Potatoes
Boiled Potatoes
Green String Beans
Head Lettuce Salad, French
Apple Pie Grape Pie
Chocolate Pie
Apple Tapioca Pudding with
Vanilla Ice Cream
Tea Coffee Milk
That Will Give Lasting Service
We invite you to visit our store and tee the beautiful
NEW HOME FURNISHINGS the kind that will give
you lasting service. Large shipment of NEW Style in
Furniture, Rug, Stove and Draperies, from the LEAD
ING factories and mills, are being received daily, and
hundreds of new, artistic and exclusive sample have
been placed on our LARGE sample floor and await
your inspection. Our EXTENSIVE showing of the beau
tiful period furniture for your dining room, living room
and bed room will both please and interest you you
will find our price MUCH lower, due to our INEXPEN
SIVE location our LOW operating expense and our
IMMENSE buying power and, a usual
This William and Mary Dining Room
Table and Four Genuine Leather Seat
Chairs Complete
Just picture this beautiful set, which is just like the il
lustration shown, placed in your dining room. It's a
true copy of the original
niture, we want you to see this hand-
some set and to make it more attrac- tD J I lOU
uve, we are ottering you
set, table and chairs, for
Our New High-Grade Home Outfits
Three-Room Home
outfit., $50
W M uti mi
I : i
W ...
Splendid Rugs
We Save You
Doe All
Kinds of
New Home Sewing Machines
We are exclusive agents for this won
derful, easy-running, quick action
Sewing Machine. Prices tOQ LTA
as low as ?03.0U
Other machines, up from 817.50
We are now showing an exten
sive line of the new 1917 Go
Carts and invite your inspec
tion. Many different patterns
to select from. Prices P QP
up from. ipOeaO
Tha People' Store.
William and Mary period fur
the complete n .
only w
Four-Room Home
Outfits, of
a superior
grade. . . .
Brass Beds
Like cut,
our price
Like cut.
Our Pries,
ai t. r.nnn.
at Lower Prices
You are invited to visit our large,
daylight Carpet, Rug and Drapery
Department, where you will find a
large assortment of the latest in
Floor Coverings and Draperies.
Seamless Axminster Rug
A splendid and well made, full seam
less Eug, in 9xl2-ft Ani mm
sizes. Our low "S A S
Room Size Rugs
Suitable for bed
rooms . .$5.75
Brussels Rugs
Size 27x54 inch
es 81.89
Y mm e v
Kleen - O - Mop
and bottle of oil,
for 39
Lace Curtains,
Scrim Curtains,
up from. ...98
From 25 to 50
Ball-Baarinf Roller
Skate, for boys and
girls; adjustable to any
size shoe. fiQe
Our nriee . . Oil C
You Are Cordially Invited to
Hear the Latest Music on the
Colombia Grafonola
this incomparable machine play
tha records that you like best hear
the latest dance music, the latest
songs, tha latest musical pieces.
Prices range from
$15 to $150
Columbia Doubla-Diae Recorda
Thousands of records to select from.
You are invitetd to attend our
Fra Dally Concert..
Opposite Hotel Rome