THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 21. 1917. SENATE BLOCKS MAIL RESOLUTION Demos Almost Solid Against Request Made by the House for Improvement. SPIRK VOTES WITH THZM (From a Staff Corrupon4at.) Lincoln, March 23. (Special.) The present unbusinesslike and de plorable methods used by the postal department of the United States, which are' rapidly disorganizing the mail conditions of the country, are perfectly satisfactory to the demo crats of the Nebraska senate, judg ing by the action of the senate to day when it tabled by a strict party vote of 23 to 10 a resolution passed by the house calling upon President Wilson to do something to keep the system from deteriorating. The resolution passed by the house met with little or no opposition. The members in that end of the legisla ture forgot all about politics and in an effort to stop what appears to be utter demoralization of the mail sys tem of Nebraska sent to the presi dent a resolution which would give him an idea what his postmaster gen eral is doing. But the senate could see nothing but the political end. It would not do for a democratic senate to crit icize a democratic department of the national government, even if it was plain that this department was get ting itself into a hole just about as rapidly as is possible. Senator Beal in opposition to the resolution offered the excuse that the president had enough trouble on his hands without bothering him with little things like this. This brought out the retort from Senator Bushee, republican fl.oor leader, that he "admired the nerve of a man who roasts another for tak ing up time on a resolution after he had killed a half day in the senate on one of his own no more import ant. He reterred to the fight that Beal put up early in the week for his government ownership of rail roads. On the motion to table, Albert, democrat, voted with the republicans, while Spirk, republican, voted with the democrats. Widow Given Verdict For $3,500 in Damage Suit Fairbury, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Mrs. William Ham mond of Nebraska City, widow of the young man who was killed two miles northeast of here October 2. 1914, was given a judgment of $3,500 against the Rock Island railroad at noon today. Hammond and Howard Koon of Columbus, while traveling in a closed buggy, were struck and instantly killed by the Jersey passenger train. Matt Gering of Plattsmouth ap peared as head counsel for Mrs. Hammond, who asked for $25,000 damages. The company 'alleged that Engineer McLean sounded the whis tle and that the young -men did not observe the proper precaution in ap proaching the road crossing. Counsel for the prosecution main tained the company had maintained a dangerous crossing thirty years and that it was negligent in allowing a dense thicket of weeds to obstruct the view of bassers by. Columbus Brewery Plans To Manufacture Near Beer Columbus, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Final decision to convert the Columbus Brewing com-, pany into an establishment for the manufacture -of "'near beer" was reached today when George Rem bour, secretary of the company, re turned from an investigation trip in the east. The manufacture of the beverege will be started as soon as the neces sary machinery arrives. This will enable the company to place their product on the market by May 1. Colorado Educators To Speak at Fremont Fremont, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial.) Judge Ben Lindsey of Den ver, Mrs. Mary C. C. Bradford, state superintendent of public instruction of Colorado, and Fred Keeler. super intendent of the Michigan schools. are the principal speakers on the pro gram for the annual convention of the East Central Nebraska Teachers' association to be held here March 30 and 31. It is expected that 500 teach ers will be in attendance. liner Eeapea U-Boat. New Tork, March 21. Paaaengeri on board the Anchor line steamer Tuscanla, British, which arrived today ffom Glasgow said that on Monday, March 12, when about 200 mllea out from the Scottleh coeet the Tuicanla encountered a Oerman submarine. By putting on ull speed and steering a tig sag course the Tuscanla escaped. It Easter Hats For Men Three to Ten Pease-Black Co. 1417 Farnam St. From Our Near Neighbors Aroetv C. M. BoRtrd wu a vUltor at Weeping Water Tutlday. MM riortno Bardlll vlilted at Wteplnf Watar Monday. Mrs. Frd LlnvMU wu an Omaha visitor th flrat of tha week. Mn. 8. T. Oearhart returned flundar from a villi with relatives at Aitel. Mr, and lira. Ore, E. Cope wera Omaha visltora Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs, A. C. Oreason returned Tuesday from visit with Omaha relatives. Mrs. Fred Bartel entertained the Contre fattonal ladles aid Thursday afternoon. The Woman's club was entertained at the home of Mrs. E. T. Oearhart Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooper returned at first of the week from a visit with relatives at Lincoln. The t-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drummer died Monday after several weeks Illness. Funeral services were held Wednes day and Interment was made In the North Branch cemetery. PapUllonu Harold Stebere; Is taking treatment at the St. Catherine hospital In Omaha. Miss Rosy Lewis of Superior and Miss Helen Lewis of Lincoln were Sunday guests of Mlsa Amy Lewis. I. 0. Clarke returned the first of the week from a several weeks' trip through southern California. ' J. R. Wilson and A. R. Morrison attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Donahoe at Qretna Monday. Misses Frances Kennedy, Eva Kennedy and Pearl Carpenter are attending the dis trict Christian Endeavor convention at Fre mont. Mies Doris Clarke returned Tuesday from several days' visit with Miss Marlon Brown and othsr friends at the University of Nebraska. Weeping; Water. Mrs. F. B. Wolcott has gone to Pass dena, Cal.. to spend two months vlstlng friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Marshall of Lincoln visited over Sunday at the A. I. Ralston homo and with other friends. Mrs. John Murphy of Melrose, Is., vis I ted the first of the week at the home of her brother, Michael Slattery. A. J. Wright captured In a trap Tues day night a large wolf that has been prowl ing around the premises for some time. Mrs. Oeorge Hag-imun ha returned to her home at Wray, Colo., after a visit st the home of her parents, and Mrs. Frank Parker. L. W. and Carl Gregory shipped the first of the week with a carload of machinery and Implements to Imperial, Neb., where they will make their future horns. Dlok Koestsr drovs 70s shsep In from his farm south of town and shipped to the Omaha market. It was estimated that the bunch would bring about 110.000. Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Pe tenon motored to the olty Thursday. Mrs. John Rlx and children were Omaha passengers Thursday. Mrs. John Schuldt and Mtss Ella Clausen were city visitors Thursday. John QreKgers and daughter, Miss Freda, were Omaha visitors Wednemlay. Mrs. John Denker end daughter war sightseeing In the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Homin and Mrs. J. W. Housley were at Omaha Thumrtay. Mrs. Mflke entertained the Ladiee' ken sing ton Thursday, A nice lunch was ssrved. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph McArdls are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born Isst Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cocker 1)1 of Omaha visited the latter s parents from Tuesday until Sunday. Bert Donahoo came In from his home In Blaine county Thursday to look after his Interests hers. I. C. Qulnn of Sprlngvlsw Is hsre this week visiting his mother, Mrs. John Qulnn, and buying a carload of cattle to take home. Mrs. Wllhelmlna Calvert came out from Omaha Saturday evening and vtalted over Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Mangold, and family. Gretna. Mrs. H. G. Sandy attended the state con vention of the Royal Neighbor lodge at Fre mont this week. Walter Connor, who Is attending Crelgh ton Medical college, was home last Satur day and Sunday. The Kensington elub visited the normal training and the domestic solence depart ments of ths high sohool Thursday. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oor such gave them a surprise party Tuesday evening'. The occasion was Mr. Gorauch's birthday. Mies Florence Sandy went to Lincoln Thursday to attpnd the formal dancing party of the Achoth sorority, to bo given at the Lincoln hotel Friday evening. The following person represented Clrrttu HlKh school at th Surpy county duclHinn tory contest at Pspilllon Friday ev.iiiinit Katherlno Reynolds, Lillian Uundy aru Clara Rlehet. The funeral acrvlcM of Mrs, Mary Pona hoo were held at the Catholic cliurvh Moi day, Mrs. Donahoo urr 74 years old and wss a pioneer or Qretna. She Is eurvlvsd by six children, all of whom are marrlod. Irvlngrnn. Francis O'Neal is on ths sick list this week. Harold Andersen is quits sick with pneu monia. Mrs. W. Finch Is critically HI with pneu monia. Mrs. Guild of Florence Is vlalttng at the Scsnlon home. The I-ntiifi' Aid met at the church for dinner Wednesday. Mrs. John Hendrlckson visited her son at Fremont Tuesday. Margaret Andersen and Jessie Williams were Omaha visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs, John Pltaulon of Omaha visited at ths Scan Ion home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Williams attended the funeral' of Franc it Tlier at Omaha Sunday. Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Smith atten-led the Royal Neighbors convention at Fremont Wednesday. Mrs. Psln and Mrs. Alfred Williams vis ited at ths Walter Madsen horns In Benson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spring and family of Bsnson wore entertained at ths John HUeck horns Sunday. Mrs. fly more of La Harps, 111., and Mrs. Beard of Omaha were entertained at the S. R. Brewster horns Thursday, Gering Community Club Employs Paid Secretary Gering, Neb., March 23. (Special.) The Community club of Gering has employed N. R. Reasoner of Hastings as its secretary to devote his entire time to the civic work. It is believed that this city is the only one of its population in the state which has a paid secretary on the job devoting his full time to community work, but it is also believed that the conditions of progress fully warrant the expenditure. A budget has been prepared sufficient to finance the needs for the coming year. OrMn Brothers 1519 Douglas Street f , r . m a1-. aim I I l ui Jim r 4 1 Smart New Spring efitt &jl That Will Create a Sen sation Saturday at W vra? Jl I J - X V' ol ine 1UW price vi 211 If you want the BEST EASTEE SUIT that has been shown in town this season for $21.75, you will i be here bright and early Saturday morning You'll nave to compare tnese witn usual $ do.lK) Suits to get the measure of their true value The Model Illustrated at $21.75 Is typical of the Wonderful Values offered in this GREAT SALE. Fashioned from fine all wool Serge . in a smart pleated style sash belt deep overlay collar and Silk Faille and smart flaring skirt also choice of Over Twenty Other Styles in Serges Poplins -Diagonals Matelasse and Fine Velours Colors are gold, apple green, mustard, brown, Spring blue, Copen, navy and black Sizes for misses 14 to 18; women's sizes, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46. REMARKABLE SATURDAY SALE 500 NEW SPRING BLOUSES ACTUAL $7.50 TO 910.00 VALUES AT Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Pussy Willows, Jap Silks, Fine Voiles Undoubtedly the most remarkable assortment of beautiful, crisp Spring fashions ever offered at this popular price Count less styles to choose from with beautiful cascade frills dainty tucks touches of embroidery new Dutch necks large square or pointed collar, etc. , Colors are Nile Green, White, Flesh, Maize, Peach, Spring Blue, Bose, Etc. Other Waists Featured at $1.95, $2.45 and up Hiss Xollie Greenberg fs In Charge of Our Blouse Dept Legislators Take Recess Over Sunday (From n Stuff Oorrrsiiolnt.nt.) Lincoln, Neb., March 2.1. iSpe- cial.) Both houses of tlc legislature have adjourned over Saturday and Sunday in order that the members may take a trip home. The senate adjourned at noon today, while the house adjourned early in the after noon. The house today voted to kill all bills remaining in the hands of the sifting committee Wednesday noon. Quiet Days at Burwell. Burwell, Neb., March 2.1 (Spe cial.) Very little interest is being taken here in regard to the city elec tion. The democrats have placed in nomination the present members, William Hoffman and I'. 11, Green, and the republicans did not hold a convention, so have no nominees. W. T. Anderson, who has been city mar shal for two years, has resigned to accept other employment, and Edgar Thompson has been appointed in his place. Sunday Dessert i(TF I lived in Omaha I'd plac I standing order so that I could A enjoy one of those tempting Sun day Special Ice Cream Desserts every week, said an enthusiastic womun visitor. Tomorrow the famous combination will be CHERRY NUT A blending of Vanilln Ice Cream with Maras chino Cherries and English Walnuts. Thar, is always a dialer nurbjr who tells 4 J WUaW I PI n All Ice-CreaT tj Br Orchard & Wilhelm Co. 4I4-1S-18 South Sixtttnth Strett Saturday Last Day of Spring Drapery Sale A3 previously announced, this stock was bought from a well-known store at a considerable reduction from the market price, and is now offered to the public at correspondingly reduced prices. You will save about ONE-THIRD never less than 25 and in Some Cases as Much as 50 No comparative prices are used, be cause the values are so very obvious. Here's Your Shopping List: 3,000 Yards of Cretonne In both dark and light effects, suitable for Bedroom, Sunroom, Living Room or Dining Room. 682 Yards 10 different designs, per yard. . . .18) 500 Yards 15 different designs, par yard. . . .204; 500 Yards 14 different designs, per yard. . . .23 400 Yards 10 different designs, per yard. . , .38 200 Yards 6 different designs, per yard. , . .454 1,000 yards at intermedial prices, but all constituting the aame big saving to you.. just wonderful values in Curtain Muslin 160 yards, in dots and small figures .lift 600 yards, in dots and small figures 14t 2,000 Yard, of Scrims and Marquisettes Plain and fancy hemstitched, satin bordered, in urhito ivnrv ni anvil Trt Ka hAniyht at tka following reduced prices 12 154 184 204 254 404 104 Per yard- 12H4 184 Drapery Materials 454 Upholstery Fabrics Special Value in William and Mary Period Dining Table and Chairs the table as illustrated; made from quarter-sawed oak, 48-inch top, with exten- (00 Aft sion to 6 feet. Special Price. . . Y aCO.UU -the chairs As illustrated, of quartered oak, in either golden or fumed fin ish ; with genuine leather seats. Special Price, , each , $4.50 Royal Combination Mattress, $7.50 Made with roll edge and built up of thick layers of felt be tween which are placed a small quantity of very fine wood fiber, making a comfortable, durable mattress, covered with strong art ticking; price $7.50 Of all Cotton, for 810 Solid Brass Beds Square Tube fnTTTf These beds are far below the ac tual wholesale cost at this time and only because of the com mercial forethought of eighteen months ago are we able to offer such really beautiful beds at such small prices $25.00, $29.00, $33.25 You sav. mor. than One-Third. Down Stairs Special Prices on Aluminum Ware Guaranteed for 20 Years No. 8 Tea Kettle six-quart size, made from the highest grade alum inum in a practical shape ; , worth $3.50, for $2.35 5-Pint Aluminum Sauce Pan, as illustrated; worth 60c ; ON SALE SATURDAY 39i ugs Second Floor3 Good Crqss-Seam Rugs Made From Travelers' Samples You save about 50 per cent by buying this kind of rug. The only disadvantage, and that a slight one, is the cross seam. 9x12 Axminsters. .$17.95 9x12 Axminsters. .$18.95 9x12 Axminsters. ,$19.9S 8-3x12 Axminsters, $17.95 9x12 Tapestry Brussels, at ......$14.95 9x12 Tapestry Brussels, at $15.95 Lace Curtains In Cluny, Duchess, Scrim, Arabian and Mus lin; white or ecru; up to S pairs of kind. Per pair 81.05 82.05 83.75 84.25 85.85 All one and two-pair lots are marked at half the original price. - 30 Pieces of Lace Net Thirty different patterns and about fifty yards to the piece. Whit., Ivory or tern. re 23t 28 35 48 Mostly guaranteed Sunfast in 36-inch and ou-incn widths, in blues, browns, mullberry, rose and green. Suitable for hangings in bedroom, sunroom or living room. Prices, per yard 95 81.35 81.05 to 83.25 Of Verdure Tapestry, either cotton or wool. 2 H to 25 yards to the pattern; price, yard 82.65 83.85 84.95 85.75 foWt"-vV-" Vt -Orchard & Wilhelm Co.Vnryw ryw i.HfrmrfflwP