Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1917, Page 4, Image 4

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Democratic House Votes Down
Bill to Give Each Guards
man $75.
(From Staff Correapondent.)
Lincoln, Marcli 23. (Special.)
The democratic house went on record
this afternoon in entire sympathy
with the song, "I Didn't Raise My
Boy To Be a Soldier," and voted not
only to refuse to release the boys
who went to the border from paying
a poll tax, but refused to recognize
them in any other way.
Hopkins, Shannon and one or two
other democrats made a strong fight
for recognition of the Guardsmen
' and when both the amendment and
u. kill killed HnnWinl said he
i thought it was about time to take
the flag down from over the house.
Peterson wanted the "insult" to the
flag stricken from the ' records, but
Richmond, who was presiding, in
formed the house that he believed
the remarks of his colleague from
Douglas should not be taken in that
light, but rather that they were in
tended as a joke and given in a
spirit of levity.
Cronin Flings Sarcasm.
"A fine, patriotic bunch, you are
gentlemen, I must say," shouted
Shannon called attention to the fact
that hundreds of the members of the
National Guard, who had left their
' civilian clothes in their lockers when
they went to the border, had returned
to find them ruined and moth eaten.
He thought the state ought at least
to make good to the boys in some
WiJreenwalt ridiculed the men of the
house who were willing to send their
. sons to the war, but made no pre
tense of offering to do anything them
selves, t
"We are on the verge of war," he
asserted, "but I don't see anybody
here who is witling to die for the
flag. We lit here in this chamber
clothed in the robes of office and
look wise, but talk foolish. Let us
show that we appreciate what these
boys have done by voting them the
small amount proposed."
Others who talked for the bill weret
Heal, Bates, Hopkins, Miller, Dau,
Thomas, Keegan, Conley and Shaf
fer. Those who expressed themselves
at against it were: Flansburg, Trace
well, and one or two others. ,
Former Pierce County
Clerk is Short $1,486
Pierce, Neb, March 23. (Special.)
The report of the certified public
accountant who has been auditing the
books of former County Clerk H. E.
, Rohn was made public today. The
figures show that the balance which
the county is short amounts to
$1,486.23. Among other things the re
port shows that warrants totaling
$449.20 were issued to and cashed by
Rohn for which no claims are on
, file. The county treasurer has mean
while refused payment on warrants
amounting to $584.40.
Since hit retirement from the office
in January Rohn has been absent
from the city and hit whereabouts
it not known.
At the regular meeting of the board
of tounty committionert yesterday it'
wat decided to have a thorough
checking of the record! of every
county official for the last ten years.
Will Written in 1878
Is Filed at Fremont
Fremont, Neb, March 23. (Spe
cial.) The will of Richard Coogan,
. ; x - .. . ..
pioneer Bcmcr VI vuuko bVUIlljr.
written February IS, 1878, has just
been filed for probate by James Coo
gan, a son, who it named beneficiary.
The elder Coogan' died three yeart
after the will wat executed. The late
G. W. E. Dorsey, former congress
man from this district, and Jacob
Joss, another early settler of Fre
mont, were witnesset to Mr. Coo
gan't signature. The homestead of
the elder Coogan was left to the ton,
James, in the will.
Oh Dea te Ton We. (
Stockton. Cel., March II In a elreet
aootlnv betweea warrlnf Chtnaaa tontmen
la tha Chlnoee aactloa hra tonight. Lea
Woo. a Buer Una, waa killed; Lee Her. of
ttia aame tone, wounded In the ankle and a
peealnr Japaneaa waa ihot Itt tha head and
probably will die.
Oct Dr. Edwardi' Oliva Tablet)
That is the Joyful cry of thousands
tinea Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tab
lets, the substitute for calomel
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician
for 17 yeart and calomel's old-time en
emy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablett while treating patients for
ironic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, tooth
ng vegetable laxative.
No griping it the "keynote" of these
ittle sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets.
They cause the bowels and liver to act
lormally. They never force them to
irmatural action.
If yon have a "dark brown mouth''
low and thena bad breath e dull,
ired feeling sick headache torpid
iver and are constipated, youU find
wick, sure and only pleasant result!
from one or two little Dr. Edwards'
Dlive Tablets at bedtime.'
Thousands take one or two every
ight just to keep right Try then.
0c and 25c per box. All druggists.
tlfJin .iirftit.ryiiiajVat afr eWfr wtf as .
Put a Cu or Two, or Keg, or Barrel of Jarvis 1877 Brandy Away
Ask Any Dealer or Write
JARVIS BRANDY CO., St. Joseph, Mo.
Trio that Break
Jail at Nebraska
City Recaptured
Nebraska City, Neb., March 23.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Endaley and
Ben Mallow, who last night over
powered Jailer Swanson in the jail
at this place, were captured by a
posse today a few miles south of
In making their escape they beat
the jailer wtih the butt of his gun and
took his keys from him.' Physicians
today say there is little hope of Swan
son's recovery. The trio are charged
with holding up the Petring garage
after having stolen an automobile in
Kansas City;
Notes From Seward
And Seward County
Seward. Neb.. March 23. (Spe
cialsThe Seward Commercial club
held its annual banquet at the rooms
Wednesday night. Carnations were
given as favors. A program of songs
and readings by home talent and a
patriotic speech by F. S. Simmons
made up the program. An orcnestra
furnished music for the dancers. The
girls' domestic science classes of the
high school served the banquet,
which was prepared by local caterers.
The new $65,000 high school build
ing was dedicated this evening. Dep
uty Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion Woodard delivered the principal
address. He wat formerly city su
perintendent of schools here. The
building is fireproof and is splendid
ly built and has all the latest school
Rev. C W. Savidge of Omaha will
speak at a union meeting of all the
Protestant churches, at the Young
Men's Christian association here
Sunday evening, April 1, on the sub
ject of "Pool Halls."
Vincent George of this city has
been elected teacher of mechanical
training in Fenn State colleare. He
it a graduate of the University of
Charlet F. Thorp and Miss Dora
Henning of York were married here
by County Judge Norval yesterday.
House Favors Measure ,
For State Hail Insurance
Lincoln, March 22. (Special Tele-
f;ram.) A bill providing insurance of
arm eropt against hail, dividing the
ttate into three zones, was sent to
third reading in the house this after
noon. The first district comprises all
territory east of the first guide meri
dian, the second, between first and sec
ond guide meridians or nearest county
lines and third all territory west of
that line.
Rates in the first zone are fixed at
25 cents per $100; second zone, 35
cents, and 45 cents in the third zone.
Maximum benefits are $10 per acre.
Fremont, Neb, March 23. (Spe
cial.) Neil, D. Saville and Mist
Helen Arnold, both of Fremont,
were married at the home of the
bride't parents. The Rer. F. M. Sis
ton officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Saville
left on a wedding trip to Tekamah.
They wilt return to Fremont to make
their home.
, York, Neb, March 22. (Special.)
John Robson of Thayer and Ethel
B. Foster of York were married at
the Presbyterian parsonage Wednes
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. T.
F. B. Smith officiated. Mr. and Mrs.
Robson will reside on a farm near
York, Neb, "March 22.-(Special.)
At the home of Mr. and Mrt. Wil
liam Yost, 708 Iowai avenue. Tuesday
evening occurred the marriage of
nomer nanna ana Mist Ada Yost.
Rev. L. F. John officiated.
Cabinet Phonograph
Cabinet '4
E m b o d iea all
the features of
the larger mod
els. It comfort
able in height
Equipped," with,
Double Spring
Motor, Tone
Modulator end
Speed Indica
tor. Finished in
Mahogany, Fu
med or Golden
Oak. Fully
On Trial.
Terma If '
Come in and Hear It! "
Orpheum Theater
Lancaster Official's Salary
Boosted Five Hundred
Dollars Year.
(Prora a Staff Corr'apondsn! )
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
The salary of the county attorney
of Lancaster county is to be raised
from $2,500 to $3,000, under a pro
posed bill, Senate File 129, by Mattes
and Neat, passed to third reading in
the senate today.
The bill raises the salary of all
county attorneys from counties of
5.000 population to counties of 140.000.
It is not changed from $4,000 in
Douglas county.
Rather than see the county attor
ney of Gage, his district, get an' in
crease from $1,800 to $2,300, Sena
tor McMullen had passed an amend
ment limiting the stipend in that
county to $2,000. He said the county
attorney was allowed to take private
These are the other raises:
In countlei of K.OOO to 12,000 In popular
Hon, IK00 to 11,000.
In eowuiee of 12,000 to 10.000 In popula
tion, into M $1,000.
In eountl.i of 16,000 to 10,000 In popula
tion, 11.100 to 1,400.
In countl.e of 11,000 to 10,009 In popula
tion, 11,200 to 11,000.
In countlei ( 20,000 to 11,000 In popula
tion, 11.200 to 11.(00. ,
In countlei of 24,000 to 21,000 In poula
tlon, 11.400 to 12.000.
In countlei of 2,000 to 80,000 In popula
tion, 11,100 to $2,000.
In countlei of 95.000 to 00,000 In popula
tion, tl.100 to 12,100.
In countlei of 50.000 to 05,000 In popula
tion, 12,000 to 12,750.
In countlei of 06,000 to 76,000 In popula
tion, 12,600 to t3.0l0.
In eountlea of 100,000 to 140,000 In popu
lation, 62.000 to S,600.
Douslas county, over 140,000, remalna the
Highlanders Will Meet
. At Nebraska City May 8
Nebraska City, March 23. (Spe
cial.) Word was received here by C.
L. Kelly, secretary of Rothesay castle
No. 28, Royal Highlanders, asking
him to arrange for the district con
vention of the order in this city on
May 8. This will comprise delegates
from all ef the counties in the south
eastern part of the state.
A tV
Viwrui tLw ivim a a?
I These hate were introduced I
onlv mi ter anecif ications and de- H
Imands more exacting than any
ever known in the history of
hat making had been complied
I No other hats at the price
cost to much to produce. I
Note the quality of materials
the fur, felts and the trim-
mltiM the, imiptniwa ftf thai
models, and note that they are I
the last word in correctness.
Sizes CM to 8
$4.00 $20 1
I $add&n&$ittner
Model XII,
407 So. 15th, OMAHA
511 SOUTH 16TH ST.
Prince Suit Against
Shanks Is on Trial
Grand Island, Neb., March 23.
(Special.) The suit of W. A. Prince,
attorney, against the Southern Surety
company and Harm Shanks of Silver
Creek, growing out oi tne assauu
upon Prince in September, last, by
Shanks, while the former was on a
business mission in that town, is be
ing heard in the district court here,
Judge Hanna presiding. The plain
tiff has completed its case, the effort
being to show that Shanks, a saloon
man, who had been sentenced to the
fenitentiary for arson, with Mr
rince as the prosecuting attorney,
some years ago, came out of his sa
loon, together with several associates,
including his bartender, with the de
liberate purpose of "getting even."
A criminal action is also pending
against Shanks, but this will be tried
in Central City, the county seat of
Merrick county.
The defense is now putting in its
testimony, its answer evidently being
that there was no drunkenness at the
place, no design and no responsibility
on the part of the surety company
The damages alleged are for $5,000
A photograph of Mr. Prince taken
on the day after the beating given
the attorney was a feature of the evi
dence. Prince's son, Harold, was also
assaulted at the time, having taken
his father's part, but was not seriously
hurt. The elder Prince was finally
picked up on the streets unconscious.
Shanks was arrested by the mar
One glance at Benson & Thome's complete collection of Spring Apparel for "Women, Little
Women, Misses, and the Younger Set, will convince you that the time to buy and wear the love
ly new things has arrived.
Assortments are probably more complete than they will be again, so there is a distinct ad
vantage in shopping at "The Store of Individual Shops" Saturday.
A Separate Shop
For Women's Suits
Hundreds of suitt1 In sports models, new tailored street
styles, handsome dressy models present all that Is cor
rect and new. The fabrics are sufficiently heavy to
make them desirable for Immediate wear. Materials
are gabardines, serges, soft wool velours and wool Jer
seys In a variety of
A Separate Shop
For Women's Coats
All-oocaslon coatt of wool velour, velour twill, burella,
boltvla cloth. Coats that get the Inspiration for their
smart style from the direct copies of foreign and domes
tic masterpieces In "Coatery." Barrel, belted, aide pan
nlered or long classic line coats with draped, tailored,
barrel, sport or distended pockets
From the Millinery Shop
A Special Group
The Hosiery Shop
Silk Hose
Pure thread silk hoee, black clocking In black only. A
hose value that will appeal to "every woman" in these days
of "Hosiery problems"
Fancy silk hose, silk
Coats -8 to 16 Years
A wonderful assortment of new Spring coats for
the girl 8 to 16 years. Checks and plaids in serges.
Belted and straight line models, pocket and contrast
ing collar trims.
School dresses made of stout ginghams, and
percales in plaids, checks and stripes. Dresses made
to withstand hard school and play wear. A variety
of pretty youthful styles.
1.50 to 5.00 '
24, 1917.
shal of Silver Creek at the time, was
allowed to plead guilty to assault
without a hearing and was fined $3.
Shorthorn Show is
Held at Grand Island
Grand, Island, Neb., March 23.
(Special.) The annual show and sale
of the Nebraska Short Horn Breeders'
association was held in this city yes
terday and today and over three score
fine cattle of the strain indicated were
on exhibition and sale. Among prize
winneds were M. C. Hansen or Elba.
Rjgers & Boicourt of Minden, Mr.
Tracey of Henderson, T. J. Sherer
of Red Cloud, H. J. Meysenl urg of
David City and H. A. Bailey of Ord.
The state university agricultural de
partment also had several specimens
listed, but they met strong competi
tion. Congressman A. C. Shallen
berger was one of the judges.
First Auto Show Put on
By Dealers of Holdrege
Holdrege.Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) The first annual auto show put
on by the local dealers in co-operation
with the Commercial club, open
ed Wednesday afternoon with thirty
cart on exhibit. Aside from special
features put on by the different deal
ers, music and vaudeville acts are put
on afternoon and evening from the
stage of the big auditorium. The at
tendance was considered big for open
ing day. It is expected that 5,000 peo
ple will visit the show before it
closes Saturday night.
Spring colorings ,
19.75 and Up
15.00 and Up
We are going to show a most
wonderful collection of Spring Mil
linery at this moderate price Sat
urday and we want you to see It
Fully a score or more of different
styles in tailored street hats, dress
hats, semi-dress hats and hate for
travel wear, beautifully and simply
trimmed. Large, extremely large
and medium or small hats in
milans, lisere and other smart
braids and straws All colors and
The assortment at the price Is
positively the best that we've seen
In the city. We invite yon to be
the judge.
embroidered effects, stripes and high
the Girls' Shop
Doesn't Believe State
Can Collect Its Loss
(From a Buff Correapondent)
Lincoln, March 22. (Special.)
Attorney General Willis Reed doet
not believe the state will recover any
funds lost by reason of the failure of
the Capital National bank. He thinks
the state will not profit by a suit
against the directors.
In response to a resolution passed
by both branches of the legislature,
Mr. Reed has made this reply: He
cites opinions from the supreme
courts of twenty states of the union
cjvering similar cases.
Gaga County Notes.
Beatrice, Neb., March 23. (Spe
cial.) Plymouth, fourteen miles west
of Beatrice, has voted $19,000 bonds
for the erection of a new school build
ing. The Board of Education expects
to advertise for bids within the next
few days.
Benjamin Spencer and Mrs. Olive
Sheldon,' both of this city, were mar
ried here last evening by Rev. C. F.
Stevens of the Christian church.
Lester, the 10-year-old son of Mr.
and MraW. A. Tucker, living north
of Pickrell, -was kicked in the face
yesterday by a mule and severely in
jured. His teeth were knocked out
and he sustained an ugly gash on his
A double funeral service for the
late Judge and Mrs. O. M. Enlow
wilt be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the Methodist church,
conducted by Rev. B. F. Gaither.
A Separate Shop
For Women's Dresses
Dresses of true loveliness straight graceful line models,
draped, tuntced and barrel effeott In abundance. Smart
beading and embroidery In oriental designs and color
ings add the finishing style touch. An exceptionally at
tractive assortment In crepe de chine, Georgette crepe,
taffeta and serge. Smartly new
A Separate Shop
For Women's Blouses
Blouses In all the freshness of material, style, coloring
and trimming of a bright Spring's Day. Dainty creations
of Georgette crepe, crepe de chine and crisp lingerie
materials, Beaded, embroidered and lace trimmed.
Blouses of such charming distinction so moderately
priced that you will agree with us that at the price they
cannot be duplicated elsewnere
From the Glove Shop
Washable Gloves
Although the price gives the impression of sale
gloves, they are not "sale" gloves in the usually
accepted sense of the word. They are gloves select
ed and bought for our regular stock but specially
priced for Saturday's selling. Choice of white doe
skin and yellow chamois.
The Glove Shop directs particular attention to
their complete assortment of Dents, Fownes, Cen
temeri kid gloves, Luken & Myers washable kids
and Holeproof guaranteed silk gloves. .
1.00 to 4.00
The Hosiery Shop
Boot Silk Hose
Every discriminating woman
of Onyx hosiery. Tor Saturday
fashioned In black and white only.
Pure dyed, heavy weight silk
good selection of colors.
From the Shoe Shop
Novelty Boots
Saturday thlt up-Uvthe-mlnute Shoe Shop for women
offers choice of Pearl Gray, Havana Brown, All-over Wnite
wash kid boots. Patent kid with ivory top, Pearl buttons to
match, black French kid dress boots, also grey Relnskln and
other combinations and colorings, turn and light welt sole
with small wood covered neeia w
match, at
We still have a limited quantity of
those grey and brown boots and about
30 ttylet of those black kid boota that
caused such active buying in our 8hoe
Shop last Saturday at $4.16. Again for
The High Cost of
Indigestible Food
falls heavily upon the house
hold where there Is no in
telligent direction of the
food supply. Expensive high
proteid foods, such as beef
and pork, impose a heavy
burden upon the liver and
kidneys. They are not 83
nutritious as cereals and
fruits. Two Shredded
Wheat Biscuits with milk
supply all the nutriment
needed for a half day's work
at a cost of only four or five
cents. Cut out meat and
eggs, eat Shredded Wheat
Biscuit with green vege
tables and fruits, and see
how much better you feel.
For breakfast with hot milk
or cream. Made at Niagara
Falls. N Y.
Bee Want-Ads
Bring Best Kesults
15.00 and Up
2.95 and Up
Shopper knows the worth
Onyx silk boot hose, full
hose, black, white and a