THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MARCH 24, 1917. 3 Service, Surety of Satisfaction and Savings Saturday Women's New Spring Coats Quality Style Moderate Price Up-to-date models, showing smart flared collars, deep cuffs, and pockets that are in themselves a big feature. Deep belts, stitching and buttons all mark these styles as distinctive. Gunny Burl, Coverts, Gaberdine and Feather Fluff, In all the new shades, such as Tan, Ruby, Gold, Apple Green, Navy and a variety of checks and plaids. $19.00, $22.50 and $25.00 The New Coat Dresses Are especially attractive ; shown in Navy Serges, Jerseys in various shades, and Gaberdines of Apple Green, Tan, Copenhagen, and Navy. $22.50, $25.00 to $45.00 - Second Floor WITH stocks replete .with the newest and best, and back of this store the great prestige which it enjoys in the wholesale mar ket, we are able to of fer to our clientele the benefit of our economies in the manufacturing and importing world. Saturday brings to ev eryone who shops here surety of satisfaction and saving. The Smartest Suits of the Season "Tailleur" Models Very Elegant RICH MATERIALS, designed into Tailleur models that speak the supreme style of the moment. Models of Poiret Twill, heavy Scotch Mixtures, Men's Wear Serges and Gaberdines. "Finger Tip" length Coats, plain tailored lines even severe in its contour but extremely elegant. The largo "saddle" pockets lend ornamentation to these charming garments. Bound with braid and trimmed with large buttons that add to their attractiveness materially. , Large white broadcloth collars complete the ensemble. Prices, $29.00, $39.00, $49.00 to $62.50 Second Floor " N. B. The new Peart Grays are simply beautiful Tan is tony, too. Blue and Black are good. Adler's Washable Kid Gloves, $1.50 All sizes, Pearl and "New port." Women's Guaranteed Washable Chamoisette Gloves White or white with black backs 59c, 79c and $1.00 a pair Adler's, and Perrin's Washable Kid Gloves 1.50, 11.75, $2.00 and $2.25 I Kayser's Guaranteed Silk Gloves Complete stocks 60c to $1.75 a pair. The Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women Offers Dresses and Top Coats In Remarkable Price Range THERE IS NO QUESTION about the favor shown this Specialty Shop there is no question about its performance of service PERSONALIZED in the most efficient way there is also no question that the ad vent of these bright and ultra-smart Clothes for Misses and Small Women is hailed with delight by our ever-growing clientele and by the way, do you know that we are only a few weeks old? New Coat Dresses, $25.00 to $75.00 Made of Tricotine, Gaberdine, Wool Jersey, Silk Jersey, Serge, and Poiret Twill the style that has risen to the brink of the wave of popularity. Crepe de Chine and Taffeta Dresses, $19.75 to $65.00 Hand-beaded and braided, and one of the most orna mentally artistic lot of Dresses we have ever shown. Apron effects, Chemise Dresses and a variety of other styles, too numerous to mention. t Second Floor i Children's Smart Shoe -Top In the Specialty Shop The best chosen stock of Children's Wear that we have ever shown this is not only our own opinion, but the voiced opinion of every woman who comes here to buy for her child or children. Children's Shoe Top Suits, very new and youthful models, Jersey, black and white checks, copen, rose, apple green, gold; all good spring colorings; sizes 10 to 14 years; priced, $12.50 t0 $26.50 clt t Children's Blouses, in voile, Jap silk, stripe, madras, sizes 6 to 14 years, priced M to it C QA from Girls' Smart Coats, made of serge, velour cloth, black and white checks, plaids, etc.; apple green, gold, sand rose navy. The sizes $5.00 t0 $25.00 are 8 to 14 years, at vv,wv vww Children's New Spring Coats, made in dainty styles "of serge, black and white checks, velour silk, poplins and fancy checks, in a variety ((JO 95 Jfil 5 00 of styles, sizes 1 to 6 years, at 9ff 1J,VV Second Floor. Coats Handkerchiefs Ladies' new silk crepe Handkerchiefs in Japanese borders and designs, special, each 19 Women's and children's Handkerchiefs, of silk, linen and cotton, in plain white with narrow hemstitched borders; also white and col ored embroidered corners ; special, each 15 Men's pure linen Handker chiefs, with narrow hem stitched borders, special, Sat urday, each 15d Ladies' new Handkerchiefs in plain white and colored embroidered comers,, with narrow hemstitched borders and scalloped edges. Special, each 7 25 Blouses Charming and Moderate in Price Just Arrived From New York THERE NEVER WAS a season, in our esti mation, when prettier Blouses held sway. We have been fortunate enough to assemble here the most charming stock of them k we ever had to exhibit, and, best of all, the prices are ex tremely modest. Extra quality Crepe dJO QQ de Chine Blouses, at v.O Dainty Georgette Crepe Blouses, special, gg at . . y Dainty Lingerie Blouses $1.00, $1.98, $2.98 and Up Second Floor Late Books at 60c Copyright Novel Formerly Sold at $1.25, $1.35, $1.50 Scores of titles such authors as McCutcheon, Jack London, Sewell Ford, Oppenhcim, H. G. Wells, Xouise Burnham, and Irving Bacheller. Millinery-Marvelous in Its Charm Dainty, Desirable, Distinctive, Appealing HATS hold high place in the estimation of every wo . man right now with the Dress-Up season of the year right around the corner the Millinery has the great attraction. . We are pleased to announce that we have the most charming styles to show and that ouf efforts this year surpass any other display we have ever made bid fair to attain without question. Banded Sailors Bid for Attention Wonderful assortments of Chinese Pipings, Milan Hemp and Real Milan Sailors, banded with wide gros grain ribbon, fancy silk bands, etc. Colors are Shadow Lawn Green, Purple, Gold, Navy, New Blue, Black, White, etc. Six to eight styles:- Untrimmed Hats of Shiny Straw A riot of colors greet the eye in these extremely smart Shiny Straw Shapes. Both sailors and wonder ful varieties of irregular styles; every good type is represented. China Piping, Milan Hemp, Five-end Milan and Plain Hemp are the wanted straws. At $1.95, $2.50 and $3.75 $1.79 to $10.00 Trimmings of All Degrees All kinds of new Burnt, Ostrich, Wing and Novelty Trimmings, in all the leading colors of the season, including "Patria Pom-Pon." Made of Spanish Coque and used on the front of the new Saucer Sailors with a very smart effect. Second Floor, Millinery. This New and Beautiful Shoe Store for Women (Main Floor, Rear) - Is displaying the most fascinating Footwear. We mention seven styles. A great daylight, well-appointed store. Dark tan. kid vamp, with ivory kid top, lace style. Light welted and. stitched sole and Louis heel. Perforated vamp. Patent colt vamp, button style, with white kid top. Light welted and stitched sole and leather Louis heels. Dark brown kid vamp, with marble kid top, button style, light welted and stitched sole and wood covered Louis heels of same. Black kid vamp with light pearl gray top, but ton style, with light welted and stitched sole and leather Louis heels. Patent colt vamp, with ivory colored kid top, flat buttons, light welted and stitched -soles and leather Louis heels. v Marble colored kid vamp, repp cloth top, lace style, with light turned sole and wood covered Louis heels of same. J Burnt ivory kid vamp, with buck cloth top, lace style, light turned sole and wood covered Louis heels of same. " These come in all widths jrom A A to D and sizes 2 1-2 to 7 . $6.90 a Pair All Eight Inches High. Hosiery Latest Spring Styles Novelty Silk Hosiery, all the very latest designs and col ors. Boot effects, fancy plaids, dots, stripes and a dozen other styles; fashioned garter tops, spliced heels and toes; worth $1.39, (1 in all, at V 1 1 7 Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, in alt new shades for street and evening "wear, plain and Richelieu ribbed, all solid colors, wide garter tops, and extra (I 1 AA quality; all, at..PUU Women's Fiber Silk and Silk Boot Hose, in all colors for street and evening wear, fashioned and seamless double soles, heels CO j, and toes, at OIC Misses' Pure Thread Silk Hose, in pink, sky blue, black and white, all ribbed, and all sizes, worth S1.25, (JQ. lxtt at Electric Portable Lamp "The Wizard" Especially desirable for its unusual utility and very moderate price. Wizard Electric Portable Lamp, hangs, clamps, sticks, stands anywhere. ' Saves your, electric light bill. Can be used on any volt age. Beautifully finished and fully guaran- tf;o vlA teed. Each . . . . $ir7 .. Main Floor. Drugs Pond's Vanishing Cream, 25c size jar 14c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 25c Bize cake 14c Sanitol Face Cream, 25c size, jar 14c Pebeco Tooth Paste, the tube, at 28c Graves' Tooth Powder, the can 12c Madame Yale's Face Enamel, $1.50 size. . . .89c Java Rice Face Powder, the box 24c 4711 White Rose Glycer ine Soap, the cake.... 12c Lustrite Nail Enamel, the box 16c El Perfecto Veda Rouge, the 50c size 28c Madame Ise'bcll's Cold Cream, 50c size 28c Melorose Rouge, 50c size, box 28c Peroxide Soap, the 10c cake Be Kirk's Jap Rose Soap, the cake Be Horlick's Malted Milk, hospital size $2.69 Lydia Pinkham's Com pound, the bottle 67c Glycothymoline, $1 size, bottle 67c Sal Hepatica, 50c size. . .29c Candy Our delicious creamy nut divinity, vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, at, a lb., 29 Fresh cocoanut balls, cream dipped, rolled in Pe can nut, chocolate and vanil la flavors; a lb.. .... . .29 Assorted cocoanut kisses, vanilla, chocolate and straw berry, a lb 10 '.'Du-Plex" Suits for Boys Are the Best Offering Yet This is the opinion of hundreds and hundreds of boys and their mothers and word of mouth advertising by those who are so well pleased with these Suits has resulted in the sale of scores of them. "Duplex" Two-Pair-Pant Suits Are the Big Feature Here Now Here is an opportunity for every mother to outfit the boy with a suit that has double life, with double interwoven knees and seats, which really is two suits for one price. We have them in many different styles and models that appeal to even the most particular. The Suits, at $5.00 to $12.50 An assortment of models and styles of worsted fabric ; suits in grays and browns, in neat mixture effects. They are great for wear and all of them with the double seat and knees. Suits for Confirmation and Dress-Up Wear A very complete stock of blue serge suits in all the new spring models for Dress-up; every suit a pure all wool fast color serge, qq $J2 50 Boys' New Spring Top Coats, $2.50 to $10.00 Just arrived, new spring Top Coats, the snappiest models, and styles are here in abundance, cheviots, tweeds, serges, coverts and worsted, in plain colors, checks and plaids, in the new mixture effects; sizes from 2 to 10 years. Wash Suits, 50c to $5.00 Washable Suits for youngsters, the big gest showing ,we have ever had. Every new fabric, every new color, greens, tans, pinks, blues, browns and whites, in plain or combinations; many of these with hats to match. Third Floor. Drandeis Stores Knit Underwear 1 For Spring and Summer Wear Woman's Silk Top Lisle Body Union Suits, prettily trimmed tops, tight knee, pink and white, regular and extra sizes, a tf AA very good valde vltvU Women's Kayser make Un ion Suits, hand crochet yokes, also band tops, um brella style; special, CQ garment, at, only. . OIC Women's Hudson Mills Union Suits, special weight for spring wear, tight knee, regular and odd sizes, in pink, extra fine CQ quality, at ....... OIC ,M" Knit Suits for Children in any desired styles for spring and summer wear, such as long sleeve, ankle length; high neck, short sleeve, knee length; also low neck, no sleeves and knee .etng!h.50c.nd 59c Wall Papers It if needless to attempt to match these Wall Paper values. Every item is a sav ing of fully 60 or more at Brandeis. Parlor, Dining Room and Hall Paptn. Borders and ceilings to match, selections from the best wall paper mills,, sold everywhere for 18c and 20c, special, Saturday, roll, lOtf Bedroom Papers. An immense assortment to select from, only the best grades and designs, dainty cut borders to match, regular value everywhere 20c, Satur day, roll 12fct Charming Neckwear Dainty, Filmy, Fine Was there ever a sea son more replete with beautiful Neck wear? Was there ever a time when every taste could be so well satisfied as this? i We think notr come and see for your self. Beautiful lino of Georgette Neckwear, in white and col ors. Vestees, Collar and Cuff Sets and Collars, hand embroidered and also Venice filet effects, lace trimmed. Very special assortment of Georgette, embroidered and lace trimmed, at 4 DC Beautiful line of Net, em broidered and lace Pn trimmed, at OUC ' A splendid assortment of Georgette Collars, lace trim med, also embroid- PA,. ered, at OUC A splendid lot of Swiss Em broidered Collars, rtP dainty effects, at.. iOC Fresh Cut Flowers Large bunches of Fresh Fancy Sweet Peas, 50e reg ularly, Saturday, OC bunch OC Also a large assortment ot Spring Flowers at special prices. , . Floral designs our spe cialty. Cut Flower Department, Entrance to Pompeian Room