Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1917, Image 2

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Sixty-Day Limit Expires and
No Salary Warrants May
Be Issned.
' (PYom a Muff Correspondent)
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
Members of the lower branch of the
Nebraska legislature woke up this
morning feeling as if the "cold gray
dawn of the morning after had come,"
for they are flow working without
pay. The sixty-day limit expired yes
terday, so they may kill all the time
they want to on their own expense.
Legislative expense, however, goes on
just the same.
They proceeded to make good right
at the start by spending three quar
ters of an hour in a call of the house
on the Dorsey bill to create road
superintendents for counties or sev
eral counties if desired.
After nearly three-quarters ol an
hour had oassed. Sneaker Jackson in
formed the members that this was
no time for joking, that Such work
was costing the state lots ot money.
Jerry Howard wanted to know it
the members were not serving on
their own expense and if they couldn't
stay just as long as they wished, and
the speaker said that he guessed they
coula. . I . .
Finally the deadlock was broken
when Jelen and Tracewell changed
from no to aye and Fults, Keegan
and Shannon were discovered and
brought in at tbe point of the legisla
tive bayonet The bill was finally
passed, 54 to 39.
Bills Passed.
Other bills passed were: ' '
H. B. 41 BlsHeen-nmir lew. for stack
",T,B","il Mell IniiMeSJon of pubtle
Softool paplla end teacher!.
a. T. Is? Oane mi Stanlon oamtlei re.
Ileved from paylns Interest o old Insane
run ta claim recovered by tbe state IB a
'"IhT'r. 177 County treasurer to lie ftirat
mcnt for all eounrr, municipal, school dla-trlr-l
and alrallw Iwnde
H. B. sl Road work to be let or on
tract on petition lr tasparare.
aj p. J59 Incfoaelng salaries Of district
eeurt clerke In erfrlaln eountlae.
H. B. 37 Donsfae eountr parlns WH.
H. B. IIS To relieve fire and assessment
Insurance oontpanMi froen dopoellins aecnrl
tlea with etate Inaurance department.
H B. S4S Board of Control ere powered
to also panne- petitions for frontaae of
state Institutions. ,
H B U AllnwSnf Horner's fee as
Mrs of eeeta on eppfeale to supreme oonrl
In suits asalinrt Inaumnco companies.
One More Span of the
U. P. Bridge Yet to Move
Trams are using the east approach
ol the Union Pacific bridge, pulled
into place Thursday, and it is so
solid and perfect that trains in pass
ing over it are not required to re
duce their speed. ...
However, with the completion and
setting of the east approach span, the not complete. There yet
remains the west approach span to
place. This span will have a total
length of 367 feet and will not be
ready to move over until May 1. Like
the other spans, it ii of all-steel con
itraction. Omaha Girl Going to
Korea as a Missionary
Miss Helen Anderson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, 2216
Miami street, will go to Korea in Oc
tober as a missionary for the United
Presbyterian church. Miss Anderson
is studying at Dr. Hoyfs Bible
school in New York at present, but
will come home to visit her parents
at the end of the school year. She is
a University of Nebraska graduate
and was s Young Women's Christian
association secretary at Wilkesbarre,
Pa. A brother is treasurer of Rob
berts' college at Constantinople.
To set the senolne, eall for fall name.
algnaturc of E. W. OBOVO. Cures a sold
In One Dar. Sic Adv.
I f i
II cs
General Michael V. AlexiefT, mem
ber of the suDreme military council
of Russia, whom the new revolution
ary government has slated lor the
position of military dictator of the
Russian empire.
Three Men Are Held
For Alleged Theft
From Freight Train
Arrest of three auto accessory
thieves is believed by railroad and po
lice detectives to have removed from
active operation at least a portion of
the alleged syndicate, which is be
lieved to be making a regular busi
ness of stealing autos and auto goods,
and then selling made-over cars
F. N. Cashman, assistant chief spe
cial agent of the Union Pacific, and
city detectives effected the arrest of
George Smith, Joe Brown and Wil
liam Robertson. Friday morning
they waived preliminary hearing be
fore United States Commissioner
McLaughlin and were held to the
grand jury on charges of stealing
$400 worth of auto accessories from
an interstate Union Pacific freight
shipment consigned to Paxton & Gal
lagher of Omaha.
Vice President Munrpe
On Way Back to Omaha
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Washington, March 23. (Special
TelegramJVlce President Munroe
of the Union Pacific leaves tomorrow
for New York en route to Omaha,
without appearing before the Inter
state Commerce commission on the
valuation question. This change in
the program was brought about
through the decision of the commis
sion not to hear anybody at this time
except representative! of the Texas
Midland, Atlantic, Birmingham & At
lantic and the Kansas City Southern.
Elliott Holbrook, special engineer
of the Union Pacific and Southern
Pacific syttemt and a member of the
land and engineering committees of
the presidents' conference committee
on the federal valuation of railroads,
was s witness before the commission
today. The current practice among
engineers in making terminal switch
work, he said, was somewhat handi
capped because of the lack of co-operation
between the roads, - and he
thought if the commission could get
hold of material with reference to
the subject that It would settle some
long standing questions.'
Child Falls Through Ice.
Boone, Is., March 23. (Special
Telegram.) Harold, 5-year-old son
of Nat Miller, a pioneer Boone
county farmer, was drowned In swol
len Bear Creek today, when he
slipped into a hole in the ice.
We Did Not Lower the Quality
We Did Not Raise the Price
Hat fC Hat
Saturday Specials
22c ' Barkeeper's Friend. . . .15
25c Williams' Sharing Stick. 16
10c Glass Eye Bath Cap 5
$1 Pinkham's Compound... 79
50c Durham Duplex Rasor and
Blade, Saturday. ........ .5
'25c Mennen's Talcum Powder,
at 12s
50c Doan'a Kidney Pills. . . . .34
50c DeWitt's Kidney Pills. . .29
00c Swamp-Root. ........ .39
Perfume Specials
$2.25 Mary Garden Extract,
per ounce $1.59
1.75 Djer-Kiss Extract,
, per ounce 81.25
50c Colgate's Toilet Water. .39
$1.00 Ricksecker's Toilet Water,
assorted odors .59
25e Armour's Talcum 14)
25c Mentholatum 16i
20c 4711 Glycerins Soap. . . .15
Candy Department
60c Mslba Chocolate Creams,
at .....39
60s Black Walnut Ntp, lb. . .35
60s Chocolate Covered Peanuts,
per lb... ............. .40)
Af onto lor Huylor'o. Lowney'a and,
Ortsuial AUeirelll Chocolates.
26c Packer's Tar Soap 15
25c Ricksecker's Skin Soap. .14
15c Jersey Cream Soap 9
Lux (pure soap in flakes).. 10
50o Nadinola Cream....... 29
85a Castoris 214
60e Syrup of Figs 34
26c Listerine .167
26c Iwanta Silver Polish. ..10e
Sulphur and Cream Tartar Tab
lets, for........ 10
16c Diaaso Shampoo Powder. .5c
25c Bertram's Toothache Filler,
at 12
25c Grube's Corn and Bunion
Remedy 14
25c 1-lb. Porter's Silver and
Brass Polish 5
50c Samuel's 8-P. Capsules. .29
Mail Orders Filled Promptly '
1 15th and Farnam
Senate Befnies to Pass Bill
Impeding Activities of Water
Board Manager.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 23. (Special.)
The Nebraska state senate, a demo
cratic body, has given Robert Beecher
Howell, manager of the Omaha
Water board, permission to run (or
any office he wants to and run just
as often as he pleases.
The Omaha manager, during the de
bate, sat by the side of his democratic
mouthpiece, Senator Howell, and di
rected operations during the entire
discussion of the bill.
Moriarty, however, was "agin' the
water board boss." He called attention
to the fact that while drawing a salary
of $5,tXX) a year from the Omaha
Water board he ran for the republican
nomination for governor and after
landing that ran again for the election,
spending a lot of time traveling to
Washington and back as a member
of the national republican committee
in an effort to put "Woodrow Wilson
on the rocks."
Beal, Chappell and Albert all fought
for Mr. Howell's right to mix politics
with his water board business, while
Mattes contended that as manager of
a" nonpartisan water board he ought to
stay out ot pontics, l ne voie to give
Howell what he wanted was as fol
lows: For Albert, Beal, Bushes, Chappell,
Ponthett. Dolf. Oataa, Haase, HamtnonJ,
Howell. Lahners. McAllister. McMullen, Neal,
Oberllea, Robertson, Sandall Sawyer, Sooec,
Spirit. 3D.
Asainet Aflame, uenneu, naaer, nenrr.
Kohl, Mattee, Moriarty, Semuelson, Tanner,
Wilson (Bodge). Wilson (Frontier). 11.
Buhrman and Btrehlow declined to vote.
Jews in Russia
Will Be Admitted
To All Colleges
Washington, March 23. First steps
by .the new Russian government to
ward the emancipation or jews in
Russia were resorted today by Am
bassador Francis,' who said alt edu
cational restrictions as - to both
schools snd colleges had been re
Officials here look on this step as
s forecsst of freedom for the Jews in
Russia. Incidentally, also, it fore
casts removal of passport restrictions,
because of which the United States
abrogated the commercial treaty with
Russia and leads to confidence that
the treaty soon may be renewed.
Combined with steps toward nome
rule in Finland snd promises of au
tonomy for Poland, it convinces offi
cials that the new leaders Intend to
carry out their liberal program at
once, as establishing a firmer founda
tion on which the war can be prose
cuted more successfully.
my . y.
Clothes j&
Men's and Young
Men's Suits
Top Coats
Spring Hats
' For Men
avnd young men. See our
Douglas street show win
dow for ths largest display
rer shown in Omaha.
Ranging in Price From
$3 ,.$20
Browning, King
& Company
(Continued from Fase One.)
were thirteen Americans, of whom
six were rescued.
Twenty Lives Lost.
The Hague, March 23. (Via Lon
don.) A second boat from the
Healdton has been brought to Ter
schelling by s Dutch torpedo boat,
with eight men, including one badly
injured. One Dutchman had jumped
overboard, losing his life. The third
boat, containing nineteen men, was
overturned when the ship capsized.
All were drowned, making a total of
twenty lives lost out of the crew of
forty-one. Of the thirteen Amer
icans aboard only six were saved.
Two Dutchmen also were among the
victims, others of whom were Span
iards, Norwegians snd s Finn.
Detailed accour.ts of the sinking
show that the Healdton, after con
siderable delay at Halifax o:i the way
to Rotterdam, proceeded to Bergen,
Norway, where it received orders to
resume the voyage to Rotterdam.
Nothing of especial Import happened
until Wednesday at about 8:15 p. m.
Notwithstanding the electrically illu
minated words "Healdton, New
York," between the masts the vessel
was bombarded suddenly by an in
visible submarine, which, first shot
away the illuminated name and there
upon without warning twice torpe
doed the vessel. Fire broke out at
once forward by an explosion in the
machine room and the crew immedi
ately sought safety in the boats, not
having a minute to dress or collect
any of their belongings.
Tanker Was Not Armed.
Philadelphia, March 23. Herman
Parker, the wireless operator aboard
the Healdton, was saved, according
to a cablegram received here today
by his father, William Parker. The
message was dated Terschelling,
Holland. Mr. Parker said his son
was 19 years old and a native Phila
delphia!). Thirteen American citizens were
among the forty members of the crew
of the American tank steamer Heald
ton, sunk by a submarine last Wed
nesday off Terschelling, Holland,
with the probable loss of a score or
more lives.
The tanker was unarmed, having
left this port before President Wilson
authorized the navy to furnish guns
and gunners to merchantmen.
The Healdton, Of 4,489 gross tons
and owned by the Standard Oil com
pany, sailed from Philadelphia Jan
uary 26 for Rotterdam with a Cargo
of 2,137711 gallons of refined petrol
eum. The loss, including cargo, ap
proximates $2,150,000, it is Said.
Up until two years ago the Heald
ton was known as the Purelight and
sailed under German registry, but
since then has sailed under the Amer
ican flag. Built in 1908 in Greenock.
Scotland, it was 369 feet long, 27 feet
in depth and 51 feet beam.
Crosses Ocean Three Times.
The Healdton had an unusual voy
age before it sunk, according to
agents of the Steamer here. After
Germany had Issued Its notice for
ruthless submarine warfare, the
Healdton picked np a wireless mes
sage off the coast of France ordering
it to return at once to Halifax and
await orders. It arrived there about
February 8 and remained until about
February 28, when it sailed again for
Rotterdam by way of the Shetland
islands route, which is out of the sub
marine war zone established by Ger
many. The decision of the agents to
have the Healdton avoid the danger
zone and not call at Kirkwall for in
spection caused the British authori
ties to put the ship and crew through
a rigorous examination at Halifax.
When the steamer left Halifax it had
orders to call at Bergen and then
proceed to Rotterdam.
Insured for Half Million.
Washington, March 23. The Amer
ican tanker, Healdton. torpedoed and
sunk off the Dutch coast Wednesday
night, was insured by the govern-!
ment's war risk bureau for $499,000.
The loss of the Healdton is the great
est yet sustained by the bureau. The
next largest was the loss of the
steamer Illinois, insured for $250,000.
Approximately $64,XK),000 in insur
ance has been issued by the bureau
on American ships and cargoes within
the last sixty days. Much of this
amount has been issued since the re
striction against insuring contraband
was removed. Total profits to the
bureau, it was said tod", have ap
proximated $4,000,000 since it began
business in September 1914; losses
have totaled about $1,000,000. The
increased demand for government in
surance on American ships and car
goes to belligerent ports was main
tained today. Another large number
of applications was received by mail
and. telegraph.
Captain and Engineer Safe.
New York, March 23. Word of the
safety of Captain Charles Christopher
of the Healdton and J. Caldwell, chief
engineer, has been received in a cable
gram to Captain Christopher's wife,
the Standard Oil company announced
. List of Americarrs in Crew.
The thirteen Americans aboard the
American steamer Healdton, torpe
doed by a German submarine, arc:
Charles Christopher, captain.
T. Wtllerup, chief mate, New York.
W. Chandler, serond mate.
C. P. Itudfflns. rhlrd mate, Virginia.
S. W. Smith, able aeaman, Chicago.
J. Caldwell, chief engineer.
O. W. Embrey, first assistant engineer,
John Emery, eecond asaletant engineer.
Npw York.
W. C. Johnaton, third assistant engineer.
New York.
Emery Ijeveaux. oiler. Michigan.
John W. Kleiner, messman, Pittsburgh.
R. S. Balsano, wireless operator.
George Jiealey. aecond cook, San Fran.
Will Be Diminished One-Fourth
Because of Wheat Scarcity
Beginning April 15.
Pot Vp To Elkns.
Boston, March 28. The American Board
of Commieslonera for Foreign missions, an
nounced today that foil authority had been
given Ambassador Elkus at Constantinople
to order any or all of the nineteen jmta
slonarlee out of Aalatlo Turkey, whenever
auob action waa ooneldered necessary. .
Amsterdam, March 23. (Via Lon
don.) The bread ration in Germany
will be diminiihed One-fourth begin
ning April 15, owing to the scarcity
of wheat, according to a dispatch
from Berlin, says the Weser Zeitung
of Bremen,
The potato ration will be continued
at five pounds weekly and the meat
ration will be increased by 250 grams
It is announced, adds the dispatch,
that the curtailment in the use of
wheat is necessary to insure the pres
ent stocks lasting until the next har
vest. The announcement of the bread ra
tion reduction has caused surprise and
consternation in Germany. The Rhen
ische Westfaelische Zeitung says:
"The reduction is a very painful
Auto Show Promoters
Have Ho Fear of Hoodoo
The hoodoo "thirteen" has no ter
rors for members of the Omaha Auto
mobile Show association. Members of
the association at a meeting held at
the commercial club at noon decided
to hold the-thirteenth annual Omaha
automobile exposition in 1918 and
Clarke G. Powell, who has conducted
the yearly shows eVer since their in
ception, was again chosen to act as
manager. To further defi the hoodoo
the automobile men came to this de
cision on Friday, the twenty-third day
of the month.
rhehompsonTielden Store
Spring Days Are Here
And Easter Is Coming
With the arrival ot warm,
. sunshiny days when all out
of doors Is dressed anew, we,
too, take pleasure in fresh
apparel in keeping with the
gladness of spring. Those
who prepare now will be
When You Purchase
There Is Nothing Finer
TREFOUSSE Two-Clasp Pique
Gloves, in black, white, navy,
African brown, pastel and steel
gray, $2.75 a pair.
Clasp Pique Gloves, in black,
' white, navy, tan and gray;
S2.2S a pair.
Neckwear Fancies
Georgette Neckwear of quality.
Dressy types of finest Organdie
Hand-embroidered collars trim
med with filet lace. The Novelty
Fabric of the Season.
Shantung snd Pongee Silk Col
lars. Lars and Organdis Vestees.
Eepiiig a Mew Chap.
v of Spring Faslii
The New Blouses
Offer Variety
new type may be seen from
jaunty striped effects to the
daintiest blouses of beaded
Georgette. We invite your in
spection of these new and love
ly creations. f .
Cotton Voile Blouses, $1.95 np
to $15. "
Georgette Blouses, $5.85 to $25
Cards for Easter
Growing as popular as
Christmas Greetings, are
these delightfully illustrated
cards and sentiments for
Eastertide. Displayed in the
Art Needlework Section,
Third Floor; and a table on
the First Floor.
For the Debutante
Warner's Corsets
. The young lady of today has
her corset, as her mother. She
no longer wears merely a petite
corset She wears one especial
ly designed for her particular
requirements, with all of the
advantages necessary for de
veloping her figure gracefully.
Warner's Corsets, $1 to $3.50
Guaranteed not to
rust, break or tear.
Here Arc the Newest Silks
Naturally the Most Desired
Suiting Silks
The Wanted Weaves and Colors
A wonderful range of Fash
ion's choicest fabrics Taffetas,
Tricotines, Failles, Satin Taf
fetas and other new materials;
$1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 yard.
A limited yardage of extra
weight, 32-inch, Natural Pon
gees, suitable for Blouses,
Dresses and Combination Suits,
regular $1.00 quality, Satur
day, 69c a yard.
Milady Who Is Well Dressed
Will Appreciate This New Apparel
Must be seen to be appreciated.
The first new cotton dresses
will be shown Saturday at very
moderate prices.
One Hundred Beautiful Hats
For Spring Wtfar
Saturday, $10
The hats in this group are notable for their smartness.
Thsy have been made in our own' workrooms snd each is
distinctive and fashionable. Soma are faced with crepes
and silks in nsw colors, the trimmings are stylish wing ef
fects, flowers and new ornaments. Some are combined
with hair braid. In all, they represent a particularly
' pleasing collection for $10.
Millinery, Second Floor.
Saturday's Specials
In Toilet Goods
Rubber Cushion, Double Bristle
Hair Brushes, one day only,
'Saturday, 59c.
Cutex Nail Cakes, 10c'
Largs Wool Powder Puffs,
Saturday for only 15c.
New Underwear
For Women
Gsuzs Vests, low neck, . no
sleeves; a good quality 1 for
only 15c v i
Site Envelope Suits, trimmed
around the bottom, specially
priced, Saturday, $2.95
Our Wonderful Gowns The New Skirts
Separate skirts of light weight
wools, in attractive plaid effects
are very stylish. Among the
novelty skirts are beautiful
striped taffeta skirts with Rus
sian Peasant pockets, at $12.50.
Many of the new wash skirts
are on sale now, plain and
woven white gabardine, from
$7.50 to $9.50.
Black and navy blue Silk
Taffeta Skirts, from $16.50 to
Hundreds of other high-class
novelty skirts, from $19.50 to
Spring Coats of Distinction.
You'll go a long way before you'll find such charming Spring Coats.
Your attention is invited to our showing of all the late fashions.
Saturday, prices, $16.50 to $95.
Japanese LunchCloths, Napkins and Scarfs
Our Own Importation, Direct From Yokohama
We boujrht these at 15
to 20 under today's
prices, and you will get
the benefit of the saving.
60x50-inch tunch Cloths, $1.00
72x72-inch Table Cloths, $1.75
12xl2-inch Napkins, 75c a doz.
17x54-inch Scarfs, 35c.
13x62-inch Runners, 19c.
Sorosis Pumps
The Height of Fashions
You can purchase in confidence, knowing that you are
choosing the utmost in quslity and fashion. Our present
showing is of timely interest to every woman.
Patent Kid Pumps, $6.
Dull Kid Pumps, $6.
Tan Kid Pumps, 7.
Gray Kid Pumps, $8.
White Kid Pumps, $8.
New Coatings
The popular Colors, Weaves
and weights; one line all-wool,
54-inch Jersey, specially priced,
$2.95 a yard.
New Tub Silks .
Largest selection of choice fast
colored silks in the" city,, 32
inch, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00.
Belding's and Haskell's
Guaranteed Silks
Sold Here Exclusively.
1 I ' -