The Omaha Daily Bee NEWS SECTION PART ONE PAGES ONE TO TEN THE WEATHER Fair; Warmer VOL. XL VI. NO. 239. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1917 TWENTY PAGES. Oil Traltti, il HUlt, Htm Standi, Ita., U. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TORNADO KILLS MORE THAN 100 IN INDIANA CITY Manager of Telephone Com pany Says Number of People Dead In New Albany May Reach Two Hundred. SCORE ALSO ARE INJURED Requesti for Aid Made of Other Towns and Governor Called on to Send Troops. MANY CHILDREN TRAPPED ANNIVERSARY IN OMAHA. Yesterday was tl.. fourth anni versary of the destructive tornado that struck Omaha March 23, 1913, causing loss of over 100 lives and injury to many more. New Atbari'y, Ind., March 23. A. M. Floyd, New Albany manager of the Southern Telephone company of Indiana, at 8 o'clock tonight estimated the number of dead in the storm here late today at more than 100 and as serted it might reach 200. The esti mate was made, he said, after a hur ried inspection of the storm-swept area and was based upon the condi tion of the wreckage and the number of persons reported missing at that hour. More than . 100 persons, he said, were injured, some of them seriously. The majority of those killed and in jured were white persons. Requests for Aid. Requests for aid have been made of other towns and the governor of Indiana has been requested to send state troops. West Union, a subdivision in the northeastern section of the city, bore the brunt of the storm. Here the wind swent a Dath two blocks wide and more than a mile long, demolish ing residences, several factories and destroying a negro school building. Twenty-five children were in the building, some of whom were caught in the wreckage ot the structure. Five Bodies at Morgue. At one undertaking establishment tonight there were five bodies, one of which, tnat 01 toward jonns, jr., an emnlove of the Ohio Falls Iron torn- pany, has been identified. The bodies were those of a woman about 70 years --old, two-me-aa trtrtiyr '-- At another undertaking establish ment were the bodies of a boy named Zurschnice and of a woman believed to be a Mrs. Hough. In addition, Mrs. tohn Didelot and three children, a daughter. Cecilia, 14; a boy of 6 years and a baby of 2 years are known to be dead. Cologne Gazette Says Norway Too Insolent Amsterdam, March 23.--(Via Lon don.) Indications of renewed ten sion between Norway ancj. Germany are appearing in the German news papers. The Cologne Gazette makes a feature of an editorial headed "Nor wegian Insolence," in which it says: "The press erf Norway in these days .has assumed a tone of insulting character which Germany cannot tol erate. The Norwegians would do well to remember that their unbridled press campaign once before led r to diplomatic tension. A sense of re sponsibility should have kept the papers from again singing the same tune." City Will Not Go Into The Sprinkling Business During a discussion in the city council meeting Superintendent Parks of the street cleaning and mainte nance department explained that the city will not do street sprinkling this season, as had been erroneously stated by a business man. Th work will be done by privaFe arrangement, as in the past. The street department will continue to flush the streets. The Weather For Xebrteka Fair, warmfr. Temperatures mt Omaha I'sitei-dar. Hours. Deg. 5 a. m v 36 6 a. m 36 7 a. m 36 8 a. m 36 9 a. m . .. 3A 10 a. m 41 11 a. ni 46 12 m 46 1 p. m 49 2 p. m 61 3 p. m 53 4 p. m 66 6 p. m 63 6 p. m 61 7 p. m 4t 8 p. m 46 Comparative Loral Records. 1917. 191. 1916. 1914. Hlchest yesterday... SS 61 4S 46 Lowest yesterday.... 36 30 27 26 Mean temperature... 46 40 30 37 Precipitation 00 .03 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and compared with the last two years: Normal temperature 40 Excess for the day 6 Total excess since Marchl 23 Kormat precipitation .06 inch Deficiency for .the day 06 Inch Total ranlfall since March 1..., 1.39 inches Excess since March 1 ..J .87 inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1916. .83 Inch Excess for cor. period, 1916 73 inch Reports From Stations at 7 F. H. Station and Stat Temp. Hlsh- Rain of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, clear 30 34 .00 Davenport, clear 44 48 .18 Denver, cloudy 40 44 Des Moines, cloudy.... 46 60 Dodg-s City, clear 63 66 Lander, cloudy 38 44 North Platte, cloudy.. 46 60 Omaha, clear .49 '66 Pueblo, clear 46 84 Rapid City, cloudy 42 44 Salt Lake City, cloudy. 40 42 Santa Fe, clear 38 40 .00 .00 Sheridan, cloudy 42 44 .1 Sioux City, clear 86 80 Valentine, cloudy 38 44 .1 V indicates trace of precipitation. It A. WELSH. Meteorologist, RAILROADS ASK FOR RATE RAISE Eastern Carriers File Petition for Freight Tariff Increase and Western to Follow. ASSERT THEY FACE LOSS Washington. March 23. Several of the country's larger railroads filed a petition with the Interstate Commerce commission late today, . asking that they be permitted to. increase their rates generally, except on coal, coke and ore and that the new tariffs be permitted to become effective in thirty days instead of being suspended for investigation. Only presidents of eastern roads signed today's petition, but a similar action will be taken tomorrow by more than a score ot western lines. "Nothing is more essential to the welfare of the nation," said the state ment, "than that the railroads .should be in position to respond to the fullest demands made upon them either by the general commerce of the country or in connection with the subject of national defense. Text of Petition. The petition in behalf of the carriers north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers and east of the Mississippi follows: "Your petitioners on behalf of them selves and other carriers in official classification territory represent that they are sustaining and are threatened with enormous decreases in net oper ating income due to large increases in wages, in the cost of fuel coal, in the cost of other material and supplies and equipment and in taxes; and to increased cost of capital. "Nothing is more essential to the welfare of the nation than that the railroads should be in position to re- spond to the fullest demands made upon them, either by the general commerce of the country or in con nection with the subject of national defense, and it is absolutely essential to the adequate preparation of the in dustrial and other resources of the country for the present crisis that the transportation machine shall be as ef ficient as is humanly possible. That cannot be done under the present rev enues and rates ot the carriers. More Money Needed. Your petitioners further renresent that the present huge increase in the cost of railway operation has resulted and is resulting in inadequate net earnings and surplus, that they are unable to secure sufficient money to provide the facilities to handle the volume of traffic tendered to them and that the htreatened further deple tion of net earnings and surplus must seriously aggravate this condiitoit. "Your petitioners further represent that substantial increases in freight rates are demanded by their financial condition and that the emergency re quires that these increases should be made in the most expeditious manner and with the least possible delay. "If advances in freight rates be pro posed and filed with the commission in compliance with its present rules governing the publication of tariffs a delay of from four to six months must necessarily ensue before such tariff publication can be prepared and made effective. Commission Has Power. "It is within the power of the com mission so to amend its rules as to permit the publication of flat percent age advances to existing tariffs and that such supplemental tariffs could with the consent of the commission be published and made effective in less than thirty days, thus affording the immediate relief which the emer gency demands. "Your petitioners recognize that such publication would necessarily affect to a slight extent differentials as between rate groups and it would be their purpose if permitted to make such tariffs effective to amend them as soon as possible by tariff publica tions naming specific rates in com pliance with the usual rules and pre serving existing differentials as they were preserved under the order of the commission in the 5 per cent case. "Wherefore, your petitioners re spectfully request that this commis sion so amend its rules of tariff pub lication as to permit the carriers in official classification territory by brief supplements to existing tariffs to make a percentage advance in all class and commodity rates, excepting by bituminous coal, coke and ore, which can be dealt with in accordance with the present rules, and as to cer tain of which proceedings for ad vances are now pending before the commission and that such advances be permitted to become effective without suspension and if possible upon less than thirty days' notice." Nebraskan on First American Vessel to Sail . Under Arms Hastings, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Information has been received here that a Nebraskan, Otis E. Taylor of Madison, sailed as a passenger on the first American liner to leave the United States armed for defense against German subma rines. He was one of twenty-five pas sengers, six of whom were women. lavlor is a graduate ot the uni versity of Nebraska and is going to London to become private secretary to Stohl, one of England's leading theatrical men. The vessel was armed fore and aft. Injured Fireman Seeks Heavy Damages for Injury Twenty-five thousand dollars dam ages are asked by Alba G. Waring, a locomotive fireman, in a suit filed against the Union Pacific in district court. Waring alleges permanent in juries suffered when a locomotive was derailed at "The Summit," where the Union Pacific right-of-way crosses Thirty-second street, on December 29, IVIo. He states in his petition that he was earning $150 a month as a fireman at the time of the accident DETAILS REACH WASHINGTON' ON HEALDTON FATE Oil Tanker Healdton Attacked Outside the German "War Zone" and Goes Down at Once. ABOUT TWENTY DROWI Six of Thirteen Citizens of the United States in Crew Are Reported Saved. ITS CARGO TAKES FIRE Washington, March 23. The first detailed official account of the sink ing of the American steamer Heald ton reached the State department late today from American Consul Krogh at Rotterdam. It follows: "American tank steamer, Healdton, Bayonne, N. J., owned by the Stand ard Oil company ;of New York, en route Philadelphia, via Bergen to Rotterdam, commanded by Captain Charles Christopher, American citi zen, carrying cargo of 6,000 tons pe troleum, having forty-one officers and crew aboard, including number of Americans, reported torpedoed and sunk without warning by German submarine at 8:15, evening of March 21, twenty-five miles from Terschill- ing. Twenty Drowned. "Captain and nineteen men brought safely Ijmuiden. One died exposure in lifeboat. Twenty reported drowned by capsizing." A later dispatch from Consul Krogh said njne additional survivors had been reported. Ihe standard Oil company of New York telegraphed the State depart ment as follows: Wives of captain and chief engi neer received telegram advising hus bands are safe. Thirteen of crew were Americans. Steamer bound Phila delphia for Rotterdam and had called at Halifax and Bergen. Left Bergen for Rotterdam March 20, captain hav ing been instructed to proceed by re ported safe route through North Sea channel, west of Denmark. Cargo was illuminating oil in bulk." Rotterdam. March 23. (Via Lon don, March 23.) The six Americans saved from the Healdton are Captain Charles Christopher of Brooklyn, J. Caldwell of New York, chief engi neer, and G. Embry of New Orleans, first assistant engineer, all of whom landed at Ymuiden; O. O. Willerup, chief mate; Y. Swenson, second as sistant engineer, and S.-L.--C.-Johnson, third assistant engineer, who landed t - Itrschelling. . Amsterdam. March 2 fVia'Lon- don.) The- Handlesblad says thfre are only" six Americans among the survivors .of the, Healdton. In its account of the sinkme of the Healdton the Handlesblad says: "The unreliability of the German assurances regarding the so-called safe rone is shown hy the reports of the crew of the Healdton and the crews of fishing boats. "For safety's sake the Healdton chose the northern route. Wednesday evening at oclock a submarine suddenly made a treacherous attack. Without fully emerging and without a warning it fired two torpedoes, which hit the steamer amidships so that the vessel, because of the dan gerous character of its cargo, and an explosion in the engine room, caught fire. The crew, in three boats, tried to leave the ship. Two sloops with thir teen and seven men, respectively, suc ceeded in getting way, but the third, containing twenty-one men. caosized and nearly all were drowned. Rescued by Trawler. "The crew of a Dutch trawler. which observed the fire from a great distance, believed the elow to be that of the aurora borealis and did not go to the rescue. The nett day, how ever, seeing a sloop under sail, thev at once stopped fishing and steamed n the direction of the sloop, whose occupants were so exhausted that they were unable to maneuver their boat along side the trawler. The cap tain of the trawler finally managed to approach the sloop and some of the Dutch fishermen jumped into the craft and brought it alongside the trawler, where the shipwrecked men were taken on board, cared for and supplied with dry clothes. All the property of the crew was lost. After the attack the submarine at once submerged and disappeared without troubling over the lot of the shipwrecked sailors. Among the crew of the Healdton (Contlaurd on Pace, Two Column Four.) Kaiser Reported Suffering from Nervous Collapse London. March 23.-2:28 p. m. Private messages have reached The Hague that Emperor William is suf fering from a severe nervous break down, an Exchange Telegraph dis patch from The Hague reports. The emperor's physicians are said to have ordered him to take the cure at Ham burg. . Union Pacific Trying to . Hold On to Whitney There is nothing certain at W. A. Whitney, superintendent of transpor tation for the Union Pacift , is to be come general manager of the Ogdtn street railway and a number of lines running out from Ogden. He has accepted the position, his appointment to become effective April 1. However, he is having some difficulty in getting away from the Union Pacific. His resignation has not been accepted and it is asserted that there is a possibility that it will not be. MR. Pious' TtuT NtfTt or Mime. is Out Tom n" r mr eVERVTdlrlS"W6r(T"WRON& , W)TH THIS CONTlMCT-T(tB6-VMS 4 STfclKe Nt wtteN ,1 SOT THAT SETTt-CO W6i Had cave in on The Construction work, rino That cost me a pit-e. of "TtwT'NoTt IS Oue Tomorrow )ni if You PON'T Wf IT I'll. flTWCH ftuR OuTRT- (SOOO DAY' LARGE SECTION OF H0RF0LKFL00DED North Fork of Elkhorn is Mile Wide and Water Extends to Main Business Street. BUILDING NEW DIKES Norfolk, Neb., March 23. (Special Telegram.) Attempts to stop the in undation of the business portion of the city with -temporary dikes to check the flood from the North Fork river were stopped suddenly this afternoon when the workers decided they were making no headway. The water con tinued rising and shortly after 1 o'clock the flood conditions were as serious as five years ago, when Nor folk experienced the worst flood in its history. Reports from Pierce at 2 o'clock showed that the river was rising. In Norfolk the rise was at the rate of an inch an hour. The river is several miles wide at this point and hundreds of homes are sur rounded by water. Many of the busi ness houses are affected by the flood. Many Are Cut Off. The river is more than a mile wide in some parts of Norfolk and hun dreds of homes are cut off from the main part of town. Residents are transported from their homes in boats and wagons. The city water supply is being threatened by the flooding of the water plant. Water Reaches Depots. Water reached the Union Pacific and Omaha depots at 9 o'clock this morning. The storm sewers of the city were backing up and storemen removed goods from their basements. The enormous amount of snow which fell last week has choked the river from Pierce t,o Norfolk. The water was receding at Pierce at 8 o'clock this morning, but was rising at Norfolk at that hour. Breaks Through Dike. The water began breaking through the permanent dike in several places at noon, and had reached the Union Pacific and Omaha depot, located a block from Norfolk avenue, the city's main business street. Hundreds of man were building dikes, which only tended to keep the water from the more important business district. All indications pointed to a flood which will be equal to the disastrous one five years ago. The water was rising at the rate of an inch an hour. Water in Business District. At 2 o'clock the flood waters at Norfolk reached the business portions of the city and the work on tem porary dike building was abandoned. The water was rising gradually and the city was in the grip of a flood which equaled that of five years ago, which was the worst in the history of this vicinity. Among the build ings surrounded by water was the News building. Date Set for Meeting of Masonic Relief Bureau September 26 to 27 has been set by the Masonic Relief Association of the United States and Canada for the meeting of that body in Omaha. R. V. Cole of Omaha, a member of the executive board of the associa tion, has just notified the bureau of publicity of the dates chosen. Lou B. Winsor of Reed City, Mich., is president. Mrs. Lucy M. Clark Able To Handle Own Property Application filed in county court to have a guardian appointed for Mrs. Lucy M. Clark and her property on grounds of alleged insanity, has been dismissed by Judge Crawford. The judge found that she was sane and well able to handle her own affairs. Attorney J. W. Battin represented her at the hearing. O.Well, That Squares we wse sTtRTin n Hone fen mn Tfr i Mftve Men Ruirieo m eusmttt . PROWS T HW HIM BfKK on THUR ft wilt f Nearly 300 Drown When Danton, French Battleship, Is Sunk London, March 23. In the sinking of the French battleship Danton in the Mediterranean on March 19, says a statement from the French admir alty received here, 286 men were drowned. The Danton was torpedoed by a hostile submarine, , . The sinking of a French battleship of the Danton class by a German sub marine in the Mediterranean on March 19 was reported by the Ger man admiralty March 20. The Dan ton displaced 18,028 tons and its com plement before the war waa 687 om cers and men. .It was commissioned in 1909. Murguia Says Villa Has . Army of 4,500 Soldiers El Paso, Tex., March 23. Fran cisco Villa has 4,500 men in the field with him, according to an official re port made by General Francisco Mur guia, commander of the northern mili tary zone. This report was brought here today by a Carraiua official from Chihuahua City, who said Gen eral Mutlguia left there yesterday for Jiminez enroute to Parral to en gage the Villa rebels. Villas mam command was reported at Satevo yes terday. General Eduardo Hernandez, wtth 2,000 men, went to Santa Ysabel. and from there toward Satevo to en gage Villa when Murguia attacked from the direction of ,'arral. General Joaquin Amaro, with 2.000 de facto troops, left Torreon yester day for Jiinmez to join General Mur guia in Ins campaign against Villa in the north, the official said. General Murguia, before leaving for Jiminez, made a forced loan of 75,000 pesos from the merchants of Chihua hua City with which to pay his troops before leaving for the south, the Mex ican declared. Reports received here that Jose Ynez Salazar had captured Madera, Chihuahua, were officially denied to day. Preparedness Believers Get Chance to Join Navy Echoing the war and preparedness talk prevailing in the city. Lieuten ant Waddell will hold a formal open ing of the new navy recruiting head quarters, fifth floor of the Paxton block, Monday at 1 p. in. A bugler will sound calls from the roof of the building and the recruiting offices will be decked with flags. Recruiting is humming and all men at the station are kept busy handling new applicants ana tne incidental routine work. Two new assistants have just arrived, making the navy recruiting staff in the Omaha district now total seventeen men under the lieutenant. The new arrivals are W. E. Stevens and F. Luginsland, both gunner's mates, first class, who came here from Kansas City. Several more assistants are expected soon. Crane May Be Appointed Ambassador to Japan Washington. March 23. Charles R. Crane of Chicago was understood to day to be under consideration by President Wilson for appointment as ambassador to Japan to succeed the late Ambassador Guthrie. Mr. Crane was appointed minister to China in the Taft administration, but was re called before he left Sag Francisco because of a published interview deal ing with far eastern questions. Norris on His Way West To Speak to Nebraskans (From a Stsff Correspotidsnt.) Washington, March 23. (Special Telegram.) Senator Norris left to night tor Lincoln, where he will speak on Monday night at the Audi torium. Other speaking dates will be arranged when he reaches Nebraska. It Give M6 rtrldTHtR MONTH I tfM MflKC ML .RIGHT I'm ruinso'i bo WONT EXlENtt tfORC MONTH" ceitTrWiY-liu fW-t ttHl out.? CHKK o- j - FRENCHMEN HURL THE GERMANS BACK Gain Between Mile and Qnarter and Two and Half Eait of St! Quentin Canal. TEUTON ATTACKS FAILED Paris, March 23. The French forces operating northeast of the St. Quentin canal have pushed back the Germans between on and a quarter and two and a half miles and, also have gained additional ground on the heighta northeast of Tergnier, over looking the Oise Valley, according to the French official communication to night. Two German attacks near Thil, northeast of Hheims, were repulsed. Encounters Reported. London, March 23. Encounters be tween British patrols and German de. tachments have occurred along the general line from Beaurains to Etreil lers, says the official communication from British headquarters in Fiance, issued tonight. South of Arras and near the center of, the line, German counter attacks, the statement adds, were driven off and the British posi tions were maintained. Brtiish troops made further progress in the region of Croisilles and Ecoust, southeast of Arras. For the last twenty-four hours wintry weather on the French front has brought field operations almost to a standstill. Reuters' correspondent at British headquarters wires that more definite resistance is being of fered by the German rear guards, par ticularly along the irregular line run ning in a northern and northwestern direction from De Savy wood, about three miles west of St. Quentin. London, March 23. For the last twenty-four hours wintry .weather on Ihe French front has brought field operations almost to a standstill. Reuters' correspondent at British headquarters wires that more definite resistance is being offered by the Ger man rear guards, particularly along the irregular line running in a north ern and northwestern direction from De Savy wood, about three miles west of St. Quentin. Maintain Strong Patrols. In the most northerly sector af fected by the retreat the Germans continue to maintain strong covering patrols and cavalry guards and also have posted many machine guns at vantage points, indicating that they intend to prevent the British from continuing to progress as rapidly as they have gone heretofore. Although some cavalry skirmishes were reported, as well as small clashes of reconnoitering parties, there was no appreciable change in the situation today, except the tendency of the Ger mans to offer greater resistance. Be hind all the -newly acquired British front the greatest activity continues, both in the way of troop movements and in the construction and repair of roads and railways. Thus far about 10,000 inhabitants have been left behind by the Germans during their retreat, mostly elderly or very young persons. Reuters corres pondent reports that all the women between the ages of 17 and 35 are be ing sent to the fortress at Maubeuge, as the Germans say that if they were left behind they would make muni tions for the French and so they are keeping them to make munitions for themselves. Straw Vote on Burlington Gives Norris Big Majority A straw vote taken on the Burling ton railroad between Omaha and Lin coln by Louis Fredericks of Hebron on Senator Norris' . special election suggestion indicates that he is a val uable public servant. Fredericks says five would not vote either way, being unfamiliar with the situation, nine tern voted to uphold Norris and two voted against him. , GOVERNMENT TO PREPARE ARMY FOR ANY MOVE Wilson and Advisers Decide tc Make Military and Indus trial Resources of the United States Ready. OVERSEAS FORCE TALKEE Tentative Form of Message to Speoial Session Discussed by President's Advisers. NAVY AND ARMY ARE BUSY Washington, March 23. The American government has decided that steps to meet the situation with Germany shall include preparation for effective and aggressive warfare in addition to measures for the pro tection of shipping. So far it was learned after today's cabinet meeting there has been no decision as to whether the sending of a military force to Europe shall be postponed, but the army as well as the navy and the industrial resources of the nation are to be made ready for any demand that may be made upon them. One of the first steps under con sideration is the supplying of the en tente allies with money. Preparations also are being made to speed up the ' manufacture of munitions. Take Up Message. President Wilson's address to con gress was taken up in tentative form . at today's cabinet meeting. While its exact nature will be determined by the developments of the next ten days, it is expected to be specific in charac ter and probably will outline just what steps he believes congress should take to meet the warlike oper ationspf German submarines. Administration officials realize that during the period of waiting a sus tained effort is being made in Ger many to place the responsibility for war on the United States. The hint of an offer of mediation is regarded as an added evidence of this move ment, but the president and all his -advisers are determined that if war actually comes it shall be clear to , the world that it! has not been of America's choosing. Ihe president, to keep in touch with army and navy preparations, can celled practically all engagements to day, except one with Governor Mc Call of Massachusetts, who wanted to confer on ways in which the state might co-operate , with the JcvletaUai government. Sinking of Healdton. Sinking br a German submarine of ... the American steamer Healdton, with the prr'oable loss of a score or more of its crew, many of .whom were ' Americans, while another grave addi tinn to the long list of German ag gressions against American commerce. cannot cause any immediate change m : the situation between the United States and Germany, it was said here today. A virtual state of war already exists, government officials believe, and they are doing everything pos sible to prepare the nation to, meet that condition. The destruction of the Healdton. however, will be included by President Wilson in his summary ot Uerman at tacks on American commerce when he goes before congress which meets ; in extraordinary session on April 2. .' The president received his first offi cial reports on the incident early to day, tne news came m a cabled re-' t port last night from American Con-: sul Mahin at Amsterdam after the president had retired. The consul re ported that the vessel, which was un armed, was torpedoed without warn ing ott the coast ot Holland on Wed-', ncsday. The president is devoting his al-' most undivided atteution to prepara tions for national defense and it is expected that he will continue to do so in the interval between now and the convening of congress. , Lynch-Clark Feud Again Before Judges Saturday Court housers are anticipating a hot session Saturday afternoon when the seven judges of the district court meet to hear the final (?) arguments in the jail elevator feud between the county - commissioners principally Johnny Lynch and Sheriff Clark. Ihe judges have ordered that the five commis sioners, their counsel, and the sheriff and his attorneys be on hand promptly at 1 o'clock in Judge Troup's court. Following a smcr. caict uy juugc , Sears that the jail elevator should not be tampered with pending the hear ing both factions have been really lamb-like. Jay Dudley, known as a Lynch man and the choice of the com missioners for the job of jail lift conductor, and Isaac Bailey, the sher iff's man for the berth, have been ex- ' changing Alphonso and Gaston salu tations by way of the elevator shaft all week. The commissioners have refused to recognize Bailey, a negro. as a county employe. When you have some article which has outlived its usefulness to you, trade or sell it. Call Tyler. 1000 and place a small want ad. You will be surprised at the quick, sure results. 1 The cost--. One Cent Per Word as compared to other med iums is exceptionally low. You are as close to The Bee Want Ad Dept. as your phone is to you.