Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1917, Image 7

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Brief City News
HMdi Lamp, Ilurnen-Granrtin Co.
Hot. Boot Print It Now Beocon Pre...
l'lntlnum Wedding Rings Edholm,
Oulnes niiys More Apartments
Payne & Slater announce the sale of
the Peoria apartments. Tenth and
Pierce streets, from Anna M. Ish to
Dan W. Gaines for (25,000.
Carpenters' Auxiliary to Dance
The ladies' auxiliary to Carpenters'
union No. 5 will give a dance Satur
day evenlnff at their hall In the Lyric
building, Nineteenth and Farnam.
Steal Cigars and Pennies Six boxes
of clears and 100 pennies was the
loot taken from Chris Peterson's sa
loon at 2229 Leavenworth street
A ednesday mornintr. Thieves entered
before opening time.
Itrpnviiig Jones Street Work has
been started on repaving of Jones
street from Thirteenth to Sixteenth
street. This Is the first paving work
of the season. In this district Btone
surface wilt be replaced by brick
To Build Garage C. M. Skinner,
former mayor of Kalston, is planning
to buna a garage and salesroom 75
120 feet In South Omaha. The struc.
ture is to be of brick and stone. Ev
erett 8. Dodds Is the architect pre
paring tne plans.
Girl Bull Players Meet Omaha'
Bloomer Oirls' base ball team will hold
a meeting Friday night in tho city
council chamber to further plans for
a girls' base ball league here. Every
girl who Is interested In base ball 1b
requested to attend.
Contract for Grading Partridge &
rnompson nave been awarded a con
tract for grading the site of the new
Park school, north of the present
school. Work will be started next
Monday, according to the secretary of
tne Hoard of feuucatlon.
Patriotic Luncheon Speakers' com
mittee of University club has arranged
lor a patriotic luncheon today, at
which N. H. Loomls will deliver an
address. Judge W. D. McHugh will
presiue. uenerai Marries will pre
.sent for adoption appropriate resolu
To Pnleli Streets Soon Superln
tendent Parks of the street cleaning
and maintenance department has or
dered a lot of sand, crushed stone
and asphalt for the spring pavement
repair campaign. Within a week or
so he expects to have his crews ou
patching the broken places on many
Preparedness Posters Hung One
hundred thousand beautiful big post
ers, explaining the why of military
preparedness in America, are being
distributed in every big railway station
in tho country and soon the railroads
will distribute 2,000,000 more. Uni
versal Military Training league Is be-
mncl tne action.
Ask Teddy to Speak It is hoped
that an appointment may be made
with Colonel Roosevelt to have him
speak before the Commercial club of
Omaha at a publio affairs luncheon
when he comes to Nebraska, soon.
The Commercial club officials tele
graphed him this morning, asking him
if he could arrange to stop in Omaha
ana give sucn a talk either enroute
to Lincoln, where he Is to speak, or
on his return from Lincoln.
Noonday Olub Listens
Speeches of This
Lookout Squads Baffle
Men on Raiding Duty
Officers of the morals squad say
they are handicapped in doing effi
cient work because many of tne sa
loons and hotels have reinforced their
lookout squads in front of their places
ui ousiness.
"Just as soon as they see a sus
picious looking automobile drive up
or several men go in together, they
tip on someone on the inside, one
of the members of the reconstructed
morals squad said.
Although morals men scoured the
city for saloons and other places vio
lating the 8 o'clock closing law, no
arrests in this connection were made
up to 2 o clock Thursday morning.
Police Arrest Man Found
Sitting on a Revolver
When Detectives Unger and Brink
man entered the room of Harry Se
bastian, rooming at 316 North Fif
teenth street, and tound him sitting
on a 44-caliber revolver, they arrested
him. At the station he was charged
with carrying concealed weapons. In
the same room was arrested Walter
Stevens, 434 Lincoln avenue. He was
booked for investigation.
The arrest of the two followed, po
lice say, when they got a tip that Se
bastian and his partner planned a big
robbery. Police believe that Sebas
tian has been active in a number of
the recent holdups.
Two Held Charged With
Selling Dope to Drug Addicts
John Collins and Nettie Bradshaw,
colored, 203 '.orth Eleventh street, arc
being held for investigation charged
with selling "dope" to drug addicts.
Jn a raid on their place Wednesday
evening, federal and police officers
seized a quantity of drugs together
with several layouts used by drug ad
" diets.
In possession of Collins, according
to police, was found two marked
lills, which foden.1 officers had given
lecoys to patronize Collins.
Want 'r Mgnt Off.
Montgomery. Ala., March 22. Rapreaen
ntiva Pent, chairman of tha housa military
niiimlttec, predicted here today that con-i.-rcfs
will pass overwhelmingly & declara
' n of war when It moeta April 2. He said
- !vnr.ii sui-ii ni-uon.
Droachitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, oi
:;.iey back. Sold ud guarantee bj
Sherman 6V McConoell Drug Co.
7s WarUPi Graaftrt
Bxfnal feaedj.
Pain In Side,
Baokaoha, '
-Any Local
fXn lSHBJCprMnnlywbldiwlU
J 1 1 Lm sire prompt rafief ead pra
AVI II ,nl ioiii eeaeo. am
KArrVvm aVqaaneal. Try OBI
aeWv-ll aUeSeneaWa . . . MV
Brave men and fair women, descen
dants of the Vikings, gathered last
evening in the Fontenelle hotel at the
eighth annual banquet of the Noonday
clttb. The 300 banqueters were prin
cipally Omahans of Swedish birth or
ancestry, but many came also from
other parts of the state and from
western Iowa.
"Valhalla," the banquet hall, was
decorated with festoons of American
flags and a single Swedish flag.
The cover of the menu bore an em
bossed American flag and "America"
was sung at the opening of the ban
quet. The keynote of the whole elab
orate attair was patriotism, American
ism. P. A. Edquist, Swedish vice consul
at Omaha and president of the Noon
day club, was toastmaster. He voiced
the club's hearty welcome to its
guests and particularly to the ladies,
"We want to thank the ladies espe
cially," he said, "for gracing our fes
tivities with their presence, and we
want to welcome our out-of-town
guests who come from distant points
in Nebraska and Iowa and also from
Kansas and from that 'Sweden in
America,' Minneapolis,"
The principal address In Swedish
was delivered by Carl Edward Wal
lerstedt of the royal Swedish con
sulate, Minneapolis.
Dr. Ernst F. Philblad. president of
Bethany college, Lindsborg, Kas., de
livered the principal address in Eng
lish n. "Th. P.r, n( th. J,.,.H. In
(-I.J1JI Vll J. liv. a V W 1IIV WITVUV SIB
American Life."
He sketched the remarkable activi
ties of the Swedes in the building up
of this country from the earliest days
to the present. They were contem
porary with the Dutch and English in
settling the Atlantic coast states and
they pushed on to the west with or
ahead of advancing settlement, pio
neering and making productive farms
in the wilderness to add to the wealth
of the country.
They have built schools and col
leges, have produced great writers, in
ventors, statesmen, and have been a
mightv factor in the buildinff of the
republic, providing a steady, sturdy,
law-abiding and stanchly patriotic
class of citizens. He laid special em
phasis upon the thorough-going
Americanism ot tne Americans 01
Swedish birth or ancestry today, de
claring that with them it is "America
first, last and all the time."
Toastmaster Edauist called upon C.
A. Abrahamson to respond to the
toast to the ladies.
'God made the heavens and the
earth and then man and finally the
finest and noblest of all, woman,
whom we all love and worship," said
Mr. Abrahamson. "Sometimes we
can't do anything with them, but we
never can do anything without them.
All that we have of courage, hope,
purity and accomplishment we owe to
Villa Reported to Have
Defeated Gen. Murguia
EI Paso, Tex., March 22. Los I
Sucesos, a local Mexican paper, main
tained by Villa partisans, asserts that
a messenger arrived here late today
direct from Villa's camp at Santa
Rosalia, bringing news that Villa
had, after a bloody fight, driven Gen
eral Francisco Murgia's forces from
Bachtmba pass, an important railway
point about forty miles south of Chi
huahua City. Murgia's force, accord
ing to the report, numbered 4,000 men,
of whom 500 wounded were sent to
Chihuahua City. The field was said
to be covered with the dead.
First Woman to Enlist in
The United States Navy
Philadelphia. Pa.. March 22. Miss
Loretta Walsh of this city, said to be
the first woman to etilist in the United
States navy under the new order of
Secretary Daniels admitting women
to the navv. enrolled here today. She
was designated as chief yeoman and
assigned to open a recruiting station
here. Miss Walsh is ii yeara old.
Price of Ruble Goes Up
Under Revolutionary Regime
Copenhagen (Via London), March
22. There has been a steady rise in
the ruble on the exchange market, in
dicating the confidence with which the
market regards the future of Russia.
Patrick O'Neil in Song Recital.
Rev. S. L. Dowd presented Patrick
O'Neil, tenor, in song recital at the
Brandeie theater last evening, assisted
by Will Hetherington, violinist, and
Bertha Clark, pianist. This was Mr.
O'Neil'a first public appearance in
Omaha since his residence here, and
an audience of fair proportions greeted
him. Mr. O'Neil was evidently suf
fering from a cold, as traces of
hoarseness were frequently heard in
his voice. He enunciates well, and his
tones were free and clear in the mid
dle register. He sang his program
entirely in English. In the group of
Irish folksongs he won much favor
with his audience and after "In Dub
lin's Fair City," the closing number of
the group, he sang three encores,
among them the "Low Back Car."
Mr. O'Neil opened the program with
an aria "Una Furtive Lagrima," by
Donizetti, and sang three groups of
songs besides. He responded to an
encore after each group. Mr. Hether
ington contributed three groups of
violin numbers to the program, play
ing "Gavotte," by Gosscn, "Rigaudon,"
by Monsigny, and the Zarzicki "Ma
zurka" with especial success, and get
ting a broad and musical tone from
the "Old Irish Melody," set by Percy
Granger, which he played as an en
core. Miss Bertha Clark followed both
Mr. O'Neil and Mr. Hetherington
carefully in her unobtrusive and ac
ceptable accompaniments. H. M. R.
Surprisingly Good
Cough Syrup Made at
Coat Very Little and Ea.llyMade,
bvt 1 Remarkably Effective.
You'll never really know what a flV.o
cough syrup you can make until ycu
prepare this famous home-made remed7.
You not only save $2 as compared wi(u
the ready-made kind, but you will al'o
have a more effective and dependable
remedy in every way. It overcomes tho
usual coughs, throat or chest colds In
24 hours relieves even whooping eoufij
Get 2J4 ounces of Pinez (50 eenfs
worth ) from any good drug store, pour
it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle
with plain granulated augar syrup.
Here you have a full pint a family
supply of the most effective cough
syrup that money can buy at a cost of
only 64 cents or less. It never spoil.
The prompt and positive results given
by this pleasant tasting cough syrup
have caused it to be uiedf in more homes
than any other remedy. It quickly
loosens a dry, hoarse or tight cough,
heals the inflamed membranes that llni
the throat and bronchial tubes, and ro
lief cornea almost immediately. Splen
did for throat tickle, hoarseness, brori
chitts, croup and bronchial asthma.
Pinez is a highly concentrated con
pound of genuine Norway pine extract",
combined with gualacol and has ben
used foi generationa for throat and
chest ailments.
Avoid disappolnt-mtul oy asking your
druggist for "iy, ounces of Pinei" witls
lull directions, and don't accept any
thing else. A guarantee of absolute sat
isfaction or money promptly refund-d-eoes
with thia prepaiation. The fines
Co, Ft. Wayne, Ind,
The Home of the Chickering Piano
THE SAFETY pf your purchase iB guaranteed by
our reputation.
THE PRICE you P&? ta consistent with the quality
ilia, an i vi. of thepianos gold
Pianos With a Pedigree
All the pianos we carry are makes of standing with
long years of reputation back of them, but it is not
simply the years of piano building experience that make
them the best it's the careful construction resulting
in the fine musical and artistic qualities that make them
the greatest values on the market today.
You Can Make a Large Saving by
Purchasing Your Piano Now
Chickering Ivor A Pond Behning
Haines Bros. Kohler dc Campbell Brewster
Schaff Bros. Smith & Barnes Armstrong
Autopiano Segerstrom
$50 and Up $265 aid Up
Terms to Suit
Burgess-Nash Company.
!...' ! I HI
byirybody stork
Burgess-Nash Company.
Thursday, M.rth 22, 1917.
T.Uphone Douglas 137.
A Relentless Attack on the High Cost of Living Friday in the
Down Stairs Store
Every line of merchandise will be included in this campaign of lowered prices and there is not a home in the city
but that may profit by this unrestricted warfare on the high cost of living.
Remnants of
Dress Goods, 49c
Plain color, checks, nlaids.
stripes and mixtures, materials
suitable lor women s skirts,
dresses, suits and children's
dresses, lengths 1 hi to 6 yards,
widths 36 to 44 inches, 49c
. Remnants of
Challies, at 29c
Lengths 2 to yards of
challies and sport skirtings, big
selection of styles and colors,
27 to 36 Inchea wide, 29c yard.
Remnants of
Silks, 59c Yard
Lengths 1 to 2H yards, in
cluding foulards, messaline, etc.
In plain colors, also figures, spe
cial, 59c yard.
Silk Poplins, 19c
Remnants of silk poplins in
small figures, sale price Friday,
19c yard.
Dress Ginghams, 13y2c
Standard brand Toile de
Norde in plain colors, checks,
plaids and stripes, pretty new
color combinations, 13Hcynrd.
Wash Goods, V2c
Remnants of 2 to 5-yard
lengths of voiles, lawns, fou
lard, etc., Friday, 7 56 c yard.
Percales, at 11c
Light colored percales of
standard quality, 3ft inches
wide, in lengths of 2 to 10
yards, at lie yard.
Jap Wfash Crepe, 15c
Plain shades and fancy
stripes, 27 inches wide, for
dresses, waists, skirts, etc., spe
cial, ISc yard.
Wash Goods, 12'c
Sample pieces, 36 to 40
inches wide, plain colors, fig
ures, stripes and plaids, wide se
lection of colors, 12 He yard.
Notion Specials
Silk finish crochet cotton,
spool, 4c.
60-yard spool machine silk,
spool, 3c.
Wire hair pins, package, 2c.
Bone hair pins, package, Sc.
Hair nets, with elastic, 5
for 10a.
Kid hair curlers, dozen, 10c.
Dressing combs, each, Sc.
Hair barettes, each, Be.
Thimbles, each, 1c.
Darning cotton on snnnls. 3
for Sc.
Darning cotton, on cards, lc.
Hand scrubs, each, 10c.
Bias tape, bolt, Sc.
Scissors and shears, pair, 10c
Skirt belting, yard, Sc.
Dish rags, each, Sc.
Pearl buttons, card, IK a.
Baby bibs, each, Sc.
Hair brushes, each, 10c.
Skirt markers, each 12c.
Small scrubs, each, Sc.
Sanitary aprons, each, 1254 c.
Hose supporters, pair, 8c.
Common pins, paper, 2c.
Home Furnishings
BilT Wnnrlr TManrtla Ml
Mop and bottle of Big Wonder
Polish, the outfit, 25c.
uasswood ironing board with
stand, well made, special, 98c
Big Wonder Cedar Oil Pol
ish, pint size, at ISc.
Electric Irons, hnavllv TiiV1.
plated, fully guaranteed, de-
tacnaoie cora, at SZ.9S.
Hardwood Step Ladder,
atoola heavily varnished, special
at 8S.
Climax Will Papar Claimr, can. Sc.
Johnaon'i Floor Wash, lb. can, 39c.
fnM T(aa Tnll.l Van. I -
roll, S for 2S.
Diamond Splint Clothta Baakati,
special. 80c.
Parlor Brooms made of beat quality
broom oorn 4 tewed, varntahed han
dle, exceptional value, SOc.
Women's House Dresses
Reduced for Friday to
SPLENDIDLY made house dress of
percale, in light and dark colors,
neatly trimmed and finished ; special,
at $1.00.
Children's Wash Dresses, at $1.00
Plaids, stripes, checks, middy and
long waisted styles, neatly trimmed
with buttons and contrasting colors,
at $1.00.
Silk Petticoats, $2.95
Taffeta with pleated flounce; muslins with tucked flounce;
Jersey tops with messaline flounce; navy, king's blue, copen,
gray, burgundy and black.
Burfeee-Naeh Co.. Down Staira Store
Infants' and Children's Sample Hose to Go
Friday, at 10c a Pair
i(f0 as far as you like," said the department man
VJ when he gave us the "dope" on this lot of hose.
We assure you we can't make the values any too
strong, for they are the biggest "specials" we've of
fered in a long time, cotton or silk lisle, black, white,
pink, blue and tan, nearly all sizos; 10c pair.
These Pretty Trimmed Hats
Specially Priced, Friday, at
A CHARMING variety, all new
creations, individual and smart
in style, suitable for any occasion.
The prettiest collection we've of
fered this season at so small a price
as $2.98.
Untrimmed Hats, $1.79
Every new and favored shade and
shape, we consider them very special
values, at 11.79.
Special Friday Morning From 8:30 to 12 Noon
New black hats, trimmed with pretty flowers and ribbons.
Every desirable shape, special, Friday morning from 8:30 to. 12
noon, at $1.39.
Burgess-Nash Trimming Service Without Charge.
Burfe.e-N.all Co. Down Staira Star
Men! Here Are The Best
Shirt Values of the Season, at
n iHE values are most unusual the result of a special
X underprice purchase and extra space and salespeo
ple will be provided to make easy selection for you.
Neckband shirts with stiff or soft cuffs, silk bosom and cuffs,
body to match, collar attached; a few are slightly imperfect, but
for the most part they are xirst
quality, good patterns and coat
style. You'll select your season's
supply at this price when you see
Men's Underwear, 29c
Balbriggan shirts and drawers,
small sizes only, 29c each.
Men's Night Robes, 50c
Slightly Imperfect, but of very
high quality muslin, of year round
weight, at SOc.
Men's Underwear, at 10c
Small sires In men's shirts and drawera, athletic porous knit,
etc., 34 and 36 shirts, 30 and 32 drawers, lOe each.
Burse.a-N.ah Co. Down Staira Store
Crash Toweling, 9c
Bleached toweling, line even
weave crash with blue border,
very absorbent, 9c yard.
Bed Spreads, $1.00
Crochet bed spreads, snow
white, medium weight for dou
ble beds, assorted patterns,
f 1.00 each.
Hemstitched Towels,
17x32-lnch, fine huck towels,
full bleached, neat colored bor
der, spoke stitched, 17c each.
Small Towels, 3c
These towels are made of
good grade Irish twill and ab
sorbent crash, cut and hemmed
aquare, for individual use, 3e
Napkins, $1.00 Dozen
18x1 8-inch pure linon nap
kins with neat red border,
hemmed, ready for use, $1.00
Muslin, Shaker Flannel,
5c Yard
A limited quantity Hope,
Hill and Pepperell mualin,
shaker flannel that was dam
aged by water, but not "hurt"
for practical use, while the
small lot lasts, at Be yard.
Seamless Sheets, 79c
81x80-ln bleached sheets, nice
medium weight hemmed and
ironed, ready for use, each 79c.
Mercerized Poplin, 19c
Good grade white poplin, 36
Inch wide, for skirts, suits and
dresses, Friday, 18c yard.
Lace or Embroideries,
at 5c
Real linen, torchon lace,
three inchea wide, alao em
broidery edges, insertions and
headings, Be yard.
v Silk Braids, lc
Silk braids, all colors, flat
tailored and fancy, le yard.
Neckwear, at 5c
Women's neckwear, flat col
lars and Jabots, slightly mussed,
8c each.
Drugs and Toilets
Free, two eakes of Palmolive
Soap with Burgess-Nash cold or
Vanishing cream for 28e.
Colorite for straw hats, 22.
Face powder, box, 10c.
Goblin Soan, cake, 4c.
Excel Floating Soap, 4c.
Cocoanut Oil Soan, cake, 4c.
Essex Peroxide Soap, cake,
Lilac Rose Soap, cake, 7c.
Cudahy'g Bath Tablets, 7c.
Toilet Soap, special, four
cakes, 10c
1 qt. Ammonia for 13c.
Mentholatum, jar, 16c.
Peroxide, per bottle, lOe.
1 nt. Witch Hazel, 29c.
1 lb. Epsom Salts, 17c.
Saymon's Soap, cake, 7a.
Tooth Paste, tube, lOe.
Larth Shaving Stick, lOe.
- Cold Cream, per jar, 10c.
Bobobelli Castile, cake, 9c
Soap Powders
Cudahy's Diamond C Yellow
Laundry Sono, 9 bars, 25c.
Cudahy's Pearl White Laun
dry Soap, 10 bars, 34a.
Cudahy's White Borax Naph
tha Soap, 10 bara, 34c.
Felt' Naphtha Soap, 10 bars,
P. a O. Naphtha Soap, 10 bara. 4
Star Naphtha Waahlnt Powder,
large phs., 19c.
Tolleteer, for .loaning' oloaet bowl.,
te., can, 14c.
Sani-Flueh, ean, 20c
Lux, for waahlnt .11 fln. fabrlM,
pka-., Sc.
flunhrlte Cleanaer, S eene, 10c. '
20-Mule Team Rorax, tb. pkg., lOe.
Borax Soap Chip., lanre pkg., Sle.
White Ruaalan Laundry So.p, 0 for
These Voile Waists Are
Extreme Values Friday, at
SPLENDID quality in white, rose and copen and with
khaki kool pattern collars and cuffs.
Striped voile waists in sports design with large, flat
collars of contrasting materials.
Lace trimmed and fancy striped white voile waists,
collars and cuffs of organdie.
Dainty Organdie Waists,
With tucks and pretty
lace trimmings. Deep
sailor collar and long
Voile Waists, at
With embroider ed
bands for trimming. Con
vertible collars and long
sleeves; all sizes, 36 to 46.
Burgeee-Neeh C. Down Stair. Stor.
Clearaway of Women's Shoes
Two Groups at $1.49 and $2.98
A BIG clearaway of all the short lines and
odd pairs of women's high shoes, pumps, ox
fords and slippers.
Women's Shoes, at $1.49
Mostly small sizes, but priced less than the
cost of the soles.
er high shoes
Women's gun metal
high shoes
Women's pumps, allr
Women's oxfords, all
Women's slippers
Women's Shoes, Reduce Friday to $2.98
Just transferred from
the Second Floor depart
ment, a big lot of wo
men's fine shoes in pat
ent eolt, dull calf. . .nd black
kid akin. All Goodyear welt
nd h.nd turn aolea, srastly
reduoed In prioe. for Friday
only, pair I2.ea.
12 big bargain table, of
women'., men'a, boya' and
girla ahoee, apeolal price..
Burgeae-Nuli Co. Down Stair. Stor.
J3 A