Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1917, Image 5

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    fHE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1917.
Papers Delayed Several Days
at Transfer Before They
Are Even Sorted.
Following The Bee's recent expo
sure of the demoralization of the
ailway mail service, another abused
:lcrk has written to tell the facts
about what the present administration
s doing to the country's mail service.
Although forbidden to give out in
iormation, the railway mail clerks are
risking punishment and are voicing
protests and revealing facts, which
Postmaster General Burleson's muz
zling order was designed to hide, con
cerning the. mail delays resulting from
the democratic administration's "eco
nomical and business-like policy."
The latest clerk to write The Bee
corroborates this paper's previous re
ports and tells of serious instances of
mail delays. He ..lso cites instances
of the harsh treatment accorded the
clerks, who are now denied a full day
of rest each week, arc forced to work
longer hours and are kept from pro
motions they would have received un
der the former order of things.
In the latest letter, defying "Boss
Burleson" and his muzzling order, a
railway mail clerk suggests that the
public demand a congressional in
quiry. His letter follows:
"To the Editor of The Bee: In
last Sunday's paper a picture appeared
showing the congestion of mails and
while some officials were asked about
it, the reply was made that they were
all empty sacks. This is not true
and the public can satisfy themselves
by going and seeing for themselves.
If there was or, is no delay and con
gestion why should an order appear
which reads something like this:
"Council Bluffs terminal clerks are
informed that there is no change in
the policy so far as compensatory
time is concerned. Clerks working
'overtime' on account of unusual con
ditions will be given compensatory
time, and all clerks will respond for
service on the day they are due to be
off, when called upon by the clerk in
"This, Mr. Editor is a plain case
of hold-up, as by this order our week
ly day of rest is taken away. This
time is paid back to us by giving us
a few hours each day, having no
whole day off. Why is it that the
great supreme court grants the rail
road men their eight hours and Uncle
Sam's own employes are forced to
work overtime? Attached find an
order as they appear, and by it you
will see how the clerks must use their
own time to study, making a working
day about nine to ten hours. In sec
tion 4 it shows how promotion is
"Idaho circulars are being worked
n,ow in the terminal that were mailed
in New York City March 14. Sun
day Sioux City Journals are being
worked on Tuesday and Wednesday
"What the clerks want is to have
the newspapers in the country demand-
a congressional investigation of
why all this delay and rotten service.
"Would be pleased to have this ap
pear in your paper, so the public can
get wise-to a few facts."
Attached to the clerk's letter was a
general order, issued March 13, from
Chicago, in the Sixth division of the
railway mail service. Sections of the
order referred to are as follows:
All clerks ssstgnsd to terminals, who per
form distribution, or who may be called
upon to perform distribution In any emer
cency, shall be examined on the scheme of
distribution, and no time allowance shall
he riven to study, either In postof fleas or
Section 4. Surplus clerka, In whatever as.
.Ignments they are carried. If regularly em
Ployed and otherwise entitled to promotion,
may be given annual promotion to Grade i.
Clerks of Orade t and above will not be
ronaldered for promotion, as long as they
remain surplus clerks, or until they are
Riven a regular assignment calltng for a
highsr grade. Ihese Instructions shall apply
to any January 1, 1917, cases.
Coal Thief Complains
. Wrong Victim is Accuser
H. L. Anthony, colored, offered a
unique plea when arraigned before
Police Judge Fitzgerald on the charge
of stealing coal. Anthony said he
didn't steal coal from the railroad
company which was prosecuting him,
but from an entirely different com
pany. The court remarked that there
wasn't much difference and Anthony
agreed with him. A fine of $15 and
costs was imposed.
Go Where
the Crowds Go
You will find the cars crowded
today with people going to see
Garden Lands .
Take a car to 43d and Q streets.
Salesmen will be there to take you
to the sales ground. Or, take the
Ralston or Papillion car and get off
at 56th and Cj streets, the southeast
corner of this GARDEN LAND.
You will find a lot of your friends
and neighbors buying
Garden Land
The prices are reasonable. You
can buy a small piece for as low as
Forty-Two Dollars.
Prices will depend upon the size
and location of the piece of ground
purchased. Price lists may be found
at our office at 56th and Q streets.
Terms, A Few Dollars Down
and a few dollars weekly or monthly,
depending on the size of the piece
of ground purchased. Have a home
with a garden. What you save in
rent will pay for the GARDEN
A Practical Thrift Movement
conveniently located on the Interur
ban car line, and macadamized road,
and in line with
Omaha's Rapid Growth
Lay aside this paper, read it when
you get back. Slip on a coat, put
on your hat aid pick out your GAR
DEN LAND today. If you cannot
come today, come tomorrow. Don't
be one of the "I wisfi"! had" fellows,
who never make up their minds until
too late.
We have an office on the ground.
Phone, Douglas 2596, or South 2447.
H. H. Harper & Co.
Witnesses Tell of Smelling Odor
Of Gasoline When Theater Burns
Kohlberg, Proprietor of The
Farnam, is on Trial for
Setting Fire to the
Several witnesses who testified
that they found strong evidence of in
cendiarism immediately after the
blaze broke out were introduced by
the state in the trial of Joseph Kohl
berg on a charge of arson in Judge
Sears' court. Kohlberg, proprietor
of "The Farnam," a moving picture
theater at 1415 Farnam street, was
indicted by the granl jury just be
fore the1 body adjourned.
The theater was gutted by a blaze
on the night of February 1. The in
dictment was based on evidence un
earthed after this fire. A more re
cent blaze in the theater drove diners
in a Chinese restaurant upstairs into
the street and for a time threatened
other buildings.
The grand jury indictment alleges
that Kohlberg "set fire" to his theater
East Approach to Union Pacific
Bridge is Out and New One
Quickly In.
The new, all-steel approach span
of the Union Pacific bridge crossing
the river here was pulled into place
Thursday morning and traffic was de
layed only from 10:15 until 1:15, a
matter of three hours.
The moving of tb.e old span out
and the new one in was not witnessed
by a large crowd, there being present
only a few of the Union Pacific offi
cials and the men employed in doing
the work. There was nothing spec
tacular about the operation. Bars
were put up against the passage of
trains promptly at 10:15 and at 10;43
the stationary engines commenced to
pull and at 11:15 the old span was
out on the false work to the north
and the new span in place on the
piers. It took eight minutes to move
the old span and four for the new one.
The new span, 345 feet and eleven
inches in length, moved over the dis
tance, twenty-eight feet, from where
it was constructed, to where it now
resti without hitch or delay. Cables
were attached to the new and old
spans and as the old structure moved
out and onto the false work to the
north the new one moved In, and
that was about all there was to it.
Anticipating that it would take
longer to get the new span into
place than it actually did, the Union
Pacific notified the other railroads, its
tenants, that the bridge would not be
open to traffic until 3:30 in the after
noon. The bridge movers, however,
beat this time by better than two
Clean Bill is Given
To Theatrical Club
The "T.xM. A." club in the Barker
block at Fifteenth and Farnam streets
can serve liquor incessantly at any
hour from now until May 1, and Ser
geant Russell and his reorganized
morals squad cannot prevent, accord
ing to a decision which Police-Judge
For April
Now on Sale
There are thirty-one excellent records on the April list.
Tour attention is called to the partial list helow :
"Ah! 8o Fowl" (Martha), In Italian, by Lazaro, the tenor
, of tenors. '
"King in Glorious," Barnby, by Columbia Double Mixed
"BadUnt Morn," Woodward, by Columbia Double Mixed
Quartette. (This is an Easter Record).
"Hiss Springtime," by Princess, Orchestra.
"Flora Bella," by Princess Orchestra.
( -1
f "Poor Butterfly," Introducing "Come On Down to Ragtime
J Town " by Princess Band.
I "Ion and I," Foxtrot, by Princess Band.
r "Charming," Walte, by Princess Orchestra,
j "A Dream," introducing "Melody In F" Waltz, by Princess
I. Orchestra.
r "Somewhere tn Dbde," by Empire Male Trio.
-j "Seep Tour Eye on the Girlie Ton lore," by M. J.
O'Connell, tenor.
Tin Coming Back to California," (That's Where I Belong),
by Empire Male Trio.
' "Tie Whole World Comes From Dixie," by Irving Kauf
man, tenor. .
i f
sis; rr
"Ev'ery Little While,"
Tack L'p lour Jroomes
smile, Bmue," oy j. jr. Harrison, Danione, ana nnicner
bocker Male Quartette.
We cordially invite you to visit our Record Department
on the Main Floor and hear these or any other of your favorite
Columbia Records. If unable to call, phone your order to
ijouglas 1623 and it will receive prompt attention.
Complete Columbia Record Catalogue or Monthly List
furnished on request. Records sent on approval.
Columbia Crafonolas
$15 to $350
Sold on Easy Terms.
1311-13 FARNAM ST.
Omaha's Leading Grafonola Store.
in an attempt to collect $10,000 worth
of insurance, carried, in several com
panies, on fixtures valued at $2,0Ci).
The theater man has been out on
bond since his indictment. A con
viction on a charge of arson carries
with it a sentence of from one to
seven years in the state penitentiary.
The star witness for the state thus
far has been George Simpson, captain
of hose company No. 3, one of the
earliest arrivals at the scene of the
blaze. He testified that it was a
"flash fire," quickly gaining headway
simultaneously with the explosions
heard soon after the alarm was
turned in. He told on the witness
stand that a pronounced odor of gas
oline and turpentine greeted him as
he led the way when the firemen
broke into the blazing theater.
Assistant Chief Dineen testified
that the blaze bore all the marks of
incendiarism. He was one of the
first to arrive at the fire.
Charlie Sing and Charlie Chin,
waiters in a chop suey restaurant up
stairs, told the court that they de
tected the odor of gasoline when
smoke began to permeate the kitchen
and dining room.
Fitzgerald made Thursday. The
court dismissed the charge of "lid
lifting" against Joe Harris, the club's
steward, who. with fourteen others,
was arrested Saturday night about 10
o clock, while they were contentedly
quaffing beer. The fourteen had pre
viously been Treed by the court.
"I find," said the judge, "that the
evidence in this case tended to show
that the club was within its rights in
serving refreshments to its members.
But I warn the club to restrict the
sale of liquor and beer to members
only. Don't try to cheat." Mem
bers testified they drank their own
liquor from their lockers.
Postpone Hearing of the
Connell Injunction Case
On account of Judge Leslie's slight
illness the hearing for a temporary
injunction in the case brought by
parents of pupils attending Saratoga
school against Health Commissioner
Connell as a result of the vaccination
fight has been postponed until Fri
day morning at 9 o'clock. The hear
ing was originally set for- Thursday
Harvard Declamatory Contest,
Harvard. Neb.. March 22. (Spe
cial.) The annual declamatory con
test of Harvard High school was held
at the opera house Monday evening.
Miss Alma Seiko was awarded first
place for her rendtion of "Hagar,"
and Miss Martha Glantz for her inter
pretation of "Anne of Green Gables."
Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These
Ugly Spots.
Do vou know how easy it is to re
move those ugly spots so that no one
will call you treckle-facef
Simply get an ounce of othine,
double strength, from your druggist,
and a few applications should show
you how easy it is to rid yourself of
freckles and get a beautiful complex
ion. The sun and winds of March
have a strong tendency to bring out
freckles, and as a result more othine
is sold in this month. Be sure to
ask for the double strength othine, as
this is sold under guarantee of money
back if it fails to remove the freckles.
by Al Jolson, comedian.
in lonr uio jui nag ana amue.
Tells Police Identity of Men
Who Helped Him in Ter
rorizing City.
Harry Curtis of Kansas City, Tom
Ryan of Chicago and Ed Breandt of
New York were held for the district
court under bonds of $1,000 each
when they appeared before Tolice
Judge Fitzgerald and waived exam
ination on the charge of highway rob
bery preferred by Louis Anderson,
1813 Izard street. Anderson identified
the three men, picking them from a
crowd of ten persons.
Curtis, Ryan and Breandt, say the
police, are the trio who fled from the
Hayden drug store at 3004 North
Twenty-fourth street on the night of
March 14, wlien Airs, riaynen,
the nroDrietor. shot at them after
they had demanded the contents of
the cash drawer. Curtis has confessed
to this attempted robbery and has
told Dolice that he was one of three
men who held up and robbed William
J. Brennan, 591V 1-lorence boulevard,
the same night at Twenty-fourth and
Grand avenue.
Ryan and Breandt, who were caught
in Si. Joseph, have not spoken except
to deny that they had any j art in the
three robberies. Detective Holden se
cured from Curlis a confession of guilt
in all three jobs.
Alleged Burglars Held.
Gconre Smith. Joe Brown and Wil-
liani Roberts, all living near Scv- j
enth and Leavenworth streets, were i
held for the district court under bonds
of $500 each. They were charged
with breaking and entering the Pax-
ton & Gallagher warehouse and steal
ing about $400 worth of auto tires
and tubes.
A. A. Montbriand, who runs a sa-
Tooting Car, 7 -
Tewing Car, 5 -
Chss. P..
loon at Twentieth and Castelar
streets, tnld the court that lie was
willing to "settle the cases of John
Kahler, Ed Suchey and James Shaw
out of court." The three men were
charged with breaking and entering
the saloon. The judge continued the
case until Friday.
Richard Walters, 19 years old, 2015
Fowler avenue, and William Melvin,
also 19, of 4758 North Twenty-fourth
street, were held for the district court
under bonds of $750 each. They
Th Postal THSTnh-rahle fwnpsnr (Ineorporatat) Transmit and Dtllvam This lf ht ltsrfran
ItoBjot to till. Titian anil Conditions lrlntd on thi. Back ft This HI ant. t'lariws B. Morn?, Pres.
i Owimera 7-Panenger Touring Car
Price $1350 Detroit
Choose a
as You Do
Compare two rache. They may look exactly sSlre.
They may be equal In dimeter end thickness- They
may weigh the same. Perhapa your eye cant distin
guish any cHOerenee between the gold in the two. One
nay seem to keep sa good time as the other.
Big Differences There
Yet there may be a vast difference. One maybe
Tiffany Swiss and the other non-descript.
If you trujt only to an off hand examination yon
may make a bad mistake in your choice. f
True of Automobiles
The same i true of automobile. Some other ear
may cloeety resemble a Chalmers. It may weigh
about the same. Have about the same wheel
base. The paint may look mora or lea alike at
fiut gtsncSsi
Yet there may be a vast difference. Differences yen
can discover only by the doceat scrutiny and com.
Go Deep
If yen are to get the correct Men of the Chahnera, yon
roust go benesrth the surface. There the big. Important
difference Be. Differences In materials. Difference
la method of bmkhng. Drffcrence in quality of
To look only at the exterior of the Chanwriyoo
wouldn't discover that the gear and shafts of the
transmission are of crucible nickel steel, case hardened
end carefully heat treated.
All of thm abo man qaoBty nVa hind at quality yam nd at (A
ear yarn bsd, and th. kind of anility fan GET n lA CAafmcr.
. 1250
Touring Sedan, 7 -passes
Roadster, 3-passenger
Mil srlcss t a. k.
Chalmer Touring Sedan, 7-ptweng er
$1850 at Detroit
2054 Farnam St., Omaha, Nab. Phon Douglas 3958.
Hannsa, Jr., Pras.
Waltsr 8. Johnson, Ssc'y and Salss Mgr.
E. V. Abbott, Vic's Prss. and Can. Mr.
pleaded not guilty and waived prelimi
nary examination on the charge of
robbing E. A. Brenna of Friend, Neb.,
after one hilarious night at north side
road houses.
French Ship Espagne
Brings 231 Passengers
New York, March 22. The French
line steamship Espagne arrived here
today from Bordeaux with 231 pas
sengers. It came in armed with an
19 C H RO 30 Collect NL 438 AM
WX New York Mch 21 17
T. O. Devaney,
care Julius Orkin, Omaha.
Have shipped several hundreds Coats and Suits,
including Silks, and about a thousand Blouses, which I
was fortunate to secure at exceptional low price.
Place these garments on sale Saturday.
a Watch
Solii One-Piece Shaft
You wouldn't discover that the crankshaft hi a tmgle
sturdy abaft of drop-forged heat-treated carbon steel.
'Nor would yon discover that the Chalmer pie
ton are die cast from Lynite, a special aluminum
alloy, and weigh only 12H ounce each,
Deep-Lging Difference
To glance at the body you wouldn't realise that the
body frame 1 built with such great care from select ash.
That thia la covered by one-piece, welded sheet steel, "
Nor that the spring m the upholstery are of aa extra-ordmss-y
spring steel. Nor that the frame of th chaaaia
i of carbon steel, 5 Incbe deep and X of an Inch
thick. With Bange 1)4 inches wide. And with three
strong era members and reuifonrog parte.
Be Deliberate
So when yon examine th Chalmers dont look hastf.
ly. Thar unfair to the car and unfair to yourself.
Some thing you don't realise when you glanea at
the 7 -passenger Chalmers:
hjt otnsca Lynitm pirton.
Crmnkmhmft toJaneasf asAiia in awefea.
Cybndmn and crank ease cast at a unff.
Tim km axltm built fa Chalmm design. ,
EiMnamhal intahm manifold
Chronm ssleJUf driving thmft.
NkM seaef dilfmrmtial fsors hoat-troatod fa
asctare hardnmn and toughnw.
And many ocner important point of tapmof
Limousine, 7-paasenger
Town Car, 7-psjsenger
Rsy Ksstsrson, Mgr. -HASTINGS,
Jtoy Allar, Mgr.
Bernard Monntcb, Mgr.'
automatic rapid firing gun on its bow
and a large gun aft. Its officers said no
Bbjiarmesweresigli ted.
Try D.D.D.
for Eczema
A UqaM Wash far SMa Disease
zse, see iiar mm
Friday's Papers
Full Details of
Important Sale
. $255
s 1550
" - '
v f