THE BEE: OMAHA, FP'DAY, MARCH 23, 1917. UVE STOCK MARKET Best Beevei Highest on Becord and Other Cattle Weak Sheep Steady. HOQS SUfKEE A BEVEESE Receipts were: Official Monday ... official Tuesday ... Ufflclal Wednesday Estimate Thursday Omaha, March 22, ltlT. Cattle, hoiri. Bhecp. 90S 1,965 4,144 . i.ns ,;& io.t4 , S.SOJ 10.M9 13,546 . (.1(10 19,500 8,880 Four days thin week.. 19. 097 90,87$ a.9.1 (fame days last wcek..:&,49 6,9n 40.5S6 Kama days t wks. 3I.S31 38.9:17 Bautfi daya 3 wks. ago. 13,994 W.314 99,997 Same daya 4 wks. aao.2i.49t 94.6S0 49,106 , 8am days lant year. 21,72 93,699 33.041 Cattle Receipts were very liberal for a Thursday. 207 cars being- reported Id. Th market on choice heavy beeves w. n consid embly stronger, the boat Ions fed prime rattle selling at $12.40, the hlffhcat price on record. Other grades of beeves were steady to a Utile easier. . Cows and heifers vere steady to a tittle "tower on some of lh medium kinds, while feeder cattle showed Hltle change In either direction. UuotAllons on cattle: Good to choir (reeves. 111,500 13.40; fair to good beeves, $ift.4oil.&0; common to fair beovee. 9,'ib 10.90: good to choice heifer, $9.0UtilO.OO; uood to cholcf) ewes, 18.7609. 7b; fair to good cows, S8.0O4jx.7i; common lo fair rows, $6.764$ S.0O; prime feeding steers, $9.60 410.26; good to choice feeders, $.76tj 0.&0; fair to good feeders, $8.00&t.7&; common to fair feeders, li.76YK.Oft; good to rholre stmkera, $8.:G9.:!&: stock heifers, $7.36 1j 1.00; atork cows, $G.O0jH.S0; stock calvs, IS.Ofltj 10.00; veal rlvs, $9,001? 12.00; heef hulls, stags, etc., $.60bt.50; bologna bulla, IT.ooB. ar., Representative selea: BRKF ST E lens. No. Av. Ir. No. &0 $T 71V 16........ MA 8 76 21. ...... .1123 &0 43 803 6iV 21 1021 10 10 ........ 110 10 36 2 1015 10 65 ...1203 10 NO ...1126 11 10 ...13a: 11 26 ...1303 It 86 ...1043 11 46 ...116t 11 tiS tan 11 16 Av. Pr. 030 $8 60 lis $ oo 867 I 40 991 10 Oit H 746 10 26 42., 17.. 38.. 24.. 11.. 37.. 10., 3t.. 23,. I. 3 J. , BTEKKfl'AND H 151 ITERS. 196 10 60 ...1060 10 76 ... 903 11 00 ... 973 11 10 ,..1187 ii ao ...1330 11 40 ...1101 11 66 ...1312 It 76 ..1690 13 40 1197 9 00 084 Oil . 110 8 00 . 4H6 I 86 337 8 60 -. 7... 22 618 9 21 T.. . HPU9ER8. 1 6r, 7 7- 1., 1 610 I 26 2.. 11 034 9 26 4 ,( 942 60 1 400 60 1 400 76 1 860 10 00 . k Hogs A fair Increase wan noted over yes 1 tcrday In hog receipts, . arrivals being stl mated at lui cars, or 13,600 head, which Is the largt-Ht run that ha been here so far this week. For the week to data sup nIIB fiint II ti 9 fcia tauiil an nnnliunri with 60,921 last week, 3M31 (wo weeks ago and 63,668 last far. Other points reporter only small de clines on early rouods and while shipper demand did not show the breadth It did yesterday order buyers took quite a few of the good light butcher weights early In the forenoon. They paid prices that ranged from steady to not over a nickel lower. Packer buyers were out for declines, a followed about the same plan of action as yesterday, doing nothing until nearly if o clock, wnen witn snipping orders urai . ty well filled they began offering figures that were around mc lower, no such de clines were reported from other markets early and for a while sellers refuted to consider these offers seriously. They were unable to get buyers to raise their hands a great desj though, and when later wires from other markets reporting slumps of 10c or more began coining In movement finally eta ted on a mostly 10c lower basts. Kvea then there wag no life to the mar ket, and while no further weakness of consequence hsd developed up to a late hour, hooD found quite a few hogs still In first hands, Packers were still trying to buy anything desirable, and It looked at though everything, except possibly some of the commonest stuff, would be cleaned up. In spots packer hogs were not celled over a nickel lower, but ae a general thing bulk of the offerings., outside the bogs which shippers bought at nearly steady figures, sold mostly 10c lower. Bulk landed at $14.36014.60,-with a sprinkling of com mon hogs under that, and a number of sales were made at thetop, 14.70. Today decline puts prices back to Just about where they were Tuesday. Representative sales: No. Av. an. Pr, No. Av. In. r. 36. .198 ... 14 4 70. .318 60 14 01 71. .101 ... 14 4 92. .391 14 70 SheepThere was just a fair run of lambs here for a Thursday, total receipts being thirty-seven cars, or about 8.180 head. For the four days supplies have been 34,841 head, being 4,400 short of laat week and 2,000 smaller than two weeks ago, but 2.(00 larger than for the correpaondlnf days last year. Actual offerings were even more moderate than receipt figures show, as ten cars of those reported In were going through and topped only to feed. There wan a weaklah tone to the trade all around the circuit, tcttial declines being reported at some tnts, but while local packers took thMr time about filling orders, and the, market Was more or lets draggy all through, values held fully ateady, and In one or two spots smalt gains were noted. Most of the de sirable handy westerns took 14.SOti4.76, while $14.40 bought a pretty weighty kind, tltxrd Mexican and westerns, whose great eat attraction was extremely light weights, brought $14.90, equaling the record made je.itertlay, while mates of the Mexicans that brought $14.86 yesterday reached $14.16, a new high point. Otd sheep were nominally steady, not enough being offered to nuke' much of a market. Some good ewes that brought IU.76 were the only ones of consequence here. Shearing and feeding stock was sn tlrety lacking. Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lambs, tight and handy, $1 4.26 1 1 4.90; lambs, heavy, $13,76 J4.tJ0; lambs, clipped,, $11,60 $13.60; lamps, shearing. $13.6014.60; year tings, good to choice, $11.40fl3.16i year Hugs, fair to good, $11,60412.60; wethers, fatr to choice. 110.60OJ3.36; ewes, good to choice. I1I.4VO12-09; ewes, fair to good. $10.004$!. 40; ewes, plain to cutis, $7.00(1 1,60. Representative sales; ' - Av. Prt 401 fed lambs is 14 TO 200 Nebraska shearing lambs.,. 70 14 60 ITS fed lambs 64 $14 90 :0 fed lambs 79 14 46 .33 Nebraska sharing lambs.,.. S 14 8.1 9 fed lambs ,. 93 11 40 .tit fed ewea ..10$ 11 76 NEW YORK STOCKS Dealings Fairly Broad, But Individual Offerings Are Lighter. U. S. STEEL HOLDS PLACE New York, March 22. The more Irregular tendencies manifested by today's market were traceable to additional eelllrjlt for profits, an Increase of operations fur th short account and a diminution or public Interest. DeallngH were again fairly broad. but Individual ofreringa were In lighter vol ume, exett In the more popular Issu. United States Steel held lis accustomed place as leader, fluctuating on an enormous turnover between HSU And 1186, and clos ing at 1164, a nt loss of t of a point. Helhlehem n(el yielded no email part c. their recent gains, the old nhren falling 7fj lo 1414 end the new 8s to IMS, w"h one to almost three points in allied industries. Motors reflected constant pressure, with equipments and metals, declines tn th groups rangtnff from 1 to 8 points, with 1 to 2 for some utilities. Ohio Gas r-rovd the striking exception In th latter division coring an extreme gain of points at uzt en relatively large trading. Ralls were roused from their apathy In the lattnr part of the session. Canadian Pa cific hnaded the advance at a gross gain of U to l3li, with two for Its subsidiary. 'Hoo," and 1 tp I In R"adlng, Norfolk A Western and, a few of the southern and southwestern Issues, Among the mlseellaneous stocks move ments were more than ordinarily restricted with few Changes In prices. Mat liters' He- eurlllea, however, yielding 2'i Points on ine reaucuon or me iiviinrt from a n to per cent annual baa a. Total sales. 900.000 snares. No reflection of the ehanalna condition in tne European situation was seen In thi for'isn exchanao market, although ruhir and llres reacted slightly, with more firm ness in rates on orniny and Austria. The ly interesting featurea In in Hunk nt England statement were those Iteina shnwinv a mwierme aam in duijjoii noidinga and a strengthening of liability reserve. ine nonu market was feature eits. with nominal dealings tn tho international a-muti Domestic Issues were lnclind to shade. Total salea, par value, $2.860,Ofl, Untied Statca uoupons ia aavanren 4 per ennt on sail. nuniwr i saics ana quotftiions on ead lug stocks: H1a Ul.l, t r- Ant. Rent Sugar... 9.1 ' 91 ri 8,100 42 47 14 47H 1,400 67 fi7"i fi-tfc 4.000 74 'i 7ZJ 7.1 J.CDO 10614 Uii, 106 U TOO 112 11I4 Ill'I 300 IJ!7. t27i I"7i2 700 ;i "If Am. fan Am. far F'ndry Am. I,ooo Am, H umll. A Rof. Am, Huiiar Kef.,, Am. TH. a Tet,., nm, ,. 1,. flu H , $9. .174 ... 14 3 7A..323 160 14 46 70. .Ill 40 14 66 72. .244 ... 14 61 , CHICAGO 1JVB STOCK MARKET. Tattle, Weak Hogs. H'eaki Sheep, Chicago. March 23 Cattle Receipts, ,000 head; market weak; native beef cat K $9.204I2,6; stockers and feeders, $6.76 19.86; cows and heifers, $6.60910.79; lve, $10.(0016.36. Hogs. Receipts, $4,000 head: market .reek, 10c to 16o under yesterday's average; "ilk of sales, $14.86f16.06; light, $14.2049 14.16; mixed. $14.60916.06; heavy, $14,460 16.06; rough, $14.46914.69; pigs, $10,600 14.00. Hheep and Lambs Receipts. 14.000 head; market strong; wethera, $11. 30 12.40; ewes, I9.OOOI8.36; lambs. $1.2I?H.8&. Meui City Lire Stewk Market. Sioux nty, la., alarch 31 Cat He Re ceipts. 3,600 head: market steady; killers, lOo lower; beef steers, $10,60 18.00; butch ers. $9.00010.60; fat cows and h If era, $7.00 910.60; canners, $1,4009.60; gtockera and feeders. $1.6409.60: calves, $7.0O9.60; feeding cows and heifers, $6.6008.60, Hogs -Receipt, f,60 head;' market IO190 higher; light, I14.l(frl4.45: mixed, I4.4O4T14.0 heavy, $14.40014-79; PUs. $19.6001404; bulk of sales, $14.40014,60. She and Lambs Receipts, 60 head: market steady; yearlings, $11.40 0 19.00; wethers, tll.O0t7t2.tO; ewes,' I10.00OH.60: lambs, lll.09OH.60. t St. esetth Uxm Stewk Mark. St. Joseph, March 22. Cattle Receipts. S.600 head; market strong; steers, $8,000 12.90; cows and heifers, $6.(0011,26; calves, 1.00O14.26. Hogs Receipts, V.90 head; market slow it 6ri9c lower; top, 114.96; bulk of sale. I14.40OU.86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,606 head: -market steady; lambs, $7.00 014. 90; ewes. fll.OOflLOS, ... , Oil and Keela. Ravgnnab, Oa., Warch 1$. Turpentine firm, 42c; sales. 611 bbls.; receipts, none; shipments, none; stock. ,71 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 14T bbls.: receipts, none; shipments, none: stock, 71.406 bbls.; ituoletlons: A. R C, 7, K. $6.3606.36; F. $3.44; H. T, K. 11. $6,66; N, $6.76; WO, WW, $6.$ft 7 800 .7? ,7i), i; ir,;ii 4. sun ,5 2,100 tD 4IN 6I f."!1!'"?" 1 'M Tt.lllwln Loco....; ,,7no- r,8 fifli; rjHtJ ir(Miir. nnp. Tran R. (Ic fl, Crtppr. , , Cnl. Pftrolf uin. . . r.n. Puinr Central Lcalh.r., c. o c, ti. m. v... , . J. ,v . r.. n. 1 p bc. .7on 37 v. rhino Conpfr I. .110 TiKTi ''nlo, r. A r...... 7.KH0 flau Turn Prod. H.f. ... S.700 !H -rurini. Ht.ri ::,.ano 7H4 H,H 1fl hlMHl.r'. Km ooo 523 ,S5 lis Srl" .SO0 2 S 23 Ocn"r,1 Hlactrlo : . u;" O. No. pM cno 11414 J14V. 11 4 y ?,' 91'- 4-" 3 4 IIMnol. Onlr.l.... 100 loj'i 103 1HJ1, .-nK,in, Lurptr ja.iuu itz, Int. Hurv.rt.r.... 400 117 .. ..I. ,Mtl. ell.. OU.ulM, K. t. Houth.rn.... l.oo Kunnm-ott Copp.r. 32,200 ij. A n 0.900 2.100 . . . . .... nil! 7'4 37 tt'J 52 J UK -In M.x. Ptrolrum. , . Copp.r Ml.ftnurt lnrtflo... Montana Pow.r. . National Lrad N.vada Copp.r.... v.. i;nirai 2(4 331, 1 4'4 41 1,900 3014 1.700 2.S00 f.HOO 001, 01 H 117 1I7U 1!4 3 I'-S 2'4 4114 U .... 120 !i'4 21 30 30 U .... 100 6844 691, 97 J 98 46 U 44 Weatern 8,300 lanti 129U 129 Pacific,, 1,300 106 1044, 104 11....... 4,200 2i 2i 24 01 lZ null ai-i Y.. K. M. AH 1 KAA iiiT a , J Via Norfolk A Weatern 8300 lanti 12914 129V Northern Pacific Ma Pacific T. A T... Pennsylvania . ... Riiy Con. Copper, Reading ., Rn. I. A S Shattuck Arlx. Cop, noMinern Rain S'Udebaker Co Texas CotTiMBV, union Pacific ' $,oofl 1 1,600 644 64 4.900 12,600 86 200 38 ti 5SU, 29 64 28H sa2 3814 2HU "lU rifle. , 4,100 96 U ftu 061 Hway. 11,700 : 38U 284 o 3,6(10 10.1U 101 U JO! ii sny..,. 400 229U 229 228 1 8.000 140U 1"1S Hi i;iau U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 8,400 124H 126U B. f 8t"l 23.400 H8 lieu nej JT. 8. Steel pfd.... 1.200 i2 118 118 Utah Copper...... 11,700 1142 11 14 jij Wabash nfd "R" SfiA ttil mtl Weatern ITnlon.... 600 t74 87 sZ Westing. JDIectrlc, 1.100 684 1 S 63 Totftl sates for the day, 990.000 shares. V . Naw York Money Market. KeW Tork. March 15. Vrn,iu n... 4044 per eent. StertlnST Bxohanea Klvlv.rf. v.111. 14.714; commercial slxty-dny bills on banks, $4,714: commercial sixty-day bltls, $4,714; demand. $4,76 8-18; cables. (4.76 7-14. Biiver ar, 1340; Slexlcan dollars. 664c. Bonds Govern men t, firm; railroad, easy. Time Loans Steadv- iltiv ind nn,u days, 14 034 per cent; six months, S0 4 per cent. Call Money Stedyt high, 24 per cent; rutins; mte, 24 per cent; last loan, 24 per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at 11 par ans. U. ..., r-... JI..K.t. l.t 4. 7I(, do coupon. ... J4. p. 10V1. 0....10J U. H. 3. r,.. .100U Mont. PoVer Ca. liou do coupon 10014 X. T. C. !. m.ioin V. 8. 4., rr...lOT N. T. O. 44....1071; do oounnn 10, v.w n.M a. ,n, Am. ,..,100 No. Pao. 4...'...' 33U Amr.-rrcnch G..103 do 3a r.ti Atch. an. 4..., imn, .8 I,, ref. 4a. OS'S B. 4k O. 4a Itu P T A r.m ,nn,T nth. St. r(. I..looup,nn. oon.' 4'a'.jor,3 nt, Pao. lit,,, OOU do nan. 4V4a..l0lU !..R.I.P. r.f. 4a. 7jij8o. Hy, Sa tlni 3 p. B. o. o. 4. 20U do ev. 4. ,s3 rl. jan. 4 itiV. 8. Ruhnar la. 102(4 DM. Clae. aa.,,101 U. 8. 5a...lo2 pt. No. l.t 4U. BJ, Union 44,.. ,n I. C. r.f. la.... l Dnm. of C, 1131. 17(4 K. C. 8o. rf. ,. I, "Bid. " U A -N. un. 4a. (4 ftt. Io.l. Un RUKk Markat. calpta, 1,100 mark.t ataady: natlva h.t alaara, I7.40OH.00; y.arltn. ala.ra and halfara, It. 10011. 73 oowa. III.31D10 00' KnrV.r. m nA , . . " , - .vD... .D.vnViv.vui prime aoutnarn beat ataora, I8.00OU.00; barf cowa v...... prime y.arilnff atoar. and h'Kfra, 17,10010.00; natlva calvaa, f6.00OI4.40. Hoira Bacolpta. ll.toO haad; markat lower; llihta, Ill.ttoll.OO; plan. ,ooo 12.25; mlard and butcher., tu.oOOlB.IB; ood heavy. I11.044J1S.16; bulk of aalaa, l 1 A afr ISIS market atrong; lambs. $12.00016,40; ewes! Dai 111. .... 11 tt.BIAaaa. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo March 22. Cattle Re eelpts. $.600 head; market higher, active; prime fi l steers. $11.764912.60: dreaaed hf steers, $9.60n.60; western stevTS. $9.009 12.00; cows, $6.60010.26; heifers, $6,000 11,26; stockers and feeders, $7.76010.16; bulls. $7.60019.00; calves, $8.60911.60. Hogs Receipts, 9,600 head: market lower; bulk of sates, $14,40016.90; heavy. fii.svfriit.vo; packers and butchers. $14.60 O1M0; light, $14.33014.16; pigs, $10,000 Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,409 head: market steady; lambs. $11.60016-00; year. tings, is.oucri3.s5t wetnera, $u.60Ol2.6Q; wts. $10.60012.26. Cattail Market. New Tork, March 22. Cotton Futures. opened steady; May, 18.1&o: July, 18.80c; uoiooer, is.jbc; December, 18.40c; January, l$.43c. Cotton futures closed steadv: II a v. 1l.6tc: July, 19.61c; October, 18.60c; December, 18.16c; January, 18.16a, Spot, quiet; mid dling, 19.06c. The cotton market closed steady at a net decline of. 16 to $4 points. Liverpool, March 22, fotton Snot. steady; good middling, 12.66d; middling. iz.ia: low middling, bulk of sales. 6,009 bales. Lite Stock U Sight. Receipts of live stock yesterday at the five principal western markets: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. St. Louis Chicago , . . mi Kansas City . Omaha Sioux City 8.600 , 2,800 12.600 1,100 , T.000 14.000 14.000 . 1,609 9,609 2,490 8.109 13,609 9.690 1.800 400 ,400 76.009 17,800 Tots IS . Evaporated Apples aad Dried Frulta. New Tork, March 88. Evaporated Apples Finn; choice, 940e; prime, 709e. Dried Fruits Prunes, quiet but firm; Call fernlaa. S4O104c; Oregon, 9 O10H, Apricot, steady : extra choice, 1 9 4 O 20c ; fancy. 194c. Peaches, steady; choice, 94c: extra choice, Hn; fancy, 9 he. Rata) nit, nuiet; choice to fancy, 9b69e; scedlejs, UiU'jt; JuaoUoa lftc'J i.6 GRAIN AND PRODUCE! Cash Grain Situation Strong, but Small Receipts Make Trade Quiet. WHEAT DEMAND IS ACTIVE Omaha, March 22, 19)6. The cash grain situation was very strong today, hut the local trade continued iuit on account of the extremely light recjlpt Tho demand, however, for wheat wan only moderately active, but there was rii cellrnt demand for corn and oata, and both of these cereals sold at record prices. Wheat prices were quoted at a rather small ad vance, the hulk of the samples selling from lc to 2c above yesterdays market The better grades of wheat were In fairly good demand at the prevailing prices, but the poorer samples sold very slowly and aove.ral traders were forced lo hdld over their samples. No. 2 hard wheat waaiuntcd at 81.93; No, 3 hard sold around 11,91 and $1,914, &nd one car of No. 2 mixed brought $1.90. Small Corn Hh I omenta, There was less than forty cars of corn received today, and as the demand for this cereal was very strong, most or ine comm slon men were entirely sold out before the close. The premium on white corn over the yellow was much narrower today and, as ti acneral thing, the commercial gradea of yellow and white sold for practically the same orlces. White corn ranged in price rrom i.u to $1.12; yellow sold from $1,104 to $1.12, and (he mixed ranged from $1.09 to tl.lO Clearances were: Wheat snd flour equal to 616.000 bushels; corn, 21.3,0011 bushels; oats. 206.000 bushels, Primary wheat receipts were fl.7,000 bush els and shipments 610, "00 bushels, against of $87,00(1 bushels Isst year, receipts of 1,278.000 bushels and shipments . 41 246 160 .236 6 . 31 29 13 .62 26 6 . 98 74 62 Primary corn receipts were 816.000 bush els and shipnint 462,000 bushels, against receipts of 760,000 bushels and shipments of 641.000 hufchels Isst year, Primary oats receipts were 774,000 bush els and shipments 4X2,000 bushels, against receipts of 644,000 bunhels and shipments of 816,000 bushels last year. Wheat. Corn, Oats. Chicago ... Minneapolis liuluth .... Omaha . . . . Kansas City St. Louis .. Winnipeg 262 Thesn aalea were renorted today Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 car, $1.93. No. 2 hard winter: 6 cars, $1.93. No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, $1,914: 1 $191; 1 car (smutty), $1.89. No. 4 hard winter: l car. 91.91. HanvDle nan. winter: l car, i.b. No, 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.90. Sample mixed: 1 car. $1.73, Rye-No, 2: 1 car, $1.64. No. 3: 2-S-car, $1,61. No. 4: 1 car, $1.61. Harley No. 4: 1 car, 91. ii; s cars, i.ia; 3 cars. $1.10; 1 car, $1.08. . Corn No. 3 white: 2 cars, II. 12; I car, 11.11. No. 3 white: 1 car. $1.12; 1 car (shippers' weights. I1.11M,; 2 , $1114 Xo. 2 yellow: 2 cars. $1.12. No. 3 yellow; 1 car (shlppera1 weights), $1,104. No. 4 vellow: 1 car. $1,104. No. 2 mljred: 1 car. $1.10. No. 3 mixed : l car tenip oers' weights). $1.11; 3 cars, $1,104: 1 car (shippers- weignts;, fi.iv; i car, ei.iw; car, $1,094. mo. 4 mixed : j. car, si.xu; 1 car, $1.094. Oats No. 3 White: B cars, 0c; 1 car, 604c. No. 4 white: 1 car, 604c; 2 cars, 60c. Sample wnlte: 1 car is nippers weights), 04c; 1 car (shippers' weights), 40c; 3 cars, 40c; 1 car, 694c. Omaha cash rrices: wneai: i z nara. $1.92f'1.93; No. Shard, 1 1.;9fl'1.91 4 I No. 4 hard, $1.8401.91. Corn: No. 2 white, $1.11 OI. 12: No. 3 white, II. llOl-ilH; "0.1 white, $1.10401.114; No. 6 white, $1,104 Ol.ll; No. 6 white, ii.iofpi.iu; no. a yellow, $1.1101.13; No. 3 yollow, $1,104. OI.104; No. 4 yellow, i. ici?i. iu; no. 0 yellow, $1.09401-104: No- yHow, $1,094 CI. 10; No. 2 mixed, $1.104OMn; no. 3 mixed. $1 09401-104; No. 4 mixed, $1,994 01. 10; No. & mixed, $1.0901.094 ; No. 6 mixed, $1.0901. 00 4. Oats: 6101 ttc: standard, 604 081c; No. 3 whtte. 604 O 804c: No. 4 white, flO604c. Barley: Malt ing, $1.1401-20; No. 1 feed, $1.0601.18. Rye: No. 2, $1. 620166; NO. 8, 91.6101.64. Omaha Futures Market. Local Rango of options Art. I Open. High. Low. Close. YeT whtTT May 1 81 Ti 1 844 2St 1 844 l"2tt July 1 MS 1 634 1614 1 634 162 Sept 1 394 1 294 1384 1 394 134 Corn. ' May 1 984 1 094 1094 1 094 1AH 1 July 1 074 I 974 1174 1 074 1074 Sept 1 04 1 044 104 1 044;104 , Oats. Msy 64 69 $9 694 194 ' July 644 (6 644 96 644 Sept I 47 f 4)Tft 47 1 474l Ckloago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan at Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Art. Open. High. 1 Low. Close.' Yes. Wht. j I J I May 1 844 1 964 18344 1 94 1414 July 1 66 1 674 1664 1 664 1664 Sept. 1 43ft 1 444 1424 1 444 143U Corn. May 1 10'4 1 12 110i 1 15Vi 110 July 1 094 1 104 109H 1 104 1094 Sept, 1 01. 1 084 1074 1 084 10744 Oats. May 6f B4 &H &$V4 69 884 July &64 974 $6 664 664 Pork. May 94 00 34 30 38 66 84 30 34 10 July 33 00 33 60 32 96 38 46 33 30 Lard. May 19 60 19 76 19 42 1 73 19 67 July 19 60 19 76 19 43 19 76 19 67 Rtbs. May 17 83 18 01 17 7? 18 02 IT 87 July 17 87 16 12 IT 93 19 12 17 97 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, Wheat Opens Irregular, Rises All Round, Then Sags. Chicago. March 32. Assertions that a larga fleet of merchants steamships from Holland and elsewhere was on the way to the American seaboard helped to lift wheat prices today. The close was strong, lc to 24c net higher, with May at $i.94 01.864, and July, $1.67401-674. Corn gained 4u to 14c; oats, 40 to 140, and provisions 16c to 20c. Notwithstanding that the wheat mamet averaged higher and made a robust flntah, quotations during the day showed consid erable Irregularity, with the bulls scoring easily on advances but inclined to give support on any setback. At the outset bears seemed to have an art van lane owing 10 favorable crop reports from the southwest and because of assertions that rt serves of wheat In Great Britain were increasing. Later, however, domestic field .advice, especially from Nebraska and Kanaan, were of a pessimistic character and according to one authority tne outiooK in ten 01 tne largest producing counties In western and central Kansas .was exeremely bad. The chief stimulus for buyers mas found In notices that sa many as thirty vessels from Dutch and other Kuropean porta soon would be on this side of the Atlsntlo to receive cargoes. Announcements that the United States government was making Inquiries for flour nd had let -hardtack orders tended to Increase bullish sentiment regarding wheat There were also Indications that railway freight conditions were Improving eastward from Chicago. Fresh advances tn com resulted largely from bullish estimates of the yield tn Ar gentina. One expert ssld the total was so small that there would 1e no corn available there for shipment to other countries. Oats hardened with corn and wheat. Receipts were light Provisions rallied, owing to the strength of grain. Lower quotations on hogs had only a transleut depressing Influence, Cash Prices wheat: No. 1 red, nomi nal; No. S red, 11.114; No. 2 hard. ll.9F.Vi; No. 3 hard, nominal, corn: no. a yeiiow. 14401.1$: No. I yellow, $1.13401144; No. 4 yellow, $1.104 1.13. Oats: No. 3 hits, 410924c; standard, fl iff 63 4c. Rye: No. 2. $1.60, Barley: $1.0601-34. Seeds: Timothy, $37606.76: clover, $13.00018.00. Provisions: Pork, $8439; lard, 1.?S1.86; rtbs, $17.60 0 18.12. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Higher: receipts, 14,721 cases; firsts. 2740 27H: ordinary firsts. 36 4 0 37u; at mark oases Included, 360814c. Potatoes Unchanged; receipts, IB cars. Poultry Alive, unchanged. . City General Market. - Kansas City, March 12. Wheat No. 2 hard,, $1.9602.92: No. I red, 1,940L99; it ay. 91.84: Juiy, i.m. Com no. I mixec, 41.iT4y1.n4t n. x whtte, $1.1701-17. N- yellow, 91. ISO 1.144; May, $1.1001.10; July, $t.0O Oats No. 3 white, 914094; no. I mixed. 620430. St Louis General Market. ' Louis, March 92. Wheat No. 3 red. $3,034: No, 3 hard, $1.9; May, $l.$6; July, 91.64. , Vrn N 0. 2. 61 . 1 fi 1 1 i ; No. S white. l.; May. $1.12.41 July $l.ftsi- NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Bay Various Leading; Commodities, New York, March 22. Wheat Spot, firm; No. 2 hard, $2,144; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $2,36 4; NO. 1 northern, Manitoba, $2,23 4, f. o. b. New York. Klour Firm. Corn Spot, ftrm; No. 2 yellow, $1.26, c. I. f., New York. Oats Spot, steady. Hay Steady; No, 1 nominal; No. 2. $1.10 31.16; No. 3. $1.06; shipping, 90cO$1.00. Hops Steady; state, common to choice, 1910, 36 43c; 1616, 7ft 9c; Pacific coast, 1918. 114j13c; 1916, 8&9c. Hides Quiet; Bogota, 4tc; Central Amer ica, 43c. Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 67c; sec ondft, 66c. Provisions Pork, atrong; mens, 136.00 86. .0; family, $38.00040.00; short clears, $37.00039.00. Beef, firm; mess, $26.00 ft 26.00; family, $27.0028.00. Lard, strong: middle west, $30,20420.40. Tallow Firmer; city. 13c, nominal; coun try. izt9l2ic; special, 1240. Butter Steady; receipts. 2,739 tubs; creamery, higher than extras. AfyZic creamery extras )92 scon), 41 4c; ftrats, 3S'i&41c; seconds, 354ifr38c. Kggss Irregular; receipts, 7,787 cases; fresh gathered extra Urals, 294c; firsts, 28 4&29c; atale Pennsylvania nd nearby western, 34c. Cheese Irregular; receipts, 3,021 boxes: state, held specials, 270274c; atatc, aver age fancy, 264027c. Poultry Alive, weak; chickens, 23c; fowls. 24c; turkeys, 2fn. Drewfrnd, tlrm; i chickens, 18029c; fowls, 174 & 24c; tur- 1 keys, 18 034c. j quarter, $31.00032.60, Iron, steady and un changed; tin, strong; spot, $66.60066.60. At London : Spot copper 136; futures. 136, 10a; electrolytic, 161; spot tin, (213: futures. f212. Lead 30, 10s. Spelter, 47. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, March 22. Wheat May, $1,864; July, $t.804. Caah: No. 1 hard. $2.02402.044 ; No. 1 northern, $1,92 4 o 1.98 4; No. 2 northern. $1,904 18 4. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.12 4 01.14 4. Oats No. 3 white, 6940604c. Flaxseed $2. S4i 02. 92V Flour Unchanged. Barley 9Sc4j$1. 26. Rye $1,696-1.60. Bran $34.50(30.00. PHOTOPLAYS. PHOTOPLAYS. firm: Huga Market, New Tork. March 23. Sugar Ra' centrifugal, 6,L'9c; molasses, 4.32c, RuAned, steady; granulated, 7j7.I.Oc. Futures M-cre firm and active early today on covering and buying by teadlnz Cuban Interests, as well as aomo support from outside source. At noon prices wore 4 to 8 points higher. New York, March 22. Closed steady and unchang"! to 8 points higher. Kales. It, 000 ton. May, 4.G7c; July, 4.73c; September, 4.78l-. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. AMUSEMENTS, Coffee Market. New York, March 22. A further ad vance met considerable realizing tn the market for coffee futures here today and was mostly lost tn the late trading. The opening was 7 to 10 points higher and ac tive months sold 9 to 14 points above lant night's closing figures during the middle of the day, with July touching 8.05c and December, B,4"c. Buying by wall street houses was believed to bo partly for Kuro pean account and there was a further scat tering demand which wns attributed lo the more optimistic view of peace prospects. Trade, interests were sellers latnr on In creased estimates of the Brazilisn crop, following recent rain, with December selling off to 8.29c, The market closed 1 to 3 points net higher. Rales were 44.000 bags. March, 7.76c; April, 7.79c; Mny, 7. S3; June, 7.90c; July, 7.9Rc; Aujruat, 8.05c; Septem ber, 8.12c; October. 8.17c; November, 8.22c; December, 8.!8c; January, 8.34c; February. 8.40c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7a, 94c; Santos 4s, 10c. No freah offers were reported In the cost and freight market from Santos, but Rio ffers were more plentiful with 7s here at ,90c, London credits. The official cables reported no clianae In the Rio market, with Santos 100 re Is higher for spots and 76 to 100 rels higher for futures. Rio cleared 6,000 bags for New York. Medal Market. New York, March 22 Mel at Lead. quiet, 94o aaked. Spelter firm; spot Eni Louis delivery, 10 4 104c. Conner. quiet: electrolytic spot and nearby nominal; second quarter. $33.00036.00 nominal; third GRAND OPERA Boyd Theatre, Mch. 27-28 Boston National Grand Opera Co. Orchutra f SO Choru. .f 80 International Star. TUESDAY EVE- "TOSCA", Zanatallo. Baklanoff, Lazzarl, Moran. zonl. Conductor. WEDNESDAY MAT, "IRIS" Mliira, Klttay, Chalmcra, Moranzonl Conductor. WEDNESDAY EVE.. "BOHEME" Tayt Martin, Marr, Mardon.. Gu.rrl.ri, Conductor. 5ata Now at Box Offlcat Orchaatra 3.O0, $4.00, tS.OO. Balcony S1.50, 2.00, $3.00, ft.OO. UllaryAII aoata t.OO. The Official British Government Pictures of Ar. R.allj Taken on lb. B.ttl. Front, and in th Tr.nch... Nothinf "Fakad." Many hare lo.t thair liva. in tha taking of th.m, for historical purpoaei. They are ahown in thi. country to raiae money for de serving war relief funds. See the Next Installment Sunday, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday At The EMPRESS Showings at other theaters announced later. Distributed by the General Film Company. BRANDEIS JOHN E. KELLERD, Charlaa B. Hanford and Georflana Wilaon. in Shakaapaaraan Rapartolre. Tonight, "The Merchant of Venice;" Saturday Matinee, "Hamleti" Saturday, "Macbeth." The Eminent Actor As.iated by Comin, "HIT-THE-TRAIL HOLLIDAY." "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Dally Mats. 1S-2S-SOC Evui'gs. IS.2S"50-7Se LAST TIMES TODAY J; cHiZ . "SPORTING WIDOWS" SSS Tomorrow (Saturday) Metises sag Week Fred Irwin'. BIO SHOW Mlt ffitJJV LADIES- DIME MATIHEt WEEK DAYS Mj t L. A I RERAN SO N and ' lllUll ll I ST ZENOSaN ZENO IX ! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY y KRAMER A ROSS J, 1 VIVIAN MARTIN X VAN PERRE A VAN PERRE J X GLADYS HUELETTE, in Q "THE WAX MODEL 9 "POTS AND PANS PEGGIE" O A Serio.Comic Tale .1 an Arti.f. Model LECTURES First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Omaha Announce. ' Two Free Public Lectures on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE By Clarence W. Chadwick, C. S. B., of Omaha, member of the Board of Lectureship of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE, ST. MARY'S AVE AND 24TH ST. Thursday and Friday Er.nings, March 22 and 23., 1917, at 8 O clock. You Are Cordially Invited $100,000,000 Government of the French Republic Dated April 1, 1917. rico-Fear 5'z Secured Loan Convertible Gold Notes Interest Payable April 1 and October 1 Principal and Interest Payable at the Office of J. P. Morgan A Company. Due April 1, 1919 Coupon Notes in Denominations of $1,000, $8,000 and $10,000 Convertible at par upon notic, at the option of the holder, at any time before maturity, into twenty-year S bonds of the Gorern. ment of the French Republic, payable April 1, 1937, and not subject to prior redemption. Principal and interest of the note., and of th bonds into which tbey may be converted, are to be payable without deduction for French taxes, present or future, in New York City in United States gold coin. Principal and interest of the notes are also to be payable at the option of th holder, in Paris in francs at the fixed exchange rat of fcs. 5.75 to th dollar, without deduction for French taxes. In connection with the provision for optional collection in Francs, it may be noted that this feature amounts to a call on French,' exchanges for two year at a rate of Fcs. 5.75( this being about ten per cent below mint parity, Fcs. 5.18?s, at or near which figure change ruled prior to th disorganization of foreign market, brought about by the war.' Such additional profit from the exchange feature as may accrue to the holders of these note, will involve no increased interest cost to the promissor, but will be consequent upon uch improvement in trade and exchange conditions as may occur d uring the coming two years. The notes are to be secured by pledge with Central Trust Company of New York, of securities approved by J. P. Morgan and Company, valued in th aggregate at not less than $120,000,000, of which approximately $20,000,000 in value is to consist of securities of American corporations and municipalities (including securities of th Canadian Pacific Railway Company), and the remainder is to consist of obligations (either direct or through guaranty), of the following governmental Argentine, Uruguay, Braxll (funding loan), Switiarland, Holland, Spain, Egypt, Province of Quebec, Denmark, Norway and Sweden (including certain bond, of mortgage bank in the last three countries, operated under government supervision, and quoted customarily on a parity with the obligations of their re. spectiv governments)) also bonds of the Stat of Barn, Switzerland'; bonds of the city of Stockholm, Sweden, and bonds and shares of Spanish railway companies, and of th Suaz Canal Company. Provision is to be made in the pledge agreement for the maintenance of the 20 margin; for temporary lodgment of cash pending th arrival and deposit of all the collateral; for tha holding by depositaries in Franca of such coupons from th pledged securities as matur prior to April 1, 1919; for th sal of collateral and purchase of not with th proceeds; for proportionate withdrawals of col lateral as notes are converted; and for substitution, of collateral approved by J. P. Morgan and Company, th amount of America collateral, however, not to b r.duced through any such substitution. This offering is made subject to th approval by our counsel of the necessary formalities WE OFFER THE ABOVE NOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTION AT 99 AND INTEREST, YIELDING SLIGHTLY OVER 6 Subscription book, will b opened at th offie of J. P. Morgan and Company at 10 o'clock A. M., Thursday, March 22, 1917, ad will b closed at 10 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, March 28, 1917, or earlier in their discretion. Th right is reserved to reject any and all applications, and also, in any event, to award a smaller amount than applied for. Amounts due en allotments will be payable at the office of J. P. Morgan and Company, in New York funds, to their order, and th dkt of payment will be given in the notices of allotment. Temporary certificates will be delivered pending the engraving of the definitive notes. Application will be made to list the above notes on the New York Stock Exchange. . P. MORGAN AND COMPANY BROWN BROTHERS AND COMPANY FIRST NATIONAL BANK, New York City NATIONAL CITY COMPANY, New York City HARRIS TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, Chicago KIDDER, PEABODY AND COMPANY ' LEE, HIGGINSON AND COMPANY J. AND W.SELIGM AN AND COMPANY WM. A. READ AND COMPANY LAZARD FRERES W. P. BONBRIGHT AND COMPANY, Inc. KISSELL, KINNICUTT AND COMPANY WHITE, WELD AND COMPANY SPENCER TRASK AND COMPANY CHASE NATIONAL BANK, New York City NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, New York City GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, New York City CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK " FARMERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, New York City UNION TRUST COMPANY, New York City EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY, New York City COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY, Philadelphia UNION TRUST COMPANY, Pittsburgh MELLON NATIONAL BANK, Pittsburgh FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Cleveland FIRST AND OLD DETROIT NATIONAL BANK, Detroit MARINE NATIONAL BANK, Buffalo CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND SA VINGS BANK, Chicago CENTRAL TRVST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS, CWcogo HALSEY, STUART AND COMPANY, Chicago FIRST NATIONAL BANK, St. Paul MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY, St. Louis Dated March 19, 1917 .