Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1917, Image 2

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said, but the warlike acts of anoth
nation againit the United States
could bring the country into war. The
president, the cabinet and all official
Washington now believe that such
moment has come and that it has not
been of this country s choosing.
Calls tor all party leaders in con
gress to hurry back to Washington
went out immediately. Speaker Clark
is on his way Borne trom New Ur
leans and is expected here Friday.
democratic Leader Mtcin is
North Carolina, and Republican
Leader 'Mann is in Chicago.
At the caoitol these congressmen
already here agreed that granting of
Newspaper Men Gather Newi
for Kaiser from England by
Agents Send from Gotham,
New York. March 21. Albert O.
r . J I C t-- U Ur..nnanUi-n
oamwr .,.u "- emergency authority in some form
indicted as members of the central l j,. be firit ,,:. .;, oriraniia.
powers war film exchange on the tion of the house. Outside of allemer
charge of engaging in a military en- gency legislation the four failed sup
tcrprise and ,edig,pie., England '"L'S L&
to get information tor Oerman mill- which :,!,.,.. ,- leffisl.tion of vital
tary authorities today pleaded guilty. I importance to national defense, w.ill
They will be sentenced tomorrow, he pressed tor quicK enactment.
It was charged by the federal au- Other considerations at the extra
thorities that Sander and Wunnenberg include the shipping board
" " ..a r. . v,,.. n,rnn . si. amendments to enable the govern-
!:!.' ..mem to take over foreign ships build.
l-auis. an hichi,ii ucwuaui.a i . . .... . -, .... . .
.., F.l.nrf in the role of a sov ln American yaras ana aaamonai
and that Bacon received money from rejenue-raismg legislation.
Wunnenberg to pay his expenses, it I Question of Finances,
vu al eeed a so that tne conspira-i ti,. ..,..... . .
tori furnished Bacon with quantities na, authority to issue obligations of
iMvi.lhU nr "avmnathetic ' ink fori.,., ivii.j cx.-- . i- - t -
w. .-':" " : uic uuiica aiaica in ine lorm ui
use in communication between them. bon. or .oft term certificates of
Bacon, who was arrested in tng- indebtedness amounting to S574.0OO.-
land, was permitted to return here nm of thji toUi .bout S100.000.000
m testify aeainst Sander and Wun-
nenbere before the grand jury. This
led, it was said, to the two men plead
ing guilty.
(OmUum 7nm rara Oh.)
was authorized by congress to cover
expenses ot the Mexican situation,
the Alaskan railway and the govern.
I ment armor plate plant. About $70..
1 000.000 was to be used to build i
government nitrate plant and for the
use of the shipping board. Ut the
rest $150,000,000 is for use by thi
president in connection with anv
I emergency requiring expedition of
naval work. This leaves $254,000,000
on which there are no restrictions
which would be available just as soon
I as these necessary obligations were
issued. Secretary McAdoo was said
today not to have prepared to issue
fixed for the extra session April 16 ny bonds immediately, but when-
r-waa announced today. The presi- ever ne so determines tney can tie put
dent's mind finally was made up as on the market in short order.
the result of yesterday's cabinet would a simple matter for
meeting, at which practically a unsni- conr"" lAL ""''oni
mous Opinion wa. lexpressed that, " $574000,000 total .f the presi-
,.hil n.,ri nn tn nut the nation na wmaoo rccommcnucu
in a full state of armed neutrality
were going forward, congress which
alone has the war-making power
should be summoned, i ',
The president deliberated on the
question until late last night, and
early today made his decision. He
chose April 2, because he thought it
would be impossible for all members
of congress to reach Washington
(, (CoaMnml Tnm fui Oh.)
resources necessary to stand behind
the fleet.
Plans lor the army are not so.fully
Will Recite Ovart Acts.
, In his address at the opening of matured. It is believed, however; that
ine ,extra session me prcsioenc win resident Wilson will recqgnize the
recite , the overt acts committed possibility of the army participation
gaum me unucu aiaica ui wet- m ine war wnen ne addresses con.
many. ' gress by discussing the need of uni
The sentiment In congresa is an- versa! military trainimr. In a ten.
derstood to be overwhelmingly m tative way plans for marshalling the
favor of a declaration that, as a re- full strength of the regular army, the
suit of Germany's acta against the National Guard and the raising of a
United States, a state of war already volunteer army qf 500,000 men have
exists, , ; ' been worked out' in the Army War
j lie foremost overt act which couege. , '
brought the president to his decision I The volunteer army of 500,000
was the torpedoing without warning planned an a nucleus of . what
i of the American .merchantman Vigi- eventually would be an army of
lancia with the loss of fifteen jives, 3,000,000 and would be assembled ' in
some cn tnem Americans.. m i training camps. ,
) W1U Discuss Other Issues. Big Plants Art Ready.
The president has not made up his mobilizing of industrial re.
nroa-ram entirely for nretantatian n sources has gone much further. Hun
congress, but probably will also dis- dredt of great corporations, through
cuss universal military training. The the efforts of the council of national
. Navy department ia expected to call offense, have prepared themselves to
tor pnvateiy-owneav yachts and large " iun cmcicncv in me
mntnr hnata irtr irvim noainmt k. Ifense of the nation. '
marines. Tentative contracts for such Henry Ford, the Detroit automobile
craft have already been negotiated in manufacturer, has offered, and the
many cases. ; , government has. accepted, his great
It is known that up to noon yester- Pllnt ,0 b operated without profit
day President Wilson told close ad-' of ,n '-. Charles ' M.
visers he still was of an open mind Schwab ,has announced that hi Beth-
on tne question ot summoning eon- S""", "?,VV ,,u7 ier man
gress immediately, but that he leaned KruPP wl" usd entirely for the
toward awaiting the extra -session Bovernment. The United States Steel
tailed for April 16. 1 corporation and a hundred other great
At yesterday's cabinet meeting, "du?'"l organizations' have been
' however, several of the members went J)1"1 Plan 'or their participation,
to the White House determined to y".,,erdly. ,he PP interests
urge strongly on the president an im. notl"a government that they
mediate extra-eession, which .they be- K " ,uPl"y rmJr na navy with
, lieved was demanded by the country. I fh?lr v,ul "nppnes of copper at about
Tk... u:-. L .. . I half tha market nrir
iw i.uinci nicinucr wno navel .r i
been classed as pacifist or with pa- whc.n the president addresses con-
cifist leaning, it was said, offered no ne P"d to no into the
objections of weight, and the presi- ! of the situation very fully,
dent, without , giving any indication Prtcularly u i to how it affects the
oi nis decision, mere heard what i ' v. m unucu oiaiea.
every member of hia official family
u to Bay. , .( ;.
War Started bjr Germany.
May Ask Half Billion.
While it is not known how much
money President Wilson may sug
Officials and diplomats have openly " .iCZ'Hr TO. . mtf '
acknowledged that a atate of war be- i.M '.I" H.L'"
I. .v t,vw ,uab iiui icaa man
$500,000,000 should be granted at
tween the United States and Ger.
many has existed for some time, but
mai me situation oecarae most pro
nounced last bunday when three
once in case Var is declared. It is
not probable that legislation giving
American ships were destroyed hv such. ,um wouW '" "y op-
submarines in quick auccession and pn1?"- -A t . , .
)me American lives were lost. Uul,e "de .from " t"k of pro-
Pr.ctic.lly all the president's clos- ,T. "S '"Zl LTXMI.J'?!"
lllVftm mt nta nAm .an ftUl.l.L.. -J. , . .. .
a. Tli. r Y. "re" .lnc pr"ueni naa considered the
minds that Germany was actually con- broader question of the preservation
j lil war against tne un.teo states I of civilization, the distribution of
to bear against the United States tak- ZSZZZ. ST'rS
...g a further ,te towt d war were govVrned and anff.ctive league of
3 ihthris S,
t , acknowledged state of war between
peace is everywhere admitted as not
the two countries would sjlw" Mob. "o vVrXm.t.d
sMe of the At-
board is the building of a large stand-
...any an opportunity to carry its sub- On nf h. a..
tare to this side of the At. T "y".
This latter was somewhat of SS"?"??!. L " i?". I"'
marine warfare
a secondary consideration, because ti e " ? 1"' Du ,om
navy feels 7that it ia oreoared to mt L ne" 01 ,rau woaen. "fK0
that feature of the situa'ion.
It also
steamers to carry supplies through
is argued that having kept the countrv u!Dm!n ne. I he question
out of the war so far. tlie president "1 Pr:ipaiion ot an American army
would be reluctant to enter it nna.
when there are indications of develoo.
meuts in Europe which of themselves
promise to hasten the end of the con.
diet ... .. .,.... ,. ...... .-
on me European v oattletields - was
touched upon, it was understood, as
one of the possibilities of the future,
but not to be considered as a pros
pective step now. ,
Woman Who Killed Husband ;
Faints on the Witness Stand
Denver, Colo, March , 21. Un-
v, k, - Cabinet Unanimous.
, All these arguments were swept
aside, however, at yesterday's cabi
net meeting, when on the opinion
unanimous ever known in the presi- "erv(d bT the O"!'! of yesterday
dent's olficial family, it was decided ,f,ern00n nd today on the witness
mat oermanya acts of aggression stand, Mrs. Stella Newton Moore
ri?:i ? trial for the murder of her
to ronVti. .UT "of .r S Sm SrSScW terlod of
- " -' u uu uui urn me muraer when ahe broke dowa
ingress to dea with the question, completely, after miking' sensatilnal
, iiowcm vfnson, wnen ne asked I accusations against the dead man.
Mg,vM u auuivTuy xo arm Amen-1 , '
aui merchantmen, declared that he I T Cart a OoM la om Day
ead to war and that he was not con- ".w- O"1"'" tinr. u on uoh box, nc.
AdrtrtlMaML ,
Officials Believe Germany Will
Zxtend Operation! Against
' United Statei at Once.
Washington, March 21. With th
knowWdge that the United States
practically certain to declare a- atate
of war existing, many officials be-
lieve that Germany may begin war
like operations against the United
Statea in a fuller .sense.
Although The Hague convention
of 1907, to wliich both-the United
States and Germany are signatories,
declared that hostilities shall not be.
gin without formal notice to belliger
ents as well as neutrals, it is recoz
nized that The Hague treaties have
been ao ooenlv disregarded during
the war in Europe that rlo compli
ance with them may be expected with
any confidence. Before Ihe Hague
convention there was ample prece
dent for beginning of hostilities with.
out formal war declarations,
The precedents of history show
mat me grcac majority oi worm i
conflicts have been begun before for
mal declaration of war was made.
According to authorities on inter
national law a condition of war arises
in three waysi
First A declaration of war.
Second A proclamation or man!.
festo declaring that a state of war
Third Through the commission of
hostile acts of force.
One authority on international law
describing ways 'in which hostilities
may begin without formal declaration
says acts of force by way of repri
sals, or during a pacific blockade,- or
during an intervention, might be
forcibly resisted f hostilities
breaking out in this way."
When the word that the president
had summoned congress went through
the allied embassies tnis, morning
was received with acclamation. There
ia not a diplomat in the corps who
does not believe that it meana the en
try of the United States into the great
war, bringing tta wealth, its armed
forces, its great resources and
moral power to the side of the entente
allies in what they feel is their battle
for the preservation of civilization
and democracy.
.President Wilson s action today
was quickly followed by predictions
at the capitol that congress apeedily
wotild declare a atate of war existing.
Chairman flood of the house tor
eign affairs committee said he ex
pected congress would quickly pass
resolution declaring that a atate of
war exists and endorsing the prtsi
oent s course. -
Congresa Will Act Promptly,
Congress will declare that a atate
of war exists, will endorse the presi.
dent's stand and will make whatever
is are necessary to en.
able the president to carry forward
the War plans as quickly as possible
said Mr.' Flood.
"There probably will be an annrn.
ttriation of very Much more than the
$100,000,000 proposed in the armed
neutrality bill which passed the house
and tailed in the senate, there will
not be any material opposition to im'
mediate legislation along these lines.'
Senator Poindexter, republican, of
Washington said today that "congress
will pass quickly a law authorizing? a
...... - . .
limited war on uennan submarines.
"I expect congress, he aaid. to
take vigorous action immediately.'
May Open Porta to Allies.
It became known that1 yesterday's
camnet meeting, discussing what ac
tive steps the United States should
take after a declaration of war. con.
sidered the opening of American ports
to warships of the entente allies, the
opening ot the vast credits to the
allies tor their supplies and co-oper
ative action with the allied fleets in
clearing the submarines out of the
shipping lane and guarding the trans,
port to Europe.
A resolution to open all American
porta to the allied warships was in.
traduced in the last session bv Sena.
tor Saulsbury, president pro tempore
of the senate and a member of the
foreign relations committee. It was
sent to that committee and not dis
cussed at the time. Senator Sauls
bury, however, is known to have dis-
Will Make "Opera
History" in Omaha
March 22nd
Orchard &
Wilhelm Co.
She is here today,
tomorrow , or
day it is ' your
pleasure to hear
' her on the Victrola.
y Year . ;
For Liquor and
Drag Using
ia tin Stat of Nabraaka
Corner XSth and Cue St. Oaaaaa
Ktmovea permanently the eravnur tor
liqur and dnun. i
Always ImpnvM tha antral ktaltli.
Surroundine pleasant.
Na aaviM or slckntti of any kind eaawS
by tao tromtnAmt.
Da aot ao pmoadS that all trMtntnU
an alike. Oora ts the BMofeffeetin), as
u!rtr-aev roars at auonos ta treatt&f
tko drink kaMt roves tta efrieianey-.
writ, for litontaro or .
Fhoae Danglaa 1478,
Tako Harney car froaa ejthar depot
cussed it with prominent members of
the majority before he introduced it.
Military Training Bill.
Chairman Chamberlain of the sen
ate military affairs committee, who
was a White House caller today, said
he would reintroduce the universal
military training bill as soon as con
gress convenes. In the meantime he
will confer with Secretary Baker over
the form of the measure.
Senator Chamberlain did not know
whether a call for volunteers was
likely, but thought that congress
would be ready to take any steps
deemed necessary by the president.
Washington Paper ;
Suggests Norris Has
Way to Test Public
(From a Staff Carreapondent.)
Washington, March 21. (Special
Telegram.) Senator Norris expects
to leave on a short speech-making
tour of Nebraska on Thursday or Fri
His first speech in defense of his
position on armed neutrality will be
(made at the Auditorium at Lincoln on
Monday evening. It ywas stated by
Senator Norris' secretary that the re
quest made on Governor Neville for
special election on his recall has
been refused, and that the senator will
now devote the next two weeks in
explaining to his constituents why he
stayed in the ranks of the "wilful
twelve" as the president denominated
the tenators who participated in the
armed neutrality filibuster. 1
The Washington Times, discussing
editorially Senator Norris' request for
a special election, says among other
Senator Norris expressed wish not
to stay longer in the senate if he is
found to misrepresent hia. people' is
commendable. In the' absence of the
recall for federal officers, he proposes
an election to determine whether hr
ahflll remain in n na M I-J
senator ia really in earnest, he can
compel an election. Let him resign
his commission to the governor, as
Senator Bailey once did. only without
any string tied to the resignation, and
there will be a vacancy to be tilled.
Then he can test his acceptability with,
the people' of Nebraska by running for
the office gain. Senator!, Conkltn
and Piatt once resigned their offices
expecting the legislature of New York
to vindicate them by re-electing them.
The legislature disappointed them, it
is true.
But the people of Nebraska might
not disappoint Senator Norris.- The
plan is worth trying if Senator Norris
really wants to know how his people
teel about him. '
Panama Canal Is
Closely Guarded
' By United States
' Washington, March 21. Army offi
cers feel' no uneasiness as to the se
curity of the' Panama canal in the
present crisis, despite many pub-
lished reports mat the big waterway
is exposed to raiding parties intent
upon crippling it. It was said author
itatively at the War department to
day that the canal is regarded as the
most secure of the nation's outlying
possesions. '
German propaganda in Central and
South America has led to reports
that raiding parties might attempt to
dynamite the locks or other working
sections of the canal, ft was-
serted that every inch of the locks
and power plants is under constant
patrol and no opportunity lor such
damage exists.
All white employes in the zone arc
American citizens. The governor
has power to deport any suspicious
persons without formality of trial,
and there, has been no hesitation in
exercising that power. .
' Bombs dropped from airplanes
could have little effect upon the mas.
sive concrete and steel structures of
the canal, even if the aircraft escaped
the guns of the garrison.
Senator Lewis, the. democratic
whip, said at the White House today
he believed Congress should pass a
resolution reciting acts of aggression
by Germany and giving the president,
as commander-in-chief of the army
and navy, full authority to defend the
rights and interests of the United
States. I ' .
i A declaration that a state of war
exists, the senator said, would have
some disadvantages because of in
terference in the commercial rela
tionship with foreign nations.
Senator Lewis declared he believed
congress would be practically united
behind thr president.
, Will CommanCeer Few Ships.
The extent to which the navy may
commandeer merchant shipping was
indicated today inMhis statement by
the shipping board: I
"Chairman Denman of the shipping
board stated that while he could not.
give accurate details Of the naval pro
gram for commandeering merchant
tonnage, he could assure the shipping
public that the program is not exten
sive and will create no considerable
disturbance in overseas commerce. It
is not in the mind of the Navy de
partment at the present time to com
mandeer any vessels engaged in the
carriage of general cargoes to for
eign countries.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Fourth Victim of Poisoned
Home Canned Greens Dies
Boise, Idaho, Mar,ch 21. Claude
Richards, aged 22, member of the
Richards family of Carey, poisoned
last week by eating home-canned
greens, died this morning. He is
the fourth victim to succumb, his
mother and two1 sisters having died
Sunday and Monday. . The father,
Samuel P. Richards, may recover.
Wife Murder ud ailcM..
Chicago, March 11. Charlea E. Navln
died today of a bullet, wound laflloted by
htmaelf attar ahootlna ud kllltns hia wife.
Jeaiouey la auppoaed to have cauaed the
tragedy. Nevlo waa 40 yaara old, hia wtfa 3D.
0ERHAPS you expect to
leave your property to
certain persons. But suppose
some of these should not sur
vive you? Have you provided
in your will for such a happen
ing? ..: '.
We might point out other
important things you may
have overlooked, t Talk it over
with us.
-. V6px7as6ioriCn(frbr':lt6mpn
. 1 6ttabtMe) MO ,
Women's Frocks Reveal Tbemsclvw;
In All the Radiance of a New Season.
Each costume has been selected because of"
some individual, touch of newness and style.
Our buyers' years of experience and discrim
inating taste in dress are at your command
when choosing Thonrpson-Belden Dresses and
Gowns.- Beauty of design 'and goodness of
workmanship characterise our'entire display.
$25 to $95, New Cotton Dresses for Summer
wear, $7.50 to $25,
) I
Attractive House
. Dix Dresses for Spring
. Styles for house and porch,
wear, well made,, of new, pleas
ing materials. Priced,' $1.65,
$2.50 to $4.50. t
New Aprons for Spring
v Housecleaning
Distinctive styles, from 49c up
ward. Thompson, Belden House Ap
parel ia better,, but costs no
more. Baumant,
Fresh Stocks of '
AU Kinds of Beads
Cut steel beads, sizes 3, 7, 8,
9. Gold and large variety of
eolored beads. New stamping
patterns for beaded work al
so ready.
Orders takajt for all
kind, of stamping.
Art Needlework, Third Floor
Separate Skirts
For Occasions
Whatever the demand
inay be, we have prepared .
for that particular contin
gency. New Silk Skirts,
Plaid Skirts, Striped ek,
fects and the latest Baron
ette. White, Satin Skirts.
Every model fashionable
and distinctive.,
Prices, $9.50 to $45. i
The Blouse Shop
Wherein a Wealth
of New Fashions
Await Your Viewing ,
Second Floor.
SEB tK new modal Brtato.- Wg,'
powtrful looking eat. It will main mi
. Mr, This Brian aatteftea ray Ideals,'
Building h enrinrf In oar own new fatoruw
allowed us to make tha prlot $68J,
ALARObH motet, additional equipment
tut inleh make a cat value, wa feU
iwvm equalled before. Tv bta factor!,
and an airpananea elatliM from the Mftnnlnsj
Of tha Imluatrf enables Mr. Brlseoa to gtv at)
sucti tor so litm. -
nUAStNO ettwtgtt. In uphetwtrf, unusual
JrUg leoia, atT'ta-iinaantatuI controls, aw
eestlBHIlT of averf working pan make
this a eat that till rout awry dealt. .
. ' Foahier Bros. & Dutton,
2056 Faraam St. . ' Donglae 6187.
Additional Sleeping Gar
Service for Passengers
' 'to' -Cheyenne,
Sail Francisco.
, Los Angeles
and Portland
Effective Saturday, March 24th, kill- '
( man twelve-section drawing room sleep
ing car, Omaha to Cheyenne, will be
added to present equipment of Train No.
19 Pacific' Limited, leaving Omaha
12 :40 midnight. ... . , . , j
Car will be ready for occupancy at
Omaha Union Station at 9 :30 Pi M., per
mitting passengers to retire at a reason
able hour. Passengers for points west of
Cheyenne transfer into through cars
ne;rt morning without leaving train.
Onion Pacific
5 Daily Trains to CaSiforiii
2 Daily Trains to Pacific Northwest
3 Daily Trains to Colorado
i For travel literature and further train
- service information, apply to
: City Paai.n(r Agent. . ,
iSU Faraam, Omaha, Nab. Pho.. D.ltf 4M.
ttanplatinfrwar itself.
Nothing, he
im nam m