' THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH 22. 1917. . , . . FOR RENT HOUSES I MOVING AND STORAflF. Ireai rwAir iuDDnvrnUf I . . ' " 3 ROOMS, all'modertt except heat; new decorated: In dandy shape; on paved ireei; ,i per -month, see TKAVE BROTHERS. Ill First National Bank snog, uoogia. esss, HOUSES la all narta of the eltr. CRBIOH. SONS CO.. .08 Baa Bldf. FOR RENTFURNISHED Apartment!. BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern 4-room apt For t montha from April 1. Rant rsaaonabla. Boa- 303., Bee. ifESIRABLE furnlstied and unfurnlahed apartments. All alxea and ptloea. aplen dld location. 241b and Farnam. P. 1473 I Houses. VERT completely furntahed homo In aplen did location. Phono Harney 4210. 101 So. san. FOR COLORED. !IOt SEWARD ST. (-room furnlahed home. Call Web. 401. - FOR RENT-. APARTMENTS West. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. S-r., with 6-r. accommodation. In the NtfiW MILTON, 1964 Jones. I bUilt-1 bedi, wall nafes, garbage incinerator! 137.50 iummr, $-.2.50 winter. 3-r., with s-iv accommodations, DEWEY, 3301 Dewey; NEW; has 8 built-in beds: rood location: I3& lummer, 340 winter. I-r, with S-r. accommodations. NEW MAT PAIR, 3222 Howard; 8 butlt-ln beds; very choice; las.HJ summer, 833.60 winter. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 161 Har.. Ty. 60. Choice 6 -room apt, 33 .'"and 'Pacific beautiful living room with fireplace, large aimng room, x bea rooms, bath la k itch in outside roons, very choice; good location. on car line. .zi.ilent janitor service; ISO year round. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGC'T. pABTINOH ft HEY DEN, 161 Har, Ty. ST. CLAIRE. J 8-room furnished apt., 34th and Harney. -uan narney bit. VERY CHOICE 6-room it gam -boated apart ment on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROB BINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. South. S-R. flat, good location, 1315V, S. 29th St. -ttenc eze. water paid. wen. aits. North. l-R.. .CLOSE IN, 607 N. 21st, modern except furnace; walking distance; $21.60, reasonable rent. . OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY, HASTINGS & HEY DEN. 1814 Har., Ty. 60. 6-R., 1918 EMMET, good location, mod. ex. , furnace, water paid; only 413; snap for domeorje. HASTINGS A HEYDEN,. 1614 Har., Ty. 60. SEVEN-ROOM, steam-heated, 135; near postotflce. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. 6-ROOM apartment, all modern, steam heal. , 2006 No. 26th St Phone Web. 1902. Miscellaneous. ' f-R. BEAUTIFUL FLAT, close in. 209 Pax ton Court, between 25th Ave. and 26th Douglas and Farnam; NEW; gas range, refrigerator, window shades and curtain i ; rods all furnished; very choice; 136. 6-r.- In good location, -1806 Emmet, Kountze Place; large porch and yard; ' gas range furnished; very choice; $27.60. 6-r., 2827 Davenport, BUNGALOW flat vacant April 4; nearly new. stucco; very goon; 6-r., 1303 S. 27th; NEW; sleeping porch or sun parlor; nicely decorated; don't fall to aea thla: 130. 9-r.. 1717-21 Park Ave., across from Hanscom Park; new eak floors, electrlo nxturea, ana large porcn: vsv. SRKD FOR OUR WEEKLY PRINTED LIST. OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AGENCY. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 16.14 Har., Ty. 60. THE LAFAYETTE, 17th Ave. and Jackson Apt. ll, 6 rooms and ttle bath, newly decorated, $30 and 136, Apt. 31, 4 rooms and tile bath, east exposure; good condl tlon, 638.60 and $11. Here you have no carfare. ' t , THE PORTLAND, Park Ave. and Leav enworth 'Apt. No. 16, 4 rooms and tile bath, newly decorated; -very desirable; easy walking distance. $35 flat rate. THE WESTMINSTER, 29th and Mason 8 ' rooms and bath, newly decorated throughout: spotlessly clean really a bar gain at $26 summer and $35 winter. THE PEORIA, 1109 S. 10th St. 5 rooms and bath, second floor, east expo . sure. Ready April 1. Very reasonable at $30 summer and 36 winter. PAYNE & SLATER CO. (Realtors) 616 Omaha Nat. Bldg. Phone Doug. 1018. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, RENTAL HEADQUARTERS FOKOMAHA. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. NEW building for Ughtl rtianufacturlng or auto repair plant. Leavenworth St.; one floor, 8,000 square feet, with heating plant, $60.00. E. H. Bepner, Ramge Blk. Douglas B4O0. NEW modern stores on Leavenworth, be tween 24th and 26th Sts.; $30 to $50. JOHN W. ROBBJNS, 1802 FARNAM ST. MODERN store. 16th St., near postoffice, $76 month. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. MODERN STORES AND OFFICES IN FAR- nam Bldg. First Trust Co. D. 1161. 47 IS 8. 24th,- hear P. O., $86.00. E. H, Benner Co., Ramge Blk. D. - 8406. RESTAURANT with fixtures; gas stoves, stools, at 107 South 15th Street, i Offices and Desk Room. OFFICES. Single and en suite. In a central location. BROWN BLDG., Room 407. Douglas 1628, DESIRABLE office rooms In the remodeled Crounse block, 119 N. 16th St., opposite postoince. flu to 116 per month. Conrad Young, 822 Brandels Theater. Doug. 1571. OFFICE room suitable for dentist; reason able rent. 16th and Howard. Doug. 162. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg. 17th and Douglas. McCague Inv. Co. Garages and Barns. GARAGE for two machines; good drive-up, 3641 South 26th St. Red 1881. AUTO garage and large, rm. 2026 Davenport. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and HouscT WE muat hava more houses to rent. wa have practically rented every house , on our list and we have hundreds of clients waning and looking for good rental property, call us for particulars, OMAHA'S LARGEST RENTAL AG'CY. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Ha.-. Ty 60, WE want more houses and apartments to . rent. The fact that we hava practically cleaned out our big list 1s conclusive proofL vi lam siuciency oi our rental service, lr yotr want to keep your places rented see Payne Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental wen." bib urn. Wat. Blc Bldg. Doug. 1016. WANTED to rent striqtly modern five-room Douse or cottage, located in Dundee, Mil ler Park district or Hanscom park. Gar age If possible. No children. Will make satisfactory lease If property satisfactory. A strata. Dn ) 1 CE Tl- y Miscellaneous. LANDLORDS. ATTENTION. wa will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within 30 days If on the South Side and tn a tenable condition, or pay you a months rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO., INCORPORATED, CAPITAL. $26,000. 4926 & $4th St. Phone South 1247. MOVING AND STORAGE , GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov- . Ing. 219 N. 11th St. Phone Douglas 3!M. FIDELITY altiwi- FREE Phone Douglas 88 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Csrcful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage. Office at Raymond Furniture Co., 1513 and 1615 Howard St. Phone Doug. 5524. i FIREPROOF WAKKHOl'SE. , Separate locked rooms for household goods and. pianos: moving; packing and shipping. - OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 802 So. 16th St. Douglas 4163, J, P PF.l?n Kxpresu Co. Moving, k J, XVrjJLU PKrfcin,, an(1 borage. . 07 fa mom St. Woo. 2748. Doug, 6146. I . I -- mmm ab r S b S1V.S IVVJ r.lj rV." Ml. " I U I K IMIlWKSmi I. Al LWI A TI I aae-w.n-a I Globe Van and Storage Co. For real servlea In moving, parking and tfrtng. rail Tyler 230 or Duuglss 4338. Maggard- Van and two men, 11.2. per hour. Van and Storsg, Co.. Moving, Packing, Storage and Shipping. Phone Ioug. 14,6. TWIN CITY KXFRESS CO., 1521 Caw ST Douglaa 1717. Trunk, stored a specialty. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. SOMETHING EXTRA 'FIELD, CLUB HOME On of the finest semi -bungalows, com bination brick and frame. In the choice riem ciuo district; seven rooms, beauti fully decorated) has all the built-in fea tures. Including fireplace, bookcases, buf- lei. rrencn doors, beamed ceilings, mir rored doors, etc; finished In oak and I white enamel on second floor; oak floors throughout; full brick foundation; high, , iimn uawmrni; iruu oeiiar. laundry, etc. Dandy garage, built like the house; large lot, with splendid shade trees and shrub bery; 3H blocks to (jar. Pries for quick mi oniy ?o,juu, ror appointment call. OSBOHNB REALTY CO., 01-3 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 06. RICH GARDEN LOTS - $1 down and only B0o a week pays for a rirn garaen lot only two blocks from Leavenworth St. carllne, on 6t)th St. Prices $260 to $3 CO. No Interest or taxes nr two yoars. Get plat and jrtce list at our o litre. Lots all staked and tagged. Go out today. N. P. Dodge & Co.. Harney at 15th. 346-7-1 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 60. THE FEBRUARY SCORE, of Paid Classified compared with 1916 THE BEE gained 1967 lines THE NEWS gained ,....770 lints THE WORLD-HERALD LOST. .14 lines Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent' audit bureau. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT $200 DOWN AND $25 A MONTH. 7-room strictly modern home; located near 40th and Cuming; full basement; furnace heat; south front; bargain figure. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 637 Omaha Nal'l. Bk. Bldg. D. 1781. HARNEY ST., $13,000" vvun i&-rt. iron tare on Harney: around worth $9,000, with double brick flats rent ing ror 61,080 a year. This Is property -Hi pars us way ana in una ror tn. crease in value. GLOVER & SPAIN (Realtors Douglas 1962. 919-20 City National. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT New 7-r sleeping porch, oak and birch flnlsh; bullet and bookcases, beam cell Ing, double npora, mirror doors, floored attic; best material and workmanship throughout: south front, close to ear. elosa ui. wsi nuy in umana. WRIGHT A LAS BURY. D. 162. WEST Farnam home, S rooms, modern: most oe sold immediately. For prices and terms, apply to H. Fischer, Trustee. Doug. ifB. nn nrst Nat. Bang Bldg. FOR SALE Must sell modern Lome; steep' Ing porch and garage. In vicinity of Crelghton 'university. Terms. Telephone narney soie. ROOM HOUSE, big front porch, balcony. cnicken houso; two lots, all fenced; one block to car, two blocks to school. Call uoirax iocs. North. 2111 SPENCER ST. SIX ROOMS,' $3,650 We have one of the best buv fit tt.ountzo far addition. Owner la chang ing his line of work and wants to leave Omaha shortly. Considering this, he has put a price on his all modern house. ouiii aoout years; lot &uxu feet; l1 blocks from street car. Just a short dis tance from both publlo and Catholic schools. See us at ones about this placs. ' HIATT COMPANY,1 46-7-3 Omaha Nat. Tyler 60. $100.00 CASH. $18.00 PiiR MONTH. Buys you a dandy 6 -room, two-story house at 4717 N. 4i!d St., that Is nearly new. Buy on these easy payments and you will be able to sell out In a few years for mora than you paid for this house and lot Fontenelle Park, Central Park school, stores and car are within one block of this house. Buy now and get out oi paying rent. CREIGH. SONS it COMPANY. ... Douglas 200. Realtors. 608 Bee Bldg. SOMETHING DIFFERENT Most Complete Home on North Side Seven rooms; oak and walnut finish oak floors throughout; breakfaatroom; two fireplaces, bookcases, ehlna cabinets. buffet, bullt-ln kitchen cupboards, clothes cnute, linen closet, etc.; base tub, pedes tal lavatory; laundry tubs; choice south front lot; within a few blocks of Lothrop scnooi, sacrea Heart church, university of Omaha, Kountze park; one block to the 24th St cars. Price, $5,760. When can you see it? OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701-3 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496. Emmet, Near 24th, 6 Rooms, $3,000 Completely modern and In good condt. tlon. Well arranged good-sized rooms Fifty-foot lot. Payed street, A very de sirable property at a low price, Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 338 Rose Bldg. . NIFTY BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, 6-room bungalow; lot aflxi&i; near Prospect Hill; only 1 block to car; reasonable. Price $3,200. . , ( BIG 4 REALTY CO.,.- 1016-1016 W. Q. W. Building. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, finished tn oak. Located at '3923 N. 26th St. Price $3,150. Terms. Will take small cottage In trade. NORRIS A NORRIS, 400-Bec Bldg. Phone Douglas 4279. $5.00 DOWN. $5.00 PER MO, Wtu start you In as the owner of one of our nne lots just west of Fort Omaha. Prices only $126 to $250. Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne B 1 dg. South. FOR SALE by owner, 3 acres, good house, an Kin as or iruit. walnut 2047. Miscellaneous. SPECIAL VALUES. New 9-r. strictly modern home, oak flnlsh, full basement nice corner lot I paved streets, 1 block to car high, sightly oca t ion, tn Bern Is park district. An un usual value at $3,860. Best terms. Another home bargain you can't beat: A CURTAIN MONEY-MAKER. Triple frame flats, about 27 rooms In all, modern except furnace, on ;ar line, paving paid, close In, good locations for rooming, boarding or housekeeping apart ments or rented separately; receipts, $126 to $160 per week. Owner asks $7,600 for property and furnishings complete, or will sell separately and on any reasonable terms, or take good property In part ex change.' This muat be sold at once. You'll gel a real bargain In this. M'KTTRTCK R. E. CO. (REALTORS), 316 Ramge Bldg. D. 100. Tyler 2140-J. YOUNG man. Is "Homeward Bound" your slogan? You win Jhs girl, we'll help you win a home. INTKRSTATE REALTY CO., tC9-$0 City Nat. Dour, 8862. . .. ww..-e.. I niinuMlBll, lYiLLMLAL. NEW WALKING DISTANCE HOME. Clan? J.r. bungalow, oak finish, hand eomely decorated, strictly modern 40-ft lot; paring paid, Prica only IS.IS0. Terms to cult. RASP BROS . 1 Keellne Bldg. Tyler til. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW Stucco construction, large light room. Oak floora, oak and enamel flnleh. Price $3. 801. Easy terms. Another now build Ing for S3.5. Call' Douglaa 17: daya ., ,u. i.aa ..Blunge. bV bungalow, also $-r. and gardening, your terms and price; lt.v. with $400 rent 3 houses cost $3,500). $3,600. D. 2107 5-ROOM house for sale, to be moved; ror Information see Traver Bros. ti$ First Nat. Bank Bldg. D. (jSII. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and lnaur anco, 441 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 8017. . WORLD REALTY CO.. Su"MT.V?!,.':r- R. 8. TRUMBULL, II World-Herald Bldg. D. 1754. REAL ESTATE B'tiew Pr'pty H. A. WOLF. Realtor. Ware Blk. In downtown buslnesa property. REAL .ESTATE Investments INVESTMENT A 4-flat brick building located near 81st and Davenport Bts. t years old. rent Ing for $1,600 per year. Each tenant fur nishes own heat Coma to office and see plans; don't disturb tenants. Price $13,600. Pays about I por cent on In vestment. C. G. CARLBERG (Realtor) 310-311 Brandels Theater Bldg. 7 GUARANTEED YOU On your money In any amount by HOME BUILDERS, Inc., 11.11 Share.. Omaha. THB FEBRUARY SCORE of PaM Classified compared with lilt: THE BBS gained 1,1(7 lines THE NEWS gained 770 llnea THE WORLD-HERALD LOST.. 11 lines rigurea oomplled by warfleld Adv. Agcy.. an Independent audit bureau. - APARTMENT. $76,000, In oomo 12 per cent; one year old; very fins location; mortgage $26,000 and will aooept $20,000 In trade; bal ance cash or negotiable payers. CALKINS A CO., Douglas 131$. City Nat. Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKBY A SON, REALTORS, 620 First National Bank Bldg. , REAL ESTATE To Eichang. FOR SALE or trade, 640 acres, Brown Co., Neb., $0 acres broke, $12.60 per acre; mortgage $1,000. Owner will trade for 20, 40 acres, close In. 388 Brandels Bldg, Paal Sydon. Phone Douglaa 8711. SIX-ROOM bungalow ; hot water heat ; paved street; near Hanscom Park, $2,800, Be quick If you wish this bargain. G. p. stebbins. WB have some good homes and rental prop- emva ior r.o. or iowa ianj. Kdwara F. Williams Co., Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved Weit TWO acres, vacant, thrss blocks north of Country club. City water, cement side walks. i,sb(J, 6250 cash, $10 per mo. Will build house on this and sell on terms. ULAKK HEALTT CO., DOUg. 1999. WB bar I good lots near 36th and Ci forma, in oathedal district Price right f. v. was a. no bj. mm Ht THB FEBRUARY SCORE of Paid Classified compared with 191$ THB BSD gained $.967 lines THB NEWS gained 770 lines THB WORLD HERALD LOST.. 14 llnea Figures oomplled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an Independent audit bureau. North. AFTER looking at MINNA LTJSA 300 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the best proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. IF YOU will corns tout today you will understand why the others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. T4I Omaha Nat. Bang: Bldg. Tyler 117. ACRES, partly Improved, north part of city. H. Mobrlng, 3204 Webster St. Doug. 1084. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Acre tract In Lavfndale Addt- Uon; two block, from car line; cash or easy terms. Address Box 2062, Bee. BEAUTIFUL ' ot lots. tic 1120, only sz casn ana pu cents per wee.. Doug 3392. FARMS, acreage and Dundee property speoiaity. sk akjun lewis. 406 Bea. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 312 ACRES WEST OF BENSON Has a new 4-room bungalow, good well. chicken house and barn. Richest garden oil In Douglas county. Prloe $3,700; $260 cash, balance monthly. Call Tyler 60 and ask ror Mr. Reed. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, (Realtors) 1 1614 Harney Street. Dundee. DUNDEE HOME AND INVESTMENT Double house In Dundee, one block from 60th and Underwood, arranged for two families; live In one flat and rent the other; the best buy In the best part of Dundee. Price reduced for quick sale to 92,360; $600 cash will handle, reason' able terms on balance. N. P. Dodge & Co., 15th and Harney. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. Well located lots on easy terms. Mod ern, attractive homes. Before buying oe sura ana see GEORGE & CO.. DUNDEE homes and homesltes. Shuler Cary, 204 Keellne Bldg. Persistence Is the Cardinal Virtue in Advertising. South Side.. VACANT PROPERTY SOUTH OMAHA LAND, At 48th and N Sts.. In South Omshn we have an estate to, offer at reduced prices, on easy terms, the following: I lots together,,, $ 260.00 s jois .ogetner 1,000.00 7 lots together 1,300.00 t lots together,. 1,360.00 N. P. DODGE & CO., Douglas $29. 'Harney at 16th, SOUTH OMAHA ACRES A ore lots In South Omaha, at 44th and Madison: $26 down and $10 a month; prices $400 lo $600; each traot equal to five big c.ty lots; lots all staked. See; mem today. P. Dodge & Cp., Harney at loth. HOME8EEKBRS. ATTENTION. On a small cash payment wa will buv the lot you select, built a horns after your own plans and you can pay for lt on small monthly payments, without eitra Interest SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITA!- MS.OnA. 4926 So. 24th St. 1 Phone South 1247. MEDIUM PRICED HOMES On the South Side, on full sited lots. ranging from $1,600 to $3,000 In different localities, with all rlty Improvements near schools and churches;. can bo bought from us on a small cash payment. tsiium UIHAHA JIN VESTMENT CO. 4926 80. 84th St. Phona South 1247, SEE these garden tracts, ISSxl-l' for $47,' 1 iio.oo down. $7.8rt per mo. One block car une una pavea utraet. Shuler Cary, 204 Keellne Bi.lg. Phone 6074. ' LIST your s7irvage iniDrovstt with -'us We hsve buyers and exchanges for them. t.Vl KK-HTATB REALTY CO., 929-SO City National. Doug. $$$, REAL ESTATE WANTED THE FEBRUARY flroniii of Paid Classified compared with 1916: THE BEE gained ,97 lines THE NKW8 gained 770 lineal THE WORLD-HERALD LOST. . 14 line rigures compnea by warfleld Adv. Agcy.. an independent audit bureau. WANTKID 4, ft ami ..room houses that can be sold lor 1100 cnah. balance lift per month; send oomplet. description first teller. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1810 Fnrnam. Tel. Doug. 1064. LIST your 6 and 6 -room houses with us. WE 8BLL THKM. OSBORNE REALTY CO., Doug. 1474. FINANCIAL IF YOU HAVE $500 YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE DOUBLE ITSELF FOR YOU IN THREE YEARS, ANSWEK THIS AD. and tell ua where to And you. No money? Don't answer. We're busy. Box 1157. Bee. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City I ari. rK. Miag. Real Estate, Lont and Mortgages, CITY and farm loans promptly made. Rates e. 6 "4 and 9 per oent Reasonable com mission. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th, Omaha, Nob. City and Farm Loans 6, 6 1 and 6 per cent. Also first mort gages on farms and Omaha real estate for I sale. J. H. Dumont & Co., 416-18 Keellne I Bldg., 17th and Harney. 5 PER CENT to $ per cent on best elms, city residences in amounts $,ooo up; also I farm loans. Reasonable commission. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1822 Fame m St DT(i ETHTl? REALTY CO., REAL ESTATE I BIU tUVK FARMS AND CITY. 1014 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 416. MOS'fc'Y to lean on Improved farms and ranches. We also buy good farm mort- gages. Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha. SHOFEN CO., PRIVA.TE MONEY. 12,000 MTOK., bearing fiu pot. seml-snnual, secured by property valued at 112.300. Tal- madge-Loomla Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. I 512 CITV LOANS. GARVIN BROS., Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. 512 MONEY HARRISON A MORTON, Olfi Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES, EAST NEB, FARMS. O KEEFB B. B. CO., 101S Omaha Nat. FARM and city loans, 6-6 and 6 per cent. I W. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1048. CITY and farm loans, lowest' rates. E. H. LOUGEEj Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg, $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, wead Bldg., 18tft and Farnam Sts. LOW RATES. C. O. CARLBERG, 312 Bran- aeis Tneater mag. v. 6s s. Stocks and Bonds. WB offer for sale at bargain prices: 10 pfd. and com. Commonwealth mortgage, 100 Coffotone, 6 Price Cereal, 200 Rainy I Mall Ex. We pay spot cash for any se- I , rurttles or value, wm. H, Wood ft Co,, I 637-8-9 Andruii Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn, j Miscellaneous. GALLAGHER & NELSON Represent prompt pay Insurance com- I pan ua. 644 Brandels H wig., 'Omaha, Neb. Abstracts of Title. Kerr Title, Uuarantee and Abstract Co., 80b 8. 17th St.. .round floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. . REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abatract of- flos in Nebraska. 200 Brandel. Theater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. RAISE, ALFALFA In FLORIDA (Natal nay tnis winter. First cutting, 90 days; $50 and $90 annually on $60 land. 026 Psxton Blk., Walnut 2667 (evenings). Iowa Lands. WILL sell at a sacrlflc 12 acres adjoining STEZ'iiJ! SSfi Michigan Lands. FOR SALE CLOVER-LAND FARMS, Grains thrive. Drouth, hall unknown. Root crops, dairying, gracing. Ideal. Fine roads, market; 143 growing days. Aver-J age killing 'frosts October 2, Terms eaayJ George Rowell, jr 22 Bacon Blk., Mar- quette, Mich. Montana Lands. 161) ACRES, Improved; adapted to almost any purpose: mati and city school routes: good terms. Add, D. Austlllo, Three Fnrttsi Mnnt 1 Missouri Lands. SMALL, FERTILE MISSOURI FARM. TOTAL INVESTMENT ONLY $26. Payable 62.60 Monthly. Without Interest. Highly productive land, capable In In stances of producing $100 to $500 per acre in fruits, vegetables, etc. Within throe miles of good town and railroad; close to three ulg markets, uil seeolni out In a dosen places throughout our , tract; ieaa rouna pure nougu to run into ouuets; otner valuable minerals In evi dence, well known and successful Kan sas City geologist predicts oil will be found In paying quantities In our district For every one thousand acres sold Ten 'i nousand Dollars will bo deposited Kansas City's largest National Bank. every cent to be used In drilling a deep test well for oil, gas and minora Is. The well and everything discovered will be owned exclusively by the small farm pur chasers. We will be repaid by Increase In value of our remaining lands. One of these small farms means a home and a competence forv you. Discovery of an oil pooi may mean a fortune, our land been Inspected and accepted by several states, under their Blue . Sky Laws. Send today for photographs, full Informa tion and letters from 36 well plessed pur chasers,' who have made a careful per sonal Inspection, and our bank references Willis R. Munger, H 129. N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas ;uy, aio. SMALL MO. Farm $10 cash and $6 month ly; no interest or taxes; highly productive land; close to 3 big markets, ' Wrlre fori jiiiuiusrntiiis aim iuii iniormauon. Munger, A-119 ,V. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Nebraska Lands. THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Classified compared with 1916; THB BEE gained 8967 lines THB NEWS gained..1 770 Hi THB WORLD-HERALD LOST. .14 Hnee Figures compiled by Warfleld Adv. Agcy,, an Independent audit buresu. CHOICK 160-acre Gage county farm, Im- proved; 120 acres under plow, one 1 mnes rrom town and school. ARCHER REALTY CO., 50 Brapdels Bldg. SMALL Nebraska farms on easy paymonts j t acres up. we rarm tne larm we sell you. Tlw Huhgerford Potato Grow rs' As sociation, 16th and Howard Sts., Omaha. Douglas 1371.. WHT land made dry enough for crops or no pay is our way of draining land. No tract tow large or too wet. Guarantee uramage uo unman a, Neb. FOR SALE Best large body high grade meaium pncea land in Nebraska; very mtia money required, u Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. EAHT central Neb., 60 acres, nlxhlv Im. proved farm, close to town, snap, terms, possession hi once. a. 0, ana R. a. Mont gomery. Texas Lands. SEE me for Texas lands. W. 8. FRANK, 201 Neville Blk. Wisconsin Lands. SNAP with personal property for Imme diate possession; nearly perfect forty-acre farm: level; clay loam; nil cleared; 1 miles Centurla, Polk Co., Wis., $4,340 takes vuryiningj aooui si.duo flown Baker, I --ii, 01. .ro.x sans, wis. to f Gardenland Sale On March 22A we will begin the .ale of a tract of garden land lying between 56th and 62d and between Q and L streets. This tract has been otuied for years by one of Nebraska's oldest families. They have asked us to offer it for sale at reasonable prices and on very reasonable terms, mall payment down and small weekly or monthly payments. The 1 land has been subdivided into small lots so that the party selecting garden tract may determine foi himself the size necessary to suit his plans. You will find a price 1 list at bur office at 56th and Q streets. It will be a pleasure to show you over this large tract of ground. We do not hesitate recommend its purchase by parties who desire to use it for garden purposes or poultry- raising. We prefer not to sell it to out-of-town parties who desire to buy purely for speculative purposes. We are using our best efforts to make it convenient for parties to attend the sale. You may take the street ear from any part of the city and trans fer to the West Q street car; get off at 43d and Q streets. Our salesmerj will meet you there and take you to the1 sales ground or you may take the Ralston or Pt- pillion interurban car and get off at 56th and Q steets, the southeast corner of this garden land. H. H. HARPER & CO., Phones Douglas 2596 or South 2446. AUTOMOBILES OPENING We are opening a Used Car Sales room at 110-12 s. 17th St., and will carry a full line of 1st model ears, but will specialise In used Fords. Every oar sold under a "money back If you are not satisfied auarantee." Hera are a few of our bargains in Fords; 1916 Touring, dandy shape $160 1910 Roadster, electrlo starter 246 1914 Touring, dandy buy 210 1914 Touring, cheap at 300 Sea us If you want a reaular barcaln In a used ear. If wo haven't what you want on our floor, let us know your reeds and wa will fill them. AUTO SALVAGE & EXCHANGE, 110-U S. 17th St. J WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. USED CAR DEPT. Douglas 829. l 2047-49 Farnam Tourtna can and roadsters of Over and. tudebaker, Maxwell, Ford, Oakland, Mitchell, BulcV and Hudson makes. TKRMH IF DESIRED. Prompt attention given to all interested pui-utr town ouyers. THE FEBRUARY SCORE. of Paid Classified compared with 1916 THE BEE gained $967 linos THE NEWS gained 770 lines THIS WUHLD-H ERALD lost... 14 lines Figures complied bv Warfleld Adv. Agcy., an independent audit bureau. 1914 CHALMERS 36 A bargain If taken at once. Marlon Automobile Co.. Council muns, is. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE" 2209 Farnam St. Douglaa $310. Light Six Paige ... Ford touring $6.00 $200 $480 ,.$376 Briscoe touring Bulck touring . .. . . . 316 S. 24TH ST. CRO88TOWN OAHAUi: V. 4442. 1914 Paige touring, eleotrlc lights and starter, 1 tires and rime; just over- nauieo. aoia ror cnarges, 9215. FOR sale, cheap for cash, late model five- passenger car. Will take Ford In part payment, call after 6 n. m. 1426 S. sixteenth St. WE will trade you a new Ford for your 01a one, INDUSTRIAL OARAGE CO !0th and Hsrney. Douglas 6261. C W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. Used Car Dept. 3216-1$ Farnam St, Douglas 168. Almost any make at reasonable prices. 1916 FORD, looks' like new-, rflns like new Is almost new. Pries $800, Call at 1619 Howard St. TELL A BINKLEY. Auto repairing; expert mechanics. A ailS Harnt St. D. 1640. 2 IN,1 VUL CO., 1616 Davenport St. 60 Per Cent Saved on Year Tire Expense. BERTSCHY "Kan-FIx-It." Southeast cor ner 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 2662. CASH FOR YOUR USED CARS. AUTO EXCHAKGE, 2107 FAHNAM. D. 6086. Wanted. WANTED Ford roadster from private fern uy, iv.B-je-if monei, ror aoout; 9100 cash. AaoTtws .isci. tAwson, Kennara, neo., a, F. D. 1, care Chris Jensen. Autsv Livery and Garages. WHITE CALPB garage, 722 S. 27th, sue onanursi m.o ercmn uearner uarage; day ana nigm storage; repairs and supplies. A chance to please you Is what ws ask. EXPERT auto repairing, "service ear a'l ways ready." Jmaha: Garage, 2010 Har ney St. Tyler 666, Auto Repairing and Painting. $100 reward for magneto we can't repair. cons repaired, Bayedorfer. 210 N. Iltth. I NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service, and prices nam. zis a, lvtn, u, 7310. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY-DAV1DSON MOTORCYCLESTBarT gains in used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle jrian," S708 Leavenworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Horns so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our waaon will call, rail and inspect our new home. 110-1112-1114 JJFHlgS OI. ETTA STUROE8S, massage, electrlo Turk ish baths, manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. HO 6 Hsrney, Open evenings and Sunday, MECHANoTHERA"PY treatments: MUs Heiioran, 382-2 Neville block, 16tb and Harney. MISS EDNA, sclentlflo massage, 228 Ne- vllle Blk. Open evenings and Sundays. LUELLA WEBSTER, mssiaga and maol- cunng, bib raxton Blk. Red 2400. MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseune and hatha, 20$ Karbsch Blk. Red 2727. ALL Right Private Maternity Horns, 3011 Aiia mi ai. Webster 3908. SCIENTIFIC massage, 620 Bes Bldg, Phone MISS LILLY, bath, masnage. SS3 Farnam VIOLET RAT treatment. 4ai Bee Bldg. Manicuring and mass." 1621 FarnaRTlV n. TAnnv. PILKS, FI6TLL.' CURED. Dr. B. R. Tarry oures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op. ration. Cur. guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book ou reg ie! disease, with t.sllmonl.U, UR. B. B. TARRY. 210 Be. Bldg. WHT SUFFER T Latest and Most Scientific Treatment for All DI.esses. Dr. Ch.rlea Barnes, iii-iso Rose Bidg. Examination and Consultation free. He la curing tho- anas. v. ur NOT TOUT Delays are dan. geroua. If you can't oall, write. Houra s a. m. to t p. m t:S0 to 1:11 evenings. ounaey oy appointment. RADIUM1 water bathe .nri rtnt HnplnM oury treatment for rheumatism. Dr. M. rror. 14 Patterson Blk. D. (124. RUPTURE Successfully tr.ateil without surgical operation. Call or writ. Or, frank H. wray. Ins Bee Bldg. Chiropractors. DR. KNOLLENBBRd, SANITARIUM. Lady attendant, 14th and Parnam. D. T3IS. Dr. J. C. Lawrenca, Balrd Bldg. t. S4l. Dr. Frances Dawson, 803-S RoseBlg. t. 1340. Drs. Johnston. 1331 W. O. W. Bldg. D. IJ. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No Pain. 112 W. O. W. Bide. Taft'a Dent. Dm,., 303 Ross Bldg. D, list. Horses Lit Stock Vehicles LIOIIT team of mares, wagon and har. ness lor sale cheap, 8348 Grand Ave. Col inx sn. PAIR of horses, 2,400 lbs., ItOOi 1 cheep horse, 140; 3 laundry wagon., buggy. Web. :nsB. Z4il N. 24tn. 1 FINN Krotch Collie, 7 months old, trained. r. j. itedinger, David city, Box 13, No. 4, Neb. BLACK horse, S years old, 1 set of doubl. harness, on. barn, soslf. Wsb. S06S. FOR SALE 2 milch cows, both frs'sh. Mil M. Ht. DELIVERY wagon and harnaa for s.le. Kit Chjcago Horse, alao buggy St harness, 1823 S. SSth St. POULTRY AND PET STOCK cyphera' Incubator, and hoveta, itaw.rt'. seed storis n. loth Bj. Opiy.jpo. ....r. anu anoar nov.... show- art'a seed Htnra. lis N. Ilth n.n p n FOR HALE Beautiful Angora kitten, house orone. reasonable. Phone Tyler 1243. BUFF ORPINGTON eggs. 7to doling tin. stock; winter layers. Red 8300. WHITE Rock A.e far ..le Tt.nann KASS soraening.. ii.io. too. w.gnef, ioi Riiii. MONEY TO LOAN LOOK! LEGAL RATE LOANS! LOOK I $ 60.00 costs you $ 8.36 for all months, 102.00 costs you 10.27 for one year. HA. 00 oostj you 81.20 for tine year. 204.00 costs you 40.90 for one year. . 300,00 ooata you 10.00 for one year, Other amounts In proportion. EASY PAYMENTS, UTMOST PRIVACY. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. ' 240 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 2296. FURNITURE!, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total taut, $3.60. $40, mo.. Indorsed notes, total cost, $3.$$. Smaller, larger am'ts, proportionate rata. 1'BDVIUKNT IjOAN SOCIETY, Organised by Omaha Business Men. 432 Rose Bldg.,, 16th and Farnam. Ty. $66. SI pet. on Dla. Grr.ss, 410 N. 16th. R. 1081, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Magdalene Conrannon and husband 1 to John A, So toman. Barker ave nue, 46 feet west of 42d street, south side, 46x104 $ Roberta N. Rwanson and husband to Barbara KreNr Meredith avenite, 148 feet west of Thirtieth street. eouth .side, 60x136 9,600 Dr. w. R. Thomae to Ben Handler, Central boulevard, 186 feet south of Dodge street, east side, 9lx8., - Delia Benson to Charles A. Frisble,' Ames avenue. 46 feet west, of Thirty ninth street, south side, 44x112... Paul Springer and wife to August P. Rasmussen, Leroy avenue, Benson, 209 feet south of Allison street, , east side, 60x138,. 1,900 jrrua Blgnail and wife to Perry J. Postle, Central boulevard, 94 feet north of Castelar street, west side. 47x27 1 R. J, Dougherty and wife to Ella Sue Pruner, southwest corner Thirty eighth avenue, and Leavenworth street, 47.4x84; Leavenworth street, 93 feet west of Thirty-eighth ave nue, south side, 23x84...., 1 Edward F. Townsen and wife to Mell- viiie S. Sturgeon, southeast corner Twenty-fifth and Grant streets. 80x88 1.106 Ann c. Buckingham and wife to Ed ward W, Stoltenberg, Fortieth street, 160 feet north of Pratt street, east side, 40x134 - John O. ,arat and wife to Florence Ann Lisle, southeast corner Twelfth and Ontario streets, triangular niece. Charles W. Martin and wife to Charlea L. Craig. Titus avenue, 168.6 feet east of Thirtieth street, north side. 42x120 760 Burner company to William L. Gillln. Myrtie avenue, feet east of ' Thirty-second street, Irregular, ap proximately 60x90 John Poel and wife to Stanley Butkls, Thirty-sixth street, 166 feet south of O street, west side. 60x180 770 diaries w. Martin and wife to George u. Lemiey, vane street, 130 feet east of Twenty-flfth avenue, south side. 44x116 1.A0A mrnest sweet and wife to Stuart B, Johnston, northeast corner Twenty fourth street and Dewey avenue, 33x46 .1... Florence Eaton to Elmer M, Richard son, Thirty-second street, 160 feet south of California street, east side, 76x168.37 German Admiralty MaRes Report on Shipping Sunk Berlin, Monday, March 19. (By Wireless to Sayville) An official Communication issued by the German I u 11 j .vpwi.o ma., uciiuaii .uu- marines hive destroyed an additional lo.uuu gross ions Ot Snipping m the British Channel, in the Atlantic ocean and in the North Sea. The I statement savs' ."According" to detailed report, on nana irom sunmannes, among ships I sunn were tne tollowinsr: Brit ah armed steamer Connaueht. 2.648 tona: armed British three-masted vessel of tons; British sailing ships Ade- lame uou lonsj, Maclean, Abaja, ua- zene ana uiopiaj the British hshing steamers Redcap and Grazia (3,129 tons; the Greek steamer Theodore I Panitalos. 2.8.18 ton.- the Mnra.m.. Steamer. Sierras Dievineer t (...! j "'Svange f, Lars- ., . rri "T r- . . . I tastenaes and Thede Fa?, unri and ine Norwegian sailing ship Hermes." Many Men and Boys Want To Fly for Their Country San Diego, Cal., March 21. Hun dreds of applications from men and youths in Oregon, Washington and California who desire to enter the army aerial reserve corps have been received at tne aviation training school here. HAPPENINGS IN THE MAGIC CITY. i Two Twelve-Year-Old Boys Charged With Stealing Valuable Calves. RECORD KATES FOR STOCK Two youths of 12 years have been chai-ged with stealing t. valuable calves from the cattle barn of C. R. Kenny, Early, la., breeder of Here ford cattle. The alleged theft took I place last Saturday nivht aniV is nne f . i .: T.r...-i -i . v I n.ciusi ot a duj-ct to purchase the calves after they tiad I k . j . . uccii natcu to ine stock marxet is responsible for the disappearance o both calves and boys. Hereford Cattle Sold. About seventy-five hear! of Here ford cattle were sold on Tuesday & an average of $240 per head. Th I ton animal of the sale was a .vear- old cow with a fine bull calf at font sne was consigned bv Mr. Kennv anr nougnc oy u. r. Wilson & bon oi Hurlington Junction, Mo., for $440. H ri. reirson ot viiusca, la., Is manag ing ine saie. Frank Upah Dead. Frank Upah. 32. after an illness nl six weeks is dead. He has been em ployed at the Swift plant in the South Side and is survived by his widow ana tour cnuaren. i ne body a no at Larxin s. Resident Fifty Years. After fifty veara of residence nn th, South Side, joseoh Kolvza. ased 7f years, cnea luesday evening of ole age at tne nome ot nis daughter, Mrs Anna Frusha. 2015 O street. Kur. viving are two daughters, Mrs. Anns Prusha of the city and Mrs. A. K. Bloom ot New York Citv. Ten grandchildren and nine arreat grand children also survive. The body is St the Korisco under taking parlors awaiting the arrival of Mrs. Bloom of New York. Mrs. Kolyia, wife of the aged man, died ten years ago. Funeral arrangements win be announced later. Move Recruiting Station. The army recruiting atation. charge of Sergeants Compton and Cree3 lt Twenty-fourth and N streets, ,. removed tn 1 wentv-eiahth anrl I .. - ' -y " Q streets, opposite the Armour sack ing house for a few hours this morn ing. Ihc officers report five recruits since Saturday. They are working under Captain McKinley of the vmana central recruiting station, Deaths and Funerals, The funeral oi Harrv F. Freer. aped 32 years, local bartender, who died of pneumonia Tuesday morning at hif home, 2425 N street, will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Eaglet will have charge of the service, burial will be in the brace- land Park cemetery. 1. A. rietcher, ated 64 years, died Tuesday afternoon at his residence, 4612 South Twenty-second street, Two sons and one daughter survive The funeral will be held Friday morn- in it at lu o clock trom tne orewer chapel to the Graceland Park ceme tery. Rev. R. L. Wheeler officiating, Wall Paper. Our spring stock is now ready for your inspection. Selling it at prices cheaper than ever before. Come in and convince yourself. J KOUTSKY-PAVLIK CO. Mrs. Cummings Dies. Mrs. John Cumminas died yester-. day at her home, 2010 Castelar street She was 43 years old and is survived by her husband, a son, James, and two sisters. Funeral services will be held at 9 o'clock Thursday morning from the home to St. Patrick's church. InteTment will be in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. j . .. Garden Seeds. Cut down the H. C. L; Plant vour own garden. Fresh garden seed. 3 packages for 5 cents. KOUTSKY-PAVLIK CO. Mftgfa City Gaesio. For Rent Stores, houses, cottages and flats. SOUTH OMAHA INVESTMENT CO. For Sale, Cheap Oaa atovt, practically nsw. Phona So. 4099. ' , Loaded down with a new suit of clothes and $1$ In gold and silver, John Shock per sisted In staying In the Jail bull pen last eve ning. Shook has applied for similar privi leges Before, FIRD INSURANCE, choice of 1$ leading companies i prompt service, lowest rates. HUUTH OMAHA IN VEBTMKWT CO. The slay. "The Russian Honeymoon. will be given Friday awning at the high school auditorium by students under Prof. Cook, English professor. The curtain goal up at 1 1:16 o'clock, , Secretary A, T. Stnker of the Live Stock exchange has returned trom Washington, D. C, where ho attended a meeting of the Interstate Commerce commission, t - The Ladles' Aid society of the First Con gregational church will meet with Mrs. T. C, Allen, 4284 street, Thursday after noon, .llesdamea Fisher and Stearns will assist. Bishop Stunti and wife will be honor guests at the meeting of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Grace Methodist church Thursday evening at the home of ' Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Crassey. WANTED TO RENT We will secure a desirable tenant for your vacant store, house or flat within 90 days, If oa the South Bide and In a tenable condition, or pay you a . month's rent. SOUTH OMAHA INVEST MENT CO. INCORPORATED CAPITAL, $26,000. 492S So. 24th St Phona South 1247. Boosting social settlement work as oar. rted on In the last year on the South side will be one of the principal diversions of the South Omaha Woman's olub this year. At the horns of Mrs. J. W. Koutsky, 4004 South Twenty-sixth street, a benefit social lvn Thursday afternoon. Assisting n. at. uranam, afn. w. a, Dsrbyshlr. Mr"' B''r- smsll cash payment we will buy the lot vou "d" TIL .1",!eV."-,",' ,?wn p!t? payments, without eitra interest, south iumaha investment co. incorto- ?hAon?DSoCuthP,,T.l7L "V ",h S' Washington Affairs Secrstary Daniel, named a snecl.l mm! board to determine th. overhead chargos to be psld by th. govsrnmont (or the con struction of flv. battle cruisers recently contracted for on the heal, a, ... . E"!'. 14 mt Dr"t th. private builder v I- Bb,rt S. Lov.lt, chairman of the Union P.cf0 board, before th. joint congresslonsl recti 10 iw.ro. nerora tn. joint c railroad committee. .i.... railroad commute., advocated compulsory arbitration of all dispute, between railroad ana employe, dlrootly connected with the operation of train.. Approximately 81 00,000.000 wilt be Issued In farm loan bond, during th. next twelve . montha, according to estimates made hv the Farm Loan board on th. number of. application. rMlved. Threw Charged With N order. Bes Moines. March 31. Thre. meml bar. of th. I. W. W.. arrested her. several daya ago In connection with th. shooting ef Cherles Crlll, a policeman, today were charged with murder. The men gav. their names as John Williams, Phlladelnhls ; Kd. die Post. Sen rranrleco. and Wlllluni 81. secker, Bvanavllle, Ini. , . 1 ;,: